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周海光 《地球物理学报》2018,61(9):3617-3639
2016年6月23日14—15时,江苏省阜宁县突遭"增强藤田"4级龙卷、强风、短时强降水和冰雹等强对流天气,致使99人罹难,800多人受伤,属极其罕见的极端天气事件.本文利用加密自动站数据、探空数据、单部雷达观测数据以及双多普勒雷达三维风场反演数据,研究了此次龙卷发生的天气背景、龙卷超级单体的三维结构及其演变特征.研究表明:(1)龙卷发生期间,阜宁处于地面暖湿舌内、地面有γ中尺度气旋和辐合线;环境大气抬升凝结高度很低、中低层有很强的水平风的垂直切变;这有利于龙卷的生成.(2)此次龙卷超级单体左移风暴的低层有钩状回波和入流缺口,有界弱回波区位于垂直剖面中低层、悬垂回波位于风暴前部高层.(3)龙卷发生前,风暴质心高度、最大反射率因子高度和风暴回波顶高度均持续增加,风暴垂直累积液态含水量激增;龙卷发生在上述参数的数值首次同时减小时.(4)双多普勒雷达反演的三维风场揭示,超级单体形成之前的对流风暴内部中低层已经有中尺度气旋形成,中尺度气旋伴随着超级单体的生成、发展和强化的各个阶段.中尺度气旋位于钩状回波顶端、其南端有反气旋,此涡旋偶对于中层动量下传、龙卷生成、发展、加强和触地具有重要作用.  相似文献   

文章调查了2006至2018年中国热带气旋龙卷(简称TC龙卷)的发生情况.在这13年间,共有64次TC龙卷记录,平均每年发生约5次.约三分之一的登陆热带气旋至少有一个龙卷生成.这些TC龙卷主要发生在热带气旋临近登陆或登陆后36小时内的午后,集中于距离热带气旋中心500 km范围内.大多数TC龙卷位于地形相对平坦的沿海地区,其中江苏和广东是中国TC龙卷发生频次最大的两个省份.此外,文章还揭示了两个值得注意的特征:(1)中国的TC龙卷主要生成于TC中心的东北象限,而非TC移动方向的右前象限;(2)与美国相比,中国大多数TC龙卷生成于强度相对较弱的热带气旋(如热带低压、热带风暴).进一步分析表明,中国的TC龙卷倾向于在具有较大低层风暴相对螺旋度和较大对流有效位能(考虑夹卷效应)的环境中产生.中国2018年的TC龙卷尤其活跃,共有24次TC龙卷记录,占总样本数的37.5%.中国现代气象史上的首次龙卷爆发事件发生于台风摩羯(2018)中,至少有11个龙卷生成.此龙卷爆发事件发生于摩羯与中纬度中层槽的相互作用阶段,且伴随着较强的中高层干空气侵入过程.  相似文献   

台风“麦莎”(Matsa)诱发平流层重力波的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用新一代中尺度预报模式WRF-ARW(V3.0)对2005年台风"麦莎"诱发的平流层重力波进行了数值模拟研究.覆盖整个"麦莎"台风主要生命史为期8天的模拟再现了"麦莎"的主要特征,与观测资料进行对比,模拟结果在台风基本特征(路径、强度、螺旋云带分布)以及平流层大气平均状态方面上,都与观测资料有较好的一致性.在此基础上,对"麦莎"诱发的平流层重力波进行了分析研究,分析结果表明:伴随台风向西北方向移动,在其上空以台风为中心的区域中,持续地出现显著平流层重力波,这些波动呈弧状的波阵面离开台风,并主要在背景流的上游中传播.这些波动特征表明了平流层重力波与台风之间存在紧密联系,我们把这种波动称为"热带气旋-平流层重力波".模拟结果还显示,这些波动应该具有相当大的水平尺度,才使得在20km高度上清晰的波阵面出现在距台风中心1000km以外的位置,这与过去的观测分析结果揭示的与台风相伴的平流层大尺度重力波现象是一致的.  相似文献   

为了进一步认识强雷暴中正地闪偏多的原因,本文利用三维雷暴云动力-电耦合数值模式,通过模拟一次强雷暴过程,讨论了正地闪频发需要的条件.结果表明,云闪的发生需要较强的上升气流,而正地闪的发生不仅需要更强的上升气流,还需要云低层存在强的下沉气流,即正地闪发生在强雷暴云成熟阶段后期,对应固态降水强度最大时段.此时,云内主上升气流区内的各电荷区被强上升气流抬升,短暂地呈现反三极性结构,非感应起电机制作用使大量的霰粒子带正电荷,形成了中部电荷密度较大、范围较深厚的正电荷区.而下沉气流区比上升气流区电荷结构更复杂,呈正、负交替的多层结构.由于雷暴云上部负电荷区中部分带负电荷的霰和雹粒子被下沉气流输送到低层,及低层区域感应起电机制的共同作用,使上升气流区外围的对流降水区中的霰和雹粒带上负电荷,在近地面形成一个较强的、范围较大的负电荷区.强雷暴云中下部存在的这个偶极性电荷结构为正地闪的发生提供了有利条件.正地闪发生阶段对应着上升气流、雹粒子体积和总闪的快速增强阶段.因此,强雷暴中正地闪的发生可作为雷暴强度及冰雹形成的一个指示因子.  相似文献   

大气流场的拓扑结构   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
用简化的大气运动方程,定性分析了大气中几种常见天气系统流场的拓扑结构. 研究表明,气旋反气旋流场与中心点附近的流形相对应;长波演化形成阻塞高压流场,与鞍点和中心点从合并到分离的流形相对应;台风和龙卷风的流场与三维空间中鞍-焦点附近的流形相对应. 研究大气流场的拓扑结构,可以直观清晰地揭示大气运动的形态和形成机理,有助于认识大气运动的规律. 文中讨论基于一定假设,结果与实际大气有差异,因而具有局限性.  相似文献   

电离层对台风响应的全过程的特例研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
作为特例研究,本文对1988年和1990年两次强台风影响期间的电离层多普勒记录及相应的台风资料进行了细致的相关分析,目的是利用多普勒记录的连续性优点来了解电离层对登陆(或近海)强台风通过声重波响应的演化全过程.分析表明,在这两次台风影响期间,电离层形态中除有明显的波状扰动(中尺度声重波)出现外,还有一些值得注意的新现象:波动的时间演化表现出明显的幅度逐渐增加以及频率由高频向低频转变,在振幅很大的情况下日落后同时出现扩展F(Spread F)现象,显示了声重波在激发电离层不规则结构方面的种子作用.这一演化过程与电离层中TIDs的线性传播理论一致,文中开展了对这一现象的非线性数值模拟,模拟结果基本上也与上述观测现象相吻合.  相似文献   

本文利用中尺度数值模式WRF,分别采用YSU和MYJ两种边界层参数化方案对2010年超强台风Megi的移动路径进行了模拟,研究了热带气旋(TC)路径模拟对边界层方案的敏感性,并从模拟TC尺度差异所造成的影响角度揭示了模式边界层方案影响TC路径的机理.结果表明:由于两种方案对边界层垂直混合作用过程的描述不同,两个试验模拟的低层水汽垂直输送存在差异.相对于能很好模拟出Megi路径的MYJ方案,YSU方案模拟的TC外围螺旋雨带更活跃,造成TC尺度增大,引起TC中心北侧外围气压梯度和径向风速增加,使得由副高向TC中心输送更多的质量,造成副高异常减弱,从而导致由副高主导的引导气流发生改变,最终使得采用YSU方案模拟的Megi路径出现提前转向.  相似文献   

三维对流云中粒子谱演变特征的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用对CCN、液滴、冰晶、雪粒和霰粒均进行分档处理的三维完全弹性对流云模式模拟了2000年6月29日发生在美国堪萨斯州的一次超级单体风暴过程中粒子谱形成演变特征.模拟结果表明:微物理过程分档方案可以较好的描述出对流单体中水凝物粒子谱的时空分布演变特征,从而可以较好的描述对流云中水凝物粒子的形成演变规律.模拟对流单体中霰粒形成增长机制有凝华和淞附机制两种,入流区上部及主上升气流上部霰粒增长以淞附增长为主,出流区上部的霰粒谱在对流单体发展及成熟阶段均以单峰型谱分布为主,霰粒主要依靠凝华作用增长,长大后以下落为主.初始时刻相对湿度的降低不利于入流区上方霰粒的形成及增长;初始时刻位温扰动的增加不利于出流区上方大霰粒的形成及增长.得出结论:可以通过在入流区上部和主上升气流上部影响霰粒的凝华增长和淞附增长抑制大霰粒或冰雹粒子的形成.对流单体不同部位霰粒增长机制不同,初始时刻不同的温湿扰动下霰粒产生增长机制,及其适宜的防雹催化部位及机理也不相同.  相似文献   

粤东沿岸上升流对2006年夏季台风响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过在粤东沿岸进行的大面走航CTD观测,特别是座底式的海床基测流资料,比较详细的探讨了台风过境对粤东沿岸上升流系统的影响.研究结果表明:南海夏季风驱动的东北向地转流在汕头附近存在显著的近海底向岸分量,与上层的离岸埃克曼平流共同构成了粤东近岸的典型上升流系统.进一步的分析表明粤东沿岸上升流系统对台风强度及其入侵路径比较敏感.当台风入侵路径位于上升流系统以北时(如0604号台风碧利斯和0605号台风凯米),在台风过境初期,局地西南风的异常增大使得向岸流显著增强,即上升流增强;在台风过境期及后期,无论是由于局地风场过强导致的海洋受迫响应(0604号台风碧利斯),还是中度台风诱发的惯性振荡(0605号台风凯米),都不利于维持一个稳定的、持续的上升流系统.当台风从上升流系统以南入侵时(如0606号台风派比安),有利于上升流产生的西南风被东北风取代,风驱向岸的埃克曼平流效应以及质量守恒使得海洋中、下层为离岸流,上层为向岸流,粤东沿岸传统的上升流结构遭到彻底颠覆;当台风过境后,典型的上升流结构会在1~2d内回复.  相似文献   

本研究利用加入起电、放电参数化方案的数值模式(Weather Research and Forecasting Model(Version 3.7.1),WRF3.7.1_ELEC),通过设计五组不同非感应起电及感应起电参数化方案敏感性试验,对发生在青藏高原东北部青海大通地区的一次雷暴过程进行模拟研究,对比分析了不同非感应起电机制及感应起电机制对雷暴云电荷结构的影响.结果表明:在雷暴云发展旺盛阶段,Saunders(S91)、Riming Rate(RR)、和Saunders和Peck(SP98)三种非感应起电方案模拟的雷暴云最低层均为负电荷区,而混合方案(Brooks and SP98,BSP)模拟的雷暴云最低层为正电荷区,主电荷区自下而上为"+-+-"排列的四层电荷结构.与甚高频辐射源定位法推算的结果对比,BSP方案模拟的本次高原雷暴云电荷结构更接近实际情况;几种不同非感应起电方案模拟的主电荷区外围与主电荷区电荷结构不同,说明在雷暴发展的不同阶段雷暴云的电荷结构是不同的;几种非感应起电方案模拟的电荷结构不尽相同,主要是由于霰、冰和雪粒子在不同高度所带电荷的极性及电量的大小不同,霰粒子的电荷密度对低层的影响较大,冰粒子和雪粒子的电荷密度对中上层的影响较大;加入感应起电机制后,雷暴云电荷结构分布几乎没有变化,但能使雷暴云发展旺盛阶段低层和中层的正负电荷区电荷密度有所加强.  相似文献   

Based on the Weather Research Forecasting (WRF) model that features charging and discharging parameterization, relationships between tornado, hail and lightning were investigated for a tornado-producing (EF4 intensity) supercell thunderstorm over Yancheng City in Jiangsu Province, China, on 23 June 2016. Based on a sounding at 0800, there was a low lifting condensation level, substantial convective available potential energy (CAPE), and strong vertical wind shear near Yancheng City, which promote supercell development. At 1400, observations revealed that hail production and a dramatic increase of positive cloud-to-ground flash rates occurred simultaneously, maximizing five minutes later. The tornado occurred 30 min after the hail production. The time of minimum positive cloud-to-ground flash rates was 15 min later. The simulation indicated that the tornadic supercell moved eastward and that positive cloud-to-ground flash rates increased dramatically at 1400, the same as observed, but their maximum was 5 min later than observed. The simulated updraft volume peaked at 1425 and the simulated downdraft volume maximized 5 min later, when the mesocyclone formed. Simulated reflectivities showed no hook echo and horizontal winds for different height at mid-low levels had a different cyclonic shear at 1430, favorable to mesocyclone formation. Based on the simulated results, the region of positively charged graupel ascended resulting from the region of high liquid water content was lifted by the strong updraft, forming a mid-level strong positive charge region. A lower negative charge region formed by the inductive charging mechanism of collisions between graupel and droplets at the bottom of the cloud, conducive to positive cloud-to-ground flashes.  相似文献   

《Continental Shelf Research》2007,27(10-11):1548-1567
A two-way nested coupled tide-surge prediction model was established and applied in the Taiwan Strait and adjacent sea area in this study. This two-dimensional (2D) model had a fine horizontal resolution and took into account the interaction between storm surges and astronomical tides, which made it suitable for depicting the complicated physical properties of storm surges in the Taiwan Strait. A two-way nesting technique and an open boundary condition developed from Flather's radiation condition and Røed and Smedstad's local mode idea, were successfully implemented in the model. A simulation experiment showed that the open boundary condition could be used in the coupled tide-surge model and that the performance of the two-way nested model was slightly superior in accuracy to that of the one-way nested one.The fluctuations of storm surge residuals with tidal period at Sansha and Pingtan tide stations during the period of typhoon Dan in 1999 were well reproduced by the model, with the coupling effect between storm surges and tides indicating that the effect of astronomical tides upon typhoon surges should be considered in a storm-surge prediction model for the Taiwan Strait. The forecast experiment during typhoon Talim in 2005 showed that the storm surge prediction outputs by the model were better in the early 20 h of the forecast period of each model run than those in the later period due to the prediction accuracy of the typhoon track, maximum winds, and central air pressures.  相似文献   

We surveyed the occurrence of tropical cyclone(TC) tornadoes in China from 2006 to 2018. There were 64 cataloged TC tornadoes, with an average of five per year. About one-third of the landfalling TCs in China were tornadic. Consistent with previous studies, TC tornadoes preferentially formed in the afternoon shortly before and within about 36 h after landfall of the TCs. These tornadoes mainly occurred in coastal areas with relatively flat terrains. The maximum number of TC tornadoes occurred in Jiangsu and Guangdong provinces. Most of the TC tornadoes were spawned within 500 km of the TC center. Two notable characteristics were found:(1) TC tornadoes in China mainly occurred in the northeast quadrant(Earth-relative coordinates) rather than the right-front quadrant(TC motion-relative coordinates) of the parent TC circulation;and(2) most tornadoes were produced by TCs with a relatively weak intensity(tropical depressions/storms), in contrast with the United States where most tornadoes are associated with stronger TCs. Further analyses showed that TC tornadoes in China tend to be spawned in an environment with large low-level storm relative helicity and large convective available potential energy taking entrainment effects into account. TC tornadoes were particularly active in 2018, with 24 reported tornadoes accounting for 37.5% of the total surveyed samples. The first recorded tornado outbreak in the modern history of China occurred in the envelope of TC Yagi(2018), in which 11 tornadoes were reported in association with significant midlevel intrusions of dry air and the interaction of Yagi with an approaching midlatitude midlevel trough.  相似文献   

1989年3月特强磁暴期间的电离层暴   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
用欧亚大陆地面电离层垂测站资料考察1989年3月12~16日磁暴期间的电离层暴形态及其发展变化. 特强磁暴引发的电离层暴是全球性的,但自磁层沉降的高能粒子对热层低部的加热程度及区域分布不同,因而各经度链区域内电离层暴的特征也有所差异. 本文研究表明,与理论推断对照,欧洲地区内F2层最大电子密度NmaxF2(或f0F2)并不出现正暴现象,而负暴自高纬向低纬的发展则与典型的热层环流结果相符. 此外,此磁暴过程期间在中低纬区存在明显的波动过程. 在亚洲高纬地区,磁暴初期13日有约10 h的正暴,而负暴过程则与欧洲地区类似,但不太清晰;且无波动现象. 磁暴期间,同一经度链的中低纬地区,夜间常发生多站同时的h′F突增. 本文再次证实这是一般磁暴期间常出现的普遍现象.  相似文献   

An operational storm surge forecasting system aimed at providing warning information for storm surges has been developed and evaluated using four typhoon events. The warning system triggered by typhoon forecasts from Taiwan Cooperative Precipitation Ensemble Forecast Experiment (TAPEX) has been executed with two storm surge forecasting scenarios with and without tides. Three numerical experiments applying different meteorological inputs have been designed to assess the impact of typhoon forcing on storm surges. One uses synthetic wind fields, and the others use realistic wind fields with and without adjustments to the initial wind fields for the background circulation. Local observations from Central Weather Bureau (CWB) weather stations and tide gauge stations are used to evaluate the wind fields and storm surges from our numerical experiments. The comparison results show that the accuracy of the storm surge forecast is dominated by the track, the intensity, and the driving flow of a typhoon. When the structure of a typhoon is disturbed by Taiwan’s topography, using meteorological inputs from real wind fields can result in a better typhoon simulation than using inputs from synthetic wind fields. The driving flow also determines the impact of topography on typhoon movement. For quickly moving typhoons, storm forcing from TAPEX is reliable when a typhoon is strong enough to be relatively unaffected by environmental flows; otherwise, storm forcing from a sophisticated typhoon initialization scheme that better simulates the typhoon and environmental flows results in a more accurate prediction of storm surges. Therefore, when a typhoon moves slowly and interacts more with the topography and environmental flows, incorporating realistic wind fields with adjustments to the initial wind fields for the background circulation in the warning system will obtain better predictions for a typhoon and its resultant storm surges.  相似文献   

Barotropic responses of the East China Sea to typhoon KOMPASU are investigated using a high-resolution, three-dimensional, primitive equation, and finite volume coastal ocean model. Even the fact that the typhoon KOMPASU only brushed across the brink of China mainland without landing, it still imposed great influence across China's east coastal area, where storm surges ranging from 35 to 70 cm were intrigued during this event and a large wake of water setdown due to the outward radial transport driven by the cyclonic wind stress was generated after the KOMPASU traveled across the Yellow Sea. Analysis of the numerical results reveals that the barotropic waves propagating along the coast after the typhoon's landing can be identified as Kelvin wave and the currents associated with the storm are geostrophic currents. A series of model runs are initiated to diagnose the effects of wind stress, atmospheric pressure, and storm track variation on the surge's spatial distribution in the East China Sea. The barotropic waves affected by the atmospheric disturbance due to the typhoon in deep Pacific Ocean travel far more rapidly, arriving at the coastal regions at least 60 h ahead of the typhoon. The wave amplitudes are merely 0.2–0.4 cm and damp gradually due to friction. The model experiments also confirm that the surge levels in nearshore regions are highly dominated by winds, whereas the water level variations in deeper areas are controlled by the atmospheric pressure forcing during typhoon events in the East China Sea.  相似文献   

Theoretical model calculations along with ground-based observations from Huancayo ionosonde station and ESRO-4 gas analyzer data, were used to estimate the contribution of neutral gas composition changes and E×B vertical plasma drift to the observed F2-layer storm effects at the geomagnetic equator. Atomic oxygen concentration increase may give the main contribution to the positive NmF2 effect when drift velocity changes are small, but negative storm effects, on the other hand, are related mostly to vertical drift variations.  相似文献   

Radar structures of one mesocyclone and one mesocirculation (the term mesocirculation refers to a class of rotating updrafts, which may or may not be as spatially and temporally large as a typical mesocyclone) that developed a total of four tornadoes in association with Tropical Cyclone (TC) Frances 1998 are presented. One tornado developed within an inner rainband near the time of landfall while three of the other tornadoes developed within an outer rainband nearly 24 hours after the landfall. Radar reflectivities of the tornadic circulations averaged upwards of 40 dBZ while Doppler radar wind components directed toward the radar averaged 11 m s−1. It is realized that although TC Frances was a minimal hurricane it spawned several tornadoes (four of which were studied) causing damage exceeding $2 million. These tornadoes were not all located close to the TC center, serving as a caution to forecasters and emergency personnel that the immediate landfalling area is not the only place to watch.While it is difficult to accurately predict the TC tornado location and time of occurrence, the degree of low-level baroclinicity seems to play an important role in tornadogenesis. Another significant finding is that the tornadoes were produced on the inward side of an inner rainband, as well as the inward side of an outer rainband. Consistent with climatology, the forward right quadrant of the TC developed the four tornadoes studied here.The lead author, Professor G. V. Rao died 31 July 2004 at the age of 70. He fell victime to the waves while swimming in Mazatlan, Mexico. This is the last paper he publilshed as lead author.  相似文献   

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