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珠江虎门潮汐水道多环芳烃的分布、组成及来源分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
采用GF/F玻璃滤膜对珠江虎门潮汐水道水样进行过滤,分离出颗粒相和溶解相多环芳烃:定量分析结果显示,2001年洪、枯季水体中多环芳烃总最分别是786~2098ng/L和11360~34338ng/L,16种优控多环芳烃含量分别为223~614ng/L和6559~20031ng/L。广州前航道多环芳烃的含量高于狮子洋水样的含量:珠江虎门潮汐水道水体中多环芳烃的含量、分布具有明显的季节变化特征,枯季多环芳烃总量高于洪季1个数量级。多环芳烃的组成及其特祉参数分析表明,珠江虎门潮汐水道水体中多环芳烃主要来源于矿物燃料燃烧和汽车排放。  相似文献   

珠江广州河段水环境中多环芳烃的组成及其垂直分布特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对珠江广州河段白鹅潭水域采集水柱一条,并按 6 层采集水样,根据美国 EPA 标准对多环芳烃进行了定量分析.结果显示,广州河段水环境中多环芳烃和 16 种优控多环芳烃浓度范围分别为 2 602.4 ~ 5 145.2 ng/L和 987.1~ 2 878.5 ng/L;颗粒相和溶解相多环芳烃的含量范围分别为 1 249.3 ~ 3 614.9 ng/L和 919.6 ~ 2 848.8 ng/L.多环芳烃垂向分布特征具有环数越高,其在水柱中下层水体中的含量越高特征,表明水柱可明显分为上层和中下层两层水体,两层水体多环芳烃的组成、污染物的输入方式均有较大的差异,中下层水体高环数的多环芳烃与河口水动力条件密切相关;初步分析表明在涨、落急过程中随流速加大可能引起表层沉积物再悬浮作用造成二次污染.  相似文献   

黄河口水中多环芳烃(PAHs)的季节分布特征及来源分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
采用GF/F玻璃滤膜对黄河入海口8个站位水样进行过滤分离出颗粒态和溶解态多环芳烃(PAHs),利用GCMS-QP2010进行定量分析.结果表明:丰水期、枯水期海水中多环芳烃浓度分别为473.7~1 190.1 ng/L,1 681.8~6 014.4 ng/L,同国内外河口及海湾相比,黄河入海口水相中多环芳烃污染较严重,且具有明显的季节分布特征,枯水期水相中多环芳烃浓度明显高于丰水期水相中多环芳烃浓度.丰水期水相中多环芳烃主要以溶解态形式存在,枯水期水相中多环芳烃主要以溶解态和颗粒态形式存在,丰水期和枯水期水中均且以萘、2-甲基萘和1-甲基萘污染为主.污染来源分析表明,枯水期黄河入海口表层水中PAHs主要来源于高温燃烧源,丰水期主要来源于石油污染和高温燃烧源.  相似文献   

东海表层水体中的多环芳烃及其沉积通量估算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以东海陆架水体中溶解态多环芳烃(PAHs)含量为基础,引入颗粒相-水相间的物质吸附系数(Koc)计算悬浮颗粒物中PAHs有机碳归一化含量,结合陆架沉积物有机碳的年埋藏通量,估算东海陆架沉积物中PAHs沉积通量。结果显示:水体中溶解态的15种PAHs总含量为(701±392)ng/L,变化范围为412~1 032ng/L,PAHs组成以3环为主。计算得到的悬浮颗粒物中15种PAHs有机碳归一化含量为20~28μg/g,对应的PAHs沉积通量为150~210t/a。估算结果与实测沉积物中PAHs含量和沉积通量结果基本吻合,表明实验室模拟实验获取的化合物Koc值适用于东海颗粒相-水相间的分配模型,证实悬浮颗粒物有机碳含量在控制PAHs两相分布过程中起着重要作用。同时,该方法为海洋沉积物中PAHs沉积通量的估算提供一种新途径。  相似文献   

持久性有机污染物因其与环境和人类健康息息相关而受到国内外研究学者的持续关注。本研究以类持久性有机污染物—多环芳烃(polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, PAHs)和新型持久性有机污染物—六溴环十二烷(hexabromocyclododecanes, HBCDs)为研究对象,于2019年1月和2月对九龙江河口表层水体进行了采样分析,采用固相萃取 气质联用(GC MS)方法,分析其表层水体中18种溶解态多环芳烃及3种六溴环十二烷的含量分布特征和组分特征,探究其来源并进行污染评价。结果表明,表层水体中溶解态多环芳烃ΣPAHs含量范围为38.49~256.00 ng/L,各组分以2环和3环为主,4环次之,5环及以上仅有个别站位检出,其来源以石油源为主,主要来源于石油类化石燃料燃烧。HBCDs的含量范围为ND~49.951 ng/L,以α HBCD为主,γ HBCD次之,β HBCD最少。与国内外其他港湾及流域相比,九龙江河口PAHs含量依然处于较高水平,HBCDs含量则处于相对较低水平。  相似文献   

刘永金  龚文平 《海洋工程》2017,35(3):105-111
采用ROMS模型研究了珠江口蕉门南水道枯季时的局部高盐度现象。表明这一现象在大潮期发育显著,而小潮期则不明显。从动力机制上解释了这一现象的成因,揭示其形成原因为大潮期的平流输运强,涨潮时的潮程远大于凫洲水道的长度,以及大潮期径流相对较小,有利于虎门的高盐度水体输运至蕉门水道。此外,大潮期由于洪奇沥与横门来的淡水在涨潮期向北输运而导致蕉门南水道口门处盐度较低。并进一步分析了这一现象的存在对蕉门南水道水体分层、河口环流及物质输运的意义。  相似文献   

胶州湾东部锡的输入、形态特征和生物地球化学过程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自1990年7月~1991年5月取样测量了胶州湾东部各形态锡的季节序列变化.溶解无机锡、有机锡和颗粒态锡的百分比表明了锡形态分布的区域特征及可能的输入.丰水期(7月),各形态锡出现异常高值(DISn76.7ng/dm3,DOSn546.1ng/dm3,PSn688.6ng/dm3),表明陆源输入的主要作用.随着湾内海水盐度升高,溶解态无机、有机锡呈现外海低值的特征,但颗粒锡占据了绝对比例.极高的颗粒物富集因子(8.5×104~2.2×105)和浮游生物富集因子(5.1×104~7.0×105),说明水体锡的强颗粒物活性和生物获得性,对排除无机、有机锡起重要作用.相反,沉积物中锡的甲基化则将是锡从沉积转入水体的重要途径.  相似文献   

利用切向超滤技术对九龙江口天然水体中胶体相(1 kDa~0. 45μm)、真溶解相(1 kDa)和"溶解相"(0. 45μm)的溶解有机碳和无机氮进行了分离与提取,初步探讨了水环境因子对其理化特性的影响机制,进而探讨了它们的来源和转化.结果表明,切向超滤过程的膜空白和质量平衡符合技术要求;溶解有机碳、亚硝酸盐氮、氨氮、硝酸盐氮和无机氮存在形式以真溶液相(1 kDa)为主,其在胶体相中的质量浓度分别为0. 207~0. 810 mg/dm3、0. 001~1. 870μg/dm3、ND~2. 08μg/dm3、0. 62~79. 30μg/dm3和1. 07~81. 10μg/dm3;胶体态溶解有机碳(COC)含量主要受陆源输入控制.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲径潮相互作用下潮能的传播和衰减   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
因径流潮汐相互作用,三角洲各水道的能通量包含径流引起的净通量及潮汐引起的潮能通量。本文利用珠江三角洲多断面实测水位及流量的同步测量数据,建立基于径潮耦合的调和分析模型,剥离径流信号,计算出各站的总潮能及M2、K1及高频浅水分潮的潮能,对珠江三角洲潮能的沿程传播及衰减进行研究。结果表明,通过虎门进入珠江三角洲的潮波能量约占51.2%,而通过崖门、蕉门、磨刀门传入三角洲的潮能约占37%;同时,因地形摩擦、径流耗能效应,三角洲各水道的总能量损耗为148.33 MW。潮波能量按汇聚型和分散型两大类型沿三角洲不同位置传播并沿程衰减。虎门狮子洋及珠江正干、崖门至潭江石咀两大水道体系,其潮能沿程分散传入不同汊道,断面总潮能的衰减幅度大于单宽潮能通量的衰减,单宽潮动能沿程平均衰减速率大于潮势能,半日分潮的潮能衰减速率大于全日分潮。虎门狮子洋因其形态影响,M2分潮振幅(或势能)的衰减最小,虎门至泗盛围段增加,平均每千米约增加0.77%。西四口门潮能汇聚于西海水道天河断面,总潮能的衰减速率小于磨刀门水道单宽潮能衰减速率。沿横门、洪奇门、蕉门进入的潮波多次交汇、分散,自横门至小榄、南华,南沙至海尾、荣奇,其单宽潮动能及M2、K1分潮动能的衰减速率小于潮势能,高频分潮势能沿程增加。  相似文献   

夏季珠江口水体中多环芳烃的分布、组成及来源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用1999年7月对珠江口海域的调查资料,对该区表层海水中优控多环芳烃的分布、组成及来源进行了分析和讨论,结果表明:(1)夏季珠江口海域表层海水中14种溶解态多环芳烃[苊、芴、菲、蒽、荧蒽、芘、苯并(a)蒽、艹屈、苯并(b)荧蒽、苯并(k)荧蒽、苯并(a)芘、二苯并(a,h)蒽、苯并(g,h,i)艹北、茚并(1,2,3-cd)艹比]的质量浓度为63.8~171.7 ng/L,且沿着冲淡水流向呈降低趋势;(2)颗粒态中15种多环芳烃[萘、苊、芴、菲、蒽、荧蒽、芘、苯并(a)蒽、艹屈、苯并(b)荧蒽、苯并(k)荧蒽、苯并(a)芘、二苯并(a,h)蒽、苯并(g,h,i)艹北、茚并(1,2,3-cd)艹比]的质量浓度为60.7~186.7 ng/L,其分布与水体载沙量及悬浮颗粒物的性质、粒径有关,具有从河口内向外海降低的分布特征;(3)多环芳烃组成和特征参数比值的分析表明,珠江口海域高温裂解来源的多环芳烃在伶仃洋海区输入最多,且主要为人类活动中煤燃烧排放的,而在香港岛周围海区的输入则相对较少,且主要为油燃烧排放的;(4)与法国塞纳河及长江口等河口相比,珠江三角洲海域水体中存在高菲含量排放源。  相似文献   

Dissolved cadmium and copper concentrations have been determined in 76 surface water samples in coastal and ocean waters around Scotland by anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV). A trace metal/salinity ‘front’ is observed to the west, north and north-east of Scotland separating high salinity ocean water (>35 × 10−3) with low concentrations of dissolved Cd and Cu from lower salinity (<35 × 10−3) coastal water containing higher concentrations of Cd and Cu. Mean Cd concentrations in ocean and coastal waters are 7 ng dm−3 (0·06 n ) and 11 ng dm−3 (0·10 n ) respectively; for Cu the respective levels are 60 ng dm−3 (0·95 n ) and 170 ng dm−3 (2·68 n ). The observed distribution is attributed principally to freshwater runoff and the advection of contaminated Irish Sea water into the study area.  相似文献   

于2009年至2011年在黄河下游采集溶解及颗粒态营养盐样品,分析了黄河下游各形态营养盐的浓度变化及营养盐入海通量,结果表明各形态氮的浓度多呈丰水期低、枯水期高,溶解无机氮是溶解态氮的主要存在形式;受黄河高悬浮颗粒物含量的影响,磷以颗粒态占绝对优势,而溶解态磷以溶解无机磷为主要存在形态;生物硅的含量平均约占硅酸盐与生物硅之和的20%,硅的浓度丰水期高于枯水期.颗粒态磷与生物硅的含量与悬浮颗粒物含量呈正相关.营养盐的组成具有高氮磷比、高硅磷比、低硅氮比的特点.近年来黄河下游溶解无机氮浓度显著升高而溶解无机磷变化不大,硅酸盐的浓度有所下降.黄河下游水沙通量、营养盐入海通量有明显的季节变化,丰水期占全年总入海通量的42%~84%.调水调沙期间,各营养盐的浓度和组成均有明显变化,氮的浓度、DIN/PO4-P下降,磷与硅的浓度、SiO3-Si/DIN、SiO3-Si/PO4-P升高,颗粒态营养盐的比例明显增加.短期内大量水沙及营养盐入海通量对黄河口及渤海生态系统产生重要影响.  相似文献   

Over 50 seawater samples from two different sites—Barcelona (Spain) and Banyuls-sur-Mer (France)—were analyzed in order to study the extent and postulate the processes driving the enrichment of hydrophobic organic pollutants in the sea surface microlayer (SML). A number of individual polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners (41) were measured to study their partitioning between the particulate (fraction > 0.7 μm) and the dissolved + colloidal phases (fraction < 0.7 μm), with the latter being differentiated into estimated dissolved and colloidal phases. In addition, several organochlorine pesticides were also measured, namely, HCB, α-HCH, γ-HCH, 4,4′-DDE, 4,4′-DDD and 4,4′-DDT. The presence of PCB congener profiles found in the SML suggests a dynamic coupling with the atmosphere in Banyuls sampling site, whereas offshore Barcelona the presence of highly chlorinated congeners was due to persistent sediment resuspension. The average PCB concentration in the SML dissolved + colloidal phase were higher in Banyuls (7.8 ng L 1) than in Barcelona (3.6 ng L 1) samples, but in the particulate phase concentrations were higher in Barcelona (3.2 ng L 1) to that of Banyuls (1.4 ng L 1). However, PCB concentrations in the SML generally also showed large variability. Enrichment factors of PCBs and other organochlorine compounds in the SML with respect to the underlying water column ranged from 0.2 to 7.4. This may be explained for both the dissolved + colloidal and particulate phases by the enrichment in the SML of organic carbon (OC) as discerned from particle–water and colloid–water partitioning.  相似文献   

In the spring of 1995, short-term variations in the concentration of particulate and dissolved dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and dimethylsulfide (DMS) were monitored in the western Wadden Sea, a shallow coastal region in open connection with the North Sea. Significant correlations were found between abundance of Phaeocystis globosa and particulate DMSP; concentrations increased rapidly from 100 to 1650 nM in the middle of April. Highest DMS concentrations were found during the initial phase of the exponential growth of the bloom. DMS production and loss rates of DMSP and DMS were estimated experimentally during various phases of the bloom. DMS production and consumption were roughly in balance, with production only slightly exceeding consumption at the start of the bloom. Rates of production and consumption were highest during the exponential growth phase of Phaeocystis and declined in the course of the bloom (from 300–375 to less than 5 nmol dm−3 d−1). Demethylation of DMSP increased during the bloom (from 11 to 1300 nmol dm−3 d−1); it accounted for up to 100% of the DMSP loss at the end of the bloom. The shift from DMSP cleavage to demethylation in the course of a Phaeocystis bloom implies that DMS concentrations are not necessarily highest at the peak or towards the end of blooms.  相似文献   

《Marine Chemistry》2001,75(3):229-248
Dissolved and particulate mercury and methylmercury concentrations were determined in the Southern Bight of the North Sea and the Scheldt estuary in the period 1991–1999. Mercury and methylmercury concentrations are higher before 1995 than after 1995, especially in the fluvial part.The North Sea: In the offshore stations, dissolved Hg concentrations are generally higher in winter than in summer while the reverse is true for particulate Hg KD values (KD=the concentration of particulate Hg (HgP in pmol kg−1) divided by the concentration of dissolved Hg (HgD in pmol l−1)) range from 100,000 to 1000,000 l kg−1. Dissolved methylmercury concentrations vary from 0.05 to 0.25 pmol l−1 in summer and from d.l. to 0.23 pmol l−1 in winter and particulate methylmercury concentrations from 1.8 to 36 pmol g−1 in summer and from 0.9 to 21 pmol g−1 in winter. The KD ranges from 9,000 to 219,000 l kg−1.The Scheldt estuary: In winter, dissolved Hg concentrations are elevated in the upper estuary, decrease exponentially in the low salinity range followed by a very slow decrease towards the mouth. In summer, they are low in the fluvial part, increase in the low salinity range or in the mid-estuary and sometimes show an increase in the lower estuary. Particulate Hg concentrations do not show any seasonal trend.Dissolved MMHg concentrations are much lower in winter, when maximum concentrations are found in the upper estuary, than in summer. In summer, the MMHg concentrations are low at low salinity, they show a first increase in the salinity range from 3 to 12, a decrease in the mid-estuary and a second increase in the lower estuary.The highest particulate MMHg concentrations are found in the upper estuary, while in the lower estuary generally lower and more constant values are observed. The ratio of dissolved MMHg to dissolved Hg (cruise averages between 1.3% and 20%), is higher than the ratio of particulate MMHg to particulate Hg (cruise averages of 0.27–0.90%). The KD values for MMHg are lower in the summer (30,000–65,000) than in autumn and winter (77,000–114,000).The Scheldt river: In the fluvial part of the Scheldt, dissolved increases in the most upstream stations, while particulate Hg shows no particular pattern. Dissolved MMHg ranges from 0.1 to 0.39 pmol l−1 and particulate MMHg from 3.1 to 43.5 pmol g−1. The MMHg concentrations are comparable to those found in the estuary and no seasonal variations could be observed.  相似文献   

Dissolved and particulate concentrations of the biogenic thiols cysteine (Cys), arginine–cysteine (Arg–Cys), glutamine–cysteine (Gln–Cys), γ-glutamate–cysteine (γ-Glu–Cys) and glutathione (GSH) were measured in the subartic Pacific Ocean in the summer of 2003 using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with precolumn derivatization as reported in previous work. In this study, a preconcentration protocol for the derivatized thiols was utilized to extend detection limits of dissolved thiols to picomolar levels. The measured concentrations of particulate and dissolved thiols were uncoupled, with distinctive depth profiles and large differences in the particulate to dissolved ratios between individual compounds. Glutathione was the most abundant particulate thiol whereas the most abundant dissolved thiol was γ-Glu–Cys, with concentrations as high as 15 nM. Given the relatively small pool of intracellular γ-Glu–Cys and the very low dissolved concentrations of GSH, we hypothesize that glutathione released from cells is rapidly converted to the potentially degradation resistant γ-Glu–Cys outside the cell. The relatively high concentrations of other dissolved thiols compared to particulate concentrations implies both biological exudation and slow degradation rates. Some thiols appear to vary with changes in nutrient availability but this effect is difficult to decouple from changes in community structure inferred from pigment analyses. Dissolved thiol concentrations also exceed typical metal concentrations in the subartic Pacific, supporting previous arguments that they may be important in metal speciation.  相似文献   

The Mussel Watch program conducted along the French coasts for the last 20 years indicates that the highest mercury concentrations in the soft tissue of the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) occur in animals from the eastern part of Seine Bay on the south coast of the English Channel, the “Pays de Caux”. This region is characterized by the presence of intertidal and submarine groundwater discharges, and no particular mercury effluent has been reported in its vicinity. Two groundwater emergence systems in the karstic coastal zone of the Pays de Caux (Etretat and Yport with slow and fast water percolation pathways respectively) were seasonally sampled to study mercury distribution, partitioning and speciation in water. Samples were also collected in the freshwater–seawater mixing zones in order to compare mercury concentrations and speciation between these “subterranean” or “groundwater” estuaries and the adjacent macrotidal Seine estuary, characterized by a high turbidity zone (HTZ). The mercury concentrations in the soft tissue of mussels from the same areas were monitored at the same time.The means of the “dissolved” (< 0.45 μm) mercury concentrations (HgTD) in the groundwater springs were 0.99 ± 0.15 ng l− 1 (n = 18) and 0.44 ± 0.17 ng l− 1 (n = 17) at Etretat and Yport respectively. High HgTD concentrations were associated with strong runoff over short water pathways during storm periods, while low concentrations were associated with long groundwater pathways. Mean particulate mercury concentrations were 0.22 ± 0.05 ng mg− 1 (n = 16) and 0.16 ± 0.10 ng mg− 1 (n = 17) at Etretat and Yport respectively, and decreased with increasing particle concentration probably as a result of dilution by particles from soil erosion. Groundwater mercury speciation was characterized by high reactive-to-total mercury ratios in the dissolved phase (HgRD/HgTD: 44–95%), and very low total monomethylmercury concentrations (MMHg < 8 pg l− 1). The HgTD distributions in the Yport and Etretat mixing zones were similar (overall mean concentration of 0.73 ± 0.21 ng l− 1, n = 43), but higher than those measured in the adjacent industrialized Seine estuary (mean: 0.31 ± 0.11 ng l− 1, n = 67). In the coastal waters along the Pays de Caux dissolved monomethylmercury (MMHgD) concentrations varied from 9.5 to 13.5 pg l− 1 (2 to 8% of the HgTD). Comparable levels were measured in the Seine estuary (range: 12.2– 21.1 pg l−1; 6–12% of the HgTD). These groundwater karstic estuaries seem to be mostly characterized by the higher HgTD and HgRD concentrations than in the adjacent HTZ Seine estuary. While the HTZ of the Seine estuary acts as a dissolved mercury removal system, the low turbid mixing zone of the Pays de Caux receives the dissolved mercury inputs from the groundwater seepage with an apparent Hg transfer from the particulate phase to the “dissolved” phase (< 0.45 μm). In parallel, the soft tissue of mussels collected near the groundwater discharges, at Etretat and Yport, exhibited significantly higher values than those found in the mussel from the mouth of the Seine estuary. We observe that this difference mimics the differences found in the mercury distribution in the water, and argue that the dissolved phase of the groundwater estuaries and coastal particles are significant sources of bioavailable mercury for mussels.  相似文献   

Specific effects of tributyltin (TBT) on Crassostrea gigas—valve thickening, and Nucella lapillus—imposex, were measured on local populations, relatively clean unaffected species from England were transferred to the Netherlands and exposed during six weeks to ambient TBT concentrations. Near marinas 50% of the exposed species were sterile after six weeks. In general, no dissolved butyltins were detected in the Rhine and Scheldt estuaries. In 1988 TBT concentrations in marinas ranged from 120 to 4000 ng litre−1. In sediments (fraction <60 μm) and suspended particulate matter TBT concentrations reached up to 1200 ng g−1. TBT concentrations in mussel tissue ranged from <1 to 2300 ng g−1 based on a dry weight. In 1989 concentrations of dissolved TBT ranged from <0·1 to 7200 ng litre−1. In 1989 a seasonal study in the marina of Colijnsplaat showed that dissolved butyltins increased from April to the end of May due to the launching of freshly painted boats, and decreased afterwards.  相似文献   

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