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The crystallines in the Kumaon Himalaya, India are studied along Goriganga, Darma and Kaliganga valleys and found to be composed of two high-grade metamorphic gneiss sheets i.e. the Higher Himalayan Crystalline (HHC) and Lesser Himalayan Crystalline (LHC) zones. These were tectonically extruded as a consequence of the southward directed propagation of crustal deformation in the Indian plate margin. The HHC and its cover rocks i.e. the Tethyan Sedimentary Zone (TSZ) are exposed through tectonic zones within the hinterland of Kumaon Himalaya. The HHC records history of at least one episode of pre-Himalayan deformation (D1), three episodes of Himalayan deformation (D2, D3, D4). The rocks of the HHC in Kumaon Himalaya are thoroughly transposed by D2 deformation into NW-SE trending Sm (S1+S2). The extent of transposition and a well-developed NE-plunging L2 lineation indicate intense strain during D2 throughout the studied portion of the HHC. Ductile flow continued, resulting in rotation of F1 and F2 folds due NE-direction and NW-SE plunging F3 folds within the HHC. The over thickened crystalline was finally, superimposed by late-to-post collisional brittle-ductile deformation (D4) and exposed the rocks to rapid erosion.  相似文献   

The Caprauna-Armetta Unit (CAU) is a Briançonnais cover nappe emplaced on the external margin of the Ligurian Briançonnais Zone. A structural analysis of the nappe indicates that there are four superposed deformations (D1-D4). D1 produced large recumbent isoclinal folds associated with a strong axial-plane cleavage and a SW-trending lineation. These folds can be related to a SW-directed overthrust shear. D2 produced open to moderately tight folds with subvertical axial planes, overturned towards the northeast. D3 and D4 are represented by large wavelength open folds affecting only the large-scale setting of the nappe.A finite strain map of the nappe has been compiled using data from an oolitic limestone layer. The measured strains appears to be essentially the product of the D1 phase. The measured ellipsoids are generally triaxial. The trend of the finite strain X axes is towards the southwest. Prolate ellipsoids with very high Rxz ratios occur on the inverted limbs and sometimes near the hinge zones of the anticlinal F1 folds. Oblate ellipsoids are prevalent on the normal limbs. This pattern of finite strain resulted from deformation in a ductile shear zone generated within the tectonic units trailed at the base of the huge Helminthoid Flysch Nappe during its motion towards the foreland.  相似文献   

The rocks of the Garhwal Lesser Himalaya have undergone a weak superimposed deformation, hence linear and planar structures are either absent or poorly developed. This puts a severe limitation on application of conventional methods of finite strain determination in understanding the deformation pattern. However, the geometry, orientation, and distribution of magnetic susceptibility strain ellipses clearly reveal the effects of early and superposed deformations in the area. The orientation patterns of the ellipses also help to identify reversal of displacement along an oblique fault ramp during the superposed deformation. The Hrouda double plot reveals a combination of lateral shortening and simple shear, thereby suggesting a small translation along the klippe detachment thrust. The study has important implications for understanding the structural evolution of the Lesser Himalayan klippen, because the earlier models, in the absence of the relevant data, are based on assumptions concerning thrust displacement. The present field studies and the AMS data favour an alternate model for the structural evolution of the Lesser Himalayan klippen, that lie in the core of the Mussoorie Syncline. The model explains structural features and outcrop patterns as due to a combination of fault bifurcation, back thrusts, pop-up, and subsequent superposed deformation. The klippen lie over their roots and are described as pop-up klippen.  相似文献   

Three major episodes of folding are evident in the Eastern Ghats terrain. The first and second generation folds are the reclined type; coaxial refolding has produced hook-shaped folds, except in massif-type charnockites in which non-coaxial refolding has produced arrow head folds. The third generation folds are upright with a stretching lineation parallel to subhorizontal fold axes. The sequence of fold stylesreclinedF 1and coaxialF 2, clearly points to an early compressional regime and attendant progressive simple shear. Significant subhorizontal extension duringF 3folding is indicated by stretching lineation parallel to subhorizontal fold axes. In the massif-type charnockites low plunges ofF 2folds indicate a flattening type of deformation partitioning in the weakly foliated rocks (magmatic ?). The juxtaposition of EGMB against the Iron Ore Craton of Singhbhum by oblique collision is indicative of a transpressional regime.  相似文献   

The lead-zinc bearing Proterozoic rocks of Zawar, Rajasthan, show classic development of small-scale structures resulting from superposed folding and ductile shearing. The most penetrative deformation structure noted in the rocks is a schistosity (S 1) axial planar to a phase of isoclinal folding (F 1). The lineations which parallel the hinges ofF 1 folds are deformed by a set of folds (F 2) having vertical or very steep axial planes. At many places a crenulation cleavage (S 2) has developed subparallel to the axial planes ofF 2 folds, particularly in the psammopelitic rocks. The plunge and trend ofF 2 folds vary widely over the area. Deformation ofF 2 folds into hook-shaped geometry and development of another set of axial planar crenulation cleavage are the main imprints of the third generation folds (F 3) in the region. In addition to these, there are at least two other sets of cleavage planes with corresponding folds in small scales. More common among these is a set of recumbent and reclined folds (F 4), developed on steeply dipping early-formed planes. Kink bands and associated sharp-hinged folds represent the other set (F 5). Two major refolded folds are recognizable in the map pattern of the Zawar mineralised belt. The larger of the two, the Main Zawar Fold (MZF), shows a broad hook-shaped geometry. The other large-scale structure is the Zawarmala fold, lying south-west of the MZF. Both the major structures show truncation of lithological units along their respective east ‘limbs’, and extreme variation in the width of formations. The MZF is primarily the result of superimposition ofF 3 onF 2.F 1 folds are relatively smaller in scale and are recognizable in the quartzite unit which responded to deformation mainly by buckle shortening. Large-scale pinching-and-swelling that appears in the outcrop pattern seems to be a pre-F2 feature. The structural evolutionary model worked out to explain the chronology of the deformational features and the large-scale out-crop pattern envisages extreme east-west shortening following formation ofF 1 structures, resulting in the formation of tight and isoclinal antiforms (F 2) with pinched-in synforms in between. These latter zones evolved into a number of ductile shear zones (DSZs). The east-west refolding of the large-scaleF 2 isoclinal antiforms seems to be the consequence of a continuous deformation and resultant migration of folds along the DSZs. The main shear zone which wraps the Zawar folds followed a curved path. Because of the penetrative nature of theF 2 movement, the early lineations which were at high angles to the later ones (as is evident in the west of Zawarmala), became subparallel to the trend ofF 2 folding over a large part of the area. Further, the virtually coaxial nature ofF 2 andF 3 folds and the refolding ofF 3 folds by a new set of N-S folds is an indication of continuous progressive deformation.  相似文献   

During the refolding of an early non-isoclinal fold (say,F 1) we may find an offset or side-stepping of the axial surfaces of the later folds (say,F 2). The offsets can be seen in both type 2 and type 3 interference patterns. An analysis of the shear fold model shows that there is a maximum limit for the magnitude of side-stepping. The side-stepping is larger for larger interlimb angles ofF 1. It decreases with progressive tightening ofF 2. By recognizing such side-stepping we can predict on which side the F1 hinge should lie even if the hinge is unexposed or lies outside the domain of observation. The general rule for the sense of side-stepping is the same for shear folds, flexural slip folds and buckling folds. However, the side-stepping in buckling folds should be used with caution, sinceF 2 folds on buckled single-layers may show an offset whose sense is opposite to that predicted by the general rule.  相似文献   

A suite of rocks from Borra Carbonate Granulite Complex (BCGC) in the Eastern Ghats granulite belt displays superposed structures and overprinted mineral assemblages that reveal multiple episodes of tectonothermal reworking of the complex under granulite facies condition. Five distinct episodes of deformation (D1, D2, D3, D4 and D5) and four phases of metamorphism (M1, M2, M3 and M4) are recorded. The signature of the earliest tectonothermal event, D1 is a gneissic foliation (S1) denned by segregation of peak granulite facies mineral assemblages corresponding to prograde M1 metamorphism. M2 metamorphic overprint represents an episode of near-isobaric cooling of the complex under a static condition. D2 represents an episode of ductile deformation manifested by isoclinal folding (F2) and associated extensional structures, within a broad framework of coaxial bulk deformation. The present study reveals that D2 took place subsequent to M2 - Subsequent deformation, D3, produced F3 folds and also deformations of boudins formed during D2. M3, which is synchronous with F3, represents a near isothermal decompression of the BCGC. This was followed by a weak structural readjustment (D4), producing E-W cross folds. The latter was not, however, associated with any recognizable petrological reworking. In the terminal events, deformation (D5) and mineral reactions (M4) were localized along narrow intersecting shear zones. The latter acted as channelways for carbonic and still later hydrous fluid infiltration. The available thermobarometric data from BCGC and other areas of the Eastern Ghats belt reveal that reworking during M2 and M3 ensued in a thermally perturbed regime. The high thermal regime might also have persisted during carbonic fluid infiltration related to terminal reworking (M4).  相似文献   

In the Shoalhaven River Gorge, in the eastern Lachlan Fold Belt, the Ordovician quartz‐turbidite succession (Adaminaby Group) is affected by one major phase of deformation with northerly trending, gently plunging, upright, close to tight folds (F1) characterised by a range in half wavelengths up to 3 km. Several anticlinoria and synclinoria are developed and folds occur in at least four orders; these characteristics are consistent with buckling occurring at several scales and are controlled by the thickness of competent units in the multilayered succession. F1 folding is thick‐skinned in style with the whole crust probably having been affected by deformation. D1 occurred during the Silurian to Middle Devonian interval and was associated with crustal thickening and the shallowing of depositional environments over time. Locally, F1 is overprinted by south‐southeast‐trending, steeply to moderately inclined F2 that reorients F1 to recumbent attitudes. D2 is of Early to Middle Carboniferous age. Both deformations are related to convergence in an intra‐arc to backarc region and occurred inboard of a subduction zone, remnants of which occur in the New England Fold Belt.  相似文献   

Analysis of shapes of folds, together with other structures such as axial plane foliation boudinage, mullions and cross joints, show that the F1 folds in the ‘main Raialo syncline’ were formed by buckling, and were subsequently modified by flattening normal to the axial planes and lengthening along the axis. The apparent buckle shortening of the F1 folds generally ranges between 70 and 80%. The folds were formed by simple shear (giving place to pure shear at certain stages) in an almost north-south direction on subhorizontal beds. Progressive deformation in the later stage of F1 folding resulted in gentle upright folding of F1 axial planes on F1′ axes slightly oblique to F1. The F2 folds, whose average shortening ranges from 20 to 30%, were also formed by buckling caused by horizontal compression in a nearly northwest-southeast direction. This folding was preceded and followed in some instances by homogeneous strain, as deduced fro mthe shapes of the F2 folds and the nature of variation of the F1 lineations. The F3 conjugate structures developed when the maximum compressive strain was vertical and the intermediate compressive strain northwest-southeast, almost normal to the subvertical F2 axial planes. The increase in the amplitude of the F2 folds in the last phase of F2 folding in certain zones resulted in an excess of vertical load, which dissipated with the formation of the F3 structures. In the last stage of movement (F4) the maximum compressive strain became horizontal along the strike of F2 axial planes, whereas the minimum compressive strain was normal to them. The F4 structures, therefore, point to a longitudinal shortening with reference to large scale F2 folding.  相似文献   

The M w 7.8 2015 Gorkha earthquake and its aftershocks significantly impacted the lives and economy of Nepal. The consequences of landslides included fatalities, property losses, blockades of river flow, and damage to infrastructural systems. Co-seismic landslides triggered by this earthquake were significantly widespread and pose a major geodisaster. There were tens of thousands of landslides triggered by the earthquake, majority of which were distributed in between the epicenter of the main shock and the M w 7.3 aftershock. Although 14,670 landslides triggered by this earthquake were identified, only approximately 23% of them were of moderate to large scale with areas greater than 100 m2. Of the moderate- to large-scale landslides identified, just over 90% were triggered by the main shock and smaller aftershocks prior to the major (M w 7.3) aftershock, while nearly 10% were triggered by the ground shaking induced by the major aftershock. Moreover, the number of landslides triggered by the 2015 Gorkha earthquake, specifically by the main shock, was slightly more than the expected number of landslides for the recorded maximum peak ground acceleration (PGA) in comparison to the co-seismic landslides triggered by 26 earthquakes. Over 90% of those moderate- to large-scale landslides were concentrated within the estimated fault rupture surface. Majority of these moderate- to large-scale landslides were disrupted failures with over 96% of which were classified as earth falls. However, the majority of small-scale landslides were rock or boulder falls. The most number of moderate- to large-scale landslides were triggered in the slate, shale, siltstone, phyllite, and schist of the Lesser Himalayan formation followed by an equally significant number in both schist, gneiss, etc. of the Higher Himalayan formation and the phyllite, metasandstone, schist, etc. of the Lesser Himalayan formation. The sizes (i.e., areas) of the landslides were lognormally distributed, with a mode area of 322.0 m2. Slope inclinations of the moderate- to large-scale landslides followed a normal distribution with a mean slope inclination of 32.6° and standard deviation of 13.5°. There exists a strong correlation between the number of landslides and the peak ground acceleration within the study area, specific for different geological formations.  相似文献   

Granulite-facies rocks occurring north-east of the Chilka Lake anothosite (Balugan Massif) show a complex metamorphic and deformation history. The M1–D1 stage is identified only through microscopic study by the presence of S1 internal foliation shown by the M1 assemblage sillimanite–quartz–plagioclase–biotite within garnet porphyroblasts of the aluminous granulites and this fabric is obliterated in outcrop to map-scale by subsequent deformations. S2 fabric was developed at peak metamorphic condition (M2–D2) and is shown by gneissic banding present in all lithological units. S3 fabric was developed due to D3 deformation and it is tectonically transposed parallel to S2 regionally except at the hinge zone of the F3 folds. The transposed S2/S3 fabric is the regional characteristic structure of the area. The D4 event produced open upright F4 folds, but was weak enough to develop any penetrative foliation in the rocks except few spaced cleavages that developed in the quartzite/garnet–sillimanite gneiss. Petrological data suggest that the M4–D4 stage actually witnessed reactivation of the lower crust by late distinct tectonothermal event. Presence of transposed S2/S3 fabric within the anorthosite arguably suggests that the pluton was emplaced before or during the M3–D3 event. Field-based large-scale structural analyses and microfabric analyses of the granulites reveal that this terrain has been evolved through superposed folding events with two broadly perpendicular compression directions without any conclusive evidence for transpressional tectonics as argued by earlier workers. Tectonothermal history of these granulites spanning in Neoproterozoic time period is dominated by compressional tectonics with associated metamorphism at deep crust.  相似文献   

Foliations within a Miocene slumped bioclastic sandstone unit of the Pakhna Formation, southern Cyprus, were investigated in order to assess the importance of slump strain, liquifaction and compaction in their generation. There are two approximately orthogonal sets of folds, F1 and F2. F1 folds are upright to inclined slump folds formed during slope-failure translation of the sediment. The cores of upright F1 folds have a steeply dipping macroscopic fabric defined by the axial surfaces of small tight folds in compositional layering. F2 folds occur on steeply-dipping limbs of F1 folds. F2 folds are small and asymmetric with flat-lying axial surfaces, and are interpreted as compaction generated. A pervasive flat-lying microscopic fabric defined by grain and pore long axis orientation is found in both fold sets, and is probably a liquifaction fabric enhanced by compaction. A pervasive steeply-dipping microfabric parallel to the axial planes of slump folds is not present in any of the slumps investigated.  相似文献   

The Phyllite-Quartzite (PQ) Nappe constitutes an external, allochthonous complex of the Hellenides on the island of Crete and shows a polyphase structural history. A first phase of deformation (F 1) produced recumbent isoclinal folds, a penetrative schistosity, and boudinage under high-P/low-T metamorphic conditions. Mylonite formation at the top of the PQ Nappe, below the overriding Tripolitza Nappe, further boudinage, and schistosity (S 2) represent a late tectono-metamorphic episode. Post-metamorphic small folds (F 3), lineations, and a crenulation cleavage were formed synchronously with transport of the PQ Nappe. A last phase (F 4) developed small folds, a fracture/crenulation cleavage, and large-scale folds after nappe movement. It is suggested that high-P/low-T metamorphism in the PQ rocks originated during subduction. Nappe transport of the higher, unmetamorphosed units, which were thrust over the PQ Nappe, began under waning metamorphic conditions. Subsequent transport of the PQ Nappe itself also occurred after the completion of metamorphism and after the formation of the mylonite at its top.  相似文献   

The Main Central Thrust (MCT) and the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) are the two major thrusts in Kumaun, the MCT forming the boundary between highly sheared, deformed and mylonitized rocks of the Great Himalayan Central Crystallines and the Lesser Himalayan metasedimentaries. While in the Central Crystallines four-folding episodes are observed of which two are of the Precambrian age, the Lesser Himalayan rocks show only two phases of folding. MCT has its own distinctive structural history and the crystalline mass comprises an integral part of peninsular India.  相似文献   

S1 cleavage in the Hawick Rocks of the Galloway area is non-axial planar, cutting obliquely across the F1 folds in a predominantly clockwise sense. Individual S1 cleavage planes within cleavage-fans in F1 folds strike clockwise, locally anti-clockwise, of axial surfaces, and the mean plane to the S1 cleavage-fans dips predominantly more steeply than the axial surface. F1 folds investigated at scattered localities in Silurian and Ordovician rocks north of the Hawick Rocks are also transected by the S1 cleavage, indicating that non-axial planar S1 cleavage is widespread in the Southern Uplands. The S1 cleavage is a composite fabric. Objects deformed within sandstones and tuffs indicate oblate strain. F1 fold plunge varies from NE to SW and fold hinges locally are markedly curvilinear. Steeply plunging and locally downward-facing F1 folds are present along the southeast margin of the Hawick Rocks. The non-axial planar S1 cleavage relationships persist in the steeply plunging F1 folds. Synchronous development of the non-axial planar S1 cleavage and the variably plunging F1 folds is proposed.  相似文献   

Inverted metamorphism in the Himalayas is closely associated with the Main Central Thrust (MCT). In the western Himalayas, the Main Central Thrust conventionally separates high grade metamorphic rocks of the Higher Himalayan Crystalline Sequence (HHCS) from unmetamorphosed rocks of the Inner sedimentary Belt. In the eastern Himalayas, the Inner sedimentary Belt is absent, and the HHCS and meta-sedimentary Lesser Himalayan Sequence (LHS) apparently form a continuous Barrovian metamorphic sequence, leading to confusion about the precise location of the MCT. In this study, it is demonstrated that migmatitic gneisses of the sillimanite zone in the higher structural levels of the HHCS are multiply deformed, with two phases of penetrative fabric formation (S1HHCS and S2HHCS) followed by third folding event associated with a spaced, NW-SE trending, north-east dipping foliation (S3HHCS). The underlying LHS schists (kyanite zone and lower) are also multiply deformed, with the bedding S0 being isoclinally folded (F1LHS), and subsequently refolded (F2LHS and F3LHS). The contact zone between the HHCS and LHS is characterized by ductile, top-to-the southwest shearing and stabilization of a pervasive foliation that is consistently oriented NW-SE and dips northeast. This foliation is parallel to the S3HHCS foliation in the HHCS, and the S2LHS in the LHS. Early lineations in the HHCS and LHS also show different dispersions across the contact shear zone, implying that pre-thrusting orientations of the two units were distinct. The contact shear zone is therefore interpreted to be a plane of structural discordance, shows a shear sense consistent with thrust movement and is associated with mineral growth during Barrovian metamorphism. It may well be considered to represent the MCT in this region.  相似文献   

本溪北台铁矿为产于太古宙鞍山群中的BIF.矿体形态、产状均甚复杂.构造解析表明,这种复杂性是由于经受了至少三期构造变形所引起的.本文在详细剖析各期构造变形及其对铁矿体的控制规律的基础上,提出了深部找矿方向,已得到实践验证,经济效果显著.  相似文献   

Kilometer-size fold interference patterns in the Beishan Orogenic Collage (BOC) in the southernmost Altaids formed by fold superimposition in fossiliferous Permian sedimentary rocks. First-phase (F1), upright and almost north-trending folds, were refolded by E- to ENE-trending F2 folds, whose axial planes and axes are vertical or subvertical. From east to west there is a regional change in style of interference patterns from lobate–cuspate-, to crescent- to mushroom-shape. This variation is accompanied by a westward decrease in the F2 interlimb angle and related to a higher percentage of coarse-grained clastic rocks, suggesting a dependence of the F2 deformation on lithology. Axial planar slaty cleavages are well developed in F1 and poorly developed in F2 folds. The superposed folds mainly underwent flexural-slip and flexural flow folding to give rise to the lobate–cuspate pattern, and to the crescent pattern caused by flattening and flexural flow folding where the sediments were unconsolidated and enriched in fluids. The two folding events are interpreted to result from a major change in plate configuration that caused the inversion of an inter-arc basin during the final amalgamation of the BOC in the latest Permian to early to mid-Triassic. The two folding events bracketed between a maximum detrital zircon age of <273 Ma, and the youngest age of an intruded dyke at 219.0 ± 1.2 Ma suggest rapid plate reconfiguration related to final amalgamation of the Altaids orogen.  相似文献   

In the Kolar Schist Belt well-preserved small-scale diastrophic structures suggest four phases of folding (F1 — F4). The near coaxial F1 andF 2folds are both isoclinal with long-drawn out limbs and sharp hinges. The axial planes of bothF 1andF 2folds are subvertical with N-S strikes; these control the linear outcrop pattern of the Schist belt. The later folds (F 3and F4) are important in small-to-intermediate scales only and are accommodation structures formed during the relaxation period of the early folding episodes. Mesoscopic shear zones, post-F2 but pre-F3 in age, are present in all the rock types in this area. The F1 and F2 folds and the mesoscopic shear zones were formed during a continuous E-W subhorizontal compression. Available geochemical and isotopic data show that the Kolar Schist Belt with ensimatic setting is bounded by two granitic terrains of contrasting evolutionary histories. This, together with E-W subhorizontal compression over a protracted period of time, strengthens the recent suggestions that the Kolar Schist Belt represents a suture. This belt then marks the site of a continent-continent collision event of late Archaean-early Proterozoic age.  相似文献   

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