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台湾岛西南海域福尔摩沙海脊冷泉区地形地貌特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用水深数据和ROV近海底影像资料,对福尔摩沙海脊冷泉区的海底地形地貌和冷泉系统的海底表征进行了描述和分析,并讨论了二者之间的响应关系。结果表明,相对于船载多波束数据而言,近海底多波束测深系统所获得的数据能更高精度地反映冷泉区海底地形地貌特征,是研究冷泉系统不可或缺的基础资料。基于ROV近海底观测影像资料,福尔摩沙海脊冷泉系统整体表现为局部被化能自养生物群落覆盖并有流体喷口零星分布的巨大自生碳酸盐岩岩丘,海底表征主要包括形态各异的自生碳酸盐岩结壳或岩体、化能自养生物群落、流体喷口、还原性沉积物等几种形式。研究表明,福尔摩沙海脊冷泉区的地形地貌特征与冷泉系统海底表征具有良好的响应关系,并且该区的地形地貌特征主要受控于出露于海底的自生碳酸盐岩的形态特征及规模。首次揭示了福尔摩沙海脊冷泉区地形地貌特征与其海底表征之间的响应关系,以期为后续的冷泉研究提供必要的背景资料支持。  相似文献   

在系统收集和分析南海海底冷泉资料基础上,应用浅剖和多波束水体影像技术识别海底冷泉,结合地质条件综合研究南海冷泉分布特征,进而分析探讨其油气地质意义。研究结果表明,南海冷泉分布广泛,神狐、东沙西南部、东沙东北部、琼东南、西沙海槽、南沙南部和越南沿岸等海域均发现冷泉,冷泉分布水深为200~3 000m。海底冷泉与深部油气乃至浅层天然气水合物资源有着密切的成因联系。冷泉及其伴生物(冷泉碳酸盐岩)的探测与识别对海洋油气勘探,尤其是天然气水合物勘查的指示作用明显。浅剖和多波束水体影像技术不仅可以探测和识别冷泉,而且两者结合可实现低成本、高效率的海底地质异常体(冷泉碳酸盐岩、泥底辟及气烟囱等)的声学异常探测,极大地提高了海洋油气勘探及天然气水合物勘查的成功率。  相似文献   

深海水下机器人主要用于深远海地质、矿物资源和生物调查研究,以及海洋石油工程服务等水下综合作业,能够实现深海近底高精度、长时间的定点取样作业及其他精细化调查。结合国内外深海ROV装备和技术发展现状,以新研发的6 000 m级"海龙Ⅲ"号ROV搭载"大洋一号"船执行的2018年南海综合海试和48航次为例,从深海试验流程和方法、浅水区功能测试、深水区功能测试、深海观测及取样功能测试等方面,详细阐述了ROV海上试验和应用作业过程,对作业水深、功率配置、水下运动能力、搭载能力等关键性能指标进行了试验验证。海上功能测试和试验性应用结果表明,"海龙Ⅲ"ROV各项性能指标满足设计要求,验证了系统在不同深度、不同地形条件下的观测取样作业能力,创新了深水ROV作业方法手段,分析得出此类装备目前在国内发展存在的不足之处,并结合实际应用提出后期改进计划,以期为深海ROV的海试应用提供技术参考。  相似文献   

在冷泉调查研究中,多波束系统因其快速高效、成本较低的特点被广泛应用.本文靶定南海北部陆坡琼东南盆地冷泉发育区,介绍了SeaBeam 3030多波束系统在冷泉发育区中的调查应用实例.通过分析多波束水深数据和水体数据,确定了调查区海底地形地貌以及水体羽状流特征,同时对该冷泉区开展综合调查的必要性进行了初步分析.研究表明,调...  相似文献   

深海水下机器人主要用于深远海地质、矿物资源和生物调查研究,以及海洋石油工程服务等水下综合作业,能够实现深海近底高精度、长时间的定点取样作业及其他精细化调查。本文结合国内外深海ROV装备和技术发展现状,以新研发的6000米级“海龙III”号ROV搭载“大洋一号”船执行的2018年南海综合海试和48航次为例,从深海试验流程和方法、浅水区功能测试、深水区功能测试、深海观测及取样功能测试等方面,详细阐述了ROV海上试验和应用作业过程,对作业水深、功率配置、水下运动能力、搭载能力等关键性能指标进行了试验验证。经过海上功能测试和试验性应用结果表明,“海龙III”ROV各项性能指标满足设计要求,验证了系统在不同深度、不同地形条件下的观测取样作业能力,创新了深水ROV作业方法手段,分析得出此类装备目前在国内发展存在的不足之处,并结合实际应用提出后期改进计划,以期为深海ROV的海试应用提供技术参考。  相似文献   

利用深潜器及其搭载光学设备获得重点调查区的高分辨率影像资料是深远海调查的重要内容,对于研究冷泉、热液等特殊海底环境及其生态系统的组成、空间规模、分布特征以及演化规律具有重要意义。主要介绍了搭载于"发现"ROV的4 500m级L1000型图像和激光扫描系统及其应用实例。利用该系统拍摄并带有位置信息的海底高清照片,首次获得了台西南冷泉区的高清全幅海底拼接图像,并根据该拼接图像对台西南冷泉区的海底特征、空间分布规律和规模进行了直观分析和量化研究,有效地提高了我国深远海近海底测绘的能力。  相似文献   

水探测量与海底面状况探测是海洋调查中最基础性项目之一,声学技术为此提供了有效的手段。近二三十年来回声测深与海底面状况声探测技术有了革命性的发展,新方法新设备不断出现。单波束测深仪与传统侧扫声纳技术在精度、分辨率与海底声学图象质量上有了大幅度提高。多波束测深系统和测深/海底成象一体化侧扫声纳系统的开发,使海底条带状探测填图成为现实。合成孔径声纳等技术在理论研究与应用开发有了较大提高。本文在对各项技术发展历史进行简要回顾的基础上,分析国内外发展现状,较全面反映新的进展,并对未来进一步发展作展望。  相似文献   

远程遥控水下机器人系统是一种先进的海洋综合调查设备,能够实现海底长时间、高精度的定点取样作业及其他精细调查,在海洋区域地质调查中利用ROV开展高精度海底取样及其环境调查方面具有其他调查设备无法比拟的优越性。ROV具有功能多、综合作业能力强、安全可靠和实时遥控等优点。目前国内利用ROV进行海洋区域地质调查还处于起步阶段,随着ROV在海洋调查中的应用技术不断成熟和完善,利用ROV进行海洋区域地质调查将大大提高海洋区域地质调查的装备水平和调查精度,具有广阔的应用前景。以"海狮号"ROV系统为例,介绍其在我国海洋区域地质调查中的典型应用。  相似文献   

基于ROV的近海底地形测量及其在马努斯盆地热液区的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对重点的特殊深海研究区(如热液冷泉、洋中脊区域),在船载多波束数据获得研究区大面积地形资料的基础上,有必要选取典型深海小靶区进行高分辨率地形测量为进一步深入研究提供保障。根据船载多波束实测数据选取PACMANUS热液区作为靶区,基于长基线定位,利用“发现”ROV搭载多波束系统进行近海底全覆盖地形测量。结果表明,依托于船动力定位系统及差分GPS,长基线为ROV提供了可靠的高精度定位,使得近海底测量的地形数据分辨率数倍优于船载多波束测得的地形数据的分辨率。高分辨率地形清晰的显示了PACMANUS热液区锥形丘体等特殊微地形,与已发现的热液点和火山区有很好的对应。进一步分析发现,该区域活动的热液区主要发育于坡度大于30°斜坡上的地形突变区,其成因仍需深入研究。利用ROV搭载多波束近底测量是获取深海小靶区高分辨率地形的可靠途径和方法,有利于提高深海海底研究的针对性,将促进我国深海科学研究的发展。  相似文献   

海洋地球物理探测技术及其在近海工程中的应用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
介绍了多波束测深、侧扫声纳测深、浅地层剖面测量、高分辨率地震测量和海洋磁力测量等五项海洋地球物理探测技术的最新进展和简单工作原理,给出了目前国内外广泛使用的主要技术产品型号以及主要参数和性能和展示了这些技术近年来在近海工程,例如海缆(海底光缆、电缆和管线等)路由调查、跨海大桥和海底隧道工程地质环境评价、工程灾害因素分析、海底目标物寻找和水下考古等方面的应用实例。  相似文献   

为了有效衡量多波束测深系统的目标探测性能,提高舰船水下目标搜寻、援潜救生和打捞能力等,对当前多波束测深系统目标探测问题进行分析,推导了多波束测深系统目标探测分辨率估计模型。以SONIC 2024型多波束测深系统为例,分析了不同水深下在多波束测深系统垂直航迹方向、沿航迹方向分辨率的变化规律及量级大小,对覆盖宽带和航速等参数指标设置提出了合理建议,为多波束测深系统目标探测能力的准确评估提供依据,具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

Multi-scale reflection seismic data, from deep-penetration to high-resolution, have been analyzed and integrated with near-surface geophysical and geochemical data to investigate the structures and gas hydrate system of the Formosa Ridge offshore of southwestern Taiwan. In 2007, dense and large chemosynthetic communities were discovered on top of the Formosa Ridge at water depth of 1125 m by the ROV Hyper-Dolphin. A continuous and strong BSR has been observed on seismic profiles from 300 to 500 ms two-way-travel-time below the seafloor of this ridge. Sedimentary strata of the Formosa Ridge are generally flat lying which suggests that this ridge was formed by submarine erosion processes of down-slope canyon development. In addition, some sediment waves and mass wasting features are present on the ridge. Beneath the cold seep site, a vertical blanking zone, or seismic chimney, is clearly observed on seismic profiles, and it is interpreted to be a fluid conduit. A thick low velocity zone beneath BSR suggests the presence of a gas reservoir there. This “gas reservoir” is shallower than the surrounding canyon floors along the ridge; therefore as warm methane-rich fluids inside the ridge migrate upward, sulfate carried by cold sea water can flow into the fluid system from both flanks of the ridge. This process may drive a fluid circulation system and the active cold seep site which emits both hydrogen sulfide and methane to feed the chemosynthetic communities.  相似文献   

Gas seepage, pockmarks and mud volcanoes in the near shore of SW Taiwan   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In order to understand gas hydrate related seafloor features in the near shore area off SW Taiwan, a deep-towed sidescan sonar and sub-bottom profiler survey was conducted in 2007. Three profiles of high-resolution sub-bottom profiler reveal the existence of five gas seeps (G96, GS1, GS2, GS3 and GS4) and one pockmark (PM) in the study area. Gas seeps and pockmark PM are shown in lines A and C, while no gas venting feature is observed along line B. This is the first time that a gas-hydrate related pockmark structure has been imaged off SW Taiwan. The relatively high backscatter intensity in our sidescan sonar images indicates the existence of authigenic carbonates or chemosynthetic communities on the seafloor. More than 2,000 seafloor photos obtained by a deep-towed camera (TowCam) system confirm the relatively high backscatter intensity of sidescan sonar images related to bacteria mats and authigenic carbonates formation at gas seep G96 and pockmark PM areas. Water column gas flares are observed in sidescan sonar images along lines A and C. Likewise, EK500 echo sounder images display the gas plumes above gas seep G96, pockmark PM and gas seep GS1; the gas plumes heights reach about 150, 100 and 20 m from seafloor, respectively. Based on multichannel seismic reflection (MCS) profiles, an anticline structure trending NNE-SSW is found beneath gas seep G96, pockmark PM and gas seep GS2. It implies that the gas venting features are related to the anticline structure. A thermal fluid may migrate from the anticline structure to the ridge crest, then rises up to the seafloor along faults or fissures. The seafloor characteristics indicate that the gas seep G96 area may be in a transitional stage from the first to second stage of a gas seep self-sealing process, while the pockmark PM area is from the second to final stage. In the pockmark PM area, gas venting is observed at eastern flank but not at the bottom while authigenic carbonates are present underneath the pockmark. It implies that the fluid migration pathways could have been clogged by carbonates at the bottom and the current pathway has shifted to the eastern flank of the pockmark during the gas seep self-sealing process.  相似文献   

相位差测深声呐(Phase Differencing Bathymetric Sonar,PDBS),也被称作干涉式声呐(Interferometric Sonar),可以同步采集水深点云数据和双频侧扫声呐图像,完全适用于大范围的近海人工鱼礁探测。本文采用基于PDBS原理的Edge Tech 6205地形地貌一体化测量设备对莱州湾某海域海洋牧场投礁区进行全覆盖探测,获取了高精度水深数据以及双频侧扫声呐图像。对水深数据进行地形特征变量计算,精细刻画了研究区的微地形地貌特征,并结合侧扫声呐图像通过多数据融合实现了对鱼礁边界的精准识别。在此基础上利用地理信息系统中的空间分析方法对人工鱼礁的水下物理参数进行计算和统计,并探讨了研究区地形地貌的成因及其演化模式,最后论证了基于PDBS的近海人工鱼礁探测技术具有高效率、低成本、高精度等诸多优势。研究结果表明,研究区水深介于4.1~7.3 m,鱼礁分布区有较大的海底起伏且在礁体周围存在明显的沉降和冲刷现象;鱼礁总占地面积约占研究区的14.04%,总空方量共计2 528.22 m3,鱼礁高度介于1.26~3.63 m且呈正态分布。本研究为近海人工鱼礁探测提供了数据和技术支撑,具有较强的实践意义。  相似文献   

The relationship between acoustic backscatter, sediment characteristics and benthic habitat is examined using high-resolution sidescan sonar data collected at the Loch Linnhe artificial reef site on the west coast of Scotland. The site is typical for the continental shelf of NW Europe, with a mix of seabed environments from muddy to coarse, stony substrata on a 10–100 m length scale. A sidescan sonar mosaic was produced and classified according to derived backscatter parameters (mean, median and standard deviation of the backscatter values) using an unsupervised classification procedure. The accuracy of the final classified map was assessed by comparison with a ground-truthing survey in which the biological habitat was derived from underwater video footage. The sidescan correctly predicted seabed surface characteristics of observed biological habitat with 78% accuracy. A second, and more challenging test of the acoustic data to correctly predict biological habitat was made by comparing it with data from 21 grab sampling stations. These stations were divided into three groups using multivariate statistical techniques based on their backscatter properties. Benthic assemblage structure was found to be significantly distinct between the high and low, and the medium and low backscatter stations. There was a low to moderate but significant correlation between the multivariate patterns of acoustic backscatter, benthic assemblage structure, and particle size distribution. The work shows that even in areas with subtle and gradational changes in substratum, the sidescan was able to predict biological community with an acceptable accuracy.  相似文献   

HiPAP100水下定位系统在海底摄像中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了HiPAP100高精度声学定位系统及其水下定位原理,阐述了影响水声传播的因素及HiPAP100的解决办法,介绍了水下定位系统在我国海洋区域地质调查海底摄像测站作业中的应用,分析比较海底摄像常规定位与HiPAP100超短基线的定位精度,说明水下定位在海底摄像等水下拖曳和定点作业中的必要性和重要性。  相似文献   

海底输油管道掩埋状况调查研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
本文用全球卫星接收定位系统(GPS)与浅地层剖面系统(GeoChirp Sub-Bottom Profile System)对珠江三角洲的铜鼓、伶汀、九州水 底输油管道掩埋状况进行勘测,全部数据记录在声纳图像增强工作站。经室内回放增强处理得出硬拷贝资料,然后将全部定位资料输入计算机用GIS系统进行处理得出测线的KP点。解释出所测管道掩埋状况,文中列出了管道几种掩埋状况,为海洋工程调查研究提供参考。  相似文献   

CUBE算法及其在多波束数据处理中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
阐述了一种基于表面生成的多波束数据处理方法——CUBE(Combined Uncertainty and Bathymetry Estimator)算法,用该方法可以对观测区域网格节点"真实"水深及相关误差进行估计。与从测量水深中选择出"最佳"数据的手工交互方式的多波束数据编辑手段不同,CUBE算法具有很强的抗差性和较高的效率,适合于实时多波束数据处理。对南海某测区多波束数据处理结果表明,在没有人工干预的情况下,利用CUBE算法去噪生成的海底DTM图与手工编辑生成的相当吻合。CUBE算法和手工编辑方法综合对比得出,CUBE算法能够很好地保留水深地形细节,在计算效率、误差评估、实时处理等方面比手工编辑方法具有较大的优势。  相似文献   

Cold seeps on the Hikurangi Margin off New Zealand exhibit various seabed morphologies producing different intensity patterns in sidescan backscatter images. Acoustic backscatter characteristics of 25 investigated seep sites fall into four distinct types characterised by variations in backscatter intensity, distribution and inferred structural heights. The types reflect different carbonate morphologies including up to 20-m-high structures (type 1), low-relief crusts (type 2), scattered blocks (type 3) and carbonate-free sites (type 4). Each seep corresponds to a single type; intermediates were not observed. This correlates well with published data on seep fauna at each site, with the four types representing three different faunal habitats of successive stages of seep development. Backscatter signatures in sidescan sonar images of cold seeps may therefore serve as a convenient proxy for variations in faunal habitats.  相似文献   

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