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海岸带是人类活动最集中和最活跃的地域。结合自然灾害风险评价理论并根据天津海岸的实际情况,将海水入侵风险评价体系分为危险性评价和易损性评价,并借助GIS空间分析方法,对危险性和易损性评价结果进行了叠加分析,将天津海岸地区划分为低风险区、中等风险区2个海岸侵蚀灾害风险区域。  相似文献   

文章构建海州湾海岸侵蚀风险评价指标体系,运用层次分析法确定指标权重,并运用ArcGIS进行风险等级划分。研究结果表明:灌南区的燕尾港海岸侵蚀风险最大,属于风险等级中的侵蚀段;赣榆区的青口镇以及青口盐场地区、连云区的猴嘴镇属于风险等级中的微侵蚀段;灌云区的台北盐场和徐圩镇沿岸属于风险等级中的稳定段;赣榆区的马站、柘汪、海头镇、九里乡和连云区的墟沟镇海岸侵蚀风险最小,但淤积现象严重。该研究可为海洋管理部门治理海岸侵蚀提供参考。  相似文献   

海岸作为海洋资源开发、沿海经济发展的重要支撑,大量人口、产业向海岸带区域聚集,高强度的人类活动导致海岸带环境日益恶化、自然岸线严重受损、海岸带资源锐减。海岸整治修复成为保护海岸带生态环境、恢复海岸带资源的重要技术手段。为评价人工海岸生态化改造及整治修复工作效果,基于国内外学者对海岸生态修复的研究成果,综合考虑生态指标、经济指标和功能指标三方面,筛选出50项产出性指标构建人工海岸生态化改造及修复效果评价指标体系,力求科学全面、客观合理地评价人工海岸整治修复效果,为人工海岸生态化改造及整治修复工作的检查、考核以及验收提供参考依据。  相似文献   

随着经济和文化的发展 ,人类不断向沿海扩张 ,加速了海岸带的开发利用 ,对正常海岸演变侵蚀过程产生了明显影响 ,扰乱了海岸的连续性 ,加速了海岸侵蚀 ,而海岸侵蚀现在是将来仍将被认为是人类向自然界的挑战[1] ,因此 ,为抵御陆地的财产损失 ,维持海岸系统的持续发展 ,海岸带管理越来越受到人类的重视。本文简要叙述了近几十年国外海岸带管理的研究进展 ,论述了海岸带管理的目的、意义和生态学原理 ,讨论了海岸带管理目前存在的问题及未来发展趋势。1海岸带管理的目的、意义及基本生态学原理1.1海岸带管理的目的、意义Gomitz1…  相似文献   

海岸带有着丰富的资源,能够为人类社会的可持续发展提供强大的物质基础,而它对外界的影响又是相当敏感的,因此海岸带自身的可持续发展理应受到人们的关注。本文根据可持续发展理论的基本原理,提出海岸带可持续发展的概念,阐述了海岸带可持续发展的基本内涵,并建立了其评价指标体系。文章最后以辽宁省海岸带部分城市为例,介绍了海岸带可持续发展的具体评价方法,为合理开发利用海岸带提供了依据。  相似文献   

本文运用层析分析法确定评价指标权重,根据模糊集理论合成海岸线资源脆弱性等级,构建了海岸线资源脆弱性评价指标体系,阐述了海岸线资源脆弱性评价方法,为岸线资源开发利用和保护修复提供指导。以海南海岸带为例,进行了海岸线资源脆弱性评价,编绘了脆弱性等级图,评价结果与客观情况比较吻合,验证了理论方法的适用性。  相似文献   

广东省海岸侵蚀现状及影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20世纪50年代以来,广东海岸蚀退现象比较明显,本文基于广东省海岸侵蚀全面系统的调查,描述了广东省海岸侵蚀现状,进行了侵蚀强度分类及分布规律统计;总结分析不同海岸侵蚀类型的特征及差异;通过分析影响海岸侵蚀灾害的因素认为,广东海岸侵蚀是自然因素和人为因素共同作用下产生的,人类活动是近代海岸侵蚀加剧的主要原因。本研究将有助于广东省海岸带减灾、防灾目标的实现,为海岸侵蚀灾害的进一步研究打下基础。  相似文献   

海平面上升的风险评估研究进展与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海岸带是海陆交互作用的集中区域,人类活动密集,面对未来海平面上升带来的影响具有敏感性和脆弱性。评估未来海平面上升对海岸带的风险,具有理论与实际意义。根据海平面上升风险评估研究框架,总结了海平面上升、海岸侵蚀、风暴潮淹没、海水入侵、湿地丧失等方面的研究现状,在此基础上,分析了目前研究存在的不足,并提出了海平面上升风险评估未来研究的关键问题。  相似文献   

为了查清辽宁省海岸的蚀淤等级和分布,从1990年和2007年遥感图像中提取了17年的岸线变化信息,结合辽宁省908专项海岸带海岸侵蚀特征的调查资料,对全省海岸蚀淤情况进行了等级划分,并对其形成原因进行了分析与评价。结果表明,砂质海岸侵蚀较重的区域主要分布在绥中和熊岳一带,黄海岸段的砂质海岸基本稳定,基岩海岸侵蚀较重的区域主要分布在老铁山一带,粉沙淤泥质海岸侵蚀较重的区域分布在庄河一带。摸清辽宁省海岸蚀淤等级分布,对海岸整治与修复、海岸侵蚀灾害的防治与防护以及海岸带管理具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

文章利用卫星遥感解译、潮汐数值模拟、GIS空间拓扑分析等技术手段,对水边线进行水位订正,推算出2019年度江苏沿海的遥感海岸线,对江苏省海岸侵蚀现状进行了遥感监测与评估。研究结果表明:2019年江苏省共有侵蚀岸线长58.55 km,占全省大陆海岸线的7.39%。废黄河三角洲侵蚀型海岸的侵蚀岸段平均年侵蚀后退 59.24 m,主要表现为盐养围堤的冲刷水毁;辐射沙洲北翼淤长型海岸的侵蚀岸段年平均侵蚀后退152.28 m,表现为潮间带上部坡度变缓,海岸线持续内移。全省海岸带侵蚀总面积为 7.244 8 hm2,强侵蚀岸段主要分布在南八滩闸北侧,新洋河口两侧以及斗龙港南侧区域。文章同时结合江苏海域动态监管工作经验,提出了5点海岸侵蚀灾害防治对策:①加强天-空-地一体化多手段联合监测,精确监控海岸侵蚀灾害发生范围与程度,了解海岸侵蚀强度与等级;②联合多平台海洋观测,深入开展致灾因素分析,了解海岸侵蚀灾害的发展与变化趋势,逐步完善灾害预警机制;③根据不同的海岸类型与海岸侵蚀特征,有效开展多策略的海岸防护整治,减少海岸侵蚀灾害损失;④加快海岸带保护修复,明确海岸带开发活动的适宜空间与适宜程度,优化海岸带空间布局;⑤强化海岸责任管理,明确监管职责。  相似文献   

The current study area is coastal zone of Cuddalore, Pondicherry and Villupuram districts of the Tamil Nadu along the southeast coast of India. This area is experiencing threat from many disasters such as storm, cyclone, flood, tsunami and erosion. This was one of the worst affected area during 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and during 2008 Nisha cyclone. The multi-hazard vulnerability maps prepared here are a blended and combined overlay of multiple hazards those affecting the coastal zone. The present study aims to develop a methodology for coastal multi-hazard vulnerability assessment. This study was carried out using parameters probability of maximum storm surge height during the return period (mean recurrence interval), future sea level rise, coastal erosion and high resolution coastal topography with the aid of the Remote Sensing and GIS tools. The assessment results were threatening 3.46 million inhabitants from 129 villages covering a coastal area 360 km2 under the multi-hazard zone. In general river systems act as the flooding corridors which carrying larger and longer hinterland inundation. Multi-hazard Vulnerability maps were further reproduced as risk maps with the land use information. These risk caused due to multi-hazards were assessed up to building levels. The decision-making tools presented here can aid as critical information during a disaster for the evacuation process and to evolve a management strategy. These Multi-hazard vulnerability maps can also be used as a tool in planning a new facility and for insurance purpose.  相似文献   

徐栋  杨敏  孟云闪  孙苗 《海洋科学》2019,43(12):28-34
为了对典型海岸带的侵蚀风险程度进行量化统计与评估,采用卫星遥感技术对目标岸段开展动态监测,以多核学习技术进行图像分类及岸线提取,基于水边线逐年位置变化提出一种海岸侵蚀风险评估方法,并以大蒲河-滦河岸段为例进行了应用,得出了该岸段所处的侵蚀风险级别,为下一步海岸带的保护与修复提供了数据支撑。  相似文献   

海堤是海岸带地区社会经济活动的重要保护屏障。海岸侵蚀的加剧将导致海堤稳定性和安全性降低, 增加海岸带地 区遭受极端风暴洪水的风险, 进而影响到海岸带地区的安全。本文选择上海石化这一遭受海岸侵蚀较为严重的区域作为研究 区, 利用 GIS 分析了 1972—2020 年近岸海床侵蚀特征, 并基于 2000—2020 年-5 m 等深线变化评估了上海石化近岸海堤的 稳定性。结果表明: 1972—2020 年间上海石化前沿海床整体以侵蚀为主, 石化近岸东侧以及西侧局部的浅滩侵蚀明显, 城 市沙滩中段、第 6 次围堤处以及码头东岸海堤稳定性最低。基于上述研究结果, 考虑海堤稳定性薄弱段出现极端风暴洪水漫 堤或溃堤情景, 模拟并分析了上海石化 2010 年 、2030 年和2050 年遭受千年一遇极端风暴洪水的风险。结果显示: 在 2010 年基准年情景下, 受海岸侵蚀作用最明显的城市沙滩和第6 次围堤区域遭遇极端风暴洪水的风险最高, 到 2050 年, 当前稳 定性较好的海堤安全性也将大大降低, 与 2010 年相比, 上海石化近岸地区的直接经济损失将会增加近 3 倍。  相似文献   

This paper summarises the main findings of the Conscience research project, whose primary objective was to define and validate, through pilot applications, a methodology to support the implementation, for European coasts, of concepts such as coastal resilience, favorable sediment status, strategic sediment reservoirs and coastal sediment cells. The Conscience conceptual framework to managing coastal erosion has proved to be an efficient tool, because it provides a consistent approach where objective (data) and subjective (desired status) information are analyzed and compared from the standpoint of a consensus target (objective). Moreover, this is done using the best available knowledge and observations, considering always their level of uncertainty, to conduct a sustainable management policy for coastal erosion. The methodology has been tested in field cases from The Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain, United Kingdom and Ireland, to cover different time and space scales, together with a wide range of processes and different management objectives.  相似文献   

Coastal erosion and storms represent a source of risk for settlements and infrastructure along the coast. At the same time, coastal natural assets, including landscape, are threatened by increasing development mainly driven by tourism. The Mediterranean coast is especially vulnerable to these processes, considering its high biological and cultural diversity. An additional challenge is represented by climate change, as it will force coastal communities to apply more or less drastic adaptation strategies. Coastal setbacks, used to protect coastal communities and infrastructure from storms and erosion, and to preserve coastal habitats and landscapes from degradation, is one of the main instruments suggested by the Protocol on Integrated Coastal Zone Management of the Barcelona Convention, entered into force on the 24 of March 2011. Its implementation has the potential to influence coastal policies in other regions, such as the neighbouring Black Sea.The CONSCIENCE project has formalized concepts and conducted specific studies to provide new tools for coastal erosion management practice. The objective of this paper is to present a synthesis of the research conducted into coastal setbacks for coastal erosion management and climate change adaptation. This is done by analysing the requirement of the Protocol, current processes and management practices in two case study areas (Costa Brava Bays in Spain and Danube Delta, in Romania) and the new challenges posed by climate change.  相似文献   

The most severe shoreline retreat (over 20 m/year) along the Danube Delta coast has been recorded in the coastal stretch confined by the Sulina branch (north) and Sahalin spit island (south). This erosive trend is caused by the natural evolution of some stretches of the Danube Delta coast, but strongly enhanced by the human activities. Human interventions result in the dramatic decrease in quantity of sediments reaching the coast and in the disruption of natural sediment circulation in the coastal area. EUROSION FP5 Project developed four concepts to be used in coastal studies: coastal sediment cell, coastal resilience, favourable sediment status and strategic sediment reservoir. The main objectives of this study regard the application of the CONSCIENCE methodology and test of the concepts in order to identify and understand the main threats for Sulina - Sahalin littoral cell, especially the coastal erosion one, as well as to provide a sound working methodology for coastal managers to deal with these threats. The sediment budget computed in previous studies, as well as the field observations, indicate a lack of sediments for the littoral cell (unfavourable sediment status). In order to asses the vulnerability of the coast to short term extreme events (especially storms), simulations of water level changes were performed and calibrated with the field observations. A processes based numerical model was used to simulate the storm induced water level variations and the main input data were the bathymetry of the active beach, wind direction and speed (storm scenarios) and the characteristics of water and air. The results show large water level increases for the central part of the study zone, especially for northern wind directions.The main solution proposed to deal the problems arising from a sediment-starved coast, vulnerable to the extreme events, is artificial nourishment. Two strategic sediment reservoirs were identified, both of them at the northern boundary of the cell: the sediments dredged periodically from Sulina mouth and the sediments accumulated in Musura Bay, just north of Sulina jetties. The transfer of these sediments towards the central part of the littoral cell Sulina - Sahalin would decrease the erosion rates to a natural level and restore the natural coastal resilience. The methodology developed in CONSCIENCE Framework and applied to Danube Delta coastal zone provided good results when problems and solutions for the coastal zone were to be identified and tested. This methodology and its related results can be applied by the local coastal managers to Sulina - Sahalin littoral cell, while this experience can be extended to other similar environments facing the same problems.  相似文献   

海南岛海岸带风险性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对海岸线变化和脆弱性的了解对地方政府部门非常重要,拥有这方面的知识将有助于进行沿海地区的管理和开发。为了研究海南岛的海岸变化特征及其脆弱性,近年来我们采集了大的沉积物样品,并结合海图和遥感卫片分析海岸线变化特征。海南四大城市(海口,文昌,三亚和长江)虽然没有显著的侵蚀特征(海岸线处于相对稳定状态),通过脆弱性评价发现其均为中等脆弱性,主要是由于大量人口对海岸造成的压力所致。因此,本文提出的基于包括人为-自然因素的海岸脆弱性评价方法,具有制定海岸带管理和适应性策略的运用潜力。  相似文献   

《Marine Policy》1999,23(4-5):453-463
In the UK, cost–benefit analysis of coastal protection schemes that expect to receive grant assistance is required by H.M. Government. A recommended procedure for evaluating the recreational benefits of coastal protection is based on a variant of contingent valuation methodology (CVM), and involves the estimation of the gains and losses in the value of enjoyment by beach users associated with different project scenarios (including the option of allowing erosion to occur). The paper reports the results of a study which applies this approach to coastal protection at an important UK seaside resort. It focusses on the suitability of the value of enjoyment (VOE) elicitation method, and stresses the need to test the validity of the results from all such studies that apply this approach.  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》2003,46(9-10):859-874
In the area of a coastal fishing village on the mangrove peninsula of Bragança, State of Pará, North Brazil, coastal changes were observed by a beach profile monitoring programme between 1997 and 2001. The assessment allowed a subdivision of the region into four small coastal cells (1–3 km), partly exhibiting heavy erosion. A number of related socio-economic problems, such as loss of alternative income sources caused by the locally unpredictable erosion patterns were identified in three separate village sections. This results in a year-round dependence on seasonally low fishery incomes and increases the risk of poverty. Since limited options for action are available to the local population, different social groups have evolved different land use patterns, which in turn influence local coastal morphodynamics. Not only the hydrodynamic signature, but also the socio-economic organisation of a coastal community and the co-evolutionary path between these two variables thus indicate the state of a coastal system and the most promising policy actions towards sustainable coastal management.  相似文献   

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