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海上单道地震与浅地层剖面数据海浪改正处理研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
因受海面大风浪与涌浪等影响,海上单道地震与浅地层剖面数据反射同相轴常出现波浪状起伏,造成剖面反射层位错乱,分辨率与信噪比降低。根据海浪噪声与海底反射地层在横向上的相关性与变化频率等特性,以及综合前人的研究成果,采用陆上地震数据剩余静校正处理中的统计模型道互相关方法来实现对剖面反射同相轴的海浪改正处理;为减少强能量噪声对相关运算的影响,采用中值滤波、光滑滤波技术对反射同相轴曲线进行滤波处理,以进一步减少残留海浪的影响及相关运算改正误差。将这些方法综合运用于海上实际调查资料处理后,大风浪与涌浪影响下的波浪状反射同相轴变得连续、光滑,海底下混乱模糊的反射层位变得清晰、连续,剖面信噪比与分辨率得到了极大的提高。  相似文献   

因受海面大风浪与涌浪等影响,海上单道地震与浅地层剖面数据反射同相轴常出现波浪状起伏,造成剖面反射层位错乱,分辨率与信噪比降低。根据海浪噪声与海底反射地层在横向上的相关性与变化频率等特性,以及综合前人的研究成果,采用陆上地震数据剩余静校正处理中的统计模型道互相关方法来实现对剖面反射同相轴的海浪改正处理;为减少强能量噪声对相关运算的影响,采用中值滤波、光滑滤波技术对反射同相轴曲线进行滤波处理,以进一步减少残留海浪的影响及相关运算改正误差。将这些方法综合运用于海上实际调查资料处理后,大风浪与涌浪影响下的波浪状反射同相轴变得连续、光滑,海底下混乱模糊的反射层位变得清晰、连续,剖面信噪比与分辨率得到了极大的提高。  相似文献   

受大深度水体的影响,传统的海面拖曳式多道地震技术在进行深水地层探测时,目标地层深度处的菲涅耳半径非常大,水平分辨率低,难以满足海域天然气水合物高精度探测需求。针对海面拖曳式地震探测技术存在的上述问题,设计了一套可以在2000 m水深近海底作业的地震探测系统。应用耐压透声发射阵技术,克服了20 MPa外压环境和瞬时内压冲击对等离子体震源子波幅频特性的不利影响,研制的深拖等离子体震源的声源级达到214 dB,主频低于1000 Hz;水下控制中心采用集成SoC片上系统设计,可以对震源进行定距激发控制,进行近海底多道地震数据的连续采集。系统在2019年深海试验拖曳最大深度达2025 m,测试剖面数据显示最大地层穿透深度达380 m,纵向分辨率<2 m,横向分辨率<10 m,为深水海域沉积地层的深拖高分辨率地震探测提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

近年来,参量阵浅地层剖面以其简便的野外采集方式、高分辨率的浅部地层成像能力,迅速发展为海底浅层天然气水合物探测的有效方法。为了更好地获取东海浅层天然气水合物赋存区的地质信息,针对参量阵浅地层剖面数据开展了精细化处理。首先将异常振幅压制和空间振幅均衡等方法有机结合,解决了数据中的各种噪音和能量不均衡等问题,然后利用Hilbert变换提高地层分辨率,最后利用信号增强技术进一步提高同相轴连续性,获得了波组特征更清晰的地震剖面。处理后的参量阵浅地层剖面具有信噪比较高、连续性好、地层结构清晰等特点,可以更好地揭示空白带、气烟囱、亮点和火焰状异常等地震反射特征,为识别浅层天然气水合物赋存区地质信息奠定基础。对精细处理后的数据进一步开展曲率属性、瞬时振幅属性、相干属性等地震属性分析,结果显示,与浅层天然气水合物渗漏相关的声学异常能够被清晰地识别出来。此项研究一方面验证了参量阵浅地层剖面数据处理方法的可行性,另一方面也探索了属性分析技术在海底浅层天然气水合物识别方面的应用。  相似文献   

目前我国深海地震勘探主要使用气枪震源激发和单道地震拖缆接收,浅部地层分辨率较低,且无法进行速度分析、覆盖叠加等精细处理。为了解决此问题,提出了深水浅地层高分辨率多道地震探测技术,研究适用于深水的大能量等离子体震源和96道光纤水听器地震拖缆等设备。系统部分联调和测试表明,该技术所研发系统设备地层分辨率可达1.2 m,且具有应用水深范围广、使用方便等特点,可以满足大洋矿产资源调查、远海海洋环境调查的需求。  相似文献   

浅地层剖面探测技术及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
浅地层剖面技术是应用声学原理高效获取海底面之下浅部地质地球物理信息的探测技术,主要应用于海底浅地层信息探测和海底特殊目标调查等方面。以往研究者主要集中在浅地层剖面的具体应用,未对不同类型的浅剖应用效果进行综合对比分析,本文比较4种不同类型浅地层剖面系统的组成、工作方式和探测技术参数,认为不同尺度的探测目标需要应用不同类型的浅地层剖面系统。分析和对比不同震源类型浅剖的应用案例,发现电火花震源穿透能力最强,分辨率随工作频率的增大而提高;电磁式震源穿透深度与分辨率适中;压电换能器震源分辨率较高,穿透能力弱;参量阵震源利用差频原理,信号中包含高频与低频两部分,能够同时得到较高的分辨率与较大的穿透深度。未来浅地层剖面探测技术向深穿透、高分辨率、高效率、二维向三维甚至高维探测方面发展。  相似文献   

以航道、港口海底管线为探测目标,以浅地层剖面(sub-bottom profile)探测技术为主要技术手段,结合SES2000系列浅地层剖面探测系统在近海航道、港口海底管线探测中的应用案例,探讨SBP探测技术在管线探测中的应用。就浅剖图像中的航道、港口海底埋深管线识别定位中存在的技术难题,提出了基于波路径的偏移处理定性分析法和基于信号分析的管道反射弧识别定量计算法进行管道埋深的分析与计算,结合DGPS导航系统可准确获取管线所在平面位置与埋深深度。对于航道适航安全、港口安全建设具有积极意义。  相似文献   

结合侧扫声纳和浅地层剖面仪能够探测出海底管道附近异常,路由区浅层地质灾害以及海底管道位置等特点,通过实例探讨了侧扫声纳和浅地层剖面仪在海底管道断裂位置定位中的应用。船锚、浅层气等外力作用,导致海底油气管道断裂,使用侧扫声纳和浅地层剖面仪探测的方法,综合分析海水中的气体屏蔽现象、海底面的地貌异常特征、海底管道的平面位置及埋深变化、地层剖面的反射空白等异常特征,快速准确定位海底油气管道断裂位置。  相似文献   

浅地层剖面探测综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李平  杜军 《海洋通报》2011,30(3):344-350
海洋地球物理技术在海洋地质调查中起重要作用,其中浅地层剖面探测因其成本低、效率高,在海洋地质调查研究中具有广阔的应用前景.浅地层剖面探测是利用声波在水中和水下沉积物内传播和反射的特性来探测海底浅部地层结构和构造的.本文阐述了浅地层剖面仪发展历程,针对浅地层剖面探测,分析了其主要影响因素和压制方法,并对主要剖面声图类型及...  相似文献   

岛礁为国际科学研究前沿,其内部结构是揭示深海地质演变、古环境古气候变化等科学问题和解决岛礁建设、人造岛礁等工程问题的关键。西沙永乐环礁历经南海地质演变过程,发育了世界最深海洋蓝洞,为我国岛礁研究重点区域,但受限于探测手段和成像方法目前尚未窥得其内部结构。以西沙永乐环礁为例,利用3.125m道间距高分辨地震探测试验数据,开展岛礁地震资料特征分析,探索岛礁地震资料处理流程和岛礁地震处理方法,提升岛礁地震资料信噪比、分辨率和成像准确度,获取反映岛礁内部结构的高精度地震成像剖面。研究结果表明:本文提出的岛礁地震资料处理流程在海底珊瑚礁绕射波偏移归位、岛礁内部浅层结构和深水盆地区域地震同相轴刻画方面具有优势,将为我国下一步的南海岛礁地震资料采集和处理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Shallow gas in the Korea Strait shelf mud (KSSM) off SE Korea, revealed by high-resolution subbottom profiles, is associated with acoustic blanking, acoustic turbidity, seepages with plumes in the water column, and seafloor depressions. The acoustic blanking, characterized by strong, consistent top reflection and wipeout below, is most dominant. The seaward edge of the acoustic blanking zone generally coincides with the 100-m water-depth contour, suggesting that the water depth (the pressure) may control the distribution of shallow gas. The acoustic turbidity, characterized by diffuse top reflection, is a dark smear, partially blanking the data below. The seepages with plumes, characterized by vertical smearing and disturbed seafloor, are seen only along the shallowest, landward edge of the acoustic blanking zone. This may suggest that the decreased gas solubility at shallow water depths, caused by the lowered pressure, increases the volume of free gas in the sediments, facilitating the gas escape. The seafloor depressions, interpreted as pockmarks, are accompanied by cone-shaped acoustic masking, which is probably the reflection from a narrow vent of gas. The gas-related acoustic anomalies appear to occur mostly in the upper, recent mud of the KSSM. Neither permeable beds nor faults, which can act as vertical migration pathways for deep thermogenic gas, are evident in the recent mud. We interpret that the bacterial degradation of organic matter in situ is the main source for the gas in the KSSM. The upwelling off SE Korea may be an important source for the increased organic matter in the area.  相似文献   

Shallow gas in the Korea Strait shelf mud (KSSM) off SE Korea, revealed by high-resolution subbottom profiles, is associated with acoustic blanking, acoustic turbidity, seepages with plumes in the water column, and seafloor depressions. The acoustic blanking, characterized by strong, consistent top reflection and wipeout below, is most dominant. The seaward edge of the acoustic blanking zone generally coincides with the 100-m water-depth contour, suggesting that the water depth (the pressure) may control the distribution of shallow gas. The acoustic turbidity, characterized by diffuse top reflection, is a dark smear, partially blanking the data below. The seepages with plumes, characterized by vertical smearing and disturbed seafloor, are seen only along the shallowest, landward edge of the acoustic blanking zone. This may suggest that the decreased gas solubility at shallow water depths, caused by the lowered pressure, increases the volume of free gas in the sediments, facilitating the gas escape. The seafloor depressions, interpreted as pockmarks, are accompanied by cone-shaped acoustic masking, which is probably the reflection from a narrow vent of gas. The gas-related acoustic anomalies appear to occur mostly in the upper, recent mud of the KSSM. Neither permeable beds nor faults, which can act as vertical migration pathways for deep thermogenic gas, are evident in the recent mud. We interpret that the bacterial degradation of organic matter in situ is the main source for the gas in the KSSM. The upwelling off SE Korea may be an important source for the increased organic matter in the area.  相似文献   

全海洋浅地层剖面仪及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全海洋浅地层剖面仪(Topographic Parametric Sonar,TOPAS)PS 018系统是目前世界上最先进的浅地层剖面仪之一。该系统是全海洋宽带非线性差频浅地层剖面仪,可对海底地层进行全方位测量,同时还兼有测量水深的功能,最大地层穿透深度为150 m,最小分辨率为0.3 m。系统多种发射信号(Ricker波、Burst波和Chirp波)的选取方便了操作者使用,从理论上实现了全海洋测量功能。从实测剖面分析,该系统是中、深水地层测量的理想测量系统。  相似文献   


The possibility of seafloor failure under external loadings on a gently sloping continental shelf is controlled, to a large extent, by the geotechnical characters of subbottom sediments (e.g., shear strength, compressibility, and liquefaction potential) and structural factors (e.g., sedimentary stratification). By means of undis‐turbing coring, in‐situ acoustic measurement, and subbottom profiling, the authors conducted an investigation into the seafloor instabilities and possibilities of sediment slope failure within the continental shelf off the Pearl River mouth, which is one of the most important areas for offshore development in the northern South China Sea. Based on in‐situ and laboratory measurements and tests for sediment physical properties, static and dynamic behavior, and acoustic characteristics, the analyses indicate: (1) subbottom sediments that originated from terrigenous clay during the Pleistocene are compact and overconsolidated, and the mean sound velocity in such sediments is relatively high; (2) the maximum vertical bearing capacity of subbottom sediments is efficiently conservative on the safe side for dead loads of light structures, and the trench walls are stable enough while trenching to a depth of about 2 m below the seafloor under still water; and (3) it is quite improbable that the subbottom sediments liquefy under earthquake (M ≤ 6) or storm wave loading.  相似文献   

海底勘查技术的最新发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文将介绍用于探测海底三维地质特征的海底勘查的最新发展。它主要包括海底地形测绘技术,海底形貌观测技术、海底地层声学探测技术等。  相似文献   

海底勘查技术的最新发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈卫民 《海岸工程》1995,14(4):51-55
介绍用于探测海底三维地质特征的海底量的最新发展,主要包括海底地形测绘技术,海底形貌观测技术,海底地层声学探测技术等。  相似文献   

深海脉冲传播多途效应显著,直达波受海洋环境影响较大。基于南海某海域深水试验数据,采用Butterworth带通滤波器识别目标信号,进而分析近、中、远距离处VLA接收到的信号特征,并根据射线理论解释多途效应、直达波特征规律。结果表明:近距离目标信号可分为直达波及两次海底反射波;中距离可分为直达波与三次海底反射波;远距离目标信号弱,反射波特征不明显。其中,直达波声强显著低于第一次海底反射波,受夏季海面波导的影响,近表层深度处的直达波强度最大;50~200m深度层在强跃层控制下,声线向下弯曲,直达波信号随深度增加逐渐减弱;随传播距离增加,直达波逐渐减弱消失。  相似文献   

通过构建中尺度涡的数学模型,利用射线-简正波-抛物方程(RMPE)声学模型进行传播损失计算,进而分析在深海声道、深海会聚区、海底反射3种传播模式下,中尺度涡对深海声效应的影响。数值仿真结果显示,暖涡对深海声道、会聚区产生下压效果,使会聚区水平距离变大,深海声道深度方向上变宽;冷涡使会聚区上抬,距离变短,对声场散射现象明显。研究结果表明,涡旋环境条件下,声场特征会产生显著变化。试验结果揭示了中尺度涡对深海声场效应的影响,对指导海上运用中尺度涡现象开展的科学研究、工程实践、军事运用具有积极的指导意义。  相似文献   


The vast shallow sea off the Pearl River mouth in the northern South China Sea is an important prospecting area for offshore oil development. In recent years, the authors have investigated acoustic and geotechnical characteristics of marine sediments in this area. An intercalated layer of low sound velocity and low compressive strength has been found within the seabed, in which the median diameter of sediment grains is fine and the sound velocity is 100–200 m/s lower than that of the overlying and underlying layers. The minimum unconfined compressive strength of this layer is 0.075 kg/cm2, which is lower than that of the over‐ and underlying layers by an order of magnitude. Such an intercalation often constitutes a threat to the stability of shallow foundation soil. In case of overloading, the layer may be weakened, and seafloor sliding between different sediment layers may occur. The regional distribution of these kinds of weak intercalations of low sound velocity may be traced by a subbottom profiler and by means of sediment acoustical investigations.

Correlation between the gray level of a layer on subbottom profile records and physical properties of the layer (including sound velocity and reflectivity) suggests that the layer of sufficient bearing capacity must be searched by means of sediment acoustics at least to the depth of a high‐velocity substratum of stronger reflection.  相似文献   

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