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降雨条件下的导航X波段雷达海浪参数反演算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
X波段的电磁波受降雨影响容易产生衰减,这导致导航X波段雷达在降雨时无法用于海浪观测。本文提出了一种新的降低降雨影响的算法来反演海浪参数。首先,对X波段雷达图像做主成分分析,获得波浪变化的主成分,利用一维傅里叶变换得到波数谱,对其滤波减小降雨对雷达图像的影响;然后,选取JONSWAP(Joint North Sea Wave Project)谱作为理论谱,建立以观测谱与理论谱的最小化差异为目标函数的模型,求解该模型估算海浪的有效波高。与浮标测量的有效波高相比,该方法反演的有效波高的均方根误差是0.23 m,证明了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

海面电磁回波频谱宽度与海浪波高密切相关,可应用频谱宽度进行海浪有效波高反演。本文应用线性滤波法仿真出了海表散射面元在雷达视向上的投影速度,建立了回波谱宽模型,分析了雷达空间分辨率、回波时间序列长度及海洋环境参数等因素对频谱宽度的影响,同时还针对如何在实际观测过程中选择回波时间序列长度、观测方位角等参数进行了讨论。最后还将理论结果与CSIR-X波段雷达实测数据谱宽估计结果进行了比较。结果表明,剔除雷达噪声以及频率泄露的影响后,基于高斯分布标准偏差的谱宽估计方法所得结果与理论结果吻合很好,这从而证明了理论结果的可靠性。本文所得结果对海浪有效波高反演具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

许荞晖  张彦敏  王运华 《海洋学报》2021,43(12):111-121
本文首先对合成孔径雷达(SAR)海浪成像中的3种调制(倾斜调制、流体力学调制与速度聚束调制)的影响进行了对比分析,结果显示:速度聚束调制对SAR图像的影响最为显著。另外,由于SAR图像中固有相干斑噪声的存在,较低波数范围的噪声难以滤除或抑制,利用经典MPI方法反演海浪谱会造成低波数范围谱值偏大。基于此,本文借鉴经典MPI海浪谱反演算法,建立了基于速度聚束调制的海浪方位向斜率谱和有效波高的反演算法。通过将经典MPI方法、同极化调制法及本文算法等3种海浪反演方法所得有效波高与浮标数据进行比较,结果显示:本文方法反演得到的海浪有效波高与浮标数据获得的有效波高之间的均方误差为0.79 m,为3种方法中最小。  相似文献   

本文根据相干斑噪声的时间快变特征和非海浪纹理现象的时间缓变特征,基于交叉谱提出了一种对相干斑噪声和大尺度非海浪纹理的抑制的方法,进而结合SAR图像谱和海浪谱之间的准线性映射关系,基于SAR数据对海浪参数进行了反演。在反演过程中,首先仿真分析了不同海况下准线性近似法的海浪反演能力,结果表明:风浪引起的方位向截断效应会显著影响反演精度,因此该方法在低风速时的涌浪反演精度更高。通过将基于Sentinel-1卫星2020年的波模式SAR数据的反演结果与欧洲中期天气预报中心(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, ECMWF)提供的再分析数据进行对比,发现高海况海浪有效波高反演结果明显偏低,而且该反演误差与风速、方位向截断波长之间存在显著相关性。为了提高有效波高的反演精度,本文进一步给出了海浪有效波高反演误差与风速、方位向截断波长之间的经验校正函数模型,结果显示,通过该模型修正后的海浪有效波高反演结果与ECMWF数据和浮标测量数据具有良好一致性。  相似文献   

利用X波段雷达图像估计有效波高   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海浪有效波高与雷达的海杂波强度有关,但是无法直接由雷达图像得到.借鉴运用SAR图像计算有效波高的方法,即假设有效波高与雷达回波强度信噪比的平方根成线性关系,可以由X波段雷达图像计算得到海浪的有效波高.将在小麦岛和南海分别进行的岸基试验和船基试验获得的浮标资料和雷达资料结合起来分析,结果表明用X波段航海雷达测量有效波高的最大误差不超过9%.  相似文献   

通过对2次海上作业期间船载X波段测波雷达数据对比分析,发现雷达测得的有效波高值在一段时间内存在较大误差。在2017年12月6日10:00至17:00期间,相比于人工目测值,雷达测得的有效波高值持续偏低。通过分析现场的天气与环境状况,并且对比相同海况下未受降雨影响和受到降雨影响时不同时刻的二维海浪谱,发现该段时间内因有降雨且能见度低,导致雷达测量的海浪谱能量异常偏低,信噪比SNR异常偏低造成X波段雷达测得的有效波高值异常偏低。在2018年4月11日船只路过5号大浮标和4号大浮标期间,相比于浮标测值,雷达测得的有效波高值异常偏高。通过查看系统中最大流速设置,发现设定的最大流速值过高(为50 m/s)。这样滤波器的带宽过大,大量噪声可能会被当成海浪信号通过滤波器,导致雷达反演的信噪比SNR异常偏高,造成X波段雷达测得的有效波高值异常偏高。通过分析误差产生的原因,对雷达设置的调整以及雷达系统的进一步完善有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

船用X波段导航雷达凹波形成的海杂波图像中包含丰富的海浪、海表层流信息.借鉴合成孔径雷达(SAR)估计有效波高的方法,假设有效波高与雷达回波强度信噪比的平方根成线性关系,可由X波段雷达图像估计得到海浪的有效波高.用此方法主要分析小麦岛海域实验数据,结果显示,直流滤波后计算的信噪比估计的有效波高比不进行直流滤波结果符合得好;而按波浪浮标测得有效波高数据的高低,分两段分别进行线性拟合获取校准系数,估测的有效波高更加准确.  相似文献   

欧洲环境卫星-高级合成孔径雷达(EnvironmentalSatellite-AdvancedSyntheticAperture Radar,Envisat-ASAR)波模式数据提供了全球风、浪要素信息,在海浪模式预报与同化方面有重要作用。该数据合成孔径雷达(SyntheticApertureRadar,SAR)图像普遍存在海浪条纹清晰度不同的现象,但是否影响数据精度尚无定论。本文通过比较2010年NODC (the National Oceanographic Date Center)浮标观测数据和波模式数据,发现经过官方修正后的海浪参数反而具有更大误差。进而通过对比不同条纹清晰度的SAR图像反演参数误差,揭示了ASAR产品海浪参数与浮标测量值之间的误差与海浪条纹清晰度的关系。结果表明:海浪条纹清晰的SAR图像的主波波长和主波周期的反演误差更小,而条纹不清晰SAR图像的有效波高和风速的反演误差更小。通过分析海浪参数对海浪条纹清晰度的敏感性,证实了有效波高和方位向截断波长对SAR图像条纹清晰度的响应最好,波陡次之,与卫星飞行方位角和入射角无关。因此,在反演和修正SAR波模式数据时,考虑图像的条纹清晰度,将会有效提高反演数据的精度。该研究可为高分三号等卫星的波模式数据波浪要素反演精度的提升提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

以墨西哥湾同步高度计、浮标资料为例,研究了海浪成长状态对高度计风速反演的影响。同步的高度计风速和浮标风速比较显示,在墨西哥湾地区,海浪成长状态对高度计风速反演有较大影响。在考虑海浪成长状态影响的条件下,利用谱模型反演高度计风速,取得了较好的效果。与目前TOPEX/Poseidon高度计风速反演业务化算法相比,在海浪未充分成长条件下,考虑海浪成长状态影响后,根据谱模型反演获得的风速与浮标风速之间的均方根误差减小了30%,平均误差减小了83%。在利用谱模型算法反演高度计风速时,谱模型中的波龄因子(表示海浪成长状态)可以根据高度计测得的有效波高和风速获得,因此该方法具有广泛的适用性。  相似文献   

针对机载合成孔径雷达(SAR)对海探测特点,采用多入射角法从SAR数据本身得到与海浪参数反演区域时空匹配的同步海面风速和风向,并结合线性变换关系,计算得到海浪初猜谱对应的仿真SAR图像谱,将仿真SAR图像谱和观测SAR图像谱输入代价函数中进行迭代运算,通过非线性方程的解算得到最适海浪谱;采用交叉谱法去除海浪传播180°方向模糊,最终得到海浪参数。论文提出的基于同步风场的机载SAR海浪参数反演方法,充分利用了机载SAR海洋环境探测的优势,解决了传统SAR海浪参数反演中初猜谱构造依赖外部风场的问题,机载同步飞行试验的海浪参数反演结果与浮标观测值的有效波高、波向的均方根误差分别为0.23 m和13.23°,验证了该方法的有效性,可为机载SAR海浪参数反演业务化提供支持。  相似文献   

A new method for estimating significant wave height(SWH) from advanced synthetic aperture radar(ASAR) wave mode data based on a support vector machine(SVM) regression model is presented. The model is established based on a nonlinear relationship between σ0, the variance of the normalized SAR image, SAR image spectrum spectral decomposition parameters and ocean wave SWH. The feature parameters of the SAR images are the input parameters of the SVM regression model, and the SWH provided by the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts(ECMWF) is the output parameter. On the basis of ASAR matching data set, a particle swarm optimization(PSO) algorithm is used to optimize the input kernel parameters of the SVM regression model and to establish the SVM model. The SWH estimation results yielded by this model are compared with the ECMWF reanalysis data and the buoy data. The RMSE values of the SWH are 0.34 and 0.48 m, and the correlation coefficient is 0.94 and 0.81, respectively. The results show that the SVM regression model is an effective method for estimating the SWH from the SAR data. The advantage of this model is that SAR data may serve as an independent data source for retrieving the SWH, which can avoid the complicated solution process associated with wave spectra.  相似文献   

在试验水池中,开展了波浪在岛礁地形上演化问题的研究。首先在实验水池中建立了西太平洋某岛礁地形的模型,然后采用改进的JONSWAP谱,由造波机产生不同周期、波高的随机波浪。试验中观察到了不同类型畸形波生成的过程及不同波面形态的畸形波。对偏度、峰度及水深与畸形波要素Hm/HsHm表示波列中的最大波高, Hs为有效波高)的关系进行了详细的分析,同时,对畸形波波高Hfr与偏度的关也进行了分析。通过对试验结果分析,发现峰度与畸形波要素i>Hm/Hs呈正相关, Hfr增大时相应的偏度也会呈现增大的趋势。此外,水深的变化剧烈时(如斜坡、海山位置)有助于畸形波的发生。  相似文献   

Wave dissipation characteristics in SWAN (Simulating Waves Nearshore) model are investigated through numerical experiments. It is found that neither the fully developed integral parameters of wind waves (significant wave height and peak frequency) nor the high frequency spectral tail can be well reproduced by the default wave dissipation source terms. A new spectral dissipation source term is proposed, which comprises saturation based dissipation above two times of peak frequency and improved whitecapping dissipation at lower frequency spectrum. The reciprocal wave age (u /c p ) is involved into the whitecapping model to adjust dissipation rate at different wind speed. The Phillips higher frequency saturation parameter in the saturation-based dissipation is no longer taken as a constant, but varies with wave age. Numerical validations demonstrate that both the wind wave generation process and higher frequency spectrum of wind waves can be well simulated by the new wave dissipation term.  相似文献   

Effects of high-order nonlinear interactions on unidirectional wave trains   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Numerical simulations of gravity waves with high-order nonlinearities in two-dimensional domain are performed by using the pseudo spectral method. High-order nonlinearities more than third order excite apparently chaotic evolutions of the Fourier energy in deep water random waves. The high-order nonlinearities increase kurtosis, wave height distribution and Hmax/H1/3 in deep water and decrease these wave statistics in shallow water. Moreover, they can generate a single extreme high wave with an outstanding crest height in deep water. High-order nonlinearities (more than third order) can be regarded as one cause of freak waves in deep water.  相似文献   

This paper proposes the following generalized representation for a wind-wave frequency spectrum:
where E = ∫S(f)df is the variance of the surface displacement; fm is the frequency of the spectral peak; and Ci's, i = 1,2,3, are dimensionless parameters that can be determined from the internal spectral parameters of a given spectrum.When applied to 234 sets of wave spectra recorded in the Great Lakes, this representation has been realistic, accurate, and capable of representing widely varied wave processes. The Ci's are clearly related to wave growth processes; they are large during early growth, decrease as waves grow, and reach approximate equilibrium when waves are fully developed.  相似文献   

Prediction of wave height is of great importance in marine and coastal engineering. Soft computing tools such as artificial neural networks (ANNs) are recently used for prediction of significant wave height. However, ANNs are not as transparent as semi-empirical regression-based models. In addition, neural networks approach needs to find network parameters such as number of hidden layers and neurons by trial and error, which is time consuming. Therefore, in this work, model trees as a new soft computing method was invoked for prediction of significant wave height. The main advantage of model trees is that, compared to neural networks, they represent understandable rules. These rules can be readily expressed so that humans can understand them. The data set used for developing model trees comprises of wind and wave data gathered in Lake Superior from 6 April to 10 November 2000 and 19 April to 6 November 2001. M5′ algorithm was employed for building and evaluating model trees. Training and testing data include wind speed (U10) as the input variable and the significant wave height (Hs) as the output variable. Results indicate that error statistics of model trees and feed-forward back propagation (FFBP) ANNs were similar, while model trees was marginally more accurate. In addition, model tree shows that for wind speed above 4.7 m/s, the wave height increases nonlinearly by the wind speed.  相似文献   

The wave climate off northern Norway is considered and the investigation is based on wave measurements made at Tromsøflaket by means of a waverider buoy during the years 1977–1981. Data quality of waverider measurements is briefly commented upon; however, more emphasis is given to an evaluation of the long-term representativity of the actual measuring period and to a procedure accounting approximately for a lack of representativity. The wave climate is presented in terms of a smoothed joint probability density function of the significant wave height, Hs, and the spectral peak period, Tp. Based on this distribution a consistent design curve in the Hs, Tp space is established.  相似文献   

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