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再生水补给河流北运河CODCr降解系数变化及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
化学需氧量(COD)是影响地表水体水质的主要污染指标.明确地表水中COD的降解系数,可为把握有机物污染过程变化以及有效控制污染提供科学依据.北运河是城市再生水河流,COD污染严重.以北运河从上游至下游的5个典型断面(马坊桥、火沙路、东关大桥、榆林庄桥、杨洼闸)为例,通过室内模拟实验,估算了不同断面CODCr降解系数,并对CODCr降解系数进行校正;测定了颗粒物沉降速率、复氧系数,评估了水体自净能力;分析了不同环境条件(温度、溶解氧、流速)对CODCr的降解影响.结论如下:北运河水体自净能力较差,颗粒物沉降速率范围为1.09~3.22 m/d,杨洼闸断面颗粒物沉降速率最低为1.09 m/d,其复氧系数偏低,为0.016 d-1.北运河水体CODCr降解系数符合一级动力学方程;经水力、温度经验公式校正后,CODCr降解系数范围为0.0184~0.0883 d-1,低于我国其他平原地区河流.北运河CODCr降解系数存在明显的空间差异性,上游断面的降解系数高于下游断面,不过下游北京界最后出水断面杨洼闸表现出闸坝特殊性,降解系数最高(0.0416~0.0883 d-1).水质参数中温度、溶解氧、氧化还原电位、营养盐以及总有机碳是CODCr降解系数的主要影响因子.CODCr降解系数随着温度、溶解氧、外源动力增加而增大;CODCr降解系数与营养盐、TOC呈显著正相关,与氧化还原电位呈显著负相关.研究结果可为我国相关城市再生水体水质改善和城市黑臭水体治理提供科学依据.  相似文献   

利用生物膜强化表流湿地处理农村生活污水的试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张云慧  朱伟  董婵 《湖泊科学》2012,24(6):838-842
针对农村生活污水难以集中处理的问题,提出了采用生物膜强化表流湿地工艺就地进行农村生活污水处理的方法,并对其进行试验研究.结果表明:在表流湿地表面设置生物膜载体后,系统的水质净化能力提高,处理负荷较高的条件下(CODCr:657.27 mg/L、TN:26.27 mg/L、TP:8.66 mg/L和SS:276 mg/L),处理效果显著提高.在效果明显的试验组中,生物膜设置后系统对TN、TP、CODCr的去除率分别提高了21.64%、16.24%、19.12%.另外,通过对系统中微生物的检测发现,生物膜载体的引入对湿地系统本身影响不大,系统水质净化能力的提高主要源于载体上微生物的增加.该方法在未增加系统占地面积的情况下提高了水质净化能力,为解决农村生活污水处理难的问题提供了新的思路.  相似文献   

自2007年太湖无锡水危机事件后,太湖流域内各项水污染防治工作进入快车道,近年来浙江省持续开展水环境治理,针对不同污染源进行分类施策、精准治理,整体水环境质量得到了显著改善.本文根据2007-2019年浙江省环太湖水文巡测资料及主要出入太湖河道水质监测成果,全面分析了出入湖河道的水量、水质及污染物通量的时空变化趋势.结果表明,2007-2019年浙江省年均入湖水量为27.39亿m3,年均出湖水量为26.42亿m3,环湖河道进出水量在2007-2014年以出湖为主,2015-2019年以入湖为主,2015-2019年入湖水量增加受该时段地区降水量较丰的影响.2007-2019年浙江省环湖河道CODMn、NH3-N和TP浓度呈明显下降趋势,TN浓度有所下降,除TN仍处于Ⅴ~劣Ⅴ类水外,其余指标已处于Ⅱ~Ⅲ类水标准,当前环湖河道的CODMn和NH3-N指标已达到《太湖流域水环境综合治理总体方案(2013年修编)》提出的目标值,但TN和TP浓度仍存在较大差距.浙江省环湖河道年平均CODMn、NH3-N、TP和TN入湖通量分别为1.12万、0.18万、0.03万和0.90万t,出湖通量分别为1.13万、0.10万、0.03万和0.62万t,环湖河道除CODMn以净出湖通量为主外,其余指标均以净入湖通量为主,存在一定入湖滞留,其中水量是影响入湖通量的关键因子.  相似文献   

定量解析污染源对水质影响的贡献是水环境精细化管理的重要基础。目前多通过水质和土地利用类型的关系以解析水体污染源的研究,忽略了空间尺度的差异性,引发景观配置不合理的后果。为此,本研究依据考虑空间尺度效应的污染源解析方法,基于异龙湖流域3条主要入湖河流的入湖口监测断面对雨季和旱季的水质数据进行研究。同时利用绝对主成分—多元线性回归模型(APCS-MLR)和bioenv分析揭示河道不同尺度缓冲区的土地利用变化对水质的影响并解析河流主要污染源。研究结果表明:(1)异龙湖主要入湖河流水质表现出季节性差异,旱季期间3条主要入湖河流的浊度、化学需氧量(CODCr)、氨氮(NH3-N)、总磷(TP)和总氮(TN)浓度平均值相比于雨季减幅分别为39.53%、39.93%、94.48%、38.29%和1.72%。其中,入湖河流水体中的TN在旱季和雨季的超标率分别为58%和74%,成为首要污染物;(2)在旱季,20 m缓冲区尺度内河流水质受耕地和裸地占比影响较大,随着空间尺度的扩大,至50~300 m缓冲区尺度时建设用地、林地及水体占比对水质的影响增加;在雨季,CODCr、NH3-N、TP和TN受20~300 m缓冲区尺度下建设用地占比及200~300 m缓冲区尺度下的水体占比影响,溶解氧受20 m缓冲区尺度内建设用地占比及50~300 m缓冲区尺度下耕地占比影响;(3)异龙湖流域主要入湖河流在旱季的主要污染源是20 m缓冲区尺度内的裸地、20~100 m缓冲区尺度下的耕地、50~300 m缓冲区尺度下的建设用地以及100~300 m缓冲区尺度下的基塘-水库水体;雨季的主要污染源是20~300 m缓冲区尺度下的建设用地、200~300 m缓冲区尺度下的水库-基塘以及50~300 m缓冲区尺度下的耕地。本研究在污染源解析过程中提出考虑不同河道缓冲区的空间尺度,在一定程度上可以克服受体模型的主观性,提高污染源识别和分配的准确性。研究结果可以帮助管理者明确在不同空间尺度下污染防治的重点,为水环境管理工作提供新的参考。  相似文献   

苍源河是临沭县代表性河流。2018年4月,在苍源河上游、中游和下游设置采样断面现场取水样调查分析。结果显示:苍源河春季水温、pH、BOD和COD为下游中游上游,DO为中游下游上游,TN、TP和NH_3-N为中游上游下游。以DO含量评价,苍源河中游为Ⅳ类,上游和下游为Ⅴ类。以BOD含量评价,苍源河上游、中游和下游全河段均为Ⅴ类。以COD含量评价,苍源河上游为Ⅳ类,中游和下游为劣Ⅴ类。以TN含量评价,苍源河上游、中游和下游全河段均为劣Ⅴ类。以TP含量评价,苍源河下游为Ⅳ类,上游为Ⅴ类,中游为劣Ⅴ类。以NH_3-N含量评价,苍源河下游为Ⅲ类,上游和中游为劣Ⅴ类。  相似文献   

百花湖是贵阳市重要的城市饮用水源地,并且近年来经常发生水质异常现象.本文利用2009-2018年百花湖长时间序列的监测数据,采用综合营养状态指数法和Pearson相关性分析,研究了百花湖10年间的水质变化特征和影响因素.结果表明:1)库区叶绿素a(Chl.a)、总磷(TP)、总氮(TN)、高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)和透明度(SD)的浓度范围分别是3.43~39.72 mg/m3、0.034~0.115 mg/L、1.200~2.759 mg/L、1.41~5.51 mg/L和0.75~2.07 m,且高氮磷比(12~63)表明百花湖是磷限制型.2)在空间上,TP、TN、氨氮、CODMn和Chl.a浓度沿水体流向逐渐降低,SD呈相反变化趋势.3)10年来,百花湖水质由Ⅳ类转变为Ⅲ类,综合营养状态由轻度富营养化状态转变为中营养状态,水质整体向好.4)入库支流是影响百花湖库区水质的主要因素,长期以来,东门桥河、南门河水质TP和TN等超标严重,给库区水质稳定达标带来威胁.5)百花湖Chl.a浓度与气温、水位、风速和TP等指标显著相关,是受水文、气象及营养盐因素的综合控制.未来在百花湖水环境保护治理过程中,应加大对东门桥河、南门河等重点支流的污染治理,加强对水动力学、气候变化等水文气象因素影响库区水质(藻类水华)的机制研究.  相似文献   

为揭示冰封期氨氮(NH4+-N)在沉积物-水界面的迁移机制及内源性营养盐对全湖污染的贡献,于2018年2月初在乌梁素海湖区7个采样点采集了上覆水体与沉积物样品,得到了冰封期上覆水体与沉积物间隙水中的NH4+-N浓度,估算了沉积物-水界面NH4+-N的扩散通量.结果显示,上覆水体中NH4+-N浓度变化范围为0.55~1.60 mg/L,平均值为1.05 mg/L,0~5 cm表层沉积物间隙水中NH4+-N浓度是上覆水体中的10倍以上,其变化范围为6.64~18.63 mg/L,平均值为11.92 mg/L.估算沉积物间隙水NH4+-N向上覆水体的扩散通量为1.282~4.269 mg/(m2·d),表明在湖水冻结过程中,底泥沉积物接纳了大量的可溶性污染物成为内源污染源,会在冰封稳定期、融冰期和融冰后的一段时间内成为湖水的主要污染源.  相似文献   

任春坪  郑丙辉 《湖泊科学》2024,36(3):756-769
邛海是四川第二大湖泊,地处高原,距离西昌市城区不足5 km,生态位置重要。本文以近20年邛海湖区主要水质监测数据为依据,采用M-K检验定量解析了水生态环境历史变化特征,建立邛海污染物浓度、营养状态指标的时空对应关系,分析其驱动因素,识别风险并提出对策建议。结果表明:(1)1980s-2000年是有记录以来邛海水质最差的时期,总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)浓度远超地表水Ⅲ类标准;(2)2003—2020年,邛海氨氮(NH3-N)、高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)年际变化总体呈下降趋势,TN、TP、透明度、溶解氧浓度年际变化趋势总体不明显,CODMn、TN、TP浓度在研究期间出现多个显著变化过程;(3) 2003—2020年,邛海营养状态整体为中营养水平,综合营养状态指数TLI(Σ)为33.82±6.88,叶绿素a(Chl.a)浓度为(4.234±3.903) μg/L,TLI(Σ)和Chl.a浓度年际变化没有显著趋势;(4)多年数据统计表明,邛海宾馆所在区域水质最差,邛海湖心水质最好,2003—2020年CODMn、TP等指标最大单月浓度均出现在邛海宾馆所在水域;(5)CODMn浓度在枯水期低于丰水期,NH3-N浓度在枯水期高于丰水期,TP浓度高值和低值集中出现在枯水期,TN各月浓度没有显著差异,Chl.a浓度与CODMn、TP、NH3-N浓度呈显著正相关,从水体中氮磷比来看,磷是邛海藻类生长限制性元素;(6)面源污染主要通过邛海大小支流入湖,环湖湿地对邛海面源污染削减效果总体有限,未来邛海发生水华的风险较大,建议以小流域为单元推进陆源污染控制,按照“游在邛海,吃、住在城区”的理念布局旅游发展,探索用“物理+生态”方式调控和预防邛海水生态系统失衡的问题。  相似文献   

三峡大坝上下游水质时空变化特征   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
为探索三峡大坝上下游(坝上99.9 km、坝下63.0 km、全长162.9 km)水质时空变化特征,运用主成分分析和方差分析对2016年近坝段水质时空变化特征进行了分析.主成分分析表明,水文因子流量(Q)、气温(T)、水位(Z)和水质因子(水温(WT)、pH、电导率(EC)、溶解氧(DO)、悬浮物(SS)、高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)、硫酸盐(SO42-)、氟化物(F-)、总硬度(T-Hard)、硝态氮(NO3--N)、总氮(TN)和硒(Se))的变化主导着研究区域水质变化;各采样点主成分得分和双因素方差分析结果显示研究区域水质因子时间变化主要呈现出季节和不同水库运行时期的差异.消落期(2-5月),T-Hard、F-、SO42-和EC是影响河流水质变化的主导因子;汛期(7-8月),Q、SS、CODMn、NO3--N、TN和Se是影响河流水质变化的主导因子;T和WT主导着汛末(9月)河流水质变化,并引起了DO等理化特性的变化;高水位运行期(12月),Cl-是影响河流水质变化的主导因子.现阶段,DO、有机污染物(CODMn)、无机盐(SO42-和F-)、营养盐类(NO3--N和TN)、类金属元素(Se)和水体的矿化程度(T-Hard)的变化主导着区域水质的变化,是三峡大坝近坝段水域水质的控制因子.方差分析表明,河流的理化特性(DO、pH和SS)、营养盐组分构成(NH3-N和NO3--N)、无机盐类(EC和Cl-)、石油类有机污染物及粪大肠菌群(FC)等指标在坝上与坝下断面存在显著性差异.气温、水温、降雨、含沙量的季节性影响因素和水库调度运行模式是影响近坝段水质时间差异的主要因子;空间差异主要受城区污染排放和三峡水库调度引起的坝上和坝下水文和水动力学条件差异影响.因此控制研究区域因人类活动等造成的外源性污染,并针对不同类污染物质的季节变化特征实施合理的水库运行方式是近坝段水质提升的关键.  相似文献   

为全面探索河流溶解性有机碳(DOC)与二氧化碳(CO2)动态及驱动因素的相关关系,以我国三峡库区河流——澎溪河为对象,于雨季和旱季采集表层水体水样,分别通过原位和室内测定,明确水文参数(水温、pH、碱度和流速)、DOC浓度和营养元素(总氮(TN)和总磷(TP))浓度,并计算水体CO2分压(pCO2)、水—气界面CO2交换通量和营养元素化学计量比(DOC∶TN、DOC∶TP和TN∶TP)。以河流CO2、DOC和营养状态动态变化为基础,通过对DOC、TN、TP、营养元素化学计量比和荧光峰(B、T、A、M、C、D和N)与河流pCO2的多维分析建立及评估潜在的耦合关系,从而揭示特定区域河流CO2的来源与驱动因素特征。结果显示,澎溪河水—气界面CO2交换速率在3.75~22.9 m/d范围内,雨季((9.91±4.93)m/d) > 旱季((6.69±4.30)m/d),pCO2在65.95~20642.41 μatm范围内,F平均值为(629.4±1426.8)mmol/(m2·d),河流总体表现为大气CO2源。水体DOC总体在1.42~7.88 mg/L范围内,且旱季((4.50±0.17)mg/L)>雨季((2.87±0.18)mg/L),TN在0.176~1.917 mg/L范围内,旱季((1.205±0.353)mg/L)>雨季((0.665±0.306)mg/L),TP在0.0003~0.169 mg/L范围内。在该流域雨季,类酪氨酸、类色氨酸和土壤富里酸占比显著高于旱季,而类腐殖质、微生物衍生腐殖质和生物生产力占比显著低于旱季。旱季水体pCO2与TP呈显著正相关,与营养元素化学计量比(TN∶TP和DOC∶TP)呈显著负相关,而雨季与生物生产力呈显著负相关,营养状态与pCO2存在季节耦合关系。生物代谢过程是河流CO2饱和的主要原因,而降雨能够促进这一内在联系。  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - The evolution of the magnetic configuration in the solar corona is studied. The curvature of the K-corona helmets obtained from an analytical approximation of the...  相似文献   

The data on geomagnetic reversals are compared with the changes in the organic world and with the lower-mantle plumes. The times of the formation of plumes and the times of their appearance on the Earth’s surface relate to the intervals characterized by the different frequencies of geomagnetic reversals, i.e., there is no interrelation between the formation of plumes and the frequency of the changes in the geomagnetic field polarity. At the same time, a certain synchronism is observed between the frequency of the geomagnetic reversals and the boundaries of the biostratigraphic ages, i.e., the changes in the organic world in the long-period range. A hypothesis is proposed, which explains the change in the sign of the geomagnetic field by the combined effect of the irregular rotation of the internal core relative to the mantle and the changes in the slope angle of the axis of the Earth’s rotation, which, in turn, results in synchronous events on the Earth’s surface: the rates of changes in the organic world.  相似文献   

The results of the magnetotelluric (MT) soundings before and after an earthquake are analyzed. The interpretation is based on the longitudinal and transverse MT curves (along and across the strike of the main tectonic elements, respectively). The MT curves are distorted by the ρ- and coast effect. The distortions due to the coast effect are estimated by the testing three-dimensional (3D) model. It is established that the coast effect distortion at the periods up to 1000 s is small and can be disregarded. The divergence of the longitudinal and transverse MT curves, which points to the presence of the deep faults, is thoroughly studied. The inversion of the MTsounding curves is carried out by the REBOCC program of the numerical two-dimensional modeling. This program implements the procedures of elimination of the ρ-effect and the joint inversion of the longitudinal and transverse MT sounding curves. The obtained geoelectrical cross sections provide an insight into the structure of electrical conductivity of the lithosphere before and after the earthquake. The more intense variations in the electric conductivity are observed in the zone of the deep faults. These variations are related to the changes in the porosity and saturation of the rocks by the highly mineralized fluids.  相似文献   


The idea of predicting earthquakes by continuously monitoring temporal variations in the tidal response of the medium was suggested by Beaumont and Berger in 1974. However, it became possible to implement the idea only recently. This possibility has arisen due to the deployment of Global Seismic Network (GSN), which collects the data on tidal tilts and gravity in the epicenters of strong earthquakes before and after the strongest events. In this paper, we present the results of model analytical and numerical calculations of the elastic displacements of the Earth’s surface caused by the earthquakes and their preparatory processes. The analytical calculations are limited to the model of a uniform elastic halfspace; the numerical calculations, in addition to this model, also cover the models with radially heterogeneous distributions of elastic moduli in the crust and in the upper mantle, which are determined by the PREM model. We describe the results of modeling temporal variations in the tidal response of the medium in the vicinity of the source of a catastrophic earthquake. The model of seismic source is specified by the length and the orientations of the fault plane and by the value of the discontinuity in the tangential component of the displacement vector on the opposite sides of the fault. The model is based on the GPS data on the horizontal and vertical displacements of the Earth’s surface. We suggest the method for determining temporal changes in the tidal response of the medium in the seismically active regions. This method improves the sensitivity and time resolution of the standard techniques of sliding-window analysis by more than an order of magnitude. The comparative analysis of temporal variations in the tidal response of the medium in the zones of the magnitude 9 earthquake in Japan (March 9, 2011) illustrates the described approach.


The idea of predicting earthquakes by continuously monitoring temporal variations in the tidal response of the medium was suggested by Beaumont and Berger in 1974. However, it became possible to implement the idea only recently. This possibility has arisen due to the deployment of Global Seismic Network (GSN), which collects the data on tidal tilts and gravity in the epicenters of strong earthquakes before and after the strongest events. In this paper, we present the results of model analytical and numerical calculations of the elastic displacements of the Earth??s surface caused by the earthquakes and their preparatory processes. The analytical calculations are limited to the model of a uniform elastic halfspace; the numerical calculations, in addition to this model, also cover the models with radially heterogeneous distributions of elastic moduli in the crust and in the upper mantle, which are determined by the PREM model. We describe the results of modeling temporal variations in the tidal response of the medium in the vicinity of the source of a catastrophic earthquake. The model of seismic source is specified by the length and the orientations of the fault plane and by the value of the discontinuity in the tangential component of the displacement vector on the opposite sides of the fault. The model is based on the GPS data on the horizontal and vertical displacements of the Earth??s surface. We suggest the method for determining temporal changes in the tidal response of the medium in the seismically active regions. This method improves the sensitivity and time resolution of the standard techniques of sliding-window analysis by more than an order of magnitude. The comparative analysis of temporal variations in the tidal response of the medium in the zones of the magnitude 9 earthquake in Japan (March 9, 2011) illustrates the described approach.  相似文献   

为查明商丘市南部发育的2条断层——路河断层与商丘南断层的深部构造背景,在商丘市南部路河附近布设一条大地电磁测深测线,采用远参考数据观测与处理技术,获得地下电性结构,并对探测剖面深度5.5 km以上的电性剖面与地质剖面进行分析。结果表明,商丘南部的2条断层为倾向相对的正断层,南支规模较小,北支略大,均错断太古界,有向深部汇聚到主断裂的趋势,在太康隆起北部形成小型地堑。本研究结果可为商丘南部地震构造背景的相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Water Resources - The dynamics of the talik zones, associated both with the internal cyclical nature of their development and with climate changes, leads to temporary differences in the volume of...  相似文献   

The developed dynamic model of the main geomagnetic field (MGF) includes the sources of three levels, which have existed and continuously changed during the 100-year period. The spatial-temporal dynamics of the secular variations in MGF has been considered based on this model. It has been indicated that, at different times, the formation of anomalies (located in similar regions) depended on the total dynamics of different combinations of sources, including a change in the parameters of the dipoles of the secondorder smallness. Anomalies generated by the dynamics of the dipoles of the third-order smallness do not evidently manifest themselves in the total secular variations but are responsible for the specific shapes of isodynamic lines. Based on the stability and continuity of the constructed model, the conclusion is made that long-living turbulent flows of different scales can exist in the liquid core.  相似文献   

The biogeochemistry of methane in the sediments of Lake Caviahue was examined by geochemical analysis, microbial activity assays and isotopic analysis. The pH in the water column was 2.6 and increased up to a pH of 6 in the deeper sediment pore waters. The carbon isotope composition of CH4 was between − 65 and − 70‰ which is indicative for the biological origin of the methane. The enrichment factor ε increased from − 46‰ in the upper sediment column to more than − 80 in the deeper sediment section suggesting a transition from acetoclastic methanogenesis to CO2 reduction with depth. In the most acidic surface layer of the sediment (pH < 4) methanogenesis is inhibited as suggested by a linear CH4 concentration profile, activity assays and MPN analysis. The CH4 activity assays and the CH4 profile indicate that methanogenesis in the sediment of Lake Caviahue was active below 40 cm depth. At that depth the pH was above 4 and sulfate reduction was sulfate limited. Methane was diffusing with a flux of 0.9 mmol m− 2 d− 1 to the sediment surface where it was probably oxidized. Methanogenesis contributed little to the sediments carbon budget and had no significant impact on lake water quality. The high biomass content of the sediment, which was probably caused by the last eruption of Copahue Volcano, supported high rates of sulfate reduction which probably raised the pH and created favorable conditions for methanogens in deeper sediment layers.  相似文献   

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