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滇池入湖河流磷负荷时空变化及形态组成贡献   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
研究了2013年滇池主要入湖河流总磷(TP)及各形态磷浓度的时空变化与入湖负荷特征,并探讨了不同形态磷的入湖负荷贡献.结果表明:(1)滇池河流入湖TP浓度在0.11~1.93 mg/L之间,以溶解性无机磷(DIP)和颗粒态磷(PP)为主,溶解性有机磷(DOP)浓度较低;(2)滇池河流入湖磷负荷总量为280.51 t/a,绝大多数河流主要以DIP形态入湖,平均贡献率为43.48%;PP形态入湖负荷次之,平均贡献率为31.64%;DOP入湖负荷较低,平均贡献率为24.88%;(3)DIP入湖负荷贡献率较高值出现在3、4和11月的枯水期,平均入湖负荷贡献率达到55.30%;PP入湖负荷贡献率较高值出现在1和7月,平均入湖负荷贡献率为56.14%;DOP入湖负荷贡献率月变化差异较小,最高值出现在12月,贡献率为21.85%;(4)研究滇池入湖河流污染负荷不仅要考虑溶解态无机磷的贡献,而且需要重视PP和DOP负荷,控制滇池入湖河流污染负荷需要考虑不同河流不同形态磷负荷组成及月变化差异特征,有针对性地采取相应措施.  相似文献   

风浪作用下太湖悬浮态颗粒物中磷的动态释放估算   总被引:68,自引:6,他引:68  
用振荡试验方法模拟了不同风速对太湖沉积物扰动产生的悬浮颗粒物(SPM)量, 研究了SPM中磷的物化形态转化和生物矿化衰减过程, 定量估算了动力扰动作用下, SPM中磷转化对太湖磷负荷贡献. 结果表明: SPM中以物化形态转化为可溶性活性磷(SRP)为主的释磷作用对太湖水体磷负荷的贡献为0.44 t/a, 因生物矿化作用为主的磷衰减对水体磷负荷的贡献量约425.8 t/a, 占太湖外源入湖总量的15.0%, 约为河道SRP入湖量的4.7~7.5倍, 因此是太湖内源动态释放量的最主要来源. 在风浪影响相同情况下, 易悬浮颗粒物中有机磷含量及其生物可转化性是决定湖体内源动态负荷量的主要因素.  相似文献   

滇池沉水植物生长过程对间隙水氮、磷时空变化的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2015年6-10月通过原位采集滇池沉水植物分布区和无植物对照区柱状沉积物间隙水,分析其溶解性总氮(DTN)和溶解性总磷(DTP)、溶解性无机氮(DIN)和溶解性无机磷(DIP)及溶解性有机氮(DON)和溶解性有机磷(DOP)浓度的时空变化,探讨沉水植物分布对间隙水氮、磷浓度、形态贡献及氮磷比的影响.结果表明:滇池沉水植物生长过程显著影响间隙水氮、磷浓度.与无植物对照区相比,沉水植物生长过程对间隙水氮浓度的削减主要发生在6、8月,而对间隙水磷浓度的削减主要发生在7月,反映了沉水植物对氮、磷两种元素的生物地球化学循环作用机制不同;间隙水氮形态贡献受季节性影响较大,6-7月以DON贡献为主,沉水植物分布区和无植物对照区分别达到61%和84%;而8-10月以DIN贡献为主,沉水植物分布区和无植物对照区分别为76%和75%;沉水植物分布区磷形态贡献随季节波动变化,沉水植物分布区以DOP贡献为主(63%),无植物对照区以DIP贡献为主(62%);沉水植物生长对沉积物间隙水各形态氮磷比影响显著.沉水植物生长显著增加间隙水DTN/DTP比,尤其是DIN/DIP比,相反降低DON/DOP比.沉水植物对间隙水氮、磷吸收及转化过程改变了沉积物氮、磷释放机制,从而影响上覆水氮、磷组成及氮磷比,很可能会影响到浮游植物生长及藻类水华过程,这对于湖泊水质管理具有重要意义.  相似文献   

为揭示大型浅水湖泊水体磷浓度对湖泊外源负荷削减和生态系统变化的响应规律,指导富营养化湖泊水生态修复和管理实践,利用太湖湖泊生态系统研究站20052018年连续14年的太湖水体各形态磷浓度的月、季度调查数据,估算了太湖湖体各形态磷赋存量的季度变化,分析了太湖水体磷浓度受湖泊水位、水量、蓝藻水华态势(蓝藻总生物量及水华出现面积)等环境条件变化的影响特征.结果表明,在连续10年的全流域高投入污染治理背景下,太湖水体总磷浓度仍未发生显著下降,水体各形态磷浓度在年际、月际及空间上的变幅大,不同季节和不同湖区总磷浓度的时空差异性大于14年来总磷浓度年均值的差异性;全湖32个监测点上、中、下3层混合样水体总磷平均值为0.113 mg/L(n=1788),其中颗粒态磷浓度平均值为0.077 mg/L,是水体总磷的主要赋存形式,溶解性总磷浓度平均值为0.036 mg/L,其中反应性活性磷浓度平均值为0.015 mg/L,占总磷浓度的13%;太湖水体总磷的赋存量介于410~1098 t之间,56个季度的平均值为688 t,其中冬季(122月)、春季(35月)、夏季(68月)、秋季(911月)平均值分别为683、604、792和673 t,夏季湖体磷赋存量明显高于其他季节.统计分析表明,蓝藻水华态势和水情要素(水位)对水相总磷、颗粒态磷等主要形态磷的赋存量影响显著,蓝藻水华态势的影响可能大于水量变化的影响.本研究表明,在水体营养盐浓度仍然充分满足蓝藻水华发生的背景下,气象水文波动所造成的湖泊水华面积及生物量的变化及大型水生植被消长带来的内源交换变化能引起水体总磷浓度剧烈变化,太湖水体磷浓度的稳定控制也依赖于蓝藻水华态势的稳定控制,由于太湖当前的蓝藻水华态势受气象水文条件变化影响甚大,短期内太湖水相总磷浓度稳定控制到0.05 mg/L的水质治理目标较难实现.治理策略上,若要实现太湖水体磷浓度的进一步明显下降,一方面需要大幅度削减外源磷负荷,另一方面需要大面积恢复沉水植被等.管理策略上,由于湖体磷浓度变化包括了较大的非人为因素影响,应将太湖总磷治理目标考核重点放在流域磷减排强度、入湖负荷等方面,科学看待气候波动等非人为因素影响下的水相磷浓度波动.  相似文献   

亚热带地区典型水库流域氮、磷湿沉降及入湖贡献率估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探究汤浦水库流域氮、磷湿沉降对水库水体营养的贡献率,本研究对2014 2015年的汤浦水库流域4个采样点的雨水及3条溪流进行样品收集,测定其中磷和不同形态氮的质量浓度,分析汤浦水库流域大气湿沉降中氮、磷营养盐的分布特征,并估算氮、磷营养盐湿沉降对汤浦水库入库负荷的贡献率.结果表明:湿沉降中总氮(TN)平均浓度为1.02±0.58 mg/L,氨氮、硝态氮和有机氮浓度占TN浓度的比例分别为60.65%、34.07%和5.28%;总磷(TP)平均浓度为0.033±0.028 mg/L.4个采样点湿沉降中氮、磷浓度均表现为冬春季(少雨季)高、夏秋季(多雨季)低.空间上,王化点位的各形态氮和总磷浓度显著高于其他3个采样点.TN和TP年均湿沉降通量约为18.15和0.62 kg/(hm~2·a),年均沉降总量为834.94和28.39 t;库区TN和TP水面湿沉降量为24.14和0.82 t,直接贡献率占河流输入的1.77%和3.07%.湿沉降来源的氮、磷营养盐随河流输入的间接贡献率为8.3%和4.6%.综上所述,氮、磷湿沉降是水库外源营养的重要输入部分,深入掌握其时空分布特征及入库贡献率是进一步加强流域管理和减轻水库外源营养输入的重要前提.  相似文献   

吴兴华  李翀  陈磊  赵荧  李媛  王浩 《湖泊科学》2018,30(1):121-129
于2015年2月26-27日在香溪河库湾高岚河段拟多甲藻(Peridiniopsis)水华发生地昼夜监测其在水体中的垂直迁移,分别在6个时间段(8:00、12:00、16:00、20:00、0:00、4:00)分层取样分析拟多甲藻在水中的叶绿素a浓度、细胞密度、碳酸酐酶(CA)与碱性磷酸酶(AP)活性;分析总磷(TP)、溶解性总磷(DTP)、溶解性反应磷(SRP)与溶解性有机磷(DOP)浓度在水中的垂直分布.结果显示,水华发生期拟多甲藻为绝对优势种,监测的6个时段中,拟多甲藻呈显著的昼夜垂直迁移规律,正午12:00,表层细胞密度最大,可达5.2×10~6cells/L,凌晨0:00表层细胞密度最低,仅为0.4×10~6cells/L;TP与DTP浓度无垂直分布规律,但SRP与DOP浓度呈现显著的垂直分布规律,SRP浓度随水深增加而减小,DOP浓度随水深增加而增加;CA活性日间高于夜间,日间CA活性呈垂直分布规律,随水深增加而减小,但夜间无垂直分布规律;AP活性在水中昼夜呈极其显著的垂直分布规律,随着水深增加逐渐增加.相关性分析结果表明,拟多甲藻细胞密度与水深、DOP浓度呈极显著负相关,水深与CA和AP活性分别呈极其显著负相关与正相关,拟多甲藻细胞密度与CA和AP浓度分别呈极其显著正相关与负相关.因此,拟多甲藻的垂直迁移行为可能是对日间迁移至表层获取光能和无机碳来源、夜间迁移至水下获取磷源的一种适应.  相似文献   

浅水湖泊沉积物磷释放的波浪水槽试验研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
为探索浅水湖泊水动力扰动作用对沉积物内源营养盐释放的规律,采用波浪水槽试验研究了波浪扰动对太湖和巢湖沉积物悬浮和磷释放的作用.试验结果显示在强波浪扰动下,底泥大规模悬浮,使得水体中悬浮固体(SS)、总磷(TP)和溶解性总磷(DTP)含量显著升高,太湖和巢湖底泥水槽试验中上覆水体TP含量分别升高了6倍和3倍,DTP分别升高了1倍和70%,太湖底泥试验中溶解性活性磷(SRP)含量亦升高了25%.掀沙过程中,不但表层底泥间隙水中的溶解性磷释放到上覆水体当中,沉积物颗粒所吸附的磷也大量转化为SRP而解吸释放.然而,强波浪掀沙一段时间后,溶解态磷的释放逐渐受到限制.随着波浪扰动作用的持续,悬浮物的中值粒径减小,细颗粒组分的百分含量明显增加,使得悬浮物对溶解态磷的吸附能力增强;波浪扰动显著提高了水体的溶解氧浓度,也会促进水体铁锰物质的氧化,增大其对磷酸根离子的吸附能力.这些变化可能是波浪掀沙后期限制水体SRP浓度进一步升高的主要原因.太湖底泥波浪水槽试验的结果与太湖梅梁湾中心区域常见风浪扰动下底泥的悬浮起动情况相吻合,底泥起动的临界切应力也基本相同,强波浪掀沙的切应力条件及水体SS,TP及SRP浓度变化的特点也一致,表明本实验的结果接近太湖的实际状况.本研究说明太湖的水动力扰动能显著提高水体TP及SRP浓度,大波掀沙初期对底泥磷释放的影响最大,后期的影响强度则有所下降.  相似文献   

滇池福保湾沉积物磷的形态及其与间隙水磷的关系   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
研究了滇池福保湾沉积物中磷的地球化学形态及间隙水中PO43--P含量的垂向分布特征.福保湾沉积物磷形态空间差异大,河口区TP高达(5630.59±424.25)mg/kg,东西沿岸区TP只有200-300mg/kg,无机磷(I-P)是TP的主要部分,占TP的55%-74%,铁/铝结合态磷(Fe/Al-P)是I-P的主要组成部分,约占I-P的90%,不稳定性磷∞P)含量很低,只占TP含量的0.5%.福保湾沉积物具有极高的Fe/Al-P含量,说明湾内具有很高的内源磷负荷,这与福保湾水体严重富营养化和藻类暴发关系密切.湖湾沉积磷的垂向分布规律较复杂,但基本上是随深度增加而减小,说明福保湾周边区域近几年人类活动作用加强,褐保湾污染有加重的趋势.在湾内不同区域应用Peeper(渗吸膜式)技术,获得了间隙水中PO43--P的垂向分布特征,PO43--P浓度自上覆水向下层间隙水呈先升后降,反映它们有自间隙水向上覆水扩散的趋势.福保湾间隙水PO43--P浓度同沉积物L-P含量具有显著正相关性(α=0.05),但Fe/Al-P、Ca-P、org-P和TP含量未发现有明显的相关关系.  相似文献   

磷(P)是长江流域备受关注的污染物。乌江是长江八大支流之一,位于三峡水库近库尾江段。武隆断面是乌江入长江控制断面。对1998—2019时期武隆断面径流量、悬浮泥沙浓度(SS)与输沙量、磷浓度与通量(包括总磷(TP)、溶解态磷(DP)和颗粒态磷(PP))年际变化及季节特征进行研究,并基于河流基流分割原理对磷的来源进行了解析。结果表明,(1)1998—2019年,乌江武隆断面径流量在一定幅度内上下波动,而悬浮泥沙浓度和输沙量下降剧烈。(2)22年来,乌江TP和DP浓度与通量总体上呈先升高后下降的趋势,2009—2013年为磷污染峰值期,TP和DP浓度与通量远高于其它时期。(3)2007年是一个重要的时间节点,该节点前,TP的赋存形态以颗粒态为主,颗粒态磷在总磷中的占比均值为65%;该节点后,TP的赋存形态转变为以溶解态为主,颗粒态磷占比均值下降为16%,相应地,溶解态磷占比由35%上升为84%。水沙条件改变是磷形态发生显著变化的主要驱动力,磷污染程度亦是磷形态变化的重要影响因素。(4)磷通量在年内的季节分布发生了显著变化,丰水期磷通量减少,枯水期磷通量增加。(5)1998—2012、2009—2013和2014—2019年3个时期点源负荷占比分别为23.5%、36.8%和62.1%,呈增加趋势。(6)建议制定适宜的总磷控制目标,结合目前所存在的磷污染风险点,进一步强化监管,侧重源头治理。  相似文献   

藏南沉错钻孔沉积物金属元素分布特征及其与粒度的关系   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
王君波  朱立平 《湖泊科学》2008,20(6):715-722
从沉积物磷的化学形态特征、沉积物-水界面的环境条件和水库的水文参数等角度探讨了山仔水库沉积物磷对上覆水体的磷浓度贡献,并从沉积物间隙水与水体垂向溶解性磷的浓度梯度估算对水体磷浓度的贡献大小.结果表明:山仔水库沉积物具有大的释放磷的潜力,沉积物间隙水和水体之间存在着明显的溶解性磷的浓度梯度,沉积物的溶解性磷释放通量在0.0420—0.167μg/(cm^2·d))之间,沉积物磷对水体营养贡献大小在0.7%-6%之间,其中秋冬季节沉积物磷对水体的贡献大于春夏季节,当外源减少时,沉积物磷负荷在一定时间内将成为水库营养状态的重要贡献因子。  相似文献   

淮河流域焦岗湖水质参数时空变化及影响因素   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
焦岗湖是淮河左岸一个天然湖泊,集防洪、灌溉、养殖、旅游等多种功能于一体.利用焦岗湖4个季节水质监测数据,运用Kriging方法,分析焦岗湖水质参数的时空变化及影响因素.结果表明:由于受水文季节变化过程及人类活动等综合影响,焦岗湖水质参数在时间及空间上均存在一定差异.从时间变化来看,夏季透明度较低、秋季较高;溶解氧浓度在春、冬季显著高于夏、秋季;总氮、总磷浓度与高锰酸盐指数均表现为夏季最高、秋季最低.从空间变化来看,4个季节的透明度空间差异较为显著;溶解氧浓度在春、冬季空间分布较为均匀,夏季呈现中心高周围低的变化趋势,秋季则表现为西高东低;总磷浓度春季分布较为均匀,夏、秋及冬季则呈西高东低之势;高锰酸盐指数在春、秋季节呈现东高西低之势,夏季高浓度主要集中在湖区北部,冬季浓度变化不大.  相似文献   

Land use and in-stream transformation exert great influence on concentrations and loads of phosphorus (P) in rivers. We aimed to display differences in the courses of total P (TP) and soluble reactive P (SRP) concentrations and loads in six medium-sized to large rivers in the central region of Germany, and to identify the reasons for different long-term trends. Therefore, we applied multivariate statistics to 10-year-time series (1994–2003) of TP, SRP, discharge (Q), water temperature (T), pH, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), total organic carbon (TOC), dissolved oxygen (DO), total iron (Fe), and total manganese (Mn). Statistical results were related to land use in the catchments of the rivers. TP concentrations ranged between 0.02 and 0.78 mg l−1, and SRP concentrations ranged between 0.01 and 0.44 mg l−1. Q correlated negatively with TP and SRP concentrations over the entire year. Furthermore, Fe correlated significantly and positively to TP and SRP and therefore, ferric hydroxides likely were the major P sorption sites. DOC showed significant positive correlation to SRP particularly in spring, indicating manure exposure in early spring as a major source of both, DOC and SRP. Significant negative correlations between DO and SRP in summer hint at internal P loading in rivers or in flushed lakes. Different forms of land use were the reasons of enhanced or retarded recovering from previous increases in P concentrations. High portions of arable land within some of the catchments impeded the process of decreases since 1996 because of remaining high-diffuse emissions from fertilized soils. Agricultural practices, exposing fertilizer to soils within the river catchments and high Q in early spring caused high TP and SRP loads to downstream systems, and evoked risks for downstream river reaches.  相似文献   

Concentrations and loads of N and P fractions were examined for lowland rivers, the Wye and Avon, draining a range of representative agricultural land-use types in two major UK river basins. Data collected over a 2-year period demonstrated important diffuse agricultural source contributions to N and P loads in these rivers. Ground water provided a major source of total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) loads, whereas near-surface sources provided a major contribution to total phosphorus (TP) loads. In terms of aquatic ecology, concentrations of nutrients, at times of eutrophication risk (spring and summer low flows) were of key environmental and management significance. Agricultural diffuse sources provided the major source of long-term P loads across the two basins. However, the results demonstrated the dominance of point-source contributions to TP and SRP concentrations at times of ecological risk. Point sources typically ‘tip the balance’ of dissolved inorganic P (soluble reactive P, SRP) above the 100 μg l−1 guideline value indicative of eutrophication risk. The significance of point sources for TP and SRP concentrations was shown by (a) the strong correlations between TP, SRP and B concentrations, using B as a tracer of sewage effluent, (b) the dominant contribution of SRP to TP concentrations and (c) the predominant pattern of dilution of SRP and B with flow. The clean Chalk streams draining low intensity grassland in areas of the Avon with sparse human settlement were oligotrophic and P limited with low SRP concentrations under spring and summer baseflows attributable to groundwater sources. The data provide important insights into the ecological functioning of different lowland stream systems. There was evidence of greater SRP losses and N-limitation in a stream which drains a pond system, demonstrating the importance of longer water residence times for biological nutrient uptake.  相似文献   

Influence of wave on sediment resuspension and nutrients release from sediments, collected from Lake Taihu and Lake Chaohu, was studied in flume experiments. Under strong-wave conditions, concentrations of suspended solids (SS), total phosphorus (TP) and dissolved total phosphorus (DTP) in overlying water were increased significantly following the sediments re-suspension. During the experiments on sediments of Lake Taihu and Lake Chaohu, TP concentrations increased 6 times and 3 times, and DTP concentration increased 100% and 70% more than it in presuspension, respectively. Concentration of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) of experiment on sediment of Lake Taihu increased 25%. During the massive sediment suspension, the dissolved phosphorus in pore water and much of the phosphorus adsorbed by the sediment particles were released into overlying water. The phenomena in this wave flume experiment are quite similar to the situation observed in situ of Lake Taihu. The critical wave stresses of sediment re-suspension are nearly equal. The change of concentrations of SS, TP, and SRP was the same as that in situ situation. This study showed that concentrations of TP and SRP in lake water could be increased significantly by wave disturbance. Phosphorus release was significantly enhanced by wave disturbance at the beginning of massive sediment re-suspension, but decreased later.  相似文献   

Variations in phosphorus (P) speciation were compared for two types of pilot scale wetlands: a blast furnace slag‐based constructed wetland (SCW), and a gravel‐based constructed wetland (GCW). Synthetic secondary effluent was used as the influent of the wetlands, which contained 1.1 mg/L P with more than 95% present as soluble reactive P (SRP). However, dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) and particulate phosphorus (PP) emerged in the water along both wetlands. The levels of these three P species varied between the two wetlands. The GCW was more efficient than SCW at removing SRP, but showed a different trend. SRP decreased continually in the SCW, while it increased at the end of the GCW due to biological release. DOP was constant in SCW and GCW, and the mean value was 0.023 and 0.020 mg/L, respectively. The mean values of PP in the GCW ranged between 0.093 and 0.216 mg/L; much higher than the 0.05 ± 0.01 mg/L measured in the SCW. Sequential extractions showed that iron bound PP (Fe‐PP), aluminum bound PP (Al‐PP), organic PP (Org‐PP) and occluded PP (Oc‐PP) were the major components of PP at most locations of the GCW. Fe‐PP decreased from 0.53 to 0.14 mg/L in the upper layer, with DO steady at about 0.15 mg/L at the bottom. Oc‐PP increased at each layer. Al‐PP and Org‐PP were steady in the first 140 cm of the GCW, but decreased sharply at the end. Considering the variation of SRP, DOP and PP fractionations, it can be seen that PP exchanged intensively with SRP in the GCW, and might act as an intermediate in the P removal process. Part of the SRP was first transformed into PP, and then absorbed by substrates or deposited in the wetlands. P removal was mainly via Ca precipitation in the SCW, but involved multiple mechanisms in the GCW, such as precipitation, adsorption and biological interactions. The multiple P removal mechanisms might be the reason for the low proportion of SRP, and the better P removal efficiency observed in the GCW.  相似文献   

夏季滇池和入滇河流氮、磷污染特征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
为探讨滇池入湖河流水体营养盐空间分布特征及其对滇池水体富营养化的影响,2014年7月采集了入滇4类典型河流(城市纳污型河流、城乡结合型河流、农田型河流、村镇型河流)及滇池水样,分析其氮、磷浓度.结果表明:4条入湖河流总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、硝态氮和氨氮污染均较严重;河流水体中TN、TP平均浓度大小为:农田型河流(大河)村镇型河流(柴河)城乡结合型河流(宝象河)城市纳污型河流(盘龙江),其中农田型河流(大河)水体TN、TP污染最为严重;在夏季,4条入湖河流水体中TN、TP浓度从上游向下游增加趋势比较明显,表明氮、磷沿河流不断富集;氮磷比分析表明,夏季河流输入氮、磷营养盐有利于藻类的生长,并且滇池浮游植物生长主要受TN浓度限制;夏季滇池南部入湖河流水体的TN、TP浓度高于北部入湖河流,该特征与滇池水体中TN、TP污染分布状况相反,推测滇池北部富营养化的主要影响因素是内源释放.因此,在今后的滇池水体富营养化研究中,应对滇池内源释放进行深入研究.  相似文献   

Influence of wave on sediment resuspension and nutrients release from sediments, collected from Lake Taihu and Lake Chaohu, was studied in flume experiments. Under strong-wave conditions, concentrations of suspended solids (SS), total phosphorus (TP) and dissolved total phosphorus (DTP) in overlying water were increased significantly following the sediments re-suspension. During the experiments on sediments of Lake Taihu and Lake Chaohu, TP concentrations increased 6 times and 3 times, and DTP concentration increased 100% and 70% more than it in presuspension, respectively. Concentration of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) of experiment on sediment of Lake Taihu increased 25%. During the massive sediment suspension, the dissolved phosphorus in pore water and much of the phosphorus adsorbed by the sediment particles were released into overlying water. The phenomena in this wave flume experiment are quite similar to the situation observed in situ of Lake Taihu. The critical wave stresses of sediment re-suspension are nearly equal. The change of concentrations of SS, TP, and SRP was the same as that in situ situation. This study showed that concentrations of TP and SRP in lake water could be increased significantly by wave disturbance. Phosphorus release was significantly enhanced by wave disturbance at the beginning of massive sediment re-suspension, but decreased later.  相似文献   

张涛  陈求稳  易齐涛  王敏  黄蔚  冯然然 《湖泊科学》2017,29(6):1300-1311
在太湖流域上游的宜溧—洮滆水系主要河道设置67个监测点,分别于2014年1月(冬季)、4月(春季)、8月(夏季)、11月(秋季)进行水质监测,采用多元统计方法分析了水质的空间差异性和季节性变化,并利用水质标识指数法对水环境质量进行评价.结果表明,宜溧—洮滆水系污染程度较严重,总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)和高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)浓度年均值分别为4.93、0.26和7.63 mg/L;单因素多元方差分析和聚类分析显示污染物浓度具有显著时空差异性,时间上冬、春季污染程度较高而夏、秋季较低,空间上无锡和常州氮、磷污染较为严重,宜兴和溧阳市有机污染程度较高;水质标识评价结果显示流域内水质基本为IV类或V类,其中TN、TP及CODMn是关键污染指标.  相似文献   

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