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This paper presents a minimum variance unbiased (MVU) estimator for estimating an ocean surface current using the multifrequency microwave radar technique. In this technique the current information is obtained by finding the difference between the measured phase velocities of some specific surface gravity waves and the phase velocities calculated from the dispersion relation for still water. By defining the problem as a linear estimation problem, we develop an unbiased estimator for the current component along the radar look direction, which has a variance that is inversely proportional to the sum of the squared wavenumbers of the gravity waves used in the measurements. We also study the performance of an MVU vector estimator based on radar observations along two directions. Our analysis shows that the confidence region of this estimator has the shape of an elongated ellipse with semi-axes and orientation which are dependent on the angle between the observation directions, but independent on the true current vector. Furthermore, the theoretical models are thoroughly tested using both simulated and real radar data, and these tests show very good agreement with the model predictions  相似文献   

针对目前国内对于二谱的研究及应用尚不普遍的状况,在参考国外文献以及我们已完成的有关研究基础上,系统地阐述了实过程的二阶谱,交叉二阶谱与矢量过程的旋转二阶谱,旋转交叉二阶谱的定义与概念,重点讨论了实过程二阶谱的有关性质。  相似文献   

海流谱分析是近十年来引进的新方法,它从海水运动的内部结构——谐波组成来阐眀海流速度的时空变化特性,因而这种方法在分析流场的运动学和动力学特性以及流场之间的相互关系等方面颇有成效。在国外,海流谱分析方法已经广泛应用于研究风生流,内波,惯性运动,中尺度涡以及沿岸上升流等方面。随着浮标测流技术在我国的普遍推广,适用于长期连续测流资料的谱分析方法将得到日益广泛的应用。 海流是一矢量,相对标量而言,矢量谱的计算要比标量谱复杂一些。另外,由于科氏力的影响,海洋中的流动现象大都具有旋转性质。因此,在对海流时间系列作谱分析时,为了阐明海流运动的旋转性质,引人与海流的旋转特性相联系的旋转谱(rotary spectrum),要比单纯采用两个正交方向上的谱,如东分量谱和北分量谱更为恰当。利用旋转谱,一方面可以消除定位方向不准所产生的误差;另一方面,常常可以使海流的谱结构显得更加简洁,从而简化海流的动力学分析手续。 二维矢量的旋转谱分析方法在海流资料分析中的应用,较早可见于Perkins和 Gonella的论文。尔后, Moores系统地阐明了二维矢量谱的分析方法。 Calman把这一方法推广到三维情况,并把旋转谱推广到经验本征谱( Empirical eigenmode spectra);此外,他还阐明了谱分析方法在海流动力学分析中的若干应用。 一九七九年四月下旬,我们用测流浮标在青岛近海取得了持续四天的流速时间系列(采样间隔为十分钟或十五分钟)本文即试图采用二维矢量的旋转谱分析方法来处理这些观测数据,并由此得到该区海流的某些运动学特征。  相似文献   

首先从多参数岭估计,即广义岭参数人手,给出其谱分解形式。然后就岭估计会使估值偏差增大的问题,在Liu估计的基础上,推导出一种新的有偏估计方法——Liu型广义岭估计,并给出该方法的模型、解式。Liu型广义岭估计可以在尽量不增大偏差的同时改进病态性,获得更好的估值。最后通过算例进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

在向量损失函数下 ,本文研究了含有尺度参数更一般线性模型中参数估计在线性估计类中的容许性 ,给出了估计可容许的充要条件  相似文献   

在二次损失函数下,研究了线性模型中具有均匀协方差结构的误差方差非负二次估计的可容许性,给出了设计矩阵为1向量时,估计可容许的充要条件。  相似文献   

A new technique for two-dimensional (2-D) spectral estimation of a stationary random field (SRF) is investigated in this paper. This is based on the extension of the Radon transform theory to stationary random fields (SRF's), proposed by Jain and Ansari [19]. Using the Radon transform, the 2-D estimation problem is reduced to a set of one-dimensional (1-D) independent problems, which could then be solved using 1-D linear prediction (LP) or by any other high-resolution estimation procedure. This is unlike previous methods which obtain the 2-D power spectral density OPSD) estimate by using 1-D high-resolution techniques in the spirit of a separable estimator [2]. Examples are provided to illustrate the performance of the new technique. Various features of this approach are highlighted.  相似文献   

本文应用向量随机过程分解模型对旋转谱作出物理解释;此外,还修改了线性振荡度的定义,导出了极化度、线性振荡度和旋转系数之间的关系式,并讨论了它们与总相干、同相相干、异相相干之间的关系。  相似文献   

通过对TOGA-COARE期间的一组锚系仪器阵列资料的分析得出:在赤道西太平洋1°45′S,156°E.海域存在显著的半日潮频内波,它的水平波数(波长)、垂向波数、水平传播速度和垂向传播速度分别约为:3.3×10-2 km-1 (210 km),-1.6×10-3 m-1,2.0 m/s,-3.8 cm/s.波形向斜下方传播,亦即波能向斜上方传输.它在观测点西南方生成后,向东北方向传播,到达观测海区.流速矢量旋转谱水平随深度的变化呈马鞍形,低谷及深处的峰所在深度分别与南赤道流及赤道潜流的南边界所在深度大体一致.旋转椭圆主轴方位角随深度变化,在浅层(40 m处)为北偏东30°,到深处(324 m)转为东偏南14°.总体上呈东北方向,表明波来自西南方向.  相似文献   

A method for computing and displaying the temporal variation of rotary spectral estimates is described. The method is applied to time series measurements of highly nonstationary winds and currents. The results indicate approximately fortnightly modulation of diurnal wind energy and inertial current energy.  相似文献   

Tides and short-term variabilities in the Kuroshio west of Yonakuni-jima   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INTRODUCFIONTheKuroshioeastofTaiwanIslandflowsnorthwardandenterstheEastChinaalgathroughapaSSagebetweenTaiwanIslandandlriomote-shima.TOstudyfurthertheKuroshiothereandestimateitstransPOrt,itisnecessarytoobservetheKuroshioCurrentdirectly.Therehavebeen*ThisstudywassupportedbytheNationalNaturalaudienceFoundationofChinaundercontractNo.49476278.severaldirectobservationsoftheKuroshionearTaiwanIsland.Forexample,thedirectcurrentmeasurementat(24'24'N1123'35'E)byinabaetal.(1981)showedtheapp…  相似文献   

在研究了非负矩阵分解(NMF)用于遥感图像融合技术的基础上,改进了一种基于光谱复原的NMF遥感图像融合算法,首先利用矩阵非负性分解求取图像的基向量矩阵,然后综合考虑图像融合后的光谱特性和波形变化情况,对基向量矩阵进行直方图规则化处理,最后得到融合后的图像。实验结果表明,该方法具有较好保持原始图像的光谱信息和空间信息的优点。  相似文献   

本文利用一些复随机变量的分布和统计推断理论,导出了向量过程的正旋谱、负旋谱、谱差、总谱、外自谱、频域外自相关函数、外自谱的位相函数等估计量的渐近分布以及它们的置信区间,并简略地讨论了所得置信区间的最优性。最后用锚系海流计资料实例说明了所得置信区间公式在海流资料分析中的应用。  相似文献   

In traditional spectral analysis the use of windows is required because the assumption is made that the data outside the sample are zero. A data window is simply equal to unity inside, and zero outside the sample. This is equivalent to the truncation of the autocovariance function beyond some lag after which zeros are added. In Fast Fourier Transform spectral estimation a spectral window with smaller or greater negative side lobes is used. Any use of windows results in a smearing or spectral leakage that limits the spectral resolution. Maximum entropy spectral estimation (MEM) is equivalent to an extrapolation of the autocovariance function being consistent with some model assumptions. The result of the extrapolation is an increased spectral resolution in the frequency domain. In applications of MEM no kind of windows are used. MEM is applied to describe wind wave scalar spectra. The technique can also be used in the plane to estimate directional spectra. Our results show that MEM is a powerful tool for estimation of scalar spectra and simulation of the sea surface. There are also theoretical reasons for assuming that MEM are superior to traditional methods when only short samples are available. Our preliminary results verify this assumption. We propose a data acquisition system based on MEM, and also show that the response of linear systems can be calculated and simulated by MEM.  相似文献   

A pseudolinear estimator for bearings only tracking is presented. It is demonstrated through calculations and simulations that it has a performance close to the computationally far more complex maximum-likelihood estimator, in contrast to the earlier well-known pseudolinear estimator in Cartesian coordinates. Using the mean time point as the time reference of this estimator is necessary in order to avoid bias  相似文献   

In this paper a simplified computation method of natural frequency of jacket platforms is given. Shear, bending and rotary inertia effects are considered in the equation, while the jacket shape, rotary inertia and centralized mass of the platform top are all determined by using a coefficient-revising method.  相似文献   

A Monte-Carlo simulation technique is used to evaluate the suitability of proposed techniques for the estimation of the spectral peak frequency. Due to the statistical variability of spectral estimates and the discrete frequency resolution of spectra, the calculated values of peak frequency are stochastic variables. The probability density functions for such estimates are functions of the frequency resolution and the number of degrees of freedom of the spectrum from which they are derived as well as the spectral peakedness. The mean values of all techniques are biased high, indicating the derived values of peak frequency are an overestimate of the true value. The probability density functions do not follow an obvious analytical form. Tabular values are, however, presented to enable the determination of confidence limits for estimates of the peak frequency.  相似文献   

One important handicap when working with stratigraphic sequences is the discontinuous character of the sedimentary record, especially relevant in cyclostratigraphic analysis. Uneven palaeoclimatic/palaeoceanographic time series are common, their cyclostratigraphic analysis being comparatively difficult because most spectral methodologies are appropriate only when working with even sampling. As a means to solve this problem, a program for calculating the smoothed Lomb-Scargle periodogram and cross-periodogram, which additionally evaluates the statistical confidence of the estimated power spectrum through a Monte Carlo procedure (the permutation test), has been developed. The spectral analysis of a short uneven time series calls for assessment of the statistical significance of the spectral peaks, since a periodogram can always be calculated but the main challenge resides in identifying true spectral features. To demonstrate the effectiveness of this program, two case studies are presented: the one deals with synthetic data and the other with paleoceanographic/palaeoclimatic proxies. On a simulated time series of 500 data, two uneven time series (with 100 and 25 data) were generated by selecting data at random. Comparative analysis between the power spectra from the simulated series and from the two uneven time series demonstrates the usefulness of the smoothed Lomb-Scargle periodogram for uneven sequences, making it possible to distinguish between statistically significant and spurious spectral peaks. Fragmentary time series of Cd/Ca ratios and ??18O from core AII107-131 of SPECMAP were analysed as a real case study. The efficiency of the direct and cross Lomb-Scargle periodogram in recognizing Milankovitch and sub-Milankovitch signals related to palaeoclimatic/palaeoceanographic changes is demonstrated. As implemented, the Lomb-Scargle periodogram may be applied to any palaeoclimatic/palaeoceanographic proxies, including those usually recovered from contourites, and it holds special interest in the context of centennial- to millennial-scale climatic changes affecting contouritic currents.  相似文献   

A high-resolution t-ω estimator, termed the Wigner distribution (WD), is shown to form a sound basis for representing nonstationary acoustic returns. Signal returns are modeled as the output of a time-variant random filter where the WD of the nonstationary signal return defines a random process whose expectation reduces to the instantaneous power spectral density defined for dispersive communication channels. From the WD, a set of relations describing time-variant channel effects on spread-spectrum and diversity transmissions are developed. These relations are shown to be useful in comparing spreading techniques under differing channel conditions and for estimating channel-imposed bounds on the spreading parameters required for effective transmission. A mapping from the Wigner distribution to the cycle spectrum is shown to produce cyclic correlations characteristic of the modulation rate. The WD-based formulation is applied to an example of spread-spectrum transmission through a reverberation-limited channel  相似文献   

导管架海洋平台自振特性的简化计算方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出了一个方程中只考虑剪切、弯曲、转动惯量效应,而塔架形状变化、平台面转动惯量及台面集中质量变化等其他影响因素均以修正系数方法确定,得出平台基本频率的简化算法。  相似文献   

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