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四川盆地南部的长宁页岩气开发区附近地震频发,近年来已发生近10次ML>4.0的中型地震和万余次ML1.0~3.0的小微地震,灾害风险持续增高。由于国家地震台网的固定台站较为分散,难以捕捉到1级以下微震事件的精确信息,通过近场微震监测数据来分析页岩气开发区的地震风险演化趋势,已经成为势在必行的科学问题。本文基于专门布设的13个近场流动台站和国家地震台网固定台站2017年2月至2018年6月监测拾取到的1万余个地震事件,采用最大似然估计法计算了双差定位后地震目录的b值,详细探讨了长宁页岩气开发区的b值演化特征。基于更低的最小完整震级,估计出区域总体b值为0.98±0.02,略高于前人研究结果。拟合直线的双线性特征和错位分布指示出b值演化可能存在明显的时空差异特征。通过分析验证了这一结果,并且发现5个地震事件数量快速增加的时间段恰好伴随着b值的强振荡特征和相关空间距离SCL值的稳定低值分布,认为可能与附近的页岩气压裂开采存在关联。分析认为4个较大震级事件发生之前出现的b值下降应归因于震前的应力累积过程,类似于一般的大型天然地震事件。  相似文献   

2022年9月5日四川泸定发生M6.8地震,为研究泸定地震孕震区的应力变化,选取b值、小震调制比和丛集率这3个参数,对泸定地震前的区域地震活动状态进行计算研究。结果显示:泸定及周边区域几次强震发生前,区域地震活动均存在持续时间较长的低b值时段,且在低b值状态下震前短期内出现小震高丛集、高调制比的现象;鲜水河断裂带的地震活动状态分析显示,此次泸定地震前该断裂带存在持续时间近10个月的低b值状态,且短期内出现丛集率升高、调制比高值现象。通过对比分析,认为泸定地震是鲜水河断裂带构造运动的结果。综合分析认为,结合应力场背景和构造条件研究地震活动b值、固体潮调制比和丛集率的时空变化有助于理解大地震的孕育演化过程。  相似文献   

2017年8月8日青藏高原东缘四川九寨沟地区发生7.0级强震,依据前人研究结果分析九寨沟7.0级地震发震构造,并计算震前应力状态。结果显示:本次地震受到构造和历史强震的影响,是发生在历史强震引起的应力加载区域。另外,采用中国地震台网1990年以来的地震目录,在评估目录完整性的基础上,利用最大似然法计算得到2017年8月8日九寨沟7.0级地震前震源区及邻区地震b值空间图像。结果显示,九寨沟7.0级地震发生在四川北部地区显著低b值高应力异常区域内部(0.82b0.75)。所以,研究区域内外历史强震可能促进了九寨沟7.0级地震的发生。  相似文献   

Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) has been carried out for Iraq. The earthquake catalogue used in the present study covers an area between latitude 29°–38.5° N and longitude 39°–50° E containing more than a thousand events for the period 1905–2000. The entire Iraq region has been divided into thirteen seismogenic sources based on their seismic characteristics, geological setting and tectonic framework. The completeness of the seismicity catalogue has been checked using the method proposed by Stepp (1972). The analysis of completeness shows that the earthquake catalogue is not complete below Ms=4.8 for all of Iraq and seismic source zones S1, S4, S5, and S8, while it varies for the other seismic zones. A statistical treatment of completeness of the data file was carried out in each of the magnitude classes. The Frequency Magnitude Distributions (FMD) for the study area including all seismic source zones were established and the minimum magnitude of complete reporting (Mc) were then estimated. For the entire Iraq the Mc was estimated to be about Ms=4.0 while S11 shows the lowest Mc to be about Ms=3.5 and the highest Mc of about Ms=4.2 was observed for S4. The earthquake activity parameters (activity rate , b value, maximum regional magnitude mmax) as well as the mean return period (R) with a certain lower magnitude mmin m along with their probability of occurrence have been determined for all thirteen seismic source zones of Iraq. The maximum regional magnitude mmax was estimated as 7.87 ± 0.86 for entire Iraq. The return period for magnitude 6.0 is largest for source zone S3 which is estimated to be 705 years while the smallest value is estimated as 9.9 years for all of Iraq.The large variation of the b parameter and the hazard level from zone to zone reflects crustal heterogeneity and the high seismotectonic complexity. The seismic hazard near the source boundaries is directly and strongly affected by the change in the delineation of these boundaries. The forces, through which the geological structure along the plate boundary in Eastern and Northeastern Iraq are evolved, are still active causing stress-strain accumulation, deformation and in turn producing higher probabilities of earthquake activity. Thus, relatively large destructive earthquakes are expected in this region. The study is intended to serve as a reference for more advanced approaches and to pave the path for the probabilistic assessment of seismic hazard in this region.  相似文献   

The July 3, 2015 Pishan MS6.5 earthquake occurred in the intersection area of the Tarim block and West Kunlun block where the moderate-strong earthquakes have become active in recent years. This paper has studied the seismicity parameters of the earthquake sequences such as the b-value in the Pishan region and its vicinity. In addition, we also relocated the aftershocks of the Pishan MS6.5 earthquake using the seismic phase report by the double-difference method. The temporal and spatial variation characteristics of the Pishan earthquake sequence in the rupture zone are analyzed. The study is of great significance in the seismic hazard assessment in this region.  相似文献   

Iran sits on a region with a high intrinsic level of seismic activity due to its tectonic setting. Through statistical examination of the earthquakes listed in the catalogue from International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES), this research attempted to calculate some seismicity factors and find correlation between them. A preliminary analysis indicated changes in the b-value of the Gutenberg-Richter relationship over the study region. Thus, the study area was divided into five zones (Alborz, Zagros, Azerbaijan, Central and East) and b-value was computed for each zone. Considering faulting mechanism styles and the b-values in the region, it was found that the lowest b-values belong to the thrust events and strike-slip faulting earthquakes have intermediate values. These findings support previous studies. Furthermore, results of b-value calculation were used for the estimation of accumulated differential stresses (σ1σ2) over each zone. Overall, the b-value for Iran is averagely low which signifies the high stress tectonic regime in this region. Also, by having calculated fractal dimension (D) in each zone, a correlation obtained showing that in Iran region, the b-value correlates to fractal dimension by D = 4.2b–2 relation which does not support Aki's (1981) speculation of D = 3b/c.  相似文献   

中强地震发生后,地震检测因受到尾波的干扰可能会遗漏部分微震事件,影响地震目录的完备性。文章利用波形模板匹配方法对2020年新疆伽师MS6.4地震序列开展微震检测,相比原始的中国地震台网中心统一地震目录,新检测出1 756个微震事件,地震数量增加了1.3倍。基于检测后的余震目录计算最小完备震级为ML1.2,地震活动性b值为0.76,较原始目录的ML1.6和0.77均有所降低。通过伽师震源区地震序列活动特征分析,结果表明前震序列在主震前短时间内(前36小时)出现地震活动的密集增强,相应的b值显示为低值;主震发生后地震序列完备震级较高,随着时间的推移,完备震级缓慢降低并趋于稳定,并且呈周期性的波动。本研究提高了伽师震源区地震目录的完备性,为精细化描述该地区地震序列时空演化特征提供了关键数据基础。  相似文献   

解孟雨  孟令媛 《中国地震》2021,37(2):494-507
利用全国统一目录和流动台站目录,研究了四川盆地东南部长宁地区的地震活动特征和b值的空间分布特征。研究结果显示,长宁地区的地震活动在时间上呈现明显的分段特征,地震活动在2015年后明显增强;在空间上,长宁地区的地震活动主要集中在以28.3°N为界限的南、北2个地区,对于这2个区域的b值演化,计算结果显示出不同的分段特征。此外,研究了不同震中距下,长宁地区2018年兴文5.7级、2019年珙县5.3级和2019年长宁6.0级3次主要地震事件震前与震后的b值演化,结果表明统计范围会显著影响b值的变化特征,当计算范围为20km时,3次主震震前短期内均出现了低于背景b值90%的低b值异常,这表明在地震目录相对完备的情况下,利用低b值异常分析区域地震危险性,应采用较小范围的地震数据。  相似文献   

The G-R relation lgN=a-bM (1954) is an empirical formula used widely in the seismicity research. But the linearity of b curves has great difference in different time and space domains. An interested question in this paper is that in how large a space-time-strength domain the b value has certain physical connotation. This study told us that we can get optimal statistical results of b value in those space-time domains which can develop correspondent strong shocks with magnitude interval (M s≥8.5, 8.0≤M s<8.5, 7.0≤M s<8.0). Thus, the possible seismogenic areas in which strong shocks with different magnitude intervals develop can be inferred in different regions of the mainland of China. Finally, some new problems are proposed, such as the delimitation of seismic province, the seismicity parameter determination in seismic hazard analysis and in earthquake predictions by using b value. Contribution No. 96A-0074, Institute of Geophysics, SSB, China.  相似文献   

b值是研究地震活动的重要指标,其广泛应用于地震危险性分析和地震预测研究之中,与实际资料的完整性、样本量的大小、计算方法等因素有着重要的关系。常见的b值计算方法有最小二乘法和最大似然法,样本量的大小对这2种方法影响很大。本文利用蒙特卡罗模拟地震目录和汾渭地震带实际目录作为样本,从中抽取不同大小的样本量进行计算,研究不同样本量下这2种方法计算得到的b值与设定值或真实值之间的差别。结果表明,最小二乘法需要的最低样本量为1000,最大似然法为200;当样本量达不到要求时,计算出的b值是不可靠的;由于对样本量的要求不同,前者适用于计算区域的整体b值,而后者在研究某区域b值在时间轴上的变化方面更有优势。本研究为确定2种b值计算方法对样本量的最低要求提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

2016年新疆呼图壁6.2级地震前b值异常特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用2009年以来中国地震台网中心地震编目资料,以2016年新疆呼图壁6.2级地震作为研究对象,采用最大似然法进行b值空间扫描计算,获取震前震中及其邻区地震b值的空间图像。研究结果显示,2016年呼图壁6.2级地震发生在震前显著低b值区域,该异常特征可能反映了地震孕育的应力积累过程,印证了b值的物理意义。  相似文献   

张家口-渤海断裂带西段及中西段b值时空扫描   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
张家口-渤海断裂带作为华北平原地区重要的活动断裂带,地震活动频繁,是我国地震监测预测重点区域之一。本文选取该断裂带西段及中西段1970-2016年的地震目录,采用最大似然法进行时间扫描,分析显示研究区b值为0.28-1.52,其随时间变化的特点是在大地震发生前降至最低,震后逐渐恢复;研究区空间扫描结果显示,该区b值的平均值为0.93,其中怀安-万全盆地北缘断裂和蓟运河断裂平均b值较低,反映该区域应力水平较高。综合以上结果,本次研究揭示出研究区地震危险性的时间和空间差异,为对研究区地震危险性评价提供基础数据。  相似文献   

The Timiskaming earthquake, which occurred near the Quebec-Ontario border at the northwest end of the Western Quebec seismic zone in 1935, is one of the five largest instrumentally recorded southeastern Canadian earthquakes. Previous studies of this earthquake concentrated on modeling teismograms recorded at regional distances, a better constrained focal mechanism is obtained. The waveforms indicate thrust faulting on a moderately dipping northwest striking plane at a depth of 10 km. TheM w of 6.1 determined in this study is in good agreement with previous magnitude estimates (m b 6.1,M s 6.0, andm bLg 6.2–6.3). The focal mechanism is similar to those of many recent small to moderate earthquakes in the region, and the inferred (from theP axis) acting stress of northeast compression is consistent with the overall eastern North American stress field. The Lake Timiskaming Rift Valley in which the earthquake occurred, comprises several northwest striking faults consistent with the strike of the 1935 event. Thus, the 1935 earthquake appears to be a result of faulting on the reactivated Timiskaming graben.  相似文献   

利用模板匹配方法对2015年11月23日青海省祁连县M_S5.2地震进行遗漏地震检测研究,由于主震后短时间内目录中遗漏事件较多,故对主震后1天的连续波形进行检测。主震后1天内青海测震台网记录到的余震个数(包括单台)共62个,选取主震后M_L1.0以上余震30个作为模板事件,通过匹配滤波的方式扫描出遗漏地震31个,约为台网目录给出的0.5倍。基于包络差峰值振幅与震级的线性关系估测检测事件的震级参数,最后将检测后的余震目录与台网余震目录在主震后1天内的最小完备震级进行对比分析,结果发现检测后最小完备震级从M_L1.2降到了M_L0.7,得到青海测震台网在祁连地区最小完整性震级为M_L0.7。  相似文献   

The improved calculation method ofb value is presented in this paper. The method can enlarge the role of earthquake occurrence frequency inb value calculation and thus increase theb value variation amplitude. In this case, the combination structure variation between earthquake magnitudes and corresponding frequencies could be shown clearly. According to the calculation and analysis for limited mainshocks in the complete seismicity data of selected monitored area with assigned consistent lowest magnitude, the precursor anomaly features, quantitative indexes and the calculation formula of relative subject function ofb value variation have been preliminarily worked out. The prediction in short period (from 1 to 3 months) for damage earthquakes in the monitored area mentioned above can be put forward on the basis of the results of quantitative calculation and analysis.  相似文献   

— The devastating intraplate earthquake of Mw 7.7 of 26 January, 2001 took place along the south-dipping reverse fault in the lower crust ( 23 km) of Kutch, Gujarat, India, obliterating some 14,000 people. The aftershock activity has ensued for three years. We analyzed 997 aftershocks of M 3.0 to study the b value and fractal correlation dimensions in time and space. The b value is found to be 0.8 ± 0.03 from the Gutenberg-Richter relation and 0.76 ± 0.02 from the maximum-likelihood, suggesting a typical value for the intraplate region. The spatial correlation is 1.71 ± 0.02, indicating that events are approaching a two-dimensional region. Further, the temporal correlation dimension is estimated to be 0.78 ± 0.02, confirming the structure is mono-fractal in time domain. The depth section of b value shows a peak at 15–35 km depth range coinciding with the maximum occurrence of aftershocks ( 47%), which is inferred as a fluid-filled highly fractured rock matrix with fractures of high density. It will be important to note that tomographic results also suggest a low Vp, low Vs and a large Poissons ratio for the same depth range, further confirming this inference. Additionally, we have studied the variation of D2s and b value with time. During the first two months of aftershock activity the results show a marked negative correlation between spatial correlation dimension D2 (large) and b value (low), indicating the predominance of large events associated with weak clustering. The negative correlation means the stress release along faults of a larger surface area. After two months the fractal dimension (D2s) and b value suggests a positive correlation implying more numerous smaller shocks with stress release along faults of a smaller surface area. This would indicate a reduced probability of large magnitude earthquakes due to fragmentation of the fault zone.Acknowledgement. The authors thank Dr. V.P. Dimri, Director, NGRI for his encouragement and kind permission to publish this work. The Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi supported this study.  相似文献   

This paper provides a generic equation for the evaluation of the maximum earthquake magnitude mmax for a given seismogenic zone or entire region. The equation is capable of generating solutions in different forms, depending on the assumptions of the statistical distribution model and/or the available information regarding past seismicity. It includes the cases (i) when earthquake magnitudes are distributed according to the doubly-truncated Gutenberg-Richter relation, (ii) when the empirical magnitude distribution deviates moderately from the Gutenberg-Richter relation, and (iii) when no specific type of magnitude distribution is assumed. Both synthetic, Monte-Carlo simulated seismic event catalogues, and actual data from Southern California, are used to demonstrate the procedures given for the evaluation of mmax.The three estimates of mmax for Southern California, obtained by the three procedures mentioned above, are respectively: 8.32 ± 0.43, 8.31 ± 0.42 and 8.34 ± 0.45. All three estimates are nearly identical, although higher than the value 7.99 obtained by Field et al. (1999). In general, since the third procedure is non-parametric and does not require specification of the functional form of the magnitude distribution, its estimate of the maximum earthquake magnitude mmax is considered more reliable than the other two which are based on the Gutenberg-Richter relation.  相似文献   

Introduction Data mining (SHAO and YU, 2003) is a new kind of technique developed with database and artificial intelligence in recent years, which processes the data in the database to abstract the im- plied and pre-unknown, but potentially useful information and knowledge from large amounts of incomplete, noisy, blurring and stochastic data. For data mining, data purging is an important link beforehand that includes eliminating noise, making up lost domain, and deleting ineffective data, as…  相似文献   

Seismicity parameters for important urban agglomerations in India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
India’s urban population has increased in the recent times. An earthquake near an urban agglomeration has the potential to cause severe damage. In this article, seismicity parameters for region surrounding important urban agglomerations in India are estimated. A comprehensive earthquake catalogue for the region (6°E–42°E latitude and 60°N–100°N longitude) including historic and pre-historic events has been compiled from various sources. To estimate the parameters, past earthquake data in a control region of radius 300 km has been assembled to quantify the seismicity around each urban agglomeration. The collected earthquake data is first evaluated for its completeness. From combined (historical and instrumental) data, the seismicity parameters b-value, seismic activity rate, λ and maximum expected magnitude (m max ) have been obtained from the methodology proposed by Kijko and Graham (1998). The obtained activity rates indicate that region surrounding Guwahati urban agglomeration is the most seismically active region followed by Srinagar, Patna, Amritsar and Chandigarh.  相似文献   

In this paper changes in focal mechanisms) parameters of wave spectra, and stress drops for the Ms=5.0 forcshock and Ms=6.0 mainshock in February 2001 in Yajiang County, Sichuan, and seismicity in cpiccntral region are studied. Comparison of focal mechanisms for the Yajiang earthquakes with distribution patterns of aftcrshocks, the nodal plane Ⅰ, striking in the direction of NEN, of the Yajiang M=5.0 event is chosen as the faulting plane, the nodal plane Ⅱ, striking in the direction of WNW, of the M=6.0 event as the faulting plane. The strikes of the two faulting planes are nearly perpendicular to each other. The level of stress drops in the cpicentral region before the occurrence of the M=6.0 earthquake increases, which is consistent with increase of seismicity in the epicentral region. The rate decay of the Yajiang earthquake sequence, changes in wave spectra for foreshocks and aftershocks,and focal mechanisms are complex.  相似文献   

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