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GRAPES模式对2005年登陆强台风预报检验分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
针对2005年4个登陆强台风,在台风移动路径、登陆时间、地点、强度等方面,对GRAPES模式的预报能力进行检验评价, 并进行了误差原因分析。检验结果显示,GRAPES 模式台风中心位置预报24 h平均误差131 km,48 h平均误差252 km。模式预报台风登陆的时间、地点接近实况,预报比较准确;台风登陆时的强度预报偏弱。模式48 h预报准确性略低于24 h。误差原因分析表明,需要加强对非常规观测资料的同化应用,改进模式初始条件;提高模式分辨率,使得模式对中小尺度系统的预报模拟能力增强;改进模式地形的精细处理方法,提高模式对地形影响涡旋移动的模拟能力。  相似文献   

基于集合Kalman滤波数据同化的热带气旋路径集合预报研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
构建了一个基于集合Kalman滤波数据同化的热带气旋集合预报系统,通过积云参数化方案和边界层参数化方案的9个不同组合,采用MM5模式进行了不同时间的短时预报。对预报结果使用“镜像法”得到18个初始成员,为同化提供初始背景集合。将人造台风作为观测场,同化后的结果作为集合预报的初值,通过不同参数组合的MM5模式进行集合预报。对2003~2004年16个台风个例的分析表明,初始成员产生方法能够对热带气旋的要素场、中心强度和位置进行合理扰动。同化结果使台风强度得到加强,结构更接近实际。基于同化的集合路径预报结果要优于未同化的集合预报。使用“镜像法”增加集合成员提高了预报准确度,路径预报误差在48小时和72小时分别低于200 km和250 km。  相似文献   

2007年国内台风模式路径预报效果评估   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
马雷鸣  李佳  黄伟  梁旭东 《气象》2008,34(10):74-80
使用中央气象台提供的台风中心定位报文资料、国内台风业务预报部门提供的台风模式路径预报报文资料和台风所气候持续性方法路径预报报文资料等,对2007年中央气象台编号的热带气旋对国内5种台风业务数值预报模式的路径预报效果进行了检验评估,检验内容主要包括距离误差、技巧评分和稳定度指标等.结果表明:(1)国内各模式24h/48h预报平均距离误差最小值为122.8km/246.3km,最大值为180.7km/304.4km.各模式24h/48h预报最大误差为1429.7km/1003.7km, 最小误差为11.2km/10.1km.24h/48h预报平均距离误差为147km/267km.平均而言,导致路径预报误差最大的是0707号热带气旋帕布,误差在其登陆后尤为明显.(2)相对于上海台风研究所路径预报气候持续法做了各种数值预报方法的技巧评分:各模式24h/48h预报平均技巧评分为32%/43%,最高的技巧评分为48%/54%, 最低的技巧评分为3.17%/33.53%.其中4个模式的24h/48h技巧评分高于36%/33%.(3)检验了距离稳定度、方向稳定度、有效稳定度等指标,以全面评估各模式的路径预报性能.该评估结果在一定程度上反映了当前国内台风路径数值预报相对于常用气候统计方法的优越性,同时也表明,尽管国内台风数值预报模式对于热带气旋在海上时的路径预报有一定的稳定性,但对热带气旋登陆后转向过程的预报表现出了较大误差.因此,在模式开发的下一步工作中,除台风初始化之外,还应结合登陆台风的特点,对边界层和陆面过程参数化等作针对性的研究.  相似文献   

基于WRF中尺度模式,采用集合卡尔曼滤波方法同化中国岸基多普勒天气雷达径向速度资料,对2015年登陆台风彩虹(1522)进行数值试验。从台风强度、路径、结构等方面验证了同化效果,并对不同区域雷达观测资料的同化敏感性进行讨论。试验结果表明:在同化窗内同化分析场台风位置误差相比未同化平均减小15 km,最多时刻减小38 km,同化资料时次越多,确定性预报路径误差越小。同化雷达资料后较好地反映出台风彩虹(1522)近海加强过程,台风中心最低气压同化分析和预报误差相比未同化最大减小超过25 hPa,台风眼的尺度、眼墙处对流非对称结构相比未同化与观测更加接近。试验还表明:台风内核100 km范围内的雷达观测对同化效果影响最大,仅同化这部分资料(约占总量的20%)各方面效果与同化全部资料相近,而仅同化100 km以外资料效果明显不及同化所有资料。仅同化台风内核雷达观测资料可以在不影响同化效果的前提下,使集合同化计算机时减小为原来的1/3,该策略可为台风实际业务预报提供一定参考。  相似文献   

我国台风路径业务预报误差及成因分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
余锦华  唐家翔  戴雨菡  虞本颖 《气象》2012,38(6):695-700
利用2005 2009年中国气象局(CMA)提供的西北太平洋(包括南海)台风路径业务预报资料,比较了各类型台风路径、台风登陆位置及登陆时间的预报误差,登陆台风不同阶段以及华东登陆和华南登陆台风的路径预报误差。结果表明:CMA在2005 2009年的路径预报水平与1999 2003年的相比有了显著提高。平均南海台风预报误差大于西北太平洋。异常路径台风主要出现于南海,三个预报时效(24、48和72 h)异常路径的预报误差平均都小于正常路径。将登陆台风分为远海、登陆期间和登陆后三个阶段,显示登陆期间台风预报误差最大,同一阶段华南登陆台风的预报误差大于华东登陆台风。台风登陆位置在24、48和72 h预报时效的平均预报误差分别为71.1、122.6和210.6 km,48和72 h台风实际登陆时间有70%早于预报时间,平均分别提早8和12 h。比较大尺度引导气流与台风移动的偏差及24 h路径预报误差,得到南海三种典型登陆台风路径的大尺度引导气流与台风移动的偏差及其与路径预报误差的关系不一样,即误差成因不同。南海倒抛物线型的大尺度引导气流与台风移动的偏差最大,其预报误差最小;西一西北型的大尺度引导气流与台风移动的偏差最小,其预报误差最大,可能与大尺度环流预报准确性差有关。登陆华东的预报误差小于登陆华南台风的预报误差,这与台风登陆华南时其大尺度引导气流和台风移动的偏差大于登陆华东的台风有关。  相似文献   

Tropical cyclone (TC) genesis forecasting is essential for daily operational practices during the typhoon season.The updated version of the Tropical Regional Atmosphere Model for the South China Sea (CMA-TRAMS) offersforecasters reliable numerical weather prediction (NWP) products with improved configurations and fine resolution. Whiletraditional evaluation of typhoon forecasts has focused on track and intensity, the increasing accuracy of TC genesisforecasts calls for more comprehensive evaluation methods to assess the reliability of these predictions. This study aims toevaluate the effectiveness of the CMA-TRAMS for cyclogenesis forecasts over the western North Pacific and South ChinaSea. Based on previous research and typhoon observation data over five years, a set of localized, objective criteria has beenproposed. The analysis results indicate that the CMA-TRAMS demonstrated superiority in cyclogenesis forecasts, pre dicting 6 out of 22 TCs with a forecast lead time of up to 144 h. Additionally, over 80% of the total could be predicted 72 hin advance. The model also showed an average TC genesis position error of 218.3 km, comparable to the track errors ofoperational models according to the annual evaluation. The study also briefly investigated the forecast of Noul (2011). Theforecast field of the CMA-TRAMS depicted thermal and dynamical conditions that could trigger typhoon genesis, con sistent with the analysis field. The 96-hour forecast field of the CMA-TRAMS displayed a relatively organized three dimensional structure of the typhoon. These results can enhance understanding of the mechanism behind typhoon genesis,fine-tune model configurations and dynamical frameworks, and provide reliable forecasts for forecasters.  相似文献   

以台风路径数值预报的短时效预报偏差和目标时效(指所需订正的时效)的纬度预报为预报因子,采用多元线性回归方法建立了台风路径预报的偏差预估方程,继而对台风路径预报进行实时订正。本文以12 h为短时效,通过对欧洲中期天气预报中心确定性预报模式(ECMWF-IFS)和集合预报模式(ECMWF-EPS)的台风路径预报的应用,得到以下结论:2018年试报结果表明,24 h、36 h、48 h、60 h、72 h、84 h订正后的ECMWF-IFS台风路径预报的平均距离误差分别比订正前减小了7.3 km、9.3 km、8.9 km、6.5 km、6.9 km、2.6 km,总体来说较强台风(指12 h的台风强度实况≥32.7 m s?1)路径预报的订正效果更好。尝试了先对ECMWF-EPS各成员的台风路径预报进行订正,再进行集成预报,并对比了以下5种方式得到的台风路径预报:“订正后的确定性预报”、“所有集合预报成员集合平均”、“优选集合预报成员集合平均”、“所有集合预报成员先订正再集合平均”和“优选集合预报成员先订正再集合平均”,2018年试报结果表明,对于平均距离误差,24 h和36 h“优选集合预报成员先订正再集合平均”最小,48 h和60 h“所有集合预报成员先订正再集合平均”最小,72 h和84 h“优选集合预报成员集合平均”最小,如果在业务中有针对性地进行应用,有望获得一个在各预报时效表现都较优异的台风路径客观综合预报结果。24 h、36 h、48 h、60 h“优选集合预报成员先订正再集合平均”的平均距离误差分别比“所有集合预报成员集合平均”减小了13.3 km、11.7 km、10.0 km、7.6 km,比中央气象台官方预报(对应的时效为12 h、24 h、36 h、48 h)减小了0.7 km、2.0 km、3.9 km、2.4 km。  相似文献   

Landfalling typhoons can cause disasters over large regions. The government and emergency responders need to take measures to mitigate disasters according to the forecast of landfall position, while slight timing error can be ignored. The reliability of operational model forecasts of typhoon landfall position needs to be evaluated beforehand, according to the forecasts and observation of historical cases. In the evaluation of landfalling typhoon track, the traditional method based on point-to-po...  相似文献   

While previous studies indicate that typhoons can decrease sea surface temperature(SST) along their tracks, a few studies suggest that the cooling patterns in coastal areas are different from those in the open sea. However, little is known about how the induced cooling coupled with the complex ocean circulation in the coastal areas can affect tropical cyclone track and intensity. The sea surface responses to the land falling process of Typhoon Morakot(2009) are examined observationally and its influences on the activity of the typhoon are numerically simulated with the WRF model. The present study shows that the maximum SST cooling associated with Morakot occurred on the left-hand side of the typhoon track during its landfall. Numerical simulations show that, together with the SST gradients associated with the coastal upwelling and mesoscale oceanic vortices, the resulting SST cooling can cause significant difference in the typhoon track, comparable to the current 24-hour track forecasting error. It is strongly suggested that it is essential to include the non-uniform SST distribution in the coastal areas for further improvement in typhoon track forecast.  相似文献   

While previous studies indicate that typhoons can decrease sea surface temperature(SST) along their tracks, a few studies suggest that the cooling patterns in coastal areas are different from those in the open sea. However, little is known about how the induced cooling coupled with the complex ocean circulation in the coastal areas can affect tropical cyclone track and intensity. The sea surface responses to the land falling process of Typhoon Morakot(2009) are examined observationally and its influences on the activity of the typhoon are numerically simulated with the WRF model. The present study shows that the maximum SST cooling associated with Morakot occurred on the left-hand side of the typhoon track during its landfall. Numerical simulations show that, together with the SST gradients associated with the coastal upwelling and mesoscale oceanic vortices, the resulting SST cooling can cause significant difference in the typhoon track, comparable to the current 24-hour track forecasting error. It is strongly suggested that it is essential to include the non-uniform SST distribution in the coastal areas for further improvement in typhoon track forecast.  相似文献   

目前数值模式对台风降水预报的准确率仍有待提高。为了评估深圳对流尺度集合预报系统对台风降水预报能力,选取了2015—2018年共14个影响广东台风个例,利用广东省2 300多个自动气象观测站的24小时累计降水观测资料,检验该系统的集合预报方法(含集合平均方法和概率匹配平均方法)和控制预报方法的24小时降水预报结果。(1)系统对台风24小时降水预报具有较好参考价值,三种方法的暴雨等级预报TS评分均达到0.39以上。(2)集合预报方法总体上优于控制预报方法,可改善珠江口两侧暴雨中心降水预报。其中集合平均方法总体预报效果最好,其降水预报均方根误差为38.1 mm,比控制预报方法减少18.8%,对暴雨等级预报TS评分为0.469比控制,预报方法提升20.1%,但是对特大暴雨等级预报能力不足;而概率匹配平均方法改善了小雨和特大暴雨的预报能力。(3)系统对较强台风的降水预报能力优于弱台风。在较强台风情形下,系统对粤东暴雨中心降水预报明显偏小且控制预报方法偏差最大,其他地方降水预报偏大为主;在弱台风情形下,系统对降水预报存在明显系统性偏大,但对粤西暴雨中心降水预报明显偏小且控制预报偏差最大。   相似文献   

基于台风边界层的最新观测和研究成果,提出了最大风速半径、边界层风速比、拖曳系数等关键参数的经验方案,并依据垂直平均水平运动方程,建立适用于西北太平洋的工程台风风场模型,最高分辨率为2 km。通过理想试验,验证了所建模型的合理性,并重点关注模拟风场对拖曳系数参数化方案的敏感性。结果表明,不同拖曳系数参数化方案(增长型、饱和型、下降型)对强台风内核区的风场模拟有显著影响,但对最大风速的模拟影响不大。为验证所建模型对实际西北太平洋台风的适用性,选取台风“海葵”(1211)进行个例试验,得到最大风速的平均误差为-0.36 m/s,均方根误差为2.22 m/s。进一步选取我国沿海6个受“海葵”影响的测站,进行模拟风向、风速与观测的对比分析,发现所建台风风场模型能很好地模拟出台风影响过程中的风向转变,但各测站的风速均方根误差在1.61~6.92 m/s之间。较大的风速误差主要出现在位于台风中心附近的测站,意味着我国沿海复杂地形对台风的衰减作用在模型中考虑不足,是未来的改进方向。   相似文献   

Large-scale atmospheric information plays an important role in the regional model for the forecasts of weather such as tropical cyclone (TC). However, it is difficult to be fully represented in regional models due to domain size and a lack of observation data, particularly at sea used in regional data assimilation. Blending analysis has been developed and implemented in regional models to reintroduce large-scale information from global model to regional analysis. Research of the impact of this large-scale blending scheme for the Global / Regional Assimilation and PrEdiction System (CMA-MESO) regional model on TC forecasting is limited and this study attempts to further progress by examining the adaptivity of the blending scheme using the two-dimensional Discrete Cosine Transform (2D-DCT) filter on the model forecast of Typhoon Haima over Shenzhen, China in 2016 and considering various cut-off wavelengths. Results showed that the error of the 24-hour typhoon track forecast can be reduced to less than 25 km by applying the scale-dependent blending scheme, indicating that the blending analysis is effectively able to minimise the large-scale bias for the initial fields. The improvement of the wind forecast is more evident for u-wind component according to the reduced root mean square errors (RMSEs) by comparing the experiments with and without blending analysis. Furthermore, the higher equitable threat score (ETS) provided implications that the precipitation prediction skills were increased in the 24h forecast by improving the representation of the large-scale feature in the CMA-MESO analysis. Furthermore, significant differences of the track error forecast were found by applying the blending analysis with different cut-off wavelengths from 400 km to 1200 km and the track error can be reduced less than by 10 km with 400 km cut-off wavelength in the first 6h forecast. It highlighted that the blending scheme with dynamic cut-off wavelengths adapted to the development of different TC systems is necessary in order to optimally introduce and ingest the large-scale information from global model to the regional model for improving the TC forecast. In this paper, the methods and data applied in this study will be firstly introduced, before discussion of the results regarding the performance of the blending analysis and its impacts on the wind and precipitation forecast correspondingly, followed by the discussion of the effects of different blending scheme on TC forecasts and the conclusion section.  相似文献   

云微物理过程是影响台风降水数值模拟的关键过程。利用华东中尺度模式系统,选取Thompson与CLR两种微物理参数化方案对台风“利奇马”进行数值模拟,对比观测、卫星资料,评估两个微物理参数化方案对台风模拟的影响,结果表明:相比于Thompson方案,CLR方案对台风“利奇马”的模拟在登陆后的路径、强度、降水明显更接近观测;Thompson方案在距离台风中心约100 km形成较强的螺旋雨带,而CLR方案在距离台风中心150 km左右的位置形成了较弱的螺旋雨带。进一步的分析表明,CLR方案模拟出的外围雨带距离台风中心的距离更远,是由于CLR方案中冰、霰等冰相态水凝物下落速度更小,更有可能被推送到距离台风中心更远的位置,从而形成不同的雨带分布。   相似文献   

基于中尺度数值天气预报模式WRF和WRFDA三维变分同化系统,针对2015年台风“苏迪罗”二次登陆过程,利用NCEP ADP提供的无线电探空、飞机报观测资料,同时同化两种资料,并进行36 h模拟预报,从台风移动路径、强度、降水及模式初始场改进等方面分析了同化模拟效果。结果表明,同时同化两种资料能够有效改善台风移动路径、中心附近最低气压的模拟。对浙闽降水关键区24 h降水的TS评分结果表明,该同化方案对台风降水的预报评分有一定程度的改进,尤其是中雨和特大暴雨的改进最明显。对于模式初始场的温度、相对湿度、纬向风、经向风在各高度上的均方根误差,除湿度外均有不同程度的减小。并且同化对于台风结构的模拟也有所调整。   相似文献   

改进的物理过程参数化对台风路径数值预报的影响   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
文章介绍了国家气象中心的台风路径数值预报试验模式和新开发的改进物理过程参数化方案,对1992年的5个台风个例初步试验结果表明:改进物理过程参数化模式对台风路径和台风强度的预报比简单物理过程模式有明显提高,24 h和48 h台风中心位置预报误差分别为188 km和337 km,比原模式减小38 km和190 km;48 h台风中心气压与实况之差平均减小3 hPa。  相似文献   

GRAPES区域集合预报条件性台风涡旋重定位方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴政秋  张进  陈静  庞波  夏宇  陈法敬 《气象学报》2020,78(2):163-176
为了在集合预报中更合理描述台风涡旋中心定位的不确定性,采用2009—2018年中国气象局和日本气象厅台风最佳路径数据,分析台风最佳路径涡旋中心定位的不确定性特征,在此基础上设计条件性台风涡旋重定位方法(Conditional Typhoon Vortex Relocation,CTVR),构建集合成员台风涡旋中心重定位阈值条件、台风涡旋分离数学处理及涡旋重定位等数学处理过程,利用中国气象局数值预报中心区域集合预报系统(Global/Regional Assimilation and Prediciton System-Regional Ensemble System,GRAPES-REPS)对2018年西北太平洋上的3个台风(1808号“玛莉亚”、1824号“谭美”和1825号“康妮”)进行轴对称结构和轴对称+非对称结构条件性台风涡旋重定位两种方案的集合预报试验和检验评估。结果表明:(1)中国气象局和日本气象厅台风最佳路径误差平均值为13.72 km,可视为台风涡旋中心定位不确定性的合理估计值;(2)统计检验结果和典型个例分析表明,采用轴对称结构和轴对称+非对称结构条件性台风涡旋重定位方法的台风集合预报路径误差及集合预报一致性结果比较接近;(3)条件性台风涡旋重定位方法可以有效改进GRAPES-REPS区域集合预报台风路径概率预报效果,如台风路径集合预报平均误差有所减小,集合预报一致性(路径离散度与路径均方根误差比值)增大,特别是预报初期概率预报效果改进更为显著,而预报中后期改进有限;(4)通过对“玛莉亚”台风集合预报诊断分析发现,经过条件性台风涡旋重定位后,各集合成员的台风路径误差在预报初期明显减小且路径收敛,但随着预报时效的延长台风路径逐渐发散。应用条件性台风涡旋重定位方法后,台风涡旋环流与大尺度环境场仍然比较连续协调,且台风涡旋环流外的大尺度环境场具有一致性特点,最低气压误差、最大风速误差和降水预报技巧基本不变。可见,条件性台风涡旋重定位方法的应用可以提供更准确的台风路径预报不确定性信息,帮助预报员做出更准确的预报决策。   相似文献   

余晖 《气象学报》1999,57(6):694-704
采用4层准地转斜压模式,在无环境气流的情况下,进行了两次数值试验,研究了台风环流不同方位、不同半径处的非对称程度与其中心移速的关系,以及不同层次台风环流的非对称结构与台风移速的相关性。结果表明:(1)距台风环流中心100~300km的东一西向和东北一西南向非对称程度与其东西向移速有稳定的强负相关,200~500km的东南一西北向非对称程度与其南北向移速有稳定的强正相关。(2)模式最下层环流的非对称结构与台风移速的关系最密切。在该层,距中心100~400km的东一西向和东北一西南向非对称程度与台风沿东西向移速密切相关,100km以外的东南一西北向非对称程度与台风沿南北向移速密切相关。  相似文献   

罗哲贤 《气象学报》2003,61(3):302-311
用一个高分辨率的 f平面正压涡度方程模式 ,实施了时间积分为 36h的 2 1组试验 ,研究相邻中尺度涡旋与台风涡旋的相互作用。结果指出 :这种相互作用能否导致台风加强 ,取决于两类因子 :一是台风涡旋最大风速的取值以及圆形基流切变的强弱 ;二是切变基流中的中尺度涡旋的自身条件 ,包括中尺度涡旋的分布、尺度、强度和结构。台风强度与初始中尺度涡旋的尺度、强度之间存在着非线性的联系  相似文献   

A typhoon bogus data assimilation scheme (BDA) using dimension-reduced projection four-dimen-sional variational data assimilation (DRP-4-DVar),called DRP-BDA for short,is built in the Advanced Regional Eta Model (AREM).As an adjoint-free approach,DRP-BDA saves time,and only several minutes are taken for the full BDA process.To evaluate its performance,the DRP-BDA is applied to a case study on a landfall ty-phoon,Fengshen (2008),from the Northwestern Pacific Ocean to Guangdong province,in which the bogus sea level pressure (SLP) is assimilated as a kind of observa-tion.The results show that a more realistic typhoon with correct center position,stronger warm core vortex,and more reasonable wind fields is reproduced in the analyzed initial condition through the new approach.Compared with the control run (CTRL) initialized with NCEP Final (FNL) Global Tropospheric Analyses,the DRP-BDA leads to an evidently positive impact on typhoon track forecasting and a small positive impact on typhoon inten-sity forecasting.Furthermore,the forecast landfall time conforms to the observed landfall time,and the forecast track error at the 36th hour is 32 km,which is much less than that of the CTRL (450 km).  相似文献   

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