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桡足类的休眠与滞育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
韩希福  王荣 《海洋科学》2001,25(5):24-26
为了度过不利的环境条件 ,很多桡足类同陆生昆虫那样 ,会进入一个停滞发育的时期 ,称为滞育。有些桡足类在生活史中出现滞育属于专性的 ,而另一些种类则是兼性的 ,在发育期间仅在某些情况下出现滞育。前者如在大西洋中的主要桡足类种群如飞马哲水蚤 (Calanusfinmarchicus) ,在第4、第5桡足幼体期进入6月份便开始休眠。后者如近邻剑水蚤 (Cyclopsvicinus)在饵料缺乏、种群密度过高、温度变化剧烈或捕食压力太大时都会进入滞育状态。桡足类浮游生物在海洋和淡水生态系统中具有上行控制和下行控制的双重作…  相似文献   

在春季,以中肋骨条藻和海洋原甲藻培养中华哲水蚤,以饥饿培养作为对照,测定了饵料的脂肪酸和挥发性不饱和醛类的组成和含量、雌体的产卵率和卵的孵化率,试图探讨藻类生化组成对桡足类繁殖的影响。结果表明,中肋骨条藻单不饱和脂肪酸、?16脂肪酸的含量相对较高,而海洋原甲藻则具有更高含量的总脂肪酸、多不饱和脂肪酸、?ω3、?ω6、?18脂肪酸。中肋骨条藻和海洋原甲藻分别测得了6种和3种不饱和醛类,二者醛类总含量分别为1438.95μg/g和114.58μg/g。在饥饿的情况下,中华哲水蚤的产卵会停止。中华哲水蚤在中肋骨条藻和海洋原甲藻培养下并没有表现出产卵率和孵化率的差异,一方面说明并非所有的硅藻都会对桡足类的繁殖产生抑制作用,另一方面说明藻类进入桡足类体内以后并未因其生化组成的差异对卵的孵化产生影响。中肋骨条藻培养下中华哲水蚤具有更高的死亡率,表明硅藻在浓度较高时会对桡足类的存活产生影响。  相似文献   

本文根据1982年4月至1983年5月在大连湾周年生态调查中获得的资料,分析了大连湾浮游桡足类的数量分布和季节变化。结果表明,大连湾共有浮游桡足类22种,其中优势种大网为中华哲水蚤Calanussinicus;中网为小拟哲水蚤Parucalanusparvus、拟长腹剑水蚤Oithonasimilis、短角长腹剑水蚤Oithonabrevicornis。桡足类总量年高峰,大、中同各有2次,最高峰分别为2月和8月。本文还讨论了几种环境因素对浮游桡足类分布的影响。  相似文献   

大连湾水域浮游桡足类的分布   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
本文根据1982年4月至1983年5月在大连湾周年生态调查中获得的资料,分析了大连湾浮游桡足类的数量分布和季节变化。结果表明,大连湾共有浮游桡足类22种,其中优势种大网为中华哲水蚤Calanussinicus;中网为小拟哲小蚤Parucalaunsparuns、拟长腹剑水蚤Oithonasimilis、短角长腹剑水蚤Oithonabrevicornis。桡足类总量年高峰,大、中网各有2次,最高峰分  相似文献   

不同饵料对桡足类无节幼体存活、发育的影响研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李捷  孙松  李超伦  蒲新明  张展 《海洋科学》2006,30(12):13-20
在食物中碳质量浓度为1.0 mg/L的条件下,通过室内实验研究了不同食物对中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)和双刺纺锤水蚤(Acartia bifilosa)无节幼体存活和发育的影响。结果表明,桡足类无节幼体发育速度与存活率之间存在正相关关系。单种食物中粒径较小的微绿球藻和三角褐指藻在桡足类开口摄食期是最适宜的饵料,但在发育后期以及整个发育期则粒径较大的亚心型扁藻和中肋骨条藻更为适宜。在相同的发育阶段,小型桡足类双刺纺锤水蚤和中型桡足类中华哲水蚤对于食物粒径的选择也是不同的。与非硅藻食物相比,硅藻并非桡足类无节幼体发育的理想食物,而单种硅藻对桡足类无节幼体发育的负面影响可以通过对混合食物的摄食得到有效的减弱。  相似文献   

南麂列岛附近海域的浮游植物和赤潮生物   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1990年4月和10月在南麂列岛附近海域进行了两个航次的浮游植物采样调查,共检出浮游植物97种,隶属于36属。春季同样浮游植物的平均丰度为29.7×104个/m3,水样浮游植物平均丰度达52760×104个/m3。优势种有三鳍原角藻Prorocentrumtriestinium、夜光藻Noctilucascintillans和威氏圆筛藻Coscinodiscuswailesii。秋季浮游植物同样的平均丰度为32.5×104个/m3;水样浮游植物平均丰度为928×104个/m3。优势类群有角刺藻Chaetocerosspp、圆筛藻Coscinodiscusspp、角藻Ceratiumspp、海毛藻Thalassiothrixspp、根管藻Rhizosoleniaspp、骨条藻Skeletonemacostatum等。该海区春秋两季均存在多种赤潮生物。  相似文献   

定量分析了南海33个1000m水深线以内的现代表层沉积样品中的硅藻,发现主要的种有菱形海线藻Thalassionemanitzschioides、短刺角毛藻Chaetocerosmessanensis、结节圆筛藻Coscinodiscusnodulifer、长海毛藻Thalassiothrixlongissima、海洋菱形藻Nitzschiamarina和条纹小环藻Cyclotellastriata。根据硅藻主要种的百分含量、各站位硅藻丰度的变化以及其它一些特征,将33个样品划分为5个硅藻组合,并着重研究这些组合与环境因素之间的关系。  相似文献   

桡足类是海洋生态系统中初级生产者和较高营养级消费者之间的关键联系环节,掌握桡足类的现场食物组成对于准确评估海洋食物网中的营养关系和能量转移至关重要。本研究中,我们以中华哲水蚤这一在中国、日本以及韩国近海具有重要生态地位的大型哲水蚤属桡足类为研究对象,应用之前开发的基于PCR的克隆技术,通过分析中华哲水蚤所摄食生物的18S rDNA序列,研究了中华哲水蚤的现场食物组成。结果揭示了南黄海(Y19站位)和渤海(B49站位)中华哲水蚤食物组成的多样性。共检测出43个操作分类单元(OTUs),分别隶属于13个类群:硅藻(Bacillariophyta)、甲藻(Dinoflagellata)、硅鞭藻(Dictyochophyceae)、金藻(Chrysophyta)、Katablepharidophyta、浮生藻(Pelagophyceae)、无根虫(Apusozoa)、水螅水母(Hydrozoa)、栉水母(Ctenophora)、棘皮动物(Echinodermata)、被囊动物(Tunicata)、毛颚动物(Chaetognatha)以及海洋真菌。结果还表明,当发生藻类暴发时,中华哲水蚤可以摄食引发藻类暴发的藻种。当周围海域浮游植物的丰度相对较低时,中华哲水蚤可以选择摄食各种后生动物尤其是水螅水母和栉水母的卵、幼虫或者有机碎屑。我们的研究结果表明中华哲水蚤是一种杂食性桡足类,它对食物的选择依赖其生活海域中食物的可获得性。  相似文献   

几种单胞藻对婆罗异剑水蚤群体增殖的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
研究了不同浓度的三角褐指藻(Phaeodactylum tricornutum)和不同种单胞藻单独喂养 及混合喂养对婆罗异剑水蚤 Apocyclops borneoensis群体增殖的影响。经10d的培养,初步得 出:三角褐指藻对婆罗异剑水蚤适宜的浓度为20×10~4~50×10~4cell/ml;在4种单胞藻中, 等鞭金藻(Isochrysis sp.)效果最好,扁藻(Platymonas helgolandica)次之,小球藻(Chlorella sp.)最 差;几种单胞藻混合喂养婆罗异剑水蚤,其群体增殖效果总体上比单种藻类喂养来得显著。 还就不同浓度的藻类及不同种藻类单独或混合喂养对婆罗异剑水蚤群体增殖的影响进行 讨论。  相似文献   

饵料、温度和盐度对两种海洋桡足类摄食与排粪的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中华哲水蚤是中国近海典型的浮游桡足类,猛水蚤是青岛胶州湾和汇泉湾常见底栖桡足类,研究2种海洋桡足类的摄食和排粪规律可为大量培养桡足类提供最佳条件。论文研究了在6种不同饵料(球等鞭金藻、亚心形扁藻、小球藻、绿色巴夫藻、三角褐指藻、小新月菱形藻)的条件下,温度和盐度对中华哲水蚤和猛水蚤摄食和排粪的影响。温度和盐度对2种桡足类摄食和排粪的影响具有种间差异性。中华哲水蚤在15℃的摄食率、滤水率和排粪率高于在20和25℃的摄食率、滤水率和排粪率。在15、20和25℃3个温度范围内,猛水蚤的摄食率、滤水率和排粪率随温度升高而升高。在20~36盐度范围内,中华哲水蚤的摄食率、滤水率和排粪率随盐度的升高先升高后降低,在盐度为28时达到最大值,猛水蚤的摄食率、滤水率和排粪率随盐度升高而逐渐降低,猛水蚤摄食和排粪的最适盐度为20。温度和盐度实验均表明,在6种饵料中,亚心形扁藻和球等鞭金藻有利于中华哲水蚤的摄食,球等鞭金藻有利于猛水蚤的摄食,而小球藻对2种桡足类的摄食均不利。  相似文献   

高浓度硅藻对桡足类繁殖的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,许多现场和实验室研究表明:一直被看作是桡足类主要食物来源的硅藻对桡足类繁殖、生长和发育具有抑制作用.本文通过桡足类体内因素和体外因素两方面介绍了高浓度硅藻对桡足类种群动态的影响.体内因素主要体现在硅藻的营养缺陷和次级代谢物毒性伤害上,体外因素主要为硅藻胞外分泌物、环境因素以及实验方法不同等.文章在介绍其研究现状的基础上,对今后的工作加以展望.  相似文献   

Bioaccumulation factors (BAFs) were determined for (14)C-PCB 101 and (14)C-PBDE 99 in the pelagic copepod Calanus finmarchicus after exposure to either contaminated water or after being fed contaminated phytoplankton (the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum or the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii). BAFs in algae range from 7.6 to 8.0 for PCB 101 and from 8.5 to 8.6 for PBDE 99. BAFs in copepods were significantly lower, 6.3-6.8 for PCB 101 and 7.6 for PBDE 99. For each compound, the BAFs in copepods were independent of what algal species they had consumed, even though the bioaccumulation of both compounds were higher in P. minimum than in T. weissflogii. The ratios between BAF and the K(ow) for PCB 101 and PBDE 99 were similar within each of the three species, but varied between species. For copepods the ratios were 2-4, for T. weissfloggii 15-22 and for P. minimum 32-40. The data strongly suggest that the two compounds bioaccumulate in a similar manner and that there is no biomagnification in the transfer between phytoplankton and herbivorous copepods.  相似文献   

赤潮藻对桡足类摄食、产卵及孵化影响的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对近年来有关赤潮藻对桡足类摄食、产卵及孵化的影响研究动态进行了综述。一般认为,海洋桡足类对赤潮藻存在着潜在的调控作用,但近年来的研究发现,某些赤潮藻反过来对桡足类的生长、发育、产卵等生理状态也存在着负面影响。文中提出在今后赤潮研究中,应加强对有毒赤潮藻和桡足类相互作用和特异性的研究。  相似文献   

The planktonic food web structure in the subarctic coastal water off Usujiri south-western Hokkaido, Japan was investigated from June 1997 to June 1999, based on seasonal biomass data of pico- (<2 µm), nano- (2–10 µm), micro- (10–200 µm) and mesoplankton (>200 µm), and path analysis using the structural equation model (SEM). In spring, microphytoplankton predominated due to diatom bloom, while pico- and nanophytoplankton predominated in the other seasons, except November and December 1997. The seasonal change in size distribution of heterotrophic plankton was almost similar to that of phytoplankton, and mesozooplankton biomass was high in spring. The path analyses suggest that the main channel in the microbial food web could vary according to phytoplankton size composition, indicating not only the classical food chain (microphytoplankton - copepods) but also the indirect route (microphytoplankton - naked dinoflagellates - copepods).  相似文献   

We tested and refined the Neutral Red staining method for separating live and dead copepods in natural samples. Live copepods were stained red whereas dead copepods remained unstained. The staining results were not affected by method of killing, time of death or staining time. Tow duration had no significant effect on the percent dead copepods collected. The Neutral Red staining method was applied to study the occurrence of dead copepods along the York River and the Hampton River in the lower Chesapeake Bay during June–July, 2005. The zooplankton community was dominated by copepods; on average 29% of the copepod population appeared dead. Recovery of percent dead copepods did not differ between horizontal tows and vertical tows, suggesting that dead copepods were homogenously distributed in the water column. No significant relationship was found between the percent dead copepods and surface water temperature, salinity, Secchi depth or chlorophyll concentration. In laboratory experiments, dead copepods were decomposed by ambient bacteria and the rate of decomposition was temperature-dependent. Combining field and laboratory results we estimated that the non-consumptive mortality (mortality not due to predation) of copepods in the lower Chesapeake Bay was 0.12 d−1 under steady-state condition, which is within the global average of copepod mortality rate.  相似文献   

Epizoic diatoms on marine copepods are common in nature and may have a special ecological relationship with their hosts.However,this special ecological group is not well known,and it has only rarely been studied in the China seas.To address this knowledge gap,the species diversity and classification of epizoic diatoms on planktonic copepods were studied with samples collected from the East China Sea.In the present study,a marine araphid diatom genus Protoraphis and its type species,Pr.hustedtiana,were observed and identified by light and electron microscopy,thus representing the first record of this genus and its type species in China.This genus is characterized by a median sternum strongly bent to opposite sides and terminate in two transapical grooves at the valve ends.Protoraphis hustedtiana was found to be epizoic on the posterior body appendages and segments of the marine calanoid copepod Candacia bradyi.An internal view shows a complex,ear-shaped process that is close to the apical slit field.The ecological habitats and geographical distributions of Protoraphis were also discussed,and,together with complementary morphological studies,our results have increased the number of records for marine epizoic diatoms to three genera with three species in China,including Pseudohimantidium and Pseudofalcula.  相似文献   

Food differentiation among coexistent species in the field is important strategy for copepods to acquire materials and maintain population stabilization.In situ diet analysis of co-occurring six copepod species in coral waters of the Sanya Bay was conducted using a PCR protocol based on 18 S ribosomal gene.Various prey organisms were uncovered,including dinoflagellate,diatom,green algae and plant,protozoa and metazoan.All these spatially coexisting six species showed different dietary diversity,with the food niche breadth(B)ranging from 1.00(Temora turbinate in morning)to 10.68(Calanopia elliptica in night).While food overlap between all these copepods were low,with the average value of the diet niche overlap index being approximately 0.09.Even temporally co-existing species sampled from the same time point fed on different groups of prey items with the food overlap index of 0.04 to 0.07 in midday and night but 0 in morning.As the most important dominant copepod in the Sanya Bay,Subeucalanus subcrassus seems to be capable to regulate its feeding,by exhibiting a rhythm of herbivorous feeding in midday and carnivorous feeding in morning and night,to better coordinate with other competitors for utilization of food resources.For most copepods,none of the prey items belonged to the dominant phytoplankton in the ambient water,indicating that copepod can better their survival by widening the choice of potential food resources in food limited environment.The dietary separation observed here might be important strategy for copepod to maintain population stabilization and thriving in the Sanya coastal waters.  相似文献   

大亚湾拟菱形藻水华及其在生物群落中的生态地位   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
对2000年4~5月藻类水华高发期大亚湾澳头海域的拟菱形藻进行逐日调查,并对其与浮游植物、浮游动物的相关关系进行分析.调查初期,整个生物群落的种类组成数量都相对贫乏;拟菱形藻数量急剧增长,最高的测站密度可达2.93×106个/dm3.拟菱形藻水华的组成种类有拟极细拟菱形藻和尖刺拟菱形藻两种,以尖刺拟菱形藻稍占优势.水华形成中其他种类硅藻和甲藻在种类组成和数量上也有一定程度的增加.分析表明,拟菱形藻在浮游植物群落的种间竞争中具有优势,并成为春季硅藻水华的最重要的组成者.桡足类等浮游动物对拟菱形藻的下行控制并不能明显抑制拟菱形藻的增长及水华的产生,这与其偏爱以其他种类藻类为食有关.以上因素外加拟菱形藻对环境的广泛适应性促使其在该水域成为最常见的赤潮生物之一.  相似文献   

北冰洋西伯利亚陆架海是北极气候快速变化最为显著的海域之一,而沉积硅藻作为极地海洋生态系统的重要组成部分,对环境变化具有敏感的响应。对楚科奇海、东西伯利亚海和拉普捷夫海表层沉积物开展了硅藻组成鉴定,利用典型对应分析方法分析了硅藻属种与1986~2015年环境变量之间的关系。结果表明,夏季和秋季海冰密集度、表层海水盐度是影响研究区表层硅藻分布特征最主要的因素。此外,根据表层站位与环境变量的典型对应分析,可将西伯利亚极地海域划分为4个区域,分别为海冰硅藻组合带、暖水硅藻组合带、沿岸硅藻组合带和混合硅藻组合带。这些表层站位的分区与相应区域的海流模式有明显的相关性,海冰硅藻组合带仅分布于研究区北部的高纬度地区;暖水硅藻组合带位于受白令水和太平洋海水的分支——阿拉斯加沿岸水影响为主的区域;拉普捷夫海南部的沿岸硅藻组合带则受到河流径流和西伯利亚沿岸流的强烈影响;混合硅藻组合带受极地冷水、海冰覆盖、太平洋暖水和陆地径流的共同影响。  相似文献   

Abstract. Feeding habits of adult female Acartia tonsa and Labidocera aestiva and L. aestiva CV copepodites were examined by comparing fecal pellet contents and available phytoplankton. Samples were collected from eight stations in the northern Gulf of Mexico near the mouth of the Mississippi River. Fecal pellets of both copepods contained remains of a wide variety of chain-forming and solitary phytoplankters of various sizes, as well as remains of other crustaceans. Contents of fecal pellets generally mirrored the composition and relative abundance of fluctuating assemblages of available natural phytoplankton. Both species fed upon a wide size range of cells, from solitary centric diatoms of 2–8 um diameter up to large solitary centrics of 33–53 urn diameter. Both copepods also ingested the elongate solitary pennate diatom Thalassiothrix sp. (264–330 urn long) and chain-forming diatoms such as Skeletonema costatum. Remains of large or chain-forming diatoms and crustaceans were more dominant in fecal pellets of L. aestiva. This suggests that L. aestiva is primarily a raptorial feeder, grasping larger particles while A. tonsa is a more typical suspension feeder. Both copepods are opportunistic omnivores, however, and there is considerable overlap in their diets.  相似文献   

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