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地图集是具有统一设计原则和编制体例的一系列地图的汇集,但是,地图集并不是许多地图的简单总和或机械凑合。 地图集是为了某一用途和服务对象,依据统一的编制原则系统地汇编而成的。它有着统一的思想结构和地理基础;有协调而完善的表示方法;图幅与图组编排的先后次序、各类地图的比重都按照逻辑性和系统性相互协调配合图幅的配置和图例的表示都遵循一致的现格;各地图内容的取舍、制图综合的要求遵守统一规定;地图投影、比例尺、各图的选题、图型、表示方法、图幅大小、文字说明、地名索引以及图集的整饰装帧等等,都是经过详细研究和精心设计的。  相似文献   

路云:张老师,这一期《地图》附刊了二幅专题地图样图,采用图纹符号表示,似乎有点新意。您怎样理解这样的符号呢?张平:这种图纹符号在国外的地图上早就出现过了,只不过用在我国有点新意。路:这种符号的结构有什么特色?  相似文献   

电子地图多尺度显示的目的就是在不同尺度下形成正确的地图。在分析研究空间数据多尺度表示技术的基础上,提出了基于感受综合的电子地图多尺度显示的想法。并根据感受综合的理论,提出了将图中的内容分为地物、地貌、单位和地名四类要素分别对其进行分级的方法,并研究了对各级别要素符号的尺寸、亮度和密度进行分级设计的方法。  相似文献   

针对当前移动端缺少快速、实时检索地形图图幅信息的系统,本文依据国家基本比例尺地形图分幅与编号标准,提出了基于Andriod平台的地形图图幅信息检索方法并编程实现了该系统。该系统实现的功能有:点所在图幅编号检索、图幅范围检索、地形图新旧编号的转换及区域范围内图幅编号集检索。此系统可应用于Andriod智能手机和平板电脑等移动设备。实验表明,本文的方法和系统执行效率能够基本满足移动用户实时检索地形图图幅信息的需求。  相似文献   

利用ArcGIS构建地形图分幅空间数据库   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶宝莹  杨农 《测绘科学》2008,33(3):207-209
本文利用ArcGIS绑定的脚本语言Python和AML及其空间分析功能,设计了简单可行的算法,并编制了相应的程序,构建了国家基本比例尺地形图分幅空间数据库。首先生成图幅分幅格网,以及对应的网格标识点、图幅编号文件,将标识点与图幅编号文件关联后再与图幅网格叠加即可。该方法充分利用了GIS的空间叠加功能,仅用了极少量的程序代码,没有编程经验的人员可以比较容易掌握,对于各行业应用领域的工作者有很大帮助。  相似文献   

程耀东  程璐  谭冬生 《测绘科学》2016,41(11):166-170
针对普铁综合图绘制系统无法实现高铁双线并行综合图的绘制问题,提出了高铁综合图自动生成和输出的方法。通过在Auto LISP中使用ActiveX对象与Microsoft Excel对象,实现了Excel数据文件的导入和数据转换;基于高铁综合图信息,以Visual LISP语言实现了高铁综合图的自动生成;采用图形裁剪算法,实现了长条形综合图的自动分幅;运用虚拟打印技术,实现了分幅图的批量打印或PDF文件生成。实验结果表明:所提方法不仅可以快速高效地进行数据处理和综合图自动生成,还能准确地进行图形自动分幅和输出。研究结果对铁路基础设施、综合维修、列车运行等方面的信息化研究具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

王正军 《北京测绘》2021,35(8):1079-1083
摄影测量技术是直接获取地表信息最重要的手段,影像拼接是把多幅小范围影像合并为大视场影像图的过程.但目前影像拼接图的生产多依靠特征点匹配的方式,对影像的纹理和重叠有一定要求,致使水域区的影像因纹理匮乏,常出现无法拼接的现象.针对以上问题,提出一种依靠影像位姿参数的影像快速拼接技术,摆脱对特征点的依赖,重点对影像的几何校正、相邻影像配准与多幅影像拼接等重要环节进行分析研究.实验结果表明,本文方法有效保障了水域影像的顺利拼接,并且省去了特征点匹配的复杂工序,拼接效率得到了极大提升.  相似文献   

《贵州省经济地图集》(以下简称《图集》)在作者、编辑和制图人员两年多的共同努力下,于国庆40周年前夕,在贵阳出版发行了。《图集》为八开本,展开页为四开。分综合图组、农业图组、工业图组、基建图组、交通邮电图组、财贸金融图组、科教文卫图组以及州市地区图组等8个图组,共有不同比例尺的地图185幅(其中主图102幅,附图83幅)、统计图表318个、剖面图15个,还有30多万字的文字说明。《图集》发行以来,受到了省各级领导和广大用户的普遍欢迎,正在省情研究、各有关部门制订  相似文献   

提出了一种基于流形学习的航空影像匹配方法。该方法利用同一幅影像中特征点之间的空间结构和不同影像中特征点之间的相似性作为特征点映射的约束条件,利用流形学习方法对影像的特征点进行映射,将所有影像的特征点映射到同一空间后采用最小距离方法进行特征点的匹配。利用实际的航空影像进行实验,与SIFT方法、SVD-LLE方法进行综合分析,结果表明本文方法在匹配性能方面具有明显的优越性,并且能够同时获得多幅影像之间的匹配关系。  相似文献   

<正> 《典型地貌样图选集》(以下简称《样图集》)是我国第一本以景观照片、航空象片与地图对照的形式反映我国主要地貌形态的专题地图集。1966年完成编稿,1975年出版。受到了制图、地理工作者的欢迎和好评。它是我国地形图编绘实践经验的总结,是制图工作者认识地貌要素和不断研究其表示方法的结果。因此,《样图集》在普及和提高制图工作者的地貌素养,改进大、中比例尺地形图上地貌要素的表示质量会起到良好作用。另外,由于它图文并茂有很多我国典型地貌的航片像对及成套比例尺的对比样图,对航测内业测图、地图编制、地貌教学,均有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

基于色彩空间转换及模糊约束聚类的地形图自动分色   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
针对彩色地形图的自动分色问题,提出了一种新的模糊聚类算法。该方法首先对地图的色彩空间进行转换,使其支方图的峰谷特性更加明显,然后对模糊C—均值(FCM)聚类算法进行模糊约束,并把此算法扩展到2维空间,从而较好地解决了地图的自动分色问题。此算法已编程实现,效果比较理想。  相似文献   


This paper provides an overview of the multiple ways of envisioning the relationships between maps and narratives. This is approached from a map making perspective. Throughout the process of editing this special issue, we have identified two main types of relationships. Firstly, maps have been used to represent the spatio-temporal structures of stories and their relationships with places. Oral, written and audio-visual stories have been mapped extensively. They raise some common cartographic challenges, such as improving the spatial expression of time, emotions, ambiguity, connotation, as well as the mixing of personal and global scales, real and fictional places, dream and reality, joy and pain. Secondly, the potential of maps as narratives and the importance of connecting the map with the complete mapping process through narratives is addressed. Although the potential of maps to tell stories has already been widely acknowledged, we emphasize the increasing recognition of the importance of developing narratives that critically describe the cartographic process and context in which maps unfold - the core idea of post-representational cartography. Telling the story about how maps are created and how they come to life in a broad social context and in the hands of their users has become a new challenge for mapmakers.  相似文献   

随着信息技术、网络技术和多媒体技术在数字地图学领域的不断渗透,网络地图已经成为地图产品的重要组成部分。通过分析研究现有的网络地图产品,总结了网络地图的特点和存在的问题,分析了其发展趋势,并提出了相应的一些设想。  相似文献   

在地图内容和形式数学表示的基础上研究了地图的数学定义。由于引入隐式地图和变换条件,故所有储存地图信息的载体均可属于地图的范围,从而使地图定义获得了广义的解释和精确的表达  相似文献   

Schematic maps have been popularly used for the representation of metro (or underground) lines and nowadays have also been used for the representation of other network maps. This paper presents a strategy for automated generation of schematic network maps for different display sizes, based on a redistribution of line density. This strategy consists of three steps: (a) estimation of spatial density of the network maps, (b) automated redistribution of line density in order to improve map clarity, for different display sizes, and (c) automated generation of schematic representations. An experimental evaluation has been carried out by using two sets of real-life network data. The results indicate that this strategy is able to generate schematic maps with much improved clarity for different display sizes and well-preserved map recognition.  相似文献   

Efforts within cartography on indoor maps have previously not received a lot of attention. Work that has been carried out on indoor maps often focus on map design very similar to an architectural style (Klippel et al. 2006; Ciavarella and Paternò 2004). In some cases the design has been of a more novel character where approaches with augmented and virtual realities have been carried out (Radoczky 2007; Müller et al. 2006). Common to these approaches is the depiction of one floor per map. As well, the primary user task is often solely personal navigation. In this article I present an innovative approach to indoor maps. The design is directly inspired by underground tube maps first developed by Harry Beck (Garland 1994) and today a common design for public transport maps. The main advantages of the map design are its simplicity and the possibility of including all floors in one map view. This allows the map user to easier comprehend the structure of the building without using several maps, as commonly needed with today's indoor map designs. I present several different map styles each intended to satisfy different user groups and tasks depending on the user's familiarity with the environment. In addition the article motivate for new application areas suitable for indoor maps, especially large hospitals. I hypothesize that the design proposed in this article leans very well to displaying real-time dynamic geospatial information, such as patients, staff, equipment and room availability within hospitals. Due to the early phase of the work presented here I outline the needed further work and possibilities of technological platforms as well as evaluations necessary in order for the design to gain acceptance and success.  相似文献   

长期以来人们偏重于地图的技术研究,导致地图的艺术研究进程落后于技术研究进程。近几年这种情况虽有改善,但对于地图的美学问题研究还是相对偏少。本文从地图的信息表达与美学思维角度出发,从地图的语言、技术、文化及创新4个方面探讨了地图与美学思维融合的问题,并提出了地图学与美学相结合的地图美学论,以期得到适合地图的美学设计。  相似文献   


There are numerous computer programs to produce choropleth maps and some work has also been published on the use of a grid matrix as a way of dividing an area into discrete units. The purpose of this paper is to combine the two approaches and evaluate the suitability of using a network of grid cells, each containing a representative value of the variable being mapped, as a way of producing choropleth maps on a computer.  相似文献   

数字信息技术使人类走向虚实相融的混合空间,作为现实世界的抽象和解释工具并辅助人们认识世界的传统地图面临新的挑战。在新形势下,地图需要纳入虚拟空间,进一步思考虚拟/现实带来的影响。聚焦游戏地图,利用刻画游戏地图的时间、地点、人物、事物、事件、现象、场景七要素,剖析其虚实表现,探究虚拟世界的构建与现实的映射关系以及虚实互通之处,确定虚拟世界反馈于现实世界的影响。丰富了地图学理论体系,促进人类规划更加智慧和宜人的社会。  相似文献   

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