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论证了用于天然气水合物调查的轻便型声学深拖系统的总体方案,其拖曳方式选择是其核心问题之一,重力型拖体操作方便但稳定性差,弱正浮力型拖体稳定性好而操作复杂。首先论证了两型声学深拖的运动性能,分析了提升重力型拖体稳定性的措施,结果表明,重力型拖体俯仰运动稳定性显著弱于弱正浮力型拖体,并且各项改善措施对于稳定性提高不显著。其次对测深侧扫声呐、多波束测深声呐、浅地层剖面仪和声多普勒测速仪等声学深拖系统主要搭载声呐开展分析,准定量的得到对拖曳平台稳定性的要求。综合考虑拖体稳定性、配套装备要求、开发经验和成本等因素,为了获得更好的探测结果,最终确定采用弱正浮力型拖曳系统,并给出了系统的总体设计方案。  相似文献   

本文描述了多参数拖曳荧光计系统在船模水池和海上进行拖体水动力特性试验,得出:在10kn以内的任意拖曳速度均能水平稳定拖曳,而纵倾角≤±2 的拖点位置;拖索张力T与拖体速度 之间的关系为T=47十31.8 2.08;拖曳速度为10kn时,水动迫沉力约为950kgf,升阻比约为2.4~2.5,满足了拖曳系统的迫沉要求。海上性能试验与应用实验表明:该拖曳系统的荧光传感器对水体、荧光示踪染料、悬浮颗粒物具有很高的分辨率;对罗丹明B水溶液的浓度检测范围为1×10-7~1×10-3mg/dm3;对悬浮物的浓度检测范围为2~2000mg/dm3,使该系统广泛地用于海洋环境检测和评价工程任务中。  相似文献   

6000m深海拖曳系统动力响应计算   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
本文数值计算了6000m深海单拖体和双拖体拖曳系统的动态响应,特别是研究了拖船的垂荡运动对拖体定高性的影响。对于双拖体系统,本文对第二拖体在水中的重量、联接两拖体的缆索长度及其在水中重量等因素对第二拖体定高性的影响进行了详细的计算、分析。计算表明,采用双拖体系统可大大提高系统的定高性。  相似文献   

拖体入水深度是水下拖曳作业的主要参数,其取决于拖体自身重量、拖缆长度和船速。通过G882TVG海洋磁力仪阵列的拖曳试验,分析了船速、配重、拖缆长度的相互关系,导出拖体入水深度计算模型,对类似设备的拖曳参数确定具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

带翼声纳拖体的稳定性问题及三点拖曳方式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对带翼拖体的稳定性通过理论分析,得到在拖速改变时仍能保持正浮稳定拖曳的条件。在船模试验池中对六种水翼模型分别同一个拖体模型拼装的组合体进行了各种拖曳试验。试验证实,作者有关带翼拖体正浮稳定拖曳条件的理论分析是正确的。试验还表明,利用三点拖曳笼头与纵倾角传感器能迅速自如地找正各种带翼拖体的正浮稳定拖曳点位置,从而在技术上解决了带翼拖体的稳定性问题。  相似文献   

拖曳系统计算中拖缆与拖体的耦合计算   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对带有水下设备舱的拖曳系统,提出了一种有效的算法,来获得拖曳系统的运行状态。将拖曳系统分成拖缆和水下拖体两个部分,分别建立运动数学模型。拖缆部分的模型以Ablow和Schechter的运动数学模型为基础;拖体部分的模型采用类似潜器的水下六自由度运动方程。将这两部分方程联立,统一求解,解决两个模型之间的耦合问题。经过数值仿真的检验证明算法具有可行性。  相似文献   

拖曳式剖面探测拖体是一种能做波浪式轨迹运动的载体,可对海洋进行实时多参数剖面探测.阐述国内首台拖曳式剖面探测拖体的组成、功能及运动轨迹,并对运动轨迹控制进行实船试验研究.结果表明,拖曳式剖面探测拖体具有控制性能优良,实现传感器数据的实时采集.  相似文献   

针对海洋测量水下拖曳设备位置确定问题,综合考虑拖缆受力、海流影响以及水下拖体的运动性质,建立了水下拖曳设备的位置计算模型,并仿真计算分析了测量船在不同航行状态下拖曳设备位置确定的规律,探讨了不同海流效应对拖曳设备位置确定的影响。仿真计算结果表明,在海洋动态环境作用下,拖缆各方向的偏移明显呈曲线形状,非简单几何运算所确定。测船各方向的运动均可对水下拖体的位置在相应方向产生一定影响,而水下拖体位置的变化量小于测船拖点位置的变化量。海流对水下拖曳设备定位可造成数米的偏差,需进行相应改正。建议可考虑采取船载式ADCP实时测流辅助水下拖曳设备定位的工作模式。  相似文献   

为提高海洋拖曳作业中拖体的定位精度,分析了海洋动态环境对拖体定位的影响,给出了两个主要海洋动态环境要素即海流和航速对拖体定位的补偿模型,对海洋磁力测量、侧扫声纳探测有重大应用价值。  相似文献   

海洋可控源电磁拖曳系统是海洋可控源电磁勘探系统的重要组成部分,对光电复合缆和绞车的强度有着较高的要求。为了保障作业安全,避免拖缆崩断、绞车损坏等事故的发生,需要对拖曳系统所受的张力进行评估,为实际作业提供参考。本文采用拖曳系统稳态运动求解方法,模拟拖体在海水中的位置,以及放缆时绞车所受的牵引张力,模拟结果与海试实测数据能够较好地吻合。在拖缆长度一定的情况下,随着拖曳速度的增大,绞车牵引张力先减小再增大,光电复合缆长度越长这种现象越明显。  相似文献   

波浪作用下缆船拖带系统非线性运动数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱军  李炜  程虹 《海洋工程》2006,24(3):56-62
基于船舶操纵性运动方程和拖缆的三维动力学运动方程,提出了被拖点位置匹配的方法,建立了拖船—拖缆—被拖船系统整体非线性拖带动力学模型。为了考察被拖船航向稳定性与横向稳性的关系以及波浪载荷作用的影响,被拖船采用水平面四自由度运动方程,并引入了波浪的作用力和力矩。拖船采用PD控制方法较真实地模拟了拖船航向改变的运动过程。对一个拖船—拖缆—被拖船系统(5 000 t的拖船和3 000 t的被拖船)在时域内进行了规则波浪作用下拖带运动的模拟,计算结果表明被拖带船舶在波浪中运动呈现运动稳定、不稳定和临界状态3种可能的特性。根据模拟计算结果,认为波浪中拖带航向稳定是被拖带船舶保持稳性的必要条件。  相似文献   

Dynamic Analysis of Towed and Variable Length Cable Systems   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
Towed cable systems are frequently used in marine measurements where the length of the towed cable varies during launch and recovery. In this paper a novel method for modeling variable length cable systems is introduced based on the finite segment formulation. The variable length of the towed cable is described by changing the length of the segment near the towing point and by increasing or decreasing the number of the discrete segments of the cable. In this way, the elastic effects of the cable can be easily handled since geometry and material properties of each segment are kept constant. Experimental results show that the dynamic behavior of the towed cable is consistent between the model and the physical cable. Results show that the model provides numerical efficiency and simulation accuracy for the variable length towed system.  相似文献   

The dynamic response of a towed cable system to ship maneuver is parametrically simulated. Three dimensionless parameters influence on towed cable system maneuverability is investigated. They are ratio of total length to turning radius R/L, ratio of cable mass to vehicle mass σ, and ratio of mass unit length to hydrodynamic force w/r. An oscillatory motion of towed vehicle is found in simulation of spiral towed courses. Features of this oscillation in different spiral courses are compared. The sharp turns, gradual turns and their transient states of towed cable dynamics for different course directions are discussed extensively. According to the characters of transient states and horizontal trajectories evolution of maneuvered cable system, the dynamic behaviors can be divided into three situations in Fig. 8 turning maneuvers. The behavior of towed cable system during a zigzag turning course is simulated in the end. Two ingredients of heave motion are found during small ratio of turning radii to length in this course. The primary damp to initial turning becomes weak and the response to alternative turns plays a more and more important role. The damping properties of the transient behavior in different maneuvers show a periodical invariance to σ during some turning maneuvers.  相似文献   

主动式声纳列阵拖曳系统姿态数值计算   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
卢军 《海洋工程》2001,19(3):85-90
主动式声纳列阵拖曳系统是用于探测潜艇的新型声纳系统,为了准确探测潜艇的位置,必须首先预报声纳列阵的瓷态,本文通过对其三维力学模型的分析,得到该系统的运动微分方程,其中缆索的力学方程是基于Ablow和Milinazzo的模型,而对于拖体则运用六自由度空间运动方程模拟,结合边界条件,用有限差分法求解,通过对拖船的不同运动状态如匀速,变速和回转的计算,证明本文的方法对于预报声纳列阵的姿态是有效的。  相似文献   

This paper analyses nonlinear dynamics of cable towed body system. The cable has been modeled and analyzed using a new nodal position finite element method, which calculates the position of the cable directly instead of the displacement by the existing finite element method. The newly derived nodal position finite element method eliminates the need of decoupling the rigid body motion from the total motion, where numerical errors arise in the existing nonlinear finite element method, and the limitation of small rotation in each time step in the existing nonlinear finite element method. The towed body is modeled as a rigid body with six degrees of freedom while the tow ship motion is treated as a moving boundary to the system. A special procedure has been developed to couple the cable element with the towed body. The current approach can be used as design tool for achieving improved directional stability, maneuverability, safety and control characteristics with the cable towed body. The analysis results show the elegance and robustness of the proposed approach by comparing with the sea trial data.  相似文献   

In this paper,the dynamic response of undersea -+towed systems is numerically simulated.Atwo body towed system is especially considered in detail.The factors influencing the heave oftowed-bodies,such as the weight of the towed-body(in sea water),the length and the weight(in sea water)per unit length of the cable between towed-bodies and towing ship,are investigated in detail.Calculationsshow that the two-body towed system can greatly increases the stability of the towed system.  相似文献   

水下拖曳升沉补偿系统水动力数学模型研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
建立变缆长的水下拖曳升沉补偿系统水动力学偏微分方程组和边界条件.拖缆动力学模型基于Ablow and Schechter模型,拖体采用水下运载体六自由度方程模拟,运用有限差分法离散偏微分方程组和牛顿迭代法计算变缆长情况下拖体深度与拖缆各点张力的动态取值.数值计算结果表明采用收放拖缆的升沉补偿方法能够有效削弱母船升沉运动对拖体深度和拖缆张力的影响.  相似文献   

CHEN  Min-kang 《中国海洋工程》2003,17(4):641-648
Based on the fundamental equation of flexible cable dynamics for a towed system, an easily solved mathematical model is set up in this paper by means of appropriate simplification. Several regular patterns of spatial motion of towed flexible cables in water are obtained through numerical simulation with the finite difference method, and then modification and verification by trial results at sea. A technical support is provided for the towing ship to maneuver properly when a flexible cable is towed. Furthermore, the relations between two towed flexible cables, which are towed simultaneously by a ship, are investigated. The results show that the ship towing two flexible cables is safe under the suggested arrangement of two winches for the towing system, and the coiling/uncoiling sequences of the cables as well as the suggested way of maneuvering.  相似文献   

A hydrodynamic model of a two-part underwater manoeuvrable towed system is proposed in which a depressor is equipped with active horizontal and vertical control surfaces, and a towed vehicle is attached to the lower end of a primary cable. In such a system the towed vehicle can be manoeuvred in both vertical and horizontal planes when it is towed at a certain velocity and the coupling effect of excitations at the upper end of the primary cable and disturbances of control manipulations to the towed vehicle can be reduced. In the model the hydrodynamic behavior of an underwater vehicle is described by the six-degrees-of-freedom equations of motion for submarine simulations. The added masses of an underwater vehicle are obtained from the three-dimensional potential theory. The control surface forces of the vehicle are determined by the wing theory. The results indicate that with relative simple control measures a two-part underwater manoeuvrable towed system enables the towed vehicle to travel in a wide range with a stable attitude. The method in this model gives an effective numerical approach for determining hydrodynamic characteristics of an underwater vehicle especially when little or no experimental data are available or when costs prohibit doing experiments for determining these data.  相似文献   

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