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从简化的海洋地震勘探的基本模型出发,根据一次波和多次波的传播所经介质品质因子的不同,通过理论分析和数值实验证明了随着传播时间的增加,一次波的主频可明显低于同一时间段的海水鸣震主频;提出了将多次波的传播时间和相应主频结合起来判别多次波的"时间-频率识别模式".实际资料的处理实验表明:与传统的"时间识别模式"相比,基于"时间-频率识别模式"的多次波衰减,可在压制多次波的同时较好地保持有效信号的基本特征.  相似文献   

针对残余多次波的识别与压制问题,提出了1种应用于成像道集域的变周期预测反褶积方法.与传统的预测反褶积方法不同,该方法首先根据所建立的强波阻抗界面的深度-速度模型,在地震偏移剖面上追踪识别出残余多次波,并根据其传播时间确定出相应变化的多次波周期或预测步长,然后在成像道集上对含有残余多次波的成像道进行变周期预测反褶积压制处理,最后再将剔除残余多次波后的成像道集合成为新的地震偏移剖面.实验处理的结果表明:该方法不仅对微屈多次波有效.而且对残余的长周期鸣震多次波也可达到令人满意的压制效果.  相似文献   

基于同相轴追踪的多次波衰减   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种基于同相轴追踪的多次波压制方法,其首先通过追踪与切除一次波叠加能量界定多次波的叠加速度范围,然后根据CMP域同相轴追踪技术获得多次波同相轴,再在多次波同相轴所属的短时窗内进行FK滤波压制处理.实验结果表明:该方法可追踪出与一次波叠加速度较为接近的多次波同相轴,能明显衰减近偏移距道的多次波,而仅在多次波同相轴所属的短时窗内进行的压制处理,可在一定程度上降低损伤一次波信号的可能性.  相似文献   

基于逆时偏移互相关成像条件,一次反射波与自由表面多次波联合偏移成像可以提供更宽的地下照明成像,以弥补一次反射波覆盖不足,同时不需要预测分离多次波,但是,在成像过程中也引入了偏移假象。首先对一次反射波与自由表面多次波联合偏移成像条件进行分析,通过对模拟数据成像结果分析,提出利用多次波信息进行成像,需要用震源子波和相位反转的地震记录作为逆时偏移中的源端波场做正向传播,原始地震记录作为检波端波场做反向传播,方可获得具有自由表面多次波成像贡献的结果。数值试验结果表明,尽管一次反射波与自由表面多次波联合逆时偏移可以提供更宽的地下照明成像,但是,随着自由表面多次波能量的增强,偏移假象也随之增强;当自由表面多次波能量减弱时,尽管偏移假象相应减弱,但是自由表面多次波对宽角照明成像贡献也随之减弱。因此,一次反射波与自由表面多次波联合偏移成像需要更深入研究。  相似文献   

本文在系统分析倾斜界面多次波传播路径的基础上,提出了一种基于多次反射等效界面模型的多次波追踪与剔除方法,通过构建多次反射等效模型,将复杂的多次波反射路径转化为更易射线追踪的一次反射路径,实现了炮集域三维地震多次波的高精度射线追踪;在此基础上,再通过FK滤波算法实现了多次波的有效剔除。该方法避免了常规CMP域多次波剔除时的共面元道集覆盖次数分布不均匀以及动校畸变的问题,且可高效高精度的实现三维地震多次波的预测与剔除。理论模型检验和海上实际资料的处理结果均验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

浅水环境中,多次波广泛发育且很难压制。与一次有效波相比,多次波具有反射角小、传播路径长、照明范围广等优点,如何较好地处理浅水自由表面多次波是海洋地震资料处理的重要环节。本文改变将多次波当作噪音进行压制的做法,实现对其有效利用。首先基于确定性水层多次波压制(DWD)技术加自由表面多次波压制(SRME)技术联合实现对于浅水自由表面多次波与有效反射波的良好分离;然后利用分离的有效波通过反馈环理论实现不同阶次多次波的预测;最后基于成像精度更高的逆时偏移成像技术,实现不同阶次多次波的分阶成像。模型资料和实际资料的试处理结果表明,组合分离方法实现了对浅水自由表面多次波与反射波的良好分离,而分阶成像既避免了成像过程中串扰噪音的影响,又通过利用不同阶次多次波进行成像,扩大了成像照明范围,提升了浅水发育区域地震资料的成像质量,实现了对浅水自由表面多次波的有效利用。  相似文献   

本文基于仅包含一次波和自由界面多次波的原始浅剖资料地震波场,推导出适应于单道数据的自由界面多次波预测方程,并提出基于同相轴追踪的多次波剔除与多道维纳滤波相结合的组合匹配衰减方法,实现了高精度的浅剖数据自由界面多次波预测与衰减,理论模型与实际浅地层剖面的处理实验均证明了该多次波预测与匹配衰减方法的有效性。  相似文献   

文凡 《海洋与湖沼》2000,31(6):671-675
以子波变换分析高频组成波周期信息并对超射现象进行动力学研究。高频波相位相互耦合,其能量变化以主频波周期为特征时间尺度。主频波对高频波有调制作用并可导致高频波的混沌运动。高频波在混沌海中破碎机会较多,始终不能积累较高的能量,其能量低于其作为主频波时具有的能量。  相似文献   

为实现水声传播损失高效准确计算,以满足工程应用要求,基于南海某深水海域水声调查数据研究改进拖曳声源深海传播损失算法。首先,对信号时间序列分析发现:深海多途传播结构显著,可分为直达波、第一二次海底反射波,信号幅度逐渐减小,海面反射波与直达波重叠;目标信号中心频率产生多普勒频移,与声源拖曳速度对应较好;"单频"正弦信号并非单一频点上的声信号,为一窄带功率谱,谱峰对应信号中心频率。进而,从信号识别及多途效应处理两方面对算法进行改进:基于功率谱频带分布,设计Butterworth滤波器带通截止频率,从频域上滤除噪声信号;依据环境噪声电压幅值,制定其判定标准,从时域剔除与目标信号同频带噪声信号。算法改进后可较好适应低信噪比环境下多途拖曳声源信号能量计算,快速高精度得到传损失数据。  相似文献   

双曲余弦海脊上海啸俘获波的解析与数值研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
海啸能被大洋海脊引导以俘获波的形式沿其传播上万千米,且因其特殊的运动方式,携带巨大能量影响远场地区的港口,严重威胁海岸安全。本文首先基于线性浅水方程,推导了双曲余弦平方海脊上俘获波的波面解,其为μ阶ν次的连带勒让德函数的第一类解和第二类解的组合。进一步推导出其对应的频散关系,其中对于确定的频率ω,存在无穷多个波数ky与之对应。采用MIKE21-BW模型,模拟了产生于海脊脊顶处的海啸在理想双曲余弦平方海脊上的传播变形过程。结果表明,小部分能量以自由先驱波进行传播,海啸波的波能大部分被海脊俘获。海脊俘获波沿着海脊方向为行进波,随着海啸波传播时间的增加,波浪在沿着海脊方向的延展范围也逐渐增大,波高逐渐减小、波的个数逐渐增加。俘获波能量主要由不同频率以相同速度传播的具有孤立波特性的波浪成分和能量主要集中在特定频率范围内的波浪成分组成。  相似文献   

Recent experimental and theoretical findings raise interesting questions about the applicability of the normal gravity-wave dispersion relation at wave frequencies that exceed the spectral peak frequency. The use of the dispersion relation in analysis of HF radar Doppler sea echo is examined in this paper. Drawing on the results of perturbation theory for wave-wave nonlinear interactions, we show that this relation, so essential to echo interpretation in terms of current and wave information, can be employed with no degradation in accuracy for current measurement when the dominant wave frequency is considerably less (by as much as 10) than the radar Bragg resonance frequency. This finding is supported by comparisons of currents measured by HF radar with "surface truth;" the first-order echo must only be identifiable in order to be used accurately. Wave-height directional spectral information can be extracted from the second-order echo at a given radar frequency up to the point (in wave height) where the perturbation solution employed in the inversion process fails; then a lower radar frequency must be used. On the other hand, most conventional wave measuring instruments should not use the dispersion relation for interpretation of data well beyond the spectral peak, because they do not observe wave height as a function of both space and time independently, as does HF radar.  相似文献   

基于数值模拟的三维随机海面,从时间域和空间域两个角度对海浪的外观特征和内部结构间的关系进行了研究,得出了一些在工程应用上有参考价值的结果.文章认为,将波面看作是若干随机正弦波叠加的海浪结构模型,用于描述平稳、均匀和窄谱的海况时,其频谱分析结果与外观统计结果基本上是一致的;但是,当海面处于谱宽度较大的风浪或混合浪状态时,一些频谱分析结果必须经过修正才能应用.同一海况下,海面波动的时间过程和沿主波向的空间分布是明显不同的.当海面有突发性大浪时,外频谱能够很好地反映不平稳海况,而频谱则把这种不平稳性平滑了.文章着重讨论了波长和波陡的计算、频谱和外频谱的差异.  相似文献   

斜向不规则波入、反射波分离的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邵利民  俞聿修 《海洋学报》2002,24(3):119-127
斜向入射的不规则波在海岸结构物前发生反射形成入、反射波共存的波浪场,对这种物理场的入、反射波的分离是海岸工程研究的一个重要课题.改进了一种可用于斜向入射的不规则波分离的两点法,使得测波阵列的两波高仪可布置在结构物前任何方向上.将此方法应用于三维波浪水池的物理模型试验研究,试验了不同的两波高仪的组合、不同的基床高度、不同的入射方向和不同的波浪要素等各种条件对分离结果的影响,结果表明,各种情况在满足非奇异条件下可得到较好的分离结果.该方法计算简便,可以给出较准确的反射系数和入、反射波的频谱.  相似文献   

The wave diffraction around an array of fixed vertical circular cylinders is simulated in a numerical wave tank by using a fully nonlinear model in the time domain. The emphasis of the paper lies in the insightful investigation of the nonlinear properties of the near-trapping phenomenon associated with the multiple cylinders. The numerical model is validated by analytical solutions as well as experimental data for waves propagating past two and four vertical cylinders in certain arrangements. An array of four identical circular cylinders at the corners of a square with an incident wave along the diagonal of the square is the main focus here for investigating the near-trapping phenomenon. When near-trapping occurs, the present study shows that an extremely high wave elevation near the cylinders can be observed. At the same time, the hydrodynamic forces on different cylinders are found to be either in phase or out of phase, leading to some characteristic force patterns acting on the whole structure. Due to the nature of the numerical model adopted, nonlinearity at different orders can be captured using a harmonic analysis. In addition to first- and second-order near-trapping, the third-order (triple-frequency) nonlinear component is presented for the first time. For the configuration selected, it is found that at one specific incident wave frequency and direction one trapped mode is excited by second-order effects, while a different trapped mode (having similar symmetries) is excited by the third harmonic of the incident wave frequency.  相似文献   

The temporal characteristics and spatial structures of high frequency variability of the current in the western channel of the Tsushima/Korea Straits (TKS) are studied using ADCP data from 10?years along the cruise line of a regular ferry, “Camilla”, between Busan and Hakata. The eddy kinetic energy analysis shows that the high frequency variability has strong seasonal and spatial dependencies. From December to April, the variability is prominent in the entire western channel of the TKS. From July to October, it is enhanced only in the Korean coastal zone. The EOF analysis for the component of the high frequency currents normal to the ferry route illuminates three types of dominant modes, a transport mode and a vortex mode in the western channel during December–April, and a baroclinic coastal-trapped mode in the Korean coastal zone during July–October. The transport mode with a uniform current direction throughout the channel shows good correlation with the high frequency variability of the volume transport through the western channel with dominant time scales of 3.5 and 7?days. The vortex mode with alternating current directions across the channel explains well the variability of the eddy vorticity in the western channel with dominant time scales of 5–8?days. The baroclinic coastal-trapped mode in the Korean coastal zone has characteristics of both baroclinic Kelvin wave and topographic Rossby wave in the vertical current structure with dominant time scales of 14 and 32?days.  相似文献   

引入了局域小波能谱的局域间歇性度量,分析了不同风速下的风浪资料,结果表明,局域小波能谱可依局域频率分为三部分。风浪的群性在三维局域小波能谱图像下显示得更为明显,与风浪有关的一切性质都是局域的,包括风浪的群性。讨论了局域小波谱峰值与谱峰频率的涨落,指出了前者在工程设计中的重要意义,并发现了后者与风浪破碎有关的两种非线性现象。  相似文献   

Fluctuations of peak energy and peak frequency o local wavelet energy spectrum for wind wavesTXFluctuationsofpeakenergyandpeak...  相似文献   

The systematic discrepancies in both tsunami arrival time and leading negative phase (LNP) were identified for the recent transoceanic tsunami on 16 September 2015 in Illapel, Chile by examining the wave characteristics from the tsunami records at 21 Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunami (DART) sites and 29 coastal tide gauge stations. The results revealed systematic travel time delay of as much as 22 min (approximately 1.7% of the total travel time) relative to the simulated long waves from the 2015 Chilean tsunami. The delay discrepancy was found to increase with travel time. It was difficult to identify the LNP from the near-shore observation system due to the strong background noise, but the initial negative phase feature became more obvious as the tsunami propagated away from the source area in the deep ocean. We determined that the LNP for the Chilean tsunami had an average duration of 33 min, which was close to the dominant period of the tsunami source. Most of the amplitude ratios to the first elevation phase were approximately 40%, with the largest equivalent to the first positive phase amplitude. We performed numerical analyses by applying the corrected long wave model, which accounted for the effects of seawater density stratification due to compressibility, self-attraction and loading (SAL) of the earth, and wave dispersion compared with observed tsunami waveforms. We attempted to accurately calculate the arrival time and LNP, and to understand how much of a role the physical mechanism played in the discrepancies for the moderate transoceanic tsunami event. The mainly focus of the study is to quantitatively evaluate the contribution of each secondary physical effect to the systematic discrepancies using the corrected shallow water model. Taking all of these effects into consideration, our results demonstrated good agreement between the observed and simulated waveforms. We can conclude that the corrected shallow water model can reduce the tsunami propagation speed and reproduce the LNP, which is observed for tsunamis that have propagated over long distances frequently. The travel time delay between the observed and corrected simulated waveforms is reduced to <8 min and the amplitude discrepancy between them was also markedly diminished. The incorporated effects amounted to approximately 78% of the travel time delay correction, with seawater density stratification, SAL, and Boussinesq dispersion contributing approximately 39%, 21%, and 18%, respectively. The simulated results showed that the elastic loading and Boussinesq dispersion not only affected travel time but also changed the simulated waveforms for this event. In contrast, the seawater stratification only reduced the tsunami speed, whereas the earth's elasticity loading was responsible for LNP due to the depression of the seafloor surrounding additional tsunami loading at far-field stations. This study revealed that the traditional shallow water model has inherent defects in estimating tsunami arrival, and the leading negative phase of a tsunami is a typical recognizable feature of a moderately strong transoceanic tsunami. These results also support previous theory and can help to explain the observed discrepancies.  相似文献   

An experimental scheme for the generation of directional focusing waves in a wave basin is established in this paper. The effects of the directional range, frequency width and center frequency on the wave focusing are studied. The distrihution of maximum amplitude and the evolution of time series and spectra during wave packet propagation and the variation of water surface parameters are extensively investigated. The results reveal that the characteristics of focusing waves are significantly influenced hy wave directionality and that that breaking criteria for directional waves are distinctly different from those for unidirectional waves.  相似文献   

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