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沙尘气溶胶对半干旱区微气象学特征影响的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
沙尘气溶胶通过改变地表—大气间的短波及长波辐射从而对地气间热量传输产生影响,进而影响到地表能量收支平衡以及近地面层气象要素的分布。半干旱区是我国干旱化表现最为剧烈的地区,也是沙尘暴频发地区和主要源区之一。本文利用吉林通榆半干旱区国际协调强化观测计划基准站2006年4~6月近地层微气象、地表辐射通量和沙尘气溶胶浓度观测资料,对比分析了该地区在典型沙尘暴天气、扬沙天气和晴朗天气等不同天气状况下近地层各气象要素、地表能量平衡及辐射收支的变化特征。结果表明,沙尘气溶胶对半干旱地区地面微气象学特征及辐射收支具有明显的影响,且表现出不同于干旱区的若干特性:半干旱区沙尘天气下的平均风速比晴天高约2m.s-1,而相对湿度则降低了约35%。相对而言,气温和浅层地温的变化对沙尘的影响响应较弱。半干旱区在沙尘天气时地表净辐射小于晴天,感热/潜热通量分别约占净辐射的55%和30%,分别远大于/远小于晴天时的情形。该地区气溶胶质量浓度与日均感热、相对湿度、潜热等要素具有明显的相关,相关系数分别高达0.70、-0.75和-0.62。相比之下,干旱区沙尘天气时的感热通量要小于晴天时的值,而且气象要素的响应更加剧烈。  相似文献   

The authors present a case study investigating the impacts of dust aerosols on surface atmospheric variables and energy budgets in a semi-arid region of China. Enhanced observational meteorological data, radiative fluxes, near-surface heat fluxes, and concentrations of dust aerosols were collected from Tongyu station, one of the reference sites of the International Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observations Project (CEOP), during a typical dust storm event in June 2006. A comprehensive analysis of these data show that in this semi-arid area, higher wind velocities and a continuously reduced air pressure were identified during the dust storm period. Dust storm events are usually associated with low relative humidity weather conditions, which result in low latent heat flux values. Dust aerosols suspended in the air decrease the net radiation, mainly by reducing the direct solar radiation reaching the land surface. This reduction in net radiation results in a decrease in soil temperatures at a depth of 2 cm. The combination of increased air temperature and decreased soil temperature strengthens the energy exchange of the atmosphere-earth system, increasing the surface sensible heat flux. After the dust storm event, the atmosphere was dominated by higher pressures and was relatively wet and cold. Net radiation and latent heat flux show an evident increase, while the surface sensible heat flux shows a clear decrease.  相似文献   

2010年春季北京地区强沙尘暴过程的微气象学特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用北京大学校园地区PM10质量浓度观测资料、中国科学院大气物理研究所325m气象塔气象要素梯度和湍流观测资料,分析了北京地区2010年3月20~22日两次强沙尘暴过程微气象学要素和沙尘参量的时空演变以及湍流输送特征,为理解北京地区强沙尘暴天气沙尘输送规律和微气象学特征提供参考。结果表明:3月20~22日强沙尘暴过程前后不同高度温度先升后降,气压和相对湿度则相反。强沙尘暴来临时,高层风速先迅速增大,低层风速增加略有滞后,风切变明显加强,PM10浓度最大值和风速极大值出现时间较吻合。强沙尘暴过境时,不同高度向下的湍流动量输送、向上的湍流热量输送和湍流动能明显加强。与3月21日非沙尘暴日相比,强沙尘暴过程湍流动量通量增加,有利于沙尘粒子的水平和垂直输送过程;由于冷锋过境,水平热通量增大;垂直热通量因白天温度垂直梯度减小而减小,夜间因逆温层被破坏而增加;水平湍流动能对湍流动能占主要贡献,垂直湍流动能仅占水平湍流动能的10%~25%。  相似文献   

利用中国科学院大气物理研究所北京325 m气象塔的风速和温度平均场观测资料和湍流资料,以及北京市气象台地面常规气象资料和逐日08:00和20:00(北京时间)的探空资料,分析了2002年3月18~22日沙尘暴过境前后北京城市边界层结构特征和湍流输送特征,结果表明:1)在沙尘暴爆发前,边界层中水平风速一直较小;气温较高,大气层结稳定,在边界层上部有强大的逆温层.随着冷锋过境,沙尘暴爆发,边界层中水平风速和平均湍流速度急剧增强;温度也突然变化,先迅速增强后又持续下降,逆温层迅速被破坏.2)沙尘暴初期,280 m上为系统性上升气流,而47和120 m则为系统性的下沉气流.随着沙尘暴爆发,湍流动能、向下传输的动量以及向上传输的感热也迅速增大,并且120 m高度的湍能、动量通量以及感热通量明显高于47和280 m,这与北京的局地环流有关.3)本次沙尘暴过程中,120和47 m层的摩擦速度都明显超过了北京的临界摩擦速度,表明局地起沙也是本次沙尘暴过程中北京沙尘的一个重要沙源.  相似文献   

北京2004年一次强沙尘暴过程的辐射特征研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
利用2004年3月27~29 日北京沙尘暴期间观测的辐射、气象以及气溶胶质量浓度的资料,分析了该过程的地面辐射、气象要素以及气溶胶与辐射相互作用的变化特征.结果表明,沙尘暴期间紫外辐射的衰减与可见光辐射强度衰减规律不一致.紫外衰减主要受到细粒子浓度影响,同时紫外辐射占总辐射的比重与气溶胶中细粒子含量成负相关;而可见光辐射强度衰减与总辐射衰减同步.辐射变化和气溶胶质量浓度观测结果均表明,此次沙尘暴过程分为3个阶段,即,细粒子累积期、外地沙尘输入期和清除期.在沙尘暴期间地面一直维持一个低压、干冷的状态;当过程结束后,气压急剧增高,并在一段时间内处于高压控制之下.  相似文献   

河西走廊一次区域性大风强沙尘暴天气诊断   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
应用常规和自动加密站观测资料,对2009年4月29日发生在河西走廊的一次区域性强沙尘暴天气过程,从天气学成因、物理量要素等方面进行了诊断分析.结果表明:这是一次冷锋后大风引发的沙尘暴;沙尘暴发生在强气压梯度区;地面气象要素对冷锋过境及沙尘暴爆发有强烈反应,可以在沙尘暴预报中作为一个参考依据;沙尘暴爆发区低层辐合,高层辐散,有明显的上升运动;锋生函数和螺旋度对沙尘暴爆发区有较好的指示意义.  相似文献   

A continuous measurement of number size distributions and chemical composition of aerosol particles was conducted in Beijing in a dust storm event during 21-26 March 2001. The number concentration of coarse particles ( 〉2μm) increased more significantly than fine particles ( 〈2μm) during the dust storm due to dust weather, while the anthropogenic aerosols collected during the non-dust-storm period tended to be associated with fine particles. Elemental compositions were analyzed by using proton-induced X-ray emission (PIXE). The results show that 20 elements in the dust storm were much higher than in the non-dust-storm period. The calculated soil dust concentration during the dust storm was, on average, 251.8μg m^-3, while it was only 52.1μg m^-3 on non-dust-storm days. The enrichment factors for Mg, A1, P, K, Ca, Ti, Mn, Fe, C1, Cu, Pb, and Zn show small variations between the dust storm and the non-dust-storm period, while those for Ca, Ni and Cr in the dust storm were much lower than those in the non-dust-storm period due to significant local emission sources. A high concentration and enrichment factor for S were observed during the dust storm, which implies that the dust particles were contaminated by aerosol particles from anthropogenic emissions during the long-range transport. A statistical analysis shows that the elemental composition of particles collected during the dust storm in Beijing were better correlated with those of desert soil colleted from desert regions in Inner Mongolia. Air mass back-trajectory analysis further confirmed that this dust storm event could be identified as streaks of dust plumes originating from Inner Mongolia.  相似文献   

Landscape characteristics influence meteorological factors, thus affect the occurrence and nature of dust storm events. The present study investigates the spatiotemporal characteristics of six meteorological factors (wind velocity, wind direction, air temperature, relative humidity (RH), photo synthetically active radiation (PAR), and solar radiation) over different landscape types (shifting-sand frontier, semi-fixed sandy land, fixed sandy land, and the inner region of an oasis) before and after dust storms during four typical dust storm events in an oasis-desert ecotone in Cele, Xinjiang, China. The results show that the average wind velocity decreased significantly from the shifting-sand frontier to the inner oasis, which was mainly attributable to the vegetation coverage. Before the dust storm events, there were obvious differences in air temperature and RH either in the horizontal or vertical direction over the different landscape types. However, these factors were very similar during and following the dust storm events. PAR and solar radiation were significantly reduced during the dust storm events and the subsequent sand-blowing and floating-dust conditions. This effect was much stronger than during similar weather conditions without dust storm events such as sand-blowing and overcast and/or rainy days. Additionally, the variation in the meteorological factors among the different landscapes was also affected by the prevailing wind direction during the dust storm events. However, the landscape type slightly changed the prevailing wind direction, with the greatest dispersion distribution of wind direction in the inner oasis. The findings of this study are helpful for understanding the function of landscape types in the occurrence of dust storms, as well as for providing a theoretical basis for prevention of dust storms.  相似文献   

Landscape characteristics influence meteorological factors, thus affect the occurrence and nature of dust storm events. The present study investigates the spatiotemporal characteristics of six meteorological factors(wind velocity, wind direction, air temperature, relative humidity(RH), photo synthetically active radiation(PAR), and solar radiation) over different landscape types(shifting-sand frontier, semi-fixed sandy land, fixed sandy land, and the inner region of an oasis) before and after dust storms during four typical dust storm events in an oasis-desert ecotone in Cele, Xinjiang, China. The results show that the average wind velocity decreased significantly from the shifting-sand frontier to the inner oasis, which was mainly attributable to the vegetation coverage. Before the dust storm events, there were obvious differences in air temperature and RH either in the horizontal or vertical direction over the different landscape types. However, these factors were very similar during and following the dust storm events. PAR and solar radiation were significantly reduced during the dust storm events and the subsequent sand-blowing and floating-dust conditions. This effect was much stronger than during similar weather conditions without dust storm events such as sand-blowing and overcast and/or rainy days. Additionally, the variation in the meteorological factors among the different landscapes was also affected by the prevailing wind direction during the dust storm events. However, the landscape type slightly changed the prevailing wind direction, with the greatest dispersion distribution of wind direction in the inner oasis. The findings of this study are helpful for understanding the function of landscape types in the occurrence of dust storms, as well as for providing a theoretical basis for prevention of dust storms.  相似文献   

Continuous observations of mass concentration and elemental composition of aerosol particles (PM2.5) were conducted at Tongyu, a semi-arid site in Northeast China in the spring of 2006. The average mass concentration of PM2.5 at Tongyu station was 260.9±274.4 μg m^-3 during the observation period. Nine dust events were monitored with a mean concentration of 528.0±302.7 μgm^-3. The PM2.5 level during non- dust storm (NDS) period was 111.65±63.37 μg m^-3. High mass concentration shows that fine-size particles pollution was very serious in the semi-arid area in Northeast China. The enrichment factor values for crust elements during the dust storm (DS) period are close to those in the NDS period, while the enrichment factor values for pollution elements during the NDS period are much higher than those in the DS period, showing these elements were from anthropogenic sources. The ratios of dust elements to Fe were relative constant during the DS period. The Ca/Fe ratio in dust aerosols at Tongyu is remarkably different from that observed in other source regions and downwind regions. Meteorological analysis shows that dust events at Tongyu are usually associated with dry, low pressure and high wind speed weather conditions. Air mass back-trajectory analysis identified three kinds of general pathways were associated with the aerosol particle transport to Tongyu, and the northwest direction pathway was the main transport route.  相似文献   

The Asian dust events in 2008 (May 24–June 4 in 2008) and in 2009 (March 12–25, October 13–26, and December 15–28 in 2009) were analyzed with the lidar network observations, surface observations in China, Korea, Japan, and Mongolia, and with the chemical transport model CFORS. Transport of Asian dust and mixing of dust with air pollution aerosols were studied. The event of May 24 to June 4 in 2008 was a significant event unusually late in the spring dust season. The dust event of March 12–25, 2009 was an interesting example of elevated dust layer, and transport of dust from the elevated dust layer to the ground by the boundary layer activity was observed with the lidars and surface observations in Japan. The concentration of air pollution aerosols was relatively high during the dust event, and the results suggest that vertical structure as well as transport path is important for the mixing of dust and air pollution aerosols. The dust events in October and December 2009 were examples of dust events in autumn and winter. The online mode CFORS reproduced the observation data generally well, except for the event of May 24 to June 4 in 2008. The results of the fourdimensional variational assimilation of the lidar network data reproduced the dust concentration in Korea and Japan reasonably in that event.  相似文献   

南京地区冬季大气冰核特征及其与气溶胶关系的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
杨磊  银燕  杨绍忠  苏航  蒋惠 《大气科学》2013,37(5):983-993
2011年11月15日~12月2日期间对南京地区近地面大气气溶胶和冰核进行了同步观测,综合分析了 冰核浓度的特征及其与气溶胶粒子浓度的关系。结果表明:活化温度Ta为-20℃,水面过饱和度为1%时,南京地区冰核浓度NIN为0.352 L-1,与0.01~10 μm气溶胶数浓度比值仅为4×10-8。冰核活化温度越低,湿度越大,冰核浓度越高。雾和降雨对冰核都有明显的清除作用。对比不同气团对南京地区冰核的影响发现,偏东方向的污染气团中冰核以及气溶胶的浓度最高,但是来自西北地区的气团中冰核占气溶胶的比例最高,这可能是由于冰相核化能力较强的沙尘气溶胶导致的。分析冰核与不同粒径段气溶胶的相关性发现,较大粒径气溶胶的表面积浓度与冰核相关性更高,本文也得到了由活化温度Ta和粒径大于0.5 μm气溶胶数浓度N0.5~10 μm共同计算冰核浓度的经验公式。  相似文献   

2006年河套地区一次灾害天气过程诊断分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
应用MICAPS常规气象观测资料和NOAA-12及NOAA-17沙尘暴遥感监测图资料,对2006年4月10—12日发生在河套地区的一次灾害性天气进行诊断分析。结果表明:高空横槽转竖直接诱发寒潮爆发;中尺度切变线、强锋区、蒙古气旋和地面冷锋是引发沙尘暴的主要影响系统;特殊地形、气候条件和富含沙尘源的下垫面是形成沙尘暴的物质基础;高空冷中心强度达-45℃、地面冷高压中心强度达1 060.0 hPa是寒潮爆发的必要条件;沙尘暴发生过程中,各测站均出现了风速剧增、气压升高、气温下降和湿度增大等现象。垂直速度场呈上升运动及高层辐散、低层辐合的物理量场配置对春季沙尘暴预报有较好的指示意义。  相似文献   

This study investigated the optical properties of aerosols involved in different meteorological events, including smog and Asian dust days. Carbonaceous components and inorganic species were measured in Seoul, Korea between 25 and 31 March 2012. Based on the measurements, the optical properties of aerosols were calculated by considering composition, size distribution, and mixing state of aerosols. To represent polydisperse size distributions of aerosols, a lognormal size distribution with a wide range of geometric mean diameters and geometric standard deviations was used. For the optical property calculations, the Mie theory was used to compute single-scattering properties of aerosol particles with varying size and composition. Analysis of the sampled data showed that the water-soluble components of organic matter increased on smog days, whereas crustal elements increased on dust days. The water content significantly influenced the optical properties of aerosols during the smog days as a result of high relative humidity and an increase in the water-soluble component. The absorption coefficients depended on the aerosol mixture type and the aerosol size distributions. Therefore, to improve our knowledge on radiative impacts of aerosols, especially the regional impacts of aerosols in East Asia, accurate measurements of aerosols, such as size distribution, composition, and mixture type, under different meteorological conditions are required.  相似文献   

Episode Simulation of Asian Dust Storms with an Air Quality Modeling System   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A dust deflation module was developed and coupled with the air quality modeling system RAMS-CMAQ to simultaneously treat all the major tropospheric aerosols(i.e.,organic and black carbons,sulfate,nitrate, ammonia,soil dust,and sea salt).Then the coupled system was applied to East Asia to simulate Asian dust aerosol generation,transport and dry/wet removal processes during 14-25 March 2002 when two strong dust storms occurred consecutively.To evaluate model performance and to analyze the observed features of dust aerosols over the East Asian region,model results were compared to concentrations of suspended particulate matter of 10μm or less(PM10;1-h intervals) at four remote Japanese stations and daily air pollution index (API) values for PM10 at four large Chinese cities.The modeled values were generally in good agreement with observed data,and the model reasonably reproduced two dust storm outbreaks and generally predicted the dust onset and cessation times at each observation site.In addition,hourly averaged values of aerosol optical thickness(AOT) were calculated and compared with observations at four Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) stations to assess the model’s capability of estimating dust aerosol column burden.Analysis shows that modeled and observed AOT values were generally comparable and that the contribution of dust aerosols to AOT was significant only with regard to their source regions and their transport paths.  相似文献   

沙尘传输路径上气溶胶浓度与干沉降通量的粒径分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2002年春季中国北京、青岛和日本福冈3个地区的分级气溶胶浓度资料,结合改进的Wil-liams模型,分析了沙尘传输路径上空气动力学直径≤11μm气溶胶(PM11)浓度和干沉降通量的粒径分布特征,并估算了黄海海域春季PM11的干沉降通量及不同粒径气溶胶的贡献。结果表明:3个地区PM11浓度粒径分布在非沙尘时期呈双峰分布,两个峰值分别出现在细颗粒(<2.1μm)部分和粗颗粒(2.1~11μm)部分;沙尘时期,3个地区PM11浓度粒径分布均趋于单峰分布,峰值位于粗颗粒部分,并且越靠近沙尘源地,这种趋势越明显。较强沙尘天气时期,粗颗粒部分的浓度峰值粒径从沙尘源地附近到黄海西岸、东岸呈降低趋势,但在一般沙尘天气时期,这种现象并不明显。沙尘时期和非沙尘时期,3个地区粗颗粒的干沉降通量均随粒径增加而增大,细颗粒的干沉降通量随粒径的变化不明显。虽然沙尘时期粗颗粒沉降通量较非沙尘时期有明显增加,但粗颗粒对PM11干沉降通量的贡献与非沙尘时期相比,并没有明显的变化。较强沙尘天气时期,3个地区粗颗粒的干沉降通量明显高于一般沙尘天气时期;细颗粒的干沉降通量较一般沙尘天气时期略有增加。黄海海域春季沙尘时期PM11的干沉降通量约为31.70~58.59mg.m-2.d-1,非沙尘时期约为8.33~15.94mg.m-2.d-1。粗颗粒是黄海海域春季PM11干沉降通量的主要贡献者,约占PM11干沉降通量的94.2%以上。  相似文献   

Aerosol optical depth(AOD) is the most basic parameter that describes the optical properties of atmospheric aerosols,and it can be used to indicate aerosol content. In this study, we assimilated AOD data from the Fengyun-3 A(FY-3 A) and MODIS meteorological satellite using the Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation three-dimensional variational data assimilation system. Experiments were conducted for a dust storm over East Asia in April 2011. Each 0600 UTC analysis initialized a24-h Weather Research and Forecasting with Chemistry model forecast. The results generally showed that the assimilation of satellite AOD observational data can significantly improve model aerosol mass prediction skills. The AOD distribution of the analysis field was closer to the observations of the satellite after assimilation of satellite AOD data. In addition, the analysis resulting from the experiment assimilating both FY-3 A/MERSI(Medium-resolution Spectral Imager) AOD data and MODIS AOD data had closer agreement with the ground-based values than the individual assimilation of the two datasets for the dust storm over East Asia. These results suggest that the Chinese FY-3 A satellite aerosol products can be effectively applied to numerical models and dust weather analysis.  相似文献   

利用常规气象观测资料以及环保监测数据,对2010年4月8日辽宁沙尘天气过程的高低空天气形势和主要气象要素进行探讨,并对沈阳地区的空气污染状况进行分析。结果表明:沙尘天气过程主要是受贝加尔湖地区东移冷空气和蒙古低压的共同影响,强大的蒙古气旋造成地面强变压导致地面风速加大,是形成沙尘天气的动力因子;沙尘天气来临前后,风速、能见度和湿度等发生急剧变化;在沙尘天气影响下,沈阳地区的PM10浓度迅速上升,而大风等有利的扩散条件,造成黑碳、气态污染物SO2和NO2浓度出现不同程度的下降。  相似文献   

Presented are the results of studies of the component composition of atmospheric aerosols in Mongolia for the period of 2005?C2010. It is demonstrated that the local emissions mostly affect the composition of aerosols in industrial cities (Ulan Bator and Sükhbaatar), whereas the distant transport of pollutants and the wind regime of the area, in particular, the dust storms affect in small towns with the undeveloped industry (Baruun-Urt and Sainshand). Revealed is the dependence of the composition and concentration of suspended particles on the meteorological conditions in the research area. High concentrations of aerosols were observed on the days with strong winds and air masses transport from the deserts and industrial areas of China. Low concentrations of ions were observed during periods of calm weather and in case of the air masses transport from the territories of Russia and Kazakhstan.  相似文献   

Dust sediments collected from 1995 to 1998 in Beijing, Dunhuang, Inner Mongolia, Kashi, the Kunlun Mountains, Lanzhou, Ningxia, the Taklimakan Desert, and Xi‘an, China, were characterized in terms of their physical, chemical, and mineralogical properties. Most aerosols and dust analysed ranged in texture from silty clay to clay loam. Their median particle diameters (Mds) generally ranged between 5 to 63μm,coinciding with those of loess from central China and the finest sand from northwestern China. The dust sediments were characterized by a predominance of SiO2 and Al2O3, followed by K2O. Their SiO2/Al2O3and K2O/SiO2 molar ratios ranged from 5.17 to 8.43 and from 0.009 to 0.0368, respectively. The mass concentration spectrum during a dust storm showed a single peak, rather than the triple peak generally observed under clear sky conditions. The dominant minerals were chlorite, illite, calcite, and dolomite.These physical, chemical, and mineralogical properties were consistent with those of aeolian soils and loess in western and central China. The results suggest that aerosols and fine-gained fractions of dust sediments collected in northern China are mainly composed of soil material transported from the arid and semiarid regions of China and Mongolia by prevailing winds. The rate of deposition and properties of dust falling on eastern China were strongly influenced by meteorological conditions, season, latitude, longitude, and altitude of the sampling sites.  相似文献   

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