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As mobile diamicton sediments move across already deposited sediments whether on land or into oceans generated by either glaciers/ice sheets or landslides, a series of soft-sediment deformation processes occur. These sediments carry signatures of processes at both macro- and micro scales. The processes occur across thin layers of sediment, it is at the microsedimentological scale that deformation structures are detected and is the subject of this paper. Examination of numerous diamicton thin sections of both known glacigenic and non-glacigenic sediments illustrate a myriad of microstructures. Microstructures can be subdivided into brittle, ductile, porewater induced and plasmic fabrics. These fabrics are part of a spectrum of development from grain stacks, to microshear to rotations and, in addition, domains are likely to occur due to scavenging and are all part of a repeating cycle of deformation as sediment is added, eroded, re-transported into the accumulating sediment pile. Diamictons can be subdivided into several levels of abundance of microstructure types from very common to rare to being absent. In general, other than ‘tile’ structures, all diamictons have all types of microstructures. A table is presented illustrating the differentiation of various type of diamictons in terms of microstructure type abundancies in relation to individual environments in which diamictons occur around the past margins of glaciated continents. A distinction can be successfully drawn that allows diamictons to be distinguished and differentiated.  相似文献   

Analysis of till micromorphology represents a relatively new technique that has been used most frequently to infer the importance of subglacial shear in till genesis. This study aims to calibrate the technique by comparing Pleistocene tills from United Kingdom with a modern till (the UpB till) from beneath Ice Stream B, West Antarctica. Despite the fact that all of the tills examined have been interpreted as deforming‐bed deposits, the modern till has significantly less abundant and diverse microstructures than those found in the Pleistocene tills. Seventeen examined thin‐sections of the UpB till contain recognisable microstructures over only 0–30% of individual thin‐section area. The most common microstructures are: (i) birefringent clay patterns that are interpreted as shear zones and (ii) adherent matrix structures, which we interpret as uncomminuted remnants of the parent glacial/glaciomarine diamictons. Fourteen thin‐sections of the Pleistocene tills were covered by microstructures in 10–95% of their area. The Pleistocene microstructures include birefringent clays and adherent matrix structures, as in the UpB till, but also laminations and deformed pods made of chalk and sorted sediments. We conclude that the same till‐forming process, i.e. subglacial deformation, may result in distinctly different till micromorphology. This is a consequence of the fact that microstructural characteristics are strongly influenced by factors other than shear deformation. We identify three controls that may be important for forming contrasting microstructural assemblages: (i) strain magnitude, (ii) the degree of heterogeneity of parent material, and (iii) relative importance of sediment sorting by flowing water in the subglacial environment. Thus till micromorphology is sensitive to multiple factors, which with proper calibration may enhance the existing capability to interpret past subglacial conditions from microstructures. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fabric analysis is commonly used to infer former movement directions of diamictons; however, analysis techniques are typically time consuming and partly subjective. Stereological analysis provides an alternative for objective determination of the preferred orientation of particles. The ability of manual and automated stereological procedures to determine the preferred orientation of particles (120–4000 µm) in tillite is assessed, using core samples from Mount Feather, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. Orthogonal sets of vertical thin sections were subjected to directed secant analysis involving the determination of the number of intersections between particle outlines and a rotating series of parallel lines. The manual analysis reveals a weakly developed three-dimensional tilt angle (plunge) of 68°. This reflects the depth-averaged subglacial deformational structure of the deposit. Because the preferred orientation signal is weak, in the automated set-up this signal is obscured by the effect of digitization, hampering the reliable assessment of the orientation direction. The study shows microfabric variability within the studied cored section that is interpreted as a shear fabric. Reliable macrostructural information that might constrain ice flow directions requires a larger number of randomly or systematically drawn core samples from which averaged microstructural fabrics can be derived.  相似文献   

Ó Cofaigh, C., Evans, D. J. A. & Hiemstra, J. F. 2010: Formation of a stratified subglacial ‘till’ assemblage by ice‐marginal thrusting and glacier overriding. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00177.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. A thick sequence of glaciotectonically stacked till and outwash is preserved in a coastal embayment at Feohanagh, southwest Ireland. The sequence contains a variety of diamicton lithofacies, including laminated, stratified and massive components, but stratified diamictons dominate. Stratification/lamination is imparted by the presence of numerous closely spaced subhorizontal and anastomosing partings, which give a fissile appearance to the diamictons. Many partings are the result of sandy or thin gravelly layers within the diamictons. Some diamictons contain interbeds and lenses of sand, mud and gravel, which still preserve the original stratification. The sequence at Feohanagh is the product of a two‐stage depositional process in which initial glaciolacustrine sedimentation in an ice‐dammed lake was followed by glaciotectonic thrusting and overriding, during which the lake sediments were reworked and variably deformed. Similar late Quaternary sequences of glaciotectonically stacked stratified sediments and till have been described from around the coastal margins of Ireland and Britain, where they constitute glaciotectonite–subglacial traction till continuums rather than true lodgement tills as traditionally implied. Thick stratified diamicton assemblages are likely to occur in areas where steep topography provides pinning points for the glacier margin to stabilize and deliver large volumes of sediment into a glaciolacustrine or glaciomarine setting before proglacial and subglacial reworking of the sediment pile. The resulting geological–climatic unit, often defined as ‘till’, will contain a large amount of stratified and variably deformed material (laminated and stratified diamictons will be common), including intact sediment rafts, reflecting low strain rates and short sediment transport distances.  相似文献   

Although analysis of clast macrofabrics has been used to differentiate between different types of glacial diamictons and to determine palaeo‐ice flow directions, no account appears to have been made of preferred clast orientations inherited from the parental source material. Clast macrofabrics in tills are typically interpreted as having developed in response to an imposed subglacial deformation and as such provide a link between the sedimentary record and glacier dynamics. They rely on the assumption that any preferred clast orientation is a result of deformation/flow. The results of the micromorphological study of the Langholm Till exposed at North Corbelly near Dumfries (southwestern Scotland) clearly demonstrate that bedrock structure can influence clast orientation (macrofabric) within diamictons. In the lower part of the till, the orientation of elongate clasts preserves the geometry of the tectonic cleavage present within the underlying bedrock. The intensity of this steeply inclined, ‘inherited’ clast fabric decreases upward through the till, to be replaced by a more complex pattern of successive generations of clast microfabrics developed in response to deformation/flow. These results indicate potential limitations of applying clast macrofabric or microfabric analysis in isolation to establish till genesis or palaeo ice‐flow directions. Consequently, due account should be made of other glacial palaeo‐environmental and ice flow indicators, as well as rockhead depth and morphology in relation to the selection of fabric measurements sites. © British Geological Survey/Natural Environment Research Council copyright 2007. Reproduced with the permission of BGS/NERC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The late Weichselian sequence in the northern part of the Norwegian Trench is composed of eight units. The two lowermost units are massive, firm to stiff diamictons, interpreted to have been deposited beneath ice-streams that in all likelihood reached the shelf edge. They are overlain by glaciomarine and normal-marine sediments deposited after 15000BP. The first phase of glacial retreat from the Norwegian Trench (15000–14800 BP) was very rapid and left a thin layer of proximal sediments on top of the tills. This was followed by a period with lower accumulation rates (14800–13600 BP), probably as a result of rapid source retreat and cold meltwater inhibiting dropstone fall-out. The end of this interval marks the change from ice-stream calving in cold water to melting on land. According to lithologic and isotopic data, the maximum rate of Fennoscan-dian ice-sheet disintegration took place around 12500 BP. The water temperatures declined significantly and rates of sedimentation and ice-rafting fell in association with the Younger Dryas period. The final retreat of the ice began as early as 10 500 BP, and the transition to normal-marine sedimentation is reflected by precipitation of iron oxide followed by pyrite, reduced sedimentation rates, and a change from terrigenous to biogenic sedimentation.  相似文献   

Clast fabric patterns in thin, dense, over-consolidated diamictons overlying and abutting the stoss sides of 23 Canadian and Swedish roches moutonnées were investigated. These diamictons display sedimentary characteristics that are commonly regarded as typical of basally-deposited tills formed under actively flowing ice. The macrofabrics are marked by strong unimodal orientations in the direction of ice flow, parallel to the long axes of the roches moutonnées. Many have low down-ice plunge angles. in contrast to the up-ice plunges normally associated with ortho-till deposited under actively flowing ice. The degree of divergence between the macrofabric mode and the long axis, whereas the plunge angle is highest in the central part of the stoss slope. The down-ice plunge of the large clasts appears to be a consequence of deposition in areas where glacial flow and shear stress surfaces are oriented at a shallow angle towards an ice/rigid substratc interface. The angle of plunge depends upon the relative importance of the vertical and lateral stress components. pervasive deformation during deposition, and subsequent reworking. The presence of diamictons over rigid substrates on the stoss flanks of roches moutonnées is an uncommon situation. suggesting that this macrofabric pattern may be relatively rate in general for ortho-tills deposited under actively flowing ice.  相似文献   

The deformed metasedimentary bedrock and overlying diamictons in western Anglesey, NW Wales, record evidence of glacier-permafrost interactions during the Late Devensian (Weichselian). The locally highly brecciated New Harbour Group bedrock is directly overlain by a bedrock-rich diamicton which preserves evidence of having undergone both periglacial (brecciation, hydrofracturing) and glacitectonic deformation (thrusting, folding), and is therefore interpreted as periglacial head deposit. The diamicton locally posses a well-developed clast macrofabric which preserves the orientation of the pre-existing tectonic structures within underlying metasedimentary rocks. Both the diamicton and New Harbour Group were variably reworked during the deposition of the later Irish Sea diamicton, resulting in the detachment of bedrock rafts and formation of a pervasively deformed glacitectonite. These structural and stratigraphic relationships are used to demonstrate that a potentially extensive layer of permafrost developed across the island before it was overridden by the Irish Sea Ice Stream. These findings have important implications for the glacial history of Anglesey, indicating that the island remained relatively ice-free prior to its inundation by ice flowing southwards down the Irish Sea Basin. Palynological data obtained from the diamictons across Anglesey clearly demonstrates that they have an Irish Sea provenance. Importantly no Lower Palaeozoic palynomorphs were identified, indicating that it is unlikely that Anglesey was overridden by ice emanating from the Snowdon ice cap developed on the adjacent Welsh mainland. Permafrost was once again re-established across Anglesey after the Irish Sea Ice Stream had retreated, resulting in the formation of involutions which deform both the lower bedrock-rich and overlying Irish Sea diamictons.  相似文献   

Quaternary glacial diamictons in section R47, overlying Ordovician shale in the Rouge River Basin of south-central Ontario, are considered to be representative of older and younger Wisconsinan glacial diamictons in the field area. Field characteristics, clast composition, mineralogy, particle size and geochemistry permit delineation of two units within the sequence and subdivision of deposits that correlate with Sunnybrook and Halton diamictons of Wisconsinan age. No Wisconsinan interstadial deposits are present in the section; however, outwash sandy gravel capping the Halton diamicton was probably emplaced by a high-energy stream draining into Lake Iroquois just prior to the incision of the Rouge Valley in the later Wisconsinan (ca. 11 000-12 000 yr BP). A buried palaeosol, which developed in this sandy gravel and in overlying aeolian sediment, shows partial leaching of carbonates and a slight increase of clay in the palaeosol solum. The main clay-mineral transformations in the buried palaeosol appear to involve the degradation of illite and illite-smectite accompanied by the production of vermiculite and minor amounts of chlorite. The ground soil capping the buried palaeosol is formed in colluvium emplaced 200 ± 80 yr BP following a local forest fire; the ground soil Ahk horizon gives an age of 4000 yr in the future, probably as a result of nuclear bomb testing effects on modern radiocarbon. The presence of an A/C profile in the ground soil system, although thin, indicates that surface soils may form rapidly. The geochemistry of the two Wisconsinan diamictons shows similar calcite and SiO2-corrected mean element concentrations, with slightly elevated levels of Ca, Sr, Hf and Lu in the younger deposit. Both diamictons are geochemically quite different from the shale bedrock in the area, indicating that the bulk of transported sediment came from outside the area.  相似文献   

Genesis of hummocky moraine in the Bolmen area, southwestern Sweden   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
During the late Weichselian deglaciation of southern Scandinavia vast areas of hummocky moraine were formed. The genesis of this landform was studied by geomorphological and sedimentological methods in an area in southwestern Sweden. Four exposures in moraine hummocks were investigated using sedimentological methods. They were found to be composed of stratified diamictons with frost-shattered boulders and deformed intrabeds of sorted sediments. The diamictons were interpreted as sediment-flow deposits, with the hummocks formed in stagnant ice by flowage of supraglacial glacial debris into depressions and subsequent inversion of the landscape due to ice melt. With the exception of hummocky moraine, the study area contains low relief moraine, which like the hummocky moraine was supraglacially formed. A new model is presented where the distribution of hummocky and low relief moraine is dependent on the vertical distribution of glacial debris in the ice sheet, which in turn is related to the flow regime of the ice sheet prior to stagnation. A compressive flow before stagnation favoured development of the hummocky moraine, while low relief moraine formation occurred where the ice flow was extending or at steady state.  相似文献   

《Sedimentary Geology》2007,193(1-4):21-31
Three basal-till facies from the Lower Vistula valley were examined. The lowest facies, a sandy diamicton with characteristic sand inclusions forming detached and attenuated folds, is overlain by a bedded till characterized by alternating diamictons and sorted sediment layers. The uppermost till facies is a homogeneous diamicton.The three till facies must have been formed by complex subglacial sedimentary processes during the first Late Weichselian ice advance. The lowest till facies is interpreted as a deformation till, and accumulated during the initial stage of the ice advance. The middle facies represents a stagnation phase during the initial ice advance, and was deposited during recurrent periods of subglacial melt-out followed by meltwater sedimentation. The upper till facies was deposited by direct subglacial melt-out during a stage of stagnant ice.It is suggested that bed deformation and temporarily enhanced basal sliding have been caused by ice streaming at the time of the ice-sheet advance and just before its stagnation.  相似文献   

陈瑞琛  陈剑  崔之久 《现代地质》2019,33(5):1128-1136
由于混杂堆积的搬运过程与沉积过程具有快速无分选的特点,其成因识别成为国内外学者研究的焦点。石英砂表面特征的综合研究作为沉积环境重建的方法之一,在混杂堆积亚相的区分中能起到较好的作用。概述了冰碛、滑坡/崩塌/崩滑、泥石流及溃坝堆积的石英砂表面特征的研究现状,对这4种混杂堆积类型的石英砂表面特征进行整合厘定,比较了不同类型的石英砂表面结构特征,揭示其主要机械结构和组合模式的异同,强调在混杂堆积石英砂表面特征研究中能级与粒间接触方式判断的重要性。最后,指出目前混杂堆积石英砂表面特征研究的难点,并探讨今后研究的方向和应重点解决的问题。  相似文献   

Various models of surface and deep-water circulation in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea (NGS) have been proposed for the last two glacial to interglacial transitions. Although much progress has been made in understanding the sedimentary response to climatic and oceanographic changes, conflicting interpretations have been developed. To clarify some of these discrepancies and to test or modify the existing circulation concepts, a multiparameter approach is applied, combining sedimentological, micropaleontological, organic-geochemical and isotopic methods. On the basis of indicative properties a combined litho- and organofacies concept is developed and calibrated with modern depositional settings beneath different surface water masses. Sedimentary regimes are then derived for glacial and deglacial settings.Atlantic water intrusions in the NGS reveal complex and highly dynamic patterns for the last two glacial and interglacial periods, with repetitive inflows during Isotope Stage 6 and a high variability in Isotope Stage 5. Specific facies patterns show maximum extensions of Atlantic Water intrusions during the climatic highstands 5.5.1, 5.3 and 5.1 and narrowest intrusions in the cool phases 5.4 and most pronounced in 5.2. In contrast, different glacio-marine depositional regimes depict variable sea ice coverage and supply of ice-rafted debris. Most conspicuous are short-term depositional events marked by diamictons, which are related to the high instabilities of continental ice sheets. Some of the diamictons seem to occur contemporaneously with Heinrich layers H1 and H2. The probable temporal and obvious phenomenological concidence of Heinrich layers and NGS diamictons suggests a common trigger mechanism which caused an almost simultaneous disintegration of huge continental ice masses along the shelves of North America and the eastern margin of the NGS.A previous estuarine circulation model claims regional upwelling along the eastern margin of the NGS for specific periods of the last deglaciation. The organic character of sediments covering the same time intervals show a clear predominance of reworked fossil organic matter and thus does not support the estuarine model.  相似文献   

应用粒度分析辨别某些第四纪混杂堆积成因初探   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文从粒度特征分析了青海昆仑山垭口地区的第四纪混杂堆积和甘肃武都泥石流堆积以及贡嘎山海洋性冰川的现代冰碛之间的差异性,明显看出,由于各种第四纪混杂堆积的搬运介质、搬运过程及沉积过程不同,第四纪混杂堆积的粒度特征存在明显的不同。沉积物的粒度特征反映了沉积环境。因此,用粒度特征来辨别各种第四纪混杂堆积也是一种行之有效的方法。  相似文献   

The facies complex of basal moraines with glaciodynamic structures (common basal moraines) dominates among deposits of the given genetic type. These moraines represent glacial diamictons of diverse structure and lithology. Some of their features are also typical of sediments of other genetic types. Therefore, a comprehensive study of glacial diamictons and their occurrence mode on the glacial bed (unconsolidated or consolidated) within large outcrops is methodically correct. Only such studies can unravel the wide range of specific features typical of common basal moraines.  相似文献   

The microstructure of halite from the subhorizontal, bedded Main Röt Evaporite Member at Hengelo, The Netherlands (AKZO well 382, depth interval of 420–460 m), was studied by transmitted and reflected light microscopy of gamma-irradiation decorated samples. Primary microstructures compare favourably with those found in recent ephemeral salt pans. Large, blocky, fluid-inclusion-poor halite grains and elongated chevrons are interpreted to have formed in the saline lake stage, while void-filling clear halite is interpreted to have formed during the desiccation stage of the salt pan. In addition, in all layers the grains are rich in deformation-related substructures such as slip bands and subgrains indicating strains of a few percent. The study of gamma-irradiation decorated thin sections shows that the main recrystallization mechanism is grain boundary migration. Grain boundary migration removes primary fluid inclusions and produces clear, strain-free new grains. Differential stresses as determined by subgrain size piezometry were 0.45–0.97 MPa. The deformation of the salt layers is probably related to Cretaceous inversion in the area.  相似文献   

Glacial stratigraphy had a late start in China, and it fell to Li Szeguang, an outstanding geologist with a little experience of the European Alps, to inject a systematic approach into the study of Chinese Pleistocene glacial stratigraphy starting in the early 1920s. Several diamictons in low latitude mountains of E. China were attributed to glaciation. A formal stratigraphy had to await his detailed and long term studies of the Lushan (29°30'N) on which he based a three-fold sequence of Poyang (Gunz correlate), Da Gu (= Mindel) and Lushan (Riss). A Dali (Würm) glaciation was added on the basis of evidence from Yunnan Province. Based on much morphological and erosional evidence as well as an assumption of glacial provenance for the widespread bouldery clays, and despite early critical reviews, this work became the dominant hypothesis in Chinese glacial stratigraphy for over 50 years. Echoes of it still remain in the literature, despite mounting sedimentological evidence that the diamictons are weathered debris flow and alluvial accumulations (with some thin, high-level solifluction earths).Increasingly, glacial stratigraphy is now being based on the glaciated west of China from Yunnan to western Xinjiang and it is here that the definitive glacial stratigraphy will be established. At least four glaciations arealready authenticated in many localities in this vast region, although the resolution of this stratigraphy may never match that of the classic loess stratigraphy of Shaanxi and the yet-to-be studied stratigraphy of the thick lacustrine successions in the high desert basins of the west.  相似文献   

Common basal moraines display diverse glaciodynamic structures inherited from the parental moraine-containing ice. Since these glacial diamictons are marked by instable structure and composition, they can resemble sediments of another origin and their identification is a difficult task. We cannot make substantiated genetic conclusions based on certain lithological properties typical of glacial diamictons. Only a set of specific features can provide sufficiently reliable determination of their glacial nature. Other methodical approaches applied in different regions, the Barents Sea included, for the identification of glacial diamictons based on the highly superficial analysis of some (usually secondary) features lead to a biased genetic interpretation of moraines.  相似文献   

The study area near Chelm in Western Pomerania, NW Poland, is located between the end moraine and outwash plain of the glaciomarginal zone of the Pomeranian Phase (Weichselian glaciation). Four assemblages of deposits are exposed in the Chem pits: gravelly diamictons derived from debrisflows, sandy diamictons derived from hyperconcentrated flows, alternating sand and gravel deposited by sheetflows and sandy deposits filling shallow, braided-stream channels. The first facies association predominates in the proximal part of the transition zone and the last one in the distal part. This spectrum of facies associations, some resembling those of the end moraines and others those of the adjacent outwash plain, is considered to be unique, and is attributed to the formation of an array of coalescent ice-contact fans ('transition' fans). Architectural element analysis highlights the southwards change from debrisflow processes accompanied by sheetflows to hyperconcentrated flows and further to channelized streamflow. This transition zone in the present case is c. 1-km wide. It is suggested that analogous transitional zones, with similar or different widths, may have been developed in other glaciomarginal belts and remain to be recognized.  相似文献   

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