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中国地球气候系统模式的发展及其模拟和预估   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
地球气候系统模式是开展多学科、多圈层集成研究的重要平台,其发展是国际地学领域特别是全球变化领域竞争的前沿。中国的地球气候系统模式研发工作始于20世纪80年代,最近10年得到快速发展。研发格局上已经形成中国科学院、有关部委和高校三足鼎立的局面。文中在简要回顾中国地球气候系统模式早期发展历史的基础上,总结了中国参加第6次耦合模式比较计划的9个地球气候系统模式的技术特点,初步评估了中国4个模式对全球和东亚气候模拟的基本性能,分析了其在4种共享社会经济路径情景下对全球降水与温度的预估变化及其与平衡态气候敏感度的联系。最后,结合国际态势,从发展的角度提出未来中国气候模式研发工作需要加强的8个方向。   相似文献   

情景是气候变化研究的重要工具。为了科学支撑气候变化科学评估和研究,2010年政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)提出了共享社会经济路径(Shared Socioeconomic Pathways,SSPs)。作为从社会经济变化视角构建的气候情景,SSPs促进了气候变化科学基础、影响、脆弱性、风险、适应和减缓等学科的综合研究。本文介绍了SSPs情景研发与应用过程;阐述了全球和中国的人口经济、土地利用、能源和碳排放的模拟和预估主要成果;探讨了全球和中国碳排放路径及其与“双碳”目标的关系;并展望了SSPs应用前景。  相似文献   

中国地球气候系统模式研究进展:CMIP计划实施近20年回顾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在系统总结过去20年从CMIP1到CMIP4世界各国模式的综合情况基础上,回顾了中国气候模式参与CMIP科学试验的概况。在此基础上,慨述了CMIP5的试验设计,总结了参加CMIP5的5个中国气候模式的特点。随后,从高分辨率模式研发、地球系统模式研发、地球气候系统模式最为关键的分量——大气环流模式和海洋环流模式研发的角度,提出了中国地球气候系统模式发展面临的挑战,指出了中国模式发展面临的机遇。针对如何从国家层次协调以实现地球气候模式的可持续发展问题,给出了美国国家科学院最近发布的《推动气候模拟的国家战略》所提出的九条措施作为参考。  相似文献   

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released the report of Working Group III of the Sixth Assessment Report "climate change 2022: mitigating climate change". The report accessed and summarized the latest research progress on climate change mitigation since the release of the Fifth Assessment Report, which will provide an important reference for the international community to further understand climate change mitigation actions, system transformation, and the pursuit of sustainable development. The report pointed out that human activities had cumulatively emitted about 2.4 trillion tons of CO2 from 1850 to 2019, of which 58% was emitted before 1990. In order to control the level of global temperature rise in the future, deep and immediate mitigation actions are required. In both low and minimum emission scenarios, fossil energy needs to be greatly reduced; renewable energy will be the mainstay of future energy supply; achieving carbon neutrality requires relying on negative emission technologies and increasing carbon sinks. Technological progress is one of the key conditions for helping the world combat climate change. Accelerated and equitable climate action is critical to sustainable development. The report's conclusions once again show that China's carbon neutrality target is in line with the mitigation path of the Paris Agreement's temperature rise target of less than 2 °C and striving to achieve 1.5°C. In the future, China should strengthen special research programs on the national concerns and key contents covered in the report. While strengthening scientific interpretation and effective use of the report's conclusions, it is also necessary to actively participate in the IPCC scientific assessment process, actively contribute Chinese wisdom, and contribute to the international dissemination of Chinese climate governance concepts. © 2022 Chinese Journal of Digestive Endoscopy All rights reserved.  相似文献   

冰冻圈变化及其对中国气候的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
The cryosphere is a prominent factor in and an indicator of global climate change. It serves one of the most direct and sensitive feedbacks in the climate system, and plays an important role in the earth's climate system. Cryospheric research has attracted unprecedented attention in the context of global warming, and is now one of the most active areas in studies of global change, sustainable development, and the climate system. This paper addresses recent and potential future changes in the cryosphere both globally and within China under the background of global warming. Particular attention is paid to progress toward understanding the impacts of the Tibetan Plateau and Eurasian snow cover, Arctic and Antarctic sea ice, and permafrost and glaciers on Chinese climate. The future development of cryospheric research in China is also discussed.  相似文献   

应对气候变化南南合作是中国领导人在巴黎气候大会上的庄严承诺,也是体现“十九大”会议精神“成为全球生态文明建设的重要参与者、贡献者、引领者”的具体实践。作为我国重要的对外援助方案,相关研究还比较缺乏。实践中对外援助国的选择通常是根据领导人出访地和一些重要国际会议举办地等确定,缺乏系统性、连续性,这也符合对外援助初级阶段的特征。为了更加高效、系统地推进气候变化南南合作持续开展,产生更好的环境和社会效益,文中基于定量评估的方法学对南南合作优先合作国家的选择开展了讨论。通过专家集体打分与层次分析法确定评价指标及权重,采用阶段阈值法将不同国家在评估指标上的表现转化为定量分值,并进行国家综合得分计算和排名。计算结果显示,南非、巴基斯坦、孟加拉国、柬埔寨、印度尼西亚等国位于潜在受援国前五位,文中还列出了建议优先合作的20个国家及位序。总体来看,排名前20的受援国均属于联合国机制下77+中国集团,90%为“一带一路”倡议参与国,70%是亚投行成员国,评估结论与中国发起的重大合作倡议具有高度的相关性,不仅可以支持应对气候变化南南合作开展,也能呼应和推动中国主导的其他国际议程发展。本文尝试在传统的定性描述和评估为主的领域,引入定量评估研究方法,在研究方法学应用上进行拓展。论文研究结论可以为相关部门选择应对气候变化南南合作优先合作国家提供参考。  相似文献   

极地大气科学与全球变化研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
南极和北极是地球上的气候敏感地区, 也是多个国际科学计划研究全球气候变化的关键地区。极地大气科学考察与研究是极地科学研究的重要组成部分。中国气象科学研究院的极地大气科学考察与研究始于20世纪80年代, 25年来有较大进展。中国气象科学研究院参加了我国组织的23次南极考察、2次北冰洋考察和3次北极考察; 承担了南极长城站和中山站、北极黄河站气象业务建设和维持, 以及中-澳合作南极冰盖3个无人自动气象站工作; 进行了常规地面气象、Brewer大气臭氧、近地面物理、冰雪和大气化学等观测, 获得了较为系统的极地大气环境资料。开展了有关极地大气科学与全球变化的研究, 在极地天气气候特征及气候变化时空多样性、极地海冰变化和南极海冰涛动、极地近地面物理特征和海-冰-气相互作用、中山站臭氧变化特征及南极臭氧洞和大气化学、气候代用资料获取和古气候环境以及极地大气环境变化对东亚环流和中国天气气候影响等方面的研究取得了新进展。中国极地大气科学正积极通过多学科交叉、走国际合作道路, 努力提高对极地在全球变化中作用的认识水平, 并积极探索极地变化对我国气候、环境的影响。  相似文献   

This paper reviews recent progress in the development of the Beijing Climate Center Climate System Model(BCC-CSM) and its four component models(atmosphere,land surface,ocean,and sea ice).Two recent versions are described:BCC-CSM1.1 with coarse resolution(approximately 2.8125°×2.8125°) and BCC-CSM1.1(m) with moderate resolution(approximately 1.125°×1.125°).Both versions are fully coupled climate-carbon cycle models that simulate the global terrestrial and oceanic carbon cycles and include dynamic vegetation.Both models well simulate the concentration and temporal evolution of atmospheric CO_2 during the 20th century with anthropogenic CO2 emissions prescribed.Simulations using these two versions of the BCC-CSM model have been contributed to the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase five(CMIP5) in support of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report(AR5).These simulations are available for use by both national and international communities for investigating global climate change and for future climate projections.Simulations of the 20th century climate using BCC-CSMl.l and BCC-CSMl.l(m) are presented and validated,with particular focus on the spatial pattern and seasonal evolution of precipitation and surface air temperature on global and continental scales.Simulations of climate during the last millennium and projections of climate change during the next century are also presented and discussed.Both BCC-CSMl.l and BCC-CSMl.l(m) perform well when compared with other CMIP5 models.Preliminary analyses indicate that the higher resolution in BCC-CSM1.1(m) improves the simulation of mean climate relative to BCC-CSMl.l,particularly on regional scales.  相似文献   

纵深并拓宽气候适应国际合作,是《巴黎协定》增强适应行动的主要内容,是“后巴黎”时代延续全面适应行动的重要组成部分。在系统地调研和梳理主要国家/集团适应气候变化国际合作机制以及全球气候适应国际合作重点领域的基础上,分析中国近年来开展的政府间交流机制,双、多边合作机制,国际组织合作以及与发展中国家开展的南南合作等适应气候变化合作重点工作,总结出资金缺乏、合作渠道多元化不足、国际合作模式亟待深化以及“后疫情”时代经济绿色复苏的挑战是中国开展适应气候变化国际合作面临的主要问题。“后巴黎”时代,中国作为全球生态文明建设的重要参与者、贡献者、引领者,深化气候适应国际合作将落脚于深度参与全球气候适应治理机制的建设、深化与全球适应中心的合作、探索气候适应国际合作重点领域和重点工作以及进一步开拓跨国对标城市间的适应气候变化国际合作。  相似文献   

 气候变化已成为国际社会普遍关注的重大全球性问题。国家自然科学基金委员会(NSFC)作为我国支持基础研究和部分应用基础研究的主要机构,不但参与了我国应对气候变化一系列政策的制定,而且为气候变化相关领域的研究提供了重要支撑。从科学基金研究项目资助的4个层次(面上项目、重点项目、重大研究计划、重大项目)上,对1986-2007年大气科学学科受资助的项目进行了统计。结果表明, 近22 a来NSFC在气候变化研究领域资助项目达506项,资助金额达24304.3万元,这从一个侧面说明NSFC对气候变化研究的关注和支持。最后,对今后NSFC为满足国家需求和学科发展需要在气候变化研究方面将作的进一步投入进行了展望。  相似文献   

气候变化已成为国际社会普遍关注的重大全球性问题。国家自然科学基金委员会(NSFC)作为我国支持基础研究和部分应用基础研究的主要机构,不但参与了我国应对气候变化一系列政策的制定,而且为气候变化相关领域的研究提供了重要支撑。从科学基金研究项目资助的4个层次(面上项目、重点项目、重大研究计划、重大项目)上,对1986-2007年大气科学学科受资助的项目进行了统计。结果表明, 近22 a来NSFC在气候变化研究领域资助项目达506项,资助金额达24304.3万元,这从一个侧面说明NSFC对气候变化研究的关注和支持。最后,对今后NSFC为满足国家需求和学科发展需要在气候变化研究方面将作的进一步投入进行了展望。  相似文献   

"经济大国能源与气候论坛"在推动全球主要国家就应对气候变化主要议题达成一致方面取得了进展,已初步显示出其作为联合国气候谈判晴雨表的特征。该论坛的实质是主要发达国家为转移减排责任和压力,降低减排成本,绑架主要发展中国家在全球应对气候变化领域实施的集体强权政治。论坛的核心目标在于推动全球量化减排,目的是借全球量化减排,营造低碳和气候友好技术的广大市场,使得具有技术优势的这些经济大国拥有新的主导全球经济的力量。我国应坚持"共同但有区别的责任"原则,联合与会发展中国家强调气候变化的历史责任,反对为全球温室气体排放设限等不公平提议,团结广大发展中国家,同时抓住论坛力推低碳经济和低碳技术发展的机遇,使我国站在全球新一轮技术革命的前沿。  相似文献   

极地气象考察与全球变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南极和北极是地球上的气候敏感地区,也是多个国际计划研究全球气候变化的关键地区。极地包含了大气、海洋、陆地、冰雪和生物等多圈层相互作用的全部过程,在全球气候的形成和变化中有重要的作用。极地大气科学考察与研究是极地科学研究的重要组成部分。到2006年底,中国自主组织了23次南极考察,2次北冰洋考察和3次北极站考察;建成了南极长城站、中山站和北极黄河站,并在南极冰盖设置了3个无人自动气象站;开展了有关极地大气科学与全球变化的研究。在南北极地区,进一步加强国际合作,继续监测包括近地面温度在内的大气要素的变化,提高极地气象业务水平;拓展极地气象业务和大气科学考察研究领域,积极获取气候代用资料;进一步量化和认识极地在全球变化中的作用,及其对中国天气气候和国民经济可持续发展的影响;建立完善极地大气科学研究体系,提高极地大气科学研究水平,仍是中国极地大气科学与全球变化研究的重要内容之一。  相似文献   

Climate change is increasingly becoming the hotspot issue of global attention. On the basis of review of the process responding to climate change of international community, this paper introduces the status of carbon emissions of the world and China, and the technology potential for China to mitigate carbon emissions. At the same time, this paper explores the macro-impacts of China's mitigation of carbon emissions, the equity of global mitigation of climate change, and the impacts of international cooperation in the field of climate change. Furthermore, this paper puts forward the ideas and countermeasures of mitigating climate change in China, indicating that China should positively adapt to the trends of international politics, economy and trade pattern changes and bring the strategies of mitigating climate change into national social and economic development strategy, planning to promote comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of national economy and society under the situation of global response to climate change.  相似文献   

国际气候治理中的公正转型议题涉及就业、关乎民生,是各国都很关注的政策领域之一,因此也被视为是支持应对气候变化的一种重要社会机制。近年来,国际社会积极推动建设气候治理公正转型制度体系,各国也在所制定的国家应对气候变化战略和规划中越来越多地提出与公正转型和就业相关的目标与措施。公正转型议题在国际气候治理进程中主流化的趋势给中国参与和引领全球气候治理带来了新的机遇与挑战。中国应加强关于该问题的基础性研究;在国内应对气候变化的行动中充分考虑该问题,保障受影响就业群体获得社会公正对待;总结具体实践经验;在政策领域协调上做好新的布局;积极参与《联合国气候变化框架公约》下公正转型治理体系的构建中。  相似文献   

Uncertainty is an inherent characteristic of climate forecasts and projections. While there is an expanding body of international research on identifying what climate information users need to know about uncertainty, and how this should be communicated, very little of this has been conducted in a Chinese cultural context. In this paper, we report on the findings of interviews with climate experts(n = 28) and(potential) users of climate information in China(n =18) at seasonal and multidecadal timescales, with the objective of addressing the following research questions:(1)What information about uncertainty in climate forecasts and projections is currently provided to users in China?(2)What do climate experts believe that users need to know about uncertainty?(3) What information about uncertainty would(potential) users like to receive?(4) What challenges do providers and users perceive with respect to the communication of uncertainty? We find that while seasonal forecasts are predominantly presented deterministically, current and potential users are aware that there is uncertainty associated with them. Climate experts highlight the probabilistic nature of forecasts and the conditional nature of forecast quality, as areas for communication development. Interviews with(potential) users indicate that(1) preferences for deterministic information are not unanimous;(2) probabilities associated with conditions being above/below normal may only be considered useful for decision-making if they are 60%; and(3) forecasts that provide tailored statements on probability of user-relevant thresholds are preferred. At multidecadal timescales, we observe lower engagement with projections, and less evidence of interaction between providers and recipients, suggesting that development of climate services at multidecadal timescales will need to first highlight the added value of these. We present key recommendations for communicating uncertainty in seasonal forecasts and explore the potential value of multidecadal projections.  相似文献   

太阳辐射管理地球工程是应对气候变化的备用措施。地球工程模式比较计划(GeoMIP)是第六次国际耦合模式比较计划(CMIP6)的重要组成部分。GeoMIP设计了一系列理想化地球工程试验,包括直接减少太阳辐射强度、向平流层注入硫酸盐气溶胶、向海表上空云层注入气溶胶凝结核、增加海水反照率等。在GeoMIP的统一模拟框架下开展地球工程模拟试验,进一步揭示了不同地球工程措施对全球气候的影响和作用机理,从而帮助我们更好地认知气候系统对地球工程的响应过程。更多的中国气候模式参加GeoMIP将提升我国在地球工程研究和国际气候谈判中的国际影响力和话语权。  相似文献   

This paper describes the datasets from the Scenario Model Intercomparison Project(ScenarioMIP) simulation experiments run with the Chinese Academy of Sciences Flexible Global Ocean–Atmosphere–Land System Model,GridPoint version 3(CAS FGOALS-g3). FGOALS-g3 is driven by eight shared socioeconomic pathways(SSPs) with different sets of future emission, concentration, and land-use scenarios. All Tier 1 and 2 experiments were carried out and were initialized using historical runs. A branch run method was used for the ensemble simulations. Model outputs were three-hourly, six-hourly, daily, and/or monthly mean values for the primary variables of the four component models. An evaluation and analysis of the simulations is also presented. The present results are expected to aid research into future climate change and socio-economic development.  相似文献   

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