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角质层微细构造特征是化石植物鉴定的重要依据,实验研究了云南腾冲新近系樟科润楠属薄叶润楠Machilus leptophylla和长梗润楠(近似种)Machilus cf. longipedicellata两个化石种的表皮微细构造特征,并与现存对应种类进行了表皮构造和叶结构特征的对比分析,补充证实了两化石种均属于自然分类属性。丰富了我国樟科润楠属化石记录。鉴于大气CO2浓度与植物叶片气孔指数呈负相关关系,Machilus叶片可以作为大气CO2浓度的生物指示器。研究表明,利用该类化石叶片气孔参数可推测地史时期古大气CO2浓度,揭示了新近纪滇西地区为温暖湿润性气候。  相似文献   

A study of the cheirolepidiaceous conifer Pseudofrenelopsis gansuensis from the Lower Cretaceous of Wangqing Jilin Province in China was conducted in detail using scanning and transmission electron microscopy techniques. In total, nine ultrastructural features were recognized for the cuticle of this fossil plant, which are helpful in the distinguishing between cuticles of ordinary epidermal cells, subsidiary cells, guard cells and hypodermal cells of the stomatal apparatus. A three dimensional reconstruction of the cuticle ultrastructure was obtained. Pseudofrenelopsis gansuensis is the second species of this genus for which the cuticle ultrastructure has been statistically examined with 30 measurements and estimated confidence interval values. The close comparison of the cuticle ultrastructure characters, including statistical data, among Cheirolepidiaceae and other fossil conifers provides potential evidence of the taxonomic significance of this genus: ten characters are potentially valuable for specific separation, eleven parameters for generic separation and three parameters seem also to be useful for Family determination. The differences in the chemical composition according to preliminary statistical element analyses of the cuticles based on three ratios in two species of Pseudofrenelopsis, P. dalatzensis and P. gansuensis, should also be examined in future studies.  相似文献   

对浙江天台中新统下南山组6块叶片压型化石——天台润楠Machilus tiantaiensis Ding S. T. et Sun B. N. sp. nov.,并对其叶结构和表皮构造特征进行了详细的研究.其主要特征为:叶椭圆形,全缘,顶端渐尖,基部楔形,侧脉羽状;表皮细胞垂周壁浅波状,单细胞毛基多集中于脉络区;气孔下生式,气孔器短平列型,副卫细胞1~2个.通过与现生植物进行对比分析,发现当前标本的叶结构和表皮构造特征与樟科润楠属(Machilus)十分一致.利用PAST(palaeontological statistics)软件对我国润楠属68种植物叶片的形态特征进行聚类分析,结果表明当前化石与M. pingii Cheng ex Yang最为接近;角质层分析也表明二者的表皮构造最为相似.利用化石与其现存最近亲缘种M. pingii的气孔比率,恢复了天台晚中新世的古大气CO2体积分数为407.9×10-6.此外,依据现生润楠属主要分布于亚洲东南部和南部的热带、亚热带地区,推断天台地区中新世的古气候较为温暖湿润.   相似文献   

浙江白垩系两种掌鳞杉科化石微细结构及其古环境意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用扫描电镜和生物光学显微镜对采自浙江新昌镜岭馆头组的两种已绝灭的松柏类掌鳞杉科植物Pseudofrenelopsis papillosa Chow and Tsao和Pseudofrenelopsis parceramosa Watson细微结构进行了观察研究。其中P.papillosa无论从宏观形态还是表皮构造都与模式标本完全一致;而定为Pseudofrenelopsis parceramosa的标本节间角质层较为光滑,气孔排列规则,副卫细胞上未见乳突,此外该标本气孔器大小、自由叶大小、节间长度等方面都与Pseudofrenelopsis中的其他种不太相同。并利用化石P.parceramosa的气孔比率通过最近现生亲缘种法恢复了早白垩世晚期大气CO2浓度为861~1047ml/L,得出用本种恢复早白垩世晚期CO2浓度时应用石炭纪标准较为准确,说明本种可以作为环境指标。  相似文献   

苗雨雁 《世界地质》2017,36(1):15-21
通过对新疆准噶尔盆地白杨河地区中侏罗世奥勃鲁契夫银杏(Ginkgo obrutschewii Seward)模式产地及其邻区该种叶化石表皮构造的研究,笔者认为应以采自白杨河模式产地的化石材料作为认定该种主要特征的依据。尽管G.obrutschewii的外部形态和叶表皮构造可能具有一些变异特征,但综合而言,该种叶表皮构造主要特征似应为:表皮气孔器特征通常为下气孔式,上下表皮细胞均普遍发育强度不同的角质化丘状或低缓的乳状突起,垂周壁略直或微弯;气孔器单唇式,保卫细胞近孔缝处唇状加厚强烈,副卫细胞通常强烈角质化,表面常发育瘤状或团块状角质化加厚。目前对该种叶化石的采集及其表皮构造的研究尚不充分,相关研究有待进一步深入。近年来,俄罗斯学者归于本种的产于新疆福海的银杏叶片化石,及其对本种叶表皮构造特征的补充等,尚值得商榷。  相似文献   

A new species of Phoenicopsis subgenus Windwardia(Florin) Samylina, Phoenicopsis neimengguensis sp.nov., is recognized from the Middle Jurassic Zhaogou Formation in the Shiguai Basin, a Jurassic coal-bearing sedimentary basin in Inner Mongolia, China. Linear leaves are in bundles of six to eight and are attached on a short shoot. The leaf is amphistomatic with one or two irregular rows of longitudinally oriented stomata in each intercostal zone on the upper epidermis and three or four(occasionally six) rows of stomata in each intercostal zone on the lower epidermis. Each stomata is surrounded by four to six subsidiary cells with unevenly developed papillae. The anticlinal walls of epidermal cells are straight. Cuticular thickenings or papillae are present on the outer surface of the periclinal walls. This is the first time that Phoenicopsis subgenus Windwardia(Florin) Samylina is recognized from the Middle Jurassic of Inner Mongolia, China. The occurrence of the new species is noteworthy because it extends the geological and geographic distribution of Phoenicopsis subg. Windwardia in China and Eurasia. The discovery is significant as it increases our knowledge of Phoenicopsis subg. Windwardia by providing new data on morphological and epidermal features.  相似文献   

The taxonomical position of species of the genus Tamarix(Tamaricaceae) has been criticized because of their gross morphological similarities(such as slender, smooth and reddish-brown branches,grey-green foliage and scale leaves), and their systematic relationships remain unclear. In this paper, the leaf epidermal features of 17 species from China are studied based on the micro-morphological characters of the epidermal cells, stomata, salt glands, papillae and epidermal hairs. According to the studies, the leaf epidermal features, together with the character of the flower, are taxonomically clearly distinct. The establishment of Tamarix albiflonum is consolidated. Tamarix korolkowi and Tamarix ramosissima have minimal differences in epidermal characters, and the former is suggested to be a junior synonym. Tamarix ramosissima, Tamarix tarimensis, Tamarix arceuthoides and Tamarix hohenackeri are most similar with respect to their leaf epidermis; considering the common morphological features, habit, distribution and especially the hybridization, it is suggested that these four species are closely genetically related and that the variations among them are probably intraspecific. The new taxonomical evidence indicates the occurrence of13 species and four variants in China. Presently, Tamarix is a typical plant of arid and semi-arid regions, but its Eocene ancestors lived in warm and humid climates in the coastal areas of the ancient Mediterranean Sea.Thus, the papillae or epidermal hairs, which are outgrowths of the outer epidermal cells facilitating the leaf to respond to water stress and commonly seen in the plants growing in arid or semi-arid areas rather than the plants in warm and humid climates, are of relatively recent origin in Tamarix. The primitive species lack papillae or epidermal hairs, while in evolved species these structures are abundant. Based on the ecological adaptations of the epidermal features, the palaeogeographic implications of Tamarix in the Late Cenozoic of Northwest China are also discussed.  相似文献   

Petrified pecopterids are described for the first time in the Paraná Basin. They were collected at an outcrop of the Corumbataí Formation (Passa Dois Group, Middle Permian) in the Municipality of Piracicaba (State of São Paulo, Brazil). The assemblage is composed of Pecopteris taguaiensis Rohn and Rösler, 1986, Pecopteris sp. 1, Pecopteris sp. 2 and Pecopteris sp. 3. An emendation to the diagnosis of P. taguaiensis is proposed on the basis of the characteristics shown by the preserved three-dimensional external leaf morphology and partially by the epidermis (not available in the previously described impressions). The small size of the pinnules, the thick, downward-rolled leaf lamina, the thick veins, the straight walls of the epidermal cells, and the trichomes of the four pecopterid taxa may be interpreted as xeromorphic features developed in response to relatively dry climatic conditions and/or direct incidence of the sunlight. The leaves were impregnated with silica before the final burial, considering that they are fragmented, not deformed and associated with angular breccia clasts.  相似文献   

王蕾  杨涛  孙革 《世界地质》2014,33(4):735-745
笔者首次发现了内蒙古霍林河煤田霍林河组(K1h)茨康类拟刺葵属拟刺葵亚属的一个新种—内蒙古拟刺葵(Phoenicopsis(Phoenicopsis)neimengensis sp.nov.)。该新种以表皮构造下气孔式,上表皮细胞未见乳突,下表皮普通表皮细胞发育中央乳突,气孔器副卫细胞多发育乳突,孔缝不定向等特征区别于拟刺葵属已知种。新种的研究对于了解拟刺葵属(Phoenicopsis)的分类,以及恢复古地理、古气候有重要作用。  相似文献   

早白垩世松柏植物似密叶杉Athrotaxites的三个种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对产自辽宁铁法盆地早白垩世小明安碑组的Athrotaxites berryi Bell进行了带叶小枝及球果的补充描述,并做了角质层研究。描述了发现于内蒙古霍林河盆地早白垩世霍林河组的一个新种A.orientalis sp.nov.将辽宁阜新盆地早白垩世阜新组原定为Athrotaxopsis? sp的化石改归Athrotaxites属,并定新种为A.magnifolius(Chen et Meng)sp.nov.。后两者也都做了角质层的生物镜下鉴定。全部的三种还都进行了扫描电子显微镜观察。论文对它们的时代,生态及属的含义也做了论述。  相似文献   

Lindera is a large genus of graceful, pleasantly scented and common native trees and shrubs of southern China and neighboring regions of SE Asia. There is a well-documented Cenozoic fossil record not only in these regions but also from elsewhere. A new fossil leaf record has been found in diatomite beds from the Upper Pliocene Mangbang Formation of Tuantian, Tengchong County, Yunnan. The leaves are identified and assigned to Lindera acuminatissima K. Q. Dao et B. N. Sun sp. nov., by comparing their leaf architecture and epidermal characteristics with those of 51 extant Lauraceae species and with 15 known fossil Lindera taxa. The specimens have well-preserved cuticles, with typical leaf architecture and epidermal characteristics of the Lauraceae, including entire leaf margin, intramarginal veins, basal ternate acrodromous primary veins, one-cell trichome base, paracytic stomatal apparatus, sunken guard cells, subsidiary hardly staining cells and presence of oil cells. These characteristics are consistent with Lindera sect. Daphnidium but are different from reported fossil and extant species of Lindera. The cuticles of Lindera are fragile and delicate with only three Lindera fossils reported based on this tissue. In terms of paleobiogeography, the fossil record indicates that Lindera is distributed in high- to mid-latitude regions of the Late Cretaceous to Paleocene northern hemisphere. Coincidentally, the records of Lindera located on both sides of the Bering Land Bridge possibly support the hypothesis that ancient plants extended via transcontinental exchanges through the Bering Corridor. In the Eocene, ancient Lindera spread to Europe through the Northern Degeer Route and the Southern Thulian Route. At the same time, ancient Lindera spread into Central Asia. Climatic changes and tectonization since the Neogene prevented the propagation of Lindera throughout Asia, North America and Europe, and hence the distribution areas have just regressed to the low-latitude regions in Asia and North America. From the Paleogene to the Neogene, Lindera has changed its distribution by surviving extreme climate changes. Quaternary glaciations ultimately led to Lindera becoming extinct in Europe. The new record from Tengchong, Yunnan, with its lower latitude located in tropical and subtropical regions, indicates that Lindera has lived in those regions since the late Pliocene.  相似文献   

Diversity of palmately lobed leaves of angiosperms of the early–middle Albian floras of the Kolyma River Basin, the Omsukchan Coal Basin, Khabarovsk and Primorye Regions was studied. Leaf fossils, previously compared with those of genera Aralia, Sassafras and Lindera, now reassigned to the fossil genus Araliaephyllum. Four new combinations and one new species are published: A. kolymense (Kryshtofovich) Golovneva, comb. nov., A. luciferum (Kryshtofovich) Golovneva, comb. nov., A. ussuriense (Krassilov) Golovneva, comb. nov., A. ievlevii (Samylina) Golovneva, comb. nov., and A. popovii Golovneva, sp. nov. The type material has been restudied in detail, and lectotypes have been selected to all newly typified species. These species share many lauralean morphological and venation features. They represent the most likely early members of this group. This relationship is based on detailed study of the leaf architecture and comparison with other fossils with studied epidermal features. This study expands our knowledge of radiation and biogeography patterns of early angiosperms in northeastern Asia.  相似文献   

The genus Podozamites ranges from Late Triassic to Late Cretaceous and is widely distributed geographically. The epidermal pattern of the leaves of only two of the several species is clearly known. Collections from the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous strata in the Bureya basin have brought to light a number of Poclozamites species: P. lanceolatus (L. et H.) Schimp. , P. angustifolius (Eichw.) Schimp., P. aff. eichwaldii Schimp. , P. gramineus Heer, and P. ellipsoides Saporta. Among these collections only one form, P. aff eichwaldii, has the epidermal pattern preserved. Thus information on a third species of Podozamites is now available. The cuticle in this species is very thin. The leaf is hypostomatous. Epidermal cells on the upper surface are large, rectangular, in fairly distinct rows, and have straight, unevenly cutinized walls. The lower surface consists of alternating stomatal and astomatal bands, each band comprising six or seven rows of cells in width. The stomata are oriented at right angles to the veins and are not sunken. The cuticle of the material from the Bureya depression compares in general types with that of P. punctatus and P. cf. distans from Greenland. --F. M. Hueber. _  相似文献   

A new species,Ginkgo huolinhensis sp.nov.,with well-preserved cuticle from the Lower Cretaceous,Huolinhe Formation of Huolinhe Coal Field in Inner Mongolia,China,was studied morphologically and anatomi...  相似文献   

Variation of stomatal frequency (stomatal density and stomatal index) includes genetically-based, potentially-adaptive variation, and variation due to phenotypic plasticity, the degree of which may be fundamental to the ability to maintain high water-use efficiency and thus to deal with environmental change. We analysed stomatal frequency and morphology (pore length, pore width) in leaves from several individuals from nine populations of four sub-species of the Leonardoxa africana complex. The dataset represents a hierarchical sampling wherein factors are nested within each level (leaves in individuals, individuals in sites, etc.), allowing estimation of the contribution of different levels to overall variation, using variance-component analysis. SI showed significant variation among sites (“site” is largely confounded with “sub-species”), being highest in the sub-species localized in the highest-elevation site. However, most of the observed variance was accounted for at intra-site and intra-individual levels. This variance could reflect great phenotypic plasticity, presumably in response to highly local variation in micro-environmental conditions.  相似文献   

谭笑  孙革  张宜 《世界地质》2013,32(4):659-664
在辽西中侏罗世松柏类植物研究中,一种新的表皮构造分析技术得到了使用。该技术首先用化学方法清除化石叶表面的杂质,而后分别用超景深显微镜和扫描电镜( SEM) 对表皮构造进行观察,最后用揭片技术分析普通表皮细胞和气孔等特征。研究结果表明,该松柏类叶的普通表皮细胞、气孔器构造和气孔带分布等均与红杉( Sequoia) 相似。此方法克服了传统的揭片方法往往出现模糊不清或范围有限等缺陷,为分析研究植物化石枝叶表皮构造开辟了一条可供选择的新途径。  相似文献   

The new genus Krassilovidendron Sokolova, Gordenko et Zavialova with the type species Krassilovidendron fecundum Sokolova, Gordenko et Zavialova is described on the basis of numerous compressions of polymorphic shoots in organic connection with seed and pollen cones from the Albian–Cenomanian of the Kubaevo locality (Russian Federation, Kemerovo region, Western Siberia). The new taxon is characterized by an assemblage of features that distinguishes it from all known extant and fossil conifer genera: shoots with helically arranged leaves varying from amphistomatic small scale-like leaves to strictly epistomatic linear-lanceolate leaves; terminal, ellipsoidal to obovate seed cones, bearing 14–26 helically arranged peltate bract-scale complexes (bract and ovuliferous scale are completely fused) with a cylindrical vascular bundle, bifurcating into abaxial and adaxial dichotomizing bundles; up to 22 inverted seeds of various shapes with a protruding micropyle and inconspicuous lateral wings, which are arranged in two to five arcuate rows; solitary terminal pollen cones with helically arranged microsporophylls, each bearing four abaxial microsporangia; and small pollen grains with a relatively short papilla, numerous orbicules on the surface, and a three-layered ectexine with a tectum of strongly fused granules, an infratectum of smaller and more loosely arranged granules, and a thin footlayer. The new taxon possesses a combination of characters indicating it belongs to the subfamily Sequoioideae. Krassilovidendron shares the greatest number of features with Sequoia Endlicher and Sequoiadendron Buchholz, and fewer characters with Metasequoia Miki ex Hu et W.C. Cheng.  相似文献   

Coniopteris was a ubiquitous plant of the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods and played an important role in the flora of the time. However, its anatomical structure is relatively poorly known. The specimens of Coniopteris hymenophylloides(Brongniart) Seward described here were collected from the Yaojie Formation in Gansu Province, northwestern China. The sterile fronds are characterized as being at least bipinnate with alternate arranged linear pinnae covered by thin cuticles. Fertile fronds are linear-lanceolate, with single sorus at the margin of each fertile pinnule. In situ spores are typically trilete, triangle to subcircular in polar view, cap-shaped in equatorial view, and 37 μm in average diameter. The trilete marking is straight and narrow, generally extends to 4/5 of the spore radius. The spore surface is smooth, and parts of the exine are granulated. The epidermal cells of cuticles are irregular in shape, approximately 40-60μm long and 10-20 μm wide. The elliptical stomatal complexes are paracytic,approximately 30 μm long and 19 μm wide,and irregularly distributed. On the basis of its epidermal structures and comparisons with extant ferns, we consider that Coniopteris displays combined features of the related extant genera.  相似文献   

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