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This paper outlines pressures on agricultural land in periurban Kumasi, Ghana. A survey of agricultural practices underlines the recent and rapid transition from agricultural to urban land use in the periurban interface, and shows how farmers are reacting by reducing fallow periods. Farmers are also intensifying agriculture near streams and rivers through increased use of irrigation, in response to growing urban markets for a wider range of vegetables. We identify specific problems of water resource pollution and waste management, with particular reference to farmland irrigation. We report results of composting interventions as a community‐based waste management strategy. We consider integrated organic waste recycling as a generic strategy to help protect periurban natural resources, to enhance food production through nutrient recycling, and to improve community sanitation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the status of traditional agriculture in two areas of Azilal province in the Atlas Mountains, seeking to identify what is needed to counter any breakdown in livelihood strategies and improve the quality of life enjoyed by the farmers. Irrigated terrace agriculture is an important part of livelihood strategies in the areas studied and has the potential to be more productive and sustainable. In some areas it is reported to be endangered by socioeconomic changes and highland land degradation caused by excessive shifting cultivation, sheep and goat grazing, and charcoal production. Field visits made during summer 1998 to establish the condition of irrigated terrace and runoff agriculture and the factors affecting it showed that in at least one of the villages supportive social capital has ensured that challenges are being met and beneficial innovations are being made. Considerable variation in success was evident from community to community, with some farmers maintaining adequate lifestyles and innovating, while in other communities prospects are less promising. The effects of structural adjustment have clearly been felt and may also have triggered some of the highland degradation and difficulties, which clearly threaten some irrigated terrace agriculture and other livelihood practices.  相似文献   

Central Ningxia is a desert-steppe area with a sparse population and fragile ecosystem. Having an annual average rainfall of 180-350mm, the area is dominated by animal husbandry and dry land farming. As the population grows, livestock increased and farmland expanded, which leads to damages of primitive grasslands vegetation and serious degeneration of steppe ecosystem due to over-grazing. Southern Ningxia is a populous loessic hilly area subject to serious soil erosion. Since 1975, the local …  相似文献   

干旱区污灌土壤作物系统Cu、Zn的行为特性   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
通过对干旱区污灌农田主要作物体中重金属 Cu、Zn生态行为的调查研究得出 :1不同作物对所选研究元素吸收累积的顺序为 :玉米 >小麦 ;不同元素在作物体内迁移能力为 :Zn>Cu。 2作物不同部位研究元素的累积态势为 :根 >茎 >籽。 3同一元素在不同剂量区作物体内吸收累积量的大小差别显著  相似文献   

乡村转型是乡村振兴的关键,也是“三农”转型的重要抓手。论文以黄土高原沟壑区甘肃省榆中县为例,从人口转型、土地转型和产业转型3个维度构建乡村转型指标体系,基于2002—2018年统计数据、农户调研数据、遥感数据等多源数据,运用熵值法、层次分析法、乡村转型度模型和空间分析方法,从县域和农户视角,量化与分析榆中县乡村转型及其时空演变格局,刻画农户生计转型路径;在此基础上,引入体制转换理论阐释乡村转型过程机理,并运用逐步回归分析方法识别驱动乡村转型的关键因素。结果表明:① 2002—2018年榆中县乡村转型度、产业转型度和人口转型度明显上升,而土地转型度稳中有降,乡村转型度和产业转型差异明显且变化较大,在中部川区最为突出。② 乡村转型、人口转型、产业转型均呈现“中部川区较高速和高速转型、北部山区低速转型、南部山区由低速转型向较高速过渡转型的空间格局”,并伴有逐级式和跨级式的变化特点,土地转型空间分布较为分散;乡村转型、人口转型、产业转型和土地转型的热点区主要集聚在中部川区,冷点区主要集聚于北部山区。③ 农户生计表现出多路径转型特征,北部山区为综合型生计转型路径,中部川区和南部山区为兼农型生计转型路径。④ 中部川区实现乡村体制转换,南部山区乡村发展明显升级转型,但未形成新的乡村体制,而北部山区乡村转型不够显著。⑤ 固定资产投资是决定榆中县乡村转型的关键因素。研究结果可为乡村转型提供新的研究视角,也为黄土高原沟壑区乡村振兴与乡村高质量发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

增强贫困山区脱贫农户的生计可持续性不仅是新时期农村扶贫的现实需求,更是推动乡村振兴的客观要求。论文从生计资本、生计策略及生计环境出发,建立了脱贫农户的生计可持续性评价指标体系,利用陇南山区脱贫农户的入户调查资料,评估贫困山区脱贫农户的生计可持续性、识别脱贫农户的生计障碍。研究发现:① 从川坝河谷区、半山区到高山区,从早期脱贫到后期脱贫,脱贫农户的生计可持续性依次降低,且务工型与农工互补型脱贫农户的生计可持续性强于其他生计方式农户;② 陇南山区生计不可持续脱贫农户比重达28.83%,高山区、传统务农型及后期脱贫户中生计不可持续农户比重较高,而川坝河谷区、农工互补型与务工型及早期脱贫户中该比重较低;③ 生计不可持续脱贫户均面临着多元生计障碍,其中近2/3的农户面临多维资本—环境阻滞型与多重要素阻滞型障碍;④ 针对生计不可持续脱贫农户面临的多元生计障碍,需分类实施多维生计干预。  相似文献   

乡村旅游被认为是山区乡村振兴的有效模式,但即使在旅游山区,仍存在大量传统农村。论文以浙江省平阳县为例,运用参与式农村评估、GIS与遥感技术相结合,选取典型旅游村水口村和农业村法洪村,从农户生计变迁、乡村土地利用转型、宅基地功能演变3个方面分析旅游特色山区乡村发展及其分化。结果表明:① 生存型生计阶段(1949—1977年),法洪村和水口村高度依赖农业;组合型生计阶段(1978—2013年),两村由单一农业生计向农业和外出务工组合转变;发展型生计阶段(2014—2018年),法洪村以外出务工为主,水口村以旅游经营和外出经商并重。② 1978年前,两村地类变更主要是林地转为耕地;1978—2014年,主要是林地转为建设用地;2014年后,法洪村耕地转为林地、住宅用地,水口村林地、耕地转为旅游相关用地。③ 1978年前,两村宅基地均以农业生产功能为主;1978—2014年,两村宅基地的农业生产功能开始衰退;2014年后,法洪村以生活居住功能为主,水口村以旅游接待功能为主。④ 两村发展分化是自然环境、人文景观、能人带动、市场变化等综合影响的结果。研究认为,即使是在旅游特色山区,也只有自然和人文景观独特、有能人带动、顺应市场变化的乡村,才能较好地发展乡村旅游,大部分资源禀赋一般的乡村仍将以传统农业为主,因此,山区乡村振兴要顺势而为、择优助推。  相似文献   

北方生态脆弱区农户兼业对耕地利用的影响(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前我国农户兼业现象十分普遍。本文基于在内蒙古太仆寺旗的农户调查数据,采用单因素方差分析法,对生态脆弱区农户兼业及其对耕地利用的影响进行了研究。结果表明:当前研究区农业劳动力非农就业和农户兼业现象十分突出,而兼业程度不同的农户,其经营土地的方式差异明显。非农就业户通过将其土地转给其他农户而脱离了农业耕作,这同时满足了其他农户扩大土地经营面积的愿望。种植结构差异不大,均体现为劳动生产率高的作物具有优势;对于有耕地利用行为的纯农业户、I兼型农户和II兼型农户,随着兼业程度的增加,物质投入增加,说明农户兼业使其资金约束减小,增加了资金投入能力,但是在劳动力约束下,兼业农户的劳动力投入减少,且务农劳动力"妇女化"、"老龄化"和"文化低"等现象突出;作物单产和土地净收益纯农业户大于兼业农户,说明劳动投入对土地产出更为重要。文章最后认为建立农业劳动力非农就业与耕地利用相互协调的机制,是解决生态脆弱区生态安全与农业生产之间矛盾的重要途径。  相似文献   

中国山区农村土地利用转型解析   总被引:39,自引:5,他引:34  
山区土地开发及其导致的资源环境问题是农业社会人地关系紧张的体现,工业化、城镇化进程中劳动力转移减轻了山区农村土地的人为扰动,由此驱动土地利用发生转型,引发一系列自然和社会经济效应。按照“土地利用转型—驱动力—效应—响应”的分析框架,剖析中国山区农村土地利用转型的特征和规律,提出山区农村土地整治的响应措施。研究表明:① 山区农村土地利用转型体现出土地利用形态在长期变化过程中的趋势性转折,显性形态转型即由农业社会的耕地扩张和林地收缩演变为城镇化进程中的耕地收缩和林地恢复性增长,隐性形态转型即伴随上述过程发生的土地边际化及生态功能恢复;② 社会经济因素主导山区农村土地利用转型过程,劳动力转移引发土地人为扰动减轻是直接驱动力,务农机会成本上升、恶劣的生存环境等引发劳动力转移的因素是更为根本的驱动力;③ 山区农村土地利用转型降低了土地生态系统脆弱性并提高了其生态安全屏障功能,其社会经济效应应聚焦山区农村发展与农户生计安全层面,并亟需实证研究的支撑;④ 当前山区农村土地利用转型是自然恢复和生态优化的良性过程,有着经济社会发展的必然规律,山区农村土地整治要顺应其土地利用转型规律,目标导向从耕地数量增加转向生态环境保护与社会经济福祉协同提升。  相似文献   

Many informal communities within urban areas in sub-Saharan Africa are heavily reliant on shallow hand-dug wells for water, but these are vulnerable to contamination from a range of sources. This paper assesses the heavy metal contamination and total coliform risk of unprotected shallow wells in Ndola, Zambia – a city struggling with contaminated surface waters from both bacteriological and potential mining waste products. One hundred and twenty three shallow wells were sampled across the Ndola, and these encompassed the three main lithologies of the city. All wells lacked an internal casing, however, some wells did have covers and/or pavements surrounding the wells, albeit of dubious efficacy. Despite the lack of protection, the quality of water used abstracted from these wells generally met the World Health (WHO) guidelines for heavy metals (with the exception of Al) and total coliforms (although, this was highly variable). The quality of shallow well water varied across Ndola relative to the underlying geology, where total recoverable concentrations were typically lowest in granite-gneiss. Dissolved load concentrations were lowest in dolomite-limestone, highlighting the role of aquifer geology in acting as a buffer against metal toxicity. Our study illustrates that shallow wells, within the appropriate geological units, may provide a safe and reliable source of drinking water. Well protection is, however, needed to ensure that the proliferation of shallow well use does not lead to regional degradation of the groundwater resource. There is an immediate need to invest in promoting internal well casing during the construction of shallow wells, concomitant with investment and education into protecting wells at the surface, despite the current relatively low level of contamination in wells without protection.  相似文献   

Despite the historical importance of fire as a savanna land management tool, much controversy still surrounds discussions on anthropogenic fire utilization and the sustainability of indigenous land management practices in African savannas. This controversy is arguably a result of a discord between official fire policies and actual indigenous fire practices – a discord based on a gap in existing knowledge of, and a lack of informed literature on, the importance of fire for socio-economic and environmental survival in savanna environments. Addressing a continuing lack of research on the political ecology of fire, this study investigates the historical and present day socio-economic, environmental and political frameworks that affect anthropogenic burning regimes and land management in the Kafinda Game Management Area and Kasanka National Park in Zambia. A series of participatory research activities revealed the continuing importance of fire to rural livelihoods, but that a mismatch in desired burning regimes exists between local stakeholders. The paper argues that local power relations are preventing the local communities from adopting burning regimes that would be more environmentally sustainable and more in line with present day farming systems.  相似文献   

城市化视角下北京农村居住用地非正规市场的形成机理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘冉  黄大志  刘盛和 《地理研究》2010,29(8):1355-1368
针对北京快速城市化影响下的农村居住用地大量非法流转、亟待规范管理等现状特点,选择海淀区肖家河城中村和通州区张家湾镇小产权房分别作为非正规住房租赁市场和非正规土地交易市场,开展微观案例研究。结果表明:城乡二元土地制度是农村居住用地非正规市场形成与发育的制度根源,城市化快速发展与低价住房供应严重不足为其宏观背景,农民对现行土地征用与补偿制度的日益不满和主动争取分享土地增值收益的强烈意愿是其内在原因。非正规市场采用"低成本-低地租-高利润"的微观运作机理,市场参与个体(农民与消费者)可获得较好的经济收益,但也要承担较高的风险;对于城市与社区,非正规市场则会带来较严重的经济社会与资源环境等方面的负面影响。  相似文献   

Expanding beyond narrow approaches of understanding postapartheid space, this research analyzes the social relations contributing to land use patterns and livelihood decisions as manifestations of the coproduction of space. Drawing on a detailed livelihood and land‐change analysis case study of Polokwane, South Africa, it is argued that combinations of social processes across scales contribute to the production of peri‐urban South Africa and offer an uncommon mixed‐methods approach by combining qualitative ethnographic interviews, quantitative survey data, and land‐cover change detection. The peri‐urban interface is coproduced as individuals participate in multiple livelihood activities (wage labor, businesses, social programs) and changing land use patterns (residential, urban, mixed use) through negotiations at multiple scales—from macrolevel economic policy to local labor regimes.  相似文献   

This paper explores environmental hazards, more specifically desertification processes, in an area of west central Argentina, addressing the combined influence of the physical framework and the long lasting human settlement and use of natural resources. It is based upon the analysis of remotely sensed using vegetation indices, image differentiation, change detection, and pattern metrics. The results indicate a net decreased in the amount of vegetation between 1973 and 2001, and increasing fragmentation of vegetation classes. This is interpreted as a sign of the presence of land degradation processes likely linked to human activities in the areas of irrigated farming, grazing, firewood gathering and population settlement.  相似文献   

北京市再生水灌溉对地下水的重金属污染风险   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过野外取样分析再生水灌溉、长期污水灌溉条件下土壤剖面和地下水中重金属含量, 预测再生水灌溉对地下水的重金属污染风险。结果表明:污染严重的Cr、Cu和Zn等3种元 素主要在土壤表层0~20cm累积, 0~180cm土层呈先降低后升高, 之后再降低的变化趋势。 污染较轻的As、Ni和Pb在0~60cm土层含量差异不大, 0~180cm土层大致呈先升高后降 低的变化趋势。所有重金属在土壤剖面90cm左右的土层中均存在高值区, 该层含量高于上、 下土层, 高值区的分布位置与北京剖面土壤发生层的分布特征一致, 与成土母质自然发育有 关, 并非表层土壤重金属向下淋溶沉积而成。综合土壤剖面重金属分布特征和调查区地下水 重金属浓度情况, 重金属向下层土壤迁移的趋势很小, 即使凉水河灌区污染严重的Cr、Cu、 Zn,主要在土壤表层累积, 并未导致地下水重金属污染。在当前的水质条件下, 农田再生水 灌溉输入的重金属量低于大气沉降和有机肥施用, 再生水灌溉导致地下水的污染风险小于大 气沉降和有机肥施用。因此相对于大气沉降、有机肥施用等输入途径, 再生水灌溉导致地下 水重金属污染的可能性不大。  相似文献   

我国正处于全面建成小康社会的决胜阶段,旅游扶贫对于改善民生,解决农村贫困问题具有重要意义。云南传统农耕文明区是云南省贫困人口的主要集聚区,地理环境复杂,贫困问题严重,脆弱性突出,贫困具有长期性特征。本研究以云南传统农耕文明区的典型代表巍山县为例,结合当地贫困农户和县、乡、村各级扶贫工作人员的问卷调查及访谈,对巍山县扶贫及旅游扶贫工作实践及成效进行研究,总结评价“巍山经验”,在综合分析云南传统农耕文明区贫困问题特殊性的基础上,从“多元主体参与”和“产业融合”两方面来探讨云南传统农耕文明区旅游扶贫问题,总结出了“乡村生态农业模式”、“旅游+特色小镇模式”、“O-RHB模式”以及“多元主体协同参与模式”四种旅游扶贫模式,通过本研究以探索云南传统农耕文明区旅游扶贫开发实践的有效路径,推动贫困地区的旅游扶贫开发。  相似文献   

晨光  张凤荣  张佰林 《地理科学进展》2015,34(10):1316-1323
以农牧交错区的阿鲁科尔沁旗为例,选取7个典型村,运用参与式农村评估(PRA)、GIS与遥感技术相结合的方法,探讨农牧交错区农村居民点土地利用形态特征及其与农牧户生计的关系。结果表明:①半农半牧型农村居民点由纯牧型农村居民点演变而来。人口增加导致人地矛盾突出和草原开垦耕种,农牧户生计策略转为畜牧业和种植业结合,农村居民点向半农半牧型转变;②半农半牧型农村居民点内部用地类型逐渐多样化。从改革开放前居民点内部以农村宅基地占主导,到改革开放后居民点内部公共设施用地、商服用地、工矿仓储用地迅速扩大;③由于农牧户生计活动的多样化和非农化,农村宅基地内部不但包括居住用地(住房),还包括生产性用地和生产辅助性用地(如牲畜的棚圈、菜园和粮草仓库等)。研究认为,半农半牧型农村居民点人均居民点用地和户均宅基地都远大于国家规定的用地标准,是与半农半牧的生产方式和生计需求紧密相关的。  相似文献   

A transdisciplinary synthesis, grouped into four main themes, of the key papers in this Special Issue on Namaqualand is provided. Perspectives on current environmental, economic and social issues in the region are interpreted in the context of the past and are used to inform future trajectories of change and development needs within the region. Firstly, in terms of the climatic and biophysical environment, Namaqualand's rich biodiversity is not uniformly distributed and is explained in terms of the spatially heterogeneous geological, pedological and topographical gradients that characterize the region. Spatial and temporal variation in rainfall over long time frames would also have promoted speciation within isolated, poorly-dispersed, leaf succulent populations. Future climate models propose a decrease in rainfall across the region with an associated reduction in livestock production. The second theme provides an historical perspective on changing land use practices in Namaqualand over the last 2000 years. It suggests that they have frequently been influenced by events originating far from the region such as colonial expansion, apartheid legislation and globalization. Local people, particularly marginalised communal farmers have had to adapt to these outside influences within an increasingly confined landscape that has progressively eroded their mobility and restricted their ability to utilise the spatial and temporal variability inherent in semi-arid environments. The third theme shows how livelihood diversification has been one of the key ways in which local people from communal areas have adapted to change. While farming makes up a relatively small part of the income of most households it enhances the resilience of livelihoods in the region. The fourth theme is concerned with land reform, conservation and restoration in Namaqualand. While a significant amount of land has been transferred to previously-marginalised groups, equitable access to these resources is lacking. An exclusively commercial orientation within the extension and development programmes of the Department of Agriculture further hampers the effectiveness of land reform as a tool for reducing levels of poverty in the majority of households in the region. Conservation initiatives could enhance livelihood options in Namaqualand but are viewed by some as being in competition with the state's land reform programme and are too recent to reflect significant regional benefits at this stage. While restoration is possible in severely degraded lands, the costs and operational difficulties in these event-driven, semi-arid systems are emphasised. Finally, this synthesis suggests that the important exogenous drivers of change in the 21st century are likely to be climate, biodiversity conservation initiatives, land redistribution and continued processes of de-agrarianisation as a result of macro-economic change. A focus on building institutions, encouraging livestock mobility within a significantly expanded commons and supporting livelihood diversification are some of the approaches necessary to address the development needs of Namaqualand.  相似文献   

生态补偿项目对农户生计的影响关系到项目可持续性及社会公平性,近年来已成为生态补偿领域的研究热点。本文通过调查退牧还草工程前后甘南黄河水源补给区农户生计资本及生计方式的变化,分析了生态补偿项目对农户生计的影响,提出应建立多样化、差别化的补偿方式,提高项目区农户的生计能力,确保生计安全。研究发现:①生态补偿后农户生计总资本显著增加,除自然资本下降外,其余各类生计资本均增加,但纯牧区、半农半牧区、农区农户的生计资本变幅不同;②生态补偿后农户生计方式发生显著变化,从事非农活动的农户比例增加,生计多样化指数增加,其中农区农户的非农化程度及生计多样化指数的增幅均高于纯牧区与半农半牧区。  相似文献   

阎伍玖 《地理科学》2008,28(2):282-285
通过对安徽省芜湖市城市边缘区14个典型土壤采样点重金属As、Hg、Pb、Cd、Zn、Cr污染现状的调查与分析,以本地区自然土壤中重金属元素自然含量的平均值作为评价标准,分别计算出各调查区土壤单因子污染指数,应用对应分析技术,初步研究了芜湖市城市边缘区土壤重金属污染的空间分异特征。结果表明,芜湖城市边缘区土壤重金属污染已相当显著,且各区域间土壤重金属污染水平具有明显的差异。总体上看,鸠江、马塘、西江等样点较其他区域污染严重,各区域间Pb、Hg污染水平差异明显,但As、Cd、Zn、Cr污染水平差异不大。  相似文献   

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