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人类活动正愈来愈强烈地影响三角洲滩涂演变。近几十年长江三角洲前缘滩涂先后受到流域建坝等导致的入海泥沙 锐减和河口一系列大型工程的影响。揭示三角洲前缘滩涂演变对这些重大人类活动的响应不仅可以为该区域的海岸管理提供 支持,而且有助于加深人类活动驱动下海岸演变规律的理论认识。为了揭示30多年来长江三角洲前缘滩涂的阶段性变化, 本文根据1977年以来多个年份的长江口口门区地形测图,利用GIS 方法计算四大滩涂(崇明东滩、横沙东滩、九段沙和南 汇东滩) 面积的变化,分析阶段性变化的主要原因。结果表明:四大滩涂0 m等深线以上总面积的增长速率从1977-1983 年 时段的14.5 km2/a 下降到1983-1994 年时段的4.9 km2/a,继而回升至1994-2000 年的12.2 km2/a 和2000-2011 年的26.4 km2/ a;四大滩涂5 m等深线以上总面积的增长速率从1977-1983年的22.8 km2/a 下降到1983-1994 年的-1.4 km2/a,1994-2000 年回升到5.2 km2/a,2000-2011 年又回落至0.3 km2/a。前一阶段滩涂淤涨速率总体下降反映流域建坝等人类活动引起的入海 泥沙减少在滩涂演变中起控制作用,且水下滩涂(5 m线)的响应较之潮间带滩涂(0 m线以上)更加敏感。后一阶段0 m 以上滩涂淤涨速率的总体回升反映三角洲的一系列大型工程(特别是促淤工程) 对潮间带滩涂起到了明显的促淤效果,且这 种效果抵消并超过了流域入海泥沙通量下降的影响而居主导地位。总之,近三十年长江三角洲前缘淤涨速率的显著变化主要 归因于人类活动的影响。另一方面,四大滩涂间的冲淤变化呈现较明显的差异,反映人类活动对三角洲滩涂演变的影响是一 个复杂的问题,需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

根据1951~2000年大通站实测水文资料和长江口地形图,分析了长江入海泥沙量的变化趋势及其对水下三角洲冲淤演变的影响.从20世纪60年代末开始,长江入海泥沙量出现减少趋势,90年代输沙量相对于60年代下降了1/3.流域大量修建水库是导致河流入海泥沙减少的根本原因.在此背景下,长江口门外的水下三角洲淤积速率从1958~1978年时段的55mm/a下降为1978~1998年时段的11mm/a.考虑三峡工程等多种人类活动的可能影响,估计本世纪上半叶和下半叶的河流入海泥沙量将分别减少约60%和40%.尝试建立了三角洲冲淤对河流供沙量响应的概念公式,并据此对本世纪长江三角洲的演变趋势做了初步预测:三角洲的总体淤涨速率将急剧下降,口门外水下三角洲将出现严重侵蚀.  相似文献   

长江河口区水下三角洲的稳定关系着河口区域滩涂湿地的保护、经济社会的发展,研究长江河口区水下三角洲的变化规律,制定相应的控制对策有着重要的意义。基于长江河口区水下三角洲近40年的4个测次的地形资料,采用平面形态与断面形态分析相结合的方法,探讨了长江河口区水下三角洲的变化规律和相应的控制对策。总体来看,受入海沙量减少的影响,长江河口区水下三角洲前缘10~20 m等深线之间的区域冲刷明显。崇明东滩沙体总体变化不大,横沙东滩、南汇边滩在圈围工程影响下,面积有所淤长。横沙浅滩、九段沙窜沟发育,切割洲滩,沙体稳定性受到威胁,建议对横沙浅滩、九段沙实施守护,以控制长江河口区河势稳定。  相似文献   

长江口前沿潮滩对来沙锐减和海面上升的响应   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
长江口前沿潮滩是上海市土地的重要来源,也是2个湿地自然保护区所在,其冲淤演变趋势与上述命运休戚相关。根据1970年代以来的地形资料,计算了河口口门地区潮滩面积在不同时期的自然增长速率;建立了潮滩面积增长速率同河流供沙条件之间的回归关系;探讨了河流来沙锐减和海平面上升共同作用下潮滩的冲淤趋势。结果表明:(1)近30a大通站输沙率和含沙量分别下降26%和31%,而河口前沿潮滩面积增长速率下降73%;(2)潮滩冲淤转换临界输沙率Qs和含沙量C(大通站)分别为2.6×108t/a和0.25g/L左右;(3)由于三峡工程等的影响,长江的输沙率和含沙量将下降到上述临界值之下,加之海平面的加速上升,今后几十年研究区潮滩将遭受侵蚀。  相似文献   

长江河口拦门沙河段滩涂演化特征及驱动机制   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
利用长江河口实测1958-2013年水下地形数据,基于ArcGIS技术和DSAS软件分析了拦门沙河段滩涂演化特征,在此基础上结合河口重大工程建设、流域来沙状态对滩涂资源的变化机制进行分析。研究结果表明:(1)1958-2013年,长江河口滩涂资源总量略有下降,但最近十年趋于稳定,维持在2 350km2左右。(2)长江河口潮滩-5m等深线以下已经出现侵蚀,垂向侵蚀速率为达7.3cm/a;(3)近10多年流域来沙剧烈下降对潮下带0~-5m区域的滩涂资源淤涨产生了显著负面影响,而河口重大工程建设则是近年来0m以上滩涂逆势增长的主要驱动因素。  相似文献   

根据长江三峡蓄水前后十余年的入海泥沙通量和河口口门区冲淤的对比分析,初步探讨三峡工程对长江河口三角洲地貌演化的影响。结果表明:(1)三峡水库蓄水以来(2003-2008年),入库悬沙73%以上被拦截在水库里,因坝下游河床冲刷和支流来沙补给,三峡水库蓄水导致大通站输沙率下降49%;(2)1994?2000年、2000?2004年、2004?2008年,长江口门研究区(1500km2)净淤积量分别为7.25×108m3(1.21亿m3/a)、-1.03×108m3(-0.26亿m3/a)和-0.20×108m3(-0.05亿m3/a);(3)2000年以来,河口口门外水深超过7m的大部分区域处于蚀退,尤以10-20m区域侵蚀最为强烈,但河口滩地(5m线以内)较前一时段淤积加强。主要结论:三峡水库蓄水加剧了长江入海泥沙的减少;入海泥沙减少是长江三角洲从淤积转为侵蚀的主要原因,近几年入海泥沙减少和河口口门区出现的冲刷有一半左右可归因于三峡工程的运行;河口滩地的逆势淤积是近年一系列的河口重大工程影响的结果。  相似文献   

2018年至2021年黄河河口春季生态调水与2次罕见大洪水,导致时段内入海水沙过程和水沙通量发生变化。为了解滨海地貌变化特征,根据海域实测地形资料,结合同期利津水文站来水来沙数据,分析了河口滨海区2、5和10 m等深线变化及冲淤演变,比较了现河口各汊三角洲前缘发育情况。结果表明:2018年至2021年河口年均入海水沙分别为362亿m32.81亿t,是2002年至2017年入海水沙均值的2倍;4 a间入海泥沙共11.67亿t(包括尾闾河道冲刷0.42亿t),其中有8.58亿t(6.13亿m3)落淤在现行河口滨海区;洪峰呈漫流入海,入海汊口稳定性变差,加速河口出汊摆动演变,口门前方形成长轴平行岸线、短轴垂直岸线的椭圆形连续狭长淤积带,三角洲前缘得到充分发育;大洪水期间,河口在东北向自然出汊,东汊和东北汊成为入海主汊。  相似文献   

GIS支持下的长江口拦门沙泥沙冲淤定量计算   总被引:23,自引:4,他引:23  
依据1842~1997年10幅不同年代的长江口海图资料,利用地理信息系统和数字化仪进行处理,建立不同时期的长江口水下数字高程模型,以此作为基础资料,实现了从横剖面、深泓线纵剖面、平面变化等不同角度对长江口拦门沙地区滩槽演变、岸线侵蚀、沙岛形成与变迁等进行研究.通过计算河槽容积,实现了对不同时段泥沙冲淤量的计算.结果表明,155a来拦门沙总的趋势是不断淤积,但不同时期淤积速度大不一样,个别时期甚至会发生一定程度的冲刷,这主要与动力条件的波动有关.1842~1997年,共淤积泥沙38.10亿t,平均每年淤积0.246亿t,约占长江来沙的5%,年均淤厚为1.1cm泥沙淤积部位主要在九段沙、横沙及横沙东滩、崇明东滩三处.发生冲刷的范围较小,仅占总面积的21.4%,主要在北槽,北港上段和南槽局部也有轻微的冲刷发生.  相似文献   

长江口扁担沙动力地貌变化过程研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河口浅滩不仅为人类提供宝贵湿地资源,而且是调控河势演变的重要因素。研究河口浅滩动力地貌演变规律对航道整治、湿地生态开发及岸堤防护等具有重要价值。本文利用最近150多年的长江口历史海图资料、实测水深与水文泥沙数据,分析长江口南支最大的浅滩—扁担沙动力地貌演变格局及其变化机制。结果表明:(1) 1860?2016年期间,扁担沙反复历经淤积?冲刷?淤积,浅滩由最初水下阴滩发育出露而形成纺锤状沙体,随后演变为细长扁担状,沙尾切滩成爪状沙体,下扁担沙则伴随爪状缝隙被不断填充而淤长;(2)自1954年洪水到目前,扁担沙?2 m、?5 m等深线包络的面积与体积整体上均呈现增长态势,其中面积年均增长率分别为0.88 km2/a和0.81 km2/a,体积年均增长率分别为1.3×106 m3/a和5×106 m3/a;扁担沙浅滩在不同时期冲淤变化不同,其中1998年出现大幅度冲刷,平均冲刷厚度达到1.4 m;(3)扁担沙体积变化和长江入海泥沙的增减无直接联系,但与入海径流量的变化密切相关;(4)白茆沙“南强北弱”的河势、南北港分流工程以及东风西沙水库的建立导致扁担沙向北推移。  相似文献   

长江口南支涨潮槽新桥水道冲淤变化的定量计算   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
根据1861~2002年100多年中的15幅海图资料,以GIS技术为支持,建立不同时期长江口水下数字高程模型(DEM),对长江河口南支涨潮槽新桥水道进行了冲淤变化的定量计算,并对比计算了多年来新桥水道0m岸线和5m等深线以及横断面的演变.计算结果显示在所研究的区域内自1861年以来新桥水道冲淤过程明显被分为三个阶段:1861~1926年的66a间新桥水道区域经过一段时间的冲刷后又重新产生淤积,总容积变化不大;1926~1958年的33a间新桥水道在不断的冲刷中总容积由2.603亿m3增长到5.076亿m3;1958年至今的45a时间里水道容积基本保持在平均5.02亿m3.1926年新桥水道10m等深线已经形成一定的格局.1947年5m等深线向上延伸,扁担沙已经不再与崇明岛相连;1958年上下扁担沙的5m等深线基本连成一体,可以认为此时新桥水道已经形成.从新桥水道的横断面变化来看,其主泓不断发生变化,主泓经历了向北移的过程,移动约为1.1~2.8km.  相似文献   

The North Branch, separated by the Chongming Island, was once the main channel in the estuary of the Changjiang River. Reclamation and a decrease in runoff to the North Branch had led to the narrowing and shallowing of the channel. The Yuantuojiao Point is located at the intersecting point connecting the North Branch of the Changjiang River and the Jiangsu coastline. Erosion cliffs are developed between the typical silty-muddy tidal flat and the salt marsh occupied by Spartina alterniflorea, and this has changed rapidly over the past few years. The sediment grain size analysis results of the surficial and two core samples indicate that the Yuantuojiao Point tidal flat experienced continuous accretional processes. Based upon 137 Cs analysis results of the YT and YY Cores sampled from the tidal flat at the Yuantuojiao Point, the average sedimentation rate of the YT Core was 2.30 cm/a from 1963 to 2007, and 2.38 cm/a from 1954 to 2007 for the YY Core. The sedimentation rates of both core locations have declined since the 1960s corresponding to the seaward reclamation at the Yuantuojiao Point. The average sedimentation rates at the Yuantuojiao Point were similar to that of the silty-muddy tidal flat at the northern Jiangsu coast, but lower than that of the south of the Changjiang River Estuary. According to field morphological investigations from 2006 to 2008 on the salt marsh at the Yuantuojiao Point, cliffs retreated markedly by storm surges and disappeared gradually because of the rapid sedimentation on the silty-muddy tidal flat. The maximum annual retreat reached 10 m. The recent sedimentation and morphological changes of the Yuantuojiao Point tidal flat not only displayed the retreat of the salt marsh and the disappearance of cliffs, but also was accompanied by rapid sedimentation of the silty-muddy tidal flat and the salt marsh, indicating the responses to the tidal currents, storm surges, Spartina alterniflorea trapping sediments and large-scale reclamation. The sediment grain size and their trends, southward coastal flow, and sandspits of the longshore bars suggest that the main sediment source at the Yuantuoijao Point, estuary of the North Branch was possibly from the Changjiang River before 1958, since then, it has been from the south of the submarine radial sand ridges of the southern Huanghai Sea (Yellow Sea).  相似文献   

古长江河口湾充填潮流作用机制的初步探讨   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
朱玉荣 《海洋学报》1999,21(3):73-82
长江三角洲的发育是以古长江河日湾的充填来实现的.研究潮汐、潮流在古长江河口湾充填中所起的作用,可深入了解长江三角洲的形成发育过程.建立了渤海、黄海、东海的二维潮流数学模型,数值模拟了冰后期最大海侵,即现今长江三角洲地区为巨大河口湾时的M2潮汐、潮流.在此基础上,计算了古长江河口湾及其周围海域8种粒径泥沙的潮平均悬移与推移输沙率,并根据输沙率散度的正负,划分了海底冲刷区与淤积区.根据计算结果得出,冰后期最大海侵时,存在大致以古长江河口湾湾口中点为腹点、波腹线向海凸起的独特驻潮波波腹区.在其控制下,外海潮流大致以古长江河口湾湾口中点为顶点作辐聚、辐散运动.在古潮流场作用下,经历每一个潮周期后,古长江河口湾周围海域的泥沙均向河口湾内净输运,并在河口湾内淤积.古长江河口湾的充填是在长江带来大量泥沙,外海的潮汐、潮流又有利于泥沙向河口湾内净输运,且在河口湾内沉积的情况下实现的.外海的潮汐、潮流为古长江河口湾的充填、长江三角洲的发育提供了必要而又有利的水动力环境.  相似文献   

苏北南黄海潮成沙体的发育条件及演变过程   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
典型钻孔的层序地层、沉积磁组构、碎屑矿物等的分析资料以及古河谷的地质雷达探测资料等的综合研究表明,苏北南黄海潮成沙体是全新世海退以来形成的,辐聚辐散的潮流和长江、黄河的供沙是其主要发育条件.辐聚辐散的潮流场是南黄海固有的,至少在苏北亚近代潮成沙体发育之初就已存在.大河供沙主要发生在全新世海退期,海退前长江不可能向苏北岸外海域大量供沙,更不可能在港岸外形成三角洲.潮成沙体的演变主要受长江、黄河的供沙率控制,大致经历了雏形发育、高速建设、动态调整等3个阶段.  相似文献   

苏北陆区古潮成沙体沉积动力环境及物源   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
苏北陆区古潮成沙体和海域辐射沙洲共同构成了统一的苏北南黄海潮成沙洲体系.在众多钻孔资料和地质雷达探测基础上,重点对苏北陆区古潮成沙体进行了沉积磁组构和重矿物分析,证明古潮成沙体属海退层序,是在南、北两侧三角洲发育过程中,以长江、黄河泥沙为主的沉积物质通过沿岸搬运进入早已存在的辐聚辐散潮流场后经潮流沉积和塑造形成的.早期沉积物质主要来自长江,晚期则主要为长江和黄河的联合供沙.认为苏北古潮成沙体是全新世中后期海陆相互作用的产物.  相似文献   

西南黄海近岸低盐水体的来源与输送机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the southwestern Yellow Sea there is a low-salinity and turbid coastal water,the Subei Coastal Water(SCW).The origins of freshwater contents and thus the dissolved terrigenous nutrients in the SCW have been debated for decades.In this study,we used a well-validated numerical model to quantify the contributions of multiple rivers,i.e.,the Changjiang River in the south and the multiple Subei local rivers(SLRs) in the north,in forming this yearround low-salinity coastal water.It is found that the freshwater contents in the SCW is dominated by the Changjiang River south of 33.5°N,by the SLRs north of 34.5°N,and by both sources in 33.5°–34.5°N.Overall,the Changjiang River contributes ~70% in the dry season and ~80% in the wet season of the total freshwater contents in the SCW,respectively.Dynamics driving the Changjiang River Plume to flow northward is the tidal residual current,which can even overwhelm the wind effects in winter seasons.The residual currents turn offshore near the Old Yellow River Delta(OYRD) by the collision of the two tidal wave systems,which transport the freshwater from both sources into the interior Yellow Sea.Water age experiments show that it takes 50–150 d for the Changjiang River Plume to reach the SCW in the spring and summer seasons,thus there is a 2-month lag between the maximum freshwater content in SCW and the peak Changjiang River discharge.In the winter and autumn seasons,the low salinity in inner SCW is the remnant Changjiang River diluted water arrived in the previous seasons.  相似文献   

An ecological optimization project (semi-closed reclamation project) was implemented to control the invasion of Spartina alterniflora, and optimize the habitat of the Chongming Dongtan wetland, in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River Estuary. After project implementation, a macrobenthic ecological survey was conducted in a natural tidal flat and a semi-closed reclamation restoration area within the Chongming Dongtan wetland from 2019 to 2020. Compared with historical data before reclamation, findings showed that the groups, numbers, and species diversity of the macrobenthos increased significantly, and the ecological optimization project resulted in good ecological benefits. In addition, compared to the natural tidal flat, the number of collected macrobenthic phyla, and the macrobenthic density and biomass were significantly lower in the restoration area. Furthermore, the biodiversity index and functional redundancy of natural tidal flats were generally higher, indicating that the community composition and function of natural tidal flats were relatively more stable. Even though the species composition differed between a number of restoration areas and natural tidal flats, there was no difference in functional diversity, indicating that the effect of restoring ecological functions in restoration areas was optimal. Among them, the biodiversity and functional redundancy of Site S2 were significantly reduced, and the ecosystem function was extremely unstable. Habitat heterogeneity, vegetation community and decreasing salinity were the main factors that affected the ecological functions of macrobenthos. The ecological quality was also evaluated; the Transects N3 and N4 showed good quality. The overall ecological quality of the restoration area was generally high, but that of Site S2 was poor and that of Site S2E was merely good, which was mainly due to modifications of the ecological function of macrobenthos. It is suggested that reeds mowing and freshwater species release should be adopted in restoration areas to improve the community function and the environmental disturbance resistance of the macrobenthos.  相似文献   

To evaluate the controlling factors for coastline change of the Changjiang(Yangtze River) Estuary since 1974,we extracted the mean high tide line from multi-temporal remote sensing images that span from 1974 to 2014 at 2-year intervals.We chose 42 scenes to constrain the changing pattern of the Changjiang Estuary coastline,and implemented GIS technology to analyze the area change of the Changjiang(Yangtze) Subaerial Delta.Runoff,sediment discharge and coastal engineering were withal considered in the analysis of the coastline changes.The coastline has transgressed seaward since 1974,and a part of it presents inter-annual variations.The area of the Changjiang Subaerial Delta increased by 871 km2,with a net accretion rate of 21.8 km2/a.Based on the change of sediment discharge due to the major projects in the Changjiang River Basin,we divided the changing pattern of the coastline into three stages:the slow accretion stage(1974–1986),the moderate accretion stage(1987–2002),and the rapid accretion stage(2003–2014).Liner regression analysis illustrated that there is a significantly positive correlation between the area changes and sediment discharge in the Chongming Eastern Shoal and Jiuduansha.This suggested that sediment load has a fundamental effect on the evolution of the Changjiang Estuary.Construction of Deep Waterway in the North Passage of the Changjiang River(1998–2010) led to a rapid accretion in the Hengsha Eastern Shoal and Jiuduansha by influencing the hydrodynamics in North Passage.Coastal engineering such as reclamation and harbor construction can also change the morphology of the Changjiang Estuary.We defined a contribution rate of area change to assess the impact of reclamation on the evolution of Changjiang Estuary.It turned out that more than 45.3% of area increment of the Changjiang Estuary was attributed to reclamation.  相似文献   

长江河口盐水入侵对大通枯季径流量变化的响应时间   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
应用河口海岸三维数值模式, 计算区域包括大通至长江河口及其邻近海域, 设计高分辨率网格, 数值模拟和分析不同潮型下长江河口盐水入侵对大通径流量变化的响应时间。计算结果表明, 不同潮型期间大通径流量的增加, 河口盐度响应的时间在4.0~6.2 d之间, 但小潮期的响应时间明显长于其他潮型期的响应时间。本文给出了长江河口盐水入侵对大通枯季径流量变化的响应时间, 可为河口水文、泥沙和环境等研究中取何时径流量提供了依据。  相似文献   

苏北中部滨海平原成陆机制研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
朱玉荣 《海洋科学》2000,24(12):33-37
苏北中部滨海平原位于废黄河三角洲和长江三角洲之间,其形成与全新世最大海侵之后长江、古黄河的供沙历史和供沙状况密切相关,并且现今海域南黄海辐射沙洲的辐聚点也位于这段海岸,故探讨其成陆机制具有重要意义。本文数值模拟了公元8世纪时该区的M2潮汐、潮流,在此基础上,计算了7种粒径泥沙在当时潮流场中的净输运状况,划分了海底冲淤区。计算结果表明,公元8世纪时苏北岸外存在大致以东台为顶点的辐射状古潮流场,其分布格局与现今苏北岸外大致以京港为顶点的辐射关潮流场基本一致,该辐射状潮流场的存在是由当时台东岸外的独特驻潮波波腹所决定的。进入苏北岸外古辐射状潮流场中的泥沙,在辐聚、辐散的潮流作用下,每一个潮周期均自NE、SE方向向东台附近海域净输运泥沙,在东台附近海域发生淤积。由此认为,苏北中部滨海平原是大致以东台为顶点的辐聚、辐散潮  相似文献   

垂向二维潮流数值模型及其在长江口北槽的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用变网格有限元方法,采用任意四边形等参单元,离散横向积分的Navier—Stokes方程,建立河口潮流垂向二维数学模型。应用此模型,对长江口北槽水域两个观测站的潮流水位、流速垂线分布和整个北槽潮流流速纵向分布进行了模拟。潮流水位、流速垂线分布的模拟值分别与观测站的实测值可以较为吻合,证明了本文模型的实用有效。模拟得到的涨急、落急时刻整个北槽潮流流速纵向分布给出了定性的结果。  相似文献   

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