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随州花山蛇绿构造混杂岩的厘定及其大地构造意义   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:16  
地质、地球化学综合研究证明 ,在秦岭造山带南缘襄 (樊 ) 广 (济 )断裂带的三里岗 三阳区段残存有花山蛇绿构造混杂岩 ,是以多条断裂和韧性剪切带为骨架 ,剪切包容花山蛇绿岩块、小阜岛弧火山岩、深海沉积岩、弧前沉积以及来自两侧陆块的基底和盖层沉积岩块 .地球化学研究表明 ,花山蛇绿岩的玄武质岩石类似于MORB的性质 ,形成于初始小洋盆构造环境 ;小阜火山岩形成于岛弧构造环境 .该混杂岩带因存在蛇绿岩及岛弧火山岩而成为具有重要大地构造意义的蛇绿构造混杂岩 ,指示曾存在古板块构造缝合带 ,标志着南秦岭与扬子板块之间确曾存在过古洋盆———花山小洋盆 .  相似文献   

莫霍面和居里面是认识深部过程重要的地质与地球物理界面.为了进一步理解南海深部构造活动与洋盆扩张的关系,本文以OBS剖面和深反射地震剖面作为约束,对卫星测高重力异常进行海水、沉积层影响校正,采用最小曲率位场分离方法消除局部密度体的重力影响,获取了反映莫霍面起伏的重力异常,并利用双界面模型重力场快速反演方法计算得到了南海地区莫霍面深度值.通过与居里面起伏的对比研究,发现南海莫霍面和居里面整体均表现为"洋盆浅、周缘深"的菱形特征,两者在洋陆转换区呈现明显的窄梯级带特征,反映了南海扩张期岩石圈的强烈伸展减薄、南北向构造拉张作用等深部构造过程.洋盆莫霍面和居里面的西南向楔形形态是对南海由东向西渐进式扩张的深部构造响应.洋盆南部莫霍面浅于北部,这与扩张中心逐渐向南迁移的特征一致,而洋盆居里面南深北浅的特征则可能与洋盆的简单剪切扩张方式以及洋盆北部的岩浆活动更活跃有关.南海地区莫霍面和居里面呈现交错叠置关系,南、北陆缘表现为明显的深部构造差异,说明南海为非对称式扩张.北部陆缘区居里面深度浅于莫霍面,而洋盆区和南部陆缘区居里面深于莫霍面,这与南、北陆缘性质的差异和南部陆缘复杂的中-新生代俯冲碰撞等构造演化相关,而洋盆区居里面深于莫霍面的现象推测与大洋上地幔橄榄岩蛇纹石化导致的岩石磁性增强有关.  相似文献   

碧口火山岩系的形成环境及构造属性是解决扬子板块前寒武纪构造格局与演化的关键问题之一.最新的研究发现,碧口火山岩系含有洋中脊玄武岩、洋岛碱性玄武岩、洋岛拉斑玄武岩等几种残余洋壳的组成单元以及与大洋俯冲有关的弧火山岩体系.总体上各岩石组成单元之间呈构造接触,表明碧口火山岩系为一蛇绿混杂岩带,结合已有研究资料,暗示新元古代晋宁造山运动晚期扬子陆块北缘曾经发育并存在过一个古洋盆.同时,其同位素地球化学显示Dupal异常,表明洋盆可能发育于南半球位置,并且火山岩地幔源区可能受俯冲板片相变脱水作用而具有EMⅠ和EMⅡ富集端员成分.综合现有岩石地球化学资料,新元古代晋宁期碧口蛇绿混杂岩系代表了当时扬子板块北缘一个局部裂解事件.  相似文献   

勉略构造带蛇绿岩及相关火山岩的系统研究表明, 该构造带由德尔尼-南坪-琵琶寺-康县至略阳-勉县地区, 并越巴山弧型构造向东到达随县花山, 最东延伸至大别山南缘清水河地区. 从西到东1500余公里断续残存蛇绿混杂岩, 包括蛇绿岩及相关的岛弧、洋岛等火山岩, 揭示了沿线曾存在已消失的古洋盆与古碰撞缝合带. 洋盆主要扩张形成时期是在石炭纪-二叠纪期间, 它对于确立华北-秦岭陆块与扬子陆块的碰撞时代和秦岭造山带的形成与演化均有重要的大地构造意义.  相似文献   

据地层及其时代,岩相古地理,基性-眼基性岩及蛇绿岩套,花岗岩类,古生物地理区系,古地磁,地球物理,遥感影像及韧性变形变质带等系统分析研究,表明康古尔塔格-黄山深断裂带为晚古生代双向俯冲对接碰撞带。其南为塔里木板块,早古生代为库都克奇克-沙泉子俯冲带;泥盆纪北移至康古尔塔格-黄山一带,经泥盆-石炭纪拉张,双向俯冲、对接碰撞,二叠纪固结-裂解演化,两者间为觉罗塔格岛弧增生带,其北为哈萨克斯坦-准噶尔板块南缘大南湖岛弧带,有基性-超基性岩、火山岩和中酸性斑(玢)岩及铜镍、金和铜钼矿分布,中酸性斑(玢)岩及铜钼矿呈对称分布,进而建立区域构造-造浆-成矿模式,进行战略性和战术性成矿预测,千万吨资源量的赤湖-土屋斑岩型Cu,Mo(Ag)矿的发现,验证了这种模式和预测的正确性,对地质构造研究及找矿有重要意义。  相似文献   

南海东北部陆缘是研究南海深部结构、构造演化与动力学机制的关键区域。鉴于该区磁测数据受低磁纬度斜磁化和剩磁影响,本文采用等效源技术与磁异常模量反演相结合的策略,基于实测磁异常进行三维磁性结构反演。反演结果显示,区内具有显著的南北分块,东西分带的构造分区特点,磁性体的延展方向表现为东西向、北东向和北西向三组,与区内的主要构造方向一致。陆缘区高值磁异常带与其南侧的磁静区磁性反演特征存在明显差异,前者表现为沿北东向延伸的强磁性体,其平面展布范围约500km*60km,深度超过25km,结合最新的地球物理研究成果,认为可能与板块俯冲有关的地壳深部岩浆底侵活动密切相关。后者表现为浅部呈东西条带状展布的弱磁性体,而其深部下地壳及上地幔顶部为宽缓的磁性层,显示出类似于洋壳的磁性结构,推测可能与古洋壳有关。  相似文献   

对马尼拉俯冲带中段高精度地形数据编辑后绘制成图,联合之前所获取的地震剖面数据,对俯冲带增生楔的精细构造地貌特征及发育模式进行了深入探讨.在增生楔下构造区发现了大量狭长的微型圈闭盆地,经过对其平面断裂特点与深部应力状态的分析,发现增生楔从俯冲前缘到脊顶区其构造特点的转变对应着微型圈闭盆地4个完整的发育阶段,即初期的加积断裂阶段、中期的圈闭成盆阶段、后期的挤压消亡阶段乃至最终的隆升推覆阶段,揭示出一种新型的俯冲带增生楔发育模式,并推断其本质是深部板片俯冲活动所产生的压应力在海底面的表现.  相似文献   

前人研究表明喜马拉雅造山带西部出露的拉昂错蛇绿混杂岩为新特提斯洋壳岩石圈的一部分,代表了新特提斯洋的关闭及其随后大洋岩石圈物质的仰冲.鉴于拉昂错蛇绿岩的构造演化历史尚不明确,前期对于拉昂错蛇绿岩带构造归属的研究主要基于岩石学研究和地表地质调查等,缺少精细的深部地壳结构进行运动学指示,因此证明拉昂错蛇绿混杂岩体的构造归属并非易事.本次研究中,我们对前期获得的一条南北向延伸穿过雅鲁藏布江缝合带和喜马拉雅造山带西部拉昂错蛇绿岩体的112 km长的深反射地震剖面进行了构造解释.高分辨率的深反射地震剖面清晰地显示了喜马拉雅山脉西部造山带内发育良好的地壳双冲构造几何结构,该地壳尺度双冲构造将印度俯冲地壳物质从底部运移到上部.同时,地震剖面还显示拉昂错蛇绿岩体和雅鲁藏布江蛇绿岩体在上地壳深处呈倾向相反但底部相通的结构构造.结合前人的岩石学/地球化学/地表地质研究成果,我们认为拉昂错蛇绿岩体为雅鲁藏布江缝合带蛇绿岩体的一部分.印度俯冲前缘的双冲构造折返将深部物质带到地表过程的同时,还将部分雅鲁藏布江蛇绿混杂岩携带至南侧距主缝合带位置大约20 km的拉昂错蛇绿岩区域.  相似文献   

洋壳核杂岩是由低角度正断层的大规模拆离作用而形成的大型洋底穹窿状凸起构造.其大规模拆离作用产生的韧性构造现象,最终会随着洋盆的闭合保存在造山带的蛇绿岩中.本文以将今论古的思路,系统总结现今洋壳核杂岩的岩石-构造特征.现今洋壳核杂岩包括了上盘火山熔岩与深海沉积、拆离断层带和下盘地幔橄榄岩与辉长岩侵入体等三部分.造山带中古洋壳核杂岩在全球造山带不同程度被揭示出来,我们较为系统地总结了(西阿尔卑斯Chenaillet蛇绿岩、阿尔巴尼亚Mirdita、伊朗扎格罗斯造山带Kermanshah、西藏普兰和加拿大阿帕拉契亚的Thetford-Mine)蛇绿岩中可能的古洋壳核杂岩及其特征.通过系统的对比,我们认为古洋壳核杂岩较为普遍,其有如下鉴别特征:超基性岩-基性岩单元规模较大、直接出露洋底导致发育一定规模的蛇绿质角砾岩;基性熔岩少或缺失,一般相对是晚期产物;深海沉积物(硅泥质岩、灰岩)或枕状熔岩直接覆盖在超基性岩之上;发育强韧性剪切变形拆离断层带,局部可发育高角度正断层;蛇绿岩中发育辉长岩、斜长花岗岩等侵入脉体.总之,造山带中的蛇绿岩有相当一部分是古洋壳核杂岩,是洋底拆离断层作用形成的.蛇绿岩中的韧性变形带不一定都是就位在造山带时的变质底板成因,极有可能是初始形成洋中脊时的拆离断层成因.然而,蛇绿岩中发育的韧性变形,以前普遍被认为是蛇绿岩在仰冲就位过程中形成的.两种不同成因的韧性变形代表截然不同的地质意义,前者形成于拆离断层的伸展环境、伴随一系列伸展构造,代表新生洋盆的形成;而后者则形成于逆冲就位的挤压背景,表示蛇绿岩的就位、洋盆的消亡.造山带中含蛇绿岩质的角砾岩不一定是造山阶段隆升剥蚀的产物,也可能是初始形成洋中脊时的产物.  相似文献   

汕头-吕宋岛岩石圈速度结构剖面,划分出华南陆缘古生代陆壳、陆架区晚古生代-中生代陆壳、陆坡带中生代-早第三纪过渡壳、新生代南海海盆洋壳及吕宋岛中生代-新生代岛弧陆壳与东吕宋海槽洋壳等地壳构造组分,并确定了上述地壳构造之间的边界断裂构造及其性质。结合地震震源分布及机制,初步确定了华南陆架盆岭构造带北、南两侧地震构造的控震构造与发震构造性质及其震源力学特征;1)指出1994年9月16日台湾浅滩7.3级地震属于板缘壳幔地震及造成一千公里有感范围的原因;2)马尼拉海沟的海底地堑构造与南海海盆岩石圈地幔上隆是马尼拉海沟俯冲带震源显示正断层性质的原因,且为被动的或转换俯冲带;3)东吕宋海槽仍属于菲律宾海俯冲带性质;吕宋岛东西两侧俯冲带岩石圈板片震源深度的准三层分布,可能表明俯冲带岩石圈板片存在相应的低速滑移层。  相似文献   

The determination of the coefficient of viscosity of eruptive products gives useful elements to the knowledge of possible variations of composition and physical conditions of the magmas.  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - The magnetic evolution of the active region of the Sun at the level of the photosphere has been studied. Magnetic synoptic maps of the 2007 Kitt Peak Observatory were...  相似文献   

Until recently, the existing data prevented the geophysicists from accurately dating the Bysy-Yuryakh stratum, which outcrops in the middle reach of the Kotuy River, constraining the time of its formation to a wide interval from the end of the Late Cambrian to the beginning of the Silurian. The obtained paleomagnetic data unambiguously correlate the Bysy-Yuryakh stratum to the Nyaian regional stage and constrain its formation, at least a considerable part of it, by the Tremadocian. This result perfectly agrees with the data on the Bysy-Yuryakh conodonts studied in this work and yields a spectacular example of the successful application of paleomagnetic studies in solving important tasks of stratigraphy and, correspondingly, petroleum geology. Within the Bysy-Yuryakh stratum, we revealed a large normal-polarity interval corresponding to the long (>1 Ma) period when the geomagnetic reversals were absent. This result, in combination with the data for the Tremadocian and Middle–Upper Cambrian sequences of the other regions, indicates that (1) the rate of occurrence of the geomagnetic reversals on the eve of the Ordovician Moyero superchron of reversed polarity was at most one reversal per Ma; (2) the superchron does not switch on instantaneously but is preceded by a certain gradual change in the operation conditions of the dynamo mechanism which, inter alia, manifests itself by the reduction of the frequency of geomagnetic reversals with the approach of the superchron. This finding supports the views according to which a process preparing the establishment of the superchrons takes place at the core–mantle boundary.  相似文献   

Summary A simple model is proposed suitable for studying the effect of the ground layer of the atmosphere, polluted by aerosol, on the albedo. This model is founded on solving the equation of transfer of radiative energy. The numerical results are discussed, particular attention being paid to the analysis of errors due to neglecting the multiple reflection of solar radiation on the aerosol particles. A method which would also include the multiple reflection is proposed, and the conditions under which the presence of the aerosol is responsible for an increase or decrease of the solar radiation balance on the Earth's surface, are analysed.  相似文献   

Summary The results of two different methods of the determination of the non-linearity of the gravimeter scale are compared; the economy is discussed as well.  相似文献   

Atmospheric temperature and humidity fields as well as information on other meteorological parameters are nowadays retrieved from radiance measurements recorded by operational meteorological satellites. Up to now, the inversion procedures used only take into account crude information on the topography of the Earth’s surface. However, the applied radiative transfer codes have to consider the Earth’s surface as the lower boundary of the atmospheric model and, therefore, need a more precise mean elevation and a classification of the roughness of the Earth’s surface. The influence of the topography of the Earth surface on retrieved temperature profiles is studied by using a physico-statistical inversion method. An objective analysis is made of the more precise mean elevation and derivation of roughness parameters using a new high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) with a resolution of 500 m×500 m. By means of a geomorphological process and a newly developed topography rejection test, areas with a high surface roughness are localized and singled out. The influence of topography on the retrieved temperature profiles is illustrated by case studies. Changes are found predominantly in areas with a high variation of topography. Using the new high-resolution DEM and the topography rejection test, the geographical position of the calculated temperature profiles tends to be shifted towards areas with a small vertical variation of topography. The mean elevation determined by the new elevation model better characterizes the area observed. Hence, the temperature profiles can be calculated down to lower atmospheric levels. Furthermore, a guess profile better describing the atmospheric situation is selected by the more precise elevation. In addition, the temperature profiles obtained near the coast are improved considerably by the more precise determination of the surface property ‘sea’ and ‘land,’ respectively. Integration of an independent physical information such as topography leads, on average, to a slight improvement of the results of the physico-statistical inversion procedure. In some cases, however, significant improvements have been achieved regarding the desired accuracy of temperature profiles of the order of 1 K. In future, the spatial resolution of new high-resolution sounding instrumentation on the next generation of operational meteorological satellites will be increased. To exploit the resolving power of this new instrumentation, the different variation of the topography of the Earth surface, especially in regions with a high variation of topography, can be taken into account more precisely by using a high-resolution DEM.  相似文献   

Резюме Дается вывод формул для вычислений длины хорды, длины и азимутов нормаляных сечений и длины геодезической линии эллипсоида. Применяются тригонометрические функции данных величин и постоянные принятого ргфгргнц-эллипсоида, что является целесообразным при использовании вычислителQjных машин, особенно автоматов. Рабочие формулы рекомендуются в форме (8–11).

Dedicated to Professor František Fiala on His 85th Birthday

Address: Veveři 95, Brno.  相似文献   

Summary The maintenance of the axisymmetric component of the flow in the atmosphere is investigated by means of a steady-state, quasi-geostrophic formulation of the meteorological equations. It is shown that the meridional variations in the time-averaged axisymmetric variables can be expressed as the sum of three contributions, one being due to the eddy heat transport, another to the eddy momentum transport, and a third to the convective-radiative equilibrium temperature which enters the problem through the specification of a Newtonian form of diabatic heating. The contributions by the large scale eddies are evaluated through the use of observed values for the eddy heat and momentum transports.The contributions from each of the three forcing mechanisms to the temperature and zonal wind fields are invstigated individually and found to be of about equal importance. The sum of the three contributions are also presented for the temperature, the zonal wind, the stream function associated with the mean meridional circulation and the corresponding vertical motion. Although the results fail to reproduce the main observed features of the lower stratosphere, they are found to be in good agreement with observations in the middle latitude troposphere. At any pressure level, for example, the computed mean zonal wind has a jet-like profile and the axis of the jet is found to slope to the south with height, as observed in the atmosphere.Based in part on a thesis submitted by the first author as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree at the University of Michigan. — Publication No. 194 from the Department of Meteorology and Oceanography, The University of Michigan.  相似文献   

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