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为实现水声传播损失高效准确计算,以满足工程应用要求,基于南海某深水海域水声调查数据研究改进拖曳声源深海传播损失算法。首先,对信号时间序列分析发现:深海多途传播结构显著,可分为直达波、第一二次海底反射波,信号幅度逐渐减小,海面反射波与直达波重叠;目标信号中心频率产生多普勒频移,与声源拖曳速度对应较好;"单频"正弦信号并非单一频点上的声信号,为一窄带功率谱,谱峰对应信号中心频率。进而,从信号识别及多途效应处理两方面对算法进行改进:基于功率谱频带分布,设计Butterworth滤波器带通截止频率,从频域上滤除噪声信号;依据环境噪声电压幅值,制定其判定标准,从时域剔除与目标信号同频带噪声信号。算法改进后可较好适应低信噪比环境下多途拖曳声源信号能量计算,快速高精度得到传损失数据。  相似文献   

简要介绍了液电效应及等离子体声源的一些基本情况,并根据实验采集到的不同等离子声源数据,选取了其中 2 组进行分析。对实验采集到的等离子声源单次脉冲声信号和脉冲串声信号进行了时域信号分析,通过 MATLAB 软件计算了信号在不同时刻的能量幅值。随后,在频域对信号进行频谱分析,通过 FFT 变换分析了信号在频域范围内的能量分布。之后,对信号的功率谱进行了估计,用 PSD 算法分析了能量在不同频率上的分布信息,得出了等离子体声源信号频率范围广、低频能量大的结论。最后,结合等离子体声源信号频率及能量分布情况,对等离子体声源在水声领域的应用前景进行了分析。  相似文献   

水下声探测是外国调查船和水下文物盗捞船进行非法调查和探测的主要技术手段,根据信号的主要声特征,对海洋水下声探测信号进行分类,分为宽带中、低频信号和窄带高频信号.在福建兴化湾海域采集了浅地层剖面仪信号、电火花声源信号、侧扫声纳信号和单频测深信号4种代表性的海洋水下声探测信号,根据声特征分析给出了对应的分类,其中:浅地层剖面仪信号为信号类型确定的中、低频信号;电火花声源信号为宽带脉冲中、低频信号;侧扫声纳信号和单频测深信号为窄带高频信号.通过对4种实测声探测数据的分析研究,给出了对应类型的海洋水下声探测信号的分析、提取方法,其中:信号类型确定的中低信号和窄带高频信号在初步的时、频分析基础上,可通过带通滤波提取;宽带脉冲中、低频信号在初步的时、频分析基础上,可尝试通过小波尺度相关滤波的方法提取.结合已知的水下声探测信号的主要声特征,实现对采集的海洋水下声探测信号的识别.  相似文献   

针对多径条件下相干声源方位估计问题,研究了矢量水听器阵列信号方位估计的 MUSIC 与 ESPRIT 方法,并通过空间重采样推广到宽带信号方位估计中。实船噪声的计算机仿真表明:6 元矢量水听器阵列可以分辨空间间隔不大于 15o 的 2 个目标,并可利用相干信号子空间方法解相干源,在声引信多目标分辨中有应用前景。  相似文献   

针对浅水水域水声信号多途效应导致信道衰落,真实时延信号获取难度大的问题,研制了一种适用于浅水定位的超短基线装置,并提出一种附有约束条件的互相关时延估计方法。采用脉冲挑选和时延差相位修正方法对目标轨迹进行精确跟踪定位,某湖试实验结果表明,该方法的定位轨迹光滑稳定,野点少, 定位精度高。  相似文献   

被动声纳中,目标定位的测定只能利用目标声源发出的信号或噪声,爆炸声源与常用的电声式脉冲声纳发射器比较起来,具有某些明显的优点,可代替发射换能器来实现距离和方位的测定.针对水下爆炸声源,采用三元标量阵进行研究,通过确定信号到达各个阵元的时延信息来测定其目标方位和距离,并利用内插方法提高定位精度.实验结果表明,不同位置处爆...  相似文献   

目标触底过程中通常会产生强烈的瞬态地震波信号,通过对此类地震波信号的监测、处理和分析,能够帮助判断该信号的产生是否是由异常活动产生的,并且能够根据信号分析相关信息,实现早期预警, 从而做出快速响应。 由于双谱检测具有很好的抗高斯干扰能力,对高斯平稳随机过程和试验模拟目标触底瞬态地震波信号的双谱特性进行了分析,并在高斯背景中对试验采集的瞬态信号进行了检测仿真,仿真试验结果表明:在高斯背景的干扰下,双谱检测能够有效实现对瞬态信号的检测[1] 。  相似文献   

为了在海洋环境中准确获取鱼类在摄食、产卵和争斗过程中发出的短促、瞬时的信号,采用希尔伯特-黄变换算法实现微弱被动瞬态鱼声信号的检测。该算法首先将瞬态鱼声信号实现固有模态信号的分解,其次将经验值高阶阶数的固有模态信号求和重构即可实现信号能量幅度检测;在固有模态信号的分解的基础上,计算求和重构信号的希尔伯特能量谱,即可实现瞬时能量密度级的检测。通过不同信噪比和检测器的比较研究,结果表明基于希尔伯特-黄变换算法的两种检测方法能有效提高微弱被动瞬态鱼声信号的检测性能。  相似文献   

两种基于贝叶斯点估计理论的多声源定位方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
海洋环境参数失配是制约匹配场定位性能的主要因素之一。为了克服环境失配,本文基于贝叶斯理论,将环境参数与声源的距离和深度一起作为未知量进行反演。然而在进行多声源定位时,反演参数的维数几何增长,极大地增加了反演问题的复杂性和计算量。为此本文将声源强度和噪声方差表示成其极大似然估计值,从而将这些参数进行隐式采样,大大降低了反演的维数和难度。文章比较了两种贝叶斯点估计方法,最大后验概率密度方法和最大边缘后验概率密度方法。最大后验概率密度方法的解是令后验概率密度取得最大值的参数组合,可以利用优化算法快速获得。最大边缘后验概率密度法将其他参数积分,得到目标参数的一维边缘概率分布,分布的最大值为反演结果。该方法得到最优估计值的同时可以获取参数估计的不确定信息。在环境参数和声源参数都未知的情况下,利用蒙特卡洛法在不同信噪比情况下对两种声源定位方法进行分析,实验结果表明:(1)对于敏感参数,如声源距离、水深和海水声速,最大边缘后验概率密度法比最大边缘后验概率密度方法的性能好。(2)对于较不敏感的参数,如海底声速、海底密度和海底声衰减,当信噪比较低时,最大边缘后验概率密度方法能较好地平滑噪声,从而比最大边缘后验概率密度法具有更好的性能。由于声源距离和深度是敏感参数,研究表明最大边缘后验概率密度法提供了一种在不确知环境下更可靠的多声源定位方法。  相似文献   

声图测量技术是一种适用于近场的高精度被动定位技术,可以用来测量舰船辐射噪声源位置的空间分布。声图测量的核心算法是聚焦波束形成。算法的分辨力与阵长、信号处理频段以及目标距离有关。当阵长一定、测量区范围给定时,算法对低频声源的分辨力较差。MVDR波束形成法可较常规波束形成获得更高的分辨力,降低旁瓣。采用MVDR与聚焦波束形成相结合的方法可提高对舰船各部位辐射噪声源的分辨力。  相似文献   

The problem of locating very low frequency sound sources in shallow water is made difficult by the interaction of propagating acoustic waves with the sea floor. Slow wave speeds and the attendant short wavelengths suggest that low frequency beamforming and source localization with sea floor geophones can be accomplished with relatively small arrays when compared with hydrophone arrays in the water column. To test the feasibility of this approach, experiments were carried out in the shallow water of the Malta Channel of the Straits of Sicily where the Scholte wave speed was some 10 to 20 times slower that the speed of sound in water. A linear array of ten vertically gimballed geophones was deployed and measurements were made on propagating seismic wave fields generated by explosive shots. The resulting directivities, beam patterns, and sidelobe characteristics are in excellent agreement with array theory, which suggests that coherent processing is a viable technique on which to base new applications for seismic arrays on the sea floor. Supporting materials on the geophysics of Scholte waves and calculations of the wave field at the site are presented  相似文献   

This paper describes results from geoacoustic inversion of low-frequency acoustic data recorded at a receiving array divided into two sections, a sparse bottom laid horizontal array (HLA) and a vertical array (VLA) deployed in shallow water. The data are from an experiment conducted by the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) in the Barents Sea, using broadband explosives (shot) sources. A two-layer range-independent geoacoustic model, consistent with seismic profiles from the area, described the environment. Inversion for geoacoustic model parameters was carried out using a fast implementation of the hybrid adaptive simplex simulated annealing (ASSA) inversion algorithm, with replica fields computed by the ORCA normal mode code. Low-frequency (40-128 Hz) data from six shot sources at ranges 3-9 km from the array were considered. Estimates of sediment and substrate p-wave velocities and sediment thickness were found to be consistent between independent inversions of data from the two sections of the array.  相似文献   

水声定位系统中, 声线弯曲是造成定位误差大的主要原因, 本文针对该问题提出了一种迭代适应点分层(IAPL)的声线修正算法, 将声速剖面筛选分层修正声线。首先搭建水声定位模型, 通过拟合目标海域的监测数据, 得到声速高次函数; 其次探究声线弯曲时目标位置与掠射角的关联性, 由此构造出声线插值函数并求解路径参数; 最后提出划分原则, 精简声速剖面分层。仿真结果表明, 所提算法定位误差较低, 分层精简率均维持在48.04%的水平, 使计算量平均下降可达50.27%, 能够最大程度保留声速剖面的原始特征, 减少分层数量, 提高计算效率。  相似文献   

This paper applies a full-field technique to invert bottom sound profile and bottom reflectivity from simulated acoustic data in a shallow water environment. Bottom sound-speed profile and bottom reflectivity have been traditionally estimated using seismic reflection/refraction techniques when acoustic ray paths and travel time can be identified and measured from the data. However, in shallow water, the many multipaths due to bottom reflection/refraction make such identification and measurement rather difficult. A full-field inversion technique is presented here that uses a broad-band source and a vertical array for bottom sound-speed and reflectivity inversion. The technique is a modified matched field inversion technique referred to as matched beam processing. Matched beam processing uses conventional beamforming processing to transform the field data into the beam domain and correlate that with the replica field also in the beam domain. This allows the analysis to track the acoustic field as a function of incident/reflected angle and minimize contamination or mismatch due to sidelobe leakage  相似文献   

李焜  方世良 《海洋工程》2015,29(1):105-120
The conventional matched field processing (MFP) uses large vertical arrays to locate an underwater acoustic target. However, the use of large vertical arrays increases equipment and computational cost, and causes some problems such as element failures, and array tilting to degrade the localization performance. In this paper, the matched field localization method using two-hydrophone is proposed for underwater acoustic pulse signals with an unknown emitted signal waveform. Using the received signal of hydrophones and the ocean channel pulse response which can be calculated from an acoustic propagation model, the spectral matrix of the emitted signal for different source locations can be estimated by employing the method of frequency domain least squares. The resulting spectral matrix of the emitted signal for every grid region is then multiplied by the ocean channel frequency response matrix to generate the spectral matrix of replica signal. Finally, the matched field localization using two-hydrophone for underwater acoustic pulse signals of an unknown emitted signal waveform can be estimated by comparing the difference between the spectral matrixes of the received signal and the replica signal. The simulated results from a shallow water environment for broadband signals demonstrate the significant localization performance of the proposed method. In addition, the localization accuracy in five different cases are analyzed by the simulation trial, and the results show that the proposed method has a sharp peak and low sidelobes, overcoming the problem of high sidelobes in the conventional MFP due to lack of the number of elements.  相似文献   

Owing to the multipath effect, the source localization in shallow water has been an area of active interest. However, most methods for source localization in shallow water are sensitive to the assumed model of the underwater environment and have poor robustness against the underwater channel uncertainty, which limit their further application in practical engineering. In this paper, a new method of source localization in shallow water, based on vector optimization concept, is described, which is highly robust against environmental factors affecting the localization, such as the channel depth, the bottom reflection coefficients, and so on. Through constructing the uncertainty set of the source vector errors and extracting the multi-path sound rays from the sea surface and bottom, the proposed method can accurately localize one or more sources in shallow water dominated by multipath propagation. It turns out that the natural formulation of our approach involves minimization of two quadratic functions subject to infinitely many nonconvex quadratic constraints. It shows that this problem (originally intractable) can be reformulated in a convex form as the so-called second-order cone program (SOCP) and solved efficiently by using the well-established interior point method, such as the software tool, SeDuMi. Computer simulations show better performance of the proposed method as compared with existing algorithms and establish a theoretical foundation for the practical engineering application.  相似文献   

Based on the general concept of the inverse acoustic radiation problem, the temporal scanning of a stationary acoustic field along a closed contour is used to simplify the measurement approach for obtaining information on source directionality. The mathematical formulation is derived from a model of the two-dimensional acoustic field. The formulation of the inverse problem is also investigated to establish a methodology for improving the angular resolution of the array processing. The fundamental relationship between the sound sources and the circular passive synthetic array is explored, utilizing existing mathematical methods, in order to develop the processing algorithm. Other subjects of practical interest, such as directional ambiguity, effect of Doppler frequency, interference noise, and processing gain are discussed. It is concluded that the results can be used to establish guidelines for engineering design and deployment of this type of synthetic array, and to further exploit the new array signal processing technique  相似文献   

This paper addresses localization of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) from acoustic time-of-flight measurements received by a field of surface floating buoys. It is assumed that measurements are corrupted by unknown-but-bounded errors, with known bounds. The localization problem is tackled in a set-membership framework and an algorithm is presented, which produces as output the set of admissible AUV positions in a three-dimensional (3-D) space. The algorithm is tailored for a shallow water situation (water depth less than 500 m), and accounts for realistic variations of the sound speed profile in sea water. The approach is validated by simulations in which uncertainty models have been obtained from field data at sea. Localization performance of the algorithm are shown comparable with those previously reported in the literature by other approaches who assume knowledge of the statistics of measurement uncertainties. Moreover, guaranteed uncertainty regions associated to nominal position estimates are provided. The proposed algorithms can be used as a viable alternative to more traditional approaches in realistic at-sea conditions.  相似文献   

Acoustic propagation in shallow water is greatly dependent on the geoacoustic properties of the seabottom. This paper exploits this dependence for estimating geoacoustic sediment properties from the bottom acoustic returns of known signals received on a hydrophone line array. There are two major issues in this approach: one is the feasibility of acoustic inversion with a limited aperture line array, the other is related to the knowledge of the geometry of the experimental configuration. To test the feasibility of this approach, a 40-hydrophone-4-m spaced towed array together with a low-frequency acoustic source, was operated at a shallow water site in the Strait of Sicily. In order to estimate the array deformation in real time, it has been equipped with a set of nonacoustic positioning sensors (compasses, tilt-meters, pressure gauges). The acoustic data were inverted using two complementary approaches: a genetic algorithm (GA) like approach and a radial basis functions (RBF) inversion scheme. More traditional methods, based on core sampling, seismic survey and geophone data, together with Hamilton's regression curves, have also been employed on the same tracks, in order to provide a ground truth reference environment. The results of the experiment, can be summarized as follows: 1) the towed array movement is not negligible for the application considered and the use of positioning sensors are essential for a proper acoustic inversion, 2) the inversion with GA and RBF are in good qualitative agreement with the ground truth model, and 3) the GA scheme tends to have better stability properties. On the other hand, repeated in version of successive field measurements requires much less computational effort with RBF  相似文献   

An experiment was performed to measure sediment penetrating acoustic waves to test a model of acoustic propagation, which is based on Biot's theory. Independent geophysical measurements provided model input parameters. A parametric sound source was used to project a narrow beam pulse into a silty sand sediment at a shallow grazing angle. The sediment acoustic waves were measured by an array of buried sensors and processed to measure wave directions and speeds. Two acoustic waves were observed, corresponding to the fast and slow waves predicted by Biot's theory. Discrepancies between model predictions and measured acoustic waves were examined, deficiencies in the model identified, and strategies for improvement postulated. The permeability and bulk modulus of the solid frame were of particular interest  相似文献   

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