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海底管道-土体-水体相互作用对土体和管道的稳定性具有重要影响,但波浪作用下海底管道对其周围土体性质的影响仍有待深入研究。通过一系列室内波浪水槽试验,研究了波浪荷载和管道振动作用下海床土体内部的超孔隙水压力响应。实验结果表明,管道的铺设会增大海底土体超孔隙水压力累积程度,当管道发生振动时,海床土体超孔隙水压力累积程度进一步增大,从而增加了土体液化势。此外,波高增加也会导致海床土体的超孔隙水压力累积程度增大。本文研究成果对管道-土体相互作用研究和海底管道维护具有指导意义。  相似文献   

华莹  周香莲  张军 《海洋通报》2017,36(6):644-651
基于广义Biot动力理论和Longuet-Higgins线性叠加模型,构建波浪-海床-管线动态响应的有限元计算模型,求解随机波作用下,多层砂质海床中管线周围土体孔隙水压力和竖向有效应力的分布。采用基于超静孔隙水压力的液化判断准则,得出液化区的最大深度及横向范围,从而判断海床土体液化情况。考虑海洋波浪的随机性,将海床视为多孔介质,海床动态响应计算模型采用u-p模式,孔隙水压力和位移视为场变量。并考虑孔隙水的可压缩性、海床弹性变形、土体速度、土体加速度以及流体速度的影响,忽略孔隙流体惯性作用。参数研究表明:土体渗透系数、饱和度以及有效波高等参数对海床土体孔隙水压力、竖向有效应力和液化区域分布有显著影响。  相似文献   

波浪作用下黄河口粉土海床粗化室内模型试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用室内水槽模型实验,对黄河口粉质海床土在波浪荷载下的粗化现象进行了研究,试验中观测了土体表层沉积物的变化,测量了土体内孔隙水压力及土的粒径变化,结合高密度电阻率法探测结果分析探讨了波浪作用下土体粗化机理.研究表明,波浪作用会使粉质海床土发生明显的粗化现象;土体液化是波浪导致粉土粗化的首要条件;土体内超孔隙水压力累积及消散是细颗粒物质迁移的主要动力.该结果对于研究黄河口粉土海床地貌的形成有一定参考意义.  相似文献   

波浪作用下单桩基础周围海床液化机制研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
建立波浪作用下单桩周围三维海床动力响应模型,考虑自重影响下的海床长时间固结过程。采用已有物理模型试验数据对模型进行验证,证实其具有较好的适用性。模拟波浪作用下单桩周围三维海床液化区域,通过定量分析超孔隙水压力和土体初始有效应力的变化,讨论单桩插入深度对海床液化的影响机制。研究表明,单桩插入深度发生变化时,土体初始有效应力对海床液化的影响要大于超孔隙水压力,且影响程度随着插入深度的增加而逐渐增大。  相似文献   

波浪作用下海床的有效应力分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
波浪作用下海床的稳定性分析是海洋工程地质评价的重要内容。海床的稳定性可通过计算分析其随时间变化的有效应力场来评估。本文建议了一个周期荷载作用下土体的本构模型 ,并用于计算波浪作用下海床的应力与变形。采用Biot固结理论和有限单元法 ,分析了海床的动态应力场与孔隙水压力场。波浪作用下两种渗透系数时有效应力的动态变化过程结果对比 ,反映了渗透消散作用对海床有效应力变化的影响  相似文献   

王岳  刘春  刘晓磊  刘辉  李亚沙 《海洋学报》2021,43(11):88-95
海床土层在波浪的循环荷载作用下会逐渐累积孔压,降低土层的稳定性,并威胁海上工程。为了研究孔隙水压力的累积机制,本文提出离散元孔隙密度流方法,并改进研发离散元分析软件MatDEM,实现了海床沉积物孔压的累积过程模拟。基于现场试验装置及土体力学参数建立离散元模型,通过对比试验和数值模拟结果发现:对海床沉积物施加波浪荷载后,表层土体中产生较高孔压,并逐渐向深层传递;在循环波浪荷载作用下,土颗粒间孔压累积范围逐渐增加;当孔压累积时间足够长时,土层中孔压收敛于所施加最大荷载与最小荷载的平均值,此时若孔压达到初始有效应力,土体将发生液化,内部土颗粒成为再悬浮沉积物;在周期性波浪荷载作用下,土颗粒液化悬浮后发生移动,浅层颗粒位移量大,土体整体表现为圆弧形移动。  相似文献   

粉土在波浪等动荷载作用下极易发生液化破坏,而孔隙水压力在粉土动力学行为中扮演了一个很重要的角色,其发展变化会直接影响到土体的稳定性。因此,通过室内波浪作用下的粉土孔压响应模型试验探讨了孔压与波浪之间的响应情况,发现波浪能量的影响沿土层深度递减,水深条件相同时,响应的孔压随波高的增大而增加,当波浪作用足够长时间后粉土发生液化破坏,此时粉土内累积的孔压小于上覆土体的自重应力。根据结果提出了1种评价粉土海床稳定性的方法。  相似文献   

椭圆余弦波是一种常见的浅水非线性波,对近岸区海床的稳定性有重要影响。本文根据有限体积法原理,基于开源流体力学计算平台OpenFOAM,利用C++语言编制了波致无粘性土海床响应的数值计算程序,联合波浪数值模拟软件,对椭圆余弦波作用下海床的瞬态响应、累积响应及其渐进液化特征进行了分析。与线性波作用下海床响应计算结果的对比分析表明,椭圆余弦波会明显增大海床瞬态孔隙水压力和应力幅值,进而显著促进海床内孔隙水压力的累积和液化深度的发展。在近岸浅水区海床的响应分析尤其是海床累积响应的分析中,波浪的非线性效应不容忽视。  相似文献   

为了研究波流共同荷载作用下开挖基槽附近海床动态响应和液化破坏情况,提出一个二维耦合计算模型,采用雷诺时均纳维-斯托克斯(RANS)方程描述波浪运动情况,通过设定侧边界条件实现稳定流场。海床部分通过求解Biot固结方程,得到波流荷载下海床中的应力和位移情况。将模型计算结果与水槽试验数据和解析解进行比较,验证了波流模型和海床模型的有效性。在此模型基础上,分析得到了开挖之后海床新的应力和固结状态。同时,通过参数分析得到了波流耦合情况下波浪形态的变化,以及海流对海床液化情况和孔压情况的影响。最后,通过线性回归计算得到最大液化深度与流速的拟合关系曲线。计算结果可用于判断基槽开挖后不规则海床的液化情况,对相关研究和实际工程具有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

波浪作用下黄河口粉土液化与振荡层形成试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过室内水槽试验,观察波浪作用下土体产生的现象,分析了土体内孔隙水压力的变化及波浪作用后土体粒度组成变化特征,研究了波浪荷载作用下黄河口粉土液化和"振荡层"的形成过程。试验及讨论结果表明:在波浪作用下,上层粉土体大部分时间处于液化状态;由液化土形成的振荡土层与下部土层之间形成"W"形的滑动面,振荡土层的厚度随着波浪作用时间的增加而变小;在波浪的振动和孔隙流体的共同作用下,土颗粒重新排列,细粒物质向上迁移,土体底部土颗粒粒径较为粗大,振荡层范围内土颗粒粒径组成相似,粒径分布范围较小;其内部孔压比随深度和波浪作用次数的增加而较少,土体内部积累的超孔压逐渐消散,海床土体逐渐趋于稳定。  相似文献   

波浪作用下粉质土海床的液化是影响海上平台、海底管线等海洋构筑物安全的灾害之一。在进行构筑物设计中应考虑海床液化的深度问题,而液化土体对下部海床的界面波压力是计算海床孔隙水压力增长以及液化深度的重要参量。本文基于波致粉土海床自上而下的渐进液化模式,利用双层流体波动理论,推导了考虑海床土体黏性的海床界面波压力表达式,并与不考虑黏性时的界面波压力进行了比较分析。结果表明,计算液化后土体界面波压力时,是否考虑液化土体的黏性对结果影响较大,进而可能影响粉质土海床液化深度的确定。  相似文献   

Wave-induced liquefaction in a porous seabed around submarine pipeline may cause catastrophic consequences such as large horizontal displacements of pipelines on the seabed, sinking or floatation of buried pipelines. Most previous studies in relation to the wave and seabed interactions with embedded pipeline dealt with the wave-induced instaneous seabed response and possible resulting momentary liquefaction (where the soil is liquefied instantaneously during the passage of a wave trough), using theory of poro-elasticity. Studies for the interactions between a buried pipeline and a soil undergoing build-up of pore pressure and residual liquefaction have been comparatively rare. In this paper, this complicated process was investigated by using a new developed integrated numerical model with RANS (Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes) equations used for governing the incompressible flow in the wave field and Biot consolidation equations used for linking the solid–pore fluid interactions in a porous seabed with embedded pipeline. Regarding the wave-induced residual soil response, a two-dimensional poro-elastoplastic solution with the new definition of the source term was developed, where the pre-consolidation analysis of seabed foundation under gravitational forces including the body forces of a pipeline was incorporated. The proposed numerical model was verified with laboratory experiment to demonstrate its accuracy and effectiveness. The numerical results indicate that residual liquefaction is more likely to occur in the vicinity of the pipeline compared to that in the far-field. The inclusion of body forces of a pipeline in the pre-consolidation analysis of seabed foundation significantly affects the potential for residual liquefaction in the vicinity of the pipeline, especially for a shallow-embedded case. Parametric studies reveal that the gradients of maximum liquefaction depth with various wave and soil characteristics become steeper as pipeline burial depth decreases.  相似文献   

The failure of marine structures is often attributed to liquefaction in loose sand deposits that are subjected to ocean waves. In this study, a two-dimensional integrated numerical model is developed to characterize the liquefaction behaviours of loosely deposited seabed foundations under various types of ocean waves. In the present model, Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) equations are used to simulate the surface wave motion, and Biot's consolidation equations are used to link the solid-pore fluid interactions in a porous medium. A poro-elasto-plastic solution is used to reproduce foundation behaviour under cyclic shearing. Unlike previous investigations, both oscillatory and residual soil responses were considered; they are coupled in an instantaneous approach. Verification of the model results to the previous centrifugal wave tests is carried out, obtaining fairly good agreement. Numerical examples show that foundation behaviour under various types of wave loading, particularly standing waves or a solitary wave, embodies a completely two-dimensional process in terms of residual pore pressure development. The parametric studies demonstrate that liquefaction caused by the build-up of pore pressures is more likely to occur in loosely deposited sand foundations with poor drainage and under large waves.  相似文献   

The evaluation of seabed response under wave loading is important for prediction of stability of foundations of offshore structures. In this study, a stochastic finite element model which integrates the Karhunen-Loève expansion random field simulation and finite element modeling of wave-induced seabed response is established. The wave-induced oscillatory response in a spatially random heterogeneous porous seabed considering cross-correlated multiple soil properties is investigated. The effects of multiple spatial random soil properties, correlation length and the trend function (the relation of the mean value versus depth) on oscillatory pore water pressure and momentary liquefaction are discussed. The stochastic analyses show that the uncertainty bounds of oscillatory pore water pressure are wider for the case with multiple spatially random soil properties compared with those with the single random soil property. The mean pore water pressure of the stochastic analysis is greater than the one obtained by the deterministic analysis. Therefore, the average momentary liquefaction zone in the stochastic analysis is shallower than the deterministic one. The median of momentary liquefaction depth generally decreases with the increase of vertical correlation length. When the slope of the trend function increases, the uncertainty of pore water pressure is greatly reduced at deeper depth of the seabed. Without considering the trend of soil properties, the wave-induced momentary liquefaction potential may be underestimated.  相似文献   

波浪作用下埕岛海域海底土液化分区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据埕岛海域表层沉积物特征,结合该区的波浪实测资料推算的波浪要素,利用动三轴实验得到研究区土体在循环荷载作用下孔隙水压力的增长与振动次数的关系,计算研究区内海底土层的液化可能性和液化所需的时间,并根据土体在不同水深情况下达到液化所需的时间对研究海域进行了液化分区。结果显示,7-8 m等深线之间的海底土体由于受到波浪破碎作用的影响,最易发生液化,液化影响深度也最深,自该海域向近岸和远海,液化可能性降低;土层埋深为2.5 m以浅时,研究区大部分区域液化可能性为高,而到埋深为4 m时土层液化可能性明显降低。  相似文献   

To obtain a better understanding of the oscillatory soil liquefaction around an offshore pipeline, a three-dimensional integrated model for the wave–seabed–pipeline interaction (WSPI) is proposed by combining the Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes equations for flow simulations and the dynamic Biot’s equation (“u-p” approximation) for the poro-elastic seabed model. Compared with previous investigations, the wave–current interaction is included in the present WSPI system. At a given time step, the wave pressure extracted from the flow model is applied on the seabed surface to determine the corresponding oscillatory seabed response around an offshore pipeline. The integrated numerical model is first validated using previous laboratory experiments. Then, a parametric study is conducted to examine the effects of flow obliquity and pipeline burial depth on the soil response around an offshore pipeline. Numerical results indicate that the soil under the pipeline is more susceptible to liquefaction at a reduced flow obliquity and pipeline burial depth. Moreover, the liquefaction depth in the case where the wave travels along the current can increase by 10%–30% compared to that in the case where the wave travels against the current, when the magnitude of the current velocity is 1 m/s.  相似文献   

王涛  张琪  叶冠林 《海洋工程》2022,40(1):93-103
大直径单桩基础是海上风电应用广泛的一种基础形式,严格控制桩基泥面处的位移是保证基础稳定和风机安全运营的关键因素.通过数值方法建立了单桩—海床的三维模型,将可以描述海洋砂土超固结性和结构性的弹塑性本构模型通过UMAT子程序嵌入有限元软件ABAQUS中,桩基承受的波浪荷载通过Morison方程进行计算模拟.针对无波浪荷载、仅作用于海床的波浪荷载、同时作用于桩基和海床的波浪荷载三种情况,分析了海床土的动力响应以及桩基的水平位移之间的差异,探讨了海床土体参数对桩基水平变形的影响.研究结果表明海床土体液化会导致桩基水平变形增加,海床土渗透性、超固结性、结构性对桩基水平位移影响显著,研究成果可为海上风电单桩基础的设计与运维提供参考.  相似文献   

作为一种常见的近海海底灾害地质现象,波致海床液化严重威胁着黄河三角洲地区海底工程设施的安全。粉质海床液化后,海底粉土的结构、物理和力学性质均发生了改变,研究该变化规律尤其是评估液化后海底粉土再次发生液化的可能性具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。本文利用室内动三轴仪对取自黄河三角洲已液化和未液化海底粉土开展了液化试验对比研究,讨论了已液化和未液化海底粉土在孔压增长模式和轴向动应变发展趋势方面的异同,对比分析了二者的液化势。研究结果表明:应变标准比孔压标准更适用于评估黄河三角洲地区海底粉土的液化势;孔压和动应变发展模式均表明与未液化粉土相比,已液化海底粉土再次发生液化的抗力有所提高;已液化和未液化海底粉土归一化孔压比ud3与循环加载次数比N/Nf间相关关系可采用双曲线或指数函数模型进行定量化描述;未液化海底粉土的波致液化临界循环应力比约为0.20,已液化海底粉土的临界循环应力比约为0.35。研究成果有助于加深对海底粉土波致液化特性的认识,亦可为循环应力历史影响下的土体力学性质研究提供参考。  相似文献   

In this study, a mathematical integrated model is developed to investigate the wave-induced sloping seabed response in the vicinity of breakwater. In the present model, the wave model is based on the Volume-Averaged/Reynolds Averaged Navier–Stokes (VARANS) equations, while Biot's consolidation equation is used to govern the soil model. The influence of turbulence fluctuations on the mean flow with respect to the complicated interaction between wave, sloping seabed and breakwater are obtained by solving the Volume-Averaged k  ϵ model. Unlike previous investigations, the phase-resolved absolute shear stress is used as the source of accumulation of residual pore pressure, which can link the oscillatory and residual mechanisms simultaneously. Based on the proposed model, parametric studies regarding the effects of wave and soil characteristics as well as bed slopes on the wave-induced soil response in the vicinity of breakwater are investigated. Numerical results indicate that wave-induced seabed instability is more likely to occur in a steep slope in the case of soil with low relative density and low permeability under large wave loadings. It is also found that, the permeability of breakwater significantly affect the potential for liquefaction, especially in the region below the breakwater.  相似文献   

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