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台湾岛以南海域新近纪的弧—陆碰撞造山作用   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
台湾岛以南海域(台南滨海)弧—陆碰撞带位于欧亚板块、菲律宾海板块和南海的结合部位,是新近纪弧—陆碰撞研究的理想场所。本文通过对南海973航次在该区域的多道地震剖面的解释,认为台南滨海弧—陆碰撞带增生的火山—沉积楔由恒春海脊和高屏斜坡两部分组成,前者是菲律宾海板块的增生楔,后者是欧亚板块的增生楔,在增生楔体和火山弧之间是作为弧前盆地的北吕宋海槽。自中新世中期以来,南海洋壳开始沿着马尼拉海沟向菲律宾海板块俯冲,形成活动大陆边缘的增生部分——恒春海脊;与此同时菲律宾海板块开始向北西方向移动,前缘的吕宋岛弧距今6.5Ma以来朝着亚洲陆缘斜向汇聚,形成了被动大陆边缘的增生部分——高屏斜坡。由于菲律宾海板块和欧亚板块之间的斜向汇聚,弧—陆碰撞具有穿时性,造山作用首先发生在台湾岛的北部,然后向南部及台南滨海发展。  相似文献   

碰撞带前陆盆地的建立是大陆碰撞的直接标志和随后造山带构造变形的忠实记录。本文对欧亚板块与印度板块碰撞前后发育在拉萨地块上的冈底斯弧背前陆盆地,同碰撞产生的雅鲁藏布江周缘前陆盆地,以及碰撞后陆内变形产生的喜马拉雅前陆盆地的沉积地层演化以及碎屑锆石物源特征等进行了系统分析,结合前人及我们近些年的研究成果,认为冈底斯岛弧北侧发育一个典型的弧背前陆盆地系统而不是以前普遍接受的伸展盆地。除传统认为的喜马拉雅前陆盆地系统外,在碰撞造山带中还发育一个雅鲁藏布江前陆盆地系统,它是欧亚板块与印度板块碰撞以后,欧亚板块加载到印度被动大陆边缘产生的典型周缘前陆盆地。上述2个造山带前陆盆地系统的识别,大大提高了对新特提斯洋俯冲、碰撞过程的认识。造山带前陆盆地证据指示,新特提斯洋至少于140 Ma以前就已开始俯冲, 110 Ma俯冲速度开始提高,在65 Ma前后印度大陆与欧亚大陆发生碰撞,喜马拉雅山于40 Ma开始隆升,其剥蚀物质大量堆积在喜马拉雅前陆盆地中。  相似文献   

台湾东部海岸山脉对弧陆碰撞的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
台湾岛位于欧亚板块和菲律宾海板块的交界处,处在马尼拉海沟和琉球海沟两个方向相对的俯冲带的转换位置.由于从中新世以来吕宋岛弧与欧亚大陆斜向碰撞(弧陆碰撞)形成了今日台湾构造格局,特有的构造地质环境和正在进行中的块体增生使其成为地质学家的研究热点.针对吕宋岛弧海岸山脉段对弧陆碰撞的响应,本文综述了近年来海岸山脉年代学、地球化学、构造地质和利吉混杂岩等方面的研究成果,对海岸山脉的快速隆升和剥蚀特征进行了总结,并在此基础上指出了目前海岸山脉地质研究工作中存在的主要问题,提出今后的研究方向应集中在利吉混杂岩的形成机制、花东海盆洋壳性质和利用海岸山脉凝灰岩进行弧陆碰撞发展过程研究等几个方面.  相似文献   

甘肃北山造山带类型及基本特征   总被引:30,自引:5,他引:30  
北山造山带经历多期次、多阶段的板块裂解-俯冲-碰撞-拼合的复杂地质演化历程,具多旋回复合造山的特色。通过对造山带构造单元的建立、古板块重建、原型盆地恢复、造山带结构、构造特征及造山机制和模式的研究,确定北山造山带类型为陆-增生弧碰撞造山带。  相似文献   

祁连山地区的新元古代中—晚期至早古生代火山作用显示系统地时、空变化,其乃是祁连山构造演化的火山响应。随着祁连山构造演化从Rodinia超大陆裂谷化—裂解,经早古生代大洋打开、扩张、洋壳俯冲和弧后伸展,直至洋盆闭合、弧-陆碰撞和陆-陆碰撞,火山作用也逐渐从裂谷和大陆溢流玄武质喷发,经大洋中脊型、岛弧和弧后盆地火山活动,转变为碰撞后裂谷式喷发。850~604 Ma的大陆裂谷和大陆溢流熔岩主要分布于祁连和柴达木陆块。从大约550 Ma至446 Ma,在北祁连和南祁连洋-沟-弧-盆系中广泛发育大洋中脊型、岛弧和弧后盆地型熔岩。与此同时,在祁连陆块中部,发育约522~442 Ma的陆内裂谷火山作用。早古生代洋盆于奥陶纪末(约446 Ma)闭合。随后,从约445 Ma至约428 Ma,于祁连陆块北缘发育碰撞后火山活动。此种时-空变异对形成祁连山的深部地球动力学过程提供了重要约束。该过程包括:(1)地幔柱或超级地幔柱上涌,导致Rodinia超大陆发生裂谷化、裂解、早古生代大洋打开、扩张、俯冲,并伴随岛弧形成;(2)俯冲的大洋板片回转,致使弧后伸展,进而形成弧后盆地;(3)洋盆闭合、板片断离,继而发生软流圈上涌,诱发碰撞后火山活动。晚志留世至早泥盆世(420~400 Ma),先期俯冲的地壳物质折返,发生强烈的造山活动。400 Ma后,山体垮塌、岩石圈伸展,相应发生碰撞后花岗质侵入活动。  相似文献   

大别山南北两侧的浅变质岩是碰撞造山以前洋壳俯冲造山阶段的重要组成部分。木兰山片岩或张八岭群是俯冲的洋壳;苏家河群、信阳群和佛子岭群是由洋壳俯冲形成的海沟沉积,并因俯冲过程中的前进变形而形成增生楔;杨山煤系和梅山群是石炭纪弧前盆地沉积,并因俯冲过程中的前进变形而被增生楔逆掩。宿松群是扬子大陆被动边缘沉积,不是俯冲造山带的成员。因洋壳俯冲形成的弧和弧后盆地可能已被新生界沉积物掩盖。高压-超高压变质带是碰撞造山后期从深部折返的外来体。高压-超高压变质带正好处于洋壳和增生楔之间,破坏了早期洋壳俯冲造山带的完整性,使得洋壳俯冲造山阶段的特征被破坏,因而不易辨别。俯冲造山阶段应为奥陶纪到泥盆纪,碰撞造山阶段应从二叠纪开始。  相似文献   

奥陶纪是柴达木盆地北缘早古生代碰撞造山演化的重要时期,柴达木地块与滩间山岛弧碰撞起始时限以及欧龙布鲁克海盆盆地类型、构造-古地理格局一直存在争议。本文在对欧龙布鲁克地块早奥陶世碎屑岩沉积野外观测及室内分析的基础上,测试了30个砂泥岩样品的主量元素、微量元素及稀土元素含量。结果表明,石灰沟组碎屑岩建造具有快速堆积、低成分成熟度、低结构成熟度的特征;该套碎屑岩沉积于活动大陆边缘背景下的弧后前陆盆地,碎屑物质来自南部由大陆上地壳与岛弧物质组成的上隆基底;早奥陶世(488~472 Ma)柴达木地块与滩间山岛弧陆-弧碰撞已经开始,但陆-弧碰撞起始时间不会早于493Ma。在此基础上,结合前人研究成果,认为早古生代欧龙布鲁克地块处于滩间山岛弧北部,盆地沉降、沉积演化受柴达木盆地北缘洋盆俯冲及柴达木地块-滩间山岛弧碰撞控制,寒武纪发育弧后伸展盆地,奥陶纪初期转为弧后挤压前陆盆地,弧后伸展与弧后挤压、沉积体系转换发生在490~480Ma之间。该成果从沉积学角度为柴达木盆地北缘陆-弧碰撞起始时限提供了新的制约。  相似文献   

华南中部中新元古代造山带构造演化探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
华南中部中新元古代造山带可以划分为5个地质构造单元:乐平-歙县构造混杂岩亚带、万年海相-滨海相沉积-火山沉积建造、赣东北蛇绿混杂岩亚带、怀玉火山-火山碎屑岩系、东乡-龙游混杂岩亚带。通过对不同构造单元形成大地构造环境分析,认为它们分别形成于火山弧-弧后盆地、弧间盆地、大洋岛弧、洋中脊、火山岛弧、弧前盆地等大地构造环境;华南中部中新元古代造山带属陆-弧-弧-陆碰撞造山带,发育在汇聚型板块边缘地带,古洋盆为一个多岛洋体系。中元古代末期(约1024Ma)古华南多岛洋开始关闭,大约在850Ma左右,整个古华南多岛洋最终关闭。  相似文献   

金沙江(-哀牢山)弧盆系是西南三江多岛弧盆系的重要组成部分,恢复其时空格架及其形成演化过程对理解古特提斯多岛弧盆系的时空格局具有重要意义。根据新的地质调查资料、研究成果并结合分析数据,系统总结了金沙江弧盆系不同构造单元的物质组成及其构造属性,讨论了其构造演化过程及其对VMS型矿床的控制作用。金沙江洋壳发育时限主要为晚志留世—二叠纪,古洋壳地幔受到了早期俯冲带物质富集组分的影响,主体形成于弧后盆地的构造环境。江达-德钦-维西岩浆弧为一复杂的陆缘弧,经历了俯冲消减(300~260 Ma)、早碰撞聚合(255~250 Ma)、同碰撞伸展(249~237 Ma)和晚碰撞造山(236~212 Ma)等构造事件叠加改造,形成了不同类型、不同环境的岩浆活动及其盆地。金沙江带新发现的贡觉榴辉岩、维西退变榴辉岩等高压变质带,为恢复金沙江古特提斯洋的俯冲-碰撞造山的复杂演化过程提供了重要证据。在此基础上,结合区域地质资料,构建了金沙江弧盆系的演化历史,认为经历了晚志留世—早二叠世金沙江(-哀牢山)弧后洋盆扩张、早二叠世晚期—晚二叠世洋壳俯冲消减、早三叠世—晚三叠世弧-陆碰撞造山与盆-山转换、晚三叠世末期后碰撞陆内造山至陆内汇聚-走滑转换等阶段的演化过程,每个阶段控制着不同类型的VMS型矿床。  相似文献   

东天山古生代板块构造特点及其演化模式   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
方国庆 《甘肃地质》1994,3(1):34-40
东天山的古板块构造格局主要由塔里木陆壳板块、西伯利亚陆壳板块和哈萨克斯坦洋壳板块在古生代的活动所奠定的。在古生代,东天山的板块构造格局主要表现为多列岛弧及其间弧间盆地和弧后盆地的形式。自北而南依次发育:博格达-哈尔里克泥盆-石炭纪岛弧,吐哈弧间盆地,觉罗塔格泥盆-石炭纪岛弧,吐哈弧间盆地,觉罗塔格泥盆-石炭纪岛弧,中天山志留-石炭纪岛弧,南天山-红柳河弧后盆地和北山陆缘裂谷带。其主要成因是由于准噶尔洋壳板块向塔里木陆壳板块下俯冲,俯冲带不断后退所形成的。奥陶纪中后期,中天山由塔里木北缘分出,形成具有古老陆块基底的类似于现今日本列岛的中天山岛弧。在其后形成南天山-红柳河弧后盆地和北山陆缘裂谷带。泥盆纪早期,俯冲带后退至觉罗塔格北侧形成觉罗塔格岛弧。泥盆纪晚期,俯冲带后退至博格达-哈尔里克北缘,形成博格达-哈尔里克岛弧。中石炭世至早二叠世,博格达同准噶尔陆块碰撞造山,哈尔里克同麦钦乌拉岛弧碰撞造山。与此同时,南天山-红柳河弧后盆地和北山裂谷带也相继闭合,而吐哈弧间盆地则成为未被消减完的弧间盆地残留下来。东天山古生代板块演化可与现今印度尼西亚地区的板块演化相类比。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2018,1(4):477-484
Lichi mélange, located in the southern coastal range, eastern Taiwan, China, is a typical tectonic mélange of the plate’s boundary zone between the Eurasian Plate and the Philippine Sea Plate. It formed during the collision of the Luzon arc with the Eurasian Continent (arc-continent collision). It is composed of sandstone and/or mudstone matrix and many kinds and sizes of rock fragments, including some sedimentary rocks, volcanic rocks and a few metamorphic rocks. The serpentinite is one of the common fragments in the Lichi mélange. By the petrographic characteristics and the zircon U-Pb chronology analyses, protolith of the serpentinite is peridotite, the age is 17.7 ± 0.5 Ma. Taking the tectonic background into account, it is inferred that the serpentinite (serpentinised peridotite) come from the forearc basin (the North Luzon Trough) and was taken into the mélange by a second thrust westwards. The origin of the serpentinite in Lichi mélange is helpful to understand the formation of the Lichi mélange and can provide reliable detailed information for the study of the arc-continent collision orogenic activity in and offshore Taiwan.  相似文献   

A synthesis of the geologic evolution of Taiwan   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The island arc of Taiwan is composed of Cenozoic geosynclinal sediments more than 10,000 m thick, lying on a pre-Tertiary metamorphic basement. Pleistocene to Miocene andesitic islands surround the main island and are related mostly to arc magmatism. The Penghu Island Group in the Taiwan Strait is covered with Pleistocene flood basalt. Neogene shallow marine clastic sediments are exposed mainly in the western foothills with Pleistocene andesitic extrusives at the northern tip and the northeastern offshore islands. A thick sequence of Paleogene to Miocene argillitic to slaty metaclastic rocks underlies the western Central Range and forms the immediate sedimentary cover on the pre-Tertiary metamorphic complex to the east, which represents an older Mesozoic arc-trench system. The Coastal Range in eastern Taiwan is a Neogene andesitic magmatic arc, including also a large variety of volcaniclastic and turbiditic sediments. Cenozoic Taiwan is the site of arc-continent collision where the Luzon arc on the Philippine Sea plate overrides the Chinese continental margin on the Eurasian plate. East and northeast of Taiwan, the polarity of subduction changes whereby the oceanic Philippine Sea plate is subducting beneath the Ryukyu arc system on the Eurasian plate. Continent-arc collision in Taiwan island is anomalous and may occur in a broad belt of deformation rather than along a well-defined plate boundary or subduction zone.  相似文献   

尚鲁宁  张勇  姚永坚  吴浩  胡刚  田陟贤 《中国地质》2020,47(5):1323-1336
晚新生代中国东部大陆边缘的构造活动主要集中于东海东缘。中新世以来菲律宾海板块俯冲、冲绳海槽弧后张裂、台湾弧-陆碰撞等一系列重大构造过程,塑造了现今琉球沟-弧-盆体系、台湾碰撞造山带和南海东北部的构造-地貌格局。本文基于对重磁和多道地震资料的解译,并结合前人研究成果,恢复了冲绳海槽构造演化史,阐明了冲绳海槽弧后张裂和台湾弧-陆碰撞之间的关系。在此基础上,重建了中新世以来欧亚板块、菲律宾海板块、南海板块之间的相互作用过程模型。本研究有助于进一步理解板块汇聚背景下东亚大陆边缘深部动力-热力过程对浅部构造格局变迁的制约和影响。  相似文献   

Eastern Indonesia is the zone of interaction between three converging megaplates: Eurasia, the Pacific and Indo-Australia. The geological basis for interpretations of the Tertiary tectonic evolution of Eastern Indonesia is reviewed, and a series of plate tectonic reconstructions for this region at 5 million year intervals covering the last 35 million years is presented.The oldest reconstruction predates the onset of regional collisional deformation. At this time a simple plate configuration is interpreted, consisting of the northward-moving Australian continent approaching an approximately E–W oriented, southward-facing subduction zone extending from the southern margin of the Eurasian continent eastwards into the Pacific oceanic domain. Beginning at about 30 Ma the Australian continental margin commenced collision with the subduction zone along its entire palinspastically-restored northern margin, from Sulawesi in the west to Papua New Guinea in the east. From this time until ca 24 Ma, the Australian continent indented the former arc trend, with the northward convergence of Australia absorbed at the palaeo-northern boundary of the Philippine Sea Plate (the present-day Palau-Kyushu Ridge).At ca 24 Ma the present-day pattern of oblique convergence between the northern margin of Australia and the Philippine Sea Plate began to develop. At about this time a large portion of the Palaeogene colliding volcanic arc (the future eastern Philippines) began to detach from the northern continental margin by left-lateral strike slip. From ca 18 Ma oblique southward-directed subduction commenced at the Maramuni Arc in northern New Guinea. At ca 12 Ma the Sorong Fault Zone strike-slip system developed, effectively separating the Philippines from the Indonesian tectonic domain. The Sorong Fault Zone became inactive at ca 6 Ma, since which time the tectonics of eastern Indonesia has been dominated by the anticlockwise rotation of the Bird’s Head structural block by some 30–40°.Contemporaneously with post-18 Ma tectonism, the Banda Arc subduction–collision system developed off the northwestern margin of the Australian continent. Convergence between Indo-Australia and Eurasia was accommodated initially by northward subduction of the Indian Ocean, and subsequently, since ca 8 Ma, by the development of a second phase of arc-continent collision around the former passive continental margin of NW Australia.  相似文献   

解习农  赵帅  任建业  杨允柳  姚永坚 《地球科学》2022,47(10):3524-3542
南海是西太平洋海域最大的边缘海,然而南海扩张终结后动力学过程研究仍较为薄弱.通过构造变革界面识别、褶皱冲断带沉积记录等方面的系统研究,揭示南海南部和东部陆缘在南海后扩张期的演化历程.研究表明南海南部和东部边缘经历了多个微板块从俯冲到碰撞的演变历程,形成了陆-陆碰撞、弧-陆碰撞、洋-弧俯冲等多个特征迥异的板块边界.南海南部陆缘属于古南海俯冲拖曳构造区,婆罗洲西北沙捞越-曾母地块率先碰撞,随后经历了婆罗洲东北沙巴-南沙地块碰撞、西南巴拉望-卡加延岛弧碰撞.南部多个微板块碰撞导致古南海呈剪刀式从西向东逐渐关闭和消亡,总体形成了以微地块碰撞、深海槽发育和造山带前缘巨厚沉积充填为特色的碰撞陆缘.东部陆缘属于菲律宾海俯冲-碰撞构造区,南海东部洋壳自中新世开始向菲律宾海板块俯冲,弧-陆碰撞仅局限于东部陆缘南北两端.澳洲-印度板块、菲律宾海板块与欧亚板块相互作用控制了南海边缘海闭合过程,南海正在进行的关闭过程主要集中在东缘和南缘,东缘呈现了以南海洋壳消亡为特征的闭合过程,而南缘则呈现以微陆块碰撞为特征的古南海闭合过程.显然,南部后扩张期陆缘演变可为边缘海闭合过程研究提供极佳的范例,同时对我国海洋权益保护和南海大陆边缘动力学研究具有重要意义.   相似文献   

To examine the tectonic history of the Taiwan segment of the eastern margin of South China, six rock samples from the Tailuko belt, the metamorphic basement of Taiwan, were selected for zircon SHRIMP dating. The aim was to identify evidence shedding light on the timing of the change from passive to active tectonics for this part of the continental margin since South China separated from the supercontinent of Rodinia. The results lead to two age groups, 190–200 and 88–90 Ma. These age groups, augmented by the previously published age data, suggest that they could have resulted from two Mesozoic accretion/subduction events. In addition, this mid‐late Mesozoic Tailuko belt might have also been reactivated and structurally complicated by the late Cenozoic collision/accretion of the Luzon arc with the Eurasian continent. Records of older tectonic events, such as those derived from the Japanese Islands, are absent in this metamorphic basement. An important finding of this study is the existence of the 191±10 Ma Talun metagranite, the oldest granitic intrusion ever reported in the Taiwan region and along the eastern coast area of South China. In spite of a large age uncertainty, the occurrence of this metagranite is not consistent with the apparent younging trend of Jurassic‐Cretaceous igneous activity toward the coastline in South China, and should be taken into consideration by future studies.  相似文献   

西太平洋边缘构造特征及其演化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
李学杰  王哲  姚永坚  高红芳  李波 《中国地质》2017,44(6):1102-1114
西太平洋边缘构造带是地球上规模最大最复杂的板块边界,以台湾和马鲁古海为界,自北往南大致可以分为3段。北段是典型的沟-弧-盆体系,千岛海盆、日本海盆及冲绳海槽均为典型的弧后扩张盆地。中段菲律宾岛弧构造带为双向俯冲带,构造复杂,新生代经历大的位移和重组,使得欧亚大陆边缘的南海、苏禄海和苏拉威西海成因存在很大的争议。南段新几内亚—所罗门构造带是太平洋板块、印度—澳大利亚及欧亚板块共同作用的结果,既有不同阶段的俯冲、碰撞,也有大规模的走滑与弧后的扩张,其间既有新扩张的海盆,又有正在俯冲消亡的海盆。台湾岛处于枢纽部位,欧亚板块在此被撕裂,南部欧亚大陆边缘南海洋壳沿马尼拉海沟俯冲于菲律宾岛弧之下,而北部菲律宾海洋壳沿琉球海沟俯冲欧亚大陆之下。马鲁古海是西太平洋板块边界又一转折点,马鲁古海板块往东下插于哈马黑拉之下,往西下插于桑义赫弧,形成反U形双向俯冲汇聚带,其洋壳板块已基本全部消失,致使哈马黑拉弧与桑义赫弧形成弧-弧碰撞。  相似文献   

新元古代江南造山带远离晚中生代活动大陆边缘,是研究华南地区新元古代至早中生代多期造山作用的理想对象。文章通过对江南造山带东段沉积建造、岩浆活动、构造变形以及同位素年代学数据的综合分析,总结了其晋宁期、广西期以及印支期造山作用的特征。江南造山带东段在晋宁期经历了南北两侧大洋俯冲和两期碰撞造山作用。新元古代早期(880~860 Ma)双溪坞岛弧与扬子陆块东南缘发生弧-陆碰撞作用,形成淡色花岗岩、高压蓝片岩、NNE向褶皱-逆冲构造以及弧后前陆盆地。新元古代中期(约850 Ma),扬子陆块北缘开始发育由北向南的大洋俯冲。随着俯冲作用的进行,弧后盆地发生关闭,扬子陆块与华夏陆块发生陆-陆碰撞并形成新元古代(820~810Ma)江南造山带,导致近E-W走向褶皱-逆冲构造、韧性变形以及过铝质花岗岩的发育。江南造山带东段在约810Ma开始发生后造山垮塌和裂谷作用,以发育南华纪早期(805~750 Ma)花岗岩、中酸性火山岩、基性岩以及裂谷盆地为特征。江南造山带东段万载—南昌—景德镇—歙县断裂带以南地区卷入了华南广西期造山作用,发育近E-W走向由南向北的逆冲构造(465~450 Ma)、NNE向正花状构造(449~430 Ma)以及后造山近E-W走向韧性走滑剪切带(429~380 Ma)。印支期造山作用导致了NNE向褶皱-逆冲构造和花岗岩的发育,并奠定了江南造山带东段的基本构造面貌。  相似文献   

LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb ages and geochemical data are presented for the Mesozoic volcanic rocks in northeast China, with the aim of determining the tectonic settings of the volcanism and constraining the timing of the overprinting and transformations between the Paleo-Asian Ocean, Mongol–Okhotsk, and circum-Pacific tectonic regimes. The new ages, together with other available age data from the literature, indicate that Mesozoic volcanism in NE China can be subdivided into six episodes: Late Triassic (228–201 Ma), Early–Middle Jurassic (190–173 Ma), Middle–Late Jurassic (166–155 Ma), early Early Cretaceous (145–138 Ma), late Early Cretaceous (133–106 Ma), and Late Cretaceous (97–88 Ma). The Late Triassic volcanic rocks occur in the Lesser Xing’an–Zhangguangcai Ranges, where the volcanic rocks are bimodal, and in the eastern Heilongjiang–Jilin provinces where the volcanics are A-type rhyolites, implying that they formed in an extensional environment after the final closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean. The Early–Middle Jurassic (190–173 Ma) volcanic rocks, both in the Erguna Massif and the eastern Heilongjiang–Jilin provinces, belong chemically to the calc-alkaline series, implying an active continental margin setting. The volcanics in the Erguna Massif are related to the subduction of the Mongol–Okhotsk oceanic plate beneath the Massif, and those in the eastern Jilin–Heilongjiang provinces are related to the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Plate beneath the Eurasian continent. The coeval bimodal volcanic rocks in the Lesser Xing’an–Zhangguangcai Ranges were probably formed under an extensional environment similar to a backarc setting of double-direction subduction. Volcanic rocks of Middle–Late Jurassic (155–166 Ma) and early Early Cretaceous (145–138 Ma) age only occur in the Great Xing’an Range and the northern Hebei and western Liaoning provinces (limited to the west of the Songliao Basin), and they belong chemically to high-K calc-alkaline series and A-type rhyolites, respectively. Combined with the regional unconformity and thrust structures in the northern Hebei and western Liaoning provinces, we conclude that these volcanics formed during a collapse or delamination of a thickened continental crust related to the evolution of the Mongol–Okhotsk suture belt. The late Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks, widely distributed in NE China, belong chemically to a low- to medium-K calc-alkaline series in the eastern Heilongjiang–Jilin provinces (i.e., the Eurasian continental margin), and to a bimodal volcanic rock association within both the Songliao Basin and the Great Xing’an Range. The volcanics in the eastern Heilongjiang–Jilin provinces formed in an active continental margin setting related to the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Plate beneath the Eurasian continent, and the bimodal volcanics formed under an extensional environment related either to a backarc setting or to delamination of a thickened crust, or both. Late Cretaceous volcanics, limited to the eastern Heilongjiang–Jilin provinces and the eastern North China Craton (NCC), consist of calc-alkaline rocks in the eastern Heilongjiang–Jilin provinces and alkaline basalts in the eastern NCC, suggesting that the former originated during subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Plate beneath the Eurasian continent, whereas the latter formed in an extensional environment similar to a backarc setting. Taking all this into account, we conclude that (1) the transformation from the Paleo-Asian Ocean regime to the circum-Pacific tectonic regime happened during the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic; (2) the effect of the Mongol–Okhotsk suture belt on NE China was mainly in the Early Jurassic, Middle–Late Jurassic, and early Early Cretaceous; and (3) the late Early Cretaceous and Late Cretaceous volcanics can be attributed to the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Plate beneath the Eurasian continent.  相似文献   

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