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葛佐  王想红  张怀东  文敏 《地质通报》2016,35(6):1025-1033
在综合分析地质矿产调查评价专项项目管理办法、管理职责与权限、管理内容与要求的基础上,针对传统模式管理弊端和当前管理难题,运用信息化技术手段,构建了基于SOA的纯B/S体系架构,采用工作流技术和快速开发平台搭建了地质矿产调查评价专项项目管理系统。系统实现了项目管理全业务、全生命周期的线上流程管控,具有项目信息管理、立项管理、设计评审审批管理、合同管理、委托业务管理、会议管理、质量管理、成果管理、资料管理、统计分析等功能模块,不仅满足各级别人员的工作需求,提高了工作效率,同时有效推进了项目管理的规范化、系统化、信息化和科学管理水平。该系统的上线运行对相关单位的项目管理工作具有指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Farmers are not commonly included in studies of transnational actors, but with the globalization of agricultural markets, and the neoliberal reform of national agricultural sectors, an increasing number of family farm-entrepreneurs have become engaged in transnational activities. Drawing on interviews with ‘globally-engaged’ farmers in Australia – a country in which expansion into transnational activities has been encouraged by the radical deregulation of domestic markets – this paper explores the transnational mobilities of farmers who have sought to capitalize on the advantages of globalization by directly trading with international partners, establishing international business contacts, and learning international best practice in farm efficiency and environmental performance. In particular, the paper examines the varying spatialities and forms of mobility executed by farmers and observes how different patterns of mobility are executed in response to the particular exigencies of their respective industries as well as the ongoing imperatives of maintaining a farm business. By analyzing the farmers’ own narratives of these different spatialities, the paper develops a more critical and reflexive perspective on globalization and its impact on rural producers, with travel becoming both an opportunity to be enjoyed and a compulsion to be endured by those forced to operate in a climate where state-based support structures are absent.  相似文献   

宋国龙  贾万鑫  沈治新 《探矿工程》2016,43(8):85-87,92
随着钻孔灌注桩技术的普及导致市场竞争的加剧,如何在把握好成桩质量的前提下控制好施工成本成为取得良好经济效益的关键。以武清商务区二期工程为例,对钻孔灌注桩施工成本管理及质量把控进行介绍。在成本管理方面,主要介绍了如何编制好成本计划和如何有效控制成本;在质量把控方面,主要介绍了与成本控制相关的钻头直径与桩径、桩顶的混凝土质量等的控制。  相似文献   

This paper explores the logic driving the evolving geography of business service provider/suppler relationships in Norway. It explores the ways in which Norwegian SMEs access external knowledge provided by management consultants through three case studies that have been developed using a matched pairs methodology (clients and consultants). The paper highlights the relationships between geography and client sourcing of external knowledge and expertise in three kinds of client/consultant relationship: local (clustered) knowledge; dislocated or distantiated knowledge, and; knowledge that is relatively distance insensitive. The concept of dislocated expertise or knowledge adds an additional dimension to literatures that highlight the importance of localised knowledge and strategies to reduce transaction costs, as well as providing insights into the complex relationships that occur between suppliers and consumers of knowledge and expertise. The importance of local business cultures and patriotic purchasing are also identified as playing important roles in influencing the behaviour of Norwegian firms.  相似文献   

Land subsidence severely threatens most of the coastal plains around the world where high productive industrial and agricultural activities and urban centers are concentrated. Coastal subsidence damages infrastructures and exacerbates the effect of the sea-level rise at regional scale. Although it is a well-known process, there is still much more to be improved on the monitoring, mapping and modeling of ground movements, as well as the understanding of controlling mechanisms. The International Geoscience Programme recently approved an international project (IGCP 663) aiming to bring together worldwide researchers to share expertise on subsidence processes typically occurring in coastal areas and cities, including basic research, monitoring and observation, modelling and management. In this paper, we provide the research communities and potential stakeholders with the basic information to join the participating teams in developing this project. Specifically, major advances on coastal subsidence studies and information on well-known and new case studies of land subsidence in China, Italy, The Netherlands, Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand are highlighted and summarized. Meanwhile, the networking, dissemination, annual meeting and field trip are briefly introduced.  相似文献   

In East Africa, financially strained governments increasingly experiment with voluntary, market-based carbon offset schemes for enhancing the public management of protected areas. Often, conservationists and governments portray these as ‘triple-win’ solutions for climate change mitigation, biodiversity preservation, and local socioeconomic development. Examining such rhetoric, this paper analyses the rise and decline of an integrated carbon offset and conservation initiative at Mount Elgon National Park in eastern Uganda, involving a partnership between the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) and a Dutch NGO, Face the Future. In doing so, the paper reveals the ways in which the uncompensated dispossession of local residents was a necessary precondition for the project’s implementation. Although external auditors expected the project to sequester 3.73 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) between 1994 and 2034, conflicts forced the scheme to cease reforestation in 2003. Noting this rapid decline, we problematize the ways in which Face the Future and other carbon market intermediaries represented their activities via project documents and websites, obscuring the violence that was necessary for the project’s implementation. In so doing, we argue that the maintenance of a ‘triple win’ spectacle is itself integral to the management of carbon sequestration projects, as it provides consumers with a form of ‘ethical’ use value, and greatly enhances the capacity of carbon market brokers to accumulate exchange value by attracting ‘green’ investors. Consequently, what we term a ‘spectacular failure’ manifests in at least two ways: first, in the unravelling of the heavily mediatized spectacle of harmonious, profitable conservation, and, second, in the deleterious nature of the consequences that accrue to local communities and ecosystems alike.  相似文献   

为提高市场竞争力,根据自身的特点,认真研究市场信息,抓准项目,是地勘单位承办 企业的基础。工作中重视人力资源的开发和合理配置,建立切实可行的管理制度,在管理工作中 综合运用多种激励机制,就可使企业在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。  相似文献   

岩土工程勘察企业在国家基本建设工作中扮演着非常重要的角色。由于受市场秩序及专业性质带来的市场地位等因素的影响。岩土工程勘察企业纷纷探索适合于自身的经营模式,以求适应市场,提高企业综合竞争力,保证企业持续稳步健康发展。中冶武勘坚持走集约化管理模式,从人、财、物等方面加强企业资源集约化配置,充分提高企业资源利用率,并完善企业配套机制,提升项目管理水平、科技水平,加强信息化建设、企业文化建设,保证了企业各项经济指标的连年攀升,综合实力不断增强,保持了企业行业领先地位,成长为技术实力居国内领先地位,专业齐全,业务范围广泛,在国内外享有较高声誉的大型综合性岩土工程勘察企业,打造了岩土工程勘察高端品牌。  相似文献   

广州市设计院综合管理信息系统是基于北京理正第二代业务数据定制系统技术基础上开发的一套适合勘察设计行业和我院自己需要的管理系统,具有综合办公、项目管理、经营管理、质量管理和人事管理等功能,该系统的实施对于我国勘察设计行业的信息化具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

地勘单位以建立现代企业制度为总体目标,实施企业化、规模化、集团化运作模式的体制改革,是地勘单位顺利实现事企转型与可持续发展的必由之路。结合陕西省地勘单位改革工作实际,探讨了陕西省煤田地质局事企改革的基础与必要性。在充分调研的基础上,组建了"以清晰的产权关系为基础,以完善的企业法人制度为核心,以现代企业制度为主要特征"的企业集团—陕西煤田地质勘查开发集团公司。该集团公司将以资本为纽带构筑母子公司管理体制,其中以陕西煤田地质勘查有限责任公司为母公司,由陕西省煤田地质局出资设立,局领导下的各单位以主营业务或经营性资产组建有限责任公司,作为陕西煤田地质勘查有限责任公司的子公司。陕西煤田地质勘查开发有限责任公司作为集团公司的核心企业,代表集团公司行使管理职能,并以其组建的决策中心、投融资中心、信息中心、项目招投标中心、科技开发中心和资金结算中心等实体,代表集团公司参与市场竞争。  相似文献   

谈探矿工程项目标准化管理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
田国亮 《探矿工程》2018,45(11):88-92
随着探矿市场竞争日益激烈,企业采用先进的管理办法,实现项目管理标准化、精细化,已是时代发展的趋势。项目作为企业的一个基本构成,管理水平体现单位的软实力,直接影响企业在市场的竞争力。山东省地质矿产勘查开发局第六地质大队以招远栾家河矿区深孔钻探项目为切入点,运用5S、TPM等管理学知识,打造项目标准化样板,取得了一定成果,其经验值得推广。  相似文献   

中国加入综合大洋钻探(IODP)科学计划(2003-2013)   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
将于2003年秋开始实施的IODP是一个比ODP更加庞大的国际地球科学合作计划。面对国际深海研究的新挑战,我国应抓紧时机,及早准备,扩大队伍、积聚力量,充分发挥我国自然条件和原有研究积累的优势,将深入国际深海前沿领域与国内的研究结合起来,力争实现中国海深海钻探的新航次,促进我国地球科学进入海陆结合的地球系统研究和全面走向国际的新局面。同时,通过国际合作与国内有关深海工作计划的结合,为维护我国海上权益、探索底资源和为环境、减灾以及发展海洋高新技术做出贡献。我国参加IODP要遵循"有所为,有所不为"的原则,在加入ODP以后取得进展的基础上,优先选择比较成熟和最为迫切的领域,以点带面进行重点突破,逐步扩大,继续加强古海洋学研究,并同时向洋中脊、深部生物圈等新领域发展。具体包括以下优先研究领域:深部生物圈及海底下的海洋,古环境研究,西太平洋大陆边缘岩石圈演化与震源带。希望有关部委积极支持我国有关大洋钻探的基础研究力量和深海资源、技术等项目之间的密切合作,在国内大联合的基础上参加国际计划,制定长远的国家计划,在国家层面上部署深海研究,组成"国家队"参与国际竞争。  相似文献   

作为具有原材料工业和支农产业双重属性的化工地质矿山行业,在由计划经济向市场经济的转换过程中,在管理体制、宏观调控、投资体制、价格政策、运行机制、产业布局和产品结构、中小矿山管理、老矿山出路、地质勘探系统管理、对外开放、发展策略等方面存在严重困难和问题,需要加强管理,进行改革。化工地质矿产行业发展潜力很大,在国家政策的支持下,通过自身的努力,其发展前景将十分广阔。  相似文献   

张发勇  王勇  李才仙 《地球科学》2006,31(5):704-708
为从根本上改变通信管线网络规划、建设、管理及资料保存的传统模式, 将GIS技术引入通信管线网络的管理和业务中, 以城市地理地图为背景, 建立通信管线管理系统, 实现通信管线网络规划、工程设计、建设及施工管理、运行维护、资产统计分析、市场分析及预测、综合查询、资料的输入和输出、通信综合业务、线路实时监控等的计算机管理一体化.介绍了系统开发的目标、系统设计的主要原则, 系统体系结构、构架、总体结构、接口, 系统的主要功能, 以及系统的应用前景.   相似文献   

There is currently an expansion of local energy initiatives, underpinned by the desire to reduce energy-related carbon emissions and in recognition of the importance of the local arena to achieving such change. Much of the research on these initiatives has been framed by a conventional economic approach, identifying barriers, drivers and incentives to explain their emergence (or not). Here a new economic sociological approach is taken which sees markets as socio-materially constructed and points to the importance of tracing exchange flows and determining modalities of valuation for such exchanges. Artefacts or market devices are seen to play a particular role in connecting actors and technologies within coordinating institutional arrangements and offer the potential for making innovative projects conventional. These aspects are explored in four international case-studies from Wales, Sweden, Germany and USA, mapping relations, identifying exchange flows, pinpointing how artefacts coordinate and showing the multiple modalities of valuation involved in each case. Conclusions concerning the importance of negotiation against a market backdrop and rendering exchange flows more certain are drawn.  相似文献   

地勘单位自开展企业化运作以来,队伍综合素质、经营管理水平和整体经济实力都有了明显增强,但是由于地勘单位内部管理还存在很多不足,成为严重制约地勘单位科学健康发展的瓶颈。管理提升活动是国务院国资委针对当前和的国内国际经济形势,结合国有企业实际,为加强国有企业的管理水平、提升管理效能提出的具有战略意义的重大活动,我们地勘单位开展管理提升活动,对地勘单位科学健康发展具有十分重要的意义。EVA是一个先进的管理理念和管理方法,我们地勘单位可利用EVA价值管理体系,提升我们的战略决策、投资决策、成本管理、风险管控等方方面面的管理水平,推动科技创新和人力资源开发,为实现地勘单位跨跃式发展打下坚实的管理基础。  相似文献   

柴君  邹国良 《江苏地质》2003,27(2):113-117
随着我国加入WTO,我国与世界其他国家的合作与交流将更加紧密,工程项目(尤其是国际工程项目)建设的合作和竞争也将越来越多。就目前来说,我国在工程项目管理水平上与国外的先进水平还有很大差距。对国外工程项目实施的特点与方式、国外工程项目的管理与控制及我国在工程项目管理中存在的不足进行了分析,并对我国工程项目管理的发展提出建议。  相似文献   

刘治 《探矿工程》2016,43(3):80-84
钻探行业经过十年的繁荣时期,受市场影响发展过于迅速,为追求生产效益而忽视了相应的管理。而今,面对市场份额少、价格低、成本高、竞争压力巨大的外部环境,钻探企业如何生存和发展,是企业必须面对的问题。本文通过分析钻探行业发展现状,揭露钻探成本管理方面的问题,总结钻探行业成本管理特点,运用工程项目成本管理的手段,通过实际举例、定性定量分析,探讨机台生产进行科学化管理的实施办法。  相似文献   

地勘单位随着地质市场的完善及自身队伍的建设,经营范围及主营业务处于不断的调整变化之中,但其固有的经济运行模式符合经济统计学中的长尾理论。以某地勘单位的实际经营数据为例,从长尾理论蕴涵的市场规律出发,分析了地勘市场的特点,指出地勘市场所具有的长尾特性:长尾项目远多于短头项目,从长期看项目分布有向尾部移动的趋势,长尾项目越来越多,短头项目越来越少。依据长尾理论与行业特点,从选择策略、产品服务策略、组织架构策略、人力资源策略、营销策略等方面构建了地勘单位的发展策略,对新形势下地勘单位的发展具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

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