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博格达山北麓活动构造   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
博格达山北麓活动推覆构造由3条活断层及2个活动背斜构成,其中的北三台活断层及阜康-吉木萨尔活断层与北三台背科及古牧地背斜紧密伴生,但后者部分切割背斜。活断层年代学研究表明,北三台活断层在9664±93a.B.P.后活动;阜康一吉木萨尔活断层在11108±103~14367±365a.B.P.间活动;博格达山北麓活断层在30588±553a.B.P.后活动,同北天山其它地区一样,山前活断层活动年代较新。活断层运动学特征表明,从山前往山里活断层的垂直活动速率逐渐增大,自北向南3条活断层的平均垂直活动速率分别为>0.10±0.01、>0.12及>0.20mm/a。这和山区现代隆起强烈有关。  相似文献   

托里活断层、达尔布特活断层、独山子—安集海活断层及霍尔果斯—卡子湾活断层是塔城地区主要的全新世活断层,均有过多次古地震活动。自1977年以来,4级以上地震活动的空区在裕民县西北。据活断层古地震活动复现期及地震活动围空特点分析,今后10年北天山或塔城西北可能有发生6级左右地震的危险。  相似文献   

新疆天山主要活断层的分段及其在地震区划中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对天山地区活动断裂不同地段的几何形态、运动方式、地震活动特征存在的差异进行了分析研究。提出了活断层分段的标准和几种用于活断层分段的地震活动性指标:给出了活断层分段的标志点特征,并对新疆天山地区13条活断层进行了分段,讨论了分段结果在地震区划潜在震源区划分及其地震活动性参数确定中的应用。结果表明:通过活断层分段使潜在震源区的划分更准确、恰当,使地震活动性参数的确定更能反映出地震活动的时空不均匀性。  相似文献   

青藏高原北部活动地块内部的活断层定量资料   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文中定义了祁连山活动地块的边界,列表给出了近十几年来在青藏高原北部活动地块内部的活断层定量资料。其内容主要包括:活断层的编号、名称、产状、主要的地质地貌标志、活动年代、断层分段、断层滑动速率、古地震及其年代、地震破裂带的主要特征等。这些资料表明:青藏高原北部活动地块的8级大地震集中在它的边界活断层上,断层的滑动速率都在5~12mm/a左右;7级左右的地震发生在其内部规模较小的断层上,断层的滑动速率都在1~3mm/a左右;青藏高原北部活动地块内部的活断层,可以将该活动地块划分为几个次级地块,这些次级活动地块以变形为主,没有发生旋转;我们的结果支持青藏高原"连续变形"的假说  相似文献   

活断层地震地表破裂“避让带”宽度确定的依据与方法   总被引:44,自引:16,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
基于不同类型活断层产生的地震地表破裂带宽度和跨断层探槽地质剖面的地层强变形带宽度等观测事实 ,结合地面建筑设施毁坏带与活断层密切的空间位置关系 ,采用统计分析方法 ,确定了活断层“避让带”宽度为 30m。各活断层更为准确的避让带宽度可通过分析跨断层探槽地质剖面上地层的变形特征加以验证或修订 ;活断层斜列阶区、平行次级断层围限区、走向弯曲区等特殊地域的避让带宽度为这些地域宽度与两外侧各 15m之和。建议有关部门进行活断层“避让带”立法与执法管理 ,并加强活断层鉴定及其地表活动线几何结构形态的准确定位工作 ,积极而有效地减轻地震灾害  相似文献   

孔凡臣 《中国地震》1990,6(1):71-78
本文主要论述了地形面的概念及其在活断层研究中的应用。它对研究活断层的展布、活动时代、活动性质及活动幅度等具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

什么叫活断层   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
什么叫活断层?“活断层”是现今还在活动的断层。在研究活断层中,对什么叫“活”有不同的看法。一种看法认为,地质时期从第三纪以来有活动的断层为活断层(大约距今六、七千万年的时间〕。另一种看法认为,距今三百万至二百万年的第四纪以来还活动着的断层叫活断层。还有一种看法认为,大约距今一万年的第四纪全新世以来活动着的断层叫活断层。特别是近来核电站的修建中,强调活断层的研究重点放在  相似文献   

柏美祥 《地震学报》1986,8(1):79-92
新疆6.5级以上地震与16条活断层有关。查明主要活断层的活动率,与地震断距对比,可确定强震复现期。据实际资料总结的3个经验公式,对新疆及其毗邻地区29条活断层的强震复现期逐条作出估计。未来20年内,昆仑山山前活断层、帕米尔-喀喇昆仑活断层和霍尔果斯-吐谷鲁活断层是会发生6.9级以上地震的警戒断层。   相似文献   

石嘴山市活断层数据库是石嘴山市活断层一期探测与断层活动性初步鉴定项目中形成的重要成果之一,该数据库按照活动构造数据库模版建成。数据库包含6个专题数据库和一个专业数据库,记录了活断层探测与活动性鉴定过程中所获得的全部资料和成果,包括活断层地球物理勘探、地层样品年龄测试、钻孔联合地质剖面探测、槽探、断层活动性鉴定、地震地质调查以及地质填图等方面的内容;对石嘴山市活断层数据库建库规范、数据库内容及数据库的建库技术路线、数据符号化制图等方面作了简要介绍,可供城市活断层数据库建设和管理参考借鉴。  相似文献   

西秦岭北缘活断层带断层气的基本特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对西秦岭北缘活断层带断层气活动基本特征的研究认为:本活断层带是本区地球排气的主要通道;在走滑断层拉分区,地球排放气体活动的强度与地震活动有密切的关系;本带东段断层排气活动比较强,西段断层排气活动比较北,并讨论了两形成差异的原因。  相似文献   

江娃利  张英礼 《中国地震》1997,13(3):263-270
讨论了华北平原周边1975年海城地震,1937年荷泽地震及1830年磁县地震3次强震的地表地震破裂特征以及这3个地区北西向断裂的全新世活动。研究结果表明,尽管这3次强震地表破裂显示较弱,断续分布,仍反映了存在北西向地表破裂带,活动方式呈左旋走滑兼正倾滑。  相似文献   

本文研究了北京及其邻近地区的地质,地貌,地球物理等特征并对有关特征进行了模式识别。结果表明本区易发生地震的地点主要与主活动断裂及新生代断陷盆地有关,且活动断裂数目愈多,判定为强震可能发生地点的概率就愈大。地形高差似乎与本区强震发生的地点无关。FH实验,即未来历史实验(future history test)结果表明:预测是成功的,1882年至1983年中发生了M6.0地震的五个地区均被识别为未来可能发生强震的地点。   相似文献   

Resulting from the seismotectonic study of the Sambian Peninsula based on the interpretation of remote sensing data (satellite images and digital elevation maps), lineaments have been identified. They may be interpreted as active faults and flexure-fracture zones. These active faults, which are expressed in the form of gentle linear swells or steps in the relief, have been found and studied during the carried out field works. There are many discovered paleoseismic dislocations in the studied areas of active faults: fracture displacements, marks of liquefaction (sand dykes), near-fault folds. These seismic dislocations may indicate seismic shocks of 7–8 intensity points occurring in the neighborhood of a modern Kaliningrad city in recent geological history. The identified active structures (Yantarny Fault Zone and Bakalino flexure-fracture zone) could control sources of the 2004 Kaliningrad earthquakes.  相似文献   

Fractalanalysisappliedtofaultsandearthquakes———AcasestudyofChinaJIANWANG(王建)XIAOHUAZHU(朱晓华)YONGHUIXU(徐永辉)DepartmentofGeog...  相似文献   

天山全新世活动断裂及古地震研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冯先岳 《内陆地震》1995,9(3):217-226
横亘亚洲腹地的天山山脉近代构造活动十分强烈。规模较大的全新世活动断裂有20多条,多为近东西走向的倾滑型逆断裂,常与活动褶皱相伴生。活动褶皱为无根的断裂扩展褶皱和滑脱褶皱,它的生长是受地下活动的盲断裂所控制,往往是褶皱地震潜在的地区。天山古地震活动遗迹很多,归纳其标志有:多重断层陡坎、古断塞塘、崩积楔、填充楔、推覆楔、地震断错台地和断裂扩展褶皱等。近几年对10条全新世活动断裂进行开挖研究,已取得大地  相似文献   

近年来,大城市附近的大地震造成大量人员伤亡和财产损失,而地震的元凶是活动的断层。对隐伏在城市地下的活断层进行研究,探明其位置和活动特性,采取正确的应对措施,对于减轻地震灾害具有重大的现实意义,世界上许多国家也越来越重视对活断层的研究。本文着重对活断层与地震灾害、活断层的研究现状和研究方法以及苏州地区的断层情况进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The characteristics and correlation of faults and earthquakes are discussed based on fractal and statistical analysis of the earthquakes in the last 500 years and the active faults in China. It is found that fractal relationship exists between the frequency and the length of the active faults, and the fractal dimension is 1.70 in the continental region of China, and 1.40 in the northwest China. The fractal relationship also exists between the frequency and the scales of earthquakes during the last five centuries and the fractal dimension is 1.30 for the whole continental region of China and 1.08 for the northwest China. The differences of the fractal dimensions between the active faults and the earthquakes indicate that some of the active faults have not caused earthquakes during the last 500 years. The differences of fractal dimensions of the active faults and earthquakes between the northwest China and the whole continental region of China suggest that the frequency of strong earthquakes is greater in northwest China than that of the average level of China, because the number of longer active faults is larger in northwest China than that of the average in whole China. Thus, the fractal analysis is an effective method for studies of faults and earthquakes.  相似文献   

To predict the area with frequent seismicity and the future risky region of strong earthquakes on the time scale of one or several years is a very important and urgent problem that needs to be solved.On the basis of active fault research,pre-warning active faults that have been active recently will be discussed; then the medium-term risky region of strong earthquakes will be delimited around the pre-warning active faults.This method proves to be effective.  相似文献   

The Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon region is located in the frontal zone of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis, where neo-tectonics and seismicity are intensive and closely related to each other. In the region, two sets of fault structures have developed, striking NNE-NE and NWW-NW, respectively. Investigation shows that they differ markedly in terms of scope, property, active times and intensity. The NWW-NW trending faults are large in size, and most are thrust and thrust strike-slip faults, formed in earlier times. The NEE-NE-strike faults are relatively small in size individually, with concentrated distribution, constituting the NNE-trending shear extensional fault zone, which is relatively younger with evident late Quaternary activities. Strong earthquakes occur mainly in the areas or zones of intensive differential movement of the Himalayas, e.g. along the deep and large fault zones around the crustal blocks. Most earthquakes of M≥7.0 are closely related to tectonics, where large-scale Holocene active faults are distributed with complicated fault geometry, or the faults of multiple directions intersect. Among them, earthquakes of M≥7.5 have occurred on the NW and NE-trending faults with a greater strike-slip component in the fault tectonic zones.  相似文献   

High-magnitude earthquake refers to an earthquake that can produce obvious surface ruptures along its seismogenic fault and its magnitude M is at least equal to 7.0. Prediction and identification of locations, where the high-magnitude earthquakes will occur in potential, is one of the scientific goals of the studies on long-term faulting behavior of active faults and paleo-earthquakes, and is also the key problem of earthquake prediction and forecast. The study of the geological and seismological signatures for identifying M≥7.0 earthquake risk areas and their application is an important part of seismic prediction researches. It can not only promote the development of earthquake science, especially the progress of earthquake monitoring and forecasting, but also be positive for earthquake disaster prevention and effective mitigation of possible earthquake disaster losses. It is also one of the earthquake science problems which the governments, societies and the scientific communities are very concerned about and need to be addressed. Large or great earthquakes, such as the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake(M8.0), the 2010 Yushu earthquake(M7.1), the 2013 Lushan earthquake(M7.0)and the 2015 Gorkha earthquake(MW7.8), have unceasingly struck the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and its surrounding areas, which have been attracting attention of a large number of geoscientists both at home and abroad. Owing to good coverage of the seismic networks and GPS sations, a lot of high-quality publications in seismicity, crustal velocity structure, faulting beihavior have been pressed, which gives us a good chance to summarize some common features of these earthquakes. In this paper, seismogenic structural model of these earthquakes, faulting behavior of seismogenic faults, crustal mechanical property, recent straining environment and pre-earthquake seismicity are first analyzed, and then, five kinds of common features for the sismogenic faults where those earthquakes occurred. Those five kinds of commom features are, in fact, the geological and seismological signatures for identifying M≥7.0 earthquake risk areas. The reliability of the obtained sigatures is also discussed in brief. At last, based on the results of 1:50000 active fault mapping, and published seismic tomography and fault-locking studies, an experimental identification of the risk areas for the future large/great earthquakes in the North China and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is conducted to test the scientificity and applicability of these obtained sigantures.  相似文献   

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