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在浮槎山西缘开展野外调查发现典型断层剖面,采集断层泥ESR年代样品,测年结果为(152±30)ka BP和(188±23)ka BP;垂直断裂布设1条浅层地震勘探测线,获得了近地表高精度浅层地震剖面。断层剖面及浅震解译结果显示,该断裂位于元古代石英岩与白垩纪砂岩之间,具有相似的构造特征,有正断分量。综合断层地貌特征、断层泥测年结果、浅层地震勘探结果及区域断裂构造对比,认为郯庐断裂带浮槎山段池河-太湖断裂最新活动时代为中更新世,但第四纪以来活动程度较弱;断裂的第四纪活动情况与其所在地的弱地震活动水平有关。  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带最新活动的断层分布于潍坊至嘉山一带, 而安丘—莒县断裂是郯庐断裂带的重要活动断裂之一。 基于地质考察、 高密度电法探测和钻孔联合剖面, 对安丘—莒县断裂小店—大店段断层活动证据及断层泥分布特征进行研究。 地质考察发现紫红色砂砾岩逆冲到全新世耕植土上方, 两者之间发育断层泥带, 断层泥内含少量角砾岩, 为全新世活动逆断层。 高密度电法探测结果表明断层通过位置电阻率差异明显。 钻孔联合剖面揭露的地层: 全新世耕植土、 全风化砂质泥岩、 强风化砂质泥岩、 碎裂岩、 断层泥带及中风化砂质泥岩。 钻孔K1和K2揭露深灰色断层泥带, 倾向西, 倾角约为74°, 厚度约为13.9 m, 与南侧出露的断层泥带产状相协调。 工作区范围内, 发育多处褶皱、 破碎带和断层泥带, 断层表现为全新世逆断层性质。  相似文献   

对合肥盆地东缘基岩区的NW向断层剖面进行了观察和年代样品测试,并跨其中1条断层布设了浅层地震勘探测线;结合本区第四系厚度和沉积特征,对浅震测线时间剖面进行了地质解释。根据调查所揭示的剖面特征、断层泥ESR测年数据、浅层地震勘探结果及本区的中强地震活动构造背景,认为这组NW向断裂中更新世有过活动;合肥盆地东缘NW向横向断裂的第四纪活动情况与断裂所在地区的新构造环境有关,尽管断层泥测年结果表明断裂在中更新世有过活动,但其活动强度不大。  相似文献   

阿尔金断裂东段断层泥特征及断层滑动方式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
本文用扫描电镜、X衍射等方法对阿尔金断裂东段断层泥的特征、断层活动强度及断层滑动方式进行了研究,获得了如下结论: (1)阿尔金断裂东段的活动强度自晚更新世以后,由西往东逐渐减弱。(2)该断裂东段在第四纪以来至少发生过2—3次古地震事件。(3)全新世以来,该断裂的肃北至阿克塞一段以粘滑为主,而东边的巴个峡至昌马大坝之间断裂的滑动方式则为蠕滑。  相似文献   

王江  李营  陈志 《地震》2017,37(1):39-51
2015年对口泉断裂进行了3期断层气地球化学重复观测, 分析了中段石井村剖面和北段上皇庄剖面CO2、 Rn、 Hg浓度及通量时空变化特征, 发现这两条剖面内CO2、 Rn浓度及通量时空变化特征基本一致。 石井村剖面CO2通量、 Rn浓度及通量高于上皇庄剖面。 上皇庄剖面Hg浓度及通量3期随时间持续上升。 认为口泉断裂断层活动活跃, 第四纪活动性中段高于北段, 且北段断层活动呈增强趋势。  相似文献   

断层泥的分形研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
邵顺妹  邹谨敞 《地震学报》1996,18(3):376-381
介绍了利用光学显微镜和电子显微镜对采自西秦岭北缘活动断裂带的天然断层泥进行分形研究的程序和结果,得到该断裂断层泥的分维数D=2.5940.122(二维截面D=1.5940.122),并测得该断裂带断层泥分维上限平均粒径为9.6~19.2 mm.研究结果表明,该断裂带断层泥具有分形特征,断层面的粘滑摩擦特征位移参数可由分维上限确定.文中还讨论了断层泥分形研究对地震断层的研究意义.   相似文献   

高潭—深圳断裂活动性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高潭—深圳断裂是广东境内规模巨大的莲花山断裂带的主要组成部分,穿过深圳水库和白盆珠水库,控制并断陷了第三纪红色盆地,多处有热泉出露。据此,不少研究者认为,它有一定程度的新活动。笔者在两个水库区考察了6条剖面并系统采集了断层岩(包括断层泥)样品,应用显微构造分析、石英颗粒表面形貌分析、TL和ESR法进行了变形特征和年龄的分析测定。结果表明,该断裂是在早期形成的规模较大的韧性剪切带(糜棱岩带)的基础上发展起来的,后来有多期脆性断裂活动,最后一次较强烈活动的时间为距今20多万年(中更新世晚期),以后活动强度逐渐减弱。  相似文献   

本文对青藏高原东北缘一些主要断裂(包括阿尔金、昌马、毛毛山等断裂)的断层泥首次进行了研究。在对断裂带的内部结构、围岩成分、断层泥的厚度及石英颗粒表面特征等综合分析的基础上对断裂的活动年代、活动方式及断层泥形成的深度进行了讨论。石英颗粒表面上溶蚀程度(颗粒表面的光滑程度、凹凸现象及孔洞发育情况)可划分为6种类型并且每种类型都有相应的年代。根据断裂的粘滑、蠕滑特征,对该区的各活动断裂进行了粘滑段与蠕滑段的划分。用红外光谱与稀土元素的分析结果,算得断层泥形成的深度在地壳10km范围内。  相似文献   

香山-天景山断裂断层泥显微构造特征及其地质意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对香山-天景山断裂11个断层泥和3个断层角砾岩的显微结构详细观察发现, 断层泥可分为颗粒流动条带状断层泥、叶理化断层泥和块状断层泥三类. 进一步对断层泥和断层角砾岩中的残存碎屑形态优选方位(简称SPO)进行了测定. 结果表明, 叶理化断层泥SPO与剪切带边界斜交, 类似于P叶理; 颗粒流动条带状断层泥SPO基本平行于剪切带边界; 断层角砾岩和块状断层泥的SPO具有随机性. 该断裂断层泥分布在三角形分类图的不同区域, 明显地显示出其运动方式的不同. 这些研究结果为探讨断裂运动方式提供了一种判定标准.  相似文献   

刘行松  胥怀济 《地震地质》1993,15(2):123-130
为了探讨基岩裸露区断层的活动特征、期次和时间,在鲜水河断裂带东南段的康定-磨西断裂段采集了一系列断层岩和断层泥样品,运用TL、ESR、K-Ar、石英形貌分析和变形显微构造分析法进行了综合测试。结果表明,断裂段经历了多种机制(韧性剪切和脆性断裂)、多期次、多种运动方式(左旋和右旋)的活动,最新一次较强烈活动的下限时间是晚更新世末或全新世初  相似文献   

断层带内的流体不仅可以通过水岩反应改变断裂岩的矿物组成和化学成分,从而导致化学性质和物理性质的变化,而且可以影响或控制断裂带的变形行为.断裂带中岩石磁学特征是由特定化学环境下磁性矿物的种类和含量所决定的,因此,从矿物学和地球化学角度探讨断裂岩的磁性变化,对揭示断层的变形行为和环境具有一定的指示作用.本文以汶川科钻WFSD-3P钻孔中龙门山灌县—安县断裂带断裂岩为研究对象,运用高分辨率磁化率测试、XRD矿物成分半定量分析、XRF元素扫描以及不同价态Fe元素含量分析等多种方法开展断层磁学变化和变形环境的研究.磁化率测试结果表明灌县—安县断裂带断层泥的磁化率值普遍低于对应的围岩磁化率平均值.结合前人研究成果表明造成该断层泥低磁化率异常的原因是在间震期的长期流体作用下,铁磁性矿物(例如磁铁矿)转变成顺磁性矿物(铁硫化物、菱铁矿或含铁的黏土矿物).新生铁硫化物和含铁黏土矿物是在间震期缓慢形成的,而黏土矿物含量的增加弱化了断层强度,促进断层蠕滑,这说明断层泥低磁化率异常可能指示了该断裂在间震期长期缓慢活动,即为蠕滑变形.断层泥中黄铁矿的发育和高Fe2+和S元素、低Fe3+的特征显示灌县—安县断裂作用环境通常是在低温、还原环境中进行的.这些结果与低磁化率值的相关性暗示断层泥低磁化率异常可能对活动断层的低温还原环境具有指示意义.  相似文献   

断层岩,尤其是断层泥的磁性异常近年来被研究人员广泛关注,但关于其磁性异常的形成原因尚没有统一的解释.海原断裂是青藏高原东北缘一条重要的走滑断裂,前期研究发现海原断裂带景泰段出露有数十米至上百米的断层岩,是理想的研究材料.本研究选取海原断裂带景泰段老虎山山前一个断层岩剖面作为研究对象,拟通过测量断层岩的磁化率(χ)、非磁滞剩磁(ARM)、饱和等温剩磁(SIRM)、等温剩磁(IRM)以及磁化率随温度变化曲线(χ-T曲线)等磁学参数并结合粒度、碳含量、X射线衍射(XRD)等分析方法来探究海原断裂带老虎山段不同颜色断层岩的磁性特征及其形成机制.磁学研究显示黑色、红色及杂色断层泥相较于围岩和破碎带显示了低磁性,尤其是黑色断层泥,其磁化率值均小于10×10~(-8 )m~3·kg~(-1).碳含量及矿物相分析结果指示黑色断层泥与断裂带附近石炭系煤层具有相似的矿物相组成,结合相似的χ-T曲线推断石炭系煤层为黑色断层泥的母岩.石炭系煤层经断层活动卷入断层,在断层强烈剪切摩擦作用下不断细化,形成伊利石等黏土矿物,并促使一部分顺磁性含铁硅酸盐矿物或其他含铁矿物发生化学变化形成亚铁磁性矿物,使得黑色断层泥的磁化率较其母岩石炭系煤层有一定升高.通过黑色断层泥的铁磁性磁化率结合χ-T曲线计算获得断层泥所经历的最高温度约为420℃,不超过450℃.老虎山段厚层碳质断层泥的存在为该地区发现的浅层蠕滑现象提供了一种解释.  相似文献   

Measurements were made of the amounts of D,18O, and H2O+ in fault gouge collected over a depth of 400 m in the San Andreas fault of California. The amounts and isotopic compositions of the pore fluids, also analyzed, suggest that formation waters from adjacent Franciscan rocks have migrated into the gouge and mixed with local meteoric water. Thus the gouge is an open system permeable to fluid flow. This permeability has important implications concerning heat flow along the fault zone.Analyses of the fault gouge itself give information on the amounts, timing, and conditions of formation of the clay minerals.Stable-isotope analyses of materials from fault zones are good indicators of water-rock interactions that bear importantly on processes taking place in seismically active regions.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper describes the results of petrographical and meso- to microstructural observations of brittle fault rocks in cores obtained by drilling through the Nojima Fault at a drilling depth of 389.52 m. The zonation of deformation and alteration in the central zone of the fault is clearly seen in cores of granite from the hanging wall, in the following order: (i) host rock, which is characterized by some intragranular microcracks and in situ alteration of mafic minerals and feldspars; (ii) weakly deformed and altered rocks, which are characterized by transgranular cracks and the dissolution of mafic minerals, and by the precipitation of zeolites and iron hydroxide materials; (iii) random fabric fault breccia, which is characterized by fragmentation, by anastomosing networks of transgranular cracks, and by the precipitation of zeolites and iron hydroxide materials; and (iv) fault gouge, which is characterized by the precipitation of smectite and localized cataclastic flow. This zonation implies that the fault has been weakened gradually by fluid-related fracturing over time. In the footwall, a gouge layer measuring only 15 mm thick is present just below the surface of the Nojima Fault. These observations are the basis for a model of fluid behavior along the Nojima Fault. The model invokes the percolation of meteoric fluids through cracks in the hanging wall fault zone during interseismic periods, resulting in chemical reactions in the fault gouge layer to form smectite. The low permeability clay-rich gouge layer sealed the footwall. The fault gouge was brecciated during coseismic or postseismic periods, breaking the seal and allowing fluids to readily flow into the footwall, thus causing a slight alteration. Chemical reactions between fluids and the fault breccia and gouge generated new fault gouge, which resealed the footwall, resulting in a low fluid condition in the footwall during interseismic periods.  相似文献   

Summary In the northern and central sections of the San Andreas Fault Zone, and along Calaveras and Hayward faults, clay gouges have been found to occur on the surface and at shallow depths.It is consistent with the available geochemical data that such gouges can exist at depths down to 10 km. If extensive gouge materials exist in a fault zone then their properties will determine, to a large extent, the behavior of the fault. From known properties of clays in the presence of water we can infer that, in such cases, the tectonic stress and the stress drops for earthquakes will be low and substantial creep will take place before earthquakes.  相似文献   

Abstract Mineralogical and geochemical studies on the fault rocks from the Nojima–Hirabayashi borehole, south-west Japan, are performed to clarify the alteration and mass transfer in the Nojima Fault Zone at shallow depths. A complete sequence from the hornblende–biotite granodiorite protolith to the fault core can be observed without serious disorganization by surface weathering. The parts deeper than 426.2 m are in the fault zone where rocks have suffered fault-related deformation and alteration. Characteristic alteration minerals in the fault zone are smectite, zeolites (laumontite, stilbite), and carbonate minerals (calcite and siderite). It is inferred that laumontite veins formed at temperatures higher than approximately 100°C during the fault activity. A reverse component in the movement of the Nojima Fault influences the distribution of zeolites. Zeolite is the main sealing mineral in relatively deep parts, whereas carbonate is the main sealing mineral at shallower depths. Several shear zones are recognized in the fault zone. Intense alteration is localized in the gouge zones. Rock chemistry changes in a different manner between different shear zones in the fault zone. The main shear zone (MSZ), which corresponds to the core of the Nojima Fault, shows increased concentration of most elements except Si, Al, Na, and K. However, a lower shear zone (LSZ-2), which is characterized by intense alteration rather than cataclastic deformation, shows a decreased concentration of most elements including Ti and Zr. A simple volume change analysis based on Ti and Zr immobility, commonly used to examine the changes in fault rock chemistry, cannot account fully for the different behaviors of Ti and Zr among the two gouge zones.  相似文献   

Beijing plain area has been always characterized by the tectonic subsidence movement since the Pliocene. Influenced and affected by the extensional tectonic environment, tensional normal faulting occurred on the buried NE-trending faults in this area, forming the "two uplifts and one sag" tectonic pattern. Since Quaternary, the Neocathaysian stress field caused the NW-directed tensional shear faulting, and two groups of active faults are developed. The NE-trending active faults include three major faults, namely, from west to east, the Huangzhuang-Gaoliying Fault, Shunyi Fault and Xiadian Fault. The NW-trending active faults include the Nankou-Sunke Fault, which strikes in the direction of NW320°~330°, with a total length of about 50km in the Beijing area. The northwestern segment of the fault dips SW, forming a NW-directed collapse zone, which controls the NW-directed Machikou Quaternary depression. The thickness of the Quaternary is more than 600 meters; the southeastern segment of the fault dips NE, with a small vertical throw between the two walls of the fault. Huangzhuang-Gaoliying Fault is a discontinuous buried active fault, a boundary line between the Beijing sag and Xishan tectonic uplift. In the Beijing area, it has a total length of 110km, striking NE, dipping SE, with a dip angle of about 50~80 degrees. It is a normal fault, with the maximum fault throw of more than 1 000m since the Tertiary. The fault was formed in the last phase of Yanshan movement and controls the Cretaceous, Paleogene, Neogene and Quaternary sediments.There are four holes drilled at the junction between Nankou-Sunhe Fault and Huangzhuang-Gaoliying Fault in Beijing area. The geographic coordinates of ZK17 is 40°5'51"N, 116°25'40"E, the hole depth is 416.6 meters. The geographic coordinates of ZK18 is 40°5'16"N, 116°25'32"E, the hole depth is 247.6 meters. The geographic coordinates of ZK19 is 40°5'32"N, 116°26'51"E, the hole depth is 500.9 meters. The geographic coordinates of ZK20 is 40°4'27"N, 116°26'30"E, the hole depth is 308.2 meters. The total number of paleomagnetism samples is 687, and 460 of them are selected for thermal demagnetization. Based on the magnetostratigraphic study and analysis on the characteristics of sedimentary rock assemblage and shallow dating data, Quaternary stratigraphic framework of drilling profiles is established. As the sedimentation rate of strata has a good response to the activity of the basin-controlling fault, we discussed the activity of target fault during the Quaternary by studying variations of deposition rate. The results show that the fault block in the junction between the Nankou-Sunhe Fault and the Huangzhuang-Gaoliying Fault is characteristic of obvious differential subsidence. The average deposition rate difference of fault-controlled stratum reflects the control of the neotectonic movement on the sediment distribution of different tectonic units. The activity of Nankou-Sunhe Fault shows the strong-weak alternating pattern from the early Pleistocene to Holocene. In the early Pleistocene the activity intensity of Huangzhuang-Gaoliying Fault is stronger than Nankou-Sunhe Fault. After the early Pleistocene the activity intensity of Nankou-Sunhe Fault is stronger than Huangzhuang-Gaoliying Fault. The activity of the two faults tends to consistent till the Holocene.  相似文献   

柯坪推覆构造的根部断裂记录到的地震活动相对较弱,以至于多数学者认为该断裂晚第四纪以来活动性不强。笔者根据遥感影像解译和野外调查得到迈丹断裂的几何展布,确认F3阿合奇段为最新地表破裂带,并通过一系列河流阶地的左旋位移测量确定其晚更新世以来有过走滑活动。结合地貌测量和探槽开挖得到断层垂直错距,探槽揭示的古地震事件发生在距今(1.76±0.22)ka之后,根据现场考察获得的活动构造定量数据,依据不同震级与地表破裂关系式推算出该次古地震震级为7.5级。研究成果可能对区域活动断裂的研究以及区域活动构造图像的完整性提供基础资料,同时最新地表破裂证据的发现可能有助于更新认识该断裂的危险性。  相似文献   

How to survey fault activity and determine seismogenic structures in a relatively stable and bedrock-distributed region is a challenging research work. Ruichang-Tonggu Fault and Yifeng-Jingdezhen Fault, distributed mainly at the pre-Cenozoic bedrock region, show the geological evidences of activity in the Quaternary and they are two important tectonic belts for the occurrence of moderate earthquakes in the central-northern Jiangxi Province. Fault gouge stripes can be found on the outcrop sections of the two faults. The imageries of the microstructures of fault gouge show abundant phenomena about the structural deformation, and it is clear that the fault gouge was formed by structural activity. As to the deformation modes, there are not only the Y-shears and R1-shears, which represent the localized-brittle deformation, but also the P-foliations, which reflect the ductile deformation in the microstructures of fault gouge. These features demonstrate that the micro-scale rapid deformation can exist in the seismogenic structure at the near-surface in the occurrence process of moderate earthquakes very possibly. The microstructures of soft material from the fault outcrop section at the southern segment of Hukou-Xingan Fault, which is inactive in the Quaternary, reflects that the soft material from the fault zone can also be the products of rainwater leaching and filling, or weathering in the later periods. Based on the macroscopic observation in the field, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish the differences of structurally-formed or non-structurally formed soft gunk in the fault zones, however, their differences in the microstructure on the slices grinded indoor are obvious. The relatively stable bedrock areas in South China often are not only favorable for the siting of major projects, such as nuclear power plant in China, but also the economically-developed, densely populated, urban agglomeration areas. The study of microstructure of fault gouge provides a technical reference approach for the identification of fault activity and the determination of seismogenic structure of moderate-strong earthquakes in assessing the seismotectonic environment in these regions.  相似文献   

Soil gas emission is closely related to tectonic and seismic activity and has been widely used to track active faults and monitor seismicity in the upper crust. Because active fault plays an important role as the channel of the earth's deep gas upward migration due to its high permeability and porosity, the geochemical characteristics of soil gas in fault zone is a good indicator of tectonic fracture and activity. In order to study the soil gas geochemical emission intensities and its correlation to fault activity, fluxes of Rn, Hg and CO2 in soil gas and the ground resistivity were surveyed across the Yuxian-Guangling Fault and Kouquan Fault which are both Quaternary active faults in the border area of Shanxi Province, Hebei Province and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. In 2017, soil gas fluxes were measured in 2 profiles consisting of 10 and 9 wells of depth of 3.0m across the fault scarps in Yuxian-Guangling Fault and Kouquan Fault, respectively. Resistivity tomography sections were attained by ground resistivity survey with electrode spacing of 5.0m along the profiles of soil gas measurement. The gas geochemical data show that there exist two abnormal flux peaks across the Yuxian-Guangling Fault and one in the Kouquan Fault. The high density resistivity measurement shows that fault breccia and fractured rocks zones are developed under the measured faults, where higher values of soil gas flux are also observed. Fractures with high gas permeability in the strata favor the transfer and migration upward of soil gases, which results in the anomalies of gas flux value. In addition, the anomalies of gas flux values are spatially identical with the occurrence of the fault scarps. The soil gas degassing rate of Yuxian-Guangling Fault is higher than that of Kouquan Fault. The research results of high density electrical prospecting and previous tectonic activity show that low-resistance bodies are more developed and the fault activity is stronger with higher slip rate, which leads to the more intense emission of soil gas in Yuxian-Guangling Fault. The conclusions can be made that soil gas geochemical characteristics and degassing rate in fault zone is closely correlated to the tectonic activity and fracture degree. Combination of geochemical and geophysical methods is an efficient way for the monitoring and study of fault activity to estimate the possible earthquake hazards.  相似文献   

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