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针对应用高度计数据建立的海潮模型在浅海海域精度较低的现状,提出采用移去-恢复技术联合利用19a T/P、Jason-1卫星原始轨道、变轨轨道高度计数据建立南海浅海海域高精度潮汐模型的方法。处理卫星高度计数据时以平均海平面为基准面,按纬差0.1°间隔采用沿迹分析提取南海海域原始轨道2 184个正常点和变轨轨道1 626个正常点;分别对原始轨道、变轨轨道正常点进行调和分析以及响应分析,得到潮汐主要分潮调和常数;进一步建立网格潮汐模型,讨论了不同分辨率潮汐模型的精度差异。基于验潮站数据集结果运用移去-恢复技术对所建潮汐模型进行改进,改进后潮汐模型4个最主要分潮O_1,K_1,M_2和S_2的RMS分别提高至7.76,9.40,13.86和8.51cm,RSS达到20.32cm,表明移去-恢复技术能够明显改善潮汐模型在浅海海域的精度。  相似文献   

GEOSAT卫星遥感资料研究南海海面动力高度场和地转流场   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
利用GEOSAT卫星在1987年和1988年执行ERM任务的雷达高度计资料来分析获取南海海面动力高度偏差的季节分布.根据卫星轨道误差和海域的特点,提出了适用于内海及边缘海域的二维共线轨道校正法,由此方法而得出的南海海面动力高度偏差的季节分布表明,南海表层流场在夏季总的环流形势是反气旋式环流,而冬季是气旋式环流.分析的结果同海上常规调查资料的分析结果相比较表明,在海流季节变化信号较强的海区(如南海中部和北部海区),利用高度计资料能很好地反映该海区的海流季节变化特征.  相似文献   

随着卫星高度计资料的不断丰富,通过对卫星高度计所得潮汐调和常数进行插值或拟合得到潮汐同潮图成为可能。本文拟对T/P(TOPEX/POSEIDON)、Jason-1和Jason-2卫星高度计数据进行分析,得到南海区域星下观测点处四个主要分潮(M2、S2、K1和O1分潮)的调和常数,进而利用双调和样条插值方法对其进行插值,获取南海同潮图。首先,以1992~2016年T/P和Jason卫星高度计所得海面高度数据为基础,利用调和分析方法计算了南海星下观测点处M2、S2、K1和O1四个主要分潮的调和常数,并与40个验潮站数据进行了对比,最大矢量均差为4.99cm,说明分析所得调和常数与利用验潮站资料提取的调和常数的误差较小。进而采用双调和样条插值方法对星下点调和常数进行插值,得到了南海四个主要分潮的同潮图,所得结果与全球潮汐模型TPXO7.2模式结果的矢量均差分别为4.69、2.46、3.13和2.42 cm,与141个验潮站处观测结果的矢量均差分别为22.59、10.26、10.24和8.51 cm。此外,插值所得四个主要分潮的无潮点位置与前人研究结果相近。上述实验结果表明:利用双调和样条插值方法对卫星高度计所得调和常数进行插值能够获取较为准确的同潮图。  相似文献   

应用1993~2002年的Topex/poseidon卫星高度计数据,经沿迹潮汐调和分析方法,提取Sa分潮调和常数。由调和常数内插得到南海及邻近海域分潮波模型。根据潮汐模型计算了各季节平均海面距平并进而计算了平均季节环流,初步分析了海面高变化和季节环流的特征。  相似文献   

TOPEX/POSEIDON(T/P)卫星高度计数据信息中存在周期成分混淆问题.对其中的一类混淆引入差比关系方法对混淆的分潮进行分离.卫星轨道交叉点资料包括升轨和降轨资料,资料量比沿轨点资料多1倍,经分析发现:在已有为期6a多的观测资料时间序列中,在沿轨处混淆的分潮如K1和SSA在交叉点处不再混淆,可以直接分离.因此首先对交叉点资料进行调和分析.然后由交叉点的分析结果得到分潮间的差比关系,处理到相近的沿轨点处,从而得到沿轨点的调和常数.用引入差比关系方法,对西北太平洋海区6a多的T/P卫星高度计资料进行了潮汐分析,并与沿岸及岛屿验潮站资料进行了比较,所得结果较满意.  相似文献   

运用调和分析方法分离卫星高度计资料中的潮汐信息   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
针对TOPEX/POSEIDON卫星高度计资料中的潮汐高频混淆现象,采用潮汐调和分析方法,通过比较卫星上、下行轨道交叉点两组资料分析的分潮振幅和分离潮汐后的海面高度;同时比较潮位站实测资料与遥感资料分析的分潮振幅,结果表明:采用潮汐调和分析可以有效地分离高度计资料中的潮汐信息。  相似文献   

利用JASON-1和TOPEX/POSEIDON卫星高度计在相互校正阶段的观测资料,对两者在中国海和西北太平洋测得的海面风速、有效波高、后向散射截面、海平面高度等参数进行一致性分析;利用j,v模型及主要分潮的调和常数,对中国陆架浅海的JASON-1海平面高度数据进行浅海潮汐修正,使用验潮站月平均水位资料对修正结果加以印证。结果显示,2颗高度计观测的海洋环境参数具有强相关性,JASON-1具备了完成延续TOPEX/POSEIDON数据集这一使命的条件。但是,2套系统对于同一海洋环境参数的观测还是存在不能忽略的差异,对这种差异进行了分析,并给出了修正模型。所使用的浅海潮汐修正方法有效地抑制了中国陆架浅海潮波对海平面高度反演的影响,所使用浅海水域的5个验潮站月平均水位资料与JASON-1高度计经过浅海潮汐修正后的海平面高度的相关系数为0.738,标准偏差为0.096m。通过进一步融合JASON-1和TOPEX/POSEIDON在并行飞行期间的海平面高度数据并与验潮站资料比较显示,两者的相关系数提高到0.83,标准偏差为0.067m。  相似文献   

用TOPEX/Poseidon资料研究南海潮汐和海面高度季节变化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用引入差比关系法对南海TOPEX/Poseidon卫星高度计算资料进行了潮汐分析;根据所得潮汐调和常数对卫星高度计测得的海面高度进行潮汐订证,进而得到南海各季节的海面高度距平。结果表明,南海冬、夏季季风强盛期海面高度距平位相相反,南海中部夏季为正距平,且有2个正距平中心;冬季为负距平,且有2个负距平中心。春、秋季是不同的季风过渡期,海面高度距平分布也明显不同:南海中部春季为正距平,且只有1个正距平中心;秋季为负距平,且只有1个负距平中心。研究表明,长周期分潮Sa和Saa的叠加值可以很好地逼近南海海面高度距平。根据平均海面和海面高度距平得到了合成的海面高度和地转流场,发现南海表层地转流总体上是气旋式的;秋、冬季表层环流的西向强化十分明显,春、夏季较弱;冬季黑潮通过吕宋海峡进入南海北部,夏季基本上没有进入南海。  相似文献   

以整个中国海为研究区域,把开边界取在TOPEX/POSEIDON(T/P)高度计资料数据点,利用趋近插值法将高度计资料同化到二维非线性潮汐数值模式中,反演了中国近海M2分潮的分布.计算结果与60个验潮站资料比较,符合良好振幅平均绝对偏差为6.7cm,相角偏差为5.5°,均方根偏差为12.6cm.根据计算结果给出东中国海和南海M2分潮的同潮图,与相关文献比较,符合良好.研究结果表明,以本方法利用T/P资料来反演中国海潮汐是可行的.  相似文献   

潮汐变化研究对于沿海地区海洋工程、洪涝灾害预防和海洋资源开发利用等各方面都有着非常重要的意义。之前的潮汐变化研究主要基于多年逐时验潮站观测,而验潮站数据无论是站点的个数还是站点的位置,都存在很大的局限性,这对我们研究海盆尺度的潮汐变化规律形成了一定程度的阻碍。前人基于25年的T/P-Jason卫星高度计数据发现南海中央深海海盆主要分潮振幅存在异常大的趋势,这是由于中尺度海洋运动对潮汐调和分析干扰导致的虚假结果。本文首次使用了X-TRACK软件处理过的长达27年的T/P-Jason卫星高度计观测来研究整个南海的主要分潮振幅的长期趋势。经过X-TRACK处理后的卫星观测数据在整个南海的准确性和完整性都有了显著的提升。同时,我们使用了权重最小二乘法来消除长周期采样导致的潮汐混淆的影响。我们发现在南海大部分海域,4大主要分潮的振幅都存在显著的变化趋势。振幅和迟角变化的极值主要分布在吕宋海峡西部、马六甲海峡和台湾海峡等水深和岸线变化剧烈的近海海域,振幅最大的上升趋势可达2.75 mm/a,振幅最大的下降趋势可达–2.16 mm/a。南海主要分潮振幅的长期趋势与河流径流以及人类活动密切相关。  相似文献   

南海潮汐主要分潮振幅变化趋势研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
潮汐变化研究对于海洋工程、沿海地区洪涝灾害预防、海上交通等各个方面都有着重要的意义。由于验潮站都集中在近海,所以之前潮汐变化研究主要集中在近海海域。相比之下,深海地区由于长期高频水位观测的缺乏导致相关的潮汐变化研究非常少。基于近海验潮站数据和深海卫星高度计数据,本文首次用非平稳潮汐调和分析工具包S_TIDE提取了南海4大主要分潮(M2、S2、K1、O1)振幅的长期趋势。研究发现在南海大部分地区,4大主要分潮的振幅都是比较稳定的,不存在显著的上升趋势或下降趋势。在南海少部分地区4大主要分潮的振幅存在显著的趋势,最大的上升趋势可达2.91 mm/a,最大的下降趋势可达3.50 mm/a。该海域潮汐的长期趋势可能与内潮海表面信号的变化有关。卫星观测到的潮汐既包含正压潮,也包含内潮海表面信号。南海作为全球内潮活动最活跃的海域之一,其内潮海表面信号是非常显著的。而内潮对海洋层化的变化是非常敏感的,海洋层化的变化会影响内潮的生成、传播和耗散以及内潮在海表的显示,最终引起该海域潮汐振幅的长期趋势。  相似文献   

There have been a number of applications of satellite altimetry to seasonal and interannual sea level variability in the South China Sea. However, these applications usually exclude shallow waters along the coast, with one of the concerns being large aliased tide-correction error. In this study the authors analyzed 14 years of merged satellite altimeter data to obtain the amplitude and phase of the semi-annual cycle and to examine the variation at the K1 alias frequency (close to the semi-annual frequency). The results indicate that the amplitude of the semi-annual cycle ranges from 3-7 cm, substantial compared with that of the annual cycle; while the amplitude at the K1 alias frequency (error of the K1 tidal correction) is essentially 1 cm only. Altimeter–derived semi-annual cycle is in good agreement with that from independent tide-gauge observations, pointing to the competent ability of satellite altimetry in observing semi-annual sea level variations in the South China Sea.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial variations of sea surface circulation in the South China Sea were revealed with use of altimetric data provided by TOPEX/POSEIDON from December 1992 to October 1997. The estimated distribution of sea surface dynamic heights from altimetric data coincide well with the results of observation by Soong et al. (1995) and Chu et al. (1998). The RMS variability of sea surface dynamic height, which is obtained after tidal correction based on Yanagi et al. (1997), is high in the central part of the South China Sea, the Gulf of Tongking, the Sunda Shelf and the Gulf of Thailand. The high RMS variability in the Gulf of Tongking, the Sunda Shelf and the Gulf of Thailand is due to set up and set down of sea water by the East Asian monsoon, which is northeasterly during winter and southwesterly during summer. Also, the high RMS variability in the central part of the South China Sea is due to the variations of basin-wide circulation. The circulations are dominant in the central part of the South China Sea during summer and winter, an anticyclonic circulation during summer and a cyclonic circulation during winter. It is suggested that these circulations are controlled by the East Asian monsoon. Hence, there is an interannual variability of the basin-wide circulation associated with the variation of the East Asian monsoon.  相似文献   

基于TOPEX/Poseidon资料的南海海面高度场的时空特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用经验正交函数(EOF)分解方法,对TOPEX/Poseidon卫星高度计在南海获得的1992年10月到1999年9月约7a的海面高度观测资料进行分析,从而获得南海海面高度距平场典型的空间分布型态及其对应的时间变化特征。结果表明,南海海面高度距平场在空间上主要表现为两种典型的分布结构:(1)由于冬、夏季风反转造成海盆尺度的涡旋结构,这种分布结构对南海海面高度距平场的方差贡献达27.46%;(2)NE—SW即吕宋—越南反相双涡结构,其方差贡献达20.37%。这两个模态都明显反映了季风的反转以及季风结构所造成的影响。同时,对各空间典型场所对应的时间系数序列进行了傅立叶谱分析,结果表明南海海面高度距平场存在多种时间尺度的变化。  相似文献   

Sea surface slope computed from along-track Jason-1 and TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) altimeter data at ocean mesoscale wavelengths are compared to determine the equivalent 1 Hz instrument height noise of the Poseidon-2 and TOPEX altimeters. This geophysical evaluation shows that the Ku-band 1-Hz range noise for both instruments is better than 1.7 cm at 2 m significant wave heights (H1/3), exceeding error budget requirements for both missions. Furthermore, we show that the quality of these instruments allows optimal filtering of the 1-Hz along-track sea surface height data for sea surface slopes that can be used to calculate cross track geostrophic velocity anomalies at the baroclinic Rossby radius of deformation to better than 5 cm/sec precision along 87.5% of the satellite ground track between 2 and 60 degrees absolute latitude over the deep abyssal ocean (depths greater than 1000 m). This level of precision will facilitate scientific studies of surface geostrophic velocity variability using data from the Jason-1 and T/P Tandem Mission.  相似文献   

《Marine Geodesy》2013,36(3-4):355-366
Sea surface slope computed from along-track Jason-1 and TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) altimeter data at ocean mesoscale wavelengths are compared to determine the equivalent 1 Hz instrument height noise of the Poseidon-2 and TOPEX altimeters. This geophysical evaluation shows that the Ku-band 1-Hz range noise for both instruments is better than 1.7 cm at 2 m significant wave heights (H1/3), exceeding error budget requirements for both missions. Furthermore, we show that the quality of these instruments allows optimal filtering of the 1-Hz along-track sea surface height data for sea surface slopes that can be used to calculate cross track geostrophic velocity anomalies at the baroclinic Rossby radius of deformation to better than 5 cm/sec precision along 87.5% of the satellite ground track between 2 and 60 degrees absolute latitude over the deep abyssal ocean (depths greater than 1000 m). This level of precision will facilitate scientific studies of surface geostrophic velocity variability using data from the Jason-1 and T/P Tandem Mission.  相似文献   

We adopt a parameterized internal tide dissipation term to the two-dimensional (2-D) shallow water equations, and develop the corresponding adjoint model to investigate tidal dynamics in the South China Sea (SCS). The harmonic constants derived from 63 tidal gauge stations and 24 TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) satellite altimeter crossover points are assimilated into the adjoint model to minimize the deviations of the simulated results and observations by optimizing the bottom friction coefficient and the internal tide dissipation coefficient. Tidal constituents M2, S2, K1 and O1 are simulated simultaneously. The numerical results (assimilating only tidal gauge data) agree well with T/P data showing that the model results are reliable. The co-tidal charts of M2, S2, K1 and O1 are obtained, which reflect the characteristics of tides in the SCS. The tidal energy flux is analyzed based on numerical results. The strongest tidal energy flux appears in the Luzon Strait (LS) for both semi-diurnal and diurnal tidal constituents. The analysis of tidal energy dissipation indicates that the bottom friction dissipation occurs mainly in shallow water area, meanwhile the internal tide dissipation is mainly concentrated in the LS and the deep basin of the SCS. The tidal energetics in the LS is examined showing that the tidal energy input closely balances the tidal energy dissipation.  相似文献   

Satellite-borne altimeters have had a profound impact on geodesy, geophysics, and physical oceanography. To first order approximation, profiles of sea surface height are equivalent to the geoid and are highly correlated with seafloor topography for wavelengths less than 1000 km. Using all available Geos-3 and Seasat altimeter data, mean sea surfaces and geoid gradient maps have been computed for the Bering Sea and the South Pacific. When enhanced using hill-shading techniques, these images reveal in graphic detail the surface expression of seamounts, ridges, trenches, and fracture zones. Such maps are invaluable in oceanic regions where bathymetric data are sparse. Superimposed on the static geoid topography is dynamic topography due to ocean circulation. Temporal variability of dynamic height due to oceanic eddies can be determined from time series of repeated altimeter profiles. Maps of sea height variability and eddy kinetic energy derived from Geos-3 and Seasat altimetry in some cases represent improvements over those derived from standard oceanographic observations. Measurement of absolute dynamic height imposes stringent requirements on geoid and orbit accuracies, although existing models and data have been used to derive surprisingly realistic global circulation solutions. Further improvement will only be made when advances are made in geoid modeling and precision orbit determination. In contrast, it appears that use of altimeter data to correct satellite orbits will enable observation of basin-scale sea level variations of the type associated with climatic phenomena.  相似文献   

The sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) and geostrophic circulation in the South ChinaSea (SCS) are studied using TOPEX/POSE1DON (T/P) altimetry data. The SSHA, which is obtained after tidal correction based on the tidal results from T/P data, is predominated by seasonal alternating monsoons. The results reveal that the SSHA in the central part of the SCS is positive in spring and summer, but negative in autumn and winter. It is also found that the SSHA in the SCS can be approached with the sum of tidal constituents SA and SSA. The geostrophic circulations in the SCS are calculated according to sea surface dynamic topography, which is the sum of SSHA and mean sea surface height. It is suggested that the circulation in the upper layer of the SCS is generally cyclonic and notably western intensified during autumn and winter, while the western intensification is weak during spring and summer. It is also indicated that the Kuroshio intrudes into the northeastern SCS throuth the Luzon Strait in winter. But ther  相似文献   

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