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海底地下水排放(SGD)是近海海域的一个重要的营养盐来源。本研究借助多种天然镭同位素对春季苏北浅滩海域的SGD及其携带入海的营养盐通量进行量化评估。研究发现:苏北浅滩海域的~(224)Ra、~(223)Ra和~(226)Ra等镭同位素的浓度水平较高,呈现近岸高、远岸低的分布趋势;根据~(224)Ra/~(226)Ra的"表观年龄模型"估算的水龄的分布情况推断,春季该海域表层水体主体流向为东北向,流速约为0.1m/s,这与前人物理海洋数值模拟结果一致;最终利用226Ra质量平衡模型发现海域的SGD通量为(46±29)cm/d,由其携带入海的溶解态无机氮、磷、硅营养盐(DIN、 DIP、 DSi)等的通量分别为(2.6±3.1)×1~09、(3.0±2.5)×10~6和(5.5±4.2)×10~8mol/d。  相似文献   

基于223Ra和224Ra的桑沟湾海底地下水排放通量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海底地下水排放(SGD)是陆地向海洋输送水量和营养物质的重要通道之一,对沿海物质通量及其生物地球化学循环有重要的影响,对生态环境起着不可忽视的作用。本文运用天然放射性同位素223Ra和224Ra示踪估算了我国北方典型养殖基地桑沟湾的海底地下水排放通量。结果表明,海底地下水样尤其是间隙水中Ra活度[224Ra=(968±31)dpm/(100 L),223Ra=(31.4±4.9)dpm/(100 L),n=9]远高于表层海水[224Ra=(38.7±2.0)dpm/(100 L),223Ra=(1.70±0.50)dpm/(100 L), n=21]。假设稳态条件下,考虑Ra的各源、汇项,利用Ra平衡模型,估算出桑沟湾SGD排放通量为(0.23~1.03)×107 m3/d。潮周期内的观测结果显示,涨潮时,水力梯度较小,SGD排放变弱,落潮时,水力梯度较大,导致了相对较多的SGD排放。在一个潮周期间,基于223Ra和224Ra得到的SGD排放通量平均为0.39×107 m3/d。潮汐动力下的SGD排放平均占总SGD排放的61%,因此桑沟湾沿岸的地下水排放主要受潮汐动力的影响,并对海水组成及海陆间物质交换有显著贡献。  相似文献   

基于2014年5—6月对黑潮主流径及毗邻东海陆架海区的调查,研究了该区域水体中无机碳体系参数(p H、总碱度TAlk、溶解无机碳DIC及DIC/TAlk)的垂直与水平分布,在此基础上定量评估了黑潮输入对东海陆架海区无机碳收支的影响。结果表明,黑潮水体中DIC、TAlk与DIC/TAlk总体而言随水深增加而升高,p H降低,综合体现了浮游植物生产、海-气界面交换、有机物降解及Ca CO3溶解等过程的影响;上升流中心站位无机碳参数均受较深层水体上涌影响,与黑潮主流径其它站位略有不同。东海陆架海区外侧站位表层、30m层无机碳主要受台湾海峡暖流影响,高p H、低DIC/TAlk的黑潮表层水影响区域局限于东南部;而在底层,低p H、高DIC/TAlk的黑潮入侵流离开黑潮主流径向正北方延伸并抬升至钱塘江口附近;上升流对无机碳的影响持续至表层,其携带的黑潮中层水因此也可能进入陆架海区。水量模型估算黑潮水在5—10月间跨域陆架边缘向东海陆架区输入溶解无机碳总计58798.9×109mol,净输入达37382.9×109mol,而东海向外输出的无机碳绝大部分经由对马海峡进入日本海。  相似文献   

沉积物间隙水中的溶解有机碳(DOC)是沉积物有机质矿化过程中的中间产物[1],沉积物中的有机质通过微生物水解和(厌氧)发酵等方式溶解成各类具有不同分子量的有机化合物,通常总称为溶解有机碳,并释放到沉积物间隙水中.而溶解有机碳又进一步被细菌等微生物所利用,最终被氧化为溶解无机碳,完成有机质的矿化过程.因此,沉积物间隙水中DOC的浓度是消耗和生成之间平衡的结果[1].已有的研究表明,沉积物间隙水中DOC的含量显著高于底层水体中DOC的含量,导致其向底层水体的扩散;近期的研究也表明,来自海底沉积物的DOC通量是底层水体中DOC的重要来源,是海洋有机碳储库中的重要组成之一[2~4].  相似文献   

于2006年4月至2007年1月对桑沟湾海域进行了4个航次的调查,采集表层海水样品,研究了该海域表层海水中溶解N_2O的分布特征及海气交换通量的季节变化,结果表明:桑沟湾表层海水中溶解N_2O浓度和饱和度存在一定的季节性变化,浓度表现为冬季最高而饱和度为夏季最高.利用Liss和Merlivat公式(LM86)以及Wanninkhof公式(W92)估算了该海湾海水中N_2O的年平均海-气交换通量,分别为0.2 μmol/(m~2·d)±0.1 μmol/(m~2·d)和1.5 μmol/(m~2·d)±1.0 μmol/(m~2·d).  相似文献   

渤海海峡冬季无机碳的立体分布特征及其源汇变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2010年2月至2010年3月对渤海海峡3个断面39个站位表层、10 m层和30 m层水体中盐度、水温、叶绿素a以及无机碳等参数的测定数据,分析了该季节溶解无机碳的分布特征以及源汇变化状况,探讨了影响其分布的主要因素。结果显示,调查期间渤海海峡水体中各水层溶解无机碳(DIC)及其组分浓度分布较一致,其中DIC及HCO3-的浓度等值线分布均呈现出从西南向东北梯度降低的趋势,且受温度影响明显;二氧化碳分压[p(CO2)]则表现出与叶绿素a含量成明显负相关的分布特征;位于渤海海峡东部的H断面垂直方向上,由于受黄海、渤海水团在海峡中部交汇混合形成的水体紊流影响,DIC及其组分在断面中部等值线分布较两边曲折。冬季渤海海峡表现出明显的源、汇分区分布特征,整个调查区海-气二氧化碳通量为3.52 mmol/(m2·d),表现为大气CO2的弱源。冬季流经渤海海峡的DIC通量约为(130±2)×103 mol/s。  相似文献   

长江干流有机碳的时空输运特征及三峡工程对其影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006-04,2008-04,2008-05沿长江干流采集表层水样,并于2006-05~2007-05在下游大通站进行每月2次、为期1 a的连续观测,测定溶解有机碳(DOC)、颗粒有机碳(POC)及总悬浮物(TSM)。结果表明:长江重庆以上江段DOC浓度较低,重庆至河口由于人为污染排放DOC表现出高值;干流POC与TSM显著正先关,POC%(TSM)随TSM含量增大呈负指数关系下降。大通站有机碳浓度及通量均表现出明显的季节性,2006-06~2007-05全年经大通站进入河口的DOC、POC通量分别为1.17×106tC和1.88×106tC,其中洪季(5~10月)输运的有机碳占到总有机碳的70%,组成以颗粒态为主。三峡水库135 m及156 m蓄水后,泥沙在库区的沉降作用显著影响长江POC的输运特征及入海通量;从目前观测结果看,三峡库区DOC浓度并没有表现出明显的升高趋势,可能与水库运行时间尚短有关。  相似文献   

2006-04,2008-04,2008-05沿长江干流采集表层水样,并于2006-05~2007-05在下游大通站进行每月2次、为期1 a的连续观测,测定溶解有机碳(DOC)、颗粒有机碳(POC)及总悬浮物(TSM).结果表明:长江重庆以上江段DOC浓度较低,重庆至河口由于人为污染排放DOC表现出高值;干流POC与TSM显著正先关,POC%(TSM)随TSM含量增大呈负指数关系下降.大通站有机碳浓度及通量均表现出明显的季节性,2006-06~2007-05全年经大通站进入河口的DOC、POC通量分别为1.17×106tC和1.88×106tC,其中洪季(5~10月)输运的有机碳占到总有机碳的70%,组成以颗粒态为主.三峡水库135 m及156 m蓄水后,泥沙在库区的沉降作用显著影响长江POC的输运特征及入海通量;从目前观测结果看,三峡库区DOC浓度并没有表现出明显的升高趋势,可能与水库运行时间尚短有关.  相似文献   

海南东部沿岸河流和潟湖中溶存甲烷的分布及通量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甲烷(CH4)作为大气中重要的温室气体,直接或间接地影响全球气候变化。于2009年3月27日至4月15日对海南东部河流(文昌河、文教河、万泉河)、潟湖(八门湾、博鳌、小海和老爷海)等进行了调查,采集了表层和部分底层水样,对溶解CH4浓度进行了测定并初步估算了其水-气交换通量。结果表明,文昌河、文教河受人为活动影响较大,表层CH4饱和度较高,分别为(60664±25118)%、(38582±26339)%,污水输入、红树林输入和现场产生是其CH4的主要来源。万泉河表层CH4饱和度为(9472±5594)%,现场产生是其水体溶存CH4的主要源。八门湾、博鳌、小海和老爷海潟湖表层水体溶存CH4均处于过饱和状态,但其饱和度远小于入湖河流,分别为(2471±2937)%、(5692±3435)%、(546±251)%和(6878±4635)%,其中河流输入、地下水和红树林间隙水输入、现场产生是潟湖中CH4的主要来源,水体中CH4的氧化和水-气交换是潟湖中CH4的主要汇。初步估算出文昌河和万泉河CH4的水-气交换通量分别为5967.0±5142.1和496.2±335.9μmol·m 2·d 1,八门湾、博鳌、小海和老爷海潟湖的水-气交换通量分别为528.7±625.0、441.7±473.3、26.6±21.6和1287.8±1453.3μmol·m 2·d 1。海南东部河流、潟湖是近岸水体及大气CH4的净源。  相似文献   

长江口盐度梯度下不同形态碳的分布、来源与混合行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河口碳的生物地球化学过程是全球碳循环的重要组成。通过测定溶解无机碳(DIC)及其稳定同位素丰度(δ13CDIC),溶解有机碳(DOC),有色溶解有机物(CDOM),颗粒有机碳(POC)及其稳定同位素丰度(δ13CPOC)与元素比值(N/C)及相关指标,研究了2014年7月长江口盐度梯度下不同形态碳的分布、来源和混合行为。结果表明,DIC浓度、DOC浓度、POC含量分别为1 583.2~1 739.6 μmol/L,128.4~369.4 μmol/L和51.2~530.8 μmol/L,这些不同形态碳及CDOM的荧光组分的分布模式相似,均是从口内到口外,整体呈现先增大后减小的趋势,并与盐度呈现非保守混合行为。添加作用主要发生在在口门处最大浑浊带附近。与含量相反,从口内到口外,δ13CDIC和δ13CPOC均呈现逐渐减小再增大的趋势,在口门附近达到最低值,分别为-9.7‰和-26.7‰。在口门附近不同形态碳含量上升及δ13CDIC、δ13CPOC的降低可能主要与沉积物再悬浮及微生物作用有关。基于蒙特卡洛模拟的三端元混合模型的结果显示,河口内外POC来源变化明显,口内POC以陆源有机碳贡献为主,平均为62.3%,口外海源贡献逐渐增加。CDOM相关参数结果表明长江口CDOM主要来自陆源输入,海源及人类活动等也对其产生影响。  相似文献   

Stable isotopes, tritium, radium isotopes, radon, trace elements and nutrients data were collected during two sampling campaigns in the Ubatuba coastal area (south-eastern Brazil) with the aim of investigating submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) in the region. The isotopic composition (δD, δ18O, 3H) of submarine waters was characterised by significant variability and heavy isotope enrichment. The stable isotopes and tritium data showed good separation of groundwater and seawater groups. The contribution of groundwater in submarine waters varied from a few % to 17%. Spatial distribution of 222Rn activity concentration in surface seawater revealed changes between 50 and 200 Bq m−3 which were in opposite relationship with observed salinities. Time series measurements of 222Rn activity concentration in Flamengo Bay (from 1 to 5 kBq m−3), obtained by in situ underwater gamma-spectrometry showed a negative correlation between the 222Rn activity concentration and tide/salinity. This may be caused by sea level changes as tide effects induce variations of hydraulic gradients, which increase 222Rn concentration during lower sea level, and opposite, during high tides where the 222Rn activity concentration is smaller. The estimated SGD fluxes varied during 22–26 November between 8 and 40 cm d−1, with an average value of 21 cm d−1 (the unit is cm3/cm2 per day). The radium isotopes and nutrient data showed scattered distributions with offshore distance and salinity, which implies that in a complex coast with many small bays and islands, the area has been influenced by local currents and groundwater–seawater mixing. SGD in the Ubatuba area is fed by coastal contaminated groundwater and re-circulated seawater (with small admixtures of groundwater), which claims for potential environmental concern with implications on the management of freshwater resources in the region.  相似文献   

The input of groundwater-borne nutrients to Adelaide's (South Australia) coastal zone is not well known but could contribute to the ongoing decline of seagrass in the area. As a component of the Adelaide Coastal Waters Study (ACWS), the potential for using the radium quartet (223Ra, 224Ra, 226Ra and 228Ra) and 222Rn to evaluate submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) was evaluated. Potential isotopic signatures for SGD were assessed by sampling groundwater from three regional aquifers potentially contributing SGD to the ACWS area. In addition, intertidal groundwater was sampled at two sand beach sites. In general, the regional groundwaters were enriched in long-lived Ra isotopes (226Ra and 228Ra) and in 222Rn relative to intertidal groundwater. Radium activity (but not 222Rn activity) was positively correlated to salinity in groundwater from one of the regional aquifers and in intertidal groundwater. Radium isotope ratios (223Ra/226Ra, 224Ra/226Ra and 228Ra/226Ra) were less variable than individual Ra isotope activities within potential SGD sources. Recirculated seawater (estimated from the intertidal groundwater samples with seawater-like salinities) also had distinctly higher Ra isotope ratios than the regional groundwaters. The activities for all radioisotopes were relatively low in seawater. The activity of the short-lived 223Ra and 224Ra were highest at the shoreline and declined exponentially with distance offshore. In contrast, 228Ra and 226Ra activities had a weak linear declining trend with distance offshore. Rn-222 activity was at or near background in all seawater samples. The pattern of enrichment in short-lived Ra isotopes and the lack of 222Rn in seawater suggest that seawater recirculation is the main contributor to SGD in the ACWS area. Preliminary modeling of the offshore flux of 228Ra and 226Ra suggest that the SGD flux to the ACWS area ranges between 0.2 and 3 · 10− 3 m3 (m of shoreline)− 1 s− 1.  相似文献   

We measured the time-series variations in 222Rn activity at a fixed station in the Yeongsan River Estuary (YRE), Korea, where the upstream water is obstructed by an artificial dam, during November 18–24, 2008, and conducted a horizontal 222Rn survey in the Seomjin River Estuary (SRE), Korea, during December 16–18, 2008. In the YRE, we observed constantly low levels of 222Rn activity over the sampling period, relative to the summer in 2008. The 222Rn variations and 222Rn mass-balance modeling results indicate that the submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) in the YRE was relatively low and constant over the sampling period and that the temporal SGD variations were not related to tides or to the water elevation in the dam upstream. This low and constant SGD appears to be due to the lower water level in the dam relative to the local sea level during the study period, resulting in the SGD mostly from the surrounding land areas rather than from the dam. In the SRE, higher 222Rn activities were observed at upstream stations of the river (salinity: <5) and decreased as the salinity increased, but there were marked increases of 222Rn, together with dissolved inorganic silicate (DSi), at stations close to the river mouth (salinity: ~33). This suggests that the river has major groundwater inputs from the two extreme upstream and downstream areas. Because most chemical flux estimations via river discharge do not account for groundwater inputs from the downstream high-salinity zone, our results suggest that there is an important unaccounted source of river-driven chemical fluxes. Overall, our study shows that the continuous 222Rn monitoring system provides high-resolution information on SGD over different locations and times.  相似文献   

The role of coastal lagoons and estuaries as sources or sinks of inorganic carbon in upwelling areas has not been fully understood. During the months of May–July, 2005, we studied the dissolved inorganic carbon system in a coastal lagoon of northwestern Mexico during the strongest period of upwelling events. Along the bay, different scenarios were observed for the distributions of pH, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and apparent oxygen utilization (AOU) as a result of different combinations of upwelling intensity and tidal amplitude. DIC concentrations in the outer part of the bay were controlled by mixing processes. At the inner part of the bay DIC was as low as 1800 μmol kg−1, most likely due to high water residence times and seagrass CO2 uptake. It is estimated that 85% of San Quintín Bay, at the oceanic end, acted as a source of CO2 to the atmosphere due to the inflow of CO2-rich upwelled waters from the neighboring ocean with high positive fluxes higher than 30 mmol C m−2 d−1. In contrast, there was a net uptake of CO2 and HCO3 by the seagrass bed Zostera marina in the inner part of the bay, so the pCO2 in this zone was below the equilibrium value and slightly negative CO2 fluxes of −6 mmol C m−2 d−1. Our positive NEP and ΔDIC values indicate that Bahía San Quintín was a net autotrophic system during the upwelling season during 2005.  相似文献   

We report the results of an experiment in which we measured 222Rn (15,000 observations), CH4 (40,000 observations), and associated variables in seawater nearly continuously at a coastal site in the Gulf of Mexico for almost two years. Significant correlations between 222Rn and CH4 imply that they are derived from a common source, most likely groundwater. However, we were unable to explain the overall tracer variability as a single function of groundwater table height, temperature, tidal range, and wind speed, indicating multiple, overlapping controls on SGD dynamics at this site. Methane and radon concentrations may vary 2-fold in a given well in the subterranean estuary over tidal time scales, demonstrating the complexity of determining SGD endmember concentrations and suggesting that unaccounted for temporal changes in groundwater may explain some of the patterns observed in seawater. Surprisingly, the variability of 222Rn and CH4 in seawater over short (e.g., hourly) time scales was generally comparable to or even more pronounced than fluctuations over much longer (e.g., monthly) scales. While high tracer concentrations usually occurred during low tide and low tracer concentrations during high tide, this pattern was occasionally inverted or absent indicating that no single model can be used to describe the entire data set. We also describe a sequence of events in which SGD tracers were depleted in coastal waters during storms and regenerated afterwards. We found no increase in radon activities immediately after the largest storm (75 mm rainfall) perhaps because of the short residence times of groundwater in contrast to the ingrowth time of radon. Marine controls appeared to be the most important SGD drivers with only minor influence relating to the shallow and deep aquifers. This implies that seasonal investigations of SGD tracers in the coastal ocean may be masked by short-term variability.  相似文献   

Anomalously high precipitation and river discharge during the spring of 2005 caused considerable freshening and depletion of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in surface waters along the coastal Gulf of Maine. Surface pCO2 and total alkalinity (TA) were monitored by repeated underway sampling of a cross-shelf transect in the western Gulf of Maine (GOM) during 2004–05 to examine how riverine fluxes, mixing, and subsequent biological activity exert control on surface DIC in this region. Most of the variability in surface DIC concentration was attributable to mixing of low DIC river water with higher DIC, saline GOM waters, but net biological uptake of DIC was significant especially during the spring and summer seasons. The extent and persistence of the coastal freshwater intrusion exerted considerable influence on net carbon dynamics. Integrated over the 10-m surface layer of our study region (∼5 × 104 km2), net biological DIC uptake was 0.48 × 108 mol C during April–July of 2004 compared to 1.33 × 108 mol C during April–July of 2005. We found the temporal signature and magnitude of DIC cycling to be different in adjacent plume-influenced and non-plume regions. Extreme events such as the freshwater anomaly observed in 2005 will affect mean estimates of coastal carbon fluxes, thus budgets based on short time series of observations may be skewed and should be viewed with caution.  相似文献   

Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) is now recognized as an important pathway for water and chemical species fluxes to the coastal ocean. In order to determinate SGD to the Gulf of Lion (France), we measured the activities of 226Ra and 228Ra by thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) in coastal waters and in the deep aquifer waters of the Rhone deltaic plain after pre-concentration of radium by MnO2. Compared to conventional counting techniques, TIMS requires lower quantities of water for the analyses, and leads to higher analytical precision. Radium isotopes were thus measured on 0.25–2 L water samples containing as little as 20 fg of 226Ra and 0.2–0.4 fg of 228Ra with precision equal to 2%. We demonstrate that coastal surface waters samples are enriched in 226Ra and 228Ra compared to the samples further offshore. The high precision radium measurements display a small but significant 226Ra and 228Ra enrichment within a strip of circa 30 km from the coast. Radium activities decrease beyond this region, entrained in the northern current along the shelf break or controlled by eddy diffusion. The radium excess in the first 30 km cannot be accounted for by the river nor by the early diagenesis. The primary source of the radium enrichment must therefore be ascribed to the discharge of submarine groundwater. Using a mass-balance model, we estimated the advective fluxes of 226Ra and 228Ra through SGD to be 5.2 × 1010 and 21 × 1010 dpm/d respectively. The 226Ra activities measured in the groundwater from the Rhone deltaic plain aquifer are comparable to those from other coastal groundwater studies throughout the world. By contrast, 228Ra activities are higher by up to one order of magnitude. Taking those groundwater radium activities as typical of the submarine groundwater end-member, a minimum volume of 0.24–4.5 × 1010 l/d is required to support the excess radium isotopes on the inner shelf. This has to be compared with the average rivers water runoff of 15.4 × 1010 l/d during the study period (1.6 to 29% of the river flow).  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) in many areas represents a major source of dissolved chemical constituents to the coastal ocean. In Great South Bay, NY, previous studies have shown that the discharge of nutrients with SGD may cause harmful algal blooms. This study estimates SGD to Great South Bay during August 2006 by performing a mass balance for each of the dissolved Ra isotopes (224Ra, 223Ra, 228Ra, 226Ra). The budget indicates a major unknown source (between 30 and 60% of the total input) of Ra to the bay. This imbalance can be resolved by a flux of Ra-enriched groundwater on the order of 3.5–4.5 × 109 L d− 1, depending on the Ra isotope. The Ra-estimated SGD rates compare well with those previously estimated by models of flow that decreases exponentially away from shore. Compared to previous reports of fresh groundwater discharge to the bay, the Ra-estimated discharge must comprise approximately 90% recirculated seawater. The good agreement between Ra- and model-estimated flow rates indicates that the primary SGD endmember may be best sampled at shallow depths in the sediments a short distance bayward of the low tide line.  相似文献   

Transport between pore waters and overlying surface waters of Flamengo Bay near Ubatuba, Brazil, was quantified using natural and artificial geochemical tracers, 222Rn, Cl, and SF6, collected from multi-level piezometers installed along a transect perpendicular to the shore. Eight sampling ports positioned along the length of the piezometers allowed sampling of pore waters at discrete depth intervals from 10 to 230 cmbsf (centimeters below seafloor). Small volume samples were collected from the piezometers using a peristaltic pump to obtain pore water depth profiles. Pore water 222Rn is deficient in shallow sediments, allowing application of a diffusion-corrected 222Rn exchange rate. This model estimates the magnitude of pore water exchange rates to be about 130–419 cm/day. An SF6-saturated fluorescein dye tracer was gently pumped into deep pore waters and exchange rates estimated from this method range from 29 to 185 cm/day. While absolute rates are higher using 222Rn than SF6, rates are of similar magnitudes and the trends with distance from shore are the same – flow is greatest 6 m from shore and decreases by more than 50% further offshore. A Cl mass balance indicates the greatest fraction of fresh SGD occurs along an apparent preferential flow path in sediments within 5–7 m of the shoreline (87%). Recirculating bay waters through sediments dominate pore water advection at 10 m offshore where only 4% of the flow can be attributed to a freshwater source. Both fresh and marine sources combine to make up submarine groundwater discharge to coastal water bodies. The magnitude of fresh aquifer discharge is often a spatially variable and minor component of the total discharge.  相似文献   

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