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吴曼曼  孙庆业 《湖泊科学》2020,32(6):1784-1792
蚌类在湿地生态系统元素的富集与转化过程中发挥重要作用.以巢湖常见扭蚌(Arconaia lanceolata)、三角帆蚌(Hyriopsis cumingii)、褶纹冠蚌(Cristaria plicata)和圆顶珠蚌(Unio douglasiae)为对象,分析其内脏团、外套膜(包含鳃,下同)和斧足中5种微量元素(Cu、Zn、As、Cd、Pb)的含量.结果表明:5种元素在4种蚌体内均有检出,除Zn在圆顶珠蚌组织间表现为外套膜>内脏团>斧足外,4种蚌体组织间5种微量元素含量均表现为内脏团 > 外套膜 > 斧足;4种蚌类各微量元素平均含量均表现为Zn > Cu > As > Pb > Cd;Cu和Pb在4种蚌类中的平均含量表现为扭蚌 > 褶纹冠蚌 > 圆顶珠蚌 > 三角帆蚌,扭蚌各组织中Pb含量是其他3种蚌类的2.62~6.99倍,Zn的各平均含量表现为圆顶珠蚌 > 扭蚌 > 三角帆蚌 > 褶纹冠蚌,As表现为圆顶珠蚌 > 三角帆蚌 > 褶纹冠蚌 > 扭蚌,Cd表现为扭蚌 > 圆顶珠蚌 > 三角帆蚌 > 褶纹冠蚌,Cd在圆顶珠蚌和扭蚌中的含量是三角帆蚌和褶纹冠蚌的2.75~6.08倍.不同种类之间微量元素含量的差异大于同一种类微量元素含量的空间差异.微量元素污染较重的河口区蚌体组织具有较高的微量元素含量,污染较轻的河口中蚌体组织各微量元素含量也相对较低,表明蚌类可作为巢湖水体微量元素污染监测的指示生物.4种蚌类中Pb、Cd、As含量均未超出国家食品安全标准的限定值.  相似文献   

淡水蚌类是全球最受威胁的动物群之一.加强淡水蚌类灭绝机制的研究,对促进野生淡水蚌类生物多样性的保护和管理具有重要的意义.淡水蚌类具有独特的生活史,发育过程中的钩介幼虫必须依赖于宿主鱼才能完成变态发育.淡水蚌局部种群之间的交流是通过宿主鱼的迁移和幼虫漂流来实现的.通过对鄱阳湖12个采样地点调查,计算了39种淡水蚌的局部定居率和灭绝率,利用一般线性模型,通过比较最低赤池信息准则和许瓦兹贝叶斯准则来评估淡水蚌类的8个生物学特征对预测种群局部定居率和灭绝率的可行性.结果表明:淡水蚌类的生物学特征与局部定居率和灭绝率存在相关性,可以用来预测种群局部定居和灭绝,其中种群结构和繁殖时期这两个生物学特征是预测局部定居率的最佳组合模型,分布密度、繁殖能力、保护现状和运动能力是预测局部灭绝率的最佳结合模型.就鄱阳湖淡水蚌类而言,局部灭绝率显著超过局部定居率,表明局部种群隔离程度正在加重,面临着严重的种群灭绝危机.  相似文献   

滤水速率的快慢是决定滤食性河蚌对水质改善与否的关键,但受蚌龄大小、食物多少和季节变化的影响.以背角无齿蚌(Anodonta woodiana)为研究对象,设置幼龄蚌组、成年蚌组和无蚌对照组,在惠州西湖生态修复后的清水态和未修复的富营养化水体同时进行中型系统原位实验,测定了各处理组水层中氮、磷、总悬浮物(TSS)浓度和浮游藻类生物量(用叶绿素a(Chl.a)浓度表示)的季节变化,以研究蚌龄、食物和季节变化对背角无齿蚌水质改善的影响.结果表明,与对照组相比,背角无齿蚌提高了清水态水体总磷(TP)和铵态氮浓度,但对总氮(TN)、TSS和浮游藻类Chl.a浓度的影响不显著,表明其不能有效改善清水态水体水质;富营养化水体中,背角无齿蚌虽对水中TN浓度影响不显著,但显著降低了TP浓度、浮游藻类Chl.a浓度和TSS浓度;表明背角无齿蚌可改善富营养化水体水质;且富营养化水体中幼龄蚌的滤水速率显著高于成年蚌;幼龄蚌的滤水速率春季最大(0.132±0.018 L/(g·h)),夏季最小.因此,在富营养化水体修复前期,可通过放养本地滤食性河蚌,如背角无齿蚌,以改善水质,春季放养幼龄蚌更佳,为接下来的修复创造有利条件;而在生态修复后期的清水态水体中,单独的河蚌对水质改善效果不明显.本研究可为水生态系统保护和富营养化水体生态修复提供参考.  相似文献   

将人工繁育的"标准化"背角无齿蚌(Anodonta woodiana)移殖至太湖五里湖,并以仍养殖在未受污染的中国水产科学研究院淡水渔业研究中心南泉基地的同批蚌作为对照,进行为期9个月的主动监测研究.每3个月回收一次蚌样,应用电感耦合等离子质谱仪(ICP-MS)测定15种重金属(Al、Cr、Mn、Fe、Co、Ni、Cu、Zn、As、Mo、Ag、Cd、Ba、Tl和Pb)的含量.结果表明,南泉基地对照组和五里湖移殖组的蚌样对重金属均产生了明显的生物积累.培养3个月的五里湖移殖组蚌样中As的含量显著高于同期南泉基地对照组,而前者Mn、Fe、Zn和Ba含量显著低于后者;培养6个月的五里湖移殖组蚌样中Al和Pb的含量显著低于同期南泉基地对照组;培养9个月的五里湖移殖组蚌样中Pb含量显著低于同期南泉基地对照组.然而,南泉基地对照组和五里湖移殖组蚌样中重金属(Cr、Cu、As、Cd和Pb)含量均低于我国及国际上的相关标准.培养3、6和9个月的南泉基地对照组及五里湖移殖组蚌样的重金属污染指数分别为1.8、1.8,2.4、2.1和8.3、16.8,均值综合污染指数分别为0.0218、0.0289,0.0337、0.0218和0.0560、0.0732,属于正常背景水平,并且两水体蚌样的重金属污染指数和均值综合污染指数无显著差异,提示五里湖和南泉基地均未受到明显的重金属污染.  相似文献   

太湖蚌类现存量及空间分布格局   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
于2016年10月和2017年10月对太湖全湖8个湖区129个样点的蚌类进行调查,分析蚌类的物种组成、现存量、空间分布及历史变化.共采集到蚌类704个个体,隶属8属14种.全湖蚌类平均生物量和密度分别为4.169±9.337 g/m2和0.164±0.386 ind./m2;各湖区蚌类平均生物量和密度差异较大,东部沿岸区生物量和密度最高,分别为14.975±16.743 g/m2和0.577±0.758 ind./m2;湖心区生物量和密度最低,仅为0.727±1.622 g/m2和0.029±0.071 ind./m2.扭蚌(Arconaia lanceolata)、圆顶珠蚌(Unio douglasiae)和背角无齿蚌(Anodonta woodiana woodiana)为太湖现阶段的优势种.基于蚌类平均密度的聚类分析,8个湖区分为3类.与历史数据相比,太湖蚌类资源呈明显衰退趋势,现状不容乐观,需加强对太湖蚌类的保护和资源的有效管理.  相似文献   

中华鲟与背角无齿蚌和鲢鳙混养的池水透明度(SD)对比试验表明,1#池(对照)、2#池(挂养背角无齿蚌)、3#池(混养鲢鳙)透明度平均值分别为11.92、16.45、17.45 cm,分别较试验本底值依次提高26.69%、56.67%、66.19%.2#、3#池的透明度显著大于1#池,最高可达1倍.3个池透明度与各水质指标关系的Panel Data模型分别为:SD1=-0.0072 TSS+0.8353 NH 4+-N-2.1711 TN+0.6195 TP-0.0405 COD+16.7815,SD2=0.0030 TSS+3.8864 NH 4+-N+0.1893 TN-12.4585 TP***-0.0104 COD+24.5306,SD3=0.0381 TSS*+3.7821 NH 4+-N+0.6003 TN-15.0444TP***-0.4078 COD**+34.2992(*、**、***分别表示显著、较显著、极显著相关).TP是影响中华鲟养殖池透明度的主要指标,NH 4+-N、TN、COD是影响透明度的间接指标,而TSS是影响透明度的直接指标.在悬浮物浓度较高、水体浑浊的中华鲟养殖池水体中,鲢鳙的放养对透明度的提高效果显著优于背角无齿蚌.  相似文献   

中国是东亚蚌类(蚌目:蚌超科)物种分布中心,共记录有26属.然而,在世界蚌目框架下,中国仍缺乏一个完整科学的蚌类分类系统.本研究基于多位点分子标记(COI、16S、28S)和线粒体基因组学重构聚焦于蚌超科的蚌目系统发育关系,ML、BI和BEAST系统发育结果均支持蚌科5亚科分类系统,即(((Ambleminae+Gonideinae)+Rectidentinae)+Unioninae)+Parreysiinae;珍珠蚌科2亚科分类系统,即(Gibbosulinae+Margaritiferinae);中国蚌类隶属蚌科4亚科(Gonideinae,Rectidentinae,Unioninae,Parreysiinae)13族和珍珠蚌科两亚科(Gibbosulinae,Margaritiferinae).基于化石标定的分子钟显示:蚌科物种分化时间为中三叠世(median=232.07 Ma),其中雕刻蚌亚科(Parreysiinae)起源和物种分化时间早于其他亚科;矩形蚌亚科(Rectidentinae)物种分化时间最晚,为晚白垩世(median=94.72 Ma);小方蚌亚科(Ambleminae)和隆脊蚌亚科(Gonideinae)最近共同祖先分化于晚侏罗纪世(median=144.69 Ma),珍珠蚌科起源于晚石炭世(median=312.61 Ma),物种分化于晚白垩世(median=91.59 Ma),中国蚌科现生物种最早起源时间可追溯到白垩纪(中国尖嵴蚌(Acuticosta chinensis),median=114.36 Ma).蚌超科线粒体基因重排分析显示:蚌超科线粒体基因组有4种基因排列方式(GO),珍珠蚌科独享一种(GO1);蚌科中Unioninae和Ambleminae共享一种(GO2);Gonideinae有2种基因排列方式(GO3和GO4),其中室蚌(Chamberlainia hainesiana)独享一种(GO4),其余物种共享一种(GO3).以往作为高阶元分类的贝壳形态、钩介幼虫形态以及育儿囊类型,并不能作为蚌科属及以上阶元分类依据.本研究重构了世界蚌目聚焦于蚌超科的系统发育关系和进化历史,建立了中国蚌类分类系统,为今后该类群区系多样性研究及资源保护提供了分类依据.  相似文献   

淡水贝类观察——生物阐释水污染和毒理的创新手段   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
淡水渔业是国民经济重要产业,在产量和产值均取得巨大成就的同时,也面临着严峻的水域生态环境污染形势.与此相适应,自2003年系统性提出以背角无齿蚌(Anodonta woodiana)为专用指示生物的创新性“淡水贝类观察”研究体系(Freshwater Mussel Watch)以来,已经成功地应用于国内外的江河、湖泊和池塘等渔业生态环境无机(特别是重金属)和有机污染物胁迫的监测、评价和预警,以及毒理学、污染物积累动力学和水质净化等方面研究.本文梳理了“淡水贝类观察”在被动监测、主动监测及渔业环境研究用模式动物开发等方面的研究进展,以期为渔业以及水域生态环境污染的有效监测、评价、保护以及阐释污染毒性机制提供有益参考.  相似文献   

背角无齿蚌滤食对营养盐和浮游藻类结构影响的模拟   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
利用微型生态系统研究背角无齿蚌(Anodonta woodiana)高密度养殖情况下对微型生态系统水柱中不同形态氮磷浓度和浮游藻类群落结构的影响,结果显示蚌的高强度滤食:(1)减少微型生态系统中悬浮态氮的含量,明显增加厂水柱中的溶解性氮、磷含量,但是对总氮、总磷和正磷酸盐含量没有显著影响;(2)显著减少所有浮游藻类的数量和生物量,提高水体透明度,同时迅速改变微型生态系统中浮游藻类的群落结构,降低了微囊藻等蓝藻的数量及其所占的相对百分比,而绿藻所占的比例迅速上升;(3)导致微型生态系统的生态结构发生了显著变化,上行效应(Bottom-up effects)在浮游藻类与营养盐的关系方面发生了变化,实验组水柱中氮、磷含量与浮游藻类的相关关系显著降低;(4)并不能有效降低微型生态系统的富营养水平.  相似文献   

Amik Lake or, historically, Lake of Antioch, was a large freshwater body in the lower Orontes River basin (Hatay Province, Turkey) that was drained in the 1940s–1970s. Several endemic animal species were described from this lake, including the freshwater mussel Anodonta pseudodopsis Locard, 1883 (Bivalvia: Unionidae) characterized by a large rounded shell covered by a peculiar yellow or yellowish-brown periostracum. Molecular analyses of topotypes of this nominal taxon collected from the former lake’s tributaries in the Amik Plain indicate that it is an intra-specific lineage of the widespread Anodonta anatina (Linnaeus, 1758) based on the mitochondrial COI and 16S rRNA, and the nuclear 28S rRNA gene fragments. Geometric morphometric analyses using the lectotype and topotypes of Anodonta pseudodopsis support our DNA-based hypothesis on the status of this nominal taxon. A new synonymy is provided as follows: Anodonta anatina = Anodonta pseudodopsis syn. nov. The syntype of Anodonta pseudodopsis SMF 5129 “See von Antiochia” (Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum, Frankfurt, Germany) is designated here to be the lectotype of this nominal taxon. Finally, we conclude that Anodonta anatina range covers the Orontes River basin in Turkey and Syria and the Nahr al-Kabir al-Shamali River in the Latakia Governorate of Syria. This intraspecific lineage of Anodonta anatina and other freshwater mussels of the Middle East are highly threatened due to multiple anthropogenic impacts and must be a focus of international conservation efforts. The Karasu River in eastern Turkey hosts viable populations of all freshwater mussel species of the Orontes’s fauna and can be considered one of the most important water bodies for the conservation of these imperiled animals in the region.  相似文献   

The freshwater pearl mussel was historically abundant in many streams and rivers in the Elbe, Oder, and Danube Basins in the Czech Republic, Central Europe. By the 21st century, the mussels had become extinct in the lower and middle altitudes, and current populations are only present near the upper limit of their natural range. The current population of this mussel is estimated to be only 1% of the historical abundance. The population decline was related to the negative impacts of pollution from industry, intense agriculture, forestry, and sewage water. The freshwater pearl mussel habitat has also been impacted by watercourse regulations and has been fragmented by dams and weirs. All of these impacts have resulted in failure of the reproductive cycle; the last significant cohort of juveniles settled approximately 30 – 40 years ago. Therefore, this species is considered critically endangered, and an action plan was developed to conserve the populations in the Czech Republic. Special measures were conducted between 1984 and 2005 to improve the age structure of elderly populations. Fish infected with millions of glochidia were released in two locations, and over 53,000 captive-bred juveniles that were three to five years old were released in seven locations. Only the latter approach resulted in a small number of subadults that gradually emerged from the substratum to the bottom surface, as confirmed by monitoring efforts. Despite simultaneous efforts to restore mussel habitat over the last 25 years, natural reproduction still does not occur in the Czech Republic. Therefore, complete restoration of oligotrophic streams is the key to the future presence and natural reproduction of freshwater pearl mussels in the Czech Republic.  相似文献   

Remobilization, bioavailability, and potential toxicity of chemical contaminants were evaluated at the 4H shell mounds – the site of abandoned offshore oil and gas production platforms in the Santa Barbara Channel region of the Southern California Bight. Evaluations used a weight-of-evidence approach based on results from bulk phase chemical analyses and laboratory toxicity testing of shell mound cores, in situ field bioassays using caged mussels, and surficial sediment chemistry. Shell mound cores contained elevated concentrations of metals associated with drilling wastes (e.g., Ba, Cr, Pb, and Zn), as well as monocyclic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The highest concentrations along with pockets of free oil were associated with the middle “cuttings” stratum. Sediments composited from all core strata caused significant acute toxicity and bioaccumulation of Ba and PAHs in test organisms during laboratory exposures. In contrast, caged mussels placed at each of the shell mounds for a period of 57–58 days had greater than 90% survival, and there were no significant differences in survival of mussels placed at the shell mounds and corresponding reference sites. While all mussel samples exhibited increases in shell length, whole animal weight, and tissue lipid content, in some cases growth metrics for the shell mound mussels were significantly higher than those for the reference sites. Concentrations of metals, PAHs, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in tissues of the shell mound mussels were not significantly different from those at reference sites. The presence of labile aromatic hydrocarbons in shell mound cores and absence of significant contaminant accumulation of tissues of caged mussels indicated that chemical contaminants are not being remobilized from the 4H shell mounds. Surficial bottom sediments near the shell mounds contained elevated Ba concentrations that probably were associated with drilling wastes. However, concentrations did not exhibit clear spatial gradients with distance from the shell mounds. Despite a number of storm events during the mussel exposures, maximum currents were 34 cm s−1 and unlikely to erode materials from the shell mounds. Thus, Ba distributions in bottom sediments probably were due to episodic disturbance such as platform removal or trawling rather than ongoing erosion and dispersion of shell mound solids by near-bottom currents. These results suggest that, in the absence of physical disturbances, contaminants are expected to remain sequestered in the shell mounds.  相似文献   

Aliphatic hydrocarbons and PAHs in the whole soft tissues of Bathymodiolus azoricus from three Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal vents (Menez-Gwen, Lucky Strike and Rainbow), and Mytilus galloprovincialis from three contaminated coastal sites in South Portugal were analysed, and its effects on the digestive gland microsomes mixed-function oxygenase system (MFO) were assessed. Aliphatic hydrocarbons levels were present in the same magnitude in both coastal and hydrothermal environments, while the UCM (unresolved complex mixture) for coastal mussels were higher than in vent mussels. In general, significantly higher PAHs concentrations were found in coastal mussels, compared to B. azoricus where low molecular weight PAHs (2-3 rings) represented the majority of PAHs contrarily to what was observed in M. galloprovincialis. The MFO components were present in both mussel species, and were detected in vent mussels for the first time. However this system seems to have different roles in species from these contrasting environments. In coastal mussels MFO responded to hydrocarbon contamination while response in hydrothermal organisms appeared to be related mainly to endogenous factors.  相似文献   

The freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera (L., 1758) is considered to be a critically endangered species. It is important to obtain information on the distribution and status of the surviving populations of the species, but in Russia this work is still problematic due to the size of the country’s territory, combined with the insufficient number of available specialists. “Searching rules” have been proposed to remotely identify potential pearl mussel habitats in rivers. The most important criteria are relating to the lakes found at the rivers’ sources, as well as to the extent of the deforestation along river basins. About 200 watercourses of the Russian section of the Baltic Sea basin were evaluated using these “rules”. As a result, two previously unknown, viable populations were discovered (comprising about 53,000 specimens), while the absence of pearl mussels was made evident among some rivers which were traditionally believed to be their habitats. The obtained data provides an update on the status of pearl mussels in Russian territories located south of the 61 st degree of latitude. There are 10 populations of this species; 4 of them are almost extinct, 6 are relatively numerous but declining. The total number of pearl mussels hardly exceeds 90,000 individuals.  相似文献   

Unionoid mussels are obligate parasites on one or more fish species. The objective was to compare growth and survival of encysted mussel larvae of the freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) on young-of-the-year (YOY) versus one-year old brown trout (Salmo trutta). YOY and one-year old trout from the Brattefors and Lärje Rivers, Sweden, were infested with mussel larvae from their home river. The mass-normalized encystment abundance was higher on YOY trout than on one-year old trout. The proportional decrease in mass-normalized encystment abundance was larger on YOY brown trout from the Brattefors River than on YOY brown trout from the Lärje River. Encystment per individual fish was higher on YOY trout than on one-year old trout from the Brattefors River, whereas this relationship was reversed for trout from the Lärje River. Larval growth was higher on YOY trout than on one-year old trout. There was a larger difference in larval growth between YOY trout and one-year old trout from the Brattefors River than on the brown trout from the Lärje River. The ability to use both YOY and older fish, such as in the Lärje River, may increase the reproduction potential of mussel populations, compared to a reduced ability to use more than one year class, such as in the Brattefors River. This may also affect the dispersal of mussels, as older brown trout often move and migrate to a higher degree within and between rivers. The dispersal potential of mussels may therefore be relatively high in the Lärje River, but low in the Brattefors River. In rivers where the mussels have to rely on YOY brown trout, it could be worth facilitating passage through migration obstacles for YOY brown trout. Infested YOY brown trout could be artificially re-distributed within rivers, to places with former mussel distributions. It could also be worth testing the suitability of brown trout of different age classes when starting breeding programs.  相似文献   

The freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) is declining throughout its entire range. On the river Rede, North-East England, the population has been equally declining and shows no apparent recruitment. The study presented here aimed at characterizing water quality and habitat conditions for pearl mussels to identify possible indicators of pressures on the population and inform a restoration and conservation strategy. Water quality monitoring revealed levels of turbidity and suspended sediments to be above the limit set for functional pearl mussel rivers. Substrate sampling revealed silt was present at all sites. A loss of redox potential between the water column and the substrate occurred at all sites, indicating non suitable conditions for juvenile pearl mussels. These investigations suggest that fine sediment input in the river could be one of the factors preventing the development and survival of juvenile mussels while adults face water quality largely affected by high turbidity and high phosphate load. Restoration strategy for the Rede pearl mussel population should focus mainly on limiting sediment and nutrient input in the river throughout the catchment in order to improve habitat for juvenile pearl mussels. This work highlights the need for a catchment-based approach in order to succeed in the conservation of a fragile species.  相似文献   

Aliphatic hydrocarbons and PAHs in the whole soft tissues of Bathymodiolus azoricus from three Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal vents (Menez-Gwen, Lucky Strike and Rainbow), and Mytilus galloprovincialis from three contaminated coastal sites in South Portugal were analysed, and its effects on the digestive gland microsomes mixed-function oxygenase system (MFO) were assessed.Aliphatic hydrocarbons levels were present in the same magnitude in both coastal and hydrothermal environments, while the UCM (unresolved complex mixture) for coastal mussels were higher than in vent mussels. In general, significantly higher PAHs concentrations were found in coastal mussels, compared to B. azoricus where low molecular weight PAHs (2–3 rings) represented the majority of PAHs contrarily to what was observed in M. galloprovincialis. The MFO components were present in both mussel species, and were detected in vent mussels for the first time. However this system seems to have different roles in species from these contrasting environments. In coastal mussels MFO responded to hydrocarbon contamination while response in hydrothermal organisms appeared to be related mainly to endogenous factors.  相似文献   

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