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利用GPS果确定华北不同运动性质单元及活动方式   总被引:18,自引:5,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
利用华北地区1992,1995和1996年所施测的高精度GPS结果,对华北地区内部同期不同运动性质的活动单元进行辨别,确定了4个有明显差异运动的活动单元和1个过渡带,它们分别是鄂尔多斯 阴山单元、燕山单元、晋冀鲁单元、胶辽鲁单元和燕——冀过渡带;并给出了这一时期相邻单元间的相对运动,具体为:①鄂尔多斯——阴山单元与燕山单元之间不存在明显的压缩运动(量值为0.41.3 mm/a);② 晋冀鲁单元背离鄂尔多斯 阴山单元向东偏南40的方向运动,量值为4.41.0 mm/a;③相对于燕——冀差异运动转换带,燕山单元向西偏北38方向运动,量值为2.41.3 mm/a,晋冀鲁单元向东偏南35方向运动,量值为2.30.9 mm/a;④晋冀鲁单元相对于燕山单元向东偏南37方向呈张拉型左旋运动,量值为4.71.4 mm/a;⑤位于晋冀鲁断块南部郯庐带附近的局部地区有偏离晋冀鲁单元的运动,方向为南偏西14,量值为1.51.1 mm/a;⑥相对于晋冀鲁单元,胶辽鲁单元有顺时针运动的趋势。其与燕山单元为邻的北端表现为张拉型右旋运动,南端则表现压性运动.需要说明的是,这里所给出的误差是根据单元内各点位移间的离散性得到的,并不是由观测点位移误差计算求得的.分析结果还表明:①山西带和燕——冀过渡带是体现华北内部相对运动格架及强弱的主要构造活动带,其它构造活动带则为次一级的活动带;② 华北地区整体水平形变并非均匀连续;③华北地区的动力模式可能为地幔拖曳+边界耦合.   相似文献   

Based on high-precision data obtained in the past decade from GPS re-measurement in the North China Network, the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China (CMONOC) and GPS measurement along the Shanxi graben zone, the status and evolution of horizontal crustal movement in the North China region are analyzed. The results show that (1) the Yanshan tectonic zone (Zhangjiakou-Bohai Sea zone)is an active one with the largest horizontal strain in the North China region; The largest tendency differential movement of adjacent blocks is seen between the Yanshan block and the North China plain block; about 2mm/a (left lateral) ; (2)The significant horizontal differential movement along the boundaries of the North China region is characterized by right-lateral strike-slip movement at the middle-north segment on its west boundary (composed of Yinchuan and other active tectonic zones) and compressive movement at the south segment; while the Yinshan rift zone located along the west segment on its north boundary is dominated by tensile movement. Other boundaries and zones have no obvious differential movement; (3) On the whole, measurements of each period differ from one another, which might result from the nonlinear movement component as well as from the error effect. In the paper, results of the relative movement and strain in different periods are given for different blocks and boundary zones.  相似文献   

华北主要构造单元及边界带现今水平形变与运动机制   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:26       下载免费PDF全文
根据华北地区12,15,16,1年高精度GPS观测结果,给出了华北地区各主要构造单元间两个时段(12-16年和16-1年)的相对水平运动.其结果为:①相对于鄂尔多斯单元,阴山单元的运动为(0-2.3)±1.6mm/a,方向约0°-W13°N,属于相对较弱左旋走滑运动.②相对于鄂尔多斯单元,晋冀鲁豫单元的运动为(4.4±1.0)-(2.5±1.5)mm/a,方向约为S50°-30°E,属于右旋型拉张运动;相对于燕山单元,则为(4.7±1.4)-(4.3±1.4)mm/a,方向约为E37°-°S,属拉张型左旋走滑运动.③相对于晋冀鲁豫单元,胶辽鲁苏单元12-16年的运动显示了顺扭的运动特征;16-1年的运动为(2.6±1.5)mm/a,保持顺扭趋势,方向约为W11°S,总体上属于北张南压的右旋走滑运动.分析表明:现今地壳构造活动与现代地壳构造运动性质基本一致,但量值有所差别;地壳运动存在着数年尺度的较明显的波动性,这可能是大陆地壳运动的一个主要特征;16-1年的运动不同于12-16年,主要表现为鄂尔多斯单元北移态势增强,山西断陷带和燕山构造带两侧拉张性有所减弱,可能是张北地震后应力调整与华北地区边界力耦合共同作用的结果.  相似文献   

The Runcorn stress equations and 2–30° harmonic coefficients of the geopotential have been applied to determine the mantle convection pattern beneath China. The pattern is compared with geophysical and geological observations and it is found that the directional change belts of mantle flows coincide with the major fault belts between tectonic units of China. The stress field generated by mantle flows, except in the Tian Shan region, also coincide with the stress field of recent tectonic movement in China. The Tarim and Junggar basins are formed by tensional stresses due to divergent mantle convection currents under northwest China. The formation of the Qinhai-Xizang (Tibet) plateau is due mainly to the compression of the Tarim block and Indian plate, caused by convergent mantle convection currents. The shear-fault belts in central China (100–105°E) are generated by the running change belt of mantle flows, a well-known N-S seismic zone. In eastern China, tensional faults, grabens, lake and sea depressions are related to the eastward displacement of continental lithosphere exerted by eastward dispersal mantle flows under this region.This paper provides new material for further study of the force source mechanism of recent tectonic movement from the viewpoint of mantle convection currents.  相似文献   

A garnet-pyroxene bearing amphibolite as a xenolith hosted by the Mesozoic igneous rocks from Xuzhou-Suzhou area was dated by zircon SHRIMP U-Pb method, which yields a metamorphic age of 1918 ± 56 Ma. In addition, the zircons from a garnet amphibolite as a lens interbedded with marble in the Archean metamorphic complex named Wuhe group in the Bengbu uplift give a metamorphic U-Pb age of 1857 ± 19 Ma, and the zircons from Shimenshan deformed granite in the eastern margin of the Bengbu uplift give a magma crystallization U-Pb age of 2054 ± 22 Ma. Both the Xuzhou-Suzhou area and Bengbu uplift are located in the southeastern margin of the North China Craton. Therefore, these ages indicate that there is a Paleoproterozoic tectonic zone in the southeastern margin of the North China Craton, and its metamorphic and magmatic ages are consistent with those of the other three Paleoproterozoic tectonic zones in the North China Craton. In view of the large scale sinistral strike-slip movement occurred at the Mesozoic along the Tan-Lu fault zone, the position of the eastern Shandong area, which is a south section of the Paleoproterozoic Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt, was correlated to Xuzhou-Suzhou-Bengbu area prior to movement of the Tan-Lu fault zone. This suggests that the Xuzhou-Suzhou-Bengbu Paleoproterozoic tectonic zone might be a southwest extension of the Paleoproterozoic Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40634023)  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带中南段及邻区Pn波速度结构与各向异性   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
郯庐断裂带是一条纵贯我国大陆东部NNE走向的巨型深断裂,其中南段及邻区(115°E—122°E,29°N—38°N)跨越了华北断块区、扬子断块区和华南褶皱系三大一级构造单元,由于其重要性和复杂性,长期以来一直是地学家们研究的热点.本文从国际地震中心(ISC)、中国地震台网及区域地震台网的地震观测报告中精心挑选出6381个Pn震相数据,用Pn波时间项层析成像法反演得到了郯庐断裂带中南段及邻区上地幔顶部Pn波速度结构和各向异性.结果显示,研究区上地幔顶部具有显著的横向非均匀性,相对于7.95km·s-1的平均速度而言,Pn波速度值在7.68~8.24km·s-1范围内变化.Pn波速度分布在郯庐断裂带中段和南段具有分段性:沿中段及周边存在一NE向低速异常带,低速可能是由于岩石圈的减薄和软流圈的高温物质沿郯庐带上涌导致;沿南段表现为一NNE向弱高波速异常带,作为高低速的边界带清晰地勾勒出了华北与扬子这两个不同块体,该边界在江苏域向华北地块NW方向凹进.Pn波速度各向异性的强弱与速度分布存在一定的相关性.总体上,如鲁西隆起及以南等低速区、茅山断裂附近的高低速过渡带,其速度各向异性较为强烈;而在具有高速异常的苏北盆地、合肥盆地等稳定区域下方其各向异性较弱.本文通过Pn波震相基本未能探测到郯庐断裂带中段的方位各向异性,推测是上地幔顶部被"冻结"下来的各向异性痕迹被软流圈热物质上涌这一强烈构造运动削弱所导致.南段具有与断裂伸展方向近乎平行的快波速方向.Pn波速度横向变化和强震活动存在一定关联.强震主要发生在Pn波低速异常区或高低速过渡带上.郯城8.5级地震震中位于中段和南段高低速过渡带,该区域也是速度横向变化最大的地方,最容易集中应力和产生应力差.  相似文献   

华北地区近期地壳水平运动与应力应变场特征   总被引:49,自引:7,他引:42  
利用华北GPS监测网 1 992年、1 995年、1 996年的观测资料 ,应用最小二乘配置给出了华北地区相对水平位移场、应变场的分布图像 .经初步研究表明 :华北地区 1 992-1 995年间的水平位移和应变场表现为整体性不均匀的压性运动 ,1 995- 1 996年测区东部仍以水平压性运动为主 ,但测区西部则主要表现为张性运动 .水平运动 (方向、大小 )发生显著变化和应变高值区的地带主要位于块体边界带和主要断裂带附近 .燕山断块南边界的北东向断裂存在着较显著的左旋运动 .区内最大剪应变、面膨胀的高值区在天津、北京、唐山一带 .结合非连续变形数值分析方法 (DDA)初步分析认为 ,1 992- 1 995年GPS观测结果显示的华北地区存在东、西部构造应力作用的明显差别 ,华北东部以东西向压应力作用为主 ,而西部的南北向构造应力作用又明显大于东部 .  相似文献   

张北-尚义地震区及其邻区地壳上地幔结构   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
对张北-尚义地震区及其邻区的深部结构的研究表明,张家口-蓬莱构造带与其两侧的山西裂谷系、华北裂谷盆地和燕山褶皱带相比,具有低阻性质,地壳内的速度界面及莫霍面的深度分布显示出明显的不同。以延怀盆地为界,把张家口-蓬莱构造带分成西北和东南两段。最新的大地电磁观测研究表明,张北-尚义地震区电性结构与周围有一定差别,壳内有一近北北西向构造,主震和绝大多数余震都发生在壳内低阻带以上  相似文献   

华北克拉通是近年来我国地学界研究的热点之一.本文利用布设在华北东北部地区的华北地震科学台阵所记录的远震波形资料,用波形互相关方法拾取了9105条S波走时残差数据,进而用体波走时层析成像方法反演获得了研究区从地表至600 km深度的S波速度结构.所获得的S波层析成像结果表明,华北克拉通中部块体的山西断陷带低速异常一直从地面延伸至上地幔约300 km深处,推测该低速异常体可能与中、新生代的大同火山群的形成与活动有关.研究发现华北东部存在一高速异常体由东部渤中凹陷的地壳一直向西延伸至太行山山前断裂下方地幔转换带410 km附近,推测该高速异常体可能为太平洋板片向西俯冲在华北克拉通东部块体下方地幔过渡带内的滞留.研究结果显示华北克拉通东部的华北盆地表现为高低速相间分布,表明该地区下方的岩石圈发生了破坏,而位于华北克拉通北缘的燕山造山带显示为高速异常,表明燕山造山带下方的岩石圈没有明显的破坏迹象.  相似文献   

利用1995和1996年华北地区两期GPS复测资料,计算研究了该区现阶段的构造块体运动。结果说明,该区现阶段的构造运动可用鄂尔多斯块体、晋冀鲁块体、胶辽块体和阴山 燕山块体4块体运动模型进行描述和分析。鄂尔多斯块体与晋冀鲁块体之间差异活动较强烈,阴山 燕山块体与晋冀鲁块体之间较弱,郯庐断裂带居中。结果还表明渤海可能仍有一定的扩张活动。若以鄂尔多斯块体为本区参照,其东部各块体均向东移动  相似文献   

Re-measured GPS data have recently revealed that a broad NE trending dextral shear zone exists in the eastern Bayan Har block about 200 km northwest of the Longmenshan thrust on the eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The strain rate along this shear zone may reach up to 4-6 mm/a. Our interpretation of satellite images and field observations indicate that this dextral shear zone corresponds to a newly generated NE trending Longriba fault zone that has been ignored before. The northeast segment of the Longriba fault zone consists of two subparallel N54°±5°E trending branch faults about 30 km apart, and late Quaternary offset landforms are well developed along the strands of these two branch faults. The northern branch fault, the Longriqu fault, has relatively large reverse component, while the southern branch fault, the Maoergai fault, is a pure right-lateral strike slip fault. According to vector synthesizing principle, the average right-lateral strike slip rate along the Longriba fault zone in the late Quaternary is calculated to be 5.4±2.0 mm/a, the vertical slip rate to be 0.7 mm/a, and the rate of crustal shortening to be 0.55 mm/a. The discovery of the Longriba fault zone may provide a new insight into the tectonics and dynamics of the eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Taken the Longriba fault zone as a boundary, the Bayan Har block is divided into two sub-blocks: the Ahba sub-block in the west and the Longmenshan sub-block in the east. The shortening and uplifting of the Longmenshan sub-block as a whole reflects that both the Longmenshan thrust and Longriba fault zone are subordinated to a back propagated nappe tectonic system that was formed during the southeastward motion of the Bayan Har block owing to intense resistance of the South China block. This nappe tectonic system has become a boundary tectonic type of an active block supporting crustal deformation along the eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau from late Cenozoic till now. The Longriba fault zone is just an active fault zone newly-generated in late Quaternary along this tectonic system.  相似文献   

华北东北部裂陷盆地与燕山隆起地壳结构   总被引:17,自引:5,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
天津—北京—赤城深地震测深剖面采用密集炮点和接收点距设计构成了较为完整的观测系统,利用该剖面地震测深资料研究华北东部裂陷盆地与燕山隆起地壳结构及构造耦合.结合该区域已有研究成果,进一步分析了张渤地震带东段的地震构造环境.结果显示,华北克拉通东部裂陷盆地结晶基底构造形态和界面结构性质与新生代以来的地壳构造运动密切相关,北侧燕山隆起区高速稳定和南侧裂陷盆地低速松散截然不同的地壳结构,使宝坻-桐柏、宁河-昌黎断裂构造分区线和燕山隆起之间的中间过渡带为张渤地震带东部平原区地震的孕发提供了良好的构造环境.  相似文献   

双向剪切—晋北张性构造区形成演化的一种模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
申旭辉  汪一鹏 《地震研究》1994,17(3):288-291
晋北张性区的形成,是山西构造带与燕山构造带共同作用的结果,山西断陷带的右旋剪切与弱山构造带的左旋剪切即双向剪切作用,在其交汇处即晋北构造区造成了局部的引张应力场,并最终控制了晋北区的形成和发展。  相似文献   

The active North China block consists of three second-order blocks: Ordos, North China Plain, and East Shandong-Huanghai Sea blocks. Two active tectonic zones, the Anyang-Heze-Linyi and Tangshan-Cixian zones, exist in the active North China Plain block and have separated the active block into 3 third-order active blocks, Taihangshan, Hebei-Shandong, and Henan-Huai blocks. The 3 third-order active blocks are characterized by their entire motion and are clearly different in their Cenozoic structures and deep structures. The active boundary tectonic zones between the third-order active blocks are less than those between the first- and second-order active blocks in their movement strength, extent, and seismic activity. The density of M· ·6 earthquakes in the boundary zones between active blocks is higher than that within the blocks by 9–22 times in the North China region, up to one order of magnitude on average. M· · 7 earthquakes occurred basically in the boundary zones between active blocks. The difference is not occasional, but reflects the nature of intraplate movement and the characteristics of strong seismic activity and is the powerful evidence for hypothesis of active blocks.  相似文献   

The Luonan-Luanchuan tectonic belt lies between the North China Block and Qinling Mountains, including the Luonan-Luanchuan fault zone and the strong deformation zone to the north of the fault. The ductile shear zone, imbricate brittle fault and duplex structure in the fault zone now are the expression of the same tectonic event in different depth. Such lineation structure exists in the tectonic belts as mineral lineation, elongation lineation, crenulation lineation, sheath folds and so on, indicating NE-directed plate motion. Fold axes and thrusts in the strong deformation zone are inclined to the Luonan-Luanchuan fault zone at small angles. The structures with different natures show a regular pattern, produced during oblique convergence of plates. The convergence factors are as follows: The direction of plate convergence is 22°, 31° and the angle between the plate convergence direction and plate boundary is 73°, 82° respectively in the west and east segment. The Luonan-Luanchuan tectonic belt was deformed strongly in 372 Ma, resulted from Erlangping back-arc ocean basin subduction sinistrally and obliquely to North China Block during the collision of North China Block and South China Block. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40372097 and 40772131)  相似文献   

对 70年代以来的华北地区跨断层形变测量资料进行了分区研究。按构造单元将华北地区的跨断层测量台站或测点分为五组 :山西带、郯庐带、阴山 -燕山带西段、阴山 -燕山带东段和首都圈。对 80项实测资料的计算结果表明 ,华北地区断层垂直活动平均年速率为 0 335mm/a ,但各分区之间的断层活动速率值相差很大。山西断陷带的断层形变速率最高 ,是华北地区最重要的活动块体边界 ;其它构造带的断层形变速率都比较低  相似文献   

中国大陆现今实测地应力场的状态与板块构造环境、活动断裂带分布、地形地貌以及地壳结构呈现一定相关性. 在中国大陆西缘,印度洋板块与欧亚板块陆发生陆碰撞,在中国大陆东缘,菲律宾海板块、太平洋板块俯冲到欧亚板块之下. 中国大陆内部被大型活动断裂带分割为多个块体,各个块体的地壳结构和厚度呈不均匀分布,地形地貌起伏具有很大的差异. 笔者以中国大陆块体模型为基础,把板块构造作用和重力势作为主要影响地应力状态的两个主要要素,在现今活动构造、GPS和实测地应力等成果的约束下,利用线性黏弹体球壳有限元模拟分析了中国大陆现今地应力场的分布特征和控制因素. 结果表明: (1)构造应力场总体上呈现出西部挤压,东部拉张的特征,印度板块与欧亚板块的持续碰撞形成了青藏高原及其周缘的挤压性质的构造应力场,而东部菲律宾板块与太平洋板块的俯冲形成了黄海、东海和环渤海区域的拉张性质的构造应力场,中间为拉张环境和挤压环境的过渡,最大主应力的方向受到板块构造环境和活动构造分布的控制;(2)重力的影响主要体现在地形梯度大和地壳厚度结构变化大的地壳浅部区域,在藏南、滇西北局部地区的地壳浅部由于受到重力势控制,呈现为张性应力场,在塔里木地区由于重力势引起的应力场与构造应力场同为挤压性质,因此该区的挤压强度得以增加;(3)中国大陆浅部地应力场的状态主要受到区域板块构造环境、块体边界活动构造带的展布和地形的控制,总体上以南北构造带为界,西部以较强的压性构造环境为主,东部为较弱的压性构造环境,藏南和滇西北局部地区存在有张性构造环境;构造应力对地应力的贡献比重随着深度增加而增加;(4)采用黏弹性模型的构造应力场模拟结果比完全弹性模型的模拟结果能够更好地与实测地应力场相吻合,利用完全弹性模型分析由地震等诱发的地应力瞬时变化是有效的;(5)青藏高原东南缘最大主应力方向发生了较大的偏转,其主要控制因素有:印度板块持续的碰撞、中下地壳对上地壳拖曳以及印度板块通过实皆断裂对欧亚板块的剪切拉伸作用. 中国大陆现今地应力场是整个地壳岩石黏弹特性长期演化和断裂活动的结果,是地应力场动态演化过程中在现今时间点上的状态,受到板块构造环境、大陆内部活动断裂分布、地形地貌和地壳结构等因素不同程度的控制,模拟结果为中国大陆地应力场提供了一个定量的参考模型.  相似文献   

Seismicity constraints on stress regimes along Sinai subplate boundaries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relative movement between African, Arabian and Eurasian plates has significantly controlled the tectonic process of Sinai subplate region, although its kinematics and precise boundaries are still doubtful. The respective subplate bounded on both sides by the Aqaba-Dead Sea transform fault to the east and the Gulf of Suez, the only defined part, to the west. Seismicity parameters, moment magnitude relation and fault plane solutions were combined to determine the active tectonics along the aforementioned boundaries. Seven shallow seismogenic zones were defined by the heterogeneity in stress field orientations. Along the eastern boundary, the average fault plane solution obtained from the moment tensor summation (MTS) reveals a sinistral strike-slip faulting mechanism. The corresponding seismic strain rate tensor showed that the present tectonic stress producing earthquakes along the boundary is dominated by both NW-SE compression and NE-SW dilatation. Towards the north, the average focal mechanism showed a normal faulting mechanism of N185°E compression and an N94°E extension in the Carmel Fairi seismic zone. On the other hand, the active crustal deformation along the western boundary (Gulf of Suez region) showed a prevailing tensional stress regime of NE to ENE orientations; producing an average fault plane solution of normal faulting mechanism. The seismic strain rate tensor reveals a dominant stress regime of N58°E extension and N145°E compression in consistence with the general tectonic nature in northeastern Africa. Finally, the extensional to strike-slip stress regimes obtained in the present study emphasize that the deformation accommodated along the Sinai subplate boundaries are in consistence with the kinematics models along the plate boundaries representing the northern extremity part of the Red Sea region.  相似文献   

Introduction Through studying ″foreshock″ and sequence features of strong earthquakes with focal mechanism of strike-slip or thrust occurred in the shallow subduction zone or in the continental thrust belt respectively, Reasenberg (1999) suggested that precursory representation and the se- quence features are related tightly to the rupture mechanism of the mainshock. This implies that the rupture pattern of the mainshock is probably one of the important factors affecting the features of afte…  相似文献   

Recent tectonic stress field and major earthquakes of the Bohai Sea basin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Introduction The present Bohai Sea is a half-closed shallow one in the continent, located at the northeast to North China, with an area about 7.3104 km2. Geologically, it is situated in the northern North China basin and of a short development history. Previous studies (WANG, LI, 1983; Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1985; HUANG, et al, 1993) show that the Fu-jian-Lingnan uplift in the East China Sea continental shelf sank gradually into the oceanic bottom, mak…  相似文献   

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