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楔形体在波浪中自由入水的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
物体入水时波浪的影响不可忽略,基于流体力学模型采用VOF法,并利用自定义函数,模拟了楔形体的自由入水过程;同时结合推波板原理及海绵层消波理论实现了数值水槽的造消波,完成了波浪中楔形体自由入水的模拟,计算了楔形体入水时所受的水作用力、自由液面变化及物面压强分布等,研究了不同波高、周期以及在波浪不同位置入水时对楔形体的影响。结果表明:本文建立的数值模型可很好地模拟楔形体入水造成的射流及空泡的形成发展过程,波浪对楔形体入水的影响主要由波浪内部流场变化及表面波形决定,在波浪不同位置处入水对楔形体受力及入水形态均有较大影响。  相似文献   

改进的移动粒子半隐式法模拟楔形体入水砰击   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
余谦  张怀新 《海洋工程》2013,31(6):9-15
移动粒子半隐式法(Moving-Particle Semi-Implicit Method,MPS)是一种新的基于拉格朗日(Lagrange)理念的无网格方法,适用于模拟自由液面的大变形和水流的喷射现象。用基于大涡模拟的改进MPS法首先模拟了矩形体的入水砰击,砰击压力的计算结果证明了这种方法的正确性,然后模拟了楔形体的匀速入水砰击,并与实验结果进行了对比,验证了大涡模拟改进MPS法在砰击问题中的适用性。  相似文献   

基于三维边界元方法研究了三维轴对称体入水砰击载荷的数值算法。算法从三维力学模型出发,继承了Wagner自由液面抬升理论,引入浸深因子Cw以确定自由液面抬升高度,并且将自由液面线性化处理,同时考虑网格运动,在自由液面附近对网格进行截断重构,以确保水下湿面积的精准。算法中使用考虑加权运动项的非线性伯努利方程计算得到入水结构的表面压力,进一步积分可得入水结构的总体受力。此外,文中分别通过Nisewanger的圆球入水试验与Alaoui的圆锥入水试验对算法的正确性及适用性进行了验证。  相似文献   

在有、无礁冠两种典型岛礁剖面地形上开展孤立波冲击礁坪上直墙的二维水槽试验和数值模拟研究。通过OpenFOAM结合k-ε湍流模型进行RANS数值模拟,基于试验数据和验证后的RANS模拟结果,研究了岛礁剖面上孤立波传播的水动力特性及其对直墙的作用,并探讨了礁冠的存在对直墙所受冲击的影响。结果表明:RANS(k-ε)模型能够准确还原孤立波在岛礁地形上的主要传播特征,但在波浪破碎的情况下,RANS数值模拟不够精细,尤其对直墙所受瞬击荷载的捕捉能力欠缺;礁冠的存在,增强了波浪反射,使得波浪提前破碎,减小了直墙上的波浪爬升和最大动压。  相似文献   

锥形振荡浮子在波浪能转换装置中应用非常广泛,在其服役期间,由于较小的设计吃水深度或为防避极端海况的需要,它们经常会离开水面;当其再次入水的时候,浮子底部就会受到入水冲击。入水冲击总是伴随着巨大的冲击压强以及冲击载荷,会导致浮子的结构性及疲劳性破坏,从而影响浮子的工作寿命。基于Fluent软件对锥形浮子的入水冲击过程进行了模拟仿真,研究了具有不同斜升角的锥体在入水冲击过程中所受的冲击压强、冲击载荷、冲击速度的时空变化规律,以及各冲击参数之间的关系。结果发现:(1)锥形浮子在入水瞬间的毫秒量级时间内受到极大的冲击压强和冲击载荷;(2)最大压强出现在锥顶点处,且锥顶点压强和锥表面压强之间的差距随着入水深度的增加而逐渐减小;(3)锥顶点压强峰值早于冲击载荷峰值而出现,并且两者之间的时间间隔随着锥体斜升角的增加而增大;(4)其他条件不变时,斜升角越小的锥体其所受的入水冲击越大。  相似文献   

振荡浮子在波浪能转换装置中应用非常广泛,在其服役期间,由于较小的设计吃水深度或为防避极端海况的需要,它们经常会离开水面;当其再次入水的时候,浮子底部就会受到入水冲击。入水冲击总是伴随着巨大的冲击压强以及冲击载荷,会导致浮子的结构性及疲劳性破坏,从而影响浮子的工作寿命。本文对锥形、半球形和横圆柱形三种形状的浮子入水冲击过程进行了实验研究,分析了浮子表面压强和冲击加速度的变化规律。主要结论如下:(1)在巨大的水阻力作用下,入水瞬间三种浮子表面压强急剧上升,迅速达到最高峰值;之后由于空气垫的作用,压强出现二次峰值现象。(2)在空气垫的作用下,三种浮子的最高压强峰值均未出现在浮子的最低点处,而是出现在外围某处。(3)三种浮子在触水瞬间的加速度均达到hm/s~2的量级,而后急剧下降,并在较短时间内达到一平衡值并沿其小幅震荡。(4)横圆柱形浮子由于其非垂直轴对称性,其表面压强和加速度的震荡更加明显。  相似文献   

江苏大丰地区潮滩由于水深较浅,潮流、波浪等动力较强,整个水层可视为边界层,其主体部分是对数层,即水流流速在垂向上呈对数分布。在潮流的加减速阶段,流速剖面将可能偏离对数分布,从而使对数剖面法计算出来的边界层参数造成误差。使用MIDAS-400用户化数据采集系统,在大丰潮滩获得了多层流速、浊度等同步高频观测数据,基于修正后的von Karman-Prandtl模型对u-lnz进行回归分析、数据内部一致性分析来定义流速对数剖面并与未修正前经典理论得到的边界层参数进行比较。分析结果表明,修正后的流速剖面更符合实际情况,边界层参数除了受水流加速度的影响外,还和沙纹等因素有关。另外,边界层参数的变化量与特征加速度负相关。  相似文献   

对航行体离筒后海水倒灌后形成的水锤效应进行了研究。 通过数据分析,描述了发射筒内产生的水锤压力现象,分析了水锤压力产生的机理,采用 CFD 分析方法对海水涌入发射筒后的流场特性和载荷特性进行了数值模拟计算;建立了水锤压力峰值估算模型,计算了航行体离筒速度和离筒时筒内压力的变化对发射筒底部压力的影响,得到不同工况条件下水锤效应的变化规律。  相似文献   

船载拖曳式多参数剖面测量系统是测量温度、深度、浊度、溶解氧、p H和叶绿素等多种海洋环境要素,提供海洋环境信息的重要观测设备。通过对2011年8月在渤海开展的CZT1-2型船载拖曳式多参数剖面测量系统比测试验,研究了该国产设备在渤海海区的适用效果。结果表明,传感器定点比测试验中,温度、盐度等数据的相关系数较好,而硝酸盐、磷酸盐、亚硝酸盐、硅酸盐和氨氮等营养盐的相对误差较大。在海试试验中,船载拖曳式多参数剖面测量系统经过了8 h试验,完成了预期的试验项目,拖体系统(含传感器)和甲板单元工作正常,具有良好的可靠性和环境适应性。本次海上比测试验为船载拖曳式多参数剖面测量系统进行改善、优化提供依据,为其产业化打下坚实的基础,并对海上试验提出了相应的改进建议。  相似文献   

鼓式离心机中的线性规则波浪离心模型试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
波浪诱发砂质海床液化导致的海洋工程事故屡屡发生,开展有效防治液化的工程措施是海洋工程建设的关键所在.受模型比尺限制,在1 g模型水槽内难以生成诱发海床液化的波浪条件,采用了大连理工大学最新建设的、国内唯一的大型土工鼓式离心机GT450/1.4开展了生成线性规则波浪的离心模型试验研究工作.其中自主开发了基于200W直流伺服电机驱动装置的机械造波系统,结合鼓式模型槽长度较大的技术优势,设置了斜坡式多孔钢板构成的消波装置.整套造波系统可以生成不同浪高和频率的线性推进波,试验中通过微型孔隙水压力传感器和自制的浪高仪量测波压力和波高,并通过波浪理论验证了所生成波浪的有效性.与以往离心机中的造波装置相比,本套系统的优势在于能够在较大尺寸的环形波浪槽中生成更强烈度的波浪,为今后波浪诱发海床液化的研究提供了技术保障.  相似文献   

A combined wind and wave energy converter concept, named STC concept was proposed. Model tests were performed in terms of operational and survival modes. Water entry and exit phenomena as well as green water on deck were observed during the survivability model tests. In this paper, a nonlinear numerical model based on a blended station-keeping potential-flow solver with a local impact solution for bottom slamming events and an approximated model for the water shipped on the deck is proposed to simulate these nonlinear phenomena. Physical investigation of the water entry and exit process was firstly carried out and uncertainty analysis of the model test results were performed. Numerical comparisons between the nonlinear solver and model test results are then performed in terms of mean, wave frequency and double wave frequency motion response components. The slamming and green water involved in the water entry process are specially investigated, in terms of the physical evolution and the effects on the dynamic motion responses. The validation work on the occurrence of slamming and water on deck as well as the slamming pressure are performed.  相似文献   

Slamming on bracings of column stabilized units shall be considered as a possible limiting criterion under transit condition based on the requirements in DNV-OS-C103. However, the wave slamming loads under survival condition were ignored for the strength analysis of the brace structures in many semi-submersible projects. In this paper, a method of strength analysis of brace structure is proposed based on the reconstruction and extrapolation of numerical model. The full-scale mooring system, the wind, wave and current loads can be considered simultaneously. Firstly, the model tests of the semi-submersible platform in wind tunnel and wave tanker have been carried out. Secondly, the numerical models of the platform are reconstructed and extrapolated based on the results of model tests. Then, a nonlinear numerical analysis has been conducted to study the wave slamming load on brace in semi-submersible platform through the reconstructed and extrapolated numerical model. For the randomness of wave load, ten subcases under each condition have been carried out. The value of the 90% Gumble distribution values of the ten subcases are used. Finally, the strength on brace structure has been analyzed considering the wave slamming. The wave slamming loads have been compared between the survival condition and transit condition with the method. The results indicate that wave slamming under survival condition is more critical than that under transit condition. Meanwhile, the wave slamming is significant to the structural strength of the brace. It should be overall considered in the strength analysis of the brace structure.  相似文献   

利用瞬态全场测量技术———粒子图像测速(PIV)技术,研究了波浪对透空式建筑物上部结构冲击过程的流场变化特性。通过对采集到的CCD图像互相关分析,直观地显示了波浪冲击作用发生时结构物底面的流场状态,得到瞬间全场流体水质点速度矢量,并且应用概率分析法研究了冲击压力峰值与波浪水质点运动速度之间的关系。  相似文献   

The water entry of large diameter cylindrical structure is studied by applying numerical simulation method. The processes of different diameter cyhndrical structures impacting water with various constant velocities are calculated numerically. Thereafter, analyzed are the distribution of slamming pressure on structure during slamming course and the influence of slamming velocity and cylindrical diameter on slamming process. Furthermore, presented herein is an equation being used to forecast the peak slamming force on a large diameter cylindrical structure.  相似文献   

This work presents a canonical study on a wedge entering water near a single piece of ice using computational-fluid-dynamics (CFD) and a Wagner-type theoretical model with corrections for non-linear effects. Calculations for a series of conditions with ice of different sizes and locations relative to the wedge are conducted. The hydrodynamic force due to impact, the pressure distribution on the wedge surface, and the pile-up phenomenon are examined to study the role of ice in the impact process. The theoretical model is shown to be accurate and can serve as a useful method to assess slamming loads under the influence of ice. It is shown that even for the case of a small piece of ice, the slamming force on the wedge can increase by 30%.  相似文献   

Aimed at the hydrodynamic response for marine structures slamming into water, based on the mechanism analysis to the slamming process, and by combining 3D N?S equation and turbulent kinetic equation with structure fully 6DOF motion equation, a mathematical model for the wind-fluid-solid interaction is established in 3D marine structure slamming wave at free poses and wind-wave-flow complex environments. Compared with the results of physical model test, the numerical results from the slamming wave well correspond with the experimental results. Through the mathematical model, the wave-making issue of 3D marine structure at initial pose falls into water in different complex wind, wave and flow environments is investigated. The research results show that various kinds of natural factors and structure initial poses have different influence on the slamming wave, and there is an obvious rule in this process.  相似文献   

A finite element model of Boussinesq-type equations was set up, and a direct numerical method is proposed so that the full reflection boundary condition is exactly satisfied at a curved wall surface. The accuracy of the model was verified in tests. The present model was used to further examine cnoidal wave propagation and run-up around the cylinder. The results showed that the Ursell number is a nonlinear parameter that indicates the normalized profile of cnoidal waves and has a significant effect on the wave run-up. Cnoidal waves with the same Ursell number have the same normalized profile, but a difference in the relative wave height can still cause differences in the wave run-up between these waves. The maximum dimensionless run-up was predicted under various conditions. Cnoidal waves hold entirely distinct properties from Stokes waves under the influence of the water depth, and the nonlinearity of cnoidal waves enhances rather than weakens with increasing wavelength. Thus, the variations in the maximum run-up with the wavelength for cnoidal waves are completely different from those for Stokes waves, and there are even significant differences in the variation between different cnoidal waves.  相似文献   

Numerical simulation of oblique water entry of an asymmetrical wedge   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
G.D. Xu  G.X. Wu 《Ocean Engineering》2008,35(16):1597-1603
The hydrodynamic problem of a two-dimensional asymmetrical wedge entering calm water obliquely at constant speed is analyzed based on the velocity potential theory. The gravity effect on the flow is ignored based on the assumption that the ratio of the entry speed to the acceleration due to gravity is much larger than the time scale of interest. The problem of this similarity flow is solved by a boundary element method together with an analytical solution for the jet based on the shallow water approximation. Various results are provided for the wave elevation, pressure distribution and force at different deadrise angles and at different oblique entry. The effects of asymmetry and horizontal speed on these results are investigated.  相似文献   

Experiments and numerical methods are developed to investigate the water entry of a freefall wedge with a focus on the evolution of the pressure on the impact sides (the side contacting water) and the top side (the dry side on the top of the wedge), evolution of the global hydrodynamic loads, evolution of the air–water interface, and wedge motion. It is found that a typical water entry of a freefall wedge can be divided into slamming, transition, collapse and post-closure stages. A single-fluid numerical model is presented to simulate the first three stages. The results are compared to experiments and good agreements are obtained. A two-fluid BEM is proposed to investigate the influence of the air flow before the closure of the cavity created on the top of the wedge. It is found that for the closure of the 2D cavity, the air flow starts to play an important role just before closure but due to the short duration, the influence of air flow on the body velocity and configuration of the air–water interface is limited.  相似文献   

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