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浙江省海洋监测预报中心是浙江省海洋与渔业局直属的海洋公益服务事业单位,负责全省海洋环境调查、监测、监视、评价和海洋环境预报工作,为全省海洋综合管理、海洋开发利用、海洋环境保护和海洋减灾防灾等提供技术保障和技术服务。浙江省海洋监测预报中心主要职责任务是:  相似文献   

北海分局岸滨海冰调查总结会于1992年4月3~4日在大连召开。国家海洋局管理监测司、北海分局、大连、秦皇岛中心海洋站、海洋技术研究所、海洋环境预报中心、海洋环境监测中心、海洋标准计量中心等单位的代表出席了会议,会议对增加海冰要素观测和开展岸滨海冰调查四年来的工作情况进行了认真全面的总结,对下一步岸滨海冰调查的测点布局、观测方法改进、仪器设备更新方案及如何使岸滨海冰调查工作更好地为海洋经济和海洋产业的发展提供服务等问题进行了热烈地讨论,大家一致认为:海冰  相似文献   

近年来,随着社会经济的大力发展,海洋环境保护、海洋综合管理、滨海旅游和航运交通安全面临了巨大的压力。厦门海洋环境预报台根据厦门市海洋与渔业局应急指挥需求,开发了基于WebGIS的海洋观测预报集成服务系统,包含日常海洋预报发布、海洋灾害发布、实时数据显示及海洋功能区视频监视共享平台等功能区块,为海洋渔业部门的应急指挥工作提供了有力、有序、有效的技术支持。描述了海洋观测预报集成服务系统的建设及其应用,为海洋渔业部门的管理工作提供基础支撑。  相似文献   

国家海洋局南海预报中心成立于1977年,2000年7月加挂广东省海洋预报台牌,持有国家颂发的《海洋环境预报甲级证书》,是国家海洋局设在广州专门从事南海及周围海域的海洋环境预报、海洋灾害评估、海洋环境评价的事业单位,其宗旨是为华南沿海地区的海洋防灾减灾、海洋资源开发、海洋环境保护和海洋经济建设服务。  相似文献   

东营市海洋环境预报中心是东营市人民政府设立的全面履行海洋观测预报和海洋灾害预警的公益事业单位,承担着东营海洋环境观测预报和海洋灾害预警,为东营市海洋防灾减灾、海洋执法管理、科研调查、应急管理以及海上搜救等提供技术支持和保障的重要职责。文章在分析东营市海洋观测预报的现状和存在问题的基础上,依据《海洋观测预报管理条例》相关要求,结合东营海洋事业发展需求及现有海洋灾害预警报服务水平和能力,提出了建设东营市海洋观测预报体系及海洋灾害预警报服务模式的基本原则、总体目标,并给出了实现总体目标过程中需要解决的关键问题和需要建设和完善的关键业务技术平台、系统。  相似文献   

发展海洋环境观测预报技术是认识海洋、开发海洋的一项基础性工作,是发展海洋经济、开发海洋资源的必然要求,具有迫切的国家需求。我国提出了建设海洋强国的宏伟目标,在新的形势下如何进一步提升我国海洋环境观测预报技术水平及业务应用能力,满足海洋事业全面发展的迫切需求,值得我们深入思考和研究。以我国北海区为例,概述了我国海洋环境观测预报技术体系的发展现状,指出了面临的突出技术问题,据此提出了"十三五"期间我国海洋环境观测预报发展的重点,主要包括:数据考古、研发新型观测技术与装备、推动新型观测技术的业务应用、发展智能化的海洋观测数据管理技术、海洋环境组网观测、海洋环境预报精细化、加强国际合作、产学研用结合的业务化支撑体系建设等方面。  相似文献   

近几年海洋溢油事件频发,对滨海地区旅游环境造成了严重的污染。针对滨海旅游区的溢油现象进行定量评价,寻求合理的评价方案是当前相关领域专家学者普遍关注的问题。本文根据滨海旅游区生态系统的特性,以滨海旅游区的海水水质、岸滩环境和溢油危害为评价内容,构建滨海旅游区溢油污染评价指标体系和滨海旅游区溢油污染综合评价模型,并且基于GIS技术进行了系统架构设计与实现。通过模拟海洋溢油事件,对该系统进行了测试。测试结果表明:该系统能够对溢油区的污染等级做出快速评价。本研究为滨海旅游区的溢油污染评价提供了新的方法,该系统能够辅助相关部门管理溢油相关的综合信息,在溢油发生时快速反应,采取应急措施。  相似文献   

海洋公益服务系统是指以服务于海洋资源开发和保护为主要目标的公益性质的支持和保障系统。按内容可分为海洋信息服务和技术服务。信息服务包括海洋环境预报、最佳航线选择、海洋资料和情报、海洋通信和导航定位、海洋测绘和制图。技术服务包括海洋开发和工程建设的环境调查,救捞、潜水服务等。以支持和保障实现海洋开发总目标和主要任务为目的,根据海洋资源开发和海洋经济发展规划对海洋公益服务的总需求,制定浙江省海洋公益服务的目标和任务,进而建立一个技术先进、响应迅速的海洋公益服务系统是很重要的,将为今后30~50年浙江省海洋经济的高速发展奠定基础。  相似文献   

海区预报中心作为国家海洋预报系统的重要组成部分,承担着海区海洋环境观测预报和海洋灾害预警,为海区海洋防灾减灾、执法管理、科研调查、应急管理以及海上搜救等提供技术支撑的重要职责。文章以北海区为例,在分析海区预报中心海洋灾害预警报服务现状和存在的主要问题的基础上,结合国家和海区海洋事业发展需求及现有预警报服务水平和能力,提出创新海区海洋灾害预警报服务模式的基本原则、总体目标,并给出实现创新目标需要解决的关键问题和需要建立、完善的关键业务技术系统。  相似文献   

文章对日照海洋环境监测站海洋观测预报在地方经济建设中发挥的作用进行总结,重点介绍海洋观测预报在日照市重大专项的争取、海洋灾害应急管理、海洋公益服务和港口建设等涉海部门服务方面发挥的作用.  相似文献   

为加强惠州市海洋生态环境保护工作,并为其提供科学依据,文章利用2016年春季和夏季惠州市海洋环境综合调查数据,选取溶解氧、化学需氧量、无机氮和活性磷酸盐4个环境因子,分析其近岸海域和海洋基本功能区的海水环境质量,并评价海水有机污染状况。研究结果表明:春季近岸海域海水环境质量优于夏季,无机氮和活性磷酸盐为主要超标因子;港口航运区海水环境质量良好,其他功能区均有环境因子超标现象;近岸海域受到有机污染,旅游休闲娱乐区在2个季节均受到有机污染;海水环境尚未对海洋生物产生影响。  相似文献   

9914号台风风暴潮、巨浪特点分析及其预报   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
本文介绍了1999年14号台凤造成闽南沿海地区灾害概况,分析了台风、暴潮、巨浪的特点,阐述了本台对台风暴潮巨浪监测预报服务情况,说明加强海洋灾害预报预报在防灾减灾中的重要作用。  相似文献   

随着沿海经济的迅猛发展,我国近岸海域污染日益严重,成为影响我国海洋生态文明建设的主要问题之一。文章在全面分析我国近岸海域生态环境状况和存在的主要生态环境问题的基础上,提出以下对策建议:我国近岸海域污染防治应加强陆海统筹,切实削减氮磷入海总量;严格控制填海工程,坚决遏制滨海湿地丧失的势头;围绕关键海洋关键生态过程,实施生态恢复修复工程;加强海洋灾害风险管控,有效预防海洋环境灾害发生;加强海洋生态环境监测,为我国近岸海域的可持续发展提供保障。  相似文献   

To describe marine recreational fisheries, their socio-economic importance and interactions with other fisheries and the environment, it is necessary to define what is meant by recreational fishing. A review of European Member States’ national legislation revealed considerable variation in ownership and access to coastal waters/fisheries, and in the legal distinction between sport fishing and other recreational uses of marine fisheries and their commercial (catching for sale and profit) counterparts. Together with a re-examination of existing definitions, this has enabled us to suggest definitions that may be used to develop a common approach to evaluate participation and socio-economic value of marine recreational fishing, and guide attempts to legislate for the benefit and development of marine recreational fishing across Europe.  相似文献   

A survey of coastal and marine resource use conflicts in Tanzania was carried out to highlight them, investigate their origin and finally, suggest ways of minimizing them. Although Tanzania is putting emphasis on environmental issues, including coastal zone management, integrated coastal area management has not yet been integrated into the government management structure/approach. Many conflicts are the result of sectoral approach to coastal and marine resources management, and improper or poor implementation of government policies. Additionally, the local coastal community, who are the foremost stakeholder, were most often not involved in the planning, decision and implementation of many projects and policies even those that affect them directly. Ignorance about the linkages of coastal and marine ecosystems and resources is also an important factor. I suggest that integrated coastal area management which is the foundation for sustainable development, as far as coastal and marine resources are concerned, should be integrated into the government administrative structure. A lead agency with full authority on all activities on the coastal area, including issuance of permits for environmental sensitive businesses/activities, should be nominated or established. This will reduce conflicts by bringing about national coordination of coastal area management.  相似文献   

近年来,海洋生物的多样性正受到严重威胁,主要是海洋及海岸带生态环境受到破坏、过度开发、污染和不适当的沿岸水产养殖等原因造成的。随着海洋经济重要性越来越突出,通过岛群海域重要生物资源及环境的智能监测保护非常必要。文章针对岛群海域独特的生态功能及环境,以重要生物资源及环境监测为目标,从岛群海域重要生物资源及环境智能监测系统构建入手,对系统框架、该框架下关键技术以及系统实现方法进行了研究。该研究适合岛群海域特殊的地理环境,对监测目标具有重要的适应性,对系统进一步开发及完善具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

文章根据2014年在天津近岸海域海水水质调查成果和收集资料的基础上,分析了现阶段天津近岸海域水质状况,并结合近几年大规模海洋开发活动,分析天津近岸海域环境变化趋势。研究表明:除营养盐浓度明显增加外,其他因子没有明显变化,说明近期的海洋工程对天津近岸海域的环境影响不大。  相似文献   

The coastal regions of the Mediterranean are the site of countless economic and recreational activities, but are threatened by dramatic dangers of misuse and pollution. Adequate tools are needed to study the environmental pressure imposed on these regions by the conflicting needs of protecting their ecological balance and exploiting their natural resources. Coastal ecosystems are very sensitive to the environmental impact of land use in watersheds, along the coast and further inland, of fluvial discharges, and of marine processes. Weathering, erosion, or waste disposal on land, as well as other activities at sea, such as shipping, dumping or oil extraction, are but a few of the factors which would require that the coastal areas be suitably monitored. Modern techniques of environmental assessment call for the use of integrated observation systems. The collection of data with traditional coastal installations remains an important component of such research. However, the large space scales and short time scales of many near-coastal and/or marine processes require the use of (orbital) remote sensors. In particular, optical sensors, operating in the visible/infrared spectral region, have shown their usefulness for providing novel information on physical, geo-chemical and biological processes of the coastal area. Optical remote sensing of the coastal zone finds applications in studies of land use, surface cover, hydrology and coastal ecology at large; of water quality and sediment transport, coastal runoff and circulation, or dynamical processes (looking, e.g., at the evolution of pigment and/or temperature patterns, and their distribution as related to plankton dynamics, currents or river plumes); as well as in those of energy transfer, carbon cycling and climatology in general. Selected applications of optical observation techniques in the Mediterranean region, conducted in the framework of international demonstration programmes (i.e. the Ocean Colour European Archive Network, OCEAN, Project), provide examples of the remote sensing potential in the field of integrated coastal/marine environmental management.  相似文献   

The coastal environment is commonly the location for multiple human activities, of which recreation is just one. The coastal and marine sector has experienced nascent growth and this trend is likely to continue into the foreseeable future; the projected growth of the sector will impact coastal and marine resources, whilst also placing demands on those tasked with planning and managing the coastal environment. In Ireland, this presents particular challenges for coastal local authorities, as the principal planning consent body. In order to address these emerging challenges an innovative working partnership was developed between the research community and local authority to examine marine recreation in Cork Harbour, situated on the southern coast of Ireland. A programme of work was devised to identify data gaps in terms of: baseline information; user attitudes and perceptions towards existing management framework and facilities for recreation; interactions between different user groups; and, spatial distribution of recreational activities. The results of the assessment provided an improved understanding of the current coastal recreational situation, have value as input to spatial planning and contribute to the development of an integrated management plan for Cork Harbour.  相似文献   

深圳湾经过近三十年的围填海活动,沿岸动力条件发生较大变化,如今自然状态下难以发育沙滩。从构建高品质游憩空间、防护海岸和提升旅游开发价值来看,沙滩是深圳湾急需的资源。为了加强人和海洋的联系、激发深圳湾的活力,建立城市自然缓冲区、化解极端风暴的威胁,以此达到防护海岸和满足居民休闲游赏需求的目的,本研究以近岸海洋要素的自然属性为主,海洋开发活动等社会属性为辅进行综合分析,并辅以数值模型进行验证,在深圳湾内选择适宜开展沙滩修复的海岸。沙滩修复选址时考虑了波浪、潮流、地形、地貌、沉积物等近岸海洋要素;数值模型包括潮流场模型、波浪模型和沙滩长期的平面演化模型。本研究案例对岸线动态变迁较大,自然状态难以发育沙滩的海岸的人造沙滩选址和设计方案提供示范与借鉴。  相似文献   

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