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通过分析研究区各类综合调查数据,识别地质灾害类型,编制海底灾害地质图;建立由地震烈度区划指标、海底灾害地质类指标、海底地貌类指标、海底沉积物类型指标组成的评价因素集,建立与评价因素集匹配的评语集。运用模糊信息化及贴近度分析等综合性方法获得评价因子对风险影响程度的隶属度值,以层次分析法确定评价因子间权重值。运用模糊数学原理构建模糊综合评价模型,以6′×6′为网格大小,对冲绳海槽中段及附近海域海底900个评价单元进行模糊综合运算及评价,并绘制了海底稳定性区划图。以期今后为该区资源的开发、防灾减灾等提供基础资料。  相似文献   

东海油气资源区海底稳定性评价研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
海洋灾害地质因素是影响海洋开发活动安全的重要因素。通过提取东海油气资源区的地球物理和工程地质资料中的灾害地质因素和对东海油气资源区灾害地质环境的充分研究,以灾害地质因素为评价因子,应用GIS技术,采用加权统计模型对研究区的海底稳定性进行分区定量评价。利用评价结果,确定了东海油气资源区基于地貌类型区划的海底稳定性级别。  相似文献   

利用全覆盖的多波束测深、侧扫声纳和浅地层剖面等声波探测数据,分析研究了青岛近海灾害地质类型及其声学反射特征,编制了青岛近海灾害地质图。青岛近海灾害地质主要有:活动断层、潮流沙脊、活动沙波、海底滑坡、出露基岩、礁石、埋藏断层、侵蚀沟槽、潮流三角洲和埋藏古河道等。根据其危害程度和成因对该海域的灾害地质类型进行了分类,并对其形态特征、空间分布、成因机制及对海洋工程建设的影响进行了分析讨论。结合前人研究成果,探讨了构造运动、海平面变化和现代水动力等地质环境因素对青岛近海灾害地质形成和分布的影响。通过对青岛近海灾害地质研究,可为该地区海洋工程建设和防灾减灾提供理论基础。  相似文献   

珠江口地区是我国重要的经济圈,人类活动剧烈,其近岸区域地质环境复杂,区内灾害性地质因素广泛发育且类型多样.为了海底工程建设和维护的需要,对海底区域地质灾害进行风险评价,可掌握不同区域的灾害程度,有针对性的选择地质条件相对稳定的区域进行工程建设,绕避高风险不良地质地区,或在不良地质地区采取相应工程措施加以防治.本文运用模糊评价的方法,将珠江口近岸113°00'E~114°00'E,21°40'N~22°40'N的区域,按照2'×2 '的网格大小划分为546个评价单元,对每个单元稳定程度逐一进行评价.评价结果表明:在研究区范围内,多数海域海床均为稳定区域,约占总评价区的58%;较不稳定区域包含该区多种地质灾害,约占研究区的25%;极不稳定区域所占范围较小,主要分布在研究区的东北和西北2个断层附近,该区域同时存在断层、洼地和浅层气,在工程建设时需着重注意.  相似文献   

我国海洋环境地质   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
我国海洋地质环境研究始于20世纪50至60年代,80至90年代是我国海洋环境地质学形成和快速发展时期。灾害地质是海洋环境地质研究的先行领域,全球变化研究也取得长足进展。全球变化、区域海洋环境地质调查、滨海城市地质、沿海地下水环境、海洋灾害地质、海底不稳定性、滨海湿地、人类活动对海洋地质环境影响等,都是今后我国海洋环境地质研究的重要方向。我国海岸带地质环境,具有构造活动性强、入海泥沙大、多风暴潮、人工环境非常突出等特征。海岸带基本环境问题包括地质资源利用、人为工程环境、流域环境变化、海平面上升等对海岸带环境影响4个方面。黄河、长江、珠江三大三角洲,除共性问题外,还存在各自独特的环境地质问题。海底不稳定性和灾害地质因素是目前近海环境地质学研究的主要课题,大抵可分为构造、斜坡、底型和结构4种不稳定性。中国近海有六大类约40种灾害地质因素。根据地质环境特征,中国近海可分为17个环境地质区。  相似文献   

利用高分辨率地球物理资料及相关历史资料,对北部湾北部的广西近海灾害地质因素进行了地质地球物理解译,识别出海底沙波、海底沙脊、塌陷洼地、冲刷沟槽、浅层气、残积砂体、地层间断、埋藏丘、埋藏古河道等多种灾害地质因素.根据它们出现的频率、规模及声学特征可知:浅层气和埋藏古河道是广西近海最为发育的灾害地质因素,其对海洋工程的施工与建设有较大的危害性.  相似文献   

河北南堡-曹妃甸海域潜在的浅表灾害地质类型及特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用2~7kHz浅地层剖面探测、多波束、单波束水深数据以及侧扫声纳勘测影像等地质地球物理实测数据,分析研究了河北南堡-曹妃甸海域各种潜在的地质灾害类型,编制了该海域的灾害地质图与海底地貌图。并在前人对海岸带灾害地质类型分类的基础上,对该海域的潜在的灾害地质类型进行了分类。对海底浅层气、活动沙波、海底侵蚀、活动断裂、埋藏斜层、陡坡、陡坎以及沟槽等与近海海洋工程密切相关的灾害类型的空间分布特征深入研究。研究结果显示:调查区海域的潜在地质灾害因素分布较为集中,多发育在缓斜的水下侵蚀堆积岸坡与陡斜的水下侵蚀岸坡分界线附近,浅层气,陡坡陡坎以及沟槽都有发育;在陆架侵蚀洼地区,发育有较大规模的沟槽,海底侵蚀现象也是较为普遍;调查区其他海域,灾害类型较少,局部发育有活动沙波和埋藏斜层等。  相似文献   

海洋石油钻井平台是海洋油气勘探开发的重要手段,其安全就位和稳定施工,与井场区海底的工程地质条件密切相关。就事关平台安全的工程地质条件预测评价技术作了研究,评价预测了与自升式钻井平台稳定作业有关的软弱下卧地层的穿插和持力、海底斜坡条件下工程地质层稳定性、半潜式钻井平台的锚固力以及不同底质条件下海底底流的冲蚀。推荐了实践有效的半经验计算公式,为海洋石油钻井平台井场工程地质条件的稳定评价提供参考。  相似文献   

珠江口海域灾害地质因素及其与环境变化的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
珠江口海域地质环境比较复杂, 孕育着多种灾害地质因素。通过收集的浅地层剖面、卫星遥感、钻孔资料及系统的野外调查, 研究了珠江口海域灾害地质类型及其分布, 编制了珠江口灾害地质示意图。珠江口海域灾害地质类型很多, 可划分为新构造灾害地质、侵蚀堆积灾害地质、承压流体塑性体灾害地质、结构不均匀性灾害地质4个类型, 包括活动断层、地震、浅层气、沙波、潮流沙脊、冲蚀槽沟、海岸侵蚀与淤积、陡坎、埋藏古河道、浅埋基岩面等。它们的分布范围很广且密集。新构造运动及晚更新世以来海平面变化, 决定了珠江口海域复杂的海洋灾害地质类型及分布。珠江口众多的灾害地质问题将会对经济发展和海底工程建设安全构成潜在威胁, 应该引起高度重视。  相似文献   

以胜利埕岛油田海底长输天然气管道为例,较系统介绍了海底管道勘测方法,根据调查资料成果,划分了调查地区地貌特征类型,给出了天然气埋设探测状况,总结了水深变化规律和区域水深差异特点,分析了水深变化、海底冲蚀和地质作用等因素对海底管道可能造成的影响,为管道安全生产、灾害预报评估和今后海上工程调查研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Exploration and development of offshore hydrocarbon resources has advanced into remote deepwater regions over the last decade and poses significant technical challenges for the design and installation of wells and facilities at extreme water depths. Seafloor and shallow subsurface processes and conditions in these areas are complex and generally poorly understood, and the geohazards to development are larger scale and fundamentally different to those encountered onshore; consequently the geohazard risk to deepwater development projects is potentially significant and requires careful evaluation and mitigation during the front-end planning and engineering design stages of projects. There are no established industry standards or methods for the assessment of geohazards and engineering-quality geophysical data at the scale of development. The paper describes an integrated and systematic map-based approach for the assessment and mitigation of seabed geohazards and risk to proposed deepwater development. The approach employs a multi-disciplinary team working with engineering-quality field calibrated data to accurately map and assess seafloor ground conditions and ensure that development proposals are not exposed to intolerable geohazard risk. The approach taken is very similar to the practice of establishing geological models for land-based engineering projects, in which the complete geological history of the site is used to characterise and predict the performance of the ground. Such an approach is routine for major projects on land but so far does not seem to be common practice in the offshore industry. The paper illustrates the seafloor geomophological mapping approach developed. The products are being used to optimise development layouts to avoid geohazards where possible and to support site-specific engineering design of facilities based on a detailed understanding of the potential geohazard loadings and associated risk.  相似文献   

东海西部海域工程地质条件评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据东海西部海域浅部地层的成因、地质年代及沉积层序,将晚更新世末以来的地层自上而下划分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅵ工程地质层。又根据所遇地层的岩性、厚度,埋藏条件及物理——力学性质的不同分若干亚层。东海西部海底不稳定因素有:地震、浅层气、滑坡、崩塌、侵蚀与沉积作用、海底地貌形态。综上因素将东海西部海域划分为:长江水下三角洲工程地质区、浙东海域工程地质区和陆架平原工程地质区。  相似文献   

根据杭州湾近年来工程地质勘察和地球物理探测所获得的资料,将杭州湾常见的地质灾害分为活动性地质灾害和限制性地质灾害.对杭州湾常见的地质灾害因素作了比较深入的分析,特别是潮流冲刷槽、古河道、软土、滑坡、砂土液化、浅层气等与海洋工程密切相关的地质灾害类型及其分布特征、形成机制及危害性等,为本区海洋工程建设和海洋开发提供基础资...  相似文献   

根据地貌晕渲图的制作方法,结合海洋地理数据实际情况,探讨了三维海底晕渲图的制作方法;并将此方法应用于海洋基础地理数据相关项目——地理实体图集的制作。采用ArcGIS软件实现了计算机自动制作三维海底晕渲图的全过程,从最终成果可以看出平面成果图和立体成果图都富有很强立体感,这使人们对海底地形有直观认识,应用将更方便。  相似文献   

In nature, a slope stability is determined by the ratio of a sliding resistance to a slide force. The slide force of a marine deep-water continental slope is mainly affected by sediment mechanics properties, a topography, and a marine seismic. However, the sliding resistance is mainly affected by sedimentary patterns and a sedimentary stress history. Both of these are different from case to case, and their impact can be addressed when the data are organized in a geographic information system(GIS). The study area on the continental slope in Zhujiang River Mouth Basin in South China Sea provides an excellent opportunity to apply GIS spatial analysis technology for the evaluation of the slope stability. In this area, a continental slope topography and a three-dimension(3-D) topography mapping show a sea-floor morphology and the distribution of a slope steepness in good detail, and the sediment analysis of seabed samples and an indoor appraisal reveals the variability of a sediment density near the sea-floor surface. On the basis of the results of nine geotechnical studies of submarine study areas, it has worked out that an equivalent cyclic shear stress ratio is roughly between 0.158 and 0.933, which is mainly depending on the initial water content of sediment. A regional density, slope and level of anticipated seismic shaking information are combined in a GIS framework to yield a map that illustrates a continental slope stability zoning under the influencing factors in Zhujiang River Mouth Basin in the South China Sea. The continental slope stability evaluation can contribute to north resources development in the South China Sea, the marine functional zoning, the marine engineering construction and adjust measures to local conditions, at the same time also can provide references for other deep-water slope stability analysis.  相似文献   

海岸带工程地质环境的稳定性对于海洋工程的建设安全和沿海经济繁荣十分重要。在胶州湾海域已有地质、水文等数据的基础上,对胶州湾海底工程环境适宜性进行了分区。通过无监督机器学习的谱聚类算法,构建了胶州湾海底工程环境适宜性综合评价模型。结果表明,胶州湾整体工程环境适宜性趋势为北高南低,从北向南依次可分为适宜性高、适宜性较高、适宜性较低和适宜性低四个区域。相关性分析表明,影响胶州湾海域海底工程适宜性的因素从高到低依次为冲淤分布、沉积物类型、坡度、第四系沉积物厚度、水深、海流流速、断裂分布。本研究可为胶州湾工程环境和地质灾害预防提供参考,有助于海洋工程环境稳定和经济安全保障。  相似文献   

王昭  张辉 《海洋测绘》2017,(1):51-54
海图自动综合研究由传统地图综合研究和海部要素综合算法两部分组成,是海图生产自动化的瓶颈之一。简要分析了海图海部要素综合算法的特点,思考和展望了海图综合的未来发展方向:深入研究海部要素的特征,重视基于三维模型等全局性综合算法,加强海图自动综合的系统化和工程化,以及海洋信息多尺度表达的研究。  相似文献   

南海琼东南深水海区是南中国海石油天然气资源潜在储量较为丰富的地区,油气勘探开发的力度正日益加大。但是,该海区处于南海大陆坡与西沙海槽区域,海底水深大,地形变化剧烈,水体动力环境和海底地质条件复杂,引发地质灾害的触发机制丰富,稍有疏忽,将给石油钻井平台带来巨大损失。在收集有关资料的基础上,对海底的地质环境务件作了研究,发现了一些有可能发生或潜在的地质灾害类型,并对其特征作了描述,以引起有关方面在石油钻井钻前井场工程地质调查和评价时予以重视。  相似文献   

The stability of a porous seabed under wave and current loadings is particularly important for engineers to design marine structures such as submarine pipelines, breakwaters, and offshore platform foundations. Most previous investigations of dynamic response of marine structures and seabed have only considered the influence of wave loading, but the important influence of current is ignored. Even if the influence of current is considered, the interaction mechanism of both loadings has not been clearly elaborated. Based on the Biot’s dynamic theory and combined two-dimensional nonlinear progressive wave and uniform current theory, the interaction mechanism of wave and current loadings and the influence of current on wave characteristic are analyzed by numerical computations. The influence of current velocity, different permeability, and stratification in seabed on the effective stresses and pore pressures of seabed is discussed in detail. Further, the stability of seabed is evaluated through the liquefaction analysis of seabed, which will provide important reference frames to improve the design and construction of marine structures.  相似文献   

The paper presents an overview of recent developments in geotechnical analysis and design associated with oil and gas developments in deep water. Typically the seabed in deep water comprises soft, lightly overconsolidated, fine grained sediments, which must support a variety of infrastructure placed on the seabed or anchored to it. A particular challenge is often the mobility of the infrastructure either during installation or during operation, and the consequent disturbance and healing of the seabed soil, leading to changes in seabed topography and strength. Novel aspects of geotechnical engineering for offshore facilities in these conditions are reviewed, including: new equipment and techniques to characterise the seabed; yield function approaches to evaluate the capacity of shallow skirted foundations; novel anchoring systems for moored floating facilities; pipeline and steel catenary riser interaction with the seabed; and submarine slides and their impact on infrastructure. Example results from sophisticated physical and numerical modelling are presented.  相似文献   

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