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水流作用下渔网养殖空间变化的计算方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏炜  詹杰民 《海洋工程》2007,25(1):93-100
渔网的动力分析是养殖网箱设计和优化的基础。通过把一系列杆相互铰接在一起,建立网的模型,模拟网在来流作用下的变形。作用在杆上的水动力可以通过Morison公式来计算,采用有限单元的离散方法,并利用网目合并的方法来减少总的自由度数目。模型的计算结果同试验成果做了对比,计算与试验在柔性网的变形方面,结果吻合良好。  相似文献   

选取2011-2017年上海沿岸海域5个浮标站点的风场和海浪数据,分析了大风过程的时间和空间特征;对海浪成长过程进行风向分类,运用滑动相关分析统计了8个风向的海浪滞后时间;计算了大风起风时间的预报提前和滞后量,进行了风速风向的误差和准确率检验。结果表明:越往东部海域,大风时数越多,长江口区东部风速较大;大风极值主要出现在8月份台风过程,出现时段都为傍晚到半夜,大浪极值浪向以东北到东南向为主;秋冬季大风时数多,5-6月大风时数最少;大风风向以西北到东北风为主;海浪成长过程风向分布是东南-西北走向,海浪对风的响应滞后时间平均为3~4 h;大风起风时间预报较实况略有滞后,风速预报的准确率总体在70%以上,预报值较实况值偏小,口外浮标偏小最为明显,偏强率都为0;风向预报准确率低,误差大。  相似文献   

孙静  黄勇 《海洋科学》2021,45(1):14-21
在对东海的自由生活海洋线虫进行分类和多样性研究中,发现2个我国新纪录种并进行了描述。深海螺旋球咽线虫Spirobolbolaimus bathyalis Soetaert&Vincx,1988的主要鉴别特征为:体表具显著的环纹,头感觉器呈乳突状,化感器螺旋形,口腔中部具有一个背齿以及一对亚腹齿,咽前后各有一个咽球;具有两条弧形的交接刺,引带呈板状,无肛前辅器,具两个反向排列的直伸精巢。伸长丝瘤线虫Filoncholaimus prolatus Hopper,1967的主要鉴别特征为:体表光滑,内唇感觉器乳突状,十根头刚毛,口腔具一背齿及两个等大的亚腹齿,尾锥状,渐变为长丝状,锥状部分具尾刚毛;交接刺呈弧形,引带简单,板状,无引带突,具两个乳突状的肛前辅器和两个反向排列的直伸精巢。  相似文献   

红笛鲷头肾和脾脏显微结构的观察   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对红笛鲷头肾和脾脏显微结构的观察发现,头肾表面覆盖有一薄层纤维结缔组织性被膜,未见明显的小梁.实质主要由淋巴组织和血窦构成,可分为两个区,A区淋巴组织排列成索状,环血管呈放射状分布;B区的淋巴细胞则以形成弥散性分布淋巴组织为特征.主要细胞有各种血细胞、巨噬细胞和一些其他的颗粒细胞等,未见明显的巨噬细胞聚集中心及粒细胞聚集中心.脾脏被膜较薄,未见明显的小梁,实质由白髓和红髓相间排列组成.白髓中未见明显的脾小结、淋巴鞘结构,红髓由脾索和脾窦构成.研究结果表明:红笛鲷的头肾和脾脏是硬骨鱼类机体造血的主要器官,又是鱼类重要的免疫器官.  相似文献   

本文运用扫描电子显微镜技术研究了贻贝唇瓣的形态结,结果表明,贻贝唇瓣外部形态呈羽毛状,分为光滑面和皱褶面;褶皱面表面被覆浓密纤毛,分有沟嵴和无嵴两部分,界限明显,光滑面纤毛较少,呈簇状,分布不均,在褶皱面中央分界处和光滑面的一侧,有大量球状突起,为杯状细胞所在,纤毛和粘液在食物分拣和运输中起重要作用。  相似文献   

象山港水交换数值研究 Ⅱ.模型应用和水交换研究   总被引:25,自引:4,他引:21  
使用水平二维对流-扩散型水交换模式模拟研究了象山港的水交换,对不同区域的水交换控制机理作了初步探讨,象山港水交换状况与其控制机制的区域性变化很大。牛鼻水道至佛渡水道是一个潮流较强的潮通道;90%水交换周期为5天左右。象山港狭湾内水交换周期较长,湾顶处90%水交换的周期约为80天左右。  相似文献   

褐牙鲆鳃氯细胞的超微结构研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用透射电镜技术,研究了褐牙鲆(Paralichthys olrvaceus)鳃氯细胞的超微结构特征。研究表明,褐牙鲆鳃氯细胞主要分布于鳃小叶基部,具有微细小管系统和分泌腔。有丰富的线粒体,细胞核基位。根据氯细胞结构的不同,将其分为4种类型:I型氯细胞、Ⅱ型氯细胞、Ⅲ型氯细胞和Ⅳ型氯细胞。I型氯细胞胞体较大,细胞基质密度较低。微细小管系统发达呈细管状;Ⅱ型氯细胞外形不规则。胞体较大,细胞基质密度较高,微细小管系统主要呈粗网状;Ⅲ型氯细胞外形不规则,细胞基质具有很高的电子密度,微细小管系统不发达,胞内存在大量线粒体,分泌腔小;Ⅳ型氯细胞为扁平状,细胞体积较小,具有较大的分泌腔,但微细小管系统不发达。褐牙鲆鳃氯细胞系统是主要的渗透压调节系统。  相似文献   

红鳍东方鲀精子形态的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实验研究红鳍东方精子形态的超微结构:红鳍东方精子分头部和尾部等两部分。头部似炮弹状,无顶体;核内有空隙,空隙中有或无少量电子致密小颗粒;细胞膜与核膜间的原生质有向外鼓起的单个小液泡;中心粒复合体位于植入窝内,由近端中心粒、中心粒间体和基体等组成。袖套位于核后端,内含7~8个环列的线粒体球。尾部近核端部分鞭毛的一侧有小囊泡群聚的囊泡鞘;远核端部分有侧鳍;囊泡鞘和侧鳍与轴丝的中央微管同在“Y”轴上;轴丝为“9+2”结构。  相似文献   

The resonance phenomenon of fluid motions in the gap between ship section, seabed and vertical quay wall is studied numerically and experimentally. The natural frequency of the fluid motions in the gap is derived. A two-dimensional time-domain coupled numerical model is developed to calculate the non-linear wave forces acting on a ship section against vertical quay in a harbor. The fluid domain is divided into an inner domain and an outer domain. The outer domain is the area between the left side of ship section and the incident boundary, where flow is expressed by Boussinesq equations. The rest area is the inner domain, which is the domain beneath the ship section plus the domain between the right side of ship section and vertical quay wall. The flow in the inner domain is expressed by Newton's Second Law. Matching conditions on the interface between the inner domain and the outer domain are the continuation of volume flux and the equality of pressures. The numerical results are validated by experimental data.  相似文献   

基于CUBE算法的多波束测深数据自动处理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王海栋  柴洪洲 《海洋通报》2011,30(3):246-251
对CUBE算法自动处理多波束测深数据的模型建立、格网节点的多重估计和最优估值选取准则进行了详细介绍,深入分析了多重估计的实用性,并通过实测数据对该算法进行实现.利用了抗差Kalman滤波改进CUBE算法.通过模拟数据对改进的CUBE算法进行实验,验证了算法改进的必要性.  相似文献   

A finite element method is developed for the stiffened multi-layered airfoil/hydrofoil structure for the large deformation and finite strain problem. The kinematics of the airfoil/hydrofoil is set up. The Consistent Orthogonal Basis Function Space is applied for the airfoil/hydrofoil structure. Given the airfoil/hydrofoil configuration and boundary conditions, the basis function space can be uniquely determined, such that the diagonal mass matrix is obtained accurately and the basis functions are very identical with the mode shape functions of the structure. In order to satisfy the displacement compatibility condition between adjacent layers of the airfoil/hydrofoil, the traction degree-of-freedom is also induced.The post buckling analysis is presented for the wing (hydrofoil) structure of the underwater glider. The water pressure is applied on the outer surface and the critical buckling pressure is calculated. The post buckling equilibrium path is also given. The results are verified with ANSYS. The present study of the buckling analysis of the airfoil/hydrofoil under water pressure is helpful to the design of underwater glider.  相似文献   

福建长乐海域近江蛏营养成分分析与品质评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
测试分析了福建长乐海域近江蛏(Sinonovacula rivularis)新鲜软体部的营养成分,并与部分经济蛏类进行比较.结果表明,近江蛏软体部的出肉率为48.1%±6.0%,软体部中的水分、蛋白质、脂肪和灰分质量分数分别为84.9%、9.4%、1.6%、1.4%.近江蛏软体部中含有人体所需的17种氨基酸(除色氨酸未测外),氨基酸含量为74.0mg/g,必需氨基酸(C EAA)占氨基酸总量(C TAA)的37.2%,鲜味氨基酸(C FAA)占氨基酸总量(C TAA)的49.6%,17种氨基酸中谷氨酸(Glu)含量最高.根据AAS和CS评价,第一限制性氨基酸为苯丙氨酸(Phe).赖氨酸(lys)的AAS评分最高,超过FAO/WHO模式和鸡蛋蛋白质.软体部的必需氨基酸指数(I EAA)为100.06,必需氨基酸(EAA)与非必需氨基酸(NEAA)的比值(C EAA/C NEAA)为59.1%,必需氨基酸(EAA)与氨基酸总量(CTAA)的比值(C EAA/C TAA)为37.2%,构成比例均接近FAO/WHO提出的优质蛋白质标准.近江蛏软体部和足部的多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)含量高于饱和脂肪酸(SFA)的含量,多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)中又以高度不饱和脂肪酸(HUFA)的组成为主,并且n-3PUFA的含量明显高于n-6PUFA的含量;DHA和EPA含量丰富,软体部的EPA与DHA质量分数分别为4.4%、3.0%,EPA含量高于DHA的含量,两者之和分别占多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)的80.4%、81.1%.近江蛏足部的PUFA含量、Cn-3/Cn-6比值以及C EPA+C DHA之和均高于软体部.近江蛏软体部中合有丰富的矿物质元素,尤其是Zn、Se含量十分丰富.表明近江蛏肌肉具有较高的营养价值.建议对近江蛏等底栖性贝类在食用前进行蓄养净化,并对其进行消费安全和人体健康风险评价.  相似文献   

A New Model for Ice Forces on A Conical Structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ice force is an important factor to be taken into account for offshore structures in cold regions, and the calculation method of the ice force is meaningful for the offshore structure design. The cone is now used as an optimal ice-resistant structure because it can cause bending failure of the ice sheet. The interaction between an ice sheet and a conical structure is studied in this paper and Croasdale‘s model is modified based on field observations. The newly built model separates the ice sheet into the emersed part and the floating part, and the equilibrium analyses are canied out respectively. The bending moment distribution of the ice sheet is analyzed for the determination of the position of bending failure, which serves as a supplementary restraint. The analytic solution of the ice foree on a conical structure is obtained it is verified with the experimental data of previous researches.  相似文献   

博鳌旅游度假区地貌景观演变与岸坡稳定性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以傅鳌亚洲论坛为契机迅速发展的位于万泉河河口地区的海南傅鳌旅游度假区,在海内外事有较高的知名度和旅游吸引力。旅游度假区内地貌景观的多样性特征显著,集丘陵山地、海洋、泻湖洼地、岛屿、河道、沙坝、河口海岸等地貌景观为一体,万泉河河口地区长期以来保持优美的自然景观,具有很好的旅游开发前景。博螯旅游度假区以泻湖-沙坝、河口岛屿-潮汐汊道为主的沉积地貌体系,发育于全新世海平面上升的背景下,现代地貌格局约在3000aBP形成。河口海岸和江心洲地貌稳定性问题成为海南岛博鳌旅游度假区可持续发展的关键影响因素,其中口门附近的稳定性最差,玉带滩北段的海岸侵蚀比较明显,万泉河主河道南岸的侵蚀比较严重,沙美内海的淤积则不断加强。结合区域地貌特征,提出解决岸坡稳定性的若干对策。  相似文献   

中国对虾精子的内部结构分为棘部、中间部和主体部。棘部由质膜、顶体囊膜和顶体物构成 ;中间部由质膜和顶体囊膜围绕顶体囊腔和顶体物构成 ;主体部则由细胞质带围绕细胞核构成。细胞质带中有线粒体衍生物、环状片层体、粗面内质网和一些泡状结构等 ,细胞核膜不完整 ,核物质絮状 ,核仁 1~ 2个。中国对虾雄虾体内与雌虾纳精器中的精子形态结构有明显的不同。雄虾体内精子外形似“梨形”,棘部短粗 ,中间部不明显 ,精子棘部基端物质呈螺旋状 ,主体部内质网发达 ,有线粒体衍生物。而雌虾纳精器中的精子外形似“葫芦”形 ,棘部细长 ,中间部明显 ,精子棘部上端物质呈螺旋状 ,内质网浓缩为团块状 ,未发现线粒体衍生物  相似文献   

A new box-corer is described. Placement and penetration of the box-corer is video-assisted to secure a sample representative of the bottom. The box itself is constructed of fully transparent polycarbonate which allows for video control observation of the sediment/water interface during sampling. The box is open during the descent towards the seabed but closes when the release is triggered. The box-corer is hydraulically damped so that the box after landing is very gently pushed into the seabed to a predetermined depth. A sediment sample with a total length of about 35 cm and with a surface area of 400 cm 2 (20.0 x 20.0 cm) is collected in the box together with the near bottom water to a height of about 10 cm above the bed. The box-corer height is 180 cm and the total weight about 200 kg. The legs can be dismounted which makes transportation easy. The box-corer has been operated with success both in coarse sand and in soft silt and clay dominated sediments.  相似文献   

各向同性均匀湍流近壁结构及泥沙起动   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用振动格栅产生的各向同性均匀湍流研究了泥沙的起动。应用PTV技术和局部光学放大技术对湍流场进行了测量,发现近壁面湍流动能的指数分布规律。分析了泥沙在均匀同性湍流中的起动机制,并用概率统计理论对泥沙的起动进行了定量的描述。通过测定泥沙起动事件的概率,得到了同种泥沙在不同流动参数下起动的临界湍流动能。  相似文献   

栉孔扇贝成熟卵形态与超微结构的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
实验研究栉孔扇贝成熟卵的形态与超微结构。观察表明卵子表面呈蜂窝状,无卵极标志。受精前质膜形态模糊,属非典型单位膜。卵质内含有线粒体、内质网、高尔基体等细胞器,但缺乏中心粒复合体。皮层内含有皮层颗粒。卵黄形态不同,来源于多种细胞器。卵子的成熟核相为第一次成熟分裂中期。  相似文献   

对航行体离筒后海水倒灌后形成的水锤效应进行了研究。 通过数据分析,描述了发射筒内产生的水锤压力现象,分析了水锤压力产生的机理,采用 CFD 分析方法对海水涌入发射筒后的流场特性和载荷特性进行了数值模拟计算;建立了水锤压力峰值估算模型,计算了航行体离筒速度和离筒时筒内压力的变化对发射筒底部压力的影响,得到不同工况条件下水锤效应的变化规律。  相似文献   

Initial stage of incompressible liquid impact onto a corrugated elastic panel with account for compressible gas trapping between the corrugations is studied. The liquid free surface is flat and parallel to the panel before impact. The impact velocity is constant in this study. The corrugations are modelled as identical rigid short structures on the surface of the flat panel. The panel is either of infinite or finite length. There are only two corrugations which are placed symmetrically on the panel. Only a part of the panel between these two corrugations is elastic. The liquid free surface closes the gas cavity between the two corrugations at the initial instant of impact and compresses the gas before the fluid comes in contact with the elastic part of the panel. The elastic deflections of the panel are caused by gas pressure in the cavity. The elastic deflections modify both the pressure in the cavity and the hydrodynamic pressure distribution along the wetted part of the panel. The hydroelastic problem is solved within the Wagner approach. The effect of gas compressibility on the elastic behaviour of the corrugated elastic panel is investigated. It is shown that the pressure in the gas cavity and elastic deflections grow beyond all bounds for the panel of infinite length and are finite if the panel is of finite length. The present model is relevant for the strength assessment of the cargo containment system (CCS) in the tanks of LNG carriers.  相似文献   

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