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实施渔村振兴是实现渔业高质量发展、解决渔业发展不平衡不充分问题的有效途径,具有鲜明的时代意义和现实意义。文章基于渔民入户调查数据,从渔民满意度评价角度探讨实施渔村振兴面临的基础和问题。研究发现当前实施渔村振兴面临的基础是:渔村乡风文明程度较好,渔村治理成效明显,但渔村产业还不太兴旺,渔村环境离生态宜居还有一定差距,渔民生活水平有待提高。实施渔村振兴主要面临渔业基本经营制度有待完善,渔村产业高质量发展水平不高,渔村环境离生态宜居要求还有较大差距,渔村现代化治理体系尚未建立,渔业文化挖掘和传承后继乏人,渔民增收长效机制尚未建立,渔民社会保障尚未完全建立等问题,以期为进一步提出有针对性的渔村振兴政策建议提供决策参考。  相似文献   

福建连家船民是特定历史条件下形成的特殊群体,调查分析其上岸集中定居乡村发展变迁基本情况、研究提出渔业升级和渔村振兴的路径与配套措施具有重要历史和现实意义。文章首先归纳、总结连江县东水村渔业发展建设历程及取得的成绩,着重分析、把握当地土地资源匮乏、人力资源紧缺、人口流失严重、产业结构单一等方面问题,进而研究设计出推进东水村渔业发展与全面振兴的4项配套策略措施。即:弘扬疍民文化,提升村民的认同感及其向心力;延长产业链条,提升渔业的附加值与村民收入;扩大动员培训,持续增强产业发展振兴的后劲;依托政策优势,因地制宜发展创新特色产业。  相似文献   

2019年全国渔业渔政工作重点之一就是“大力推进一二三产业融合发展”。渔业一二三产业融合是实现渔业高质量发展和传统产业升级的重要举措。渔业产业融合发展,就是以渔业为基本依托,有效整合渔业生产、水产品加工、流通与贸易、休闲渔业及其他生产性服务业,以产业链延伸、产业范围拓展和产业功能转型为表征,促进渔业、渔村发展,渔民增收。近年来,我国渔业三产融合发展取得了一些成就,如何来评价渔业三产融合发展带来的效益,值得关注。已有的研究主要从渔业的经济效益或者海洋生态环境可持续发展角度研究,很少有从多个维度对海洋渔业产业融合发展带来的效果进行综合评价,所以文章从渔业生产效率、渔业经济效益、渔业产业链延伸以及绿色可持续发展4个维度设计了渔业一二三产业融合发展效果评价指标体系,并对沿海10个地区的融合发展效果进行评价研究。研究结论:①基于空间视角,山东、广东的渔业三产融合发展水平较高,浙江、江苏、福建紧随其后。②基于产业结构视角,各地区在渔业融合发展过程中存在不同程度的发展不均衡问题,在评价体系中,渔业绿色可持续发展水平较其他指标呈现较低情况。③基于时间序列视角,渔业产业融合发展整体水平呈现上升趋势。最后从渔业均衡发展、地区发展以及渔业监管力度等方面提出注重渔业融合发展过程中的均衡性,加强区域间的合作交流,加强对渔业绿色可持续发展的监管力度等建议。  相似文献   

在调研的基础上报告了厦门渔业生产的基本情况,以及主要渔村及渔业人口的分布状况,厦门捕捞渔民劳动力素质结构,渔民家庭的收入、住房及捕捞作业的积极性情况。重点分析了厦门渔村的社会经济现状和渔村面临的问题。如渔村人口的数量,渔村拥有的资源差别,渔村里的失业现象,渔村的公共设施、卫生、环境和渔民的养老、就医问题,捕捞渔民的作业空间以及渔民收入差别等问题。在此基础上指出了政府在渔村建设过程中应注意的事项,如渔民的失海、失业,渔民子女的教育和就业,渔村的建设等。  相似文献   

文章从远洋渔业、海洋油气业、海洋工程建筑业、海洋工程装备制造业和远洋航运业5个方面概述我国海洋产业与"21世纪海上丝绸之路"沿线国家的合作基础和现状,提出面临的机遇和挑战;分析在"21世纪海上丝绸之路"背景下我国海洋产业开展国际合作的重点和方式,其中合作重点包括交通基础设施建设、传统海洋产业、新兴海洋产业和海洋矿业,合作方式包括以服务贸易为导向、以资源利用为重点和以产能合作为抓手;在此基础上提出政策建议,即加快"21世纪海上丝绸之路"的顶层设计和支点建设、推动海洋产业的海外布局以及制定和实施系统的海外企业支持政策,助力我国海洋产业顺利走向"21世纪海上丝绸之路"。  相似文献   

推进广东省渔业高质量发展是推进渔村振兴战略,建设广东海洋强省的重要支撑。文章从优化渔业发展战略布局、提升养殖和资源环境的协调可持续发展、统筹海洋渔业资源开发、推动渔业全产业链的融合4个角度提出了促进广东省渔业高质量发展的路径和建议,为广东省渔业发展提供决策建议。研究表明,夯实渔业生产基础,实施质量兴渔战略,构建渔村产业融合发展体系,是推进广东省现代海洋渔业发展重要内容。结合广东省未来经济社会发展战略,未来广东省要进一步优化渔业发展空间战略格局,打造珠三角都市特色养殖区、粤东西特色鱼虾养殖区和北部生态特色养殖区3个各具特色的养殖区,建设沿海海水养殖优势带、西江和北江下游淡水养殖优势带、东江下游淡水养殖优势带。科学划定禁养区、限养区和养殖区,强化渔业养殖、加工和贸易协调发展。  相似文献   

国际海洋战略性新兴产业发展方兴未艾,国内产业培育也取得一定突破,但总体发展规模和质量还有待提升,存在着战略定位、政策扶持、区域竞争和科技创新等问题和要素制约。基于市场需求和问题导向,文章从国家战略顶层设计、产业培育示范、海洋科技创新、特色园区发展及专业服务体系建设等方面提出了政策框架设计构想,为我国海洋战略性新兴产业健康发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

日本在地域振兴和渔村活力恢复的事业上,将渔村地域的体验学习作为新的关注点。文章介绍了日本渔村开展体验学习的具体情况,以日本恩纳村为例,总结其在体验学习中的管理运营方式以及对经济、环境、文化教育等方面的影响,通过探讨其成功经验,对比我国渔村休闲渔业的发展状况,为我国渔村休闲渔业在教育和文化推进方面的发展起到一定借鉴作用。  相似文献   

渔村治理现代化作为实现乡村振兴战略的重要组成部分,因其自身固有的发展特征,亟须进行法治化改革。这既是对全面依法治国方略在渔村治理的落实,也同新时代乡村治理体系的基本逻辑相符合。因此,新时代法治渔村建设需要中国特色社会主义法治价值的指引,法治价值同时为推进新时代渔村治理法治化,为渔村的政治、经济、社会发展以及生态文明建设等提供了重要的思想基础。法治价值的适用同样对于促进渔村渔业的高质量发展和改善传统渔村经济落后的局面具有重要意义,有必要在中国特色社会主义法治价值的指引下,找到新时代渔村良法善治的有效路径。  相似文献   

基于SWOT模型的我国深远海养殖业发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为加快我国海洋渔业的发展,促进水产养殖空间拓展和渔业产业转型升级,文章基于SWOT模型,从优势、劣势、机会和威胁4个方面,分析我国深远海养殖业的发展情况,并提出建议。研究结果表明:我国深远海养殖业发展的优势在于水产品消费需求快速增长、苗种繁育和水产饲料研发技术进步以及大型养殖设施建设取得突破;劣势在于产业发展准备、养殖生产技术和养殖设施建设等存在不足;机会包括保障水产品供给、实现渔业转型升级和提高海洋资源开发利用能力;威胁来自传统水产养殖业、陆生动物养殖业和产业政策制约;我国发展深远海养殖业应做好顶层设计、加大研发投入和加强政策引导。  相似文献   

Management strategies are challenging to implement in Zanzibar's fisheries because the local people depend upon these resources for basic subsistence. This difficulty epitomizes the vital need for sustainable management: the more people need a fishery, the harder it is to limit fishing to allow regeneration. Comparing fisheries management strategies in two coastal villages in Unguja, the largest island of Zanzibar, Tanzania, this paper confirms the results of existing scholarship that communitybased strategies provide the most promising solutions to this challenge. Interviews with officials from the Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Village Fishermen Committees, and 51 fishermen in the villages of Kizimkazi Dimbani and Jambiani reveal the efficacy of strategies where local fishermen are centrally involved. The fishermen interviews reveal ignorance of existing fishing regulations and a lack of enforcement while fishermen at both sites noted that many illegal methods of fishing are still in use and expressed concern that such methods damage fish stocks. The Village Fishermen Committees, a recently implemented community-based initiative, are well attended by fishermen, and constitute a management strength that this paper concludes should be the foundation of future policy. To be successful, these committees need additional educational and financial resources.  相似文献   

史磊  宋毅宁  秦宏 《海洋科学》2021,45(4):40-50
自20世纪80年代以来,我国出台了众多海洋捕捞相关政策,厘清这些政策变迁规律对海洋捕捞业的健康发展具有重要意义。本文对1986年以来我国海洋捕捞业的政策文本展开量化分析,构建政策时间维度、政策工具维度、政策价值维度三维政策文本分析框架,梳理当前捕捞业政策变迁和结构特征,并深入分析了捕捞业政策与现实的匹配性。研究发现,海洋捕捞业的部分政策目标之间存在一定的冲突和矛盾;政策工具体系全面,但不同政策工具数量分布不均衡;早期政策的经济价值取向突出,社会、生态价值相对不足,需要适时调整政策价值取向。未来应明确政策目标,推动海洋捕捞管理范式由投入控制向产出控制的转变;优化政策工具组合,引导渔民自觉养护海洋渔业资源,提高海洋捕捞业政策的有效性;整合政策价值取向,协调产业发展、资源养护和渔民利益的关系,推动海洋捕捞可持续发展。  相似文献   

This paper assessed the socio-economic implications of climate change and vulnerability of fishing communities known as “Koli” living in Mumbai, India. The vulnerability indicators are derived from sustainable livelihood literature and use of multi-criteria analyses and are validated with expert opinions. A survey of two hundred fishermen from five fishing villages in Mumbai was conducted to collect data. The results demonstrate that vulnerability perpetuates due to physical and financial resource constraints among the fishing community. Fishermen from Madh and Worli villages are observed to be more vulnerable and less adaptive due to their inability to use efficient mechanized boats and advanced fishing implements, such as fish finders and GPS (Global Positioning System). The divergence in the vulnerability scores among fishing villages is attributed to the coping strategies, resource availability, knowledge and the benefit derived from the local government. Fishermen have been observing the negative impacts of climate change on their fishing livelihoods. Adaptation strategies to maximize fish catch are observed in such practices as targeting different species and fishing intensively for several days. However, these practices are leading to an imbalance in the common resource pool and biased resource sharing among different groups of fishermen.  相似文献   

A global recurring challenge for marine managers and policy makers is the effective management of fisheries conflicts. This study demonstrates the usefulness of a political ecology approach in understanding the complexity of conflict in increasingly internationalized national fisheries. By doing so it aims to provide an alternative approach to the environmental security perspectives, predicated on scarcity narratives, that often underpin policy on fishery conflicts. Using a localised example of industrial Chinese and local artisanal fishermen conflict in Ghana, this paper reveals a complex account of contesting ‘access’ to resources, in material and nonmaterial terms, that moves beyond an ‘absolute scarcity’ driven narrative. The conflict is shown to be one, in part, focussed around spatially fixed areas as well as moral claims of correct ways of fishing that reflect social tensions within the local fishing community. Both aspects show long term motivations to keep resource access, rather than being concerned with in the moment struggles over scarce resources. This work also highlights the existence of cooperation between groups of artisanal fishermen involved in transhipment with Chinese fishermen, revealing the complex nexus of winners and losers produced by environmental, social and political factors. In sum, policy must acknowledge that conflict is rarely produced purely by scarcity, and that broader social and political factors often combine in a variety of forms to produce localised conflict. If these complexities are ignored, fisheries policy runs the risk of unintentionally exacerbating conflicts and disadvantaging those who it aims to help.  相似文献   

In the last years, the overall fish industry in the lagoon of Venice has shown a gradual decline. In order to better understand this process, we carry out a socio-economic questionnaire next to the fisherman population. Questionnaire contains significant qualitative and quantitative data that allow us to evaluate the social and the cultural profile of the respondents, including information with respect to the different technological fishing characteristics involved, type and amount of the species harvested as well as the overall productivity of the activity. Furthermore, the questionnaire contains an economic valuation exercise so as to assess in monetary terms the preferences of the fishermen with respect to different alternative policy options that may characterize a future regulation of this economic activity. Estimation results show that fishermen welcome any regulation initiative that is characterized by: (1) banning all fishing activities during the night, (2) allocating fishing concessions areas to each fishermen in a way that minimize the distance between the fishing area and the harbor, and (3) by introducing of a labeling mechanism that certifies the origin of the product. Moreover, the underlying economic valuation mechanism reveals to sensitive to respondent's motivational profile, including the overall trust and confidence that fisherman community places on the current institutional bodies. This result reveals to be of particular significance when attempting the design of an efficient, widely supported regulation of the fishing activity in the lagoon of Venice.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the development of ITQs in Norway. Even if some would deny that anything such exists, fisheries management in Norway has some unmistakable characteristics of an ITQ system. Both boatowners and policy makers have discovered the attractions of transferable quotas, the former as a means to increase their private profits, the latter as a vehicle to reduce fleet overcapacity. The slow evolution of transferability is mainly the result of ideological opposition and opposition to structural changes, the latter involving falling number of fishermen, changes in location of the fishing industry, and changed composition of the fishing fleet. The development of this system in the purse seine fleet and the fleet fishing for cod and similar species is traced. Then the concept of resource rent is discussed, as well as how it has become capitalized in quota values, which show up as a rise in value of long term assets of the fishing industry.  相似文献   

The bluefin tuna fishery has undergone a major shift in Malta, moving from an open access artisanal nature to a privatized and industrialized activity dominated by the purse seining fleet and the BFT ranching industry. The shift has been exacerbated by the national implementation of an individual transferable quota system, which has enabled the concertation of quotas into fewer hands. The main objective of this article is to understand how privatization has evolved within the sector and the way the Maltese artisanal fishermen are experiencing the shift. This study takes an exploratory mixed-method approach to quantitatively and qualitatively understand how policy underpinnings interplay with the sustainability dimension of the small-scale fishing sector. Results show that the transition of the bluefin tuna fishery from artisanal to industrial has generated a legitimacy crisis over fishing rights, decreased profitability amongst most of the artisanal fleet, and led to a series of socio-ecological impacts on the artisanal fisheries system at large. It is concluded that the neo-liberal trajectories of industrialization have directly undermined the continued sustainability of artisanal fishing communities.  相似文献   

Artisanal fishing communities are often in conflict with the interests of the oil extraction industry, industrial fishing fleets and tourism. This paper considers Lobitos, a fishing enclave in northern Peru, where the oldest oil settlement in Latin America was established. The primary focus is community organization and development of the fisheries. Using a mixed methods approach, intensive ethnographic observation and analysis of the social networks of the skippers of small-scale fishing vessels was conducted by in-depth interviews with 30 artisanal fishermen, together with a social network survey involving 43 boat captains in Lobitos. The results showed the mistrust and negative attitudes of fishermen towards oil companies and the industrial fishing fleet. However, they expressed positive expectations regarding tourism development, as well as favorable attitudes towards the diversification of fishing activity through tourist services. The networks of acquaintances, social support and exchange of ecological information allowed us to identify three different groups of fishermen according to preferential fishing zones. The skippers of vessels that prefer to fish in intermediate zones have a prominent role, both in terms of local leadership and through the connection with boats belonging to other bays near Lobitos. This subgroup acts as an intermediary in the networks a whole and has an integrated vision of the coastal ecosystem. Network measures and preferential fishing zones can be used as indicators to assess the degree of availability and preparation for the implementation of new uses in the fisheries sector associated with tourism and heritage.  相似文献   

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