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The lightning frequency model developed by Baker et al. [Baker, M.B., Christian, H.J., Latham, J., 1995. A computational study of the relationships linking lightning frequency and other thundercloud parameters, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 121, 1525–1548] has been refined and extended, in an effort to provide a more realistic framework from which to examine computationally the relationships that might exist between lightning frequency f (which is now being routinely measured from a satellite, using the NASA/MSFC Optical Transient Detector (OTD)) and a variety of cloud physical parameters. Specifically, superior or more comprehensive representations were utilised of: (1) glaciation via the Hallett–Mossop (H–M) process; (2) the updraught structure of the model cloud; (3) the liquid-water-content structure of the model cloud; (4) the role of the reversal temperature Trev in influencing lightning characteristics; (5) the critical breakdown field for lightning initiation; and (6) the electrical characteristics of the ice crystal anvil of the model cloud. Although our extended studies yielded some new insights into the problem, the basic pattern of relationships between f and the other parameters was very close to that reported by Baker et al. (1995). The more elaborate treatment of Trev restricted somewhat the range of conditions under which reverse-polarity lightning could be produced if the cloud glaciated via H–M, but confirmed the earlier conclusion that such lightning would not occur if the glaciation was of the Fletcher type. The computations yielded preliminary support for the hypothesis that satellite measurements of f might be used to determine values of the ice-content of cumulonimbus anvils: a parameter of climatological importance. The successful launch and continuing satisfactory functioning of the OTD [Christian, H.J., Goodman, S., 1992. Global observations of lightning from space, Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, St. Petersburg, pp. 316–321; Christian, H.J., Blakesee, R.J., Goodman, S.J., 1992. Lightning imaging sensor (LIS) for the earth observing system. NASA Tech. Memorandum, 4350] make it possible—with a high degree of precision—to measure lightning location, occurrence time and frequency f over extensive areas of the Earth's surface. Measured global distributions of lightning and associated lightning stroke radiance demonstrate that: lightning activity is particularly pronounced over the tropics, much greater over land than over the oceans, and exhibits great seasonal variability; lightning radiance tends to be greater over the oceans, less when lightning activity is high, and greater in the Northern Hemisphere winter than summer.  相似文献   

冰雹过程中闪电演变和雷达回波特征的综合分析   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2  
应用闪电定位网的资料和多普勒雷达资料,分析西北地区的降雹过程,详细讨论了2004年5月15日发生在兰州皋兰的一次降雹雷雨云的闪电演变、雷达回波特征和云特定参数之间的相互关系,对此雷雨云的闪电机制和电结构进行了分析推断。在皋兰产生降雹的个例分析表明,云中液态水含量是否出现高值区,是识别降雹开始的重要因子。在雷雨云移动路径上,总闪和云闪为线状分布,地闪集中分布在降雹区,云闪最多,地闪中绝大多数为负闪。综合计算降雹时段云参数分析表明,云中降水率和含水量对产生闪电相对敏感,推断这次雷雨云的电结构可能属于上正下负的偶极子型。  相似文献   

Based on 1-year cloud measurements with radar and microwave radiometer broadband solar radiative transfer simulations were performed to quantify the impact of different ice crystal shapes of Arctic mixed-phase clouds on their radiative properties (reflectance, transmittance and absorptance). The ice crystal shape effects were investigated as a function of microphysical cloud properties (ice volume fraction fi, ice and liquid water content IWC and LWC, mean particle diameter DmI and DmW of ice/water particle number size distributions, NSDs).The required NSDs were statistically derived from radar data. The NSD was composed of a liquid and a solid mode defined by LWC, DmW (water mode) and IWC, DmI (ice mode). It was found that the ratio of DmI and DmW determines the magnitude of the shape effect. For mixed-phase clouds with DmI ≤ 27 μm a significant shape effect was obtained. The shape effect was almost insensitive with regard to the solar zenith angle, but highly sensitive to the ice volume fraction of the mixed-phase cloud. For mixed-phase clouds containing small ice crystals (DmI ≤ 27 μm) and high ice volume fractions (fi > 0.5) crystal shape is crucial. The largest shape effects were observed assuming aggregates and columns. If the IWC was conserved the shape effect reaches values up to 0.23 in cloud reflectance and transmittance. If the ice mode NSD was kept constant only a small shape effect was quantified (≤ 0.04).  相似文献   

选取2006—2008年发生在北京及其周边地区的28次雷暴过程,基于大气不稳定度参数和雷达参量对雷暴过程进行分类,分析了不同分类条件下的总闪电活动 (SAFIR3000三维闪电定位系统观测) 和对流降水 (雷达反演) 的关系。结果表明:整体而言,总闪对应降水量的平均值为1.92×107 kg·fl-1。依据对流有效位能和抬升指数对雷暴进行分类的分析表明,较强的不稳定状态对应了较小的总闪对应降水量,同时总闪频次和对流降水量的相关性更好。基于雷达特征参数的分类分析表明,总闪对应降水量在对流运动较弱情况下最小,其次是对流运动较强的情况下,而对流运动适中时最大。  相似文献   

青藏高原那曲地区地闪与雷达参量关系   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
基于2014—2015年5—9月西藏那曲地区多普勒天气雷达数据,结合地闪观测数据,识别雷暴单体样本,统计分析了地闪位置附近的雷达回波分布特征,并研究了高原雷暴的雷达参量与地闪频次的相关关系。结果表明:那曲地区地闪发生位置附近的雷达最大反射率因子呈正态分布,峰值分布区间集中于34~41 dBZ。发生地闪位置附近的20 dBZ回波顶主要集中于11~15 km高度,30 dBZ回波顶高分布的峰值区间则为8.5~12 km。分析表明:表征局地雷暴对流发展强度的雷达参量与地闪频次之间一对一的相关关系较差,但相关性随地闪频次增加而增强。基于雷达参量分段统计得到的对应分段平均地闪频次与雷达参量之间表现出较强相关关系,体现了宏观上闪电活动强度与雷暴发展强度之间的正向关系。其中,基于原始数值进行区间划分的强回波(组合反射率因子不小于30 dBZ)面积与平均地闪频次的线性相关系数达0.75,基于对数数值区间划分的7~11 km累积可降冰含量的对数值和地闪频次的线性相关系数达0.95。文中对比了多个雷达参量和地闪频次线性拟合与幂函数拟合结果,整体上幂函数拟合略好于线性拟合。  相似文献   

利用2007年8月在雷州半岛观测雷暴获得的雨滴谱和地闪资料,重点分析了8月6日遂溪、湛江一次雷暴云降水个例的雨滴谱特征,对闪电特征与降水的相关性进行了统计分析。结果表明,遂溪站的雨滴谱谱型多为双峰或多峰型,而湛江站的雨滴谱谱型多呈单峰型分布;平均雨滴谱符合Gamma分布;雨强I10mm/h时发生地闪的频率较高,且发生地闪频率随着距测站的距离减少而增加;随着雨强的增大发生正地闪的概率明显增加;降水过程中的闪电频率和距离校准后闪电电流强度的相关性表明,地闪发生的距离越近,频率越高对应雨滴谱谱宽越宽和降水强度越大。  相似文献   

气溶胶对雷暴云起电以及闪电发生率影响的数值模拟   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文利用二维耦合气溶胶模块的雷暴云起电模式,结合一次南京雷暴个例,进行250 m分辨率雷暴云起电模拟实验,探讨了气溶胶浓度对雷暴云空间电荷分布以及闪电发生率的影响。在这个气溶胶模块中,假定一个三模态的气溶胶对数分布,考虑了气溶胶活化过程。结果显示:(1)随着气溶胶浓度增大,雷暴云电荷结构保持为三极型。(2)当气溶胶浓度从50 cm-3增加至1000 cm-3时,水成物粒子浓度上升,雷暴云电荷量和闪电发生率增加明显。(3)气溶胶浓度在1000~3000 cm-3范围时,云水竞争限制了冰晶的增长,导致雷暴云上部主正电荷堆电荷量降低。云滴和霰粒子浓度缓慢上升促进中部主负电荷堆和底部次正电荷堆电荷量继续增大。闪电发生率保持稳定。(4)当气溶胶浓度大于3000 cm-3时,水成物粒子浓度稳定,云内的电荷量以及闪电发生率保持为一定量级。  相似文献   

在充分考虑传统的最优化方法和概率配对法优缺点的基础上,使用一种改进的最佳窗概率配对法计算Z-I关系中的系数A和b,得到了雷达测得的基本反射率因子Z和雨量计实时测到的小时降水量I的动态关系.利用温州多普勒雷达体扫资料和浙江省自动雨量站资料,使用该方法对"海棠"(Haitang)和"麦莎"(Matsa)两个台风分别进行了动态计算,得到了不同系数的Z-I关系,进而对两个台风的小时降水量进行了定量估测.使用变分技术对估测的小时降水量进行了校准.结果表明,不同台风Z-I关系的系数差别较大,因而造成台风小时降水量的很大不同.使用雷达基本反射率来估测台风小时降水量,能够清楚表现出台风的螺旋雨带和其中的中小尺度雨团,估测的台风小时降水量与实况基本接近.经过变分校准的估测降水量可以较好地表现出台风雨带与地面中尺度流场动力结构的对应关系.误差统计分析表明,变分校准后的估测台风小时降水量要明显好于变分校准前的估测台风小时降水量.变分校准法既保留了雷达估测台风小时降水量的分布特征,又使估测的台风小时降水雨量与实况的误差明显减小.  相似文献   

暴雨和雹暴个例中闪电特征对比   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
暴雨与雹暴过程中对应的闪电活动特征显著不同,为了对比这两类对流过程中的闪电活动特征差异,该文选取了两种比较有代表性的雷暴个例——暴雨过程和雹暴过程,利用全闪(包括云闪与地闪)定位数据,分析了两者闪电活动特征以及闪电活动与对流降水之间的关系。研究发现:暴雨过程中地闪频次和正地闪比例均低于雹暴过程;相对于暴雨过程,雹暴过程的主正电荷区放电高度更高,主正电荷区所处的温度偏低;暴雨过程中,总闪频次与对流降水量、总闪频次与对流降水强度的相关性均优于雹暴过程。总体而言,雹暴过程中闪电活动特征及其与降水的关系更为复杂,这可能与雹暴过程具有更为复杂的动力和冰相过程有关。  相似文献   

一次强风暴天气闪电定位资料与雷达资料的综合分析   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
根据2003年6月19日河南一次强风暴天气的闪电定位资料和714CD雷达资料,利用统计和对比分析的方法,发现了闪电活动与雷达强度回波之间存在如下关系:闪电发生频数、强度和雷达回波强度在时间序列上有较好的一致性;在雷达回波发展的不同阶段,闪电发生的位置与雷达强回波位置有时相同,有时偏离,有时甚至无闪电发生;雷达回波速度场分析表明:在低层存在不利于对流发展的环境风场特征时,雷达降水回波在向测站移动的过程中趋于消散,闪电频数也随着减少;在降水回波速度辐合区,对应闪电活动频繁,这对于雷暴天气闪电短时预警工作有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Based on cloud-ground lightning data and Doppler weather radar echo products, both thecharacteristics and the relations of lightning and radar echoes for strong convective rainstorms over Yunnanare analyzed during the flood season of 2007. The results show that most rainstorms are convective in whichlightning is mostly negative and the negative lightning number accounts for more than 90% of the total.Although the correlation between precipitation and the lightning number is small on the rainstorm day, thelarge day-lightning frequency usually produces heavy precipitation. Hourly evolution of precipitation andlightning frequency shows peak-style characteristics. And their evolution is very coherent in strongrainstorm, but lightning often occurs before precipitation, whose peaks are in phase with or 1-to-2-hourlagged behind that of lightning frequency. Meanwhile the peaks of positive frequency are in phase with orfall behind that of precipitation. When the wind field is heterogeneous in radial velocity, it is conducive toboth the development of convection echoes and occurrence of lightning. Strong lightning-producingconvective rainstorms correspond to strong echo fields and usually result in reflectivity above 30 dBZ andecho top ET of more than 9 km, respectively.  相似文献   

四川盆地地闪与对流性降水和雷达回波的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
范江琳  马力  青泉 《气象科技》2014,42(1):118-124
利用ADTD型闪电观测资料、SWAN拼图资料及成都CINRAD/SC多普勒天气雷达数据,对2009—2011年12次区域性大暴雨过程中的100个地闪、强降水个例和雷达回波的特征及时间关系进行了统计分析。结果表明:负地闪频数和降水强度随时间的变化较一致,有单峰、多峰的特征;负地闪频数越高,出现强降水的可能性越大;持续性强降水开始之前6~30min,83%的事件伴随有负地闪频数突增并持续性增长的现象,56%的事件有负地闪频数峰值出现,地闪频数突增对持续性强降水的开始有较好的指示意义;负地闪频数峰值出现之后的6~30min,67%的事件有出现降水量峰值,负地闪频数峰值的出现可预示雨强峰值的迅速到来;此外,在强回波移动方向的前方常伴有弱的负地闪活动,负地闪活动主要集中在35dBZ以上的强回波区,且移向与强回波的移动方向较一致。  相似文献   

将非感应起电机制和放电参数化方案耦合到WRF模式的Morrison双参数微物理方案中,并在模式中引入了闪电潜势指数LPI,在此基础上模拟了2009年6月16日华北一次飑线过程,讨论模式对闪电活动再现能力。模拟结果显示,模式能够较好地再现雷达回波和降水分布特征,说明模式对此次飑线过程的宏观和微观特征具有一定的模拟能力。利用计算闪电潜势指数LPI的间接模拟,能够指示出大致的闪电分布特征,但闪电潜势指数LPI分布范围明显大于实际闪电落区;而通过耦合电过程的WRF模式直接输出闪电密度的直接模拟,模拟结果与实际闪电密度分布的对应关系较好,但由于模式中输出的闪电密度为总闪电密度,与观测地闪密度资料相比,模拟的闪电密度偏大。  相似文献   

基于2017年5月8日华南地区一次典型飑线过程, 分析了此次过程中闪电活动和-35~0℃温度层内双偏振雷达参量的分布特征以及双偏振雷达参量与闪电活动之间的关系。结果表明: 此次飑线过程中, 双偏振雷达参量与闪电频次的趋势在时间变化上有较好的一致性, 且随着闪电活动的发生及雷暴过程的增强, 双偏振雷达参量中的冰水含量、雷达反射率因子、差分反射率、差分相移率等偏振参量都有不同程度的增加, 闪电频次高峰时间段对应各个参量最大值时间段。双偏振雷达各个参量最大值与闪电活动的线性拟合关系均优于多项式拟合关系。定性地发现了双偏振雷达参量与闪电活动的关系, 可为将来将双偏振雷达参量加入到闪电临近预警预报提供一定的参考依据。   相似文献   

沿海地区一次中尺度对流系统闪电活动及降水结构   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
利用TRMM卫星的测雨雷达,微波成像仪,闪电成像仪等探测数据,研究了2010年8月5日发生在江苏北部一次中尺度对流系统(MCS)的降水结构和闪电活动之间的关系.结果表明:MCS在发展阶段,对流云降水面积与层状云降水区相当;在减弱阶段,层状云降水区面积远大于对流云降水区.MCS的生命史中,大部分闪电发生在对流云区,仅有少数闪电发生在层状云区,在减弱阶段闪电多发生在对流云和层云的过渡区中.发生闪电的层云和对流云降水垂直廓线表明:在MCS的发展成熟和减弱中在4 km高度,层云降水率都达到最大值;在对流云降水区中发生闪电主要与对流云上空含丰富的冰相粒子和对流云发展厚度(顶高达17 km)有关.研究还表明闪电数目最大值一般回波强度在35~45 dBz之间,并非回波越强闪电越多.闪电主要发生在40~50 dBz之间,且明显向强回波区趋近,这对我们利用雷达回波预警闪电落区具有一定的参考意义.  相似文献   

根据一次大范围暴雨天气过程的闪电定位资料和多普勒雷达资料,利用统计和对比分析的方法,发现了闪电发生频数、强度和雷达回波强度在时间序列上有较好的一致性;在雷达回波发展的不同阶段,闪电发生的位置与雷达强回波位置有时相同,有时偏离,有时甚至无闪电发生;雷达回波速度场分析表明,在低层存在不利于对流发展的环境风场特征时,降水回波在向测站移动的过程中趋于消散,闪电频数也随着减少;在降水回波速度辐合区,对应闪电活动频繁。  相似文献   

The polarimetric radar network in Jiangsu Province has just been operationalized since 2020. The first intense precipitation event observed by this polarimetric radar network and disdrometer occurred during August 28-29, 2020 and caused severe flooding and serious damage in eastern Jiangsu Province. The microphysics and kinetics for this heavy precipitation convective storm is diagnosed in this study, in order to promote the application of this polarimetric radar network. Drop size distribution (DSD) of this event is estimated from measurements of a ground disdrometer, and the corresponding three-dimensional atmospheric microphysical features are obtained from the multiple polarimetric radars. According to features of updraft and lighting, the evolution of the convective storm is divided into four stages: developing, mature with lightning, mature without lightning and dissipating. The DSD of this event is featured by a large number of raindrops and a considerable number of large raindrops. The microphysical characteristics are similar to those of warm-rain process, and ice-phase microphysical processes are active in the mature stages. The composite vertical structure of the convective storm indicates that deep ZDR and KDP columns coincide with strong updrafts during both mature stages. The hierarchical microphysical structure retrieved by the Hydrometeor Identification Algorithm (HID) shows that depositional growth has occurred above the melting level, and aggregation is the most widespread ice-phase process at the -10℃ level or higher. During negative lightning activity, the presence of strongest updrafts and a large amount of ice-phase graupel by riming between the 0℃ and -35℃ layers generate strong negative electric fields within the cloud. These convective storms are typical warm clouds with very high precipitation efficiency, which cause high concentration of raindrops, especially the presence of large raindrops within a short period of time. The ice-phase microphysical processes above the melting layer also play an important role in the triggering and enhancing of precipitation.  相似文献   

Petr Novak   《Atmospheric Research》2007,83(2-4):450-457
To satisfy requirements for operational severe weather monitoring and prediction, the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI) has developed a severe storm nowcasting system which uses weather radar data as its primary data source. Previous CHMI studies identified two methods of radar echo prediction, which were then implemented during 2003 into the Czech weather radar network operational weather processor. The applications put into operations were the Continuity Tracking Radar Echoes by Correlation (COTREC) algorithm, and an application that predicts future radar fields using the wind field derived from the geopotential at 700 hPa calculated from a local numerical weather prediction model (ALADIN).To ensure timely delivery of the prediction products to the users, the forecasts are implemented into a web-based viewer (JSMeteoView) that has been developed by the CHMI Radar Department. At present, this viewer is used by all CHMI forecast offices for versatile visualization of radar and other meteorological data (Meteosat, lightning detection, NWP LAM output, SYNOP data) in the Internet/Intranet environment, and the viewer has detailed geographical navigation capabilities.  相似文献   

闪电定位和雷达观测资料在云分析中的应用及数值试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙婵  徐国强 《大气科学》2019,43(1):131-141
本文针对2016年6月山西、山东地区一次强对流活动,通过GRAPES(Global/Regional Assimilation andPrediction Enhanced System)云分析系统融合了多普勒雷达反射率三维组网拼图资料和ADTD(Active DirectoryTopology Diagrammer)闪电定位资料,对模式初始场的云水、云冰等云微物理变量进行了调整和分析,并对这次强对流过程设计了3组数值试验。结果表明:(1)云分析系统在加入雷达反射率资料以后,能在模式初始场中较准确的计算模式的初始水物质;(2)闪电定位资料转换成的替代雷达反射率对原有的雷达反射率有一定的补充作用,使模式的初始场与真实状况更接近;(3)从模式降水的角度看,在加入雷达资料以后,GRAPES云分析可以显著提高6小时以内降水的模拟效果,而闪电定位资料的加入,对中雨以上量级的降水模拟有进一步的改进作用。  相似文献   

通过对三明市市区及10个县(市)气象观测站1981-2013年雷电观测资料的统计分析,得出了三明市雷电气候特征与变化规律.采用2003-2012年雷电灾害数据,从雷电致灾因子、承灾体因素考虑,选取雷击密度Ng、雷电灾害频度P、经济损失模数D和生命受损模数L作为分析雷电灾害易损度指标参数,通过广泛调研和抽样调查问卷,确定各要素所占权重,计算出三明市区及所属10个县(市)雷电灾害易损性风险值,确定了雷电灾害易损度区划分级指标,绘制雷电灾害易损度区划图,完成了雷电灾害易损度区划研究.  相似文献   

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