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东、黄海柱状沉积物中有机磷与无机磷的含量与分布研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了东、黄海海域典型站位柱状沉积物中总磷(TP)、无机磷(IP)及有机磷(OP)的含量及其分布特征.东海、黄海海域3种形态磷的浓度范围分别如下:东海:TP 13.73~19.85 μmol·g~(-1),IP 11.39~16.03 μmol·g~(-1)和OP 2.11~3.81 μmol·g~(-1);黄海:TP 14.44~18.33 μmol·g~(-1);IP 11.79~15.88 μmol·g~(-1)和OP 2.45~2.65 μmol·g~(-1).两海区沉积物中IP/TP和OP/TP变化范围分别为79%~88%和12%~21%.IP是研究海域沉积物中磷的主要存在形式,陆源输入为影响沉积物磷浓度的主要因素.地处长江口附近的E4站和东海中部海区的E6站分别为所有调查站位中各形态磷浓度的最高和最低者.不同海区柱状沉积物中各形态磷浓度的垂直分布特点不同.其分布特征在一定程度上反映了相应历史时段该站位营养盐输入水平、自然条件和人类活动的重大变化.  相似文献   

本文对2012年秋季中国东海31个站位的海水样品中溶解态氨基酸(THAA)和颗粒态氨基酸(PAA)的分布与组成进行了研究。结果表明:表层海水中溶解游离氨基酸(DFAA)的平均浓度为0.12±0.04 μmol/L (0.06~0.19 μmol/L),溶解结合氨基酸(DCAA)的平均浓度为0.61±0.51 μmol/L (0.15~1.79 μmol/L),PAA的平均浓度为0.11±0.06 μmol/L (0.02~0.27 μmol/L)。THAA的水平分布特点大致为近岸高、远岸低;PAA的水平分布特点是近岸海域向远海海域分布呈现逐渐减小的趋势。THAA的垂直分布特点是由表层向底层逐渐降低。DCAA、PAA与Chl-a有很好的相关性,而DFAA与Chl-a的相关性不明显。东海表层海水中THAA的主要组分是天门冬氨酸、谷氨酸、丝氨酸、甘氨酸、苏氨酸及丙氨酸,PAA的主要组分是天门冬氨酸、谷氨酸、丝氨酸、甘氨酸、丙氨酸及亮氨酸。在表层海水中氨基酸是作为一个整体而对海洋生物地球化学过程产生影响的。  相似文献   

于2018年7月对长江口及其邻近海域水体中的海洋化学参数进行了3个连续站和5个大面站的调查,分析了该海区水体层化和潮汐作用对颗粒氮(PN)和颗粒磷(PP)的影响。结果表明,该海区PN浓度为0.75~27.42 μmol/L,平均值为5.39 μmol/L; PP 浓度为(0.07~2.05)μmol/L,平均值为0.37 μmol/L。PN和PP与悬浮颗粒物(TSP)均具有较好的相关性,表现出明显的同源性。层化现象和潮汐作用对二者的运移有很大影响,层化导致颗粒氮磷在垂直和水平方向上的运移产生明显差异,其垂直分布出现明显分层现象。潮汐是该海区PP、PN水平输送的主要动力来源之一,在潮汐作用下,长江冲淡水的运移及底层沉积物的再悬浮对水体中颗粒氮磷的周期性变化产生重要的影响,在上升流区底层及中层PN和PP受沉积物再悬浮作用周期性变化。相关工作对分析河口海域化学成分的分布和水动力作用的相关性具有重要作用。  相似文献   

运用分相浸取法分析了浙江近岸海域60个站位的表层沉积物(0~2 cm)中各形态氮的含量和分布.研究结果表明,表层沉积物中总氮(TN)含量为214.66~861.44 mg/kg,均值为580.52mg/kg,位于浅水区的长江口、杭州湾和浙江沿岸的TN含量低于东部远岸海域;可转化态氮(TTN)含量只占总氮的3.06%~37.24%,有机态和硫化物结合态氮(OSF-N)是沉积物中可转化态氮的主要赋存形态,非转化态氮(NTN)是浙江近岸海域表层沉积物中的优势形态.各站位沉积物中氮在不同提取相中的含量差异较大,与沉积物的陆源输入、沉积物重金属含量、粒径分布及沉积海域的水动力条件等因素有关.  相似文献   

2016年夏季黄、渤海颗粒有机碳的分布特征及影响因素   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文根据2016年6-7月黄、渤海航次获得的调查数据,分析了黄、渤海海域颗粒有机碳(POC)的浓度变化、空间分布特征并结合盐度、叶绿素a、POC/PON、POC/Chl a平面分布特征和相关性分析,探讨了黄、渤海海域POC的来源和影响因素。结果表明:2016年夏季渤海海域POC平均浓度(500.2±226.5)μg/L,北黄海POC平均浓度(358.2±101.5)μg/L,南黄海POC平均浓度(321.0±158.1)μg/L,渤海海域POC浓度高于黄海,整个海域POC浓度表层高于底层。POC的平面分布特征为近岸高,外海低。调查海域表层POC/PON均值为8.89,POC/Chl a均值为182.52;中层POC/PON均值为8.87,POC/Chl a均值为179.56;底层POC/PON均值为9.41,POC/Chl a均值为178.80。黄海海域浒苔衰败对POC/PON与POC/Chl a影响较大。相关性分析结果表明渤海海域盐度、总悬浮物和叶绿素a与POC存在显著的相关性,是影响POC分布的主要控制因素。南黄海除表层POC浓度与盐度、总悬浮物和叶绿素a浓度有很好的相关性外,中层和底层POC浓度与盐度、总悬浮物和叶绿素a浓度不存在显著的相关性。渤海海域POC主要受陆源和浮游植物共同影响,浮游植物是POC的主要贡献者,而黄海海域POC受长江冲淡水、黄海暖流、苏北沿岸流、生物活动和底层沉积物等多种因素影响,其中苏北近岸和青岛外海,有机碎屑为POC的主要贡献者。  相似文献   

分别研究了2006年7月(夏季)和2007年1月(冬季)、5月(春季)、10月(秋季)黄海西北部海域浮游细菌生物量的分布特征,探讨了它们与温度、盐度和Chl a含量之间的关系.结果表明,研究海区平均细菌生物量春、夏、秋和冬季分别为:41.083,8.34,16.68和6.20 mg/m3.4个季节表层细菌生物量分布均呈现出从辽东半岛近岸区域向外海逐渐降低的趋势.春、秋季除浮游植物Chl a外各生态因子与细菌生物量之间均无显著性相关关系.夏、冬季与温度、盐度和Chl a含量的相关性均不显著.  相似文献   

黄河下游营养盐浓度季节变化及其入海通量研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
2001年3月~2002年2月期间在黄河下游采集溶解及颗粒态营养盐样品,分析了黄河径流中各形态的营养盐的浓度及其月动态,估算此时段内黄河的营养盐入海通量。研究发现,溶解无机氮是溶解总氮的主要存在形式,硝酸盐是黄河中氮的最主要存在形态,其季节变化与水量变化趋势相反,年平均含量为(260.6±84.0)μmol/L,显著高于世界其它河流,为世界背景值(7.14μmol/L)的20多倍;黄河中磷主要以颗粒态存在,颗粒态磷含量变化规律与SPM的分布一致,其年平均含量为(16.2±22.9)μmol/L,磷酸盐含量较低,年平均含量为(0.42±0.20)μmol/L,与世界河流的平均水平相当。硅酸盐年平均含量为(122.0±18.2)μmol/L。每年约有17 200 t的总氮和1 600 t的总磷输入渤海,氮通量表现出在春季3月较高;磷通量在9月出现最高值,春季3,4月也较高;硅酸盐通量在3月出现最高值。  相似文献   

钦州湾磷营养状态与浮游植物的碱性磷酸酶活性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
碱性磷酸酶(Alkaline phosphatase,AP)是浮游植物在磷胁迫的情况下诱导表达的一种酶,其作用是能够将溶解有机磷(Dissolved organic phosphate,DOP)水解成浮游植物可以直接利用的正磷酸盐形式,因此碱性磷酸酶活性(Alkaline phosphatase activity,APA)可用来指示海区浮游植物的磷胁迫状态。本研究以2015-2016年钦州湾4个航次(春季、夏季、秋季、冬季)的调查资料为依据,研究了钦州湾海域表层无机及有机磷的空间分布特征、APA的分布及其与磷营养之间的调控关系。调查期间,钦州湾海域春季、夏、秋、冬的单位叶绿素APA的平均值分别为20.42±5.32 nmol/μg Chl a/h,138.17±94.32 nmol/μg Chl a/h,142.60±72.60 nmol/μg Chl a/h和29.48±18.52 nmol/μg Chl a/h。经分析,APA与无机磷之间存在显著的负相关(P0.05),与N/P呈极显著负相关(P0.01),该海区APA可以反映钦州湾浮游植物的磷胁迫水平。海区氮磷比平均值在除春季外的三个季节均高于35,存在潜在的磷限制,浮游植物在夏季和秋季遭受较严重的磷胁迫。夏季和秋季浮游植物大量表达AP,由此推测DOP可能在钦州湾浮游植物生物量的维持甚至赤潮发生期间的磷补给上起着重要作用。  相似文献   

长江口跨越锋面颗粒磷季节分布变化特征及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2006年夏、冬季以及2007年春、秋季“海监49号”科学考察船的调查数据,分析了长江口跨越锋面区域(31.00°~31.78°N、121.04°~123.99°E)颗粒总磷(PP),颗粒无机磷(PIP),颗粒有机磷(POP)的季节变化和空间分布特征.结果表明,PIP是水体颗粒磷的主要存在形式;受长江径流输沙量的影...  相似文献   

通过对2006年夏季对北黄海的现场调查,对该海域磷的形态和分布特征进行了探讨.结果表明: 夏季北黄海海域总磷(TP)浓度的变化范围是0.00~1.63 μmol/L,其中溶解无机磷(DIP)是最主要的存在形式,占TP的44%,溶解有机磷(DOP)略低,颗粒磷(PP)最少,总磷的分布呈现由南向北逐渐增高的趋势.北黄海海域水体中各种形态磷(除DOP外)均是表层低于底层,表底层PP的含量相差不大, 表层以DOP为主要存在形态,而底层则以DIP为主,大部分DIP浓度高的区域恰好是DOP浓度的低值区,一定程度上存在着负相关关系(r=-0.34).这样的分布趋势除了受生物活动的影响外,在底部海域还与黄海冷水团密切相关.  相似文献   

Based on the measurements of particulate phosphorus(PP) in the Jiaozhou Bay from May 2003 to April 2004,the spatial distribution,seasonal variation and biogeochemical characteristics of PP were investigated to understand the fates and roles of phosphorus in the Jiaozhou Bay ecosystem.The concentration of the total PP ranged from 0.07 to 2.09 μmol/dm3.The concentration of POP was from 0.01 to 1.83 μmol/dm3,with an average of 0.32 μmol/dm3,which accounted for 49.6% in total PP.The concentration of PIP was fro...  相似文献   

To study the horizontal distribution and characterization of suspended particulate matter (SPM) in the coastal environment, the distribution and seasonal variation of particulate phosphorus (PP), divided as organic (POP) and inorganic (PIP) fractions with POC, PON, and Chl.a, in 4 seasons throughout Harima-Nada of the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, were investigated. A high concentration of PIP was observed not only in the northern coastal area, which received much freshwater discharge, but also in the channel parts. In winter, when Δσt was low, the difference between surface and bottom σt, resuspension of sinking particles or/and surface sediment which has a high PIP/PP ratio seems to have occurred, and then a high concentration of PIP in surface water was observed. In spring and summer, PIP/PP ratios (0.24) of surface waters were close to those of phytoplankton (0.1–0.2). On the other hand, PIP/PP ratios in autumn and winter, when Δσt was low, were similar to those of surface sediment in Harima-Nada (0.32–0.39). SPM in Harima-Nada showed higher PP contents than other coastal environments, and its mean value of 9.10 mg P/g was close to the phytoplankton P content of 9.75 mg P/g. This suggests that SPM in Harima-Nada was strongly affected by phytoplankton. The C/N ratio in Harima-Nada in spring was high (11), although high Chl.a and low PIP/PP were observed, possibly resulting from preferential decomposition of nitrogen in comparison with carbon. We consider that the PIP/PP ratio is a good indicator to characterize SPM and to predict its origin as well as the C/N.  相似文献   

The phosphorus cycle is studied during 2013–2014 in the Sanggou Bay(SGB), which is a typical aquaculture area in northern China. The forms of measured phosphorus include dissolved inorganic phosphorus(DIP), dissolved organic phosphorus(DOP), particulate inorganic phosphorus(PIP), and particulate organic phosphorus(POP).DIP and PIP are the major forms of total dissolved phosphorus(TDP) and total particulate phosphorus(TPP),representing 51%–75% and 53%–80%, respectively. The concentrations and distributions of phosphorus forms vary among seasons relative to aquaculture cycles, fluvial input, and hydrodynamic conditions. In autumn the concentration of DIP is significantly higher than in other seasons(P0.01), and higher concentrations are found in the west of the bay. In winter and spring the phosphorus concentrations are higher in the east of the bay than in the west. In summer, the distributions of phosphorus forms are uniform. A preliminary phosphorus budget is developed, and shows that SGB is a net sink of phosphorus. A total of 1.80×10~7 mol/a phosphorus is transported into the bay. The Yellow Sea is the major source of net input of phosphorus(61%), followed by submarine groundwater discharge(SGD)(27%), river input(11%), and atmospheric deposition(1%). The main phosphorus sink is the harvest of seaweeds(Saccharina japonica and Gracilaria lemaneiformis), bivalves(Chlamys farreri),and oysters(Crassostrea gigas), accounting for a total of 1.12×10~7 mol/a. Burial of phosphorus in sediment is another important sink, accounting for 7.00×10~6 mol/a. Biodeposition by bivalves is the major source of phosphorus in sediment, accounting for 54% of the total.  相似文献   

分别采用硫酸过硫酸钾作为氧化剂进行高压消解和用浓度为1 mol/dm3盐酸浸泡提取,然后用磷钼蓝分光光度法测定海水悬浮颗粒物、沉积物中的总磷和无机磷,用差减法得到有机磷。悬浮颗粒物总磷(PTP)和无机磷(PIP)质量浓度分别为(632.4~651.7)×10-6和(436.6~452.6)×10-6时,其相对标准偏差小于1.44%。悬浮颗粒物总磷、无机磷和有机磷的回收率分别为97.2%~101.3%,97.8%~100.4%和97.3%~102.3%。所建立的分析方法可用于海水、河口水悬浮颗粒物及沉积物中不同形态磷的测定。  相似文献   

The concentration of suspended particulate matter (SPM), sedimentation flux, and various forms of phosphorus and silica in turbidity maximum zone (TMZ) in the Changjiang (Yangtze) estuary was studied. Based on the budget of P and Si, their mass balances in the TMZ were calculated. Results show that the variation in concentration of dissolved inorganic silicon (DISi) was mainly controlled by seawater dilution, while that of dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) was considerably affected by the buffering of suspended matter and sediment. Our experiments showed that the sedimentation fluxes of SPM and particulate inorganic phosphorus (PIP), total particulate phosphorus (TPP), particulate inorganic silicon (PISi), and biological silicon (BSi) in the TMZ were 238.4 g m−2 d−1 and 28.3, 43.1, 79.0, 63.0 mg m−2 d−1, respectively. In addition, a simple method to estimate the ratio of resuspension of sediment in the TMZ was established, with which the rate in surface and bottom waters of the TMZ accounted for 55.7 and 66.1% of the total SPM, respectively, indicating that the sediment resuspension in the TMZ influenced significantly the mass balances of P and Si. Particulate adsorbed P (60.8%) and 35.5% of total particulate P discharged from the river were filtered and then deposited in the TMZ. The input flux of PIP from the river mouth was 55.9% of that of DIP, being important as biologically available P, while that of PISi was only 3.5% of DISi, showing that particulate adsorbed Si was much less important than particulate adsorbed P.  相似文献   

2008年11月末在青岛近海和胶州湾11个站点采集表层和底层海水中的悬浮颗粒物(SPM)样品,经消解后用等离子体发射光谱法测定了Al、Ca、Fe、Mg、Mn、Ti和Ba、Co、Cr、Cu、Ni、Pb、Sr、V、Zn共15个金属元素以及P的含量,结合SPM和元素含量聚类分析的结果探讨了秋末冬初青岛近海SPM的来源以及金属元素组成的影响因素.SPM含量范围在1.7~16.1mg/L之间,平均为7.9 mg/L;SPM来源以陆源风化产物为主,生物生产有较小的贡献.SPM中Ti、Fe、Mn、Mg、Al、V、Co、Sr和Ni的含量相对恒定,且主要受陆源输入的控制;Ca和P除受陆源影响外,生物生产亦有附加贡献.离陆地相对较远的区域表层海水SPM中Pb、Zn和Ba、Cr、Cu的含量较高,特别是Pb和Zn的富集因子较大,可能受到了潜在的污染影响.Ti的恒定性以及与SPM的良好相关性代表着在青岛近海可用Ti作为颗粒物陆源指示元素,且优于Al.  相似文献   

春、秋季南黄海浮游纤毛虫丰度及生物量的分布差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seasonal variation of marine plankton spatial distribution is important in understanding the biological processes in the ocean.In this study,we studied spatial distribution of planktonic ciliate abundance and biomass in the central deep area(station depth greater than 60 m) and the coastal shallow area(station depth less than 60 m) of the southern Yellow Sea(32°–36.5°N,121°–125°E) in spring(April) and autumn(October–November) of 2006.Our results showed that both ciliate abundance and biomass in the surface waters were higher in spring((1 490±2 336)ind./L;(4.11±7.81) μg/L) than in autumn((972±823) ind./L;(1.11±1.18) μg/L,calculated by carbon).Ciliate abundance and biomass in the surface waters of the coastal shallow area were similar in spring and autumn.However,in the central deep area,those values were much higher in spring((1 878±2 893) ind./L;(5.99±10.10)μg/L) than in autumn((738±373) ind./L;(0.74±0.76) μg/L).High values of ciliate abundance and biomass occurred in the central deep area in spring and in the coastal shallow area in autumn.Mixotrophic ciliate Laboea strobila was abundant in the central deep area in spring,when a phytoplankton bloom occurred.However,in autumn,L.strobila was abundant in the coastal shallow area.Boreal tintinnid Ptychocyli obtusa was found in spring.Both L.strobila and P.obtusa were concentrated in the surface waters when their abundance was more than 1 000 ind./L.Peaks of these species were in the subsurface waters when their abundance was less than 400 ind./L.This study showed that both high abundance and biomass of ciliates occurred in different areas in southern Yellow Sea seasonally.  相似文献   

春季长江口及邻近海域悬浮颗粒态硅的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对春季长江口及邻近海域悬浮颗粒态生物硅(PBSi)、成岩硅(LSj)进行了大面调查和围隔培养实验研究,讨论了悬浮颗粒物中PBSi的分布情况及其影响因素.分析表明,PBSi与LSi的含量分别为0.22~4.25和1.75~184μmol/dm<'3>,与世界其他海域相比LSi的含量偏高,PBSi含量则处于中等水平.由于陆...  相似文献   

9810号台风期间厦门近岸海域磷的分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于1998年10号台风期间及台风解除后一周内,对九龙江口和西海域表层水中总磷(TP)、溶解态无机磷(DIP)、溶解态有机磷(DOP)、颗粒态磷(PP)、颗粒态无机磷(PIP)和颗粒态有机磷(POP)进行了为期9d(10月26日至11月3日)的现场观测。根据观测结果,讨论了台风对上述各形态磷的分布特征的影响,认为台风伴随的增水、入海径流量的骤增和底质再悬浮的加剧导致表层水体中各形态磷含量的短期增加。  相似文献   

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