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川康边区之雨量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文所论,以四川西部岷江流域及西康东部稚龙江,金沙江与澜沧江上游为限,东起105°E,西至95°E,北自33°N,南止28°N。是区适当四川盆地与西藏高原交接之地带,境内地形至为复杂,高山深谷,东西骈列,走向大致均由北而南,或西北而东南。山在四川西北境有九顶山脉,南尽于成都平原,平均海拔在三千公尺以上,北为雪宝顶,南为九顶山,海拔在五千公尺左右,其西有印崃山,夹金山及大相岭,连绵不断,耸峙于川康边界上,北部拔海约四千公尺,南部则在二千公尺左右,走向初南北而后折为东西,酉康境内,大雪山脉为东部之屏障,平均海拔在四千公尺以上,北名折多山,中为贡噶山,南为  相似文献   

长沙本月湖南境内,雨旸时若,天气之佳,为过去数年同月所罕见,就雨量而论,全省各地,约70(米毛)至227(米毛),偏距既小,分配复甚均匀,上中下三旬百分率,相差均不甚大,以视过去全月雨量大部份集中於上旬或中旬者,殊有不同,此种情形,对於农作物,颇为有利,故各处绿满田畴,据一般老农言,本年年岁之丰,为近数年所未有。全月温度,颇为特殊,各地平均,均较往年为低,常德变差最  相似文献   

刘粹中 《气象学报》1936,12(8):423-445
一绪言最近三年来,我国水旱频仍,损失之重,互古未有!推原其故,固大半由於人事未尽,但天时失常,各项气候因子变化太大,实为主要原因。故对於过去三年内务项气象要素,实有加以检讨之必要。本文目的,即在根据湖南境内三年来之气象纪录,加以整理说明。惟所用材料,仅有长沙、常德、衡阳三处,岳州海关之气象纪录,因案头  相似文献   

四川气候区域   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
气候与农林水利地理各项问题,均有密切关系,气候区域之划分旨在于谋所以改进土地利用,增加农产,以及鼓励移民之道。此项气候分区工作之是否能完成,与是否认为尽善尽美,须视分区范围内之先决条件是否具备。先决条件有四,即第一,测候站之分布,是否均匀而足数(量);第二,测得之纪录,是否精确而可靠(质);第三,纪录之时期,是否久长而完整(年数);第四,上述三项之外,分区时所采用之大部份材料,能否选取同一时期(此为整理纪录及绘制气候图时之最重要者)是也。作者于入川之初,即已注意四川气候上之若干特点,当时以川省各县测候所成立未久,纪录未足,不便从  相似文献   

家乡的房子很高,叫“瓦房”,窗户很大,高一米七八,刚光透过玻璃窗,洋洋洒洒落在地上,敞亮极了。房顶是三角形的,中间高高的尖顶.顺着房顶两边是版色的砖瓦,一片压一片,假有规律地一溜排开,煞是好看。夏季一下雨,雨水顺着瓦檐流下来,滴滴答答,常常打破乡村夜晚的宁静,像“雨打芭蕉”的美妙音乐一样,回荡在夜空;而冬季下雪过后,阳光一晒,雪水沿着房檐下滑,在冬日寒冷的清晨,有时会形成一根根“冰挂”,远看还以为是小瀑布呢。  相似文献   

本月份昆明最高温度27.5℃(二十日十四时);最低温度11.0℃(十三日及十六日);全月雨量总计188.7m.m.超过历年平均同月份雨量,较诸二十一,二十二,二十三年俱多;较诸十七,十八,十九,二十年则少,本月四日一次最大雨量55m.m.;二日十二时四十五分始,发生雷雨一次,降雨12.2m.m,总计雨日十六,阴日四,昙日九,晴日一;雷雨一日,霭二日,远雷,闪电各一日;全月最大风速  相似文献   

民国二十四年十一月份国内航空气象会议纪略我国航空事业,日渐发达,而飞行安全,全恃有详密之气象报告,故航空与气象,实有密切联络之必要。本月三十日国立中央研究院气象研究所,应交通部与航空委员会之请,召集航空气象会议,出席代表,除该部会外,尚有欧亚中国两航空公司。公推竺可桢所长为主席。议决要案如下:  相似文献   

福开 《气象学报》1930,6(5):88-93
二月七日(民国十九年)平旦,奥大利中央气象学及地力学研究院院长,维也纳大学大地物理学教授爱格耐卒於维也纳。一心悸病,而促其寿纪,而当代气象学,丧一硕儒,而德意志气象学者之林,丧一模楷,而故旧朋好,丧一信友。年来爱格耐君,体气日渐颓败,凡有幸得  相似文献   

南京每小时雨量纪录始于民国十七年岁首,终于二十六年十二月,为期不足十年,而民国十七年一年之中,观测地点尝有迁移,实际完整之纪录仅八年,今为统计方便计,断自十九年,迄于二十三年, 虽为期甚短不规则之变化,未能尽行消除,然高低之所在,已跃然于纸上矣。以五年各小时平均总量而论,最高点在下午六时,次高点在上午八时;最低点在正午,次低点在子夜后一时,二低点雨量之差甚微,最高点与次高点则相差22粍之多,全日较差即最高点与次高点之差为44粍,各季平均之雨量日变化大致亦与年平均者相似,惟最高与最低  相似文献   

南京三千公尺高空之风向与天气之预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
晚近日本籐原笑平(Fujiwhora)博士于地球物理杂志发表「根据三千公尺高空等压线,以预测天气之一例证」一文,谓日本最近用三千公尺高空之等压线,作每日天气之预测,已得相当成就。氏之经验法则谓自九月以迄五月,日本太平洋沿岸,三千公尺高空之等压线,来自西南者,可形去致雨,而来自西北者,则可期晴明。此种倾向颇为显著。  相似文献   

The atmospheric and oceanic conditions before the onset of EP El Ni?o and CP El Ni?o in nearly 30 years are compared and analyzed by using 850 hPa wind, 20℃ isotherm depth, sea surface temperature and the Wheeler and Hendon index. The results are as follows: In the western equatorial Pacific, the occurrence of the anomalously strong westerly winds of the EP El Ni?o is earlier than that of the CP El Ni?o. Its intensity is far stronger than that of the CP El Ni?o. Two months before the El Ni?o, the anomaly westerly winds of the EP El Ni?o have extended to the eastern Pacific region, while the westerly wind anomaly of the CP El Ni?o can only extend to the west of the dateline three months before the El Ni?o and later stay there. Unlike the EP El Ni?o, the CP El Ni?o is always associated with easterly wind anomaly in the eastern equatorial Pacific before its onset. The thermocline depth anomaly of the EP El Ni?o can significantly move eastward and deepen. In addition, we also find that the evolution of thermocline is ahead of the development of the sea surface temperature for the EP El Ni?o. The strong MJO activity of the EP El Ni?o in the western and central Pacific is earlier than that of the CP El Ni?o. Measured by the standard deviation of the zonal wind square, the intensity of MJO activity of the EP El Ni?o is significantly greater than that of the CP El Ni?o before the onset of El Ni?o.  相似文献   

The moving-window correlation analysis was applied to investigate the relationship between autumn Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) events and the synchronous autumn precipitation in Huaxi region, based on the daily precipitation, sea surface temperature (SST) and atmospheric circulation data from 1960 to 2012. The correlation curves of IOD and the early modulation of Huaxi region’s autumn precipitation indicated a mutational site appeared in the 1970s. During 1960 to 1979, when the IOD was in positive phase in autumn, the circulations changed from a “W” shape to an ”M” shape at 500 hPa in Asia middle-high latitude region. Cold flux got into the Sichuan province with Northwest flow, the positive anomaly of the water vapor flux transported from Western Pacific to Huaxi region strengthened, caused precipitation increase in east Huaxi region. During 1980 to 1999, when the IOD in autumn was positive phase, the atmospheric circulation presented a “W” shape at 500 hPa, the positive anomaly of the water vapor flux transported from Bay of Bengal to Huaxi region strengthened, caused precipitation ascend in west Huaxi region. In summary, the Indian Ocean changed from cold phase to warm phase since the 1970s, caused the instability of the inter-annual relationship between the IOD and the autumn rainfall in Huaxi region.  相似文献   

Using the International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set(ICOADS) and ERA-Interim data, spatial distributions of air-sea temperature difference(ASTD) in the South China Sea(SCS) for the past 35 years are compared,and variations of spatial and temporal distributions of ASTD in this region are addressed using empirical orthogonal function decomposition and wavelet analysis methods. The results indicate that both ICOADS and ERA-Interim data can reflect actual distribution characteristics of ASTD in the SCS, but values of ASTD from the ERA-Interim data are smaller than those of the ICOADS data in the same region. In addition, the ASTD characteristics from the ERA-Interim data are not obvious inshore. A seesaw-type, north-south distribution of ASTD is dominant in the SCS; i.e., a positive peak in the south is associated with a negative peak in the north in November, and a negative peak in the south is accompanied by a positive peak in the north during April and May. Interannual ASTD variations in summer or autumn are decreasing. There is a seesaw-type distribution of ASTD between Beibu Bay and most of the SCS in summer, and the center of large values is in the Nansha Islands area in autumn. The ASTD in the SCS has a strong quasi-3a oscillation period in all seasons, and a quasi-11 a period in winter and spring. The ASTD is positively correlated with the Nio3.4 index in summer and autumn but negatively correlated in spring and winter.  相似文献   

汉江流域极端水文事件时空分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1960-2012年汉江流域15个气象站点的日降雨资料和3个水文站同时期日径流资料,分析了9个极端降雨指数的空间分布规律,运用广义极值分布(GEV)、Gamma分布两种极值统计模型对各站点的最大1 d降雨、最大3 d降雨极值样本进行拟合,遴选描述降雨极值分布规律最优概率模型,进而推算给定重现期下的降雨设计值,并分析其空间分布规律;选用Gumbel、Clayton和Frank这3种Copula函数建立降雨-洪量极值联合分布模型,优选最合适的Copula函数,由此计算给定重现期下的洪量设计值。结果表明:GEV分布模型能更好地模拟降雨极值序列,不同重现期下的降雨极值在空间上均呈西低东高的特征;3种Copula函数中,Frank Copula函数能更好地拟合降雨-洪量相关关系,由此推求的洪量设计值大于单变量拟合设计值。  相似文献   

宁波地区海-陆下垫面差异对雷暴过程影响的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
汪雅  苗峻峰  谈哲敏 《气象学报》2013,71(6):1146-1159
利用耦合Noah陆面过程的WRF模式对2009年6月5日傍晚发生在宁波地区的一次雷暴过程进行数值模拟,通过改变下垫面覆盖类型的敏感性试验,探讨了海洋和陆地下垫面对雷暴过程的影响。结果表明,WRF模式能够较合理地模拟出雷暴的发生、发展过程。雷暴发生前期,由于海-陆强烈的热力差异,海风特征明显,海风引起的抬升运动触发了雷暴,海风形成的强辐合区对应雷暴过程累积降水量的大值区。当研究区域全部被替换成陆地后,地表的粗糙度增大,在研究区域东部由于摩擦辐合加强,产生了强烈的上升运动,多个发展旺盛的对流单体在上升运动区生成,使雷暴产生的降水区域东扩、降水量增大、雷暴维持时间延长。当研究区域所有陆地被替换成水体后,白天地表通量减小,大气边界层中湍流运动减弱,边界层高度降低,大气层结变得稳定,不利于对流发展。  相似文献   

The predictability of the position, spatial coverage and intensity of the East Asian subtropical westerly jet(EASWJ) in the summers of 2010 to 2012 was examined for ensemble prediction systems(EPSs) from four representative TIGGE centers,including the ECMWF, the NCEP, the CMA, and the JMA. Results showed that each EPS predicted all EASWJ properties well, while the levels of skill of all EPSs declined as the lead time extended. Overall, improvements from the control to the ensemble mean forecasts for predicting the EASWJ were apparent. For the deterministic forecasts of all EPSs, the prediction of the average axis was better than the prediction of the spatial coverage and intensity of the EASWJ. ECMWF performed best, with a lead of approximately 0.5–1 day in predictability over the second-best EPS for all EASWJ properties throughout the forecast range. For probabilistic forecasts, differences in skills among the different EPSs were more evident in the earlier part of the forecast for the EASWJ axis and spatial coverage, while they departed obviously throughout the forecast range for the intensity. ECMWF led JMA by about 0.5–1 day for the EASWJ axis, and by about 1–2 days for the spatial coverage and intensity at almost all lead times. The largest lead of ECMWF over the relatively worse EPSs, such as NCEP and CMA, was approximately 3–4 days for all EASWJ properties. In summary, ECMWF showed the highest level of skill for predicting the EASWJ, followed by JMA.  相似文献   

Storms that occur at the Bay of Bengal (BoB) are of a bimodal pattern, which is different from that of the other sea areas. By using the NCEP, SST and JTWC data, the causes of the bimodal pattern storm activity of the BoB are diagnosed and analyzed in this paper. The result shows that the seasonal variation of general atmosphere circulation in East Asia has a regulating and controlling impact on the BoB storm activity, and the “bimodal period” of the storm activity corresponds exactly to the seasonal conversion period of atmospheric circulation. The minor wind speed of shear spring and autumn contributed to the storm, which was a crucial factor for the generation and occurrence of the “bimodal pattern” storm activity in the BoB. The analysis on sea surface temperature (SST) shows that the SSTs of all the year around in the BoB area meet the conditions required for the generation of tropical cyclones (TCs). However, the SSTs in the central area of the bay are higher than that of the surrounding areas in spring and autumn, which facilitates the occurrence of a “two-peak” storm activity pattern. The genesis potential index (GPI) quantifies and reflects the environmental conditions for the generation of the BoB storms. For GPI, the intense low-level vortex disturbance in the troposphere and high-humidity atmosphere are the sufficient conditions for storms, while large maximum wind velocity of the ground vortex radius and small vertical wind shear are the necessary conditions of storms.  相似文献   

淮河流域水文极值预测模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索气候变化影响下水文极值的非平稳性和预测方法,建立了水文极值非平稳广义极值(GEV)分布的统计预测模型。利用1952-2010年淮河上游流域累计面雨量和流量年最大值资料、同期500 hPa环流特征量资料以及17个CMIP5模式对环流特征量的模拟结果,筛选出对水文极值影响显著的年平均北半球极涡强度指数作为GEV分布参数的预测因子。分析了在RCP2.6、RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下2006-2050年淮河上游流域水文极值对气候变化的响应。结果表明,10年以下与10年以上重现期的水文极值在非平稳过程中呈现前者下降而后者上升的相反变化趋势;多模型预测的集合平均在未来情景中均呈现上升趋势,情景排放量越大增幅越大,重现期越长增幅也越大。与极值的常态相比,极值的极端态更易受气候变化影响。  相似文献   

Various features of the atmospheric environment affect the number of migratory insects, besides their initial population. However, little is known about the impact of atmospheric low-frequency oscillation(10 to 90 days) on insect migration. A case study was conducted to ascertain the influence of low-frequency atmospheric oscillation on the immigration of brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens(Stl), in Hunan and Jiangxi provinces. The results showed the following:(1) The number of immigrating N. lugens from April to June of 2007 through 2016 mainly exhibited a periodic oscillation of 10 to 20 days.(2) The 10-20 d low-frequency number of immigrating N. lugens was significantly correlated with a low-frequency wind field and a geopotential height field at 850 h Pa.(3) During the peak phase of immigration, southwest or south winds served as a driving force and carried N. lugens populations northward, and when in the back of the trough and the front of the ridge, the downward airflow created a favorable condition for N. lugens to land in the study area. In conclusion, the northward migration of N. lugens was influenced by a low-frequency atmospheric circulation based on the analysis of dynamics. This study was the first research connecting atmospheric low-frequency oscillation to insect migration.  相似文献   

High-resolution numerical simulation data of a rainstorm triggering debris flow in Sichuan Province of China simulated by the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model were used to study the dominant cloud microphysical processes of the torrential rainfall. The results showed that: (1) In the strong precipitation period, particle sizes of all hydrometeors increased, and mean-mass diameters of graupel increased the most significantly, as compared with those in the weak precipitation period; (2) The terminal velocity of raindrops was the strongest among all hydrometeors, followed by graupel’s, which was much smaller than that of raindrops. Differences between various hydrometeors’ terminal velocities in the strong precipitation period were larger than those in the weak precipitation period, which favored relative motion, collection interaction and transformation between the particles. Absolute terminal velocity values of raindrops and graupel were significantly greater than those of air upward velocity, and the stronger the precipitation was, the greater the differences between them were; (3) The orders of magnitudes of the various hydrometeors’ sources and sinks in the strong precipitation period were larger than those in the weak precipitation period, causing a difference in the intensity of precipitation. Water vapor, cloud water, raindrops, graupel and their exchange processes played a major role in the production of the torrential rainfall, and there were two main processes via which raindrops were generated: abundant water vapor condensed into cloud water and, on the one hand, accretion of cloud water by rain water formed rain water, while on the other hand, accretion of cloud water by graupel formed graupel, and then the melting of graupel formed rain water.  相似文献   

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