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This paper reports on the contribution of tourism to the wellbeing of rural residents through the development of economic linkages engaged by community‐based tourism (CBT) in rural Costa Rica. In a qualitative case study of local economic linkages surrounding one such project in Chira Island, economic linkages were assessed at two levels: discourse and practice. The findings indicate that CBT does not involve the collective property of the community, but rather, the collective property of a group of community members organized in a formal association. As a result, a discourse on local economic linkages has been promoted by CBT support organizations in which hopes of wider benefits are placed on small linkages to services and products provided by local community members. However, a field survey suggested that the economic linkages generated by CBT in the community were sporadic and polyvalent and, furthermore, that the linkages with agriculture are negatively affected by scale and seasonality, resulting in leakages out of the community. These findings caution practitioners that CBT may only have small‐scale positive impacts on the local economy.  相似文献   

邮轮产业已经成为国际旅游和接待业中发展速度最快、经济效益最显著的业务之一。随着全球邮轮市场的东移,中国邮轮业受到了前所未有的关注,已发展成为亚太邮轮市场的核心组成部分。随着邮轮经济的不断深化,邮轮旅游业对中国经济、社会、文化和环境的影响日渐广泛而深远,而邮轮旅游的可持续性与责任性问题将成为该产业发展的重大议题。本文对国内外文献进行整理和分析后发现,目前国内学者对邮轮旅游及其影响的审视还不够深刻,特别是对邮轮旅游业的负效应或负外部性问题没有引起足够关注,研究成果非常有限,研究视角也较为宽泛。本文主要对近15年来国外邮轮旅游可持续性与责任性方面的成果进行了综述,在对邮轮经济的有限性、邮轮旅游对自然环境破坏和社会—文化冲击等方面的成果进行梳理的基础上,提出了“负责任邮轮旅游”的系统结构与行动框架,可为中国今后邮轮旅游业持续、快速与健康发展提供理论指导与实践支持。  相似文献   

在遗产地生态移民能否实现生态保护、改善民生、旅游可持续发展的多赢是遗产研究者、决策者和居民共同关注的问题。通过问卷调查和深入访谈法对新疆天山的4个移民社区进行调研,从居民感知和满意度的角度评估移民效果。结果表明:(1)居民对经济、心理正面影响反对率高,社会影响感知存在分歧,环境正面影响赞成率高。生态环境保护成效明显,但居民收入、生活质量改善不大,社区归属感弱。(2) 居民满意度偏低。(3) 不同人口学特征、旅游依存度的居民感知及满意度存在显著差异。从事旅游业的居民收入和满意度最高,旅游富民作用和不足兼有。(4) 与定居民族比,游牧民族在移民后生产生活方式变化更大。最后,提出改善居民经济条件,加强其知识、技能培训,社区赋权,完善生态补偿机制建议。  相似文献   

基于职业特性驱动的旅游劳工转移比较研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
杨钊  陆林 《地理研究》2006,25(6):1125-1133
以九华山旅游劳工为实证研究对象,通过与西方学者在匈牙利和英国Somerset和Cov-entry的比较研究探讨了职业特性驱动的旅游劳工转移模式和转移动机。研究发现旅游劳工转移产业分布十分均衡宽广,产业转移模式与区域经济背景、劳工市场结构、职业地位及收益的差异密切相关。他们对从业感知评价都十分积极,三十种动机变量排序和因子分析表明,旅游劳工转移存在5种动机方向,增收机会和旅游职业积极特性是主要动力因子。九华山与匈牙利、英国Somerset和Coventry虽然经济社会背景相差较大,但旅游劳工在转移模式、感知评价、转移动机上表现出来许多共性特征,揭示了旅游职业的诸多特性。  相似文献   

民用航空机场对城市和区域经济发展的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
宋伟  杨卡 《地理科学》2006,26(6):649-657
在对现代经济活动的地理特征的研究中,"接近空港"成为一个越来越重要的因素,在促进地方经济发展,尤其是发展中国家和地区的发展中,航空运输业正发挥着愈来愈大的作用。更好的理解和认识航空运输的性质,特别是航空业及机场在都市地域的作用也成为一个具有理论和实践意义的课题。以民航机场,特别是大型航空枢纽对所在城市和区域发展的影响为主题,从原生效益(primary effects)、次生效益(secondary effects)、衍生效益(tertiary effects)和永久性效益(perpetuity effects)4个层次,详细分析了接近航空枢纽的人口与产业所获得的经济利益与区位优势,以及枢纽对产业和经济活动,尤其是现代"新经济"活动的独特吸引力。  相似文献   

The small nation of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean, once a poor sugar plantation island, has successfully diversified and expanded its economy since independence, by attracting foreign investment in manufacturing and modern service industries. Tourism is a major part of the ‘Mauritian Miracle’; in recent years residential tourism—attracting wealthy foreigners to take up semi‐permanent residence—has become a growth industry transforming coastal areas like Tamarin. Based on in‐depth interviews among 17 residents of Tamarin, this paper looks at how local people perceive the changes residential tourism is causing in the local area. It appears that while the majority is positive about economic changes like more jobs and income opportunities, and to some extent about improvements in infrastructure and services, there are growing misgivings about some of the social impacts. Notably, the increasing scarcity of land and rising house prices are making it impossible for growing numbers of local people to afford a place to live, resulting in growing squatter settlements in the area. Such growing social disparities challenge the Mauritian development model and may undermine its stability. These undesirable effects call for careful management of tourism development, incorporation of sustainability standards and attention to the position of major stakeholder groups, such as local residents.  相似文献   

The development of ethnic tourism involves a process of community‐ and individual‐level objectification and commodification. To be attractive to outsiders, planners and tourism professionals often present local lifeways as unique and local while and contrasting them to an external globalized world. Using a political economic approach, this paper shows that this process of self‐commodification may give tourism professionals some control over how ethnic cultures are is presented, but does so within the parameters of state oversight and consumers’ desires. A case study of Louisiana Cajun tourism reveals how a specific narrative of swamp subsistence is deployed by individual tour guides and through the tourism planning process. This “heritage ecology” is used to romanticize a Cajun cultural ecology as “living off of the swamp” despite the fact that swamp commodities have almost always been produced for external markets. Similar to past commodities, swamp tourism still involves the production of Cajun‐swamp culture for outside consumers. This type of tourism paradoxically presents the image of a physically and socially disconnected ethnic group by fostering connections with outsiders while in the swamp.  相似文献   

通过对哈尼梯田形成自然条件、生态特征以及旅游开发利用中利益分配带来的老百姓生存发展与地方经济发展矛盾的分析,探讨了旅游可能引发的对哈尼传统文化及其道德观念的冲击和影响。同时,分析了四素同构复合生态系统中森林植被破坏及植被恢复中树种单一、过分追求经济利益而忽视水源涵养功能的问题,揭示了开展旅游必须考虑哈尼梯田不仅是景观资源,更是物质生产生活资料,是当地老百姓世世代代生存发展的物质基础,其所产生的附带价值在没有对其增加实际投入的情况下,应该归梯田的主人所有这一基本属性。提出了建立和健全梯田入股的利益分配机制和梯田多种生态服务功能综合管理的对策,建议科学地保护恢复植被及其传统文化。  相似文献   

周霓  熊爱华 《地理科学》2016,36(2):289-295
依据2000~2012年山东省17个地市的GDP和旅游总收入数据,构建面板数据模型,用定量的方法测度山东省17个地市的旅游业发展和经济增长之间是否存在长期协整关系,并对存在协整关系的地市进一步进行Granger因果检验和面板数据模型回归分析。结果表明: 山东省东中西三大地域板块旅游经济效应空间分异现象明显,东部地区的旅游总收入已经成为了经济增长的Granger因,旅游业发展已经对经济增长起到了良好的推动作用,青岛和烟台的旅游总收入和经济增长已经存在双向Granger因果关系;中部地区的经济增长是旅游总收入增长的Granger因,经济增长对旅游业发展起到了保障和助推的双重作用,特别是东营和枣庄已经成为山东省旅游业发展的新亮点;西部地区的经济增长和旅游总收入之间尚未形成协整关系。根据研究结果,给出山东省旅游业均衡、健康发展的建议和对策。  相似文献   

高俊  王灵恩  黄巧 《地理研究》2020,39(10):2233-2248
边境地区是国家社会经济发展的特殊功能区,旅游业在其乡村转型中扮演重要角色。基于民族志研究方法,分析近30年来云南打洛口岸地区的乡村重构过程,厘清旅游驱动下的边境乡村转型机制,进而识别边境乡村旅游地的可持续发展路径。研究发现:① 旅游发展驱动下,商品农业兴起,引发以土地、资本和劳动力为核心的乡村发展要素的重大变化——土地增值、资本积累、劳动力发展;② 传统自给农业随之衰落,形成以商品农业为主、旅游等非农产业为辅的产业结构,当地社区相应形成以商品农业生计为主、非农生计为辅的多元生计结构,经济收入大幅增长;③ 随着边民生计的变迁和生活的现代化,传统民族界限逐渐模糊,多民族共同繁荣发展,国家吸纳边民为边境治理主体以应对区域内非传统安全问题;④ 在空间层面,耕地逐渐“非粮化”,生态空间缩减,集镇建设向口岸聚集;⑤ 随着“人-地-业”的结构性变化,打洛口岸地区朝多功能乡村发展转型,边境乡村的地缘安全功能、文化功能和生态功能凸显。最后,提出边境乡村旅游地的可持续发展路径,以期为边境地区的稳定与繁荣提供参考。  相似文献   

孙九霞  陈浩 《地理研究》2012,31(4):758-768
旅游作为一种族际交流的方式,它对族群认同会产生怎样的影响值得关注。当前国内外学界对旅游目的地社区族群认同的研究大多集中在以族群文化为主要吸引物的目的地,但是在这种类型的旅游目的地中,出于商业利益的考虑,族群文化中的某些方面会被格外强调,从而影响社区居民的族群认同。本文选择一个不以族群文化为主要吸引物的社区,即海南三亚回族社区来作为案例地,采用观察法、访谈法、文献法等定性研究方法,通过对案例地社区旅游发展前后的对比研究,发现参与旅游商品销售、旅游运输业、旅游餐饮业等旅游相关行业使当地居民的族群认同发生了一定变化,主要体现在宗教意识得以强化、传统习俗发生改变、旅游与传统产业的职业认同有所分化等三个方面。  相似文献   

Family farms have long generated income from agricultural tourism including U‐picks, wagon rides, corn mazes and petting zoos, but contemporary agricultural tourism reflects much greater sophistication in terms of product variety, services, activities, and marketing. In Michigan, farm operators have moved beyond classic products and activities and the traditional consumer base. New sources of revenue derive from classes on beer, cider, mead and wine making, yarn spinning, perfume/soap‐making, farm markets, fishing, educational classes, school tours and hospitality including weddings and on‐farm restaurants. This case study of Michigan agricultural tourism reports results from a systematic survey of 154 agritourism operations conducted throughout the state during summer and fall of 2013 with a focus on the economic benefits of the fast‐changing sector. This study summarizes tax revenues, sales and employment trends for the farm operations participating in the survey but also quantitatively assesses the contribution of agricultural tourism to Michigan's economy through an extrapolation of the sample to estimate state‐wide totals. Results from OLS multivariate regression analysis intended to identify relationships between employment, advertising and scale to gross sales per day are also reported. These analyses show the importance of agricultural tourism to rural and peri‐urban places in Michigan and throughout the nation, while raising concerns about a growing division between large and small operators and what this growing gap may mean for the future of the sector.  相似文献   

大旅游产业及其发展的影响和效益——以甘肃省为例   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
大旅游的产业特性决定了其经济、社会和生态等方面影响的广泛性和效应的综合性。本文论述了大旅游产业的内涵、特征和产业体系。以甘肃省为例,从发展大旅游产业的角度,通过理论和实证两方面,对大旅游产业促进欠发达地区优势资源开发和资源替代、产业替代的作用及其经济、社会和生态效益进行了评估;提出了大旅游产业是欠发达地区新的经济增长点,扩大就业的有效途径和重要渠道,城市化和可持续发展的新型驱动力等结论。  相似文献   

Protected areas have had significant impacts on local communities primarily through the physical removal of people. In some instances, people continue to live within protected areas due to the inability of the state to evict them. The restrictions on livelihoods placed on people living inside protected areas lead to in situ displacement. We show how conservation enclosures in the Biligiri Rangaswamy Temple Tiger Reserve have produced a class of people that the state ‘lets die’ by banning customary practices such as fire use, hunting and harvesting of forest produce. Using longitudinal ethnographic, socio‐economic and ecological data, we demonstrate that conservation policy has alienated indigenous forest dwellers from their agricultural and forest‐land. The outcomes of conservation policy include dispossession through increased crop losses, reduced income from agriculture and forest produce, as well as a forest that is dominated by weeds due to fire suppression. The ban on hunting in particular has increased wildlife densities, which has enabled the state to accumulate revenues through the establishment of wildlife tourism facilities. All in all, centralized protected area governance has changed the relationships among people, forest and the state in a way that has produced adverse effects for both livelihoods and the ecosystem.  相似文献   

旅游地居民感知与态度研究是旅游地理学研究的重要主题之一, 居民感知的跨区域、 跨文化的共时性分析是该领域研究未来努力的方向之一。选择世界遗产地西递和九寨沟为研 究案例, 进行旅游地居民旅游影响感知的比较研究。结果显示: ① 两地居民对旅游发展均表 现出积极态度, 但九寨沟居民的响应程度和支持程度更为强烈, 其旅游经济收入上要远高于 西递。② 九寨沟居民在旅游经济收益、旅游社会文化影响、旅游环境影响的上的感知均明显 强于西递, 同时在旅游经济成本感知上也明显强于西递。③ 相关分析和回归分析分别从样本 基本特征中识别了西递和九寨沟居民支持旅游发展态度的相关因素和判别指标。分析结果表 明, 不同类型的旅游地具有不同的旅游社区特征, 在旅游地性质、对旅游业的依赖程度、经 济发展水平、旅游资源产权归属、旅游管理体制、主客文化差异等社区特征上不同的东道主 社区应该有着不同的旅游感知。按照社会交换理论, 无论是从资产的收益权还是从受干扰补 偿方面, 西递古村落居民相对九寨沟风景区居民具有更高的收益期望, 这也导致了其实际获 益远低于期望收益, 故相对九寨沟居民, 西递表现出低估旅游经济收益、社会收益而高估社 会成本的倾向。  相似文献   

边境旅游是中国陆地边境地区的支柱产业和国际合作的重要内容。依据文献资料和实地考察,分析中国陆地边境旅游资源单体的数量、类型和质量,并结合陆地边境地级行政区接待入境旅游人数和国际旅游外汇收入两个指标,从空间差异性和空间自相关两个方面刻画中国陆地边境旅游发展格局,探讨中国陆地边境旅游业发展的影响因素并提出相关建议。研究范围共涉及3 341个陆地边境旅游资源单体,其中优良级旅游资源约占34.36%,建筑与设施是旅游资源单体数量最多的类型。西南地区和东北地区分别是中国陆地边境旅游资源“高高集聚”和“低低集聚”地区。在2006—2015年间,边境旅游经济发展最快的是新疆西北部和黑龙江东部边境地区;边境旅游经济发展的热点地区主要集中在东北边境地区,冷点地区主要集中在新疆东部、西南部以及西藏西南部边境地区。地形条件、文化多样性、区位条件、国际地缘政治关系以及旅游设施水平是影响边境旅游业发展的重要因素。建议政府因地制宜地制定边境旅游发展政策,加强不同类型旅游资源之间的组合开发和区域旅游合作,完善旅游设施,积极探索开发与保护兼顾的发展模式。  相似文献   

国内外民族社区研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李亚娟  陈田  王开泳  王婧 《地理科学进展》2013,32(10):1520-1534
以少数民族为居民主体的社区是一种特殊的社区类型。作为民族社会的重要构成单元,社区内独特的民族性、文化性和地域性日益成为国内外学者关注的重点。文章首先回顾了国外民族社区研究的历史起源,总结了城市民族社区的研究重点,并对乡村民族社区的影响、类型、变迁、旅游和感知研究进行详细的归纳总结;国内民族社区研究则从内涵、演变、发展以及旅游影响研究4 个重点领域进行进展分析。在以上研究的基础上,从研究领域、研究方法、研究对象、研究理论基础和研究内容5 个方面将国内外民族社区研究进行对比,并提出,国内民族社区研究亟需加强民族社区演化的影响因素、动态演化机制、居民生计方式、文化遗产保护与利用、经济结构协调、村落空间形态演变和整合开发以及可持续发展政策等7个方面的研究。  相似文献   

从旅游活动要素及其空间效应着眼,对"景区化"与"乡村民族社区景区化"的内涵进行了界定,把社区事象的景观化、经济功能的旅游化、组织管理的业缘化等视为"乡村民族社区景区化"的具体表征;认为乡村民族社区景区化的结果,必将导致乡村民族社区向旅游社区的演变,并对乡村民族旅游社区的内涵及其类型特征作了初步探讨,进而细分出名义在场型、从业参与型、景观资产型、混合平衡型4种类型。对云南曼听五寨、雨崩村、泸沽湖落水村和里格村进行实证研究的结果表明,除了曼听五寨属于名义在场型外,其余为从业参与型旅游社区。  相似文献   

Tourism as a local development strategy in South Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The promotion of tourism has been identified as a key strategy that can lead to economic upliftment, community development and poverty relief in the developing world. In the last few years, tourism has also emerged as a significant development option in post–apartheid South Africa. In the context of some current debates on tourism in poor countries, the paper examines how economic, social and environmental resources are being utilized to promote tourism as a local economic development strategy in South Africa, and more specifically it focuses on current local government endeavours in this regard and two communities that have suffered the loss of their economic resource base. Tourism–based development initiatives, one in KwaZulu–Natal and one in the Western Cape, are evaluated in the context of generating economic growth, alleviating poverty and addressing the apartheid legacy of discrimination and inequality. The significance of the dynamics of development processes involved in these initiatives has much wider relevance for local economic development, both within South Africa and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Agricultural tourism incorporates visits to farms for the purposes of on‐site retail purchases, enjoyment, and education. Long popular in the European Union (EU), agritourism is gaining popularity throughout the United States. Interest has grown as a result of stagnant grain prices, rising farm costs, and growing international competition. For rural areas seeking new economic options, the potential of these operations to generate new sources of income through sales and horizontal linkages to other tourism‐based activities has sparked interest beyond the farm gate. This article, based on a survey and a statistical analysis of 300 agritourism operations in Michigan, summarizes factors associated with successful operations.  相似文献   

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