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黄河三角洲的边滩、心滩上发育了大量冲蚀沟槽(冲槽).这些冲蚀沟槽深数厘米至1m~2m,宽数厘米至数米,长数十厘米至十几、二十余米,但以深数十厘米,宽数厘米至十余厘米,长数米者多见。形态多样,有直立板片状、直立楔状、“⊥”状、梯形状、“U”形状及树枝状等,其内有时被风成砂充填。经成岩作用后,它们便会转变成砂岩岩脉(岩墙、岩床)。因此,冲蚀沟槽的(砂)充填可能是一种砂岩岩脉(岩墙、岩床)的形成方式.  相似文献   

气胀构造(Air heave structure)是一种相对不多见的沉积构造,但在黄河现代三角洲上却非常发育.它们可以发育在多种微相中,甚至在水上平原的分流河道的河床上也可以广泛发育.由于它们别致的形貌、精巧的结构而非常引人注目.在某些河段气胀构造密集成片、蔚为大观.黄河三角洲分流河道上的气胀构造一般呈圆形穹隆状,少数呈面状;直径多在数十厘米至1~2 m,面状者长宽最大可达数十米;高数厘米到二、三十厘米.气胀构造可以分为气盖、气室和基底三个部分.气盖厚十余厘米到二十余厘米,气盖表面光滑或有拱裂缝、爆裂缝、同心圈环、侵蚀坑槽、波痕、喷气泥沙火山、滑皱鳞片(或滑褶环脊)、泄气孔(坑、缝)及流痕等伴生或次生构造.黄河三角洲分流河道上的气胀构造的成因非常复杂,与黄河断流形成的独特水文、水动力条件及由此形成的河床的特殊结构和黄河沉积物的细粒(粘土、细粉砂)特性有关.  相似文献   

黄河下游壶穴的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
黄河下游(泺口以下)发育了大量的壶穴(Pothole),按成因可以分为6种:流水侵蚀、风蚀、圆砾铸模、冰压刻、冰融水滴蚀及泄气侵蚀。流水侵蚀形成的圆形Pothole规模不一,小者直径在十余厘米,深数厘米,大者直径达数米,深1 m余;风蚀形成的圆形Pothole规模一般比较小,直径多在二、三十厘米以下,深10 cm以下,大部分穴壁缓斜,状如盘碟;圆砾铸模形成的Pothole规模一般较小,直径多在一、二十厘米以下、穴壁陡倾,状如锅穴;冰融水滴蚀形成的Pothole形态复杂,规模不一,既有穴壁缓斜的盘碟状者,也有穴壁陡倾近乎直立的近圆柱状者,直径从不足1cm到三、四十厘米,其穴缘、穴壁和穴底常有次级构造;泄气侵蚀形成的Pothole更是十分复杂,平面形态可以圆形到近圆形甚至其他复杂形态,穴壁可以非常平缓,也可以陡倾,直径从数厘米到数十厘米,深数毫米到二、三十厘米,穴缘和穴壁也常有次级伴生构造,既可单独产出,也可成群产出,同时还可以多个密集产出,状如蜂巢,这一类Pothole的成因极为独特,主要与黄河断流河床捕获的空气泄漏有关。  相似文献   

黄河下游冰成滑塌与塌陷构造的研究   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
黄河是一条有着特殊水文、水动力、沉积环境及沉积物的河流。因此,它盛产特殊的沉积现象---冰成滑塌与塌陷构造便是其中之一。冰成滑塌与塌陷构造在黄河下游非常发育,它们主要发育在边、心滩上,有时天然堤上也有发育。它们的发育深刻地影响和改造了边、心滩的沉积景观。冰成滑塌构造是一种在沉积物从冰冻状态转向冰成状态发育的一种特殊构造,其运动学特点是以滑,即以水平运动为主,冰成滑塌构造多呈鳞片状或皱褶状。鳞片状者直径多在数十厘米;“鳞片”厚度多在十厘米左右,多由数个到十余个鳞片组成。其底界是冰冻界面;皱褶状者规模甚小,每一皱褶的宽度一般宽在一厘米以内,长十到二、三十厘 米,厚二、三厘米。多由数十个微型滑塌组合成一褶皱片。在天然堤内缘有一种特殊的冰成滑塌,它们使天然堤边缘呈阶步状或沟渠状,非常引人注目。冰成塌陷构造也是一种由冰层融化所形成的特殊构造,其运动学特点是“塌”,即以垂直运动为主。冰成塌陷构造多呈多角形坑洞状。直径多在数十厘米到一、二米,大者可达十余米,深度多在十余厘米。一般成群发育。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲上的冰成隆丘的研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
黄河三角洲上发育了大量的冰成构造,非常引人注目,冰成隆丘便是其中的一种。冰成隆丘外观上呈丘状,以圆丘状者多见,少数呈长丘状、不规则台状、塔柱状、土堆状及火山状;规模不等,小者高数厘米,大者数十厘米,最大长度可达 1m以上;表面平滑或具有裂缝或有火山口状坑穴,或有大量豆状瘤状或根状构造。有的内部具有穹隆状层理,有的具有复杂的变形层理。冰成隆丘一般产在边、心滩上或河床上,共成因有三种:一是冰融水滴积;二是冰融陷拱隆;三是冰洞滴积。黄河特殊的水文、水动力及气侯条件使得冰层中有时含有 (大量 )泥砂或冰层之上被泥砂覆盖,当这些冰层融化时,其中或其上的泥砂便会随冰融水一道滴向地表,在地表的相应部位形成冰成隆丘;当冰层中有孔洞时,且其上又沉积了一层泥砂,那么当冰层溶化后,在孔洞的部位便会因拱隆而开成隆丘;如果边、心滩上的侵蚀坑穴中的冰层中心或其它部位有融化形成的孔洞或裂缝,那么冰层之中或之上的泥砂便会随冰融水一道沿孔洞或裂缝滴落到坑穴中,形成冰洞漏积隆丘冰成隆丘是一种暴露和低温 (± 0℃ )条件下的产物。其成因与黄河复杂的冰-水-泥砂作用有关。  相似文献   

黄河下游泺口浮桥北岸的泺口边滩中后部发育了两个大型环状滑塌构造,小者长42.54 m,宽31.55 m,高0.63 m;大者长58.30 m,宽46.24 m,高0.76 m。根据几何学特征及运动要素,可以将大型环状滑塌构造分为三个部分:主体带、过渡带和消失带。主体带以规模较大的滑塌块体为主,滑塌块体宽20~30 cm,长2~3 m,高40~60 cm,呈弧片形;滑塌缝开放或被淤泥充填,此带长宽十余米;过渡带以规模中等的滑塌块体为主,滑塌块体宽5~20 cm,长0.5~2 m,高20~40 cm,也呈弧片形,滑塌缝半开放或紧闭,滑塌块体的相对运动方向在此带发生转变,由单向运动转变为相对运动;次级侵蚀沟槽在此带汇合,形成了一个放射状的大“空腔”,滑塌以此“空腔”为圆心相对滑动,并由此形成环状滑塌构造,此带长10~20 m。在过渡带之外为消失带,总体特征是滑塌块体及滑塌位移量逐渐由大到小,直至消失,此带长15~30 m。黄河泺口大型环状滑塌构造是在一种近水平条件下形成的,滑塌坡度为0.745°,滑塌是以“多米勒”骨牌方式实现和完成的。泺口边滩是以粉砂和泥质粉砂为主的易于液化的细粒物质,其滑塌构造的形成与黄河暴涨暴落导致的孔隙水过饱和及泺口边滩的特殊结构造成的渗水有关。  相似文献   

内蒙某地伟晶岩石脉产于前震旦纪桑干系片麻岩—混合岩中,分布颇广,与近东西向构造裂隙有密切关系。伟晶岩脉大小不一,宽由数厘米到数十米,长数十米到四百米以上,有的呈小岩株状和小侵入体。走向北东东为主,倾向东南和西南,前山者一般倾角不  相似文献   

通过三维地震资料海底平面成像和浅层地震剖面解释、分析,识别和描述了西非科特迪瓦盆地深水底形类型。研究区发育下切水道、侵蚀冲坑、周期阶坎、小型沉积物波、大型沉积物波多种深水底形。下切水道表现为直线型,地形坡度从上斜坡5°过渡到下斜坡1.9°,水道历经多次合并,合并后水道内部起伏地貌指示侵蚀—沉积交互作用;识别出孤立状、串珠状和猫爪状三种类型侵蚀冲坑;在斜坡限制性水道内部地形坡度1.9°~3.1°之间识别出8个不同波长和波高的“周期阶坎”底形,周期阶坎具有剖面上向上游方向迁移、平面上呈新月形态的特征,从上游到下游波长有逐渐变短的趋势。小型沉积物波发育于水道内和水道外两种环境,其中限定性环境小型沉积物波发育在周期阶坎上游方向,非限定环境小型沉积物波发育地形坡度为1°左右,具有加积或轻微向下迁移的内部反射结构。大型沉积物波发育在非限定环境中,显示为长波长、低幅度浅层构造特征,分析认为早期滑塌地貌对晚期大型沉积物波的形成具有重要的控制作用。在现象描述基础上,对不同底形的成因、形成过程、控制因素和其发育的深水动力学背景与环境展开探讨,加深了对西非赤道段科特迪瓦盆地深水底形成因的认识,可对未来深水区...  相似文献   

在青海察尔汗盐滩之达布逊湖北岸石盐阶地下,分布有一种呈乳白色、球粒状、表面浑圆并具油脂或玻璃光泽的石盐。因形似珍珠,故名“珍珠盐”。直径一般2—4毫米,最小1—2毫米。松散、质纯,NaCl 占95%以上。珍珠盐层呈似层状、透镜状或窝状。分布宽度一般数十厘米,最宽1米。厚数厘米,最厚10余厘米。  相似文献   

青岛灵山岛下白垩统湖泊风暴沉积与风暴作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
灵山岛背来石剖面发育了非常典型的湖泊风暴岩和风暴作用。非常典型的丘、洼状构造发育在火山岩底部的砂页岩中。丘状构造呈典型的丘状,规模不一,小者高数厘米,宽数十厘米;大者高2. 4m,宽12. 48m;具有典型的二元结构:底部为灰色或浅灰色的砂砾岩或砂岩;顶部为深灰色 黑色泥岩、页岩或薄层砂岩互层。砂砾岩分选磨圆均很差,砾石主要为片麻岩,直径多在数毫米到3~4cm,呈悬浮式胶结。砾岩底部为凹凸不平的侵蚀面,砾岩向丘状构造两翼变薄甚至尖灭,与下部侵蚀面呈典型的角度交切。丘状构造的上部的细粒层有四个要素:①上凸形态;②丘状交错层理;③下细上粗的二元结构;④底部具侵蚀面。洼状构造也具有典型的洼状,规模也不一,小者高数厘米,宽十余厘米;大者高2. 4m,宽18. 70m,具有下细上粗的(反)二元结构,但底部多为深灰 灰黑色、甚至黑色的泥岩、页岩或夹薄层砂岩,上部多为砂岩、砂砾岩或砾岩。完整的洼状构造也有四个要素:①下凹形态;②或有洼状交错层理;③下细上粗的(反)二元结构;④底部具侵蚀面。丘状构造与洼状构造在空间上相邻共生,但不是同时形成的,一个连续的完整序列是丘状构造形成在先,洼状构造形成在后,其间由一个粒度较细的薄层分隔开(风暴最高水位时的“静”水沉积)。基于实验和丘洼构造参数计算了风暴浪的相关参数。  相似文献   

The large-scale (i.e. bar-scale) structure of channel deposits of the braided, low-sinuosity Calamus River, Nebraska, is described using ground-penetrating radar (GPR) profiles combined with vibracores. Basal erosion surfaces are generally overlain by medium-scale, trough-cross-stratified (sets 3–25 cm thick), very coarse to medium sands, that are associated with relatively high amplitude, discontinuous GPR reflectors. Overlying deposits are bioturbated, small-scale cross-stratified (sets <3 cm thick) and vegetation-rich, fine to very-fine sands, that are associated with low-amplitude discontinuous reflectors. Near-surface peat and turf have no associated GPR reflectors. In along-stream profiles through braid and point bars, most GPR reflectors dip downstream at up to 2° relative to the basal erosion surface, but some reflectors in the upstream parts of bars are parallel to the basal erosion surface or dip upstream. In cross-stream profiles through bars, GPR reflectors are either approximately parallel to bar surfaces or have low-angle inclinations (up to 6°) towards cut banks of adjacent curved channels. Basal erosion surfaces become deeper towards cut banks of curved channels. These structures can be explained by lateral and downstream growth of bars combined with vertical accretion. Convex upwards forms up to 0·5 m high, several metres across and tens of metres long represent episodic accretion of unit bars (scroll bars and bar heads). Stratal patterns in channel fills record a complicated history of erosion and deposition during filling, including migration of relatively small bars. A revised facies model for this type of sandy, braided river has been constructed based on this new information on large-scale bedding structure.  相似文献   

盐构造与深水水道的交互作用--以下刚果盆地为例   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在被动大陆边缘盆地,水道作为深水油气的主要储集体,是深水油气勘探的重要目标。在下刚果盆地,由于盐构造的多期活动导致对水道砂体的展布规律认识不清。研究水道和盐构造的交互作用方式有利于预测含盐盆地中水道砂体的平面分布。利用三维地震资料,在盐构造与深水水道广泛发育的下刚果盆地研究盐构造与深水水道的交互作用,建立了盐构造与水道的交互作用模式。盐构造与水道的交互作用方式主要有6种,分别为限制、改向、封堵、侵蚀、迁移和剥蚀。盐构造的活动时期与水道形成演化时期的先后关系、水道中重力流的侵蚀能力决定了盐构造与水道的交互作用方式。水道经过早期发育的盐构造且水道中重力流侵蚀能力较弱多发生限制和改向;若水道中重力流侵蚀能力很强,可发生水道对盐构造的侵蚀;若盐构造的规模较大,其可阻止水道向下游输送沉积物并造成水道中重力流的回流,形成朵体沉积。若水道与盐构造同时活动多发生水道的迁移。晚期活动的盐构造可导致其上方的水道沉积体遭受剥蚀。  相似文献   

Glaciated terrains in east-central Alberta and south-central Michigan contain channels that have hummocks and transverse ridges separating depressions along their floors. This association imparts a linked pothole appearance. Similar channels are often interpreted as tunnel channels or subaerial channels, partly filled with sediment from a subsequent glacial advance, a stagnating ice roof, or slumped sediment from the channel margins. However, the truncation of sedimentary packages in the channel walls and intrachannel hummocks indicates that they are erosional landforms, cut into glacial sediments (till), bedrock, or gravel. Eskers overlie and are found within a few channels, indicating that these channels formed before the final stagnation that produced the eskers. These two characteristics, combined with the observation that many channels have convex-up long profiles, indicate that the channels were eroded by pressurized, subglacial water. Because the formative mechanisms for this type of channel are not clear, and modern environments that could produce this type of landform are inaccessible, we draw on several morphologic analogues to propose mechanisms for channel erosion. We conclude that the erosion of these linked pothole channels (incipient tunnel channels) was the product of the complex interaction between complex turbulent flow structures and various scales of roughness elements.  相似文献   

At some time close to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) high-energy, subglacial, Laurentide, meltwater flows eroded a series of discontinuous tunnel channels into the northeastern flanks of the Porcupine Hills and adjacent parts of the high plains near Nanton, Stavely and Claresholm. Discrete channel segments, kilometers long, up to about 1 km wide, and 100 m deep, were carved into Paleocene sandstone and shale of the Porcupine Hills Formation. Floors of Pine, Boneyard, and Crocodile channels all occur at elevations between 1050 and 1175 m a.s.l., and share the characteristic of strongly convex-up long profiles. Intrachannel drainage divides on each channel floor are tens of meters above the water entry and exit points. Formative flows, therefore, must have been pressurized in the subglacial Nye-channels. Prominent scour-holes at some major bends in the channels now host ephemeral ponds or lakes. During the channel erosion, the overlying Laurentide ice surface was probably close to its local LGM maximum elevation of ca. 1400–1500 m a.s.l. Misfit modern streams now drain in opposite directions within the tunnel channels, and there are only minor, local, distal accumulations of sediment derived from the tunnel channel erosion.  相似文献   

The 3.2 km-thick late Precambrian Kongsfjord Formation Submarine Fan shows well-developed middle-fan facies-associations. Channel deposits are characterised by discrete packets of coarse-grained, medium to thick-bedded, amalgamated sandstone turbidites and other mass-flow deposits, generally 10 to 30 m thick. Individual beds, or packets of beds, wedge out and channel bases cut down by up to 11 m over a lateral distance of 150 m. Channel deposits often comprise a thinning-and-fining-upward sequence although they vary greatly in clarity. Interchannel deposits occur as packets, tens of centimetres to 25 m thick, of thin and very thin bedded Bouma Tcde siltstones and mudstones. Palaeocurrents within interchannel deposits commonly diverge from those of adjacent channel sandstones. Within the interchannel deposits, isolated beds or packets of beds occur that are both thicker bedded and coarser grained than the surrounding beds; these unusual deposits are sheet-like or fill small channels, and are interpreted as crevasse splays, lobes and channels. Packets, up to a few metres thick, of laterally discontinuous siltstone turbidites occur immediately above some of the channel sandstones, rarely below, and in some cases within interchannel deposits. These siltstones are thin to medium-bedded, show Bouma Tcd, with Tc often as climbing-ripple lamination, and commonly show soft-sediment deformation as slides, slumps, liquefaction and fluidisation structures. Palaeoflow within these packets, compared to adjacent channel sandstones, diverges by up to 90°, and in some cases channel sandstones are seen to pass laterally into these deposits with a swing in palaeocurrents from parallel to the inferred channel axis, to perpendicular to it. These deposits are thought to be levees. Channel-margin deposits are most distinctive, and they are recognised by extreme lateral wedging of channel sandstones, with concomitant thinning and fining of individual beds and their amalgamation towards the channel axis. Sliding and slumping of channel margin deposits is common. Throughout the Kongsfjord Formation Submarine Fan, channel sandstone palaeocurrents suggest a sediment-transport direction to the NE quadrant, although some channels funnelled sediment towards the southeast.  相似文献   

黄河断流后三角洲(水上平原)的滑塌构造研究   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
钟建华  李理 《沉积学报》2000,18(1):7-12
黄河断流后三角洲 (水上平原 )上的滑塌构造非常发育,在分流河道中几乎随处可见,它们主要发育在边滩、心滩外缘、周缘或内部的水道中,还可以发育在河床上。滑塌作用形成了三种产物:滑塌壁或滑塌缝 滑塌体和滑塌碎块及滑塌变形基底。滑塌壁或滑塌缝按力学机制可能分为两种类型 一种是张性 另一种是剪性。滑塌壁或滑塌缝的规模不一,大者长度可超过十余米,甚至二十余米,小者长度只有 3~ 5cm 滑塌体规模差别也较大,大者高度可超过 1m,长度可达 3~ 4m 小者高度和长度仅数cm。通过观察发现,滑塌构造的产生与波浪的掏洗和流水冲蚀有关,与地震和斜坡滑动关系不大。黄河断流后在某些低洼河道积水成“湖”,“湖”水在风的作用下形成波浪。波浪不断拍击导致边滩、心滩产生滑塌,形成一系列相应的滑塌构造 再者,黄河断流后边滩、心滩广泛暴露,黄河三角洲地区降雨后使边滩、心滩和河床上汇集成径流,径流的冲蚀也可以形成一系列滑塌构造。有的滑塌构造被风成砂埋藏后很容易被何存下来,而充填滑塌缝之间的风成砂经成岩作用之后则有可能转变成砂岩岩墙。  相似文献   

Every year, and in many countries worldwide, wildfires cause significant damage and economic losses due to both the direct effects of the fires and the subsequent accelerated runoff, erosion, and debris flow. Wildfires can have profound effects on the hydrologic response of watersheds by changing the infiltration characteristics and erodibility of the soil, which leads to decreased rainfall infiltration, significantly increased overland flow and runoff in channels, and movement of soil. Debris-flow activity is among the most destructive consequences of these changes, often causing extensive damage to human infrastructure. Data from the Mediterranean area and Western United States of America help identify the primary processes that result in debris flows in recently burned areas. Two primary processes for the initiation of fire-related debris flows have been so far identified: (1) runoff-dominated erosion by surface overland flow; and (2) infiltration-triggered failure and mobilization of a discrete landslide mass. The first process is frequently documented immediately post-fire and leads to the generation of debris flows through progressive bulking of storm runoff with sediment eroded from the hillslopes and channels. As sediment is incorporated into water, runoff can convert to debris flow. The conversion to debris flow may be observed at a position within a drainage network that appears to be controlled by threshold values of upslope contributing area and its gradient. At these locations, sufficient eroded material has been incorporated, relative to the volume of contributing surface runoff, to generate debris flows. Debris flows have also been generated from burned basins in response to increased runoff by water cascading over a steep, bedrock cliff, and incorporating material from readily erodible colluvium or channel bed. Post-fire debris flows have also been generated by infiltration-triggered landslide failures which then mobilize into debris flows. However, only 12% of documented cases exhibited this process. When they do occur, the landslide failures range in thickness from a few tens of centimeters to more than 6 m, and generally involve the soil and colluvium-mantled hillslopes. Surficial landslide failures in burned areas most frequently occur in response to prolonged periods of storm rainfall, or prolonged rainfall in combination with rapid snowmelt or rain-on-snow events.  相似文献   

黄河下游河道的冻裂研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
钟建华  王洪宝 《沉积学报》2002,20(4):650-655
黄河下游河道在冬季冰封雪冻,使得河道上发育了大量的冰冻裂痕(简称‘冻裂'),形貌独特,引人注目.黄河下游的冻裂共有八种形态:缝隙状、豆荚状、直线状、三联状、锯齿状、网状、螺旋状及树枝状.后两种冻裂仅产在薄层淤泥中;其余的均产在粉砂中,与一般的干裂发育载体迥然不同,这也是冻裂的一个特殊之处.另一种发育在粉砂层中的冻裂-冰冻裂理也很特殊.冻裂的形成无疑与冰作用有关.冰融水劈的交替作用是其具体的动力学过程。  相似文献   

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