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为了解决海流能发电系统中,有效海流流速难以测量的问题,提出将水平轴海流能发电系统当成一个大型流速仪,用于海流流速的软测量研究。分析了水平轴海流能发电系统的工作原理和运行过程,建立了基于BP人工神经网络的软测量数学模型。将叶轮机转速,发电机输出功率和占空比信号作为输入变量,将海流流速作为输出变量。仿真结果表明,所建立的BP神经网络是海流流速软测量的有效方法,能较好地跟踪有效海流流速的变化趋势,并具有较高的估计精度。  相似文献   

杭州湾地波雷达观测的海流数据取样率分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据杭州湾口区两台地波雷达5个半月观测的资料,对其中的3 189个有效观测时次的海流数据取样率(CSR)在空间和时间上的变化规律进行了分析,结果表明,在两台雷达波交叉观测的中心区域各测点的地波雷达观测的海流数据取样率高于外围区域,在中心区域海流数据取样率可达98%以上,向外围区域海流数据取样率逐渐平缓递减,到边缘区域海流数据取样率仅在20%以下;地波雷达观测的海流数据取样率有明显的日变化,白天海流数据取样率明显低于夜间;17时海流数据平均取样率达到最低值(约49%),然后很快上升,至02时达最高值(约74%),然后再缓慢下降至17时为止。同时在10时和20时地波雷达观测的海流数据取样率呈现两个相对低值点,可能与人们在这两个时段通讯繁忙所造成的干扰有一定的关系。海流流速对地波雷达观测的海流数据取样率也有较大影响,呈负相关,流速大时海流数据取样率比流速小时的要低,在海流数据取样率大于98%的中心区域,流速和海流数据取样率的相关系数小于-0.8,在海流数据取样率大于60%的区域,流速和海流数据取样率的相关系数小于-0.6,体现明显的相互关联。地波雷达观测的海流数据取样率和潮汐有着每日4次的良好相干,而似乎和风没有显著的关系。希望这些分析对地波雷达以后的推广使用能积累一些经验和参考意见。  相似文献   

为了客观准确地反映海洋潮流空间分布特征,文中选取琼州海峡表层大潮流速数据,运用泛克里金插值法中的球状、指数、高斯和有理二次方程式4种不同半变异模型进行拟合插值,采用交叉验证和点验证法,通过对比4种半变异模型4个指标精度,研究结果表明在琼州海峡区域,有理二次方程式模型对表层大潮流速拟合效果最优,该研究为描述琼州海峡潮流空间分布和建立精确插值模型提供依据。  相似文献   

为研究中小尺度的海流,以美国西海岸附近海域为研究区域,采用欧空局ENVISAT ASAR IMS数据,首先利用频谱拟合法计算得到影像的多普勒质心;再通过影像的多普勒系数和斜距时间去除卫星与地球之间相对运动产生的多普勒频移,最终得到海表面多普勒质心异常。同时利用布拉格散射模型去除了布拉格波的影响,利用CMOD5模型计算海表面风场,根据风场与雷达视向速度的经验关系去除海面风场的影响,经空间投影,最终得到雷达径向的海表面流速,反演的流速主要分布于-0.3~0.6 m/s。利用研究区域附近的岸基高频地波雷达(HF-radar)数据验证反演结果精度,结果表明,在HF-radar流速与ASAR反演流速-0.2~0.2 m/s差异范围内的标准误差和相关系数分别为0.1 m/s和0.81,反演结果与真实流速较为接近。ASAR反演流速和HF-radar流速结果均表明,在研究区域存在自西向东的沿岸流,最大径向流速达到0.6 m/s。因此,本文所使用的海表面流速反演方法准确有效,适合于中小尺度海流流速的反演。  相似文献   

针对舰船在漂航状态(停航不抛锚)时,海流计实测数据不准问题,基于天气海况条件良好的试验海区,分析海流计数据误差原因,提出流速矢量修正海流计实测数据的方法,将修正后结果与《T-D值表》潮流推算值对比发现:13:20时刻的流向误差为0.6%,流速误差为3%;14:20时刻流向误差为1.6%,流速误差为0%,修正效果理想,误差较低,所以此方法对于漂航状态海流测量数据的修正是有效的;由此可知在浅海、近岸海域,漂航状态的舰船在海面风较小时,海流计的测量数据经流速矢量修正后精度较高,可用性较强,可以解决漂航状态海流数据不准问题。  相似文献   

以1993—2018年北太平洋海表面温度(SST)、海表面盐度(SSS)、叶绿素a浓度(Chl-a)、二氧化碳分压(pCO2)等数据为基础,利用传统线性回归分析和BP神经网络算法,建立表层海水pH值的预测模型。结果表明:两种方法对于重建北太平洋表层海水pH值都能达到较高的精度,其中线性回归模型基于SSS、Chl-a、pCO2参数模拟最佳,BP神经网络模型基于SST、SSS、Chl-a、pCO2参数模拟最佳。对比两种最佳模型的均方根误差和拟合系数发现,BP神经网络模型优于线性回归模型。除此之外,最佳BP神经网络模型在4个季节的拟合效果均很好,不同季节的适用性远高于最佳线性回归模型。表层海水pH值受到多种因素的综合影响,与pCO2、SST呈负相关关系,与SSS、Chl-a呈正相关关系。应用最佳BP神经网络模型重建北太平洋表层海水pH值发现,本研究模型的预测结果与已有研究、哥白尼欧洲地球观测计划数据、站点实测数据都存在很好的一致性,表层海水pH值冬季高于夏季,整体呈现西北高东南低的趋势。  相似文献   

基于高频地波雷达长周期适用性比测试验数据,主要从以下3个方面系统分析国产阵列式高频地波雷达矢量流控测效果:(1)时间有效采样率和覆盖率的空间分布;(2)与反演的流速匹配的现场观测深度;(3)不同区域的探测精度.长周期的海流验证表明,雷达海流可以有效地反映有效探测区内表层海流及其时空变化,高精度区流速流向的均方根误差(RMS)分别为7.5~19.3cm/s和15.5°~33.7°,尤其是高精度区核心区域的RMS仅为7.5~10.1 cm/s和15.5°~28.5°.边缘区流速流向的RMS为16.1~25.8 cm/s和39.5°~40.7°,与国内外达到业务化运行要求的同类产品实际观测精度相当.  相似文献   

廖迎娣  张玮 《海洋工程》2003,21(4):70-74
运用BP网络附加动量法和自适应学习速率法,建立神经网络模型,模拟计算涌潮波速。根据部分试验数据对网络进行训练,确定相关参数,建立涌潮波速计算模型,同时利用其余部分试验数据对模型进行检验,模拟结果与试验数据吻合较好,相关程度高,表明神经网络模型用于计算涌潮波速是合适的。  相似文献   

为了客观准确地反映辽东湾海域沉积物中石油类含量的空间分布特征,文中基于GIS的地统计分析模块,对2015年辽东湾海域沉积物石油类调查数据进行探索性数据分析,分别运用反距离权重法、普通克里金法、规则样条函数法和张力样条函数法进行空间插值,采用交叉检验方法对插值精度进行了评估。结果表明:插值精度张力样条函数法规则样条函数法反距离权重法普通克里金法,整体上4种插值方法均能客观地模拟出沉积物石油类含量的空间分布趋势。在局部区域,张力样条函数法插值预测结果更接近真实测量值。辽东湾海域沉积物石油类宜采用张力样条函数法进行空间插值。  相似文献   

利用影像辐射值与水深的相关性,以永兴岛区域的国产资源三号卫星多光谱数据为例,经过辐射校正、大气矫正等数据处理工作,建立了基于BP神经网络的水深反演模型。从整体地形分布和样本点数据2个方面对实验结果进行分析,以此验证资源三号数据在水深反演实验中的有效性。  相似文献   

All ocean wave components contribute to the second-order scattering of a high-frequency (HF) radio wave by the sea surface. It is therefore theoretically possible to estimate the ocean wave spectrum from the radar backscatter. To extract the wave information, it is necessary to solve the nonlinear integral equation that describes the relationship between the backscatter spectrum and the ocean wave directional spectrum. Different inversion techniques have been developed for this problem by different researchers, but there is at present no accepted “best” method. This paper gives an assessment of the current status of two methods for deriving sea-state information from HF radar observations of the sea surface. The methods are applied to simulated data and to an experimental data set with sea-truth being provided by a directional wave buoy  相似文献   

合成孔径雷达(SAR)海面场景原始数据仿真是研究海洋动力参数(表面波浪、风矢量和洋流)的有效工具。目前海面场景原始数据仿真方法已经基于逆Omega-K算法实现了海洋运动参数的空间变化。但是目前仅仅讨论了正侧视情况下的海面场景仿真,应用范围有限,同时没有考虑Stokes漂流以及Bragg相速度的影响,而这两者都是存在于真实海面的。通常情况下为了反演得到海面流场的二维速度矢量,雷达需要从两个不同的方位方向观察海面的同一个区域,因此这就需要考虑大斜视的雷达波束,同时Stokes漂流和Bragg相速度是SAR海表面流场观测不容忽视的两种运动。本文在不改变原有正侧视逆Omega-K算法的情况下,通过增加重新计算零方位时刻的斜视波束中心位置坐标,并据此确定SAR原始数据在多普勒域的位置来将其扩展到大斜侧视逆Omega-K算法,并通过时域Stokes漂流公式到频域内离散化Stokes漂流公式的推导来加入Stokes漂流,以及根据Bragg散射机制加入了Bragg相速度。仿真结果表明,经过聚焦成像后的SAR图像很好的体现了真实海面波浪场的形状,同时能够很好地反演出设定的雷达径向流场速度,且流速精度误差控制在6%以内。最后也证明了Bragg相速度以及Stokes漂流对于海面流场的影响不可忽视。  相似文献   

为掌握OSMAR-S型高频地波雷达在南海北部遥测海表面流的误差分布情况,首先分析该型雷达测流的空间分布情况,发现在雷达连线中间区域存在盲区。将雷达测流数据与ADCP测流数据进行比对,中间区域流速误差小于其他区域。为得到更为全面的分析,对雷达测流数据进行潮流调和分析,计算得到潮流和余流,并分别与预报系统的潮流数据、气象站风场数据进行比对,在计算中采用快速Fourier变换进行数据滤波处理。结果显示在雷达电磁波覆盖的向外海一侧中间区域,特别是在与两雷达站夹角接近90°的区域,测流精度高于其他区域,并基于以上结论给出了雷达使用中的建议。  相似文献   

Three High Frequency (HF) ocean radar stations were installed around the Soya/La Perouse Strait in the Sea of Okhotsk in order to monitor the Soya Warm Current (SWC). The frequency of the HF radar is 13.9 MHz, and the range and azimuth resolutions are 3 km and 5 deg., respectively. The radar covers a range of approximately 70 km from the coast. The surface current velocity observed by the HF radars was compared with data from drifting buoys and shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs). The current velocity derived from the HF radars shows good agreement with that observed using the drifting buoys. The root-mean-square (rms) differences were found to be less than 20 cm s−1 for the zonal and meridional components in the buoy comparison. The observed current velocity was also found to exhibit reasonable agreement with the shipboard ADCP data. It was shown that the HF radars clearly capture seasonal and short-term variations of the SWC. The velocity of the Soya Warm Current reaches its maximum, approximately 1 m s−1, in summer and weakens in winter. The velocity core is located 20 to 30 km from the coast, and its width is approximately 40 km. The surface transport by the SWC shows a significant correlation with the sea level difference along the strait, as derived from coastal tide gauge records at Wakkanai and Abashiri. Deceased.  相似文献   

A new method for the extraction of swell-wave parameters from high-frequency (HF) radar spectra is presented. The method of extraction of the parameters, period, direction, and height, relies on a frequency-modulation approach that describes the hydrodynamic interaction of the swell waves with the resonant, shorter, Bragg waves. The analysis process minimizes the electromagnetic second-order interaction and a simulation model was used to validate the approach. This simplified method provides a fast means of examining swell conditions over large areas of the ocean surface. Data are acquired using a pair of coastal ocean surface radar (COSRAD) systems deployed at Tweed Heads, Qld., Australia. The radar covers a sweep (approximately 60deg) every 30 min with spatial resolution of the order of 3 km. A sample set of data from this deployment is used in a case study to show the extraction of swell direction and amplitude using these methods. The results support the use of the COSRAD HF radar for mapping swell in the near-shore zone  相似文献   

On the accuracy of current measurements by means of HF radar   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The accuracy of surface current velocities measured by high-frequency (HF) radar is investigated. Data from the two radar systems of the University of Hamburg, CODAR (Coastal Radar) and WERA (Wellen Radar), are compared with in situ data. In one experiment, CODAR and a near-surface current meter were operated simultaneously over a 19-day period. In addition, WERA was operated for 6 days during that period. In the other experiment, WERA and a bottom-mounted current meter were operated simultaneously over a 35-day period. Both radars use frequencies of about 30 MHz where backscattering is due to ocean waves of 5 m wavelength. The influence of the orbital motion of underlying longer waves on radial velocity errors is investigated. In accordance with theory, the measured standard deviations of HF-measured current velocities depend on the sea state. Depending on the sea state, estimated errors range from 3 to 10 cm·s-1 and explain only part of the rms difference of 10-20 cm·s-1 found between HF and in situ current measurements. The rest is assumed to be due the differences of the quantities measured, e.g., the spatial averaging  相似文献   

Directional wave information from the SeaSonde   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes methods used for the derivation of wave information from SeaSonde data, and gives examples of their application to measured data. The SeaSonde is a compact high-frequency (HF) radar system operated from the coast or offshore platform to produce current velocity maps and local estimates of the directional wave spectrum. Two methods are described to obtain wave information from the second-order radar spectrum: integral inversion and fitting with a model of the ocean wave spectrum. We describe results from both standard- and long-range systems and include comparisons with simultaneous measurements from an S4 current meter. Due to general properties of the radar spectrum common to all HF radar systems, existing interpretation methods fail when the waveheight exceeds a limiting value defined by the radar frequency. As a result, standard- and long-range SeaSondes provide wave information for different wave height conditions because of their differing radar frequencies. Standard-range SeaSondes are useful for low and moderate waveheights, whereas long-range systems with lower transmit frequencies provide information when the waves are high. We propose a low-cost low-power system, to be used exclusively for local wave measurements, which would be capable of switching transmit frequency when the waveheight exceeds the critical limit, thereby allowing observation of waves throughout the waveheight range.  相似文献   

HF radar systems are designed to measure spatially variable sea surface currents. A methodology was developed to complement these data with information about the current variability over the water column in a stratified shallow sea. Current profiles were estimated using a diagnostic model driven by surface current measurements from an HF radar system and by sea surface slopes derived from tide gauge data. The structure of the model has a physical basis but its parameters were derived from an analysis of in-situ current profile measurements. Application of the model to HF radar data from the SCAWVEX Rhine outflow experiment showed fair agreement with in-situ current data. As applications, estimation and tidal analysis of current fields are demonstrated.  相似文献   

作为LORCE计划中构建高频地波雷达观测网的试点,面向象山港牛鼻山水道,在六横岛郭巨山和白马礁各设置了1台OSMAR S50高频地波雷达。在2台雷达合成表面流场有效区域的中间地带,利用Valeport旋桨式海流仪和ADCP定点开展了周日连续观测,以验证高频地波雷达合成表面流场的精度。对比定点流场和高频地波雷达对应数据发现,两者变化相关性较好,高频地波雷达在该点获得的流场有较高精度。借助SCHISM建立的区域模型结果,检验了高频地波雷达数据大面上的可用性。比较发现,观测和模拟值在大的趋势上是一致的:牛鼻山水道为规则半日潮流海域,M2是主要分潮,分潮M2和K1以往复流为主;涨潮时外海海水先通过牛鼻山水道流向象山港内,一段时间后再流向佛渡水道;落潮时象山港内海水率先经牛鼻山水道流出至外海,随后佛渡水道海水再逐渐流入牛鼻山水道。  相似文献   

本文利用高频地波雷达获得的江苏如东海域大范围长期海流观测资料对苏北辐射沙洲南部烂沙洋海域夏季表层海流特征进行了分析。分析结果表明:研究海域表层海流靠近近岸一侧为往复流,流向总体上呈西北-东南向,靠近外海一侧为旋转流;海域潮流动力较为强劲,夏季表层海流实测最大流速达1.47 m/s,涨潮平均流速介于0.44~0.55 m/s,落潮平均流速介于0.38~0.52 m/s,海域西北部区域涨落潮平均流速明显大于其他区域;表层潮流为正规半日潮流,M2分潮为最主要分潮,其潮流椭圆长轴范围为0.57~0.71 m/s,远大于其他分潮,其次为S2分潮;该海域夏季表层余流呈现近岸大离岸小的分布趋势,余流流向基本指向近岸方向,从离岸到近岸余流流向呈现逆时针偏转。  相似文献   

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