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李育  李卓仑  王乃昂 《湖泊科学》2012,24(3):474-479
湖泊不同位置沉积物重建的古环境变化过程往往具有差异,而这种差异可能揭示了不同的古环境信息.本文以河西走廊石羊河流域终端湖泊猪野泽为例,探讨湖泊不同位置沉积物所代表的古环境意义.位于湖盆边缘的三角城剖面可能反映了石羊河上游地区的降水及其古径流量的变化,这种变化在千年尺度上对应了北大西洋Bond事件,显示该区域通过季风环流系统与全球气候系统的联系.位于湖泊中部的QTH01、QTH02、QTL-03剖面反映了湖泊演化的信息,显示中全新世期间(约7.0-约3.5 cal ka BP)湖泊水位较高的特征,但是这种特征并不能和该流域的古径流相联系,说明该区域湖泊演化除了受千年尺度大气环流特征的影响外,湖泊表面蒸发可能也起了重要作用.该研究为中亚地区普遍存在的中全新世高湖面问题提供了研究思路.  相似文献   

中国末次冰盛期以来湖泊水量变化及古气候变化机制解释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
薛滨  于革 《湖泊科学》2005,17(1):35-40
中国古湖泊数据库收录的42个湖泊,提供的湖泊水量每千年变化的空间信息,可以用来系统分析中国区域末次冰盛期以来大气环流变化的状况.研究结果表明:我国西部从末次冰盛期以来直至全新世中期均为较湿润的气候状况,推测冰期内的湿润条件主要与西风带的降水以及低温低蒸发密切相关,而全新世主要为夏季风降水增加所致;全新世晚期气候趋干明显.我国东部的大部分区域在冰盛期和晚冰期较为干旱;只是在全新世有效降水状况才有大幅度的改善,全新世中期夏季风降水的效应仍然相当显著,控制的范围可达整个中国西部,同时位于现代季风气候区的中国东部,有效降水的峰值区的变化似乎存在从北往南的穿时性,南方有效降水峰值出现在晚全新世.而西南季风区湿润状况的明显改善发生在晚冰期,比东南季风区发生的早,显然这与两个季风系统的相互消长有一定的关系.我国东北区的湿润状况改善的也较早,显示了独特的季风气候机制.  相似文献   

介绍了正在建设中的全球湖泊数据库的情况,以及该数据库的水位资料所反映的晚更新世末期以来全球湿润状况的变化。通过大尺度湖水位变化的时空分析,结果显示当今湖泊水位状态较历史时期而言,位于低纬干旱或半干旱地区的湖泊水位较低,而中纬及高纬湿润地区的湖泊水位较高。自末次冰盛期以来,北美大陆中南部地区湖泊水位自高至低,反映出该地区气候条件由湿变干,至早、中全新世达最干旱。而在非洲及南亚季风地区,冷期偏干,暖期偏湿。特别是在早、中全新世的温暖时期,为历史上最湿润时期。北半球中纬度地带的气候干湿变化与北半球冰盖的存在及其消融导致的西风带的南北摆动有关;而北半球季风区在早、中全新世出现的高潮面与北半球夏季辐射的增加有密切联系。  相似文献   

介绍了正在建设中的全球湖泊数据库的情况,以及该数据库的水位资料所反映的晚更新世末期以来全球湿润状况的变化。通过大尺度湖水位变化的时空分析,结果显示当今湖泊水位状态较历史时期而言,位于低纬干旱或半干旱地区的湖泊水位较低,而中纬及高纬湿润地区的湖泊水位较高。自末次冰盛期以来,北美大陆中南部地区湖泊水位自高至低,反映出该地区气候条件由湿变干,至早、中全新世达最干旱。而在非洲及南亚季风地区,冷期偏干,暖期偏湿。特别是在早、中全新世的温暖时期,为历史上最湿润时期。北半球中纬度地带的气候干湿变化与北半球冰盖的存在及其消融导致的西风带的南北摆动有关;而北半球季风区在早、中全新世出现的高潮面与北半球夏季辐射的增加有密切联系。  相似文献   

秦伯强 Harr.  SP 《湖泊科学》1997,9(3):201-210
介绍了正在建设中的全球湖泊数据库的情况,以及该数据库的不位资料所反央的是更新世末期以来全球湿润状况的变化,通过大尺度湖水位变化的时空分析,结果显示当今湖泊水湖泊水位较高,自末次盛期以来,北美大陆中南部地区湖泊水位自高至低,反映出该地区气候条件由湿变干,至早,中全新世达最干旱,而在非洲及南亚季风地区,冷期偏干,暖期偏湿,特别是在早,中全新世的温暖时期,为历史上最湿润时期,北半球中纬度地带的气候干湿变  相似文献   

由中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所于革研究员等撰写的《古气候动力学与中国古湖泊数据库———重建晚第四纪古气候古水文》一书日前由气象出版社出版 .该书介绍了古湖泊数据库和古气候模拟基本理论、方法和最新研究成果 .全书共分十章 ,内容包括 :(1)国内外古气候动力学研究现状和有关基本问题 ;(2 )古湖泊数据库建立的基本原理和方法 ,以及中国第四纪湖泊数据库基本内容和成果 ;(3)水热平衡模式和古降水量估算 ;(4)全球大气环流模式、模式运行和控制试验 ;(5 ) 2 1kaBP和 6kaBP古气候模拟试验和结果分析 ;(6 )区域大气环流模式和…  相似文献   

中国晚新生代湖泊沉积及其反映的环境概貌   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在地球历史上湖泊沉积大规模的发育或缺失,都和一定的构造背景和气候环境条件相关。本文依据我国晚新生代以来,湖泊沉积时空规模和分布的变化,来探讨我国大环境的变迁过程。上新世和早更新世我国西部存在许多大湖泊,发育巨厚的湖泊沉积,而东部分布的范围很局限,造成这种情况的原因,除了构造运动的差别外,当时大气环流的形势与今不同,西部的气候条件相当湿润。中—晚更新世西部的大湖大都萎缩,甚至消失,东部却表现出大湖增加的趋势,这显然与青藏高原的迅速隆起、东亚季风的加强有关。末次冰期以来,对应于冰期、间冰期的气候变化,不同气候带湖泊的响应差异颇大,既表现出区域环境的特点,也有全球变化事件的反映。  相似文献   

梁新歌  王涵  赵爽  宋春桥 《湖泊科学》2023,35(6):2111-2122
在全球气候变暖和极端气候事件增加的背景下,流域水文循环过程受到的影响越来越强烈,导致湖泊水位变化表现出复杂的时空特征。而泛北极地区是地球上湖泊数量与面积分布最为集中的区域之一,该地区湖泊对气候变化响应非常敏感。因此,了解这些湖泊近期水文变化特征十分必要。本研究共搜集了36个泛北极大型湖泊(>500 km2)基于遥感或站点观测的近20年水位数据,分析其时空变化特征。本文使用线性回归模型来估算湖泊水位的变化趋势,进而利用皮尔逊相关分析了其主要水文影响变量和大气环流机制,并运用Mann-Kendall突变检验法探讨了水位突变的原因。结果表明,泛北极湖泊的水位整体上呈现不同程度上升(平均速率为0.013 m/a),有23个(64%)湖泊的水位呈上升趋势;研究湖泊中有10个通过90%统计显著性检验。其中,水位上升速率最大的湖泊是位于哈萨克斯坦的腾吉兹湖,上升速率为0.078 m/a。泛北极湖泊水位的波动主要与径流有关,有19个(53%)湖泊的水位波动与径流的增加更为相关;相比而言,位于亚洲的极地湖泊水位的上升与流域蒸发的降低显著相关,尤其是库苏古尔湖。从区域大气环流影响来看,泛北极湖泊水位变化主要与厄尔尼诺-南方涛动有关,其次是北极涛动和北大西洋涛动。本研究有助于加深对泛北极湖泊近20年水位变化规律及气候影响特征的科学理解。  相似文献   

中亚东部水文气候变化对中纬大气环流非常敏感.为了查明该地区水文气候的长期变化及其与大气环流的关系,文章利用位于中天山深水湖泊——赛里木湖钻孔岩芯,在137Cs、210Pb和AMS14C定年基础上,对湖泊岩芯有机碳、有机氮、碳/氮比、碳酸盐含量和粒度等多指标进行了分析,重建了晚全新世以来该地区水文气候变化历史.结果显示,晚全新世以来共发生了4次降水显著增加时期(4000~3780、3590~3210、2800~2160和890~280cal a BP)和1次降水微弱增加时期(1700~1370cal a BP),这与中亚东部地区已有的降水/湿度记录相吻合,表明晚全新世以来该地区具有相似的水文气候变化模式.太阳活动减弱以及整个环北大西洋地区大气环流南移,特别是中纬西风主要路径的南移,可能是中亚东部地区晚全新世水文气候变化的最主要原因.此外,赛里木湖研究结果还揭示了该地区最近100年降水显著增加,但中亚地区未来水文气候如何变化仍需更多不同载体的深入研究.  相似文献   

流域内的水量平衡可以通过单个湖泊的水位波动体现,而区域湖泊水位的一致性波动则可以反映区域有效水分的变化.以往的研究主要通过分析湖泊沉积物的多代用指标来重建过去的有效水分,缺少对区域有效水分变化的定量研究.本研究基于瞬态气候演变模型、湖泊能量平衡模型及湖泊水量平衡模型,以构建的虚拟湖泊为载体,进行东亚及中亚地区全新世以来有效水分变化的连续模拟实验.使用的虚拟湖泊水位、面积、水深、盐度与实际区域的湖泊状况并不相同,但能够通过假设来估算区域有效水分的相对变化.此外,还对不同地理区域有效水分变化的驱动机制进行了探讨.研究结果表明:中国北方全新世以来有效水分的逐渐降低主要受到长波和短波辐射导致的蒸发增加,以及夏季太阳辐射降低导致的降水减少的共同影响;青藏高原和中亚南部全新世以来有效水分的降低主要受控于亚洲夏季风的减弱而造成的降水减少;而西风环流增强导致的降水逐渐增多是中亚北部全新世晚期有效水分增加的原因.  相似文献   

Late Quaternary vegetation changes of regional and global significance in the Mediterranean region are generally interpreted as being controlled by changes in the circulation patterns of North Atlantic air masses. However, the possibility cannot be excluded that they may also be related to winds blowing from Africa. Long pollen records from southwest Europe show that Cedrus pollen of northwest African provenance is found during the glacial periods, and occasionally during abrupt deforestation events in the forest-dominated periods of the interglacials. A pollen concentration record from central Italy shows that during the Holocene the presence of Cedrus pollen coincides with two abrupt deforestation events, around 8.1 and 4.2 cal kyr BP. These observations raise the question of a possible influence of eolian activity on arboreal vegetation during phases of climatic stress towards aridity, and suggest the use of modern pollen monitoring as a strategy for revealing tendencies towards aridification in southwestern Europe.  相似文献   

中国21kaBP气候模拟的初步试验   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
陈星  于革  刘健 《湖泊科学》2000,12(2):154-164
本文使用含有陆面过程的9层大气环流谱模式(AGCM+SSiB),在地球轨道参数和下垫面边界条件驱动下,对21kaBP的气候进行模拟试验。结果表明,21kaBP时中国东部干旱,西部和青藏高原湿润,全国普遍降温。该模拟结果基本捕捉了由古湖泊资料和孢粉资料重建的气候特征。对模式输出的大气环流场和降水场的分析揭示出,21kaBP东亚夏季风环流明显减弱,而青高原夏季风环流增强;冬季风环流较现在略有增强。该模  相似文献   

Potential hydrological impacts of climate change on long‐term water balances were analysed for Harp Lake and its catchment. Harp Lake is located in the boreal ecozone of Ontario, Canada. Two climate change scenarios were used. One was based on extrapolation of long‐term trends of monthly temperature and precipitation from a 129‐year data record, and another was based on a Canadian general circulation model (GCM) predictions. A monthly water balance model was calibrated using 26 years of hydrological and meteorological data, and the model was used to calculate hydrological impact under two climate change scenarios. The first scenario with a warmer and wetter climate predicted a smaller magnitude of change than the second scenario. The first scenario showed an increase in evaporation each month, an increase in catchment runoff in summer, fall and winter, but a decrease in spring, resulting in a slight increase in lake level. Annual runoff and lake level would increase because the precipitation change overrides evaporation change. The second scenario with a warmer, drier climate predicted a greater change, and indicated that evaporation would increase each month, runoff would increase in many months, but would decrease in spring, causing the lake level to decrease slightly. Annual runoff and lake level would decrease because evaporation change overrides precipitation change. In both scenarios, the water balance changes in winter and spring are pronounced. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

通过对嘎顺淖尔XK1孔沉积岩芯的岩性特征及多种环境代用指标的综合分析,初步认为:中更新世早中期,29.6 -42.5m(推测时代为距今218.3 kaBP以前),气候温凉偏干,滨湖与洪积相交替;距今218.3-172.8 kaBP气候温凉偏湿, 湖泊面积扩大,以滨浅湖-浅湖沉积为主,并一度出现半深湖环境;距今172.8-93.4 kaBP,沉积环境为湖滨相与洪积相交替,气候特点是冷凉干旱;距今93.4-67.4 kaBP,沉积环境以淡水浅湖为主,夹湖滨相.气候温偏湿;距今67.4-54.0 kaBP ,湖滨相沉积为主,气候温凉偏干;距今54-48.9 kaBP,气候暖湿的浅湖环境,气温较高;距今48.9-42.6 kaBP,凉而且干旱的气候特点,沉积相为湖滨相;42.6-0 kaBP,气候暖湿、凉干交替,浅湖相为主.  相似文献   

Multi‐proxy indices retrieved from sediments in Lake Chaonaqiu, an alpine lake on the western Loess Plateau (LP) of China, were used to reconstruct a precipitation history over the last ~300 years. The results correlate well with records from tree rings and historical documents in neighboring regions. We show that the lake oscillated between two states, i.e. wetter climatic conditions, which favored denser vegetation cover, and promoted weaker catchment soil erosion; and drier climatic conditions, which lead to less vegetation coverage, correlate with stronger surface soil erosion. Several intensive soil erosion events were identified in the sediment cores, and most of these occurred during decadal/multi‐decadal dry periods, and correlate well with flood events documented in historical literature. The results of this study show that soil erosion by flood events is particularly intense during dry periods, and further highlights the role of vegetation cover in the conservation of water and soil in small lake basins on the Chinese LP. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文基于505 景 Landsat 卫星影像,通过自动化冰湖边界提取与人工目视解译相结合的方法调查了 2000 和 2020年中国境内冰湖的分布与变化,并结合 1990 年冰湖编目数据,分析中国冰湖变化特征及影响因素。 研究表明,19902020 年中国冰湖面积增加(180.1±0.1) km2,增加了 17.9%。 其中,冰川补给湖面积扩张最显著,为 22.9%,而非冰川补给湖的面积仅扩张 4.9%。 1990 2020 年冰湖面积在较高海拔带呈现增长快速的趋势,其中,在海拔 5500 m 以上冰湖面积扩张最大,达 30.5%。 在区域尺度,非冰川补给湖的变化主要受降水量和蒸发量变化的影响,其中蒸发量变化对非冰川补给湖更为显著;气温升高与冰川普遍退缩则是导致冰川补给湖普遍快速扩张的主要原因。  相似文献   

Annual cycles in long time series of precipitation from sixteen southwest European observatories have been analysed using complex demodulation. The stations have been clustered into two distinct regions and a hybrid one. They are referred to as the southwestern Europe precipitation Atlantic regime (SEPAR) and the southwestern Europe precipitation Mediterranean regime (SEPMER), with the hybrid regime referred to in terms of the mean amplitude ratios between semiannual and annual rainfall components. Some evidence of linking between seasonal cycle harmonic amplitudes and the zonal circulation has been found for SEPAR stations and a more obscured relationship for the SEPMER region. Within the SEPAR region the strength of the relationship is diminished towards the north. A trend analysis of the amplitudes against time since 1920 has also been carried out and the results reveal a divergent pattern in trends between annual and semiannual component amplitudes for the SEPAR region. In fact, both an increasing annual-amplitude trend and a decreasing semiannual-amplitude trend are observed, in each case statistically significant. The fact that the seasonal cycle variability of rainfall in southwestern Europe becomes more sensitive southwards to changes in atmospheric zonal circulation over the North Atlantic might, in our opinion, be related to the swing of the circumpolar vortex.  相似文献   

On the basis of General Circulation Model (GCM) experiments with increased CO2, many parts of the northern latitudes including western Europe, are expected to have enhanced hydrologic cycles. Using observations of precipitation and streamflow from Ireland, we test for climatic and hydrologic change in this maritime climate of the northeast Atlantic. Five decades of hourly precipitation (at eight sites) and daily streamflow at four rivers in Ireland were investigated for patterns of climate variability. An increase in annual precipitation was found to occur after 1975. This increase in precipitation is most noticeable on the West of the island. Precipitation increases are significant in March and October and are associated with increases in the frequency of wet hours with no change in the hourly intensities. Analysis of streamflow data shows the same trends. Furthermore, analysis of extreme rainfall events show that a much greater proportion of extremes have occurred in the period since 1975. A change also occurred in the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index around 1975. The increased NAO since 1975 is associated with increased westerly airflow circulation in the Northeast Atlantic and is correlated with the wetter climate in Ireland. These climatic changes have implications for water resources management particularly flood analysis and protection.  相似文献   

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