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通过内蒙古林东地区第四纪冰川地质和冰臼群成因专项调查工作,发现了晚更新世冰碛泥砾层和龟背石、熨斗石、龟裂石等典型的冰碛砾石及冰斗、刃脊、角峰、冰川槽谷中的表皮构造等山谷冰川遗迹。在花岗岩体中发育的岩臼群,可划分为冰期冰雪融水形成的冰臼、现代季节性降水形成的瓯穴和风蚀作用为主形成的风龛3种类型。本区冰臼同山谷冰川相伴随,未发现远源巨型漂砾等大陆冰盖证据。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲上的冰成隆丘的研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
黄河三角洲上发育了大量的冰成构造,非常引人注目,冰成隆丘便是其中的一种。冰成隆丘外观上呈丘状,以圆丘状者多见,少数呈长丘状、不规则台状、塔柱状、土堆状及火山状;规模不等,小者高数厘米,大者数十厘米,最大长度可达 1m以上;表面平滑或具有裂缝或有火山口状坑穴,或有大量豆状瘤状或根状构造。有的内部具有穹隆状层理,有的具有复杂的变形层理。冰成隆丘一般产在边、心滩上或河床上,共成因有三种:一是冰融水滴积;二是冰融陷拱隆;三是冰洞滴积。黄河特殊的水文、水动力及气侯条件使得冰层中有时含有 (大量 )泥砂或冰层之上被泥砂覆盖,当这些冰层融化时,其中或其上的泥砂便会随冰融水一道滴向地表,在地表的相应部位形成冰成隆丘;当冰层中有孔洞时,且其上又沉积了一层泥砂,那么当冰层溶化后,在孔洞的部位便会因拱隆而开成隆丘;如果边、心滩上的侵蚀坑穴中的冰层中心或其它部位有融化形成的孔洞或裂缝,那么冰层之中或之上的泥砂便会随冰融水一道沿孔洞或裂缝滴落到坑穴中,形成冰洞漏积隆丘冰成隆丘是一种暴露和低温 (± 0℃ )条件下的产物。其成因与黄河复杂的冰-水-泥砂作用有关。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲上特殊侵蚀沟槽的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
黄河独特的水文条件、沉积物的细粒特性,以及黄河三角洲地区近年来的半干旱气候条件,尤其黄河近年来严重断流导致了黄河三角洲水上平原发育了大量的异常地质现象,特殊侵蚀沟槽便是其中之一。根据平面形态侵蚀沟槽可分为线状、树枝状、坑洞状、面状,网状及隧道状几种;横剖面形态有“U”形、“V”形、梯形或窄缝形。其规模不一,小者长数厘米,宽深数厘米;大者长数十、甚至百余米;宽十几米,深数十厘米到一米多。沟槽壁上常发育滑塌、流痕或类钟乳等次级构造。  相似文献   

通过对内蒙古中部新发现的冰臼特征研究,认为该冰臼群为第四纪冰川遗迹。冰臼分布在海拔高度2005~2033m地势平缓开阔山顶部,发育于中生代中三叠世浅黄色中细粒二长花岗岩体之上,岩石完整坚硬,冰臼分布较为集中,其形态可分为圆形和不规则形两大类,口宽0.1~1.2m,深0.1~0.3m,形态规则,部分冰臼发育出水口和水流侵蚀槽,其方向不受风向的制约。通过与周边发现的冰臼群对比研究,形态特征基本一致,只是本区冰臼群发育的海拔高度更高,规模较小,但部分冰臼形态更加完整,水流冲刷、流动痕迹明显,符合冰臼的一般特征。总体看,本区冰臼的形成是在厚层冰层消融阶段长期受冰川融水冲刷、研磨作用所致。结合周边冰川遗迹发育情况,认为内蒙古、河北一带第四纪发育过较大规模冰川,可能具大陆冰川的性质。  相似文献   

湖北银洞沟银金矿床是中国典型的独立银矿山之一,该矿长期开采的工业矿体是产状陡倾的含矿石英脉.近年来矿山向中深部开拓生产过程中,出现了较大规模的缓倾斜含矿石英脉,已构成工业矿体.本文论述缓倾斜矿体地质特征及成矿机理,论证该矿床是在长期变形作用下叠加改造的结果.缓倾斜矿体是片理(S1)阶段形成的第一世代产物,陡倾斜矿体是轴面劈理(S2)形成的第二世代产物.  相似文献   

连城冠豸山由上白垩统崇安组紫红色厚层-巨厚层砾岩、砂砾岩构成单斜式丹霞地貌,丹霞崖壁发育形态各异的洞穴,构成独特的洞穴地貌景观.丹霞洞穴的发育受岩性及裂隙控制,崖壁上的含砾粉砂岩及含砾砂岩、细砂岩等夹层是洞穴发育的主要层位,岩层厚度及节理、裂隙控制洞穴产出规模,风化剥蚀、大气降水侵蚀、重力崩塌以及河流流水侵蚀是形成不同形态洞穴的主要外动力作用,洞穴的形成与发育常由多种外动力综合作用的结果.  相似文献   

气胀构造(Air heave structure)是一种相对不多见的沉积构造,但在黄河现代三角洲上却非常发育.它们可以发育在多种微相中,甚至在水上平原的分流河道的河床上也可以广泛发育.由于它们别致的形貌、精巧的结构而非常引人注目.在某些河段气胀构造密集成片、蔚为大观.黄河三角洲分流河道上的气胀构造一般呈圆形穹隆状,少数呈面状;直径多在数十厘米至1~2 m,面状者长宽最大可达数十米;高数厘米到二、三十厘米.气胀构造可以分为气盖、气室和基底三个部分.气盖厚十余厘米到二十余厘米,气盖表面光滑或有拱裂缝、爆裂缝、同心圈环、侵蚀坑槽、波痕、喷气泥沙火山、滑皱鳞片(或滑褶环脊)、泄气孔(坑、缝)及流痕等伴生或次生构造.黄河三角洲分流河道上的气胀构造的成因非常复杂,与黄河断流形成的独特水文、水动力条件及由此形成的河床的特殊结构和黄河沉积物的细粒(粘土、细粉砂)特性有关.  相似文献   

到1966年底为止,(加拿大大奴湖滨的)杰安特·耶洛奈夫金矿已生产了大约540万吨矿石,平均品位0.75盎斯/吨.选厂从1948年夏开始生产时,日处理量为250吨,到1958年已增加到800吨.1959年以来,每日的采选矿石量已略高于1000吨.现在的储量(包括附近的各矿山)估计为250万吨,平均品位0.67盎斯/吨.绿泥石和绢云母带中不规则的、透镜状的和脉状的矿体的规模、形态和产状都是极其多变的(图1).采场的长度可由50英尺到400英尺,宽度由10英尺以下到100英尺以上.片岩带横切一组向西陡倾的火山岩.虽然片岩带的叶理是陡倾或直立的,但它的各组岩相可能向东西方向作较缓或较陡的倾斜.总的看来,这一岩带是一个有倾伏背斜和向斜的折皱了的地层单元.  相似文献   

发生在晚白垩世的仪征运动,使泰州组不整合覆盖于赤山组或紫红色浦口组之上.促使了本区南断北超、南陡北缓的箕状断陷的形成与发展,由此导致本区泰一段冲积扇、扇三角洲、辫状河三角洲、半深湖泊沉积相当发育.从盆地边缘到盆地中心,沉积相逐渐由冲积扇沉积渐变为扇三角洲、浅湖、半深湖相沉积.泰二段沉积时期是本区最大湖侵期,半深水湖泊相最为发育.通过对重矿物组合、砂(砾)岩百分含量等值线图及沉积相展布格局等分析认为,本区泰州组沉积时期的物源主要来自南部的苏南隆起、北部的建湖隆起.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯西缘褶皱—逆冲断层带的构造特征和找气前景   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
野外地质观察和地震反射剖面分析表明,鄂尔多斯西缘褶皱山系和覆盖地区发育北东、北西向褶皱和西倾东冲的逆冲断层,组成褶皱—逆冲断层带。按其构造特征可归纳为以下六种类型: 1.褶皱—逆冲断层型 以桌子山褶皱—逆冲断层带为代表,构造特征为轴面西倾的不对称背向斜,逆冲断层发生在背斜陡翼上。 2.褶皱—逆冲推覆型 以小松山逆冲断层和推覆体为代表,构造特征为断面西倾东冲的逆冲断层,其上盘呈弧形突出,覆盖在下盘年轻的褶皱地层之上。 3.褶皱—犁式逆冲断层型 其典型地区是大、小罗山至马家滩地区,断面西倾东冲,上陡下缓呈犁式和坐椅式。 4.同沉积逆冲断层型 以铁克苏庙逆冲断层和其控制发育的深凹陷为代表。 5.同生基底正断层反转逆冲型 以西来蜂逆冲断层和北西向“河西系”逆冲断层为代表。 6.反向逆断层型 以断面东倾高角度呈叠瓦状错列的横山堡地区为代表。 初步认为,鄂尔多斯西缘褶皱—逆冲断层带的区域背景与A-俯冲作用有关的逆冲断层带有较大的差异,它们是在克拉通内地壳拆离作用的产物,其逆冲—推覆规模和缩短程度比A-俯冲带低, 鄂尔多斯西缘褶皱—逆冲断层的形成主要受侧向挤压力的控制。其形成方式有:(1)由于纵弯作用,先形成褶皱后产生逆冲断层。(2)受侧向挤压沿早期正断层逆转形成逆冲断层?  相似文献   

山脉的隆升与夷平无不与地表岩石的风化剥蚀密切相关,暴雨冲刷作用对山区岩石的风化剥蚀至关重要。雨水顺着倾斜的山坡迅速汇聚,形成湍急洪流,冲携山坡上的砂砾与小石块,对石坡上原先小幅度的洼凹之地或薄弱部位进行机械性磨蚀与化学溶蚀,上述地质过程不断重复,逐渐形成山坡壶穴。美国加州华斯克巨岩公园、澳大利亚中部大红山以及中国北京西山的山坡壶穴都是暴雨流壶穴的典型例子。可惜过去一段时间里北京西山地区的山坡壶穴被误认为是"京西古道上骡马驴踩出来的蹄坑",这样解释的前提条件是在数百年间、数以万计的骡马驴不断地踩进同一处、且不断加深的石头蹄坑。动物行为学研究表明,马之类的动物在行走过程中会本能地躲避踩进较深(≥5~10 cm)的洼坑或水坑,以防扭伤蹄腕或折断腿骨。世界上著名的铺石古道上只见车辙痕不见马蹄坑,亦是有力的证明。  相似文献   

福建屏南白水洋地貌特征及成因浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
福建屏南白水洋不仅风光旖旎,更以"浅水广场"遐迩闻名,被誉为"天下绝景,宇宙之谜".经调查研究,白水洋是在地壳运动相对稳定时期由九岭溪和仙耙溪流水长期侵蚀形成的一个平底基岩河床,石英正长斑岩是构成平底基岩河床的物质基础,风化剥蚀、流水侵蚀是形成白水洋的主要外动力地质作用.流水侵蚀作用还形成形态各异的水蚀基岩波痕、水蚀凹槽、壶穴、流水侧蚀凹洞、弧形岸壁、波状岸壁、侵蚀阶地等地貌.  相似文献   

黄河下游冰成滑塌与塌陷构造的研究   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
黄河是一条有着特殊水文、水动力、沉积环境及沉积物的河流。因此,它盛产特殊的沉积现象---冰成滑塌与塌陷构造便是其中之一。冰成滑塌与塌陷构造在黄河下游非常发育,它们主要发育在边、心滩上,有时天然堤上也有发育。它们的发育深刻地影响和改造了边、心滩的沉积景观。冰成滑塌构造是一种在沉积物从冰冻状态转向冰成状态发育的一种特殊构造,其运动学特点是以滑,即以水平运动为主,冰成滑塌构造多呈鳞片状或皱褶状。鳞片状者直径多在数十厘米;“鳞片”厚度多在十厘米左右,多由数个到十余个鳞片组成。其底界是冰冻界面;皱褶状者规模甚小,每一皱褶的宽度一般宽在一厘米以内,长十到二、三十厘 米,厚二、三厘米。多由数十个微型滑塌组合成一褶皱片。在天然堤内缘有一种特殊的冰成滑塌,它们使天然堤边缘呈阶步状或沟渠状,非常引人注目。冰成塌陷构造也是一种由冰层融化所形成的特殊构造,其运动学特点是“塌”,即以垂直运动为主。冰成塌陷构造多呈多角形坑洞状。直径多在数十厘米到一、二米,大者可达十余米,深度多在十余厘米。一般成群发育。  相似文献   

再论北京西山山地壶穴的形态特征与成因机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
嵇少丞  黎乐 《冰川冻土》2018,40(4):715-727
北京西山"京西古道"的"驮兽蹄窝",近些年来因为进山旅游的人越来越多而名声大噪,常见诸报刊、电视、网络等媒体。至于其真正成因,却鲜有学者深究。通过对出现"驮兽蹄窝"的北京西山牛角岭、石佛岭和峰口庵三个垭口详细的野外观察和实地测量,认为基岩路面上那些圆形、椭圆形或多边形凹坑,是历史上无数次暴雨流挟带砂砾冲刷与磨蚀基岩坡面上原先的构造和岩性薄弱部位而逐渐形成的山地壶穴(hillside potholes),属于正常的雨流侵蚀现象(rain-induced erosion)。壶穴的分布特征(在山脊垭口两侧,沿基岩路面上沟槽成串分布)、几何形态的非对称性、内壁的水平擦痕、底部的中央岛现象,以及长、短轴长度、长短轴比(a/b)、宽深比(D/h)和长轴倾向的统计结果与D-h相关性等数据,皆证明"驮兽蹄窝"的成因是不可能的。  相似文献   

The Gulf of Tonkin coastline migrated at an average rate of ca 60 m year?1 landward during Holocene sea‐level rise (20 to 8 ka). Due to a combination of rapid coastline migration and undersupply of sand, neither coastal barriers nor tidal sand bars developed at the mouth of the Red River incised valley. Only a 30 to 80 cm thick sandy interval formed at the base of full‐marine deposits. Thus, the river mouth represented a mud‐dominated open funnel‐shaped estuary during transgression. At the base of the valley fill, a thin fluvial lag deposit marks a period of lowered sea‐level when the river did not reach geomorphic equilibrium and was thus prone to erosion. The onset of base‐level rise is documented by non‐bioturbated to sparsely bioturbated mud that occasionally contains pyrite indicating short‐term seawater incursions. Siderite in overlying deposits points to low‐salinity estuarine conditions. The open funnel‐shaped river mouth favoured upstream incursion of seawater that varied inversely to the seasonal strongly fluctuating discharge: several centimetres to a few tens of centimetres thick intervals showing marine or freshwater dominance alternate, as indicated by bioturbational and physical sedimentary structures, and by the presence of Fe sulphides or siderite, respectively. Recurrent short‐term seawater incursions stressed the burrowing fauna. The degree of bioturbation increases upward corresponding to increasing marine influence. The uppermost estuarine sediments are completely bioturbated. The estuarine deposits aggraded on average rapidly, up to several metres kyr?1. Siphonichnidal burrows produced by bivalves, however, document recurrent episodes of enhanced deposition (>0·5 m) and pronounced erosion (<1 m) that are otherwise not recorded. The slope of the incised valley affected the sedimentary facies. In steep valley segments, the marine transgressive surface (equivalent to the onset of full‐marine conditions) is accentuated by the Glossifungites ichnofacies, whereas in gently sloped valley segments the marine transgressive surface is gradational and bioturbated. Marine deposits are completely bioturbated.  相似文献   

Outcrops of the Early Jurassic Navajo Sandstone in southern Utah and northern Arizona, south-western USA are being actively eroded by sand-laden, south-westerly winds. Small-scale stepped topography with risers facing into the wind develops even on steep canyon walls when wind-swept grains strike the rock at a low angle. Photosynthetic, endolithic microbes directly underlie most outcrop surfaces; the crusts formed by these organisms are essential to formation of the small-scale steps. Wind erosion of highlands also forms troughs and pits that are tens of metres across. The pits have deeply scalloped, overhanging walls, and contain central domes surrounded by 'moats' filled with dune sand. Wind erosion of aeolian sandstone is favoured by a positive feedback mechanism in which grains that are liberated from outcrops by impacting particles become a fresh supply of pre-sorted abrasive particles for further attack.  相似文献   

锅穴一定是第四纪冰川的标志吗? *   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
周尚哲 《第四纪研究》2006,26(1):117-125
锅穴地貌现象在西方地学界已有长足的研究,在中国地貌学界也并不陌生。锅穴通常形成于山区溪流河床,也形成于风化风蚀、石灰岩溶蚀、湖滨海岸浪蚀等作用。北美、北欧末次冰期大冰盖覆盖过的地方有冰水形成的锅穴。因此,锅穴是一种多成因的地貌现象。见到锅穴而不加多方辨别论证,一概说成是冰川形成,显然是十分危险的。风化和溶蚀形成锅穴属于物理化学作用,而流水和浪蚀形成锅穴属于水动力作用。关于水动力如何形成锅穴,西方地学界早就形成了公认的解释。冰水锅穴经过反复研究也确认,其形成机理与山区河流无异,均属湍急流水在河床局部形成环流驱动沙砾长期磨蚀的结果。既非西方人19世纪提出的"Moulin Hypothesis"能够成功解释,更非眼下国内少数人倡导的"滴水穿石"能够说明。河谷跌水比想象的冰川终端冰崖缺水更加有利。  相似文献   

Block-in-matrix melanges at San Simeon have been variously interpreted as deformed olistostromes or as subduction-channel flow melanges. Detailed examination shows that seven types can be distinguished, with transitions among them. All contain exotic clasts of greenstone, chert, and more rarely blueschist, in addition to greywacke; the same materials also occur as blocks metres to tens of metres in diameter immersed in melange. The seven types are (1) bedded conglomerate, (2) structureless conglomerate, (3) mud-matrix conglomerate, (4) sandy block melange, (5) broken formation, (6) mud-matrix melange without deformational fabric, and (7) sheared melange. Types (1)–(3) are clearly sedimentary in origin. Types (4) and (5) were formed from unconsolidated sediment, most likely by down-slope sliding, and transitional types suggest that the mud-matrix melange (6) formed in the same way. Sheared melange (7) was formed by low-temperature post-consolidational deformation of all other types, which produced shear bands and a crude scaly fabric.

Kinematic indicators of shear direction are rare, but assuming the fabric and shear bands are coeval, the shear direction and sense can be determined from the angular relationship between the two planar fabrics. Most shear planes are gently dipping, with normal-sense displacements of a few centimetres to tens of centimetres. Shear directions are highly variable, with the highest concentrations between WNW and S. This suggests that the main phase of shearing took place during a phase of approximately vertical shortening and horizontal extension, rather than during accretion. Post-accretionary dextral shearing on NNW-trending vertical planes, and sinistral shear on a variety of trends, are likely related to Neogene transform tectonics. The simplest interpretation of these relationships is that the disrupted character of the melanges formed primarily by sliding down the trench inner slope of unconsolidated sediment, including clasts and blocks of previously accreted and exhumed greenstone, chert, and blueschist. The deformational fabric is largely unrelated to the disruption, and was formed during late-stage extension in the accretionary wedge.  相似文献   

Irregular, scalloped erosion surfaces in the shelf carbonate sequences of the lower Eke Formation (Ludlow Series, upper Silurian) in the east of Gotland, Sweden, comprise series of shallow hollows separated by sharp-crested ridges, and cavities with sculptured, undercut walls, cut into lithified sediment. These represent analogues of the solution basins formed in modern coastal and subaerial karst terrains. Discrete erosional cavities merge on enlargement by breaching of the intervening walls to leave remnant, tapering ridges. Sets of the ridges and basins seen in surface view show an average width of basins of 1–2 m, with relief of 40–50 cm and pronounced N-S axes for the ridges; this alignment may reflect the local drainage direction. The lowermost erosion surface passes laterally into a planar, mineralized horizon at the top of the underlying Hemse Group that was resistant to and forms the base level of erosion. Because of restricted exposure of higher Eke Formation sediments the upper limit of erosion remains unknown. There is no evidence of caliche or subaerial diagenetic textures, but solution vugs are common in the eroded limestones. Marine hard-bottom biota attached to some surfaces, and transition from scalloped to planar surfaces indicate erosion in tidal zones, but subaerial karstic erosion is also inferred. The resubmerged karst-eroded topography is overlain by shallow marine carbonates, including small organic buildups. Finely-layered stromatolitic mats developed over the initial infill, in subtidal environments, and grew to form domed mounds within the erosional cavities. They abut sharply against bounding side walls and overhangs. Some emergence is evident from desiccation features in the upper parts of mounds. Biostratigraphical evidence dating the events from initial uplift and karstic erosion to covering of the drowned relief topography places the whole sequence within upper Ludlow times.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the mechanism of coal breakage under high-pressure water jet (HPWJ) and its applications. A model of HPWJ impinging on coal target was established to study the cracking mechanism of coal under impact load. The characteristic and pressure distribution of HPWJ, the propagation characteristics of stress wave in coal, the mechanical properties of different coal particles, and the fracture characteristics of coal under HPWJ erosion were investigated theoretically and numerically. The results show that the shock wave and water wedge pressure are the main factors that cause coal breakage and crack propagation. The damage to the far-field coal particles affected by HPWJ is primarily caused by tensile stress, and the damage to the near-field coal particles affected by HPWJ is caused by the coupled effects of tensile stress and compressive stress. An erosion cavity is formed in the coal model with diameters of 1.25 to 2.5 times that of the jet at different depths. Meanwhile, the strong quasi-static pressure at the crack discontinuities further promotes the propagation of radial cracks around the erosion cavity to form a fracture zone, and the diameter of the fracture zone at different depths is 3.5 to 4.0 times that of the jet. In addition, the results of field application show that there is a significant difference between the methane parameters in the hydraulic flushing borehole and the conventional borehole; the average methane volume fraction and the average methane flow rate in hydraulic flushing boreholes are 3.85 and 3.67 times, respectively, that in conventional boreholes. Indicating hydraulic flushing can effectively promote the initiation and propagation of coal cracks. These results are of great significance to improve coalbed methane drainage technology and prevent gas disaster accidents in coal mines.  相似文献   

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