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近年来海洋生物活性多肽的研究概况与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海洋是地球上资源最丰富的领域,海洋生物是新型肽类生物活性物质的重要来源。科学研究证明,许多海洋多肽具有抗肿瘤、抗艾滋病、抗真菌、抗病毒、防治心脑血管疾病及免疫调节等药理活性。本文简要介绍了近5a来国内外对海洋生物活性肽的研究概况,并进行了概括性展望。  相似文献   

河豚毒素研究进展   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
邓尚贵  彭志英  杨萍  吴铁  陈芳 《海洋科学》2002,26(10):32-35
近年来 ,海洋生物活性物质 (包括生物功能材料、生物毒素和海洋药物等 )的研究和开发利用已成为海洋生物资源高值化的热门研究课题。迄今发现的3000多种包括萜类、肽类、聚醚类、生物碱、皂苷类等在内的海洋生物活性物质因其具有抗菌、抗病毒、抗肿瘤、抗炎症、强心等一种或多种生物活性 ,已经在功能食品、食品添加剂、药物、化工等领域发挥了重要的作用。海洋生物活性物质今后的研究方向和重点一方面应该继续探索未知的活性物质、另一方面应该对已知活性物质进行功能性拓展研究和开发。本文对河豚毒素 (Tetrodotoxin,TT…  相似文献   

海洋生物抗肿瘤活性肽   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
林凡  秦松 《海洋科学》2002,26(12):23-26
海洋未被利用的有效面积约为陆地的5~10倍 ,海洋生物中99 %的物种尚未被利用 ,随着现代生物技术和化学技术的应用 ,反相高效液相色谱、FAB -MS、2D -NMR、手性色谱等技术的发展 ,近年来对海洋生物活性肽 ,特别是抗肿瘤活性肽的研究取得了很大进展,本文将予以综述 ,并展望开发利用的前景。1抗肿瘤活性肽的来源1.1海藻藻类是海洋生物活性物质的重要来源。在已发现的海洋生物活性物质中40.86 %来自藻类[1] ,而其它海洋生物中发现的活性物质有可能最初也来源于藻类。如最初从海绵(Halichondriaoda…  相似文献   

贺晓丽  秦松  李文军  唐志红 《海洋科学》2020,44(12):144-152
海洋生物功能肽是从海洋生物中获得的一类具有多种生理活性、在体内担负着重要调节功能的肽类化合物。目前已经从海洋生物中分离出两千多种功能肽,这些功能肽具有抗肿瘤、抗菌、抗氧化、降血压等多种生理活性,且来源广泛、毒性小、特异性强。海洋生物功能肽现已成为医药、食品、化妆品等领域研究的热点,国内外有许多公司和机构致力于海洋生物功能肽类新型药物的研究,大批海洋生物功能肽已经进入医药市场或临床研究阶段。功能肽的结构是其活性的基础,研究它们的构效关系有利于对海洋生物功能肽进行结构改造和修饰,对推进海洋生物资源的开发具有重要意义。本文对近年来国内外在海洋生物功能肽构效关系研究中所取得的主要进展进行综述,为海洋活性物质的开发和应用提供参考。  相似文献   

水生动物来源的抗肿瘤活性肽作用机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>生物活性肽能调节人体多种生理功能,有提高免疫、抗肿瘤、抗病毒和降血压等作用,而且肽类物质的结构类型十分丰富,有巨大的药物活性筛选潜力,是当前国际药品与保健品界最热门的研究对象和极具发展前景的功能因子[1]。在中国,生物活性肽开发利用的研究起步较晚,易杨华等[2]从棕色扁海绵(Phakellia fusca)中获得一个具有较好抗肿瘤活性的新型类环七肽的phakellistatin(Pro-Gly-Phe-ProTrp-Leu-Thr),这也是首次从产于中国海域的  相似文献   

海洋链霉菌由于其独特的生理和代谢功能,成为海洋微生物活性物质的主要来源。对2010-2013年初的海洋放线菌天然产物的统计表明,研究最多的是链霉菌放线菌,占海洋放线菌新天然产物的60%。本文综述了自1976年第一个海洋链霉菌天然产物到2016年6月的40年间报道的547个海洋链霉菌天然产物的结构、生物活性及其微生物来源。其结构包括含氮化合物(如生物碱)、聚酮、萜类、甾体等,其中含氮化合物是主要类型, 占海洋链霉菌天然产物总数的61%;而67%的海洋链霉菌天然产物表现出细胞毒、抑菌、抗疟和抗寄生虫等生物活性。  相似文献   

海洋微生物因长期适应特殊的生存环境而进化出特殊的代谢途径, 从而产生大量结构新颖、功能独特的生物活性物质, 使海洋微生物来源的天然产物成为海洋新药开发的研究热点。文章以文献计量学的方法和视角, 从海洋真菌和海洋细菌天然产物研究现状、海洋微生物天然产物的人工合成、海洋微生物天然产物的生物活性评估以及成药性评价等方面进行概述, 分析了当前海洋微生物天然产物状况和发展态势。  相似文献   

近年来,海洋真菌因其能够产生大量结构新颖、活性显著的代谢产物而受到广泛关注。本文综述了1991—2010年间从海洋真菌分离得到的134个新吲哚生物碱的结构和活性研究情况,其中包括fumitremorgin类19个、notoamide类22个、细胞松弛素类18个、吲哚喹唑啉类9个、吲哚萜类11个、肽类及其他单吲哚类21个和双吲哚类化合物34个。海洋真菌来源的吲哚生物碱不仅结构奇特,并且表现出多种重要的生物活性,具有潜在的研究和应用价值。  相似文献   

海洋糖苷类化合物具有多种生物活性,作者从抗肿瘤、抗菌、抗病毒和抗炎等方面对近年来海洋糖苷类化合物生物活性进行综述,并对其研究趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

海洋是生命资源的宝库,地球上的生物80%存在于海洋,海洋生物物种远比陆地生物丰富和复杂。海洋微生物是海洋生物的重要组成部分,是重要的海洋自然资源。近些年来,海洋微生物胞外多糖独特的化学结构和生物活性研究在海洋生态学、微生物学特别是药学领域受到广泛关注,海洋微生物胞外多糖的结构及生物活性研究取得了显著进展。  相似文献   

海洋来源的功能寡糖具有多种生物活性,如抗炎、抗氧化、抗病毒、抗肿瘤和免疫调节等,因此在医药、农业、化工及环境等领域有着广泛的应用。然而,不同聚合度、不同结构的寡糖所具有的活性差异很大,因此有必要深入研究和探讨不同种类的海洋功能寡糖的结构与功能的关系及其应用潜力。本文对几种研究较多的海藻功能寡糖的来源、制备、纯化及应用进行了系统总结,为推动海藻功能寡糖的开发应用研究奠定良好的理论基础。  相似文献   

Effectiveness of the managed-use zones in six multiple-use marine parks located within New South Wales (NSW), Australia, was assessed using qualitative Ecological Risk Assessment (ERA) techniques. Permitted activities in these managed-use zones displayed considerable variation between individual marine parks within this one jurisdiction (NSW); many activities appeared to be inconsistent with the stated objectives; and, some were considered high risk. For example, in “habitat protection” zones, 24 out of 76 permitted activities were inconsistently applied across the parks and 10 activities were determined to be high risk. ERA indicated that many commercial fishing activities warranted restriction or prohibition in these zones, including trawling, set lining, drift lining, mesh netting and purse seining operations. The best fit between objectives of the managed-use zones and permitted activities was for the most recent park (Batemans Marine Park). Inconsistencies in application of zoning restrictions between these marine parks could lead to stakeholder confusion, unintentional non-compliance and failure to adequately protect the assets. As a result, it is suggested that these managed-use zones may not be achieving their stated objectives and that greater consistency in application of regulations was required. To implement the ERA recommendations, changes would be required across all of the NSW marine parks and this would be best accommodated during a staged review of all zoning plans. It is concluded that ERA is an effective tool to aid in systematically identifying permissible activities in order to meet marine park objectives.  相似文献   

海洋塑料作为一类具有潜在生态风险的污染物,已经引起了研究人员的重点关注。大到数米的塑料垃圾,小到微米级的微塑料,塑料污染物以各种形式在海洋环境中广泛存在。因能长期以固体形式赋存于海水和沉积物中,塑料污染物比溶解性污染物更难在海洋介质中均匀分散;但近年来,各项调查活动却在远离塑料来源的大洋、极地和深海中均发现了塑料污染物,这显然与塑料在海洋环境中的迁移息息相关。一方面,海洋中塑料污染物的分布和迁移受到塑料自身性质以及多种环境因素的影响。因此,针对海洋塑料污染物设计监测方案时,有必要通过对这些因素的研判,规范和优化采样方案,有效提高采样代表性。另一方面,了解海洋塑料污染物迁移和归趋的影响因素,也是预测塑料污染物蓄积和富集的海域或层次,推断其在海洋生境中的暴露情况,进而预测其潜在风险的必要前提。本文归纳了海洋塑料污染物迁移规律的相关研究,分析了影响海洋中塑料污染物水平和垂直分布的因素,总结并列举了在海洋水体和沉积物介质中塑料污染物监测活动的常用采样方法,分析了塑料污染物监测活动方案的制订依据和注意事项。  相似文献   

Analysis of cumulative human impacts in the marine environment is still in its infancy but developing rapidly. In this study, existing approaches were expanded upon, aiming for a realistic consideration of cumulative impacts at a regional scale. Thirty-eight human activities were considered, with each broken down according to stressor types and a range of spatial influences. To add to the policy relevance, existing stressors within and outside of conservation areas were compared. Results indicate the entire continental shelf of Canada's Pacific marine waters is affected by multiple human activities at some level. Commercial fishing, land-based activities and marine transportation accounted for 57.0%, 19.1%, and 17.7% of total cumulative impacts, respectively. Surprisingly, most areas with conservation designations contained higher impact scores than the mean values of their corresponding ecoregions. Despite recent advances in mapping cumulative impacts, many limitations remain. Nonetheless, preliminary analyses such as these can provide information relevant to precautionary management and conservation efforts.  相似文献   

开展海洋主体功能区划与海洋功能区划的关系和衔接研究,是保障两者在我国海洋事业中充分发挥各自作用的基础.本文从编制及实施2个方面理顺海洋主体功能区划与海洋功能区划的关系,促进两者在实际工作中的相互结合.  相似文献   

文章基于"多规合一"的视角,从概念内涵、规划体系、区别联系等方面,对比分析了海洋功能区划与土地利用总体规划的差异性和关联性。重点分析两者在功能定位、时间定位、层级体系、分类体系、评价制度等方面的差异,研究海洋功能区划需完善之处,并提出完善海洋功能区划期限及目标的设置、明确不同层级的细化标准和要求、增加海洋保护、生态环境整治修复类等功能区类型、加强海洋功能区划实施情况评估制度的建设等对策和建议,为实现海洋功能区划在"多规合一"进程中与土地利用规划等其他规划统筹衔接提供研究基础。  相似文献   

以莱州湾为例,基于GIS和地理空间模拟框架,结合海洋生态红线区分布,建立了海域使用活动对海洋生态环境的潜在压力评估模型,空间量化评估多种海域使用活动对海洋生态环境的潜在影响。结果显示,多种海域使用活动的潜在压力总体呈近岸高于远岸、湾顶>东部>西部的分布特征;压力高值区集中于距岸10 km以内海域和5 m水深以内海域;海洋特别保护区、海洋自然保护区及重要河口生态系统等类型的海洋生态红线区受到开放式养殖、围海养殖、盐业用海活动的压力较大,需要对其进行重点监控。研究揭示了莱州湾海域使用活动对海洋生态环境潜在压力的空间分布格局,为海洋生态红线落地实施和海域使用管理提供决策依据。  相似文献   

Citizen science monitoring programs in the marine environment frequently focus on volunteer collected data precision for conservation and resource use of marine biota. Few studies have examined the social science aspects of volunteer engagement in marine monitoring programs in a quantifiable manner. This research focuses on emotional attitudes of Sea Search volunteers who monitor Marine National Parks and Marine Sanctuaries in Victoria, Australia. Volunteers responded that their participation in Sea Search activities made them feel good emotionally and mentally, with active learning, such as remembering names of marine biota, stimulating brain activity and memory. Volunteer monitoring efforts generated personal satisfaction through their contributions, feelings of enjoyment, and socialising with others. Sea Search volunteers gain a sense of want to protect and conserve the marine environment through positive behaviour change. By understanding and having a sense of meaning towards the marine environment, the volunteers felt a sense of pride in themselves. The concepts of volunteer connection to the natural environment and positive mental and emotional health are important for any citizen science monitoring program and should be used in the program’s aims and strategies as an effective means to attract volunteers. A functional framework which clearly communicates and assesses not only the scientific expectations from a citizen science program, but also the health and wellbeing connections to nature, need to be addressed in Government marine and coastal strategies.  相似文献   

On the Problems of Epibioses, Fouling and Artificial Reefs, a Review   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Abstract. Artificial reefs in marine environments are in most cases submerged structures consisting of dumped waste material or specific constructions made with the purpose of enriching the local fish populations and other marine life to the benefit of recreational and commercial fisheries. Such structures are susceptible to fouling and will successively develop assemblages, which may or may not resemble epibioses on natural substrata. Studies of artificial reefs have focused predominantly on fish assemblages and have largely disregarded the development of sessile biota and their structural and functional relationships. In addition, most studies are from tropical or subtropical environments. To manage and understand artificial reefs, a whole-ecosystem approach is necessary, incorporating studies of all aspects of hard substratum ecology including both structural and functional variables. This review is an attempt to evaluate the present knowledge of ecological aspects of artificial reefs, emphasising the role of sessile hard substratum biota.  相似文献   

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