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论文以强额孔雀水蚤(Parvocalanuscarssirostris)为研究对象,研究了不同培养温度(18℃、22℃、26℃、30℃)、不同种类微藻(球等鞭金藻(Isochrysisgalbana)、牟氏角毛藻(Chaetoceros muelleri)、青岛大扁藻(Platymonas helgolandica))饵料以及不同饵料质量浓度(0.5、1.0、1.5、2.5、5μgC/mL)对强额孔雀水蚤摄食的影响。结果表明:强额孔雀水蚤的清滤率随温度上升而上升,随饵料浓度上升而下降,26℃~30℃以及饵料浓度为0.5μgC/mL时清滤率较高;滤食率和摄食率随温度上升而上升,摄食球等鞭金藻和牟氏角毛藻时,在26℃时达到最高;摄食青岛大扁藻时,两者随温度升高持续上升。对3种藻的摄食率大小顺序为:青岛大扁藻>球等鞭金藻>牟氏角毛藻;强额孔雀水蚤摄食碳量占体碳比较高,远高于中华哲水蚤(Calanussinicus)、海洋伪镖水蚤(Pseudodiaptomus annandalei)等大中型桡足类;强额孔雀水蚤的最适饵料等效球直径约为11.5μm,青岛大扁藻为强额孔雀水蚤较适口的饵料。  相似文献   

杨章武 《台湾海峡》2007,26(4):583-589
本文报道了4种微藻不同浓度对方斑东风螺幼虫生长和变态的影响.结果表明,幼虫对4种微藻都能摄食,当投喂不同浓度的牟氏角毛藻、湛江叉鞭金藻时,摄食角毛藻(20×104cells/cm3)生长最快达77.9μm/d、变态率52.5%;摄食金藻(20×104cells/cm3)变态率最高达59.0%、生长速度70.4μm/d,随金藻浓度的上升,幼虫生长速度和变态率都上升.投喂不同浓度的青岛大扁藻时,最高变态率是24.4%(1×104cells/cm3),最快生长速度是59.3μm/d(7×104cells/cm3),随扁藻浓度的上升,幼虫的生长速度上升而变态率下降.摄食云微型藻幼虫生长缓慢,浮游期全部死亡.幼虫单独摄食角毛藻、金藻和扁藻,其首次出现变态个体的日龄分别是10、11、14d,而完成变态的日龄分别是22~23d、21~23d和26~28d.比较上述4种微藻,角毛藻和金藻是方斑东风螺幼虫的最适饵料,根据大水体人工育苗的具体条件,合适浓度应为角毛藻(5~10)×104cells/cm3,金藻(10~15)×104cells/cm3.而扁藻不宜单独投喂,作为辅助饵料较合适.  相似文献   

饵料、温度和盐度对两种海洋桡足类摄食与排粪的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中华哲水蚤是中国近海典型的浮游桡足类,猛水蚤是青岛胶州湾和汇泉湾常见底栖桡足类,研究2种海洋桡足类的摄食和排粪规律可为大量培养桡足类提供最佳条件。论文研究了在6种不同饵料(球等鞭金藻、亚心形扁藻、小球藻、绿色巴夫藻、三角褐指藻、小新月菱形藻)的条件下,温度和盐度对中华哲水蚤和猛水蚤摄食和排粪的影响。温度和盐度对2种桡足类摄食和排粪的影响具有种间差异性。中华哲水蚤在15℃的摄食率、滤水率和排粪率高于在20和25℃的摄食率、滤水率和排粪率。在15、20和25℃3个温度范围内,猛水蚤的摄食率、滤水率和排粪率随温度升高而升高。在20~36盐度范围内,中华哲水蚤的摄食率、滤水率和排粪率随盐度的升高先升高后降低,在盐度为28时达到最大值,猛水蚤的摄食率、滤水率和排粪率随盐度升高而逐渐降低,猛水蚤摄食和排粪的最适盐度为20。温度和盐度实验均表明,在6种饵料中,亚心形扁藻和球等鞭金藻有利于中华哲水蚤的摄食,球等鞭金藻有利于猛水蚤的摄食,而小球藻对2种桡足类的摄食均不利。  相似文献   

实验生态条件下研究十溴联苯醚(BDE-209)的急性毒性胁迫对褶皱臂尾轮虫(Branchionus plicatilis)运动行为与摄食行为的影响,探讨可用以表征胁迫-响应的生物标志物。结果表明:(1)BDE-209胁迫24h显著性增加了褶皱臂尾轮虫的运动抑制率,由此得到24h半数有效抑制浓度(24h-EC_(50))为9.084mg/L,但未达到半数致死作用;(2)当分别以四种海洋微藻:小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)、青岛大扁藻(Platymonas helgolandica)、等鞭金藻8701(Isochrysis galbana)和小新月菱形藻(Cylindrotheca closterium)为单一饵料来源时,褶皱臂尾轮虫对四种饵料单胞藻的滤水率(F)和摄食率(G)均随着胁迫时间和胁迫浓度的增加而不断下降,呈现出明显的浓度依赖性,说明BDE-209胁迫能显著抑制褶皱臂尾轮虫的摄食作用。(3)将其中三种微藻等生物量混合投喂时,褶皱臂尾轮虫对三种微藻的滤水率和摄食率与单一饵料投喂条件相比均发生变化,且对各种微藻的选食率(Sr)和摄食总生物量均随着胁迫时间和浓度的增加呈下降趋势,选择性指数(Si)发生变化,对小球藻的摄食选择性最高。滤水率的变化较其它指标更敏感,可用以指示浮游动物在个体水平上响应外源环境变化的标志物。结果表明,BDE-209胁迫能有效改变褶皱臂尾轮虫的摄食与选食行为,且其最适宜的饵料是小球藻。  相似文献   

本研究以变态存活率、产卵量、成体头胸部长和体长为指标,研究了球等鞭金藻(Isochrysis galbana)和海洋原甲藻(Prorocentrum micans)不同浓度和配比对太平洋纺锤水蚤(Acartia pacifica)生长发育和产卵量的影响,以期探索培养太平洋纺锤水蚤最适合的饵料配方.实验结果表明:在饵料浓度(碳含量,下同)为1.70μg/cm3,配比为2∶1时,其变态存活率最高,可达到92.62%;在饵料浓度为4.25μg/cm3,配比为1∶2时,产卵量最高,雌体平均日产卵量可达47.1±2.7个;在饵料浓度为1.70μg/cm3,配比为2∶1时,成体头胸部长和体长均最长,分别为932.9、1 252.3μm.太平洋纺锤水蚤生长和发育的最优饵料组合为球等鞭金藻与海洋原甲藻浓度为1.70μg/cm3,配比为2∶1.  相似文献   

中华哲水蚤对自然饵料的摄食选择性实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
李超伦  孙松  王荣 《海洋与湖沼》2007,38(6):529-535
提要为了解自然环境中中华哲水蚤的摄食选择性及其生态策略,利用库尔特颗粒计数器测定了夏季黄海中华哲水蚤对自然水体中混合饵料的选择性摄食状况。调查期间,黄海海域季节性温跃层开始出现,水体中叶绿素a浓度为0.23—1.44mg/m3,最大值均出现在温跃层底部。水平分布上,水体中颗粒浓度近岸浅水区(A站:0.5—5.2×106μm3/ml)高于深水区(B站:0.3—0.7×106μm3/ml,C站:0.9—2.4×106μm3/ml);垂直分布上A、B站近底层颗粒浓度最高,C站颗粒浓度最高值出现在叶绿素a最大值区。中华哲水蚤对水体中粒径为1—100μm的食物颗粒均有摄食,但是颗粒大小和颗粒浓度对其摄食选择性均有一定的影响,主要摄食粒径为5—50μm的饵料颗粒。不同海域中华哲水蚤的个体摄食率分别为近岸A站23.82×106μm3/d、北部B站51.16×106μm3/d和南部C站36.32×106μm3/d,其日摄食量分别占体碳含量的2.1%(A站)、4.6%(B站)和3.2%(C站)。近岸海域(A站)中华哲水蚤摄食的饵料颗粒中各粒级组所占比例变化不大,但是深水区(B、C站)中华哲水蚤对于10—25μm范围内的饵料颗粒摄食选择性明显高于其它粒级组。中华哲水蚤的摄食选择性主要与水体中饵料的体积浓度相关,当饵料浓度降低时,中华哲水蚤可以通过扩大摄食饵料颗粒的粒径范围,增加对大颗粒的摄食以获得更多的营养。  相似文献   

不同饵料对桡足类无节幼体存活、发育的影响研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李捷  孙松  李超伦  蒲新明  张展 《海洋科学》2006,30(12):13-20
在食物中碳质量浓度为1.0 mg/L的条件下,通过室内实验研究了不同食物对中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)和双刺纺锤水蚤(Acartia bifilosa)无节幼体存活和发育的影响。结果表明,桡足类无节幼体发育速度与存活率之间存在正相关关系。单种食物中粒径较小的微绿球藻和三角褐指藻在桡足类开口摄食期是最适宜的饵料,但在发育后期以及整个发育期则粒径较大的亚心型扁藻和中肋骨条藻更为适宜。在相同的发育阶段,小型桡足类双刺纺锤水蚤和中型桡足类中华哲水蚤对于食物粒径的选择也是不同的。与非硅藻食物相比,硅藻并非桡足类无节幼体发育的理想食物,而单种硅藻对桡足类无节幼体发育的负面影响可以通过对混合食物的摄食得到有效的减弱。  相似文献   

张展  孙松  李捷  陶振铖 《海洋与湖沼》2008,39(6):612-618
研究6种饵料微藻:微绿球藻(Nannochloropsis oculata)、小球藻(Chlorella.sp)、球等鞭金藻(Isochrysis galbana)、三角褐指藻(Phaeodactylum tricornutum)、亚心形扁藻(Platymonas subordi-formis)、中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)对双刺纺锤水蚤(Acartia bifilosa)雌体繁殖的影响,以探索适合培养双刺纺锤水蚤的藻类。应用解剖镜下计数方法对雌体存活率、产卵率、孵化率、排粪率几个指标进行检测。结果表明微绿球藻、小球藻和球等鞭金藻明显不适于用作雌体饵料;中肋骨条藻组产卵率最高,亚心形扁藻和三角褐指藻组的产卵率没有显著差异;亚心形扁藻组的排粪率明显低于中肋骨条藻和三角褐指藻组;摄食三角褐指藻的雌体所产的卵其平均孵化率要显著低于亚心形扁藻和中肋骨条藻;亚心形扁藻组雌体的产卵率尽管较中肋骨条藻组低,但却保持最高的雌体存活率,而且排粪率也要比中肋骨条藻低得多。综合比较得出结论:6种饵料微藻中,亚心形扁藻和中肋骨条藻是两种最适宜培养双刺纺锤水蚤雌体的优良饵料,二者混合使用效果会更好。  相似文献   

几种环境因子对墨氏胸刺水蚤摄食的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了不同藻类、藻细胞密度、温度、盐度、容器容积、昼夜变化等环境因子对浮游桡足类墨氏胸刺水蚤(Centropagesmcmurrichi)的摄食关系。结果表明:1)藻种类、藻细胞密度对墨氏胸刺水蚤的清滤率和滤食率都有显著影响;2)墨氏胸刺水蚤对4种藻的摄食顺序为球等鞭金藻(摄食率I=12.418μgC/ind穐)>角毛藻(I=9.824μgC/ind穐)>异胶藻(I=6.683μgC/ind穐)>小球藻(I=5.229μgC/ind穐);3)温度在6~20℃范围内变化对墨氏胸刺水蚤的清滤率和滤食率无显著影响,但以10~15℃为佳。盐度对墨氏胸刺水蚤的清滤率和滤食率有显著影响,最适摄食盐度为20~27;4)容器容积和昼夜变化对墨氏胸刺水蚤的摄食影响不显著。  相似文献   

通过单因子实验,研究了短角异剑水蚤(Apocyclops royi)在不同温度、光照、pH 值、饵料密度以及单性条件下对盐生杜氏藻的滤水率(F)和滤食率(G),及其对3种常见饵料微藻(盐生杜氏藻、球等边金藻和海水小球藻)摄食的选择性,旨在为该物种的人工高效可控培养提供实验和技术基础.结果表明,实验温度范围内(20,25和30℃),短角异剑水蚤对盐生杜氏藻的滤水率和滤食率差异不显著,其中25℃时 F和 G 较高,分别为(0.049±0.014)mL/(个?h)和(1.393±0.369)×104个/(个?h);滤水率和滤食率随光照强度的增加而升高,光照强度为9800 lx 时 F 和 G 最高,分别为(0.053±0.012)mL/(个?h)和(1.295±0.303)×104个/(个?h); pH 值为9.0时,滤水率和滤食率显著高于其他实验组(7.0、8.0、10.0);滤水率随饵料密度的增加呈现先增加后降低的趋势,滤食率随饵料密度的增大而升高;滤水率和滤食率存在性别差异,雌性的 F 和 G 均比雄性约高16%.实验的3种微藻中,球等鞭金藻的选择性指数最高.  相似文献   

The effects of feeding, egg laying, and fecal pellet production on the elimination of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) from the marine copepod Acartia tonsa were studied in a series of experiments. Copepods were exposed to 14C-labelled Aroclor 1254 and allowed to depurate in clean seawater. Copepods fed during depuration eliminated PCBs more rapidly than unfed copepods whether or not the original PCB exposure medium had contained food. Both eggs and fecal pellets contained PCBs during depuration, with the weight specific concentration of PCB in the eggs (up to 407 ppm, dry weight) exceeding four times that in the females that produced them. Female copepods eliminated PCBs twice as rapidly as males, indicating that egg production is an important route for PCB elimination.  相似文献   

The feeding, egg production, and respiration rate of the dominant pteropod Limacina helicina have been studied in Russia’s Arctic seas. The sinking rates of fecal pellets and dead individuals have been measured to estimate their role in vertical carbon flux. As has been shown, the rate of ecophysiological processes taking place in the pteropods is higher than that of copepods, the main consumers of phytoplankton. The gut pigment content in Limacina (3084 ng ind–1 as a maximum) was two orders of magnitude higher than in copepods. The egg production rate in Limacina even without feeding reached 4000 eggs ind–1 versus 350–450 egg ind–1 typical of the dominant copepods even with excess food. A close correlation between the pteropod feeding rate and individual body weight was observed for Limacina rather than a correlation with food concentration. The experimentally estimated sinking rate of Limacina fecal pellets was 270 m day–1, higher than for most copepods. The sinking rate of dead pteropods reaches 2000 m day–1. According to the literature, discarded mucous feeding nets sink at a rate of 80 to 1080 m day–1. Evidently, pteropods play a significant role in biogeochemical cycles by accelerating sedimentation. High rates of all studied processes suggest that Limacina are an important component of plankton communities and play the most important role in trophodynamics at sites of their accumulation.  相似文献   

The accumulation and retention of 241Am by the pelagic tunicate Oikopleura dioica were examined using laboratory cultures and radiotracer methodology. Animals (i.e., trunks and tails) and discarded empty houses accumulated Am from seawater, giving volume/volume concentration factors of 59±8 and 10±1, respectively. The half-time for retention of Am in empty labelled houses transferred to non-contaminated seawater was 29 h; the retention half-time of Am in houses discarded by larvaceans feeding on Am-labelled diatoms was 219 h; the half-time of Am in fecal pellets produced by animals feeding on a monospecific diet of diatoms was 134 h, and 247 h for fecal pellets from animals fed a mixed diet. Approximately 30% of filtered cells remained in houses after the houses were discarded. Sinking rates of discarded houses and fecal pellets were found to vary with temperature and size, ranging from 26–157 m day?1 (house) and from 25–166 m day?1 (fecal pellets). The ubiquity and abundance of appendicularians, together with their prodigious production of houses (e.g., 10±2 houses day?1 at 17°C for each experimental animal) point to their potential significance in the vertical transport of Am, and probably other reactive metals, to intermediate depths in the ocean.  相似文献   

微塑料污染目前成为海洋污染普遍关注的一个研究热点。本文在实验室内将青岛近海常见的海洋桡足类猛水蚤暴露于不同浓度的微塑料尼龙6中,研究了猛水蚤的摄食、排泄以及生殖的变化。研究结果表明,微塑料尼龙6对猛水蚤的摄食、排泄、生殖均产生不利的影响,并且存在剂量-效应关系。微塑料尼龙6对猛水蚤摄食率、滤水率、排粪率的24 h·EC 50分别为67.7、62.2、84.1 mg·L^-1,对猛水蚤抱卵率的144 h·EC 50为30.3 mg·L^-1。“饱食感”造成猛水蚤摄食率降低,从而能量和营养摄入不足可能是导致猛水蚤抱卵率降低的原因。猛水蚤对微塑料的摄食,导致猛水蚤排泄的粪便颗粒小型化,由长椭球体变为短小椭球体,可能与其粘度或物理结构的改变有关。暴露于尼龙6的猛水蚤的粪便体积和沉降速率显著低于未暴露微塑料的对照组。本实验结果对于研究微塑料对海洋桡足类以及滤食性浮游动物的生态毒理影响具有一定的帮助。  相似文献   

Abstract. The in situ diet of the copepod Undinula vulgaris was examined by comparing contents of fecal pellets produced on natural food with assemblages of available phytoplankton. Samples were collected in continental shelf waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico. U. vulgaris was an indiscrimi-nant suspension feeder, ingesting a broad size, shape, and taxonomic array of phytoplankters. Contents of fecal pellets generally matched those of available phytoplankton assemblages. The presence within the same fecal pellets of remains of microplankters ranging over two orders of magnitude in longest dimension suggests that feeding is nonselective, and that U. vulgaris may rapidly switch between several modes of feeding.  相似文献   

Taxonomic composition, size composition, standing stock, and chemical composition of mesozooplankton were determined to examine the contribution of their fecal pellets to the vertical flux of organic carbon at the outside, the edge, and the center of the warm core ring. The warm core ring significantly affects not only their taxonomic composition and size composition but also their standing stock and chemical composition. The zooplankton at the center of the warm core ring was characterized by the absence of carnivores at the top of the size-trophic relation and filter feeding planktonic tunicates at the bottom. Zooplankton carbon biomass at the outside of the ring was one-third less than that at the center of the ring. The vertical flux of fecal pellets obtained from the pellet volume (12.3 mgC m−2d−1) contributed 19 to 96% of the flux (13 to 64 mgC m−2 d−1) estimated from the body carbon and the fecal pellet production rate. The estimated flux of fecal pellets was 6 to 27% of vertical carbon flux (236 mgC m−2d−1) determined by the sediment traps. Microscopic determination of fecal pellets and plankton in the sediment trap samples indicated high grazing activity during the sinking process. Those observations might suggest that particles other than fecal pellets contributed significantly to the vertical carbon flux and fecal pellets were settled directly without loss or being recycled within the surface mixed layer.  相似文献   

Peter  Peduzzi 《Marine Ecology》1987,8(4):359-370
Abstract. Ingestion rates and absorption efficiencies in Gibbula umbilicaris and Jujubinus striatus feeding on green algal films, diatoms, macro-epiphytes, and dead Posidonia ocean/'ca-Ieaves have been investigated in laboratory experiments.
For both gastropod species, ingestion rates were highest in diatoms and thin green algal films as food source. G. umbilicaris exhibited significant lower consumption rates when feeding on seagrass debris or macro-epiphytes, J. striatus consumed neither Posidonia-debris nor macro-epiphytes.
Highest carbon absorption efficiencies were found in both gastropod species when feeding on diatoms and green algal films. Significantly lower efficiencies were found in G. umbilicaris when consuming seagrass debris or macro-epiphytes.
Analyses of fecal material confirmed these findings. Highest organic carbon contents were measured in fecal pellets produced after consumption of seagrass debris or macro-epiphytes reflecting the presence of structural carbohydrates. SEM examinations of feces revealed mainly diatom frustules, refractory parts of macroalgal and other plant material. Analyses of gut contents gave similar results suggesting a basically microphagous herbivory for both gastropod species.
Since seagrass debris and macro-epiphytes are not used very effectively, the high absorption efficiencies when animals feed on the microfloral component of the periphyton are discussed as possible adaptation to limited food availability.  相似文献   

渤海中华哲水蚤摄食的初步研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
杨纪明 《海洋与湖沼》1997,28(4):376-382
于1992年8月-1993年6月期间,在渤海进行渔业资源增殖生态基础调查, 型浮游生物网采取浮游动物样品,从中取出400个消化道内含有食物的中华水蚤标本。分析结果表明:中华哲水蚤营浮游植物食性,主要摄食硅藻类、辐射圆筛藻、偏心圆筛藻,未查明的圆筛藻和星脐圆筛藻是它的主要摄食对象。合计占89.2%;此外,也摄食很少量的甲藻类,金藻类和纤毛虫类,它在渤海所摄食的食物类群,季节变化不大,食物类九更替率各  相似文献   

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