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赵莎  胡最  郑文武 《地理科学进展》2021,40(8):1269-1283
“胡焕庸线”是中国人口、经济和社会发展格局特征的真实写照,科学地刻画了中国能源生产与消费的基本特征。定量模拟该线东西两侧能源消耗的空间格局可以为国家实现能源与区域协调发展提供参考。论文根据中国能源统计年鉴(2005—2014年),结合系统动力学模型(System Dynamic, SD)与灰色模型构建了胡焕庸线能源消耗空间格局预测模型(HLECSM-SD);再以省域为基本研究单元,构建50 km×50 km空间格网,模拟2020年并预测2021—2025年“胡焕庸线”东西两侧能源消耗的空间格局,设置3种情景方案分析中国能源消耗情况。结果表明:① HLECSM-SD模型具有较好的拟合效果。② 全国能源消耗总量呈现“东多西少”的空间格局。③ 该线两侧的能源消耗量增长率曲线变化趋势一致,且东侧的增长率低于西侧。④ 在胡焕庸线东侧,煤炭消耗量具有“北部多、南部少”的空间特征,这与中国煤炭资源蕴涵量的空间格局一致;石油、天然气和电力消耗量具有“东部多、中部少”的空间特征,这是由各省区资源禀赋、经济水平、人口规模及产业结构等因素共同决定的。⑤ 在情景设置中,不同影响因子对能源消耗量影响程度不同。  相似文献   

王开泳  邓羽 《地理研究》2016,35(5):825-835
“胡焕庸线”提出80年来,在国际上产生深远影响。随着中国新型城镇化进程的全面推进,对胡焕庸线的研究急剧升温。在新的历史背景下,如何客观看待胡焕庸线成为亟待解决的一个问题。研究认为:胡焕庸线不仅是中国人口分布的分界线,也是重要的自然生态界线,这条界线的形成不以人的意志为转移,不宜人为去“打破”。同时,在新型城镇化背景下,应该树立理性思维,稳妥有序地推进城镇化进程,不断优化城镇化的空间分布格局。在全面放开二孩的新政策推动下,由于中国区域人口政策的差异性,东部和中部地区的人口有望实现较为明显的增长,西部地区增长相对缓慢,由此可能对胡焕庸线两侧的人口空间格局产生一定的影响。  相似文献   

2000 年来中国人口地理演变的Agent 模拟分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
吴静  王铮 《地理学报》2008,63(2):185-194
以基于自主体模拟为建模工具。建立了包含气候、农业、社会影响因素的中国2000年来人口地理演变模型。基于该模型对南北人口格局的转变、东西人口格局(即胡焕庸线)的形成以及2000年来全局人口分布演化的动力机制做了分析。研究结果表明:在不考虑气候变化、农业生产潜力波动以及社会因素影响的情景下,中国各省人口模拟值与实际值的相关系数达到0.9733,省区间初始农业生产潜力差异决定了人口的基本分布状态,是人口分布特征的内在因素.对人口地理演化具有深远的影响:中国人口分布南重北轻的人口分布格局发生在910年代左右.以安史之乱导致的战祸和动荡的社会条件为主要演化动力:胡焕庸线中国人口东西部分布格局形成于1235-1255年代左右,以1230-1260A.D.的气候突变为该人口分布特征线形成的主要动力:气候变化对2000来历史人口分布的全局演化过程中起了主导驱动作用,在单影响要素的情景中,气候变化对全局人口分布形成的贡献率最大,为0.9869,进一步,气候变化对人口地理演化的影响以1230-1260A.D.的气候突变为转折点表现为阶段性差异。  相似文献   

胡焕庸线两侧人口的空间分异性及其变化   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:9  
胡焕庸线作为人地关系的重要地理大发现之一,揭示了中国人口分布东密西疏的重要特征,是人文与经济地理学对社会的重要贡献之一。本文采用地理探测器等定量方法,以人口普查数据为基础,对胡焕庸线两侧人口分布的分异性特征进行了深入讨论,并尝试解释中国人口分布特征变化的原因及其机制。结果表明:① 胡焕庸线作为中国最重要的人口分界线仍基本保持稳定,但从空间统计学分异特征来看该分界线仍可进一步优化调整;② 胡焕庸线两侧内部人口集聚模式发生着明显变化,东南半壁人口分布由改革开放之前和初期的相对均衡状态,转变为以长三角、珠三角等少数区域为中心的集聚模式;而西北半壁人口分布的集聚程度则趋于下降;③ 从人口空间分布的影响因素看,尽管总体上,经济发展类因素对于人口空间分布影响不断增强,但三大阶梯等自然地理本底条件依然对中国人口分布有着重要影响。  相似文献   

关于“胡焕庸线能否突破”的学术争鸣   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
著名地理学家胡焕庸先生于1935年提出中国人口地理的重要分界线(简称“胡焕庸线”),被广泛认可和引用,是中国地理学发展的重要成果。2014年底,李克强总理参观人居科学研究展时,高度关注胡焕庸线,并提出了胡焕庸线能否突破的问题。胡焕庸线因而再度引起争论和热议。据此,组织了一些地理学者围绕该问题进行学术讨论,力图从不同层面展现学者们对胡焕庸线的理解与反思,从而深化胡焕庸线的科学价值和现实意义,进而指导中国新型城镇化战略的实施和区域实践。  相似文献   

李国平  宋昌耀  孙瑀 《地理科学》2017,37(12):1785-1794
利用中国县域建制镇数据,研究了中国小城镇常住人口与就业岗位的空间分布特征,采用分位数回归实证检验了就业岗位对小城镇人口集聚的影响。主要结论是: 中国县域小城镇常住人口主要集中在胡焕庸线以东地区,尤其是哈大沿线、成渝地区、长江中下游和东南沿海省份。2009~2014年,中国小城镇常住人口密度普遍上升,中国小城镇常住人口比重在胡焕庸线两侧基本保持着稳定状态。中国县域小城镇非农就业岗位分布与常住人口分布大致吻合,且集聚程度更高。中国县域小城镇就业岗位促进常住人口的集聚。随着县域小城镇人口规模的增加,就业岗位对小城镇常住人口集聚的影响逐渐降低,且第三产业就业岗位数量对人口集聚的影响将超过第二产业。分区域看,县域小城镇就业岗位的人口促进作用对东部地区最为显著,中部次之,西部最低。  相似文献   

县域尺度下中国人口老龄化的空间格局与区域差异   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
2000年以来,中国的老龄化进程加快,人口老龄化已经成为中国社会经济发展必须面对的新常态与核心问题之一。本文从县域尺度出发,基于2000和2010年的人口普查数据,应用标准差椭圆、地理探测器等方法,分析了10年间中国2283个县域单元人口老龄化的空间分布、区域差异及其影响因素。结果表明:①人口老龄化空间分布模式多样,胡焕庸线西北半壁以均质化、轴带特征为主;而胡焕庸线东南半壁则呈现出核心—外围的分布特征。②2000-2010年间,人口老龄化均值从6.7%增至8.7%,表明中国县域全面进入老年型社会,步入老年型的县域多集中于内陆、东北地区、丝绸之路经济带沿线区;10年间人口老龄化总体空间格局较为稳定,但人口老龄化的变动趋势差异显著。③人口老龄化在“胡焕庸线”两侧、不同地域类型间、城乡间、民族自治地区与非民族自治地区间、贫困与非贫困地区间存在差异,且差异变动的方向并不一致。④影响人口老龄化的核心因素为各区域往期人口年龄结构、步入老年序列人口比重、人口流出的比例等。  相似文献   

戚伟  刘盛和  刘振 《地理学报》2022,77(12):3023-3040
随着新型城镇化建设的推进,“胡焕庸线”两侧人口发展出现了新态势。本文基于第七次人口普查数据,依据地级尺度划定的“准胡焕庸线”,分析2010—2020年“胡焕庸线”两侧人口集疏模式的新特征,并探讨影响因素。研究表明:① “胡焕庸线”依然稳定,2020年东南半壁与西北半壁的人口比为93.5∶6.5;② 西北半壁人口份额仍然微增,但是增幅较之前明显下降; ③ 2010—2020年西北半壁人口集中化指数由降转增,西北半壁和东南半壁的人口分布集中化程度均有所提升;④ 东南半壁人口集疏分化不断强化,2010—2020年人口负增长区的面积占比已达54.22%,超过人口正增长区;西北半壁人口集疏的马太效应特征愈发明显,人口负增长区占比也已升至26.15%;⑤ 省会首府人口增长优势愈发突出,且西北半壁比东南半壁更为明显;⑥ 经济发展水平、城区人口规模等级、行政区划等级等因素与区域人口变动显著相关;西北半壁行政区划等级对人口增长的影响效应尤为突出。综合来看,西北半壁已经出现与东南半壁相似的人口集疏过程,人口集疏模式已突破了“胡焕庸线”。中国即将迎来人口总量拐点,人口城镇化进程逐步减速,密切关注“胡焕庸线”两侧人口发展的新特征,对推动全国各区域协调发展具有重要的战略意义。  相似文献   

杨强  李丽  王运动  王心源  陆应诚 《地理研究》2016,35(8):1547-1560
在自然地理和社会经济等因素影响作用下,中国东西部人口分布与社会经济长期处于不平衡的发展态势。采用人口分布结构指数、基尼系数、重心迁移、空间自相关等方法,以中国1935-2010年6期人口普查县级统计数据为数据源,实现人口密度分界线的空间刻画和中国人口分布的时空分析。结果表明:受社会历史、自然环境和经济条件的影响,中国人口空间分布的时空演变特征差异相对明显;尽管人口分布的均衡性发展态势不断增强,但总体空间格局并未发生明显的改变;胡焕庸线至今仍能很好地概括中国人口东南地狭人稠、西北地广人稀的空间格局,但该线西侧的甘肃、宁夏、内蒙古等人口密度超过50人/km2的区域面积呈现增长的趋势,且持续向西北扩张。  相似文献   

胡焕庸线的学术思想源流与地理分界意义   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
丁金宏  程晨  张伟佳  田阳 《地理学报》2021,76(6):1317-1333
20世纪早期,中国面临内忧外患、人地关系矛盾空前剧烈,地理学家对于中国人口国情、西北开发及国内移民等关乎国运问题的思考与探索,孕育了中国的人口地理学.1935年胡焕庸发表的"中国人口之分布"是中国人口地理学走向成熟的标识,文中提出的"瑷珲-腾冲线"即"胡焕庸线",是中国人口地理的重要分界线.胡焕庸线的存在性与稳定性被人...  相似文献   

The “Hu Line” has been regarded as one of the greatest geographical discoveries in China because it reveals the significant spatial relationship between human activity and natural environment. The spatial evolution of population on both sides of the “Hu Line” has had important implications for both urbanization and regional development and has attracted widespread attention during the dramatic economic and social changes since the implementation of reform and opening-up policy in China in 1978. Using Geographical Information System (GIS) techniques, this paper studied the stability of the “Hu Line” and the spatial patterns of population growth on each side by constructing a spatial database of China’s census data from 1982 to 2010. The findings are as follows: (1) In the last 30 years, the “Hu Line” has remained relatively stable, but a new tendency of population change has begun to emerge. The population ratio either side, namely, the southeast half (SEH) and the northwest half (NWH), of the “Hu Line” remains at roughly 94:6 (SHE: NWH). Noteworthy, the proportion of population in the SEH of the “Hu Line” has been decreasing slightly, while that in the NWH has been increasing slightly, as the latter has benefited from its higher rate of natural population growth. (2) The spatial patterns of population growth on both sides of the “Hu Line” were quite different. The degree of population concentration in the SEH increased faster than the NWH. Regions with a negative population growth rate have rapidly expanded; these were mainly located in the south of the “Qinling Mountains-Huaihe River belt” and northeastern China. Meanwhile, regions with a fast population growth rate were mainly concentrated in the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta, and the Beijing-Tianjin metropolitan area. Thus, the spatial pattern of population growth in the SEH presented a concentration pattern that could be called “Matthew effect pattern”. (3) The spatial pattern of population growth in the NWH could be regarded as the “Relative Balance pattern.” In the NWH, the population growth rate was positive and the degree of population concentration was very low. There were many minority populations located in the NWH that usually lived in a dispersed pattern but had a higher rate of natural population growth due to the preferential population policy. There were also some regions with a negative rate of population growth in the NWH, which were mainly located close to the “Hu Line” and the Ancient Silk Road. (4) In the future, the spatial patterns of population growth on both sides of the “Hu Line” may continue to evolve. For the SEH, the capacity to attract more people to small and medium-sized cities and towns should be enhanced. For the NWH, the emphasis should be placed on promoting urbanization and enhancing population agglomeration in its major cities.  相似文献   

The "Hu Line" has been regarded as one of the greatest geographical discoveries in China because it reveals the significant spatial relationship between human activity and natural environment. The spatial evolution of population on both sides of the "Hu Line" has had important implications for both urbanization and regional development and has attracted widespread attention during the dramatic economic and social changes since the implementation of reform and opening-up policy in China in 1978. Using Geographical Information System(GIS) techniques, this paper studied the stability of the "Hu Line" and the spatial patterns of population growth on each side by constructing a spatial database of China's census data from 1982 to 2010. The findings are as follows:(1) In the last 30 years, the "Hu Line" has remained relatively stable, but a new tendency of population change has begun to emerge. The population ratio either side, namely, the southeast half(SEH) and the northwest half(NWH), of the "Hu Line" remains at roughly 94:6(SHE : NWH). Noteworthy, the proportion of population in the SEH of the "Hu Line" has been decreasing slightly, while that in the NWH has been increasing slightly, as the latter has benefited from its higher rate of natural population growth.(2) The spatial patterns of population growth on both sides of the "Hu Line" were quite different. The degree of population concentration in the SEH increased faster than the NWH. Regions with a negative population growth rate have rapidly expanded; these were mainly located in the south of the "Qinling Mountains-Huaihe River belt" and northeastern China. Meanwhile, regions with a fast population growth rate were mainly concentrated in the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta, and the Beijing-Tianjin metropolitan area. Thus, the spatial pattern of population growth in the SEH presented a concentration pattern that could be called "Matthew effect pattern".(3) The spatial pattern of population growth in the NWH could be regarded as the "Relative Balance pattern." In the NWH, the population growth rate was positive and the degree of population concentration was very low. There were many minority populations located in the NWH that usually lived in a dispersed pattern but had a higher rate of natural population growth due to the preferential population policy. There were also some regions with a negative rate of population growth in the NWH, which were mainly located close to the "Hu Line" and the Ancient Silk Road.(4) In the future, the spatial patterns of population growth on both sides of the "Hu Line" may continue to evolve. For the SEH, the capacity to attract more people to small and medium-sized cities and towns should be enhanced. For the NWH, the emphasis should be placed on promoting urbanization and enhancing population agglomeration in its major cities.  相似文献   

中国气溶胶分布的地理学和气候学特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
中国人口地理分界线——胡焕庸线根据人口、地理,气候和经济等特点把中国(不包括港、澳、台地区)分为东、西两部分。用2000~2010年MODIS大气气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)资料,分析气溶胶分布的地理学和气候学特征后发现,胡焕庸线还可被视为中国气溶胶地理学的分界线,在其两侧气溶胶的性质和浓度都有明显差别。在人口稠密和海拔较低的东部,由人类活动产生的气溶胶为主,年平均AOD约为0.45;在西部,自然过程释放的气溶胶主导的AOD约为0.25。近10 a来东部AOD的年际间变化呈现增加趋势,西部AOD出现微弱减少的趋势。东部人为气溶胶年际间变化受亚洲季风影响。西部自然气溶胶年际间变化主要受沙漠地区沙尘气溶胶排放源的影响,沙尘天气过程主要控制其气溶胶的释放。  相似文献   

In late November 2014, while attending a science exhibition on human settlement at the National Museum, Premier Li Keqiang posed a question to society and scientists regarding the Hu Huanyong Line, which the media subsequently dubbed "the Premier's question". This increased awareness and interest in the Hu Huanyong Line and launched a lively debate which provoked a variety of views. In an attempt to address the Premier's question, this paper firstly reviews the origins of the Hu Huanyong Line, named after the famous population geographer who proposed it in 1935 as part of a wider debate on domestic overpopulation. Using demographic data from China's first, fifth and sixth censuses, as well as the Arc GIS platform, we analyze the size, proportion and density of populations in the areas southeast and northwest of the Hu Huanyong Line, showing that urbanization and migration have not changed the pattern of population distribution observed by Hu Huanyong. Based on this, we suggest that the pattern of a dense population southeast of the line and sparse population northwest of the line will not fundamentally change for a relatively long time, nor will the situation of urban agglomerations being mainly found in the southeastern region. We also argue that climate and other physical geographic conditions determine that the Hu Huanyong Line shall remain in place. We believe that the question posed by Premier Li Keqiang is solvable, and that with positive policy guidance and rational spatial organization, the northwestern region can achieve more modernization and better quality urbanization, while the same is true for the central region.  相似文献   

In late November 2014, while attending a science exhibition on human settlement at the National Museum, Premier Li Keqiang posed a question to society and scientists regarding the Hu Huanyong Line, which the media subsequently dubbed “the Premier’s question”. This increased awareness and interest in the Hu Huanyong Line and launched a lively debate which provoked a variety of views. In an attempt to address the Premier’s question, this paper firstly reviews the origins of the Hu Huanyong Line, named after the famous population geographer who proposed it in 1935 as part of a wider debate on domestic overpopulation. Using demographic data from China’s first, fifth and sixth censuses, as well as the ArcGIS platform, we analyze the size, proportion and density of populations in the areas southeast and northwest of the Hu Huanyong Line, showing that urbanization and migration have not changed the pattern of population distribution observed by Hu Huanyong. Based on this, we suggest that the pattern of a dense population southeast of the line and sparse population northwest of the line will not fundamentally change for a relatively long time, nor will the situation of urban agglomerations being mainly found in the southeastern region. We also argue that climate and other physical geographic conditions determine that the Hu Huanyong Line shall remain in place. We believe that the question posed by Premier Li Keqiang is solvable, and that with positive policy guidance and rational spatial organization, the northwestern region can achieve more modernization and better quality urbanization, while the same is true for the central region.  相似文献   

全球气候变化对黄河流域天然径流量影响的情景分析   总被引:29,自引:6,他引:23  
张光辉 《地理研究》2006,25(2):268-275
本文从干旱指数蒸发率函数出发,以HadCM3 GCM对降水和温度的模拟结果为基础,在IPCC不同发展情景下,分析了未来近100年内黄河流域天然径流量的变化趋势。研究结果表明,在不同气候变化情景下,多年平均年径流量的变化随着区域的不同而有显著差异,其变化幅度在-48.0%203.0%之间。全球气候变化引起的多年平均天然径流量的变化从东向西逐渐减小。就黄河流域而言,20062035年、20362065年、20662095年A2情景下(人口快速增长、经济发展缓慢)多年平均天然径流量的变化量分别为5.0%、11.7%、8.1%,B2情景下(强调社会技术创新)相应的变化分别为7.2%、-3.1%、2.6%。  相似文献   

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