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泥河湾层磁性地层学研究回顾   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
泥河湾盆地以富含哺乳动物化石和古人类遗址而引起了古人类学家和地贡学家的广泛关注,泥河湾层是该盆地中发育的一套晚新生代河湖相沉积物.磁性地层学研究结果表明泥河湾层的形成始于高斯正极性世,经历了松山反向极性世,结束于布容正极性世.本文回顾了针时泥河湾层的磁性地层学研究工作,选取了小长梁、东谷坨、郝家台、洞沟、红崖、虎头粱及许家窑等七个剖面作详细介绍,并进行了横向时比.  相似文献   

泥河湾盆地岑家湾旧石器遗址的古地磁定年   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对泥河湾盆地岑家湾旧石器地点进行的岩石磁学和磁性地层学研究表明, 岑家湾湖相沉积剖面的磁性矿物和剩磁载体是以磁铁矿为主; 少数时段沉积物含有磁铁矿和赤铁矿两种磁性矿物, 这类沉积物的特征剩磁是由磁铁矿和赤铁矿共同携带的. 磁组构测定证实了岑家湾剖面保存了原始沉积特征, 适合于磁性地层学研究, 其结果表明岑家湾旧石器地点的时代稍晚于Punaruu地磁漂移事件发生的时间(1.1 Ma). 结合东谷坨、马圈沟和小长梁剖面的研究结果, 可以确定早期人类在1.6, 1.3和1.1 Ma前后都在泥河湾地区生活过, 这一结果对认识早期人类迁徙与适应环境的能力是很有意义的.  相似文献   

甘肃陇中盆地会宁关公滩剖面磁性地层年代学研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文对陇中盆地会宁含小哺乳动物化石的关公滩剖面河湖相沉积序列进行了详细的岩石磁学和磁性地层学研究,磁化率各向异性结果表明关公滩剖面沉积物记录了典型的原生沉积组构,沉积物沉积以后几乎没有受到后期的扰动.最大磁化率主轴方向与现今的古水流流向基本一致,表明区域西高东低的地貌至少在中更新世早期已经形成.磁滞回线、等温剩磁获得曲线的矫顽力谱分析、三轴等温剩磁退磁曲线等岩石磁学结果显示:关公滩剖面河湖相沉积物的磁性矿物有磁铁矿、磁赤铁矿和赤铁矿,其中磁铁矿和赤铁矿是主要的剩磁载体,但其特征剩磁载体以赤铁矿为主.系统退磁结果显示,在大部分样品中,磁铁矿和赤铁矿均记录了几乎相同的特征剩磁的方向,整个剖面呈现单一的正极性.另外,关公滩剖面底部河湖相沉积物中产出丰富的小哺乳动物牙齿化石,经初步研究包括复齿鼠兔(Ochotonoides complicidens)、丁氏鼢鼠(Myospalax tingi)、方氏鼢鼠(Myospalax fontanieri)、变异仓鼠(Cricetinus varians)、大林姬鼠(Cricetinus varians)、复齿旱獭(Marmota complicidens)等六个种类,其中丁氏鼢鼠和复齿鼠兔是相对原始的种类,其时代跨越早更新世至中更新世早期,其他都是我国北方中、晚更新世常见的种类,该小哺乳动物化石组合性质表明其时代很可能为中更新世早期.因此,综合磁性地层学和小哺乳动物生物年代学结果,关公滩剖面记录了布容正极性时的沉积,剖面底部堆积及其哺乳动物群的时代应为中更新世早期.  相似文献   

青藏高原的古高度及其时代迄今仍是青藏高原研究的重大课题. 通过对乌郁剖面近 145 m水平地层的磁性地层学研究和下伏火山岩定年, 建立了乌郁盆地15~2.5 Ma时段的年代地层学框架和盆地发育历史. 研究表明, 15 Ma以来乌郁经历了3个重要的构造发展阶段. 15~8.1 Ma 期间, 乌郁盆地发生了强烈的火山构造作用, 其中包括至少3期强烈的火山喷发并使地层倾斜、 褶皱. 其后, 盆地进入较长的构造平静期, 发育了8~2.5 Ma湖相沉积序列. 2.5 Ma期间, 乌郁盆地经历了一次较强的东西向拉张, 产生了南北向断裂, 结束了湖泊沉积, 沿断裂发育了河流. 与吉隆盆地对比结果表明, 8 Ma以来喜马拉雅造山带和冈底斯造山带经历的构造作用有高度的一致性. 因此, 上述3个不同的构造阶段具有区域性意义. 研究结果为深入探讨中新世以来藏南地区古气候环境演化和高原隆升历史提供了重要的年代学依据.  相似文献   

生物礁是重要的自然资源,在全球气候变化与碳循环中扮演了重要角色.磁性地层学是建立年代框架的有效手段,但是,由于生物礁沉积物中天然剩磁强度弱,南海地区生物礁的磁性地层学研究尚未很好展开.为此,本文利用西沙群岛西科1井乐东组生物礁沉积样品进行了详细的岩石磁学和磁性地层学研究.结果显示,西沙群岛乐东组记录了布容正极性时、奥杜维尔正极性时和松山负极性时.通过对比已有的钻孔资料,本文认为应基于岩石地层特征这一标准将西沙地区的乐东组埋深予以统一.在此基础上,综合磁性地层与~(230)Th定年结果,本文将乐东组的底界限定在~2.0 Ma.  相似文献   

地层学的进展对盆地研究的意义   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
地层学是地质研究的基本问题.从传统地层学发展到地震地层学及层序地层学,地层学的研究发生了一个极大的飞跃.其重要意义可与板块学说的问世相比拟.地震记录仪器的更新换代,地震学和地震勘探技术的发展,是层序地层学得以诞生的基础之一.运用层序地层学理论和方法确切地识别沉积相、沉积环境,建立完整的沉积体系,预测油气的生储盖组合,更易追踪对比的目标层.因此,它对于盆地研究具有非常重要的意义.  相似文献   

蓝田盆地新生代时期地层以蕴含丰富的哺乳动物化石而备受关注,尤其是公王岭和陈家窝第四纪黄土地层中曾经分别发掘出了蓝田猿人头骨和下颌骨化石.基于过去对中国北方黄土高原第四纪黄土的深入研究,针对本区沉积物的磁性地层的研究似乎变得相对容易.但由于蓝田盆地毗邻秦岭北麓,区域构造地貌发育,第四纪风成沉积序列发育常常并不完整,这给特...  相似文献   

我国西北地区出露大量富含哺乳动物化石的"第三纪红层",探明这些地层的岩石磁学特征对进一步开展磁性地层、环境磁学和古气候学研究具有重要意义.本文对青藏高原东北缘兰州盆地渐新世地层进行了详细的岩石磁学研究,分别确定了咸水河组下部砂岩和泥岩中磁性矿物含量、种类及其在加热过程中的转变;并结合X射线衍射,漫反射光谱和粒度分析等非磁学手段,揭示了磁性矿物种类与沉积环境的关系.结果表明,剖面底部和顶部的砂岩为河道沉积,磁性矿物含量较低,主要为高矫顽力的赤铁矿和针铁矿;中部泥岩为湖相沉积,指示了一个相对稳定的静水沉积环境,其磁性矿物含量比砂岩要高,不仅含有高矫顽力的赤铁矿和针铁矿,也含有低矫顽力的磁铁矿.在岩石磁学和环境磁学结果的基础上,结合野外考察和古生物证据,我们推测兰州盆地在晚渐新世为半湿润半干旱的气候条件,这为赤铁矿的生成提供了有利条件,导致盆地中富含赤铁矿的红色泥岩广泛发育.  相似文献   

本文对西沙群岛西科1井钻孔岩心晚中新世-上新世生物礁沉积进行了详细的岩石磁学、磁性扫描与磁性地层学研究.结果显示,西科1井生物礁相沉积中的载磁矿物主要是磁铁矿.我们推测,这些磁铁矿的微小颗粒主要来自海水中含有的陆源物质,在生物生长过程中通过珊瑚体或其它寄生生物对海水的过滤与吸附作用保存在生物礁沉积中.进一步的磁性地层学研究及其与地磁极性年表的对比发现,在上新统莺歌海组、上中新统黄流组内部可获得多个年龄控制点,并对莺歌海组和黄流组的底界位置给出了初步制约.其中,莺歌海组记录了C2An.3n和C3n.4n,黄流组记录了C3An.2n至C5n.2n.虽然这一对比方案存在一定不确定性,但是在现阶段生物地层年代及其它年代学资料相对匮乏的情况下,我们认为本项研究的磁性地层学结果能为西沙群岛晚中新世以来的生物礁沉积提供更多可靠的年龄控制点,并为今后的区域地层对比提供磁性地层年代学依据.  相似文献   

苏德辰  田连捷 《地球》2023,(4):73-79
<正>20世纪60年代,为了研究元谋盆地的冰川和新构造活动,中国地质科学院地质力学所的钱方多次到云南元谋盆地进行野外地质调查,他在元谋盆地的上新统—更新统地层分布区,发现多片被流水冲刷后形成的土柱,这些土柱“高低参差、密密层层,层见叠出,远看如一片森林”。1977年,钱方将这种地貌形态命名为“土林”并写进了他公开发表的一篇科研论文中。从此,“土林”才作为一种独立的地貌类型,逐渐被地学界所接受。  相似文献   

New paleomagnetic investigation was carried out on the late Neogene fluviolacustrine sequence of the Yuanmou Basin, located near the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Magnetostratigraphic results indicate nine reverse magnetozones (R1 to R9) and eight normal magnetozones (N1 to N8) in the sedimentary profile, which can be correlated to the geomagnetic polarity timescale from C3n.3r to C1r.1r. The age of the sedimentary sequence of the Yuanmou Basin can thus be paleomagnetically constrained to an interval from early Pliocene to Pleistocene, with sedimentation rates varying from 12.5 to 55 cm/kyr. In addition to its highly resolved magnetostratigraphic sequence, the Yuanmou Basin provides a record of Plio-Pleistocene tectono- and climato-sedimentary processes. The mean declinations of the seventeen polarity units (excluding samples with transitional directions) can be grouped into three distinct directional intervals, Group I (2.58–1.37 Ma), Group II (4.29–2.58 Ma) and Group III (4.91–4.29 Ma). These directions indicate that the Yuanmou Basin has probably experienced vertical-axis clockwise rotation of about 12° from 1.4 Ma to 4.9 Ma, which may be related to slip activity of the Red River fault to the southwest and the Xianshuihe–Xiaojiang fault to the east.  相似文献   

The fluvio-lacustrine sequences in the Nihewan Basin of North China (known as the Nihewan Formation) are rich sources of Early Pleistocene Paleolithic sites and mammalian fossils (known as the Nihewan Fauna sensu lato), which offer an excellent opportunity to investigate the evolution of early humans and land mammals in East Asia. Also abundant mammalian fossils provide clues about the general environmental and climatic setting of early humans. Among the Nihewan Fauna (sensu lato), the Daodi Fauna is one of the most complete and oldest in the eastern Nihewan Basin: seven mammalian fossil-bearing layers in the Nihewan Formation have been described. Except for a biostratigraphy, however, precise age control on the Daodi Fauna has remained unavailable. Here we report a new magnetostratigraphic record that stringently constrains its age. The seven fossil-rich layers span an age range of ca 2.5–1.8 Ma between the Gauss–Matuyama boundary and the termination of the Olduvai polarity subchron. Combining our new and recently published paleomagnetic data, we further establish a Pleistocene magnetochronology of the fauna and Paleolithic sites in the Nihewan Basin. Age ranges of about 2.5–0.5 Ma for the faunas and 1.7–0.3 Ma for the Paleolithic sites are deduced, which span most of the Pleistocene. The chronological framework and calculated proportions of mammals that were adapted to different environments indicate that mixed settings of dominant grasslands and subordinate forests continued at least from 2.5 to 0.5 Ma for early human occupation in the basin, similar to the mixed open savannah and woodland habitats of early humans in Africa. The Nihewan hominins consistently adopted a simple Oldowan-like technology (i.e., Mode 1 core and flake technologies) from at least ca 1.7 to 0.3 Ma. A more advanced Acheulean technology (Mode 2) has not been found in the Nihewan Basin, although it started to emerge in the Bose Basin of South China at ca 0.8 Ma. This implies that multiple groups of hominins distinguished by differential stone-tool-making capabilities may have coexisted in China after 0.8 Ma.  相似文献   

The Yuanmou area in Yunnan Province is a fa-mous place for origin of mankind. Qian Fang et al. found tooth fossils of Yuanmou man in Shangnabang Village of Yuanmou in 1965. Jiang Nengren et al. identified the hominoid teeth from animal fossils un-earthed near Zhupeng Village in the Xiaohe Basin which were delivered by the local peasants. Hominoid fossils were also found in Leilao Village of Yuanmou afterward. These great discoveries have aroused ex-tensive concern in academic circle[1,2…  相似文献   

The Fisherman's Cliff and Bone Gulch Local Faunas are the second and third oldest mammalian fossil assemblages known in the Murray Basin of southeastern Australia. The determination of well constrained ages for these two faunas has been plagued by a lack of diagnostic microfossils or material suitable for isotopic age determinations. Based on previous paleomagnetic data [1,2] the ages of the Fisherman's Cliff and Bone Gulch local faunas were assigned to the Gauss and lower Matuyama Chrons, respectively. However, these dates were not tested by direct magnetostratigraphic studies at either locality. In order to make direct correlations, 22 paleomagnetic and five paleomagnetic sites, respectively, were collected from Fisherman's Cliff and Bone Gulch. Results indicate that the Fisherman's Cliff Local Fauna occurs within a zone of normal magnetic polarity whilst the Bone Gulch Local Fauna occurs within a zone of reversed polarity. By correlation to the Chowilla section, these zones are interpreted to represent the Gauss and lower Matuyama Chrons and ages of 2.47–2.92 and 1.88–2.47 Myr are indicated for the Fisherman's Cliff and Bone Gulch Local Faunas, respectively.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the chronological sequence of Pleistocene land mammal faunas (including hominids) preserved in caves and fissures in the karstic terrain of subtropical southern China has been greatly impeded by the discontinuous nature of the strata yielding the fossils. A contributory issue is the lack of suitable elements for numerical dating, especially for the Early Pleistocene cave sediments. Here we present new magnetostratigraphic dating results for five cave sedimentary sequences in the Bubing Basin, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, which contain the typical Pleistocene Gigantopithecus fauna and AiluropodaStegodon fauna of southern China. The five karstic caves are situated at elevations ranging from 252 m to 191 m above sea level. The integrated dating results reveal that the five cave sedimentary sequences span an age range from the late Gauss normal Chron to the early Brunhes normal Chron. The faunas are assigned to >2.6 Ma (Mohui–houshan Cave), 1.95–1.78 Ma (Mohui Cave), 0.99–0.78 Ma (Baolai Cave) and ∼0.7 Ma (Upper Wuyun and Ganxian Caves). Furthermore, by combining our new magnetostratigraphy work with previously published magnetostratigraphic, U–series and electron spin resonance dating results, a chronological sequence of the Plio–Pleistocene mammalian faunas from cave sites in southern China has been established. The chronological sequence contributes to an improved understanding of the evolutionary processes of Plio–Pleistocene land mammals, as well as of early humans in subtropical southern China.  相似文献   

It draws much attention of scientists how early hu- mans occupy and adapt to the rigorous climate and environment at high northern latitudes in East Asia after they stepped out of Africa, passed West Asia and finally arrived in East Asia[1-4]. Reliable age determi- nations of Paleolithic sites from northeastern Asia not only help to find out the earliest occupation of early humans in this region, but also relate to the founda- tion of the overall framework of human origin and migration[1-8]…  相似文献   

Sampling of an industrial drill string from the northeastern Paris Basin (Montcornet, France) provides early Jurassic magnetostratigraphic data coupled with biochronological control. About 375 paleomagnetic samples were obtained from a 145 m thick series of Pliensbachian rocks. A composite demagnetization thermal up to 300°C and an alternating field up to 80 mT were used to separate the magnetic components. A low unblocking temperature component (<250°C) with an inclination of about 64° is interpreted as a present-day field overprint. The characteristic remanent component with both normal and reversed antipodal directions was isolated between 5 and 50 mT. Twenty-nine polarity intervals were recognized. Correlation of these new results from the Paris Basin with data from the Breggia Gorge section (Ticino, southern Alps, Switzerland), which is generally considered as the reference section for Pliensbachian magnetostratigraphy, reveals almost identical patterns of magnetic polarity reversals. However, the correlation implies significant paleontological age discrepancies. Revised age assignments of biostratigraphic data of Breggia as well as an objective evaluation of the uncertainties on zonal boundaries in both Breggia and Moncornet resolve the initial discrepancies between magnetostratigraphic correlations and biostratigraphic ages. Hence, the sequence of magnetic reversals is significantly strengthened and the age calibration is notably improved for the Pliensbachian, a stage for which sections combining adequate magnetic signal and biostratigraphic constraints are still very few.  相似文献   

Late Miocene hominoid fossils found in Yunnan Province, China are of great importance in exploring hominid origins and hominoid phylogeny, and in recent years palaeoanthropologists have been paying great attention to them. The Yuanmou hominoid site is on…  相似文献   

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